The Wingham Times, 1885-01-02, Page 5OUR , COAST DEFENOES1 A Few 31<aote iLegardtng the Above Subjoot for aur Congrees not to whish About but to Lot Upon By Chas. Legs o ireletnd, Electrieiau Ift is with infinite plo,islire and sat- isfaction that l observe that the prebs of our country ((war ready to bring forward any K uggeotinus for the nth vaucemeut of the interests of the na- ti,m), ably accorded by our naval ad., visory board, the generals. of aur: -. army, -the ordnance committee and other indisputable, authority on the.. %abject, have at length succeeded in, I might almost say, enforcing upon the minds of our Cotlgeess a' sense of " �} �, the danger which, lies in allowine our NG,I. .�ySCOTCH AND (,)4 -.c ..l'? . a.+ T8 WINGETArif TfAirfils D Y JAX‘ ti "i;1 yri z W" 104.14 I CD ri:1 rr; ASTONISHING i?ARG.A.INS• in order to clear; mat the. balance ef hi:, Fall end Wit er Steele compvi,sing Full Tinos of seaboe'd to remain without sufficient - meat rq roteet the great corn tial cities whit ale situated there- 'itin in oase of war wit 4- e V power.. Now, gentlemen.,: the•ttnie has eoirlt> for you to Shalee off tliis'faise sense of '. seeurity which has apparently bound Vie members ot: our • Congress for years, and lo•tk this. question of vital • importance squarely in the face. Sli•'uld a war suci Thn1y b eak out be _E tween our country and any first-class ; European power (a by no means im probable event),. look, I ask you, for µn instant upon the. sad and help-• less predicament in' `wbit,lt we would find ourselves. We have not a single . effective modern steel cannon. neither have we a vessel that,would stand the smallest shanoe of success in an en gagemont with a first-class man•of- war. True, we could by sheer force of numbers prevent any invasion, of our country, but we could not prevent a hostile fleet from standing out in -the ' Water theee or four miles and shelling every city on our exposed coast;: and as to any resistance we could offer with our old'muzzle•lbading cannon— well. we might almost as well think of deploying our infantry along the shore and Attempt to deet•roy the en- emy with,, our sma 1 arms. Did we attempt to import armament from European markets, we have not a ves- sel- which could possibly run the gauntlet of fast cruisers and other ef- fectively - armed vessels which would be purposely sent out to' prevent any pay such an indemnity as woul,l ger- . such ,proceedings on our part, and it haps place the who e seaboard in a w•,ulkl then be too late, to be of ser. condition to euee:ssfnllw res st the in - vice. to attempt the manufacture of vesti tura of our eonutry by any power efficient armament at home. Now, Nowy,;gentletnen, I have pieced la - gentlemen, as von are no doubt aware, fore yon a, few plain facts, and an in - the erection of suitable buildings, and sieht of our defenceless condition, its the manufacture of the plant for such cause and removal, for it is only by purposes, oecupies not a, day dr a the possessiseti of a first-class naval and month, but sometimes years.before military, power that we shall gain that they are perfected. Wore we to -clay -respect a,id lienor frosty other nations in possession of .modern buildings,. which. is due us as one of the Most plant and skilled workmen, we • mould powerful and advanced of all civilized require at least a year's time to tuns' nations; True, we are enjoying a out ready for service a single steel blessed immunity from the horrors of cannon of 100 tons. Again, you can war, but,\vho.sll.ell say how Bing it not expect to • aeooi t,phsh much, er will last.? A.nd I asst yon, gentlemen, anything: practically speaking. with in caseiwe were so unfortunate as to 1 e the paltry sums of.naoney which are bo involved, a ask yon who will the from time to time,- appropriatea for nation blame for this I may say erim- tlus purpose. Notwithstanding the inal neglect of the protection of their, s, tlreadytretuendout power of her navy, home's and into e is ? You, gentlemen • hes this. year voted 'a.credit ,.,f the Congress, you in l oye hands of twenty-two millions of dollars to- we entrust