The Wingham Times, 1901-07-12, Page 3V
s, -
FIR, 39 'Ad Rik 46 4411"
(Yroig the Wot(yix Trwivorlpt.) I OPIXONO, VikAwA444, 0114,
0M Otoeia
UR NEIGHBO IWAng colvos Ilk London it was noticed that w4ton we leave ,Lust rewivea from
NEW ir n tip. the streets wore, li , .. Geylon and. Indl. T
tuddy there was a Principal of tho Above 1111ititutioll 4 -re•
ry no to the, X060 m4r1le(l 4itaillutiollof diseases that were port of the roga
._r yearly oxami4atiritis
tOU 445t is blowing. bowel, for gold And silver. medals, which have,
A 6au and Farmer ay$ troubles are plentiful When moble are Just beenOoMpleted, and tilt) folio -in
Of cows W
ill compelled to iiib
manowns will dust. Consumption, Jo the result.
41'444�goveira, Some have heardis tbat, too, often gots its start front dust. Other, 'Will. 0, Campbell, of Will
mswAo oqrrAl .. r oat- will raim on) -yes awl fatten them well. illnesses almost equjilly, grave fellow the WilatOr Of the gold medal for general
mt ;I om A Lapid d i4ot be worth the food they eat if from the breathiug. of flying partioleg of PX`0110=7 in the business d paroll
Rainy a at ties, into the an
water to trau—sx,,irm, He is Also . winner of W lent, Tbat's saying a good deal, but it is a true statement.
Lake of the Woods about a 100 odd the milk be made into butter. Again,. filth. Add sufficientthe gold modal for • it •yourself, A trial will prove the truth or
miles distant from Fort Francis. Itis a, if butter is made at home the facilities the You can Y"ify
dust into mild, And, the power for mathematics, Hert
untiJemier, of Char. r
beautiful navigable stream, forming may not be pucli that butter canbe harla is gone, Afi"the Wild is net inhaled, 419 Cross, W148 the silver anodal for falsity of tbb ve StatemeTlt,
through its whole long th the boundary mado at a profit with the best butter The germs that infest dry dust become second highest 6taudilig tog go pro-
betweell Minnesota and Ontario, There cows on earth., Milk naust be pro
. are considerable more impr rporlY - inert in mud, because these germs, 40ionc-7 in this delillrt=40, Ed. Wells
ovem 11
aouts and, handled to get good butter from it, and vicious as they are, pre too lazy to go wins the silver modal for tile penman. Ceylon Teas are sold in sealed lead
it is more settled oii� the Canadian side this requires skill and kilowle4g ; anywhoro unless they are carried. More, drill, and 4190 wimi another silver medal
6419 packets only, Black, Mixed, Un -
than on the American. The Canadian undesirable butter will be made which over, mud is very likely to get ultimaely for the befit set of books., T, S, Parkin,
side is studded with homesteads all the is more valuable to take to the country into the drain pipe, and the germs. are 6044, of Thedford, wills the silver modal Colored Ceylon Green. Free samples sent, Address "SAL -
way bearing ovidenoeR of comfort and store and swap. for kerosene and oalioo carried off where they can do , no harm. given. fear rapid calculati
ADA," Toronto,
progress, The, proposed Great Northern than to sell oil the 'market for cash, liven when mud dries ou the clothing In tile shorthand department Miss
road now being built by McKenzie & AgaiuPto make veal calves profitably And is brushed off, the dust that arises Ella White, of Blenheim, was success.
