The Wingham Times, 1901-07-05, Page 10-*•er: + 67rnnienRAvRAe rrJ `' -, •.,ry
THE WING110 TIMES,. JU14Y 5, 1901.
—Col. F. D. Lays. Liberal and F. J. Miss Josephine West, of Riverside, WANTED
M,, HfA Di:rob,. Socialist, were nominated on $. R., who hasbeen atteudinlr the
L Tuesday to contest London at the pro- Ladies' Presbyterian College, Toronto, s
MCIND00viucirli bti el-elaotiaa to be held. on July is viktiug in town with her friend, Miss mom Anil to vull Paax
ItertivRoss. ba#llenere. 160aeeesto pull, Canliavecon.
trill G of aW y do we Advertise?
ny number of turns front one acre up. i
•--Tile many frlellds, of Dr. Ross, of Miss Lizzie Huntley, who was visiting Apply to Wide Awake s
Moosejaw, N. W, T., formerly of this her friend, Mrs, H. D. lalliott, was sells- ADIOS wP ' Ont. Furniture Store, '. y
aAp07,ittlitnt scustoms officer at that bursdR morning oil acgoitut of the FARM FOB SALE. Do we do it
777`7 town, will be leased to learn of his new moned to Iter home tri Ingersoll on 1
y for fust or for business? .
place. death of her fattier. , Ii's rather expensive when we do it for fun.
--Jas. Broadway, the now proprietor Dr, J, S, Jerome left ori. Monday* for Tito un orsignedoffer» for saloItisfati lot It's a good investment when we do it for business.
oi" the Exchange hotel, took possession Chiortgo to attend the funeral of Ilia the pi elute are vvod mail iinss'and tt;' WHY DO YOU PUT A BED
on Monday. J. E. Swarts and family brother, As noted ill the Tzars, the al uudtiiaitieuWlliims F; for lsumpius• ser reirras
Opened This 1Ie.ek. oval street. d to their dwelling 011 Ding- Dr.'s brother
agog and, ilia bodyd in JAS ELLIoTT •nie P, o, SPR D 9'
io pieces Striped Muslin in —Police Magistrate Seager, Goderioh, brouglit to Ohieego for iuterniont. Do you put it there merely to hold
imposed a Sue of $10 and costs, payable Miss A;vim•. graduate of Philadelphia FOR SALE BY A.. OULMAG..E up the mattress or to make the bed
Sky, Pink, Navy, Black. and ill to clays in each of the three cases, hm:pirttl, was the guest, of her brattier eonlfortable
Mauve, in sirs es and kunst• brouglit before Win recently for addlirt bore Is iris She wilt remain for the REAL ESTATE AUNT, r
P p g y' 'mire have springs at $1.25. They will
ot5. The veru rleR"est without license. suriiinrr vioutile at her home ill Wiug 7777" holdup a,nattress. That's all awe call
Largo 10 room frame botuge; two
cx -•-Tile annual Weetiu , of the Palmer- ham. Dr, and Mrs. Agnew alta two $1300 lots, stable, fruit • beautiful corner say for theta, !i
goods in the trade. l" Y ,
Ston Pork Packing Factory was held Inst children accompanied her to Wingham property, Call lie bricked.
SCARCE GOODS. slid spent Sunda there.--Cifutou Now $1500 Park lot of about B sores, s room Have a, woven wire spring with supports at $2.50, R.eeommend
ti'CN1c. «e ]lave it communication in re- y house; stable; neat' iron works; a +
fereuea to the meeting wbieh will Erapars desirable healthy house. these, They're comfortable, durable, sattafaetory, Which is the best
Well assorted stock USC 7C(} otich will buy two handsoinecot- investment 2
1 appear in our next issue, ±taste and Uliroutc Riteemttttxsnt It+ takes on 4dward•street, Cost that ,
opened New VhttE sect ,o are equally iubd ilig be the of on'S to build.
-After a srccossfnl teitnre of :, velars, .magical pails-sltbduing power of polsan's Two large lots; stable; flue ]arse
Black Sills Gloves in mood $1200 itottse,withtill convenfenoos. Is.b
a I G. A. DeaflIllail I1aS disposed of his ilrtll, Nervilina, equal tri medicinal valva to uted on the banks of the Maitland.
quality. nein i;rey and white business at Brussels to L. R. Harvey, of five times the quantity of any other AsnapanMinnie street ,•
Srheurando remedy. Nerviline es be. r QQ saute i. teside.ntal street J' town, UNDERTAKING—Our extensive experiece warrants
I, icl txlo =es for Ladies and r hrnuas. 14zr, Di,lLdnlRll does net (star
cause it reaches the source of the dis- us in calling special attention to this Branch of our business.
