The Wingham Times, 1885-01-02, Page 2• Terms Eintq Gra BhpvA2W4K
First borrow a shovel,
' Na•et procure a pair of i warm
mittens, a. nook wrap of some ]find,
: a b,ttlo of arnica and a ebeet pretties
't Jr.
Now you are ready for work.
Open the front door and push some
of the snow from the front step
Now, 1u>ivirlg dipped overshoes,
• welch we forget to mention, slip out
. acid close the door after you, being
. careful to fix, the dead -latch. so it
•.wiil not look. Take the shovel in
the right .hand, the thumb 'upward
and the fingers clasped firinly but not
too tightly arotlttrl the handle, Malay
persons °ramp their fingers by taking
t,teo close a grip,'a practice wltieh else
tends to irritate the tender shin on
oho inside of the palm.
Rest tete steel end of the shovel nn
the step, and placiug one 'foot a
little behind the other, let the haudle
..sink of its own weight to au angle of
. fhty-live degrees. I3e careful about
Vas a isle, for up to this time the
p'ineiptt:l of a pivot is being used,
Deal If the aide is more acute thau
f Live degrees it will be a sign
that year ere obtuse.
Now ttriug forward the left band
:fan t gently grasp the handle just two-
thirds of the way from the top rais-
. dug the impl omelet about seven and a
half i,tclt.•s into the air for that par-
pu t:. [f you take hold too low you
f.trae your r.glit arm to do double
eworl:, ns your left hand is merely a
inov,ti,lo fulcrum• if too high the
cavil is increased. The shovel, if.
prepo rly made, will nearly balance
•.wvhe:i the left ]rand is iu just the eight
...est) A, ttrrtl after a few exporimen`s this
Z`, ,ice. can he determined, and if
uecessery indicated by a pen3i1 mss k.
• It is: well now to slowly swing the
eshov '1 backward and forth in the au•,
Nice c to i t ds in the p,sttiatt in Heat -
.0,1, nuti.l you acquire the peeper 1no-
Nex in order, , not to get out of
breate, reit the shovt'1 ou the steps,
strai,;nt u out your bace belie, throw
,:Leek your shoulders and inh:.Ie the
,.et:iidtreting, antiseptic suint+r air.
N,,r lock up and down street un.i;
. you see a.bey.
T3 eireu to"ilinl,
.. lies he comes
strike a bargain
with in it; give. him the„$tali and go in
t., bra ticfast. - —Pent adel plica Press.
Mr. ;`J.n. Thomas of Neton, Ie,,
ty, : •• .ty wife has been seriously
,tbt,at .l .vith a cough for twenty-five
years, aril this spring more severely
,&uau aver before. She had used
rnainy ,•.ells:lies without relief, and
• hints; eeee.i to try Dr. Kutg's Nev
:Disc ,vary, did so, with gratifying
, results The first mottle reliev. d her
very in tele and. the eeeent1 bottle bus
..abasia„'ly cured her. She has not
, s3 go tl health for thirty years.”
1' i3,ttle b'ree at C. E. Williams
• Drug a„ ere Large size $1.00.
if you are suffering wit 1 law and
,depressed spirits loss of appetite,
general debility, disordetl bl ex!, weak
ra:onttitutielt, head acne, or any disease
,of a btlivas lecture, by all I=teans pro
cure a t,ottle of klleetrie Bitters. You
win Ii' snrpriswd to see the rapid
Jelpeavt!ueteut that will follow ; you
will 1,inspired with new life ; strength
anal ftedvity will r.turie; pain and
rnisdt•y will cease and Henceforth you
.wilt raj nee in -.the prai,e of Electric
•.bittt re. Sold at fifty cents a bottle
0. 1'i, Williu,uls.
13. G[eleey would like everybody
wiin ha:• airy #account a;;a:ust the late
firth t 1 Latt rr•nce tC (• t•ace:y to present
thc',lf by tiro 2ut1 of Jewelry. 1885.
and Ili who owe dm late tirni aiytlitti.
will :le 'nuts favor and relieve their
.ceesoir?ilees by calling stud setthi g liy
tills lit of fila year, If any fiud, after
•the :•at, the'r accounts placed in
.at h !ettels foe coI ce'ion, don't ree1
uffiutt' I, f r 1; ntii t t lke some stepx
•to hwb act';tu:i•s straightened up. aril
-who are owing plr:ase read Carefully.