Mann, runs a short distance from Rainy calves must be supplied as fast as one therefrom does i}ot appear' to be as Ertl in carryilig off the gold luerial for
River, all the way from Fort Francis to becomes fat and the inglket good it can dangerous as that which has not been general proficiency. Miss Margaret M
Beaver Mills -where it crosses the river be sold and another found to take its: recently wet. Kerr, of 0hathain, won the silver medal Hervows Depression
into Minnesota. At Fort Francis there place at a small cost, The profits will It will thus be apparent that there, is a for second highwit standing, also Che
is one of the most magnificent waterfalls be slim if the cow can make only 'one bright side of mud, and henceforth All silver anodal for the highest speed in and Ladfly Wcak�ess-
to be folind in Canada, and, when utilized calf a year, for bear in mind a veal is but the fastidious will revel in muddy typewriting from dictation, MissKerr's
for manufacturing purposes, will un- one thing and a, calf another, After a streets, Many Physicians may advise speed was. At the rate of nearly 70 words Another wo2nau "t". o igns Foupet
doubtedly contribute immensely to the calf becomes 6 weeks or 2 months old it their more -,veaklypAttents to, go Abroad in
per minute, and when it is taken, to Xlealth, strength and vigor intito
growth wth of the town, It is beautifully is no longer veal, but a baby beef, and in search of exercise Qnly'-when the account that the test lasted for five min- Use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food,
located having Rainy Lake immediately will only sell for calf price, which roads are muddy. Bich men may be utes, and that it wag continuos matter TO women especially Dr. Chase's
east of the town, and Rainy River here is always frolla. 2 to 4 cents less per looked for to have special mud plots With many lung words occuring in it,the Nerve Food is proving to be a very
has a fall of about 18 feet which Affords pound than veal prices. These are mat- somewhere on their grounds, while test Was eel3ainly a creditable ri great blessinz. So many women are
, us. An. weakened and debilitated by overworlt,
excellent drainage; and when the North- ters to be considered by each and every sanitariums may be expected to adver- other feature in connection -,%,Ith Miss worries or diseases Peculiar to their
era Pacific is finished the town should one for himself, and it does not always tine that all tree walks cox, restorative
tbe assistance of just
about their build- Kerr's work worthy of special mention s a restorative as. this great food
a � uch
become A, good business centre. Between indicate that because one man succeeds iugs are so constantly attended to that is tilt) fact that oil one or her tests she cure.
Fort Francis and Beaver Mills there is a remarkablylin fattening veal calves any mud is guaranteod; every day in, the made a transcription of her notes at the Mrs. X. A. McCrea, Tory Hill, Ont.,
fairly good section of farming land and all men can. Out) may have tact, year. Mud baths have long been utiliz. rAto of thirty words per minute, Tho writes;— 11)1y system,was all run down
-which has been pretty well taken up skill and ability to sell that the other ad, and the mud would seem certain to gold medal for touch typev;Titii when I began to use Dr. Chase's Nerve
19 Was Food. I was weak and very nervous
within the last four or five years. It felloW has not. In short one can make become one of the great curative agents won by Miss. Flo. Surby, of onatham, and felt so, tired and worn out that I
could scarctly drag myself about th-o
will be pretty good stock and dairying a success in veal farming and could not of the near future. Yet -wise medicos The contest for the. modals this Year house. it seemed impossible for a -v to
district. It also produces roots of the in butter making, and vice versa. The aip learning nothing that has not been was one of the best in the history of the get rest or sleep at nlght, and 1 felt These pills are a specific for all
very bust quality. Its soil is different veal calf man would not do it "vith but-: known for ares to mothers of largo college. In no case was there any car. that I was gradually growing weaker disqases arising from disordered
winner and more nervous and Irritable. Since I",
from this part of Ontario, but it is said ter cows with calves bred along the families in rural districts, where "play- taility as to who would be tho beginning the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve nerves, weak heart or watery blood.
to be productiv6. Any farmer from same line. Neither would the butter ing I'll the mud" has Always been known until the last examination was taken Food I feel altogether different. It has They cure palpitation, dizziness,
these parts having decided to go west, roan make a success with cows bred for'. as the children's healthiestand the results known. gradually strengthened my nerves and smothering, faint and weal, spells,
pastime. 84pecial men -
built up my sypteiu wonderfully. I
Mr. McMullen says, he would recom- raising the best of veal calves. tion should ho made of. the - many fine sleep-vvellnow, amid and being thorough -
shortness o£ breath, swellings of feet
.mond him to examine the Rainy River No, skim separator milk won't fatten Picking the nose is a common symptom penman !it thesenior class13; restored to health and strength. I and ankles, nervousness, sleepless -
district before going further. If, how- a veal, With a supplement of flaxseed of worms in children.' Mothers who , and it is felt believe It Is the best medicine to be ness, anaamia, bysteria, St. Vitus'
suspect their child is troubled with that their Work would compare with that tired for the nerves."
ever he can keel) his home here, or can jelly, ground oats or other grain prop- worms should administer Dr. Low', of the pupils of any other school of the Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 ,cents a dance, partial paralysis, brain fag,
purchase another, lie would undoubted- Orly mixed a fine calf can be grown, but Pleasant Worm Syrup. It - is simple, kind on the continent. Tile principal bo,., G boxes for $21,50, at all dealers, or female complaints, general debility,
ly recommend him to stay where he is. it won't be a veal. It may be a calf and safe and effectual E',.ianson, Bates %z Co., Toronto. and lack of vitality. Price 5oc° a box.
