The Wingham Times, 1885-01-02, Page 3Th eerie.
To the E,ectors of Wingham.
1.4n rrnnneN,--l•Iaving been. request -
by a n;tuther of the influential
men of the town to become a caLudi•
date for the 'Mayoralty, I beg to an
;Immo that I have onnseutt.d and tun
Low in the field As I am well known
to the most of the electors, it will not
he necessary for me to make tt person.
al canvass, and .1 tart«+ this method,
through the columns of the press, to
'solicit your vote and iulluenue at the
totning uuuricipal eleetimlr, If elect-
rcl,.you iaav rest .assured that I will do
1-eilft Ntaxs ni my power to advance
.he interests` 1 wet faro of our town,
and will (to my rl rYathfuliy, ir e-
Npoctivu off personal or party '
Hoping; that tily nianyfrionds • .Willi
do their hest to piace tree at the head
of the poll,
.1 remail,
Yours respectfully,
Windham, Nev. 2701, 1881.
Airs. Mary A. Davey, of Tu:,khal -
oek, ILL, was afflicted for six years
with Asthma and Brenchiti.s, during
which time the best physcians could
give no relief. Her life was despaired
f, until in 1u,st October she procured
a I)ottic of Dr. Ring's New Discovery,
when immediate relief was felt, and by
continuing its use for a snort time she
was completely cure;«!, gainiuln. 111 ticslt
50 lbs. in a few months.
Free Trial Bottles of this certain
erre of all Throat and Lung Disease'
at (3. E \Villiani's Dred Store. Large
Bottles $1.00.
The Best Yot.
of thecontinuocl use of mercury an
o ((.asst f,r the treatment of Blood and
Atli diseases, they never cure, and
liege y injt ro or totally ruin the
general dealt!!
4 I Have seen a groat many cases etlr
ed with 5hnkor Blood Symp.-some who
haw) tried all sorts of treatui ,nt.. In
fact, 111aro u::, ,cr, known it to fail,
when taken properly. I e 11 a Large
quantity of it, mei for all ,liseases that
are dependent on blood poison or skin
• Inman.. It eurol;
hI6tPLI'. is 14:..eron Mi ON TIIF, SILIN,
and l':;tizi'S l.110 complexion fair and
ro.wy. As blood taint, there is no such
word as frill. It ceree eases that have
• long withstood other sits of treat
' inent, and whiten any of those recurr
tg troubles that g•.ru«'r,tlly follow Mere,
cur id other 90 c<►lled CO 1.06.• .
c+'.Aswoon, Dial gist,.
i i'::t,4,^l ,stolt, Mass,
THE SIIAl:T1i 11Ler,DNok',aCP
cures e3tnple,tely Syphilis, ),'?ofula,
Rheumatism, €1 nicer, Catarrh freers
and Sklu and 1?s , '1.•);ar:,,a,•g of every
desorip kion. IS ict ovi,, ytvu s e.
,. for bottle or tl for eke).
A I'E l.t,.! 1s0`l' BEA l"TY.
Perieet beauty is r.nly attained by'
pare ld.i,d unci gond !.colds'. These. 3
hcquirc in,ntsgive the 1✓ rssessor a',lea
sant expression, a tin, sur skin and
the rosy blocu, of bealt n Burdock
Blood Bitters purify the blo,.d and
tope the eutu•r: system to a 'healthy
S- d O RIB.
,rho Crtllnowh� 8,010
ltailvayoY rho ours Unrdoo 2 to �6 � ¢now
AWLL� tbe4gin ntfroz°`$ Becu= the
� 1„A'' otnnnciDaKOtn� , tVaT U �„An
ht e
� theVacs..hers, ntta>n sAt,
of everyone leave the a ajjll a d 1C1
Chow°ast.o tel b y f (#oingrap 1K�H� t� ;
q l a an pl tO yQCBR YCO:. Ch1e__
tlop,, �• �, T1.
