The Wingham Times, 1885-01-02, Page 7Eiatctrr4--A New. 'TreatY4oat. Pea:ITS the inert extraerd nary +saaccess tilxt hits beet), mod. ern medicine hasbeen attained by the .Mixon treatment for catarrh,. Out of 2,000 patients treated chitfug the put six niulltlt+., fail ninety per cont 44,1;e been cured of this stutal)•,rn incl. ady. '.Phis is none the less startling inion it. lc remembered that not five per cent. of patients p,iosentlug them- selves to the regular practitioners tiffI 1 eijefitted, wltiio the patent medicines and ether advertised cares never rt. - c. >rcl. n, cure at all. Starting wtttl the claim now genera i<y believed by e most scientific men that the dis- eaSe is dee to the presoneo of living parasites in the tissae..Mr. Dixon at ditptect his cure to their extol.- ltis acct,mplislind, he '.11,1; pr,tcitieatily cured, n ed, Initiation t/taiuts:the 0,1,4 and the permanency is as cures e&rooted by hint four years ago are cures still. No one else has ever attemptoi to core Catarrh in this llYanurr, ttut1 do alter treat,tnt+nt has ever curet:) Catarrh. The applica- tion of the remedy is simple, and can be done at ]tonic', autl the present season of the ear is the most favor- able fur the spasdy and permanent cure The majority '1t cases being cured ai o1)e treatment. Sufferers should correspond with 1;rssrs. k. H. >trt:�O�i & SON, 305 Icing street, west Toronto, Canada., and enclose stamp f ll. their teviatis;' on Catarrh. troal Sar, Nov. 17, 188'9. ADVICE TO MO rims. Aro y.lu disturbed at night anal broken of your rest by a sick And flaring told ening with pain of cat. tug teeth i if so send at .ince and get bottle of Mrs. Wluslow's Soothing nyrap t,r Clidir c':; Teething. Its tiui k lculable. L toilt relieve) t ,e poor little sufferer immediately. upon it mothers, there is no Ito al out t It oures dysentery d'diarrhoca, regulates the stomach nit o e Is, euro wind colic, softens Con gums, reduces inflammation, and ves tone and ent'rey to the whole systont. Mrs, SVinslow's Soothing Syrup For Children Teething is plea- sant to the taste, and is the prescrip- t of one of the oldest and best fe- male phvscians and nurses ,n the United States, and is for sale by all cl ruggi,ts throu:;houe the world. Price 25 cents a Bottle. GOOD FOR AI.L. For all diseases of the blood, liver, lad/lays and the bowels take 13urdock 113loocl Bitters. It is pure'y vegetable; ,can do no harm, and is always .benoffeial. A GOLDX1N OPINION: Mr. Wm. Allan, of Acton, declares :that Ha;yarcl's Yellow Oil is the west hou,sllolcl remedy in the world for colds, cro'>p, sore throat, burns, scalds and other pai.lfuI comptaiuts. Her opinion is well founded. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST. On account of its perity arc) con- centrated strength anti great power over disease, Burdock Blood Bitters is the °In mpest nal best blood clean- sing tonic known for all disorder w►Jrx1ii'io;Is of blood, liver and kidneys. NO FIAR1'1 I1.f IT. No harm can come from using Iia,yttri's Pectoral Balsam ; as a remedy for throat b. onchial and lin; o >tnplaints it s always reliable and positively safe. TIIE 'FORCES S rRENGTHENED. Tho vital farces are strengthened and the entire system renovated and built tip by ]3urtioe, Blood Bitters rots on the bowl ls, liver, kidneys and ,J:ilana. THE 3L''w'•r, The hest blood cleanser 1ma'wri to lnetllieal sttience is 13utrdook „Blood Bitters . it pnrifras the blood of all f• )al Mullion and gives Strength to the Weak 1UUE' TIMES„ FRIDAY' DECEMBER 26 t 1 Eine, D'emloolc, Cedar, Tamarac, Ash, Maple and Ulm Lutnbor of all sorts con- stantly on hard or manufactured to suit ou+itomers. Lail and ^'hinglns of all grades from 1'co No. 3 at DAV;.im Vric s. S httt.l'nti, Llt::u'.0 ; tout iiarrels of every de. ',I•rf;ti ion always on nand or made to order. .)n> f... ,littera f nt Iv,lctu;; flour and salt tL'i.t•ppl,, t.;C itaori,r to none in Outatile Cheaper than tho Cheapest, C. lTS1'OM Sawi11g • one as usual, And at Lowest Pries:;. Csddorn Tanks made to•oraer. Itigltest prices paid for all kind of logs. 611,d tc see every one, 01,11 and See PF Stave mill and workslit'ps adjoining the G. W. railroad station, Wingham. J. ANDERSON. 