Gents. inteud rHuiovinA from Brussels. ease and drives it out of the system.
Nerviliue is an unusuai
lly good rheuma• BROS. 4K QQ BUTTON ' `qu well f nd us prompt, reliable, attentive and efficient.
New Shoes in Slippers, but- -ll. 4. Bell has purchased the trek WALKER
tic cure, and makes many timeunusual you have LU'T'HER, BALL Funeral. Direo for
toned and lace, very fine qua]- ting horse, Pat Ellertaum E
, fro. BosaHll- fust rub It ill the next time yon have all lV
• harry, of Zurich. The horse won thirst attack, The imtnediate result will sur- Night cape at Button Black, or Fifth Restder, c:e---Patrick St., Mr. Grace 's late residence,
u,iliiec iu the 2.28 nitse have last week. Piiseyou. 25a. y
New hosier in fancy Cot- door booth of School House. Shap op. } :S:Tr. Bi•11 will use gins as a driver. isairx.. posit@ Macdonald block,
ton, and fine Cashmere Black Dmxnow.-In Brussels on .tune l0,thavdfe♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ 0 *♦ ♦♦1 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ *4♦♦ ♦ i NU4lO♦O ►♦{♦
' -The Town Council did not hold its penbow oft, daughter. +
and Colored. regillRr meeting on Monday, owing t Twxnnr.T:,-rn Brits -els, on JtueF-tho
tit, the WANTED ♦ «
T1 } rife of Dr. Twaddle of a daughter.AGENTS Robber Fountain Pen. Send 10
New Silks and Dress the holiday. The meeting was to hnr, RETD.-3n Turnberry, ou June 28t wife cents silver or stampsfor sample. +
been heirs orb Tuesday n an a', but out of Wm. Reid; ti cta"i'li r. e O
Goods,. just opened this week. HUNTER dt• Co. 612W.MfthSt.Cinoinuati, Pots
three members put is an appearance al`Lltlia
Taffetta, Sill.' Foulard and STTTAnT-sAxnronsox.- t the resfcleita. of «
and there (vas no quorum, the bride's mother Mrs. D. Sanderson, Wroe-
_ handsome Duchess Satin. eter, on June 20th, 'by Rev. Mr, Gray. Mr.Olsas.
Dress Ends and Skirts, —Walter Burnside, of Kineardine. 0.Stuart, of Arthur, to Illus Annie L, Sander• ♦
' + Silk and WOOI Mixtures, well-known to many win liamites wa. MAPreTasr - AaLAVCarTx.-At the rest• z
married at Kincardine on Wednesday of dense of the bride's parents, Fordwich, June The undersigned is now prepared
Home -Spans y fi .nth by Rev. A. A. Dobson, Dir. George W. all kinds of work in the way of gen• +
Tweed Effects, , last week to Miss May Passmore, rand- Xe. ietoft to Miss ,Tessio McLanglilin +
tghter of liar. and Dins. John F. Uol,au glia. rat teamingg.
Broadcloths. Everything up- daughter of Dir. and Mrs. John Adams. g Garden Pfawinn and other work will •
ia1101-p n"at;T;c,.- Iii Christ church, Lis. ♦
to -date and trimmingto match. Mr. Burnside and bride spent a few days owel. June'2ti, by Rc+v. A. P. Moore, reatar, receive prompt attention. RIVED THIS WEEK
Res McGmgm- Nichol, • D. of Cornwall, to All orders left at Lott & Sturd 's
Corsets and Laces. Great as- this week with friends in town. Miss Dorothy Marjory ors,dtiughter of Itis. y +
F. Rogers I,istowei, livery stable, or at my house will receive +
sortment. -The country roads are. in a terrible n 1,n• prompt attention. ++,
state for driving, by the gravel recently QASTCA.rr TTS. -1n Outros,, Friday, ne 21st, W. G. GRAY. ♦ r
Specials in Lace Curtains Octuvia Caskallette, aged (Jo years. + a large shipment of flower Pott which we place +
put on and looks as if our country STT.rICIc.._In Culross Thursday, 20th June.