1) tual Price 25 cents. has Always prided hiniself on the work
may sell for a fairP rice. Td do this of this subject, but IIA fools that this
$100 Reward, $100. feed the calf whole milk for the first Extermination of Itats. year's class, as a whole.. has done the
The readers of this paper will be pleas• two weeks of its life, and then by de- Amerigau Diedicine.) school more credit than auy previous
ed'to learn that there is at least one groes add skim milk until at four weeks The extermination of rats, because class.
dreaded disease Khat soietice has been no whole milk is fed. As skimmilk is they are the carriers of plague infection, The mail course work in shorthand, Tea
able to cure !it all its stages and that ad seems fast becomina duty of ill civiliz- bookkeeping and penmanship has now
is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the added use in each quart a table§poonful g
only positive curo• now known to the of flaxseed jelly made by steeping a pint ad governments. The local government become I marked feature in'the work of
medical fraternity. - Catarrh being a of the seed in four quarts of water. board of Eugl 41.
a con- aud-recognizes this fact in the institution, And is meeting with ex- R
constitut.Lonal disease, requiresSteep for two hours, take off the stove a circular to the sanitary authorities, on celleI.1t saccess. Many students have
Cure is taken internally, acting directly h U
stitutio33al treatment. Hall's Catarrh and strain •vhen cool. It will be jelly. the risk of imorting the disease by means been carried over the entire theory
upon the blood and mucous surfaces of Do notallow this to becorAe sour before of ships infested with plague -infected Course without ever being inside the ins- —,, "o
the system, thereby destroying the feedina. As the calf at from 3to4 rats and the procautioid necessary to titution, until after that part of the
foundation of the disease, and giving the weeks will crave hay, give it a littie,also prevent such introduction. On other course was completed.
patient strength by building. up the con- grounds it would be well it these justly Speed and accuracy in fig
fititution and assisting nature in doing a small handful of oat chop and later gures is an- The Typewriter the Wald w'fls Waiting For.
its work. The proprietors have so much wheat middlings and cornmeal. Always detested animals could all be killed. other feature which holds a high place
faith in its curative powers, that they feed these dry and uncooked. These Pests have been supposed to be in the work of the institution. R. A.
offer on Hundred Dollars for any case scavengers, but the answer to the plan is Scott, of Preston, gave some results in
flint it fails to cure. Send for list of that the filth upon which the live is a This is PROVED by the fact that the BUSINESS iii -
testimonials. A Sustaining Diet y rapid addition which are worthy of �
Address, F. J. CHENE Y & Co., These are the enervating days, necessary, and even a danger, special mention. He added 27 columns habitants of the,world USE it.
Toledo, 0 as somebody has said, men drop by the Shhoud believes the infection is due to of 20 figures each in five minutes, and Nov luanufactured in three of the great countres, viz
Sold by druggists, 75c. sunstroke as if the Day of Fire had the ease with which rats are commonly without an error. T. S. Parb-inson, who Canada, United States - and Germany.
Hall's F amily Pills are the best.
dawned. They are fraught with danger infested, but Nuttall, who has made all well the modal on the combined subjects
to people whose systems are Poorly' extensive study of the subject, claims in rapid calculation, added a greater The "Canadian Pacific Railway ha -=e' 200 in u461
sustained; and this loads us to say, in
'Thirty x1fillion InOustonispevenue. the interest of the less robust of our that his researches do not bear Out number of columns than Mr. Scott, but They know a GOOD thing.