S. Glrtcisee
3 ardi tlero decrier and U•nderteker
14 batn, -Oast. '
The a•. 01
r •
To the Municipal l~;leetoes ofrtlio Town,
of \Vinghaui,
Having been requested by a large
(lumber of ratepayers to consent to
serve you es Mayor for the corning
year, t beg to say that I feel,the ro•
sponstbtlities of the position, realizing
at the present time to do justice to
the townt it required constant and `vi
gilunt effort to revive and promote
plans for the town's advancement;
(Having a large interest in the town,.
land not being engaged in any aoiive
business and with nay long experience
in knowing your wants 1 am prepared
to devote the largest share of my time
in properly fulfilling, the duties devolv-
ing upon the Mayor, to the best (Amy
ability. I shall use every exertion,
and hope with some success to obtain
the Car ads Pacific extension giving us
another competing Line to the sea. i
board. The milling and nntnufnetur-•
ing interests imperatively demand this'
I am not seeking the empty honor:
without performing my duty. In ad•
ministering justice I shall do so fairly
and licnestly. The general dellness
of the times requires the closest econo-
my in a town that so largely depends
upon the farming ci,uutry for its sup-
port. If elected I ehaU endo or to
preside with due respect, an, work
harm onionely with those you inay elect
as your council.and secure some be-
neficial results :in the •management
of your affairs.. },So1ieiting.your united.
I am as over yours truly
Wingitam, Dec, 4, 1884.
Roue tt .
Will pay
.Your subscription
For twelve months.
Parties intending to travel wil. do
well to call on U. E. Williams, Agent,
Canada Pacific Railway, Wingham.
C. E. Williams sells tickets, to and
part of America. Rates is California
and Western States t'ery luw.
on him
Freeman's Worin Powders are safe
in all cases. They destroy and remove
worms in uhildre:: or adults.
Don't forget the stray cattle I1
you want to find the owner, advertise
hens in Tnii TIMES.
Ocean, Lake or'Iiailrnad tickets to
any pari of the world can be obtained
from C. E Williams, Ticket Argent,
Wingham. I 'tending travellers will
do well. to procure rates before pur
chasing elsewhere.
The;Rev. T. M. Campbell, of Gode-
rich, line been presented by tne Scott
Act friends of that place, with four
pieces of silver plate, consisting of a
tray, eruct, spootthoder and card re•
eeiver, as a recon nition of the services
peiforniel by him, during the recent
catunaign. The editors of the Signal
and Star were also remembered, Me
Thos McGillicuddy was presented with-,
st butter cooler and lles'rs. J. Mitchell
and McGillicuddy with a pickle
stand each
Obstinate skin diseases, 1 uniors of
the blood, eruptions and old sores are
cured by Burdock. I3lootl Bitters, which
purify and regulate :11 the secretions.—
Tut Teets, wants good corse pc`n
dorits in every school ete.etiou in the
surroundin,; townships. Any one is
at liberty to send in items of• rictus,
and[ we shall be p'leasel at all tunes to
receive contributions fi'oiu any of our
readers. Fill letters intended for pub
lice on should reach this furor flat
than. by Wednesday mors --fug fried
e»otild be eignecl by the name of the
welter—not ncaess'trily for publication
but simply as a guarantee of good ,
skt. v P Mtw
TR6ATptF,Nre .•-
1 i./ I' l t'14V: aA..leill
brim, a guaranteed specific for Hysteria,
Di;czitness, Convulsions, Fits, Nervous Neu
ralgia; Headache, Nervous Prostration.
caused by the use of alcohol or tobacco,
Wakefulness, Mental Depression, Soften-
ing of the Brain, resulting in Insanity and
leading to misery, decay and death, Pro.
mature Old Age, Barrenness, Loss of Power
in either sex, Involutitaty Losses and Sup-
ernlatorhesa, paused by over-exertion of
the. brain, self-abuse or over -indulgence.