and Carpets. +
P friends do not want any one to enjoy a. Ann Ncivman, wife ot; John Sillick, aged 61 on sale at.•the following prices ; +
drive in the Country,' in some. phtCee this y irs and 2 inonths. PURE BRED IMPORTED CLYDESDALE +
Saturf►e {t19 q (+ j work is done in the fall which man liieaxaertATr.-In,Moriis, on Tbnrsda ,, e 1 Stallion,
day SpeClaN. y Mh, James Kernakhan, aged 69 years. ' d +
experienced roadmakers say is the bettr r FIAT r:v,-Iu Morris, oil June 28, Annie, be- PRINCE Q F KELT 0 N+
50 doz. Children's Rose at :t for lived wife of Michael Haley, aged 28 years. v I -2 inch F10WEr Pots at 1 Oc per ClOi:,
100' WANTED -T]iUSTWOR-TRY MEN AND will make the Season Of 1901, as follows: j Inch "` I5C "
200 va rds Embroidery, reg, 8e, women to travel sect advertise for old ostab. MONDAY. Will leave'liis own stable, Swarts' + „
i PERSONALS. lishedhouseof sotid8nancialstanding. Salary hotel and proceed to John Casemoro's, * q inch ?pC
e Saturday 5e• siMayo
0 a year and expense., nil payable in cash. Con, Morris, for noon; thence toBelgrave
10 doz. Hemstitched $dkfs, very we Steell be glad to have contributions to No canvttssintt reanired. Give references and ser nifiht. + c
enelosPself-addrss;,ed stammd envelope. Ad- TUESDAY. -Will proceeed to Geo. Robert- j inch " oc
fine, rem. SC, Saturday 5C. this column from any of our readers. If you dress M:uengel 8 5 C,it. t 131dg., Chicago. son s, Oon. 10 L+ Wawanesh fqr noon;. «
leave visitors or purpose going away ,; ourself ' sat +
200• yards 8 inch find Lace, reg. drop in and tell its, or send us a not to the? thione. to wr' . Beecroft's,. Con. 12, fot` 6 inch " 41 J C "
effect. YHE FLOR113A RAgl RBACK. night +
100, Saturday 5a WEDNESDAY. -will proceedtohisownstable
150 yds Shaker Flannel reg. 8C Becomes Most yainnble When titles ivheee he will remain untilThursdaysnorn- $ 7 inch ' ` 65c w
Jas. McKinley visited with, friends in b
Saturday 5C. Y Rnilrs-ny Train. TId'U• SDAY.-Will proceed to Bla.vale for ♦
Toronto this week. noon • thence to Waller House, Wroxeter, `
450 yds. Ribbon from 1 to 8 in. The Ii lorida razorback is the hog in- for night.
wide, prieep from le to Se, Sa.turd,ty Wm. Nicholson was in Toronto for a digenous to that climate and soil. He is FRIDAY• -will procee4 to Albert Gallagher's, + ]me-
usually large of limb and fleet of foot, Olth Con.
T rnberCornerr,l for noon; thence via
3C. Silo early at few days this weak, 8th Can. Ttirnberry, to ]ifs own stable for {`
being the only known porker that can ni ht. +
bliss Cassie Farquharson was visiting. outrun a darky. He has a tail of won- SATL .DAT. -All day at his own stable. +
Brous length, which while he is in active T. H. HASSARD, D, MCPIM, RSON, `.
tr with relatives in Toronto this week. Prop., Milbrook. Manager, Wiiigham.
R = , , A , 61 I Diiss W. Alba Chisholm has returned motion he twists into the tightest cork- ++A♦{'+++4:♦♦+►+.....O♦Od+4+ it+* 4+s.+a++.+♦♦++a+O...C+
. uI9 screw, but with which while quietly feed -
home from Toronto for the holidays. ing be raps his leathery sides much in
Miss.Jessie Gray, of London. is spend- the same manner that the docile cow uses Real
MINOR LOCALS. iiinher her tail. He is self supporting. f
„ holidays at her home in town. earns his own living and thrives equally d 1p
Carnpholl's Headaclie Wafers guarau- Lyle Stephenson is spending his holi9 well in the high woods, in the flat woods, tv noh teacher wanted ns will b S.
, o. 8, Eaii h - taThe uII dersigned en its property, con-
ic the hummocks -and in the marshes. He gr¢of an acre,. owick street, Wrox-
teed to cute l icatlaelie. clays with his aunt an uncle at Sarnia. undersigns up to July 277th next. Teas . ! eter, for sale. Upon remises there area
subsists upon anything he can find above W INGRAM. ditties to commenc6.January,1902, six roomed house, ith go ew stone eellar-
- he Trxrs and weekly Globe for Miss Ida Bunting, of Pickering, is the earth or underneath its surface. He J. SCOTT, Soerotary, a new stable an a good we repents wilf
one year for $1.60. visiting her sisrer, Mrs. R. A. Douglass. has a clear, farseeing eye and is very sea- Marnoch P. O be sold cheap or particulars, ress,
I sitive of hearing. THOS. M. SM
r -wa,fi: r Bre . &Hutton liars lead Normae Kerr, of the North Lino, ne:,r nature has equipped him with a snout p v t wr seter', Ont.
their hearse re -varnished. riducardine, is visiting with friends in almost as long as the beak of the wild SAIds L YO NIL - A.