The year in Dominion flitancies closed readers, that the full effect of Hood's Simond's theory. Prof. Ashburton had only an equal number correct.
with June. It shows customs receipts Sarsaparilla is such as to suggest the Thompson, n Eta account of the plague This school has alwaysexcellent IP50211E OF 31TS ADVAIN7TAGES
propriety of calling this medicine s hadauc
of x$28,900,254, an increase of $81,236 011110- in new South Wales, says that he is con- rRputation for superior work, and it will
fbing bc�ides a blood purifier and tonic
over the preceding twelve months, To —say, a sustaining diet. It makes it vinced the disease reached Sydney give the, public some idea of the severity BlanVJslble writing start to finish. Portability, weighs only 15 pounds.
ifolding, beats them all. Alignment, positive and permanent,
this, though must be added collections much easier to bear the heat, assures re. through the rateson - vessels from of the tests to which the students are Durability, hardened steel parts. Simplicity, COO parts as against 1400!
on the coast and in, the Yukon, which freshing sleep, and, will without any Noumea, at which place plague, existed. put when it is known that ill the busi- WARRANTED by a well-lmo*n Canadian Company here to bawl: it rep.
have not yet readied Ottawa. This will of year.
doubt avert ranch sickness at this time His investigations lack a connecting link
4ess department there 20 different ex -
bring the increase up to $100,000. The between rats and men, and the hype- amination papers to write on, and in the
customs revetius of thirty million dollars SpeAt $450,000 InSeven Years. thesis that infection is conveyed by a shorthand department 14, and in no case
is by far the largest in the history of suctorial insect infecting rats and trans. is the student allowed to take less than U
Because she could not resist 6
1:)auada. It is big as compared with last the tempt- ferable to man would farinish this link. 75 per cent. while in some subjects as
year, but even more surprising when atiou of every little fancy that crossed Certain is it that rats are easily inOcul- high as 00 per cent is, required. YOU WASTE that, much if you BUY tiny OTHER, and you DO
placed against earlier records. For her mind, and was given to very great able, and that they do carry the disease The principal states that many of
instance, the return for 1896 was twenty extravagance,the woman wfio was for over the world. the NOT GET SO GOOD a machine!
Orly Clara Ward of Toronto afterward pupils who are finishing their work and
millions. During the month of June Princess do Chimay, and, is now the wife a number -,Y*ho h . Ave not yet finished, THE WILLIAMS MFG. Co., Limited
just closed the money so far received at Items of Inteeost. have already secured positions. Three
the department shows a gain over the Of a famous gypsy musician, 'Jansci Write to -day. MONTREAL' P. Q.
Rigo, has been declared a spendthrift by Postage stamps issued for the Trans- have already made arrailgerneuts for
same month a year Ago of $148,464; this a Jnr
in Judge Cutting's court, Chicago vaal will be the first to bear the head of taking positions in business schools for
shows that the imports are I increasing and deprived of the right to manage her Edward VII. the September opening, and no doubt
amazingly. own estate. Inconsequence. of this rul- All the 85 Turkish consuls in Italy many other positions of this kind will be
lug her uncle and trustee, Thomas v -next two months. The
signed the deeds been paid for a very, long time, and Doe Canada Business College lifts won all
Sir 'Wilfrid Lauri7 R. have been abolished. They have not filled during the
_4 Lyon, was appointed her legal conserve Uy which the Plains of Abraham become
ator, and in the future -bvill only give to: after the other has resigned, enviable re'putation for supplying teach -
the property of the, government at the Princess such era for other business schools, and the
Quebec on Thursday of last week. money as is required; It is not generally known that Russia y is not at all 4qual to the demand
for her living expenses. This action Was, has in the Grodno and Tolin districts '911pp, ,
made upon the college yearly for this
set forth that his ueioo was a spend- the Transvaal. They were founded In The principal reports that the past.
taken as a result of a petition filed in tlie'tVO colonios of Boors following practical- 1W14h
ja 'A"
kincl of help.