One box will ours recent cases. Each box
contains cue month's treatment- 0»e dol•
tzar a box, or five dollars for six boxes ;
Bent by snail prepaid on receipt of price.
We guarantee Six boxes to pure any case.
With each order received by us for six box-
es, accompanied with five dollars, we will
send th purchaser our written guarantee
to 'refund the money if'' the treatment does
not effect a cure Guarantees issued only
byJOHN0 WEST & CO., Sole Proprie-
ters,.8I and S8, King St. est, Toronto, Ont.
$n¢heh Isatrstt of
tJ' g3'ET„
Ono of the Best
7r/li 71M "Sr
Ibis a specific in the cureof all diseases
of therKidneys, Bladder, Prostatic Por-
tion of the Urinary Organs,Irritatdonof
the. Neel: of the Bladder, Burning Urine,
Gleet Gonorrhea iu all its stages, kin.
Gloat, C ngestion of the Kid-
-toys, Brick Dust Deposit, Diabetes In-
namr. atlon of the F;idneys and Bladder,
Dropsy of Kidneys, Acid Urine Bloody
Urine, Pain in the Region of the Bladder,
PAIN INHE BACK, Urinary Calculus,
Renal Calculus, Renal Colic, Retention
of Urine, Frequent Urination Gravel in
Milts forms, Inability to retain the Wa-
ter, prrtigalavlyy is , ppersons advanced in
that restores the Urine to its natural
color romovestit.) acid and burning, and
the effort,/ of the excessive use of rutoxi-
cau'ing. J ink,
PLI1, $1; or, six Bottles for $G.
Wiling/ for sell by ay Driggbta,
191 JeL"erson Ave., Detroit, illirh.
Agents /o.• the U. S. and Canada.
Hair or
restores, with the gloss and freshness of
youth, faded or gray hair to a natural, rich
brown color, or deep black, as may be desired.
By Its use light or red hair maybe darkened,
thin hair thickened, and baldness often,
though not always, cured.
It checks falling of the hair, and Stimu-
lates a weak and sickly growth to vigor. It
presents and cures scurf and dandruff; and
heals nearly every disease pocnliar to the
scalp. As a 7,adreS' Hair Dressing, the
Vreon Is unequalled; it "ontains neither oil
nor dye, renders tho hr a 47, glossy, one
silken In appearance, and imp, .:s ., ti -.Dente,
agreeable, and lasting perfume.
Mit. C. P. Batman writes from Kirby, 0.
July 3, 1882: " Last fall my hair co,mnenced
falling out, and in a short time 1 became
nearly bald. 1 used part of a bustle of
Avail's IiA1u Vinott, which stopped the fall-
ing of the hair, and started anew growth. I
have now a full head of hair growvhtg vigor.
ously, and ant convinced that but for the
use of your preparation f should have been
entirely bald,"
,T. W. Bowxx, proprietor of the McArthur
(Ohio) £'aquirer, says : "AYER'S HAIR VIGOR
is a most excellent proparatiou for the hair.
1 speak of it from toy own experience. Its
use promotes the growth of new hair, and
makes it glossy and sort. The Vilma Is else
a sure euro for dandruff. Nob within cit
knowledge has the preparation ever failed
to give entire satisfaction."
1111. Axons FATIMA1RX, lender of the
celebrated "Fairbairn Family" of Scottish
Vocalist's, Writes froth `Boston, Mugs., Feb. 6, ,
18311: "Ever stow my hair began to give ell.
very ovideueo of the change which aceting
time procnrctb, I havo used Alma's HAnt
Vtoon, and so havo boon able to maintain
an apCp!earanco of youthfulness—a (natter of
considerable consequence to ministers, ora
tors, actors, and in fact every one who lives
in the oyes of the public."
MRS. 0. A. P1tEscorT, writing from 18 Bin
St1,r Ciuu•lusfown, ilfess., April 1.1, 1882, says :
wo years ago about two-thirds of my hair
carte oft`. It thiniiod very rapidly, and I was
fast growing bald. On using Avttn's HAIR
V toots the falling stopped and a now growth
commenced, and In about a month my head
was completely covered with short bait. It
has O n:tinned to grow, and Is now as good as
before it fell. 3 regYtlttrly used but ono bottle
of the Vtonit, but now Use it occasionally as
a dressing."
t We have inuidrods of similar testimonials
to the efficacy of Avtnt's }LAIR VTGott. It
needs but a trial to cotivi uco the most skeptt-
oat of tis value.
rxtrARtn 5111
Dr. J.O. Ayer &Co.,Lowe11, Mats.