-Now mbsorib:'rs Cali have the Toms tow". pelican of Borneo, with which he can PAN A (G 6G,.
penetrate the earth many inches in quest 511 p r
till the end of 1001 for 40 cents. W. Halliday, of Dobbinton, was of worms, sprues and insects. He is the Office -Corner Patrick and Leopold Sts. Rea! State and Loan OffiGe
To-niorrow is the (lav of the Huron visiting in town for a few days (luring most intelligent ef• all the hogs and is leaving added a separator to their plant, now •
ttie week. likewise the most courageous, He has oiler Conveyancing, Assignee and Accountant.
Old Boys' celebrnlioii at Clinton. Mone to loan on town and farm
been knows to engage in mortal combat We have a word to say to'thoso who .11.,$Ih`JEEB) 10.lf).a.tY>Z y property.
--Re;;Ttlar monthly meeting of the J. B. Elliott returned to Itasca, Wis., with a coon for the possession of a water. Office -Two doors north of Drs. T. & J. S.
School .Drtard on Tuesday evening next. oil Monday after spending his holiday s melon and to rend asunder a barbed contemplate becoming citizens in this to 'tly 'people ofo inglthtitia o aOur co ed to mer Chisliolm's ftrgery. Residence -Catherine St.
-The local C. P. R. truckine" return- at his booze lir town. wire fence. very busy, live town, that we have on absolutely clean mill:; iced in summer, during
He is so intelligent that when he lives hand several desirable dwellings cen- Julie, Jniy and August.
eel to work oil Thursday morning of this Jos. A. Cummfugs, of Listowel, in the towns he becomes as familiar with trally situated for sale. Also 80 build 8.cents perquart, delivered once a day. ( .,.: ,
~week. visiting Frith • relatives and friends in the railroad schedules as are the train in lots in No. 2 Ward, 18 of which are
-The s:bue fclixu(iatian for John ,Dec- Winohaci this week. dispatchers themselves and plies his vo• g
cation great numbers strait the rail- on Carling St. East, ALLAN n/ '' g p
Cracicen's nets dwelling house is coin- Mr• Wenzel and bride, of Listowel, road statat ions, and yet no. train ever rata 5 on Catherine St. E;ist. 10 MA c
= plated. were visiting at the home of his brother, over a razorback. Whenever the rail- 8 on Carling St. West.
V. Wenzel this week. road companies are forced to pay for kill-
- Gu, Bros. iniastral ihory is booked 4 on Cornyn St. South. ` Mail
ing a hog ft always proves r n a Ber- i iO rS f,The easiest runllinto appt'ar inwingliam,ou the eveuiva of Miss Lottie Mitchell has retarzlc'd shire, a guinea or some ether fine breed-- .4 on Cornyn St. North. Q l• 'g'
October 180. home from Plattsville to spend her poli- never a razorback, He is too active And 1 lot, No. 88, on the East side of -and most noiseless
-Haying season is at hand and the day's at her home in town. and alert to, be caught even by a locomo- Frances tit., No. 4 Ward, at prices to is the
tine. He is nervetis, restless, energetic,
farmers will now be kept busy for the Frs. D. McLachlan, -of Chatham, and hence does not thrive well in pens. suit the conditions of all. FROM MONTREAL AND,
sammermonths. sp nt the past week in town, visiti"s Confined, he loses rather than gains SA1ViT.. YUUkTILL. NEW YORK.
with her father, John Elder. 8esli. He is always ripe for market, as
John Keathorn and Mrs. Shorts are ' his condition is as good in August as It is ' For sale by
having granolithic walks Iaid from the Messrs. Jae. Pinard and Peter Link- in January. Ills owner respects his in - For ticI,ets and full information apply
street to their residences. later, of Owen Sound, ware visiting with telligenee, admires his nerve and is fond ""r rm` ` ` `- " 'r' to
Of him as food for he ma
y always be de- ; :::: 13. DAVIS, win haul.. "rANNE'r$'T`.