5ii(3 FO$f,F Es,I, 11a,t n *, the utmost coufidie„:.c7 In th<• superiority over all others, tt:•,+? of thou sands of test, of the most complicated an' ,teverost cases we could find, wt: feel justifi- ed u offering to forfeit One Thousand Dol. Jars for any case of coughs, colds, more throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchtt:s,_ t•t71:+etm' ''toll in its early stages, wllonprng co:.ct all diseases of the throat and • taoga, except Asthma, for which we oan claim relief, that we can'touro with We' is • Cough Syt'np, when taken according to di- . ructions. Satnple bottles 25 and 50 cents, • large bottles one dollar. Genuine wrap- pers only in bate. bola by all Druggits, or sent by express, on receipt of price, • JOJ:114 0. WEST, (2. 00., 81 a iid8S, Ring st East '.Poronto.Ont x4;1=r.«'.1;xv..+• WILL CURE OP RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, ' DROPSY, INDICESTiON, FLUTTERINf? JAUNDICE OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS, ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRYNESS HEADACHE, a OF THE SKIN, And every species of disease arisingfrom disordered LiVER, taDelEY8, STOAOtly, •EOWELS OR BLOOD, Ta UDEN A 44'.. �oprlfaRQfdi't76 SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipelas, Eczema, Blotches, )ringworm, Tumors, Car- bunelos, Boils, and Eruptions of the Sian, are the direct result of au impure state of the blood. To cure these diseases the blood mast bo puri- fied, and restored to a healthy and natural condi- tion. AVEIt'S SARSAPARILLA has for over forty years been recoguized by eniluont uredical au- thorities as the most powerful blood purifier in existence.It frees the system from all foul hu- mors, enriches and etrongtliens the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves it- self a complete master of all scrofulous diseases, A Recent Cure of Scrofulous Sores. "Some months ago 7 was troubled with scrofu- lous sores (ulcers) on my logs., The limbs were badly swollen and inflamed, and the sores Ms - shelved large quantities of offensive matter. livery remedy dy I tried failed until I used AY17a's fl ABR A t A 761 ILA , 0f which 1 failed, now taken three bottles, with the result that the sores aro healed and my general health greatly improved. I feel very grateful for the good your anediolne hnadone roc. lours respoctftuly ;;Jus. Axe' (nines,"' 148 Sullivan St., New i'ork, June 24,1882, f• All persons interested aro invited In call on Mrs. O'Brian; also upon the line. Z. P. *Ms of '75 East 154th Street, Nos' York City, who will take pleasure in testifying to the wonderful enliney of Ayer's Sarsaparil- la, not only in the &etre or this Iadv, but in iris own ease anti many otlrois within his knowledge. 'P1 Gwel[-known +eriferon the Roston Iferatd, 13. W. BALL, of Rochester, 2V.11.,writes, Juno 7, 18827 "7taving suffered severely for spine years with Eczema, and having failed to finrl'rollef from other remedies, 1 have made use, during the past three ))blithe of AYI':lt'a tiAttS•t'Auftwt trhlch iris efoeted a coutplete cure, 1 consider it a wagtail - cent remedy for all Wood diseases." Ayers Sarsaparilla sthuttlatez and regulates the notion of rho di geetfve and Assimilative organtl, renews and stresgtbens the vital forces, and speedily cures Rheumatism, Reurtigia, Itltotunatfe Gout, Catarrh, General Debility, trod alt diseases arilting from an Impoverished or corrupted condi floe of the blood, and a Weakened vitality. It is ineotnpdrablytlto cheapest blood medicine, on seccnnt of its cenoentiatodstrength, anti ere* lifter over disease. rnamitito nY DP. J. G. Ayeti ct Go., Lowell, Maas. tail*, all Druggists; price Si, six isolates for e0, StovesCooking .ally and Parlor