Probate Court by Mr. Lyon, in which ly the same modes of life as those in
he evVay one of the TATa", rio, jx,
A OB S 0 L U IF thrift -and utterly incapable of managing 1820, year has been in ery
her own financial 'affairs. He stated ' Burdock Blood Bitters is a medicine most successful and gatis"Lacrooy in the
that Princess Chimay, in addition to her • 'made from roots, bark slid herbs, and is history of the institution, and the pros -
the best known remedy for dyspepsia, Pacts for the September opening are /A
annual income of $35,000, had during constipation and biliousness, and will brizliter than ever. The school has just
the last seven years, through useless ex- cure all blood diseases from a common completed its 25th scholastic year with-
SECURIOTY, ivoctorn fin'. tz.
travagance, spent more than $460,000 of pimple to the worst scrofulous sore.
out change of management during the
her principal, and that unless some im-
Cenu�ne mediate stop was taken she would soon Mezico is the largest of the Latin- entire period, and is certainly deserving if
be reduced to want. The action of the American countries except Brazil, and of the best patronago.
it 1, , much more prosperous country
S Court was not without the fall consent than Brazil. Mexicals population is in A Go o d
rr' and knowledge of the Princess. Mr, A Xew Peat,ti
Lyon stet her in London in April. He 6c neighborhood of 14,000,000, while Toronto, July 0,_A post Called the
Brazil's is about 18,000,000.
had then preparod. the petition which lie New York plain scale attacked n ailm.
rl A tank holding 40,000 gallons of water her of orchurcls ill South Ontario and a ipti
Little Liver "lls, presented in showed it to her. SL 0 0
Site studied the document carefully, and became to weighty for the beams which few near Moaford, The farmers whose IL
Must Bear Signature of then without the slightest show of SaPport011 it Oil the roof of the Galbraith trees wets offooted became Wildly excited Pre er
astonishment, she said: "Well I expect- building ill CIA cage, ' It crashed to the and insisted that the department of
ed this uncle. I am perfectly satisfied. collar, making it hole About 40 feet agriculture should send out expottS to
I guess its the only 'way out of my square thrmigh six stories of the build- make careful examinations. One of
trouble, sincolaninot capable of man- ing• tit oAgriculturists went so far as to
Eta . Pac-s . 1=11, I t Wrappor IHalo aging my own affairs." Withoutanoth- During his speech 4n introducing the 8pfoad I report that the San Jose sele11ytrzia uuud
vc.�ry small ana as oAdy or word she added her n amo to the poti- British army proposals of the govern- had returned, an(! was creating its old t1.4
to take as otgar. tion. mont; Mr. Brodrick stater! that the depredations. �. Tied Smith an(l George
POR MADAM. families wlth 'three sons sol;vhig in the E. Fisher, government inspectors, illCr
Milbuxii Nerve Pills euro: Army numb;'!- no fewer than 800; four spected the distAct alirl 81IONve(l the
tAffl ERS ran owitins.. 's Heart and
ght the toi for five catto at brf
Anasmie, Xervotianess�, Sleopuess, Weak, soils, 176; five -sons, 142; SIX sons, 72, favinots how to successfully Il t, piviLs Ofocert, Xestauran%
IFORWL101091082a. ness, Palpitation, Throbbing, F aint t4loott, Xews�Standgi dintrAl Statts AM Barb6ft
ITTLE seven sells, 20, eight sons, 2; nine sons, new insect. It is not as dawgeroua as shops. they Spells, Div2iness, or -Any condition bitilsh Pain, Induct sleep, and prolotig lift,
FOR TORPID uVeRi, avis.•
1, ton soils, 1. the San Jos Oot gives re.1 eft , No matterlwhatlt the hifttla, ane will
FOR CONSTIPulb", ing from Impoverlsbed Blood, Disordor• a settle, and will see a be oX-
d-1 you good. Ireii sarhPl6A khd bhe thellund testi-
'Pi Ls. ed No.vos or Weak Heart. tormiliate(I in the Prffinctv- usoni,113 pent b Tok City.
taotil W ahir Watt ort tealrot of pricto'
FOR'SALLOW SKIN. WAXWPul) — Capable tellablo person in twory
POR tMg0dMpL[X10N Manitoba wheat prospects were, floyor (I.Oftfity to ;epeoaebt %1'go Company, of'solid
"I It SIA finanoial reputation , $080 salary Pei, year, ay- 0 h pit
0X=VA*" Mutt 11dre .4
{/ botrtt go brig�t as:vow, able NrOokly - $8 Per day ahmlute y hare antall
ale by Colin A. Campbell. A
1*4 agotold , �0 Millor's GTIP Powders cure. For UO eom", Won; WtInty Pula Ouch Satura
A� �D HOUSE, 084 DuAlioltiq8t.l CWakao, S-1 rHAd
P" W