The Wingham Times, 1901-07-05, Page 89 IVINGRAN TIMES, JI114Y 51 1901, "CANADA FOR EVER lit Obildren Or foi- A RECIPE FOR HOLIDAYS. Henry Ward DwIler said -of thQ atlol• eat capital, quebee, that it Nvas, �.a bit $Ar W11ft1d lAwrlor Mitlgoit tv 41014%10 THE WiNfina TIMES. TnE Wiwo Tim4!(�• Tbo follow1ug tintely article lion. 9110,001w^lk OX04t.roilol, %4 h A. - will. of mediaeval Buropo perolled upon a. CA T I It is F=1811M) appeared in the Globe on Tuesdavy rock fwd dried for keopipig,10 or Some. M040041a 114uo 27. - 11,caund% first, no doul)t prove of Interest to our, th, Canada TOWN DIRECTORY. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING readers.. VAI)DA log oft.140 same ore erhaps, the forreyornQtbing bat Canada"" T. jTjly a, effect. P samo avoids ora too strova to apply- to wore the words with which Sir WOW In inauy families All overmasterlug, it's oua rock and has Lauries concluded a brief but eloquent BAnwr Cilurtou--Sabbath riorvices At Tbe. Tittles Offloo, $.efk.ier DlQo% question just now, is, wj,Qre shal.1wo. 0'-'T4,1t10 xaukat.-m 1,LxT1•owil. good keeping qualities, but it. corti-july address during the at. ,%aa Bttptisto llawand 7 P m, Sunday School at 2.80 P, In. General prayer meeting IVINGHAX, ONTARIO, spend our summer holidays? Thereare. I. The early settloniont of * the unoo, is a bit of Germa out in the Monument Nation. f , uy transplanted in on`t4taulm oil Wednesday eyouipp,. Rev. W. no enol or places to choose from, but the sullied lands of the province by coloulza- Onnada a4dfiDurishilig; in the new soil. al. Haviugcolupwed the state of his Freed Trolus oil, sulisommToDr-$1.00 very multiplicity of choice mak" the, "140ifnatsapaid.. NO or all, I "I "I pastor, W. T. Chapman, S. S. advance $ inuedtfit till arreors are paid,prip" tiOu And by projection of railways Into AbOlat 20 miles north of Bluevale, and Country and of his rate at the present Suporintoudout. t 41-c1;A11_ttltJo 'task of e-boostug all the more bewilder, New Ontario. III)OUtUvo or six from Teeswater, in the day, and (luring the troublesome times XrTI-XODWr 0uuuo*--SabbAth sorvioea Option of the publisher, at 11 a la and 7 p ni, Sunday kollool at AIMMEWISTNO RAMS$, - Legal and other Ing, It has been frequently remarked 21, To manufacture within the pl�o� County of Bruce, Is this v! Jage of For, Of 1834, whet; 010 St. Jean HS1111111 tTtj$el1JR4tl48VpPrNox% ariellinufor that the chief joy coutiected with going -1 . Baptiste As. 9: P . rth League every Mon, "vincol and so far as tiracticable by Can- neo a. 000 drives through BDImora aull SOO10101% NT45 founded as a measure of Irs, .11 ertioat, ' per, line for erica subsequent OvOl General ymyermeotiug ursoltioll. away on a holiday is the blessedness of adiall labor of the proillucts of our for- Alublesido-what A. pretty uawo I-aud. Protection, lie continued, on due da . evenings. Rev. Richard *Advmt senio in local colum&ara charged gottiog back to par own house again, r Hobbs, astm, -Dr. Towler, S. S. ftp- loots, per liar, r first Jus(ytion, andO cants cats, such as Vine and spruce, into lamb- on through pleasant country rkuIl pros, "We IIAVO 140 longer to fight for Am tellc ent, 1XIr line r each Subsequent insertion, bukaven this exquisito pleasure you cAn- er and. pn1p, and the sluelthig, and refla- porous farms. Good big- barns but poor• rights, since Nye possess them ill all their er" Advertisements of Lost, Found, StrUc4t, not realize 0 PR-r,"YTnUTAN Cuunou­SabbAth ser, nI-ms fox. Lialo or to RtIlzb, and similar $1, got. � lize unless you go Away. ing of our mineral products's u011 as iron br houses Ara the rule And the newer fullness. But, we have dutido to fulfill, vices at .11 A ill and 7 1) m, Sanday 11r.4 month and 60 conn for each subsequent The chief benefits that asummer boli. - nickel and copper ow-, for the markets one gots'to Formosa the more general is Canada is no longer a colony, but a =- School at. 2:80 P M, General prayer laont-11. meeting on Wednesday evenings, Rev, CON'JUIRA011 RATUS-Thofollowilig this rule. Far out bi the country one tion, It is A Country Of 