Stover3 Made by the very I3est Workmen. For conveniel.ce and Lcailty of at.sign they cannot be excelled. leap - nese is the prilicipo on wJ)leh Ise!! thent. I slmpy ask r. IAL1SPFCT1QN OF MY STO JOBBING AND REPIRING A SPEOILTY JOT1N McGRATTA . ••, GET YOUR PRINTED 1.T THE TIMES O ffL c ,- , GORDON & MeINDOO �Eh A FINE DISPLAY of the Newest tihndes and Sty es )n Ladies Sik, Lace and Fin e Woo 2, n ' In Dress foods, Silks nal Velveteens, in iiia Latest Shades, we LEAD the Trade. Beantifelb1 urSet; away down hi price. In scoteh & Canadian Tweeds .i 1t1 Gouts' I'urn'shin ;s, as usual, oar Stook is fresh and t5Cat o abi and we etre oilbring. exti°itorditiar'y b .rgrllil8 in this d, pertinent. In ,13170ts anti et.foer, Choice Family Groceries, &c., our Steaks are coin' • ', a1.f1 ‘e take pleasure 01 showiug Our goods. UPS Completely'• >sexoii,imy e, Cane erT Rheumatism). s as il1rt a peril 'lilltbrs end 'L'.scapes of every deseetp. rd to any chemist who ,opt( 14'sef of 100 bottles of 8ltakek n, one particle of Mer"^^- utassium, or arty mineral •mk •'1f D FJERXWHERE.L'* ^ tl 00 ''es Dottie, es EU for $.1)e en ly for X11 ingliatn at The 'r. Tow1P.l.' s drugstore. HINTS FGtl THE USE OF DosE.. To move the how. LA els gently, 2 to 4 Pills; est thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pills. Experience itilltlecide the n proper dose in each case. "• Conntipatlon, or Costiveness, ne r:'i, eey i•' sat effective ab AYER'S P'ILLe. ,•; t, ::»rc; regular daily action, and re. b°.•;• i, lw;;?s to a healthy condition. i'..r 3 %C.r;e, <.i.,on, or Dyspepsia, AltER'e t ,ts•::.et, >.,.-.<<^.14e, and asure cure. rc-:a'':-Warn; 1.t as of Appetite, Foul •.t,,a;• t; C'tr.tttlrncy, Dizziness, Read. r:•ll..••.:>t.r..t,ren•..:, Nausea, aro all relieved �.,.. "Ire••' by :.I;.'S PILLS. 17e s.41/OF Glc;,:,ATlalnt, Bilious Disordot's, •;''.l+,i i`;!'iitihil;'r:o AvEit'S PILLS should be ;:_i•• e, lt. ,.. ,r large enough to excite the :,qt? 1-::u.' u, and remove censtipation. at.. c•i,e.trr.:l',; .:edicine in the Spring, these o •.i , "a:. tt114i1. by a morbid condition of .7: , .u<: expelled by these rILLs. ..r;=..ta•,m,, :igen Diseases, and Mlles, .• ._... ,,gestiou or Constipation, are •. e7r^ e of AY3::l.'5 PILLS. x-,, ;: , 1:•i Art?:'S PILr.S to open t•-•x:,a, j;r•,,i infialn uatoay secretions, '.!e f n !7••l. :.:ea :+ . Dysentery, caused by t,•i :.:. tui : ',bolo food, etc., A ree'o tie., remedy. o,;nt, Neuralgia, and ,0..'.' •. ! ..S cram digestive derange. disappear on removing aid .of AYER'S PILLS. ",:••::•7l.,. _ ..,el.;., Ji;icfnoyComiplaints, ,a:•. :1tar. •I•'rs er.esod by tie:7ility or ..,'els.. .it. ... ,Id ?,y AYER'S PILLS. r', �, ;• ciC+rt, a,nl Painful lWenstrua- at:.••. ': v,: to •:r:fa and ready comedy in Pa,S Pi LTJ rirt:. .' r,,: x•. , f various languages, aa. teeeeoiy � yr t'..4'. • ^.,:rD BY Oo., LovveU, Mass. • ' '•'. l.: 1 :7ruggists. CITY OIL CO, res .P Q,I &mans lertINDEff�,:,,GINE/ GOLD MEDALS Awarded at Toronto, Loddon and Guelph, in 1883, for ^..`a i' w3x� Yrs! AND 01111 it F ACE l E 0/LS. F'os Pala b9' all Pl,rst-Mass Doalori Every Barrel Guaranteed. SAMUEL ROGERS, Manager 00 Front :lt. tont.. Toronto. GORDONMetilD00. kWdtlglt'.tlle NJv. inlr 1s�il. THE 5Fir 'o" ► ESE/tL EL owp';�. F Unlock., 11 the e.,.tgyeel a, emir% of the Bowels, K,i'..noys awl Liver. carrying off gradually N7 •Lout weakening the system. all the itnpttritir1 and foul Luu.ors of the secretions ; at the Sante time Correcting Acidity of the Stomach, curing Sill. ousness, Dys epslat ..eauaehes. Diz- ziness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, ,Dropsy*, Dims• ness of Vision, Jaundice, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scrofula, Plutterin of the Heart, Nervousness and General Debility all`unts these and many other sips. Cntriof py influ BURDOOE BLOOD BI'^leid to the TTEItS. neo Sample bottles 10c ; Regltitar size $L' Tor salt bi all topless. ^t. IMAMS t4i, l l t>,rni lete►ss, t; Dt•I7t;iti$