Lana eO��
I � E-14
Grip's Conic Almanac for 1885, is ,
ust oat. It consists of 24 rages nut -
form in size with Grip, and ie died
with 'fun and pictures.. The literary
matter is entirely .original, and prove:;
decidedy that Oanadiau talent iu tlto
fanny line is ' eglual to ady iu 11,^e
:l.d;vard Shepherd of •lfarriBblritg, },
111.. says: Yr having rein •roti So Much
benefit from Electl'1c Bitters, I feel it J
my duty .to 'IX suffering humanity
know it Have had a. running sore
on my leg for eight years; my dor.-w.
tors told lee I must have the tionen•
scraped or leg amputated.. I used in.
stead three bottles of Electric.. Bitters
and seven boxes Buckleu'f Maier
salve, and my log is now sound and •
Electric Bitters 'at) sold at nifty
cents a bottle, and Bi ckleu's Arnica
Salve at 25c. per hos bfd. E. Wil-
If you suffer from liet:,dscib, dizi+i
ness, baeli ache, bl io`.lslress or humor
oC'tjle blood, try Burdock Blood Bitters
is a llaranteed cure for all irregular
tics If blood, liver and kidneys.
ubscrible for TIlp, Thais.
r n n'bly to Jan. 1, 1880,
when eows have Ir-ttrnecl for rend,
then, and. not till then will It pay 1111-
terp1•ising merchants to advertise their
business on waysid fences, tre.`s and
g tto posts --Chicago Sun. But every
line of your advertisement inserted iu
the celllrnus of TIIF Tnitcs will pay
Pedlars are going arnttntl the
Was the name formerly given to Sarofuls
because a. a,superstition that it could be
cured' bq a king's.touch. The' world Is
wiser now, and knOws that
can, Only be cured by a thorough purifcaa
tion of the blood. If this is neglected,
the disease perpetuates. its taint through:
generation after generation. Among its
earlier symptomatic developments are
Eczema, Cutaneous 'Eruptions, Tu-
mors, Boils Carbuncles, Erysipelas,.
Purulent Ulcers, Nervous and Phy-
Slcai Collapse, etc. If allowed to con-
tinue- Rheumatism, Scrofulous Ca-
tarrb, Kidney and. LiverDiseases,
Tubercular Consumption' and vari-
ous other dangerous or fatal maladies, are
produced by it.
Ayer s Sarrsaporri//a
Is the only powerful and always reliable
blood-purin p' medicine. It is so effect-
ual an alterative that it eradicates from
the system hereditary iterofula, and.
the kindred poisons of contagious diseases '
and mercury. At the same time it en-
riches and vitalizes the blood; restoring
healthful action to the vital organs an•
rejuvenating the entire system. This great
Regenerative Medicine
Is composed of the genuine Honduras
Sarsaparilla, with Yellow Dock, km-
lingia, the Iodides of Potassium ;and
Iron, and other ingredients of great per
tench carefully and scientifically com-
pounded. Its formula is generally known
to the medical profession, and the beat
physicians constantly prescribe AYER'a'
R t RBAPARILL4.119. 811
tbsol'ilite Cure
iseases caused by the vitiation at
A. It is rtoncentrated to the high-
' -- practicable s.legree, far beyond any
other preparation, for which like effects
are claimed, and IS therefore the cheapest,
as well ps the best blood purifying medi-
cine, in the world..
Ayer's "Sarsaparilla
nr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Man.
[Analytical Cbemiets.3
8allii by all Druggists: price ski; aIx .
bottles for lief.
country trying to sell el ictro plat( d
ware, and representing themselvis- . A. Plti.Ncm,1 .—
agents of the liittrlliltou and 'reroute .I• -
silver ware camp tides. Thprices f A Irian may pmsr's:s the fort;tno of
they charge too ern closable thotre ehar-1.. a print o b,.t e.nt 11«.v r p;r •seS 1 hap
red by jewellers for the satrle class 0$. which ties It 'ol tt lrinstis Ire
linallct ��l i 10 carm
goods. St'elf by your local mels, duals; ,every orae in prop., al,iru . I3ur-
41"l.not be implsesl upon lsy frauclsa,, dock )31rocl 13iti1'rs purify the brood,
which Oct p1.;lwut.ol< sucu agb:cits two; and. if:'gu't+to ell the organs- .