001100,rd, Of bar. table shows day ought to yield are change, rest and Of the vvorld. Our rates for tho Insertion of advertisements freedom from care, so far as that is at. 8. The, increase of our agricultural could See the silver glitter of what 0, D. Perrie, pastor and S, 5. SuVerlutell- for specihoa period,, - at after- morly, of pence. It is a land blessed by dent. OVACE, 1 YR, 0U0. Sul), Igo tainable Ill this world, The pleasures of wealth by improved motbods of hus• wards proved to be the cross on the vel- - those who live in it, and envied by those ST, PATjL,s CguucH, HP=oPAI,_Sab- One column .......... $00.00 $85-00 $115,01) 90,M change are a familiar phenomenon. barldry, fruit growhig-, dairyiug, cold Jago churola. Just on the .1 and 7 p nr Su 00. edge of the who do not, It is a country where dif- bath services at 11 a it .......... 85. 18.00 10.00 4.W daySalloolat2:80pai, Generalprayer Quarter Column ....... 1&00 10.00 0.00 2.00 Even Where the change is not always -storago and the production of best root town. the sight is very beautiful. One fOrellt races Meet and struggle and work Advertisements without eafflo direlltions apparently for tlio -better, the novelty meeting on; Wednesday evening, ' Rev, will be inserted till forbld ailla, charged accord - sugar, and 1>7 reclaiming the undrained stands on a largohigh hill, with green In A fruitful rivalry, A country where Win. Lowe, incumbent. F. $here, S. S. ingly. goes a, great way towards malcingit lauds of the province. " fields and sloping Orchards on the left the races have realized that thing unique Superintendent, for in advanco, 4. The extertiorl, of our trade with and right, and Louses blinking among in the world, fraternity without abaorp. COXGURGATxoNXL Q=aair.-Sabbath THU Boas. reqs air Sweet, We see people exchange all the extend 0 assortment of all requisites forerun;' comforts of their dining-roolus, going 21 services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sunday jl�g, tl�,Purding facilities pot equalled in the pienicing, Great Brimin in all natural prodactq,but the trees. Far be10w the Tough grey tiOn am011, without fusit School at 12 in. -Mid\yeek meeting on countYforturnin out first class worse, Large sittilla tallor-f4shion while Franca And England, it is true fought Wed,esdry evenings at 8 o'clock, Gavin amateur especinlly in cattle, horses and dressed rocks, 11011.3o mounted, and the road type ropri4te cuts for all styles of Post- th3Y eat ama ur siandwio:ies and stir, c latest styles of meat. long time on the American coutin- Wilson, S,S. Supt.; A, B. Prior, pastor. - fancy type f or dl,��`Rac"�, Classes or print- questionable ten w ith the knife,'just used winding in and out wherever it can got for L Hand Ifills, etc, 5. The disposal of our forest wealth, all opening w trail itself. Away beyond ent, but in the struggle which ended in SALVArxoN, Au=--�Strvioo at 7 and 11 fire. a m and 8 and 8 p la on S1: uda aud H. B� ELLIOTT, forluttoring. bread, And tholtowness. with It view to its perpetuation by refor. the village another great hill and the our defeat our raco experienced no " Provrietor and Publisher of things atones for all the defects, For every evening during the wee?, tit 8 estry, timber reserves and parks. church atop of it. humiliation, since if the resolution and ololo6k at the barracks. same mysterious physohologioal G. The improvenient of ti-ausportation The carriage goes slowly along, every tenacity of the English were crowned' reasons they desert comfortable beds ono in it exclaming at the rough qlialut with success never perhaps did preuth -.Meetings as follows: S. S, at 2, Np. BANK of HAMILTON "` by the better construction of highways and luxurious bath -rooms to sloop on ,And the rerkoval of tolls. little place, past the photographer's, valor shine with greater brilliancy, Our m. Fellowship at 4 p, in, and even- WINGHAM. cots and batho in muddy -bottomed w here the queerest little Viet -tire of boys race has continued to show its, worth. gelistio at 8 p. in., every Sunday in 7. The regulation of rates for passen- Ritchie's