the legislation of our yards further strengthening and int country and the care of our • -.alley, ttl•oying,it.. A single modern 80 -ton which we have paid: expeetirg -that gun.eusts in the market from 172,000 this subject would be considerel as t;;.1 $75,000. Not that I would advise I the first in our interests. You are the • the importation of foreign manufact, , stibjecti on tvlloni the wrath of the ures—nothing further from my people 1t it1 fall,,and who will turn to thought$ (unless it would be the am - you and say :: Is th:js the • ny you iug of the nation by contract andhave guarded our interests and hoi or jobbery. We have right here under which we so trnstiugly confitne.l to your our feet the wherewithal (from the „ •care 7 And I ti,sic you, is utero a man manufacture armaments which will among yn whnso conscience would not oompa.e with. the beat lathe world, smite hi en as he gazed on the misery filed our governutent will, recognize tud sndne48 caused by the neglect of the economy of controlling the entire his duty? But we have one chance buildings and plant which may 6te ',Aft, which is our p esout immunity used for such purposes. You are also from war, and which will give perhaps gooses �entlemoti that our county all time required, if we will only make Viottoont labor tug; mishit a calm• a,start and go to work "now." Now vii ,nresston of • np,•incansider is the thiao, . and an ounce of preven• Heft is at times worth several pounces able extent, and you no';dpu tt'perceiye +„.. I am '� 'td to see the press that tie, deprosion can be removed € o'cure, only by the extens„'on of,our comm.. Of our country coming boldly out on vial. rights and privileges to certain this subject. Let the, good work con- cha parts of commerce, by which tinge; staff ►hiay tiv a as a nation, and you our trade would be incalculably bene .t, a Congress, -t creast an :hour unti. Mod, and which have hitherto been ,in are in pas;,•scion of first class my almost exclusively, monopolized by inaments, 'WI as will not only almost European nations 'who would regard oftciently prot'ct our homes and conn- our, intrusion upon their interests :1i t fvvjimiehtwill a iicteu': y mtinttpr n the (either real or pretended) with eyes nonor and dl'gnity (lithe nation' abroad. most jealous; and should we, in ad I ani, ze..ectfully, 'miming the comtne,oial interests o' n our country, becomeinvolved to a lin. to , neons► . g'tt.oiv with any first class power Office of Dr, Alancltester, Oneonta. (which is by no mean : yn►probable)""-" "--` we dale not. push the 'question of of frights and privi eg et, and we mast ' TWEEDS( \'vtolemUnciovsll,irts and Drawers, Dress Goods and Mantle ()lochs, Ken's anrtd'Boy<s' Oi•et'eiial:, 1.wec•c1•S"uitb. .,•. 'Furs in Ladies' (]apes,. Astrachan Coats, Setts in Seal, Beaver, As,raoliau and Peraiai,. Latin, Single Muffs and Boas, Mantles, Wool Shawls,, Wool Squares, Clouds♦ SAW • •,•,„., Hoo.ds,ci on's,.Boys' and Children's Claps„ Brussels, Thpestry,•A.1..t-\1 oo1- and Union Carpets, Gloves and Mitts, Boots and Shoed,. ---- A acMiplete Stock in :itiUl.iBE13,,, FELT AND LEATHER GOODS.----- , GROCERIES New Raisins. and (;u,reants, none better in town, Fresh Teas, Ohoice rl?obaeco, and prices ” eut down," So exceedingly low, you may search the .town o'er., 'the cheapest you'll flnd-at The Corner Store. far CROCKERY ANT) GLASSWARE; a Large and' Weill Assorted Stock: FRESH & SALT WATER FISH. Now is the time to Seenre Bargains, as all the Winter Stock MUST BL• SOLD WITHIN THE NEXT 80 DAY433 Space will not permit to vote prices. An inspection of our Ste ck invited, and remember we consider it a pleasure to show Gonda,; • ix .. Elliott, Corner Store, Wing .am noel and ore to the polllsbiii emery) to T l E CHEAPEST AND BEST. A PRINCELY FORTUNE. A than may possess the fortune of a prince but can never pos..ess hap• pine::i uutgood health ; to secure which the blood must be kept pure and every organ in proper action. Bur- dock Blood Bitters purify the blood and regulate all the organs. Subscribe for TnE TIMES. $L25 from now to Jan. 1.:88C. either sve allow the ntsult or perhaps . Oa