Bois' 4.A11 Druggists.
1-1 0
is offering Great Barl.tains iti all depart meats' rain ate- till
his stGck.
Ana o rlla
oCers OVER FIE' _ "UTIS of Ready Made Clothing 10.4s .batt cos . Thi
1. a rare cleat • • o supply your wawa) etreapiy, tie tits 11• t f:l,i to give Lib a call.
Asit fur l: All Wuut iv,teri btilts at :„0.
T. A. MILLS tho largest stook of Men and Boys' OV,E1i.COeee be sold away
price .tali t sae Ilii Overcoat at M•,.
TA 1:111IL L
pays part.cular attention to el set n, •°" '1;,
uatatheLargest Stock rn town t., st' lrcm, and gua:'-1tt.tE,, c. ire
rti.I. , , u,.. F 9t
1,sLAD.lE3' 111TLES at *1.50 worth twice the ince oes. .lift it!l; bouge.
Large ,Stec; c of those goods at a great reuu:tten, we errs iJ le ti) sv11 tri n
Octs. on the ',.
ha, jusi received a fresh lot of FURS, all l:nitre. to be ri.ltl out at prices tl at
wili•sueprise•you. Ladies, see our Pei slim Lamb. Astrftc;tilt anal iiIink vets
also our large stock of illutt's, boas end Caps, tt, e•il rn 1 neate,t. \1 e have alto
a large range of GENTS' \STARE See our Per:•►:in letu'i , Caps at ti 6.
offer:+ 50 pieces of WINCEY at c.:st,frt;ni 5cts up. '('hast are genuine bergvi
end no deception.
offers his large and varied stock of CRPnTS, 10lli•:`l, Il.tinn-mat].3 Flaunts
Shawls, Knitted Coeds,. Gloves, Hose, hoods, Mitts, I,iuc r t:, '1Oli;igs, etre.,
serest reduction to make room.
se'ls factory yarn at 30cts per. 1b.
sobs COTTON 37 incites wide for 5 cents per yard.
gi.t es the best value in Buots, (Felt Boots, Rubbers, Oyer;;hoes, etc. in \V ingh nm.
T. A. MILLS gives 5 lbs TEA for $1.
12. A. MILLS has a largo stock of Glassware and. Crockery.
'L. A.lIILLS is Polite, Courteous and Attentive to his nnmorourt custom ors
T. A. MILLS gives 20 pounds SUGAR for $1.
T. A. HILLS buys right and SELLS CHEAP,
T. A. MILLS does everything right and cete•rs for yonr trade.
Don t Fail To Givii filum A Call------Polit, Attentio,.l and Square Dealks;
mel.... $✓.1A'a ' • . ,^kir:sr :x4 •+t• . '. • •MN v•,,H, 6'-0I e",•,Capypr.
Tho host preparation known to soienceforbeautifying tho
Beautify fire Face and give to the Faded Or :•allow Com-
plexion a Perfectly Healthy. i; nttnal andYoCthful
Appearance. It Conceals wrinkles. Freckles Crow's
l'eet. and the Evidence of Age, leaving the Skin ;ort,
bnt.d eltPRICE-80oeSent to any address. Postage
stamps taken. Address all letters to
CREME D' OR, Drawer 2,618;-tarerlto P.O.
Ask your druggist for it. Wholesale by all whole -
'I .ad Ma saledrnaglsta.
t=1$2111r _!tam' ii i, . ii .,iii 1 11 .i, . how,
Cures fi czneas, Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Biliousness
Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Affections of the Liver and .Itidneya, .
, .(Blotches, Boils, Rumors, Salt :RJieum, Scrofula,
..',•p/s peias, and an diseases arising from Impure _Blood, i
Deranged Stomach, or irregular action of the 134:1"c;a.