Archibald Bremner, one of the beat- feuds in Wingham this week. - r j , g
Miss Pattie Walters of Exeter Fended 'upon to afford the proverbial
known newspapermen in Canada, died ,was `streak of lean with •a very small
at London on Saturday last, visiting at the home of Eli Blliott, of `streak of frit." $e is the king of hogs. ;
F` the Win ham brick and this week. He tan be grown more profitably than ` t ,_ /
-A report of the annual meeting of 8 yard, any other known variety, since, as has r ~ tt 0nce
the West Huron Ladies' Institute will John Reading was on a whealing trip been observed, he is energetic and intelli-
be found in another column of this y visite at gent enou h to feed send clothe himself.• t` "
this week and while awe d g ` .• ' fi; ;y; ¢;,;(;
W"nbctd i1a
issue. Kincardine, Port Elgin and other places. 11 I
--Jahn Tolmie, of Kincardine, M. P,, Miss Lizzie G. Wilson has gone to Sends ]lira Hillis to the Men,
for Nest Bruce was married at Toronto spend her vacation with her sister, Mrs, "There is a !nail in an east6rn city wbo
last week to Miss Alice M. Robertson (Dr,) X. W Scott Snnilac Center (foes a large business in babies dresses
ofDlitdab. Mich, and clothing for young children." writes I LOAD OF OHO ^10l
Edward Bok in Ladies' Battle Journal t' ' / r'-'
Me arta aray to learn that our tonins• 'Mr. and Mrs. W. Niaholls and child- `"He makes ud sells nothing else. els ' ' ,
n1an,Cxaorga ]=Iughnsooiltinuesvery sick, xeu, of London, were visiting with Iiia trade is almost entirely with cabmen. Up.✓ ! . ° Butte'r
lie has beim coliflued to his bed since brother, A. J. Nicholls, for it few clays to within time sears ago be would send
out to his customers bills .amounting to
the mDiCircLss
iddle of ay. this weep, as much as $v10,000. In six months' time ` '
•.-•Sinr•a 1Ycbrnatylost ,john Hamilton' Dr A. J, Irwin was in London an be would receive less than $3,000 in re -
of •Wros.•ter, has shipped 2,870 Pitt Tuesday, and Wednesday*, atk•ndiag a turn. Yet his eastomers all 'stood well" .
„ diad were considered 'wowon of easy vt•111 at once detect the 5tiper.
cattlo to difrvrent Voierts in Manitoba convention held under the auspices of ratans,
Buri sbu Vinte,l States. the London Dental Society. "Then he deliberately ebanged his' lority Of our made4to-order
-•-Dyer & Howard's planing mill at Robt, Rabldik, of Toronto, who work- method of rendering bilis. Ise went aver .,ga.rmelits, IN TUBSO 157 Lb.
Kxeter was totally destroyed by lire on act in J. J. Anderson's saw mill some $12.000 worth oftis books andund napaidtha aEcebun. 'he hads lie HIRH ART TAILORING
'Wednesday. Losswill be from $fi3OCd years ago, was Clilltllg oft olcl Wingliaur made out the bilis and Addressed them to i5 our Specialty. We fit the o
to $7,000 wit11 210 instirance. friends for a few days this week, the husbands Or tatbers of his customers, s
---Twenty-nine thousand uinie•huildred 'Win. S. Robertson after $enditi • a diraetftig the bilis to ttieIr omeos. 'Withits man oor abl tarts al as well as he
p i, 00 days he had rekeided $0,000 In checks: hapa,' and our .+,iso any Causal ,tV Q `irggs
acrd eighty -floe friendly societies are few weeks at his home in town, left oil His invariable rulh note" is to, send all his : )ri Ce5' Suit all,
registered in the United Kingdom, With Saturday monxing for Ottawa, whore he bills to the husbands, fathers de the male '. I y,
a total memberallip of over, 11 millions, takes it position in the Interior Depart- l enek8 mf his
smber a ore h alsiell, Comealong and get dile of 11 r host price.
.•-•-n1 v advts, in this isbno:-^•Romutli racist, Upon n easli transactlan. r the newest novelties in Suits,
tkc Solis; Walker Buses. & Button; Amos Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Peake, who baa*a y
Tipling; Ball Bras.; A. Dtilinage riled, been visiting with tars. Peako's parontk, C1earallrws, the 80atthnr laid dow41 ad GyCfCoatS and Pants.
'Fours ,trill Do, Mordo n*,
1 . A.15ug1>iss. ileatlexd aaridl find it to Mr, izixd 1171x, ?l. Davie, fair a'faw zvaalts one of 'the math t of Ywnr the 9tataamnt truly,
' - that a wbldier otritbt to tent leis awn gen•
t1 ,W r` itltenat to carefttllr read the ntrlriied to their home in Toronto oll '1,riil li oro than ba doed thea wholo hootily` ak
1vte. h'atlefrtlriy. y _. ' ll., Direct Importer.
- 'art iy'H }++" • ' M. .:t." ,',i {1 F'ti }...
rli + d"A,f...,l