Recount of its pority or d coif• become involved in a war which would ;elttrated strength and great- pout er ruin the nation itt its prase""t eo.tiiit refit• disease,' l3urdock I3lood Bitters ion for we should have to stand Isla I. ltd+ and sen our rno t beautiful atir' to tlie,e,[1310ast ar . best Wood clears prgster his cities—.' bo sinew of our sing tonic known for ell duorded 4onlrrteraq--•e.estra, a 1, or ko,forlad t0,,conditions of,h1 q ly livor and kidneys,. When cows Have learned to! read, then, and not till there will it pay en- terprising merchants to advertise their business on waysid, fences, trees e.ud gate posts.—Chicago Sun. .But every line of your advertisement inserted in the columns of TIME Truss will pay tenfq1-41 Pedlars are going around the country trying to sell electro plated ware, and representing themselves agents of the Hamilton and Toronto silver ware crimpttnies. The prices hey charge too are double those char— ged lty jewellers for the shute class of goods. Stick by your local meg, and do not be imposes upon by frauds, which 00 per cent of such aaet,tfs turn out to be. rushy BRAIN TfiEATtsf5NTT•_ .� HEAL 11 IS WJi t itis. I • Dn. E. 0. WEST'S Nsuvrc AND BEAM 'NEAT. arENT, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria, Dizziness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Nen ralgia, Headache, Nervous Prostration, • caused by tho use of alcohol or tobacco, 1 Wakefulness, Mental Doptossion. Soften. ing of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and leading to misery, decay and death, Pro mature Old Ago, Barrenness, Loss of Power in either sex, Involuntary Losses arta Sup• ermatonccea, caused by over-exertion of - the brain, self-abuse or over•inilulgehce. One box will euro recent cases. Each box • do/atilt/8 cue month's treatment, One dol. lar a box, or five dollars for six b„res sent by mail prepaid on receipt of price. Wo guarantee sirs boxes to euro any case. With eaofi order received by rsforsixbax- es, accompanied with five dollars, we will bend th purchaser our written guarantee to trefinid the motley if the trent remit does not eft t•'t a aura (lu:tr,s,,tcell is' OPd only STRAYED STEER„ StrAyed into the premises of- the under - sifted, let north Half 10, con. 1, 1s1 ,iris. on or about the first of November ln:;t, a year oid Steer. The owner can have the same on proving property and paying ail expenses. W1tI, HENDERSON. •• ;� . -QDas cs•� Miss Ella M., Broaonshire, who for the past year has been under the tuition of Prof, St. ,T»3iti Uyttetrractck, (Director of the London Pliilarmonie so- ciety, at AL?L'. COLLEGE,) is prepared to, give LESSONS ="6 -- TO ---- PIANO,. To -- PIAN©, ADVANCED &JU IOR t'UPILS For particulars enquire at the residence. corner Fi•,lncis and Victoria streets. K 0 T44. 1y ustRttyVE• . aK>U • . l R• _Soy sae T T southern n 1 in�j�.+oYo4 %I pus (nrdec to to so e i n w (tl•t'`.. thLroin gecuT 1u the {j'At!i0�Ci4udD*o�• ,• 16:11.11 � �in pynnPt+itt pl�D�. Ycest atones toa"eTob �tb ,sot. ,:pptt»s' of a p1' andiervo t too EYea.1,�p enty 1 . an$ pth ;trno{Oli: ro04, osn+B i l,tp of TOW Pnn�sooit. Xewal. •�1+tawK, .1,1ti• .“S0 11 HEALTH. ilnloclr,. 11 'the t..' :'cd avenues of the Bowels, KiC nays and Liver. carrying off gradually wi,iiout weakening the system, all the impurities and fool humors of the secretions ; at the sane One Correcting Acidity of . the curing Bili- ousness, Dyy''sye p_ sia, Reattaches, Diz- ziness, Heartburn, Constipation. Dryness of the Skin, Drops, flim Hess of Vision, Jaundice• Salt Rh:. um, Erysipelas, Scrofula, 'Fluttering f the Heart. Nervousness.titud General Debility all these and many other simi- lar Complaints yield to the hannv influenen of BUR,DOOK BLOOD B ,•TTE S. Sample Bottles 10e 1 Ise + ar eiX.a=i. by d().1NY) WLS4T rC CO., Sole lienees. • F'or sale br lilt dealers. ore, Bland Orly Ring St. test, Toronto, (.7pt;e,,,)1t; jw,y)Artrlr 4 of. 1 tj rtetss .'” +aa IMPROVE• YOUR FIGS Tho undersigned bus still for service 9`ta tot 40, con, 14, East W.awe,nosl{, thee- quarters of a mile west df 'Wiugbarit, his thoroughbrrd Chester Wbite Hoar which. was imported frow 1'hiladeiplt a. 7'eda-. area can be seen on application. Terme, at time of service, with privilege of- re, turning if necessary,. R. MARIE, .I'roprietc *. J & T.. WILSON Yeterinary Surgeonte Honored Graduates of Ontario Veterinargi' uury College, dical registered and members Association, are prepared to, treat all diseases of Domestic Animals on, the latest and most scientific principles., Calls attended to day and night. Hdri els bought and sold on commission. Office and infirmary in the stand lately occupied by. T. Kerr, V. S., opposite D2errifield's Hotel Josephine Street, Wi4gham, ORGANISM Is the most complex work' of the creator; and when this complicated structure, so exquisitely wrought, is disturbed by dia. ease, the most efficient aid should ue sought poen the moat skilled physician—for the human body is too precious to be neglected,. ft becomes the question, then : "What physician shall be employed ?” Dr. Oser4i JoILMNRSEN, of•the University of Berlin, Germany., has made a lifelong study of ailments of the Nervous and Genito-Urinary System. HIS REMEDIES CURE Any Debility or derangementof the Ner- vous System, including Spermatthorea, Gonorrhea, Syphilid, Stl;ioture, Impotence oto., eto. BEPAUSE you may have been cheated and'fooled by nub'oks, who claim to cure this class of \linorclers, do not ilgsitate to give Dr Jolranuesen's method a fair trial before your case be• cines chronic and ln- ecrablo. t'FRE v," A valuable treatise, explanatory of Dr. Johanneser'ssystem, will bo sent by mail post paid• and•securely sealed from obser- vation, toany sufferer addressing his sole authorized agent for the Unites st.tos and - Canada. ]HENRY VOGELER, 49 South Street, New York ' .Complicated symptoms treated from Dr• Johanneseu's Special prescriptions under advice of a duly qualifie3 consult ing pliysrcan. All correspondence held on strictly cons, dermal, and advice by mail free of oharget, Strayed ¢:,fee gr. Strayed into the premises of the sub. ..scriber, lot, south port nor; 11 half 16, con. 3, Morris some time in the month of Ana- ust last, a rod h lifer, with white feet occ•mhug three years old. The owner can hare. the same on proving property and payii, ;sxpenses. Mas. JOHN TIIYNE. GRip's 'CANADIAN, CALLERVI Full Portraits, in Colors, o f• Prominent Oanaclirns. Given Away ti's A f. e. 1 he Subscribers to 'Grip. No. 1.—' T -ION. SIR JOHN A. MA( DONALD 1-tsuerl August 2nd. 1884. No. 2.—,. .; . OLIVER MOWAT, w issued September 20th, 1884. No. a. --If ON. I9DWAIID BLAZE. w 'ssued October 18th, 1884. No. 4.—IIIc. W. R. MEREDITH, w be issued November 1501,1 ‘l64. No. 5,'—IION, II. ME [I,CIER, will be ,nos December 2:)tl., 1884. No. 6.—ITON. J• NORQU.A.Y, will ssued January 17th, 1885, No. 7.—IIOV'. SIR Il. L. LANGEVI will be issued February 14th 1885. NE H KEY TO These Plates are printed in Cole on fine plate Paper, and will 1 Issued Monthly to our sub- scribera free of charge. In these sketches an ine,[t is made to hit at uii•v the facial expression, but tau general lig.. well. each subject being given in some eharact ,osc. Wherever possible the drawing will be. ,. rcnn life, so as to ensure accuracy in these ft:, • \t the sante tinea staid ntatter•oiffact portrait . timed at, but that far more attractive and t .. wing. a'caricature' e,nbra;•ing a 'likeness', portrait is accompanied by a brief blographica • ice written in a spirit to correspond wit •Icture. When we Call upon Canadians Ito encourage th. n prise wo arc alto. all net asking him to da thing vast. They already have in Gat, ab, .,. aim for t12 per annum, and os has been Ail :fated the GALLIUM, w:nieh .110110 is worth More • Jit amount of snbscrtption, is a free gift,i1 0 incst tit :reforo is that those who aro not a r6r• obi our list shall snbsmvibe for tam,. We dty1 or ate as to whetter 52 per year can be spent ,utter way intellectually. 'there is nu qucstdec -no. Thu intelligent eit'zen of Canada whoi, : anent ke ours winvest for his his ihelwill et 110,1 nothing to buy for the money which w: satisfactory as a rceeipo fora subecrtption to T. YqilpFli 15 0413 ;il.ifila &PO Meal,- yet CA+ TO:11M