o t a4 •'`5"
Now to Januar,
-FOR ----------
'6 ,g 4i1d1}il,,t,Ycr }A* .: , a.. 4A 0414
• -6
This Universal Medicin
Household Remedy
PURIFY THE BLOOD, impart tone t,>s
the NERVOUS SYSTEM, and art moat
powerfully yet soothingly on the
promoting .DIGESION and assimuazi
and endowing the whole bodily frame witL
STRENGTH and vigor. Nervous Head
ache, Tremblings with Lassitude and GEN
ERA DEBILITY quickly yield to the
potent force of these well known Pills,ani
they are unrivalled la heir
Ras World -viae Reputtio r
It heals every kind ,f SORE, ULERE
at + WOUND more ^ortait..y than an3.
()Miro- xnown delve. Its marvellous pene
crating purveys reader it invaluable in all
Qu useys, an Asthnst
reducing Glandular•.. Lumps, clewing air.
Healing ABSESSES and PISTULAS, an:
cor alleviating the excruciating
never fails to remove Scurf and 97
hies of skin disease.
Manufactured only at Professor I1 onto. -
WAY'S Establishment,
sold at le. lid., 2s. ad., 4s. ed., lls.,2s
and 33s. each Box and Pot, and in Canada
at 36 cents, 00 cents and $1.50, and the
larder sizes in proportion.
CAUTION.—I have no agent in tht
United States, nor are ray Medicines soli
there. Purchasers should therefore loot
to the Label on the Pots and Boxes. Ii
the address is not 533, Orford Street, Lore.
Son, they are spurious.
The Trade Marks of my said Medicianl
are registered in Ottawa, end also at Wasn.
street. London. Sept.. 1882.
rSty ...✓�uYv:...+.... JKv„..., .t
la Reeonimended by Pklvr`,irf►tregz
of i iS
Catarrh io Naao a vity-Chronir, and t leorel i
Ca{ th t'ar, '',DZ
or h '1 it is t .s
114 ' li idLt,y ?e( seta tie ° {;TL'( vett
:q o (esd cous 8ua'ac a of U4
.. �s xr,. I ,e best Blood Buda
f;.0," Una D, and is worth ALL
shit 4 rgod for to for
T;itA alone,
(111.11,1TERIR CURE FOR 011 31/
!� r ria x cyst nt,\It1ILET y
o•i t' 14o 0fftx gi;0 1st xnr cede at e
C.11,t24, dol�s•s .
7taLun74u, «lqa., Mares in 28
6t Atha daughter was troubled whit i.atf
cat t wYste, And Wali perp much be t•'11 '. •r
tuft:4,1,14" !.tail's Catarrh Cara."l' 1t9., iY ��,�gy
raised. r, IL;'u-
C&i,'r r.vo.3 Merab 's��, 1534
kLve ua.,1 " flare Catarrh Qare,-' rr.tft: itge
U 0001 the mod results I (%rived rfr,,,tj
1a,'tevo tt% pr111 owe the meet id•nul,r#=
atAto 0 •+rttio rlj ff Ito use be eons neej for'
to teou b10 to;sgtli of time.
+�Y�- r,Alrb o►is anrph 20, .l.'fi
Pt 1, fy+Zirf dr Leel; Televlo, O.
r«r r •-PFava enld Ball's cee,rrla Cn,'o tux
tazt rntuuitd it. es o»ntrpre•.eytl;taot1,n.
YR. W H.(O11S01, Dreggt4
Hairs Catarrh CU`
le WM by all Whelensle and Retail Druggjie
ked Dealers !YY Patent Istedictisiaa 1>r
the Veiled &sties end eanade.
75 Cants a Bottle. VIM a. (
'Bits only gee itbs Bah Catarrh Cure is + .
attieetared by F. 3.OHENZY & 00., Tolet't.,
- oarBeware of Imitations. ay
tissued for the Ontario trade by •
H. W. HOBSON, Welland,
; 3�T;'::l , 2'1''$
oi•,� ..,. POWDIEt,
ke• a' .1,1339.* to Wes. esatala thp!r isiter
i"an-e i • " este, sura, ung olfeeturiel
id,ei4+lre• all rsb24etl.0.11114te Mat
"g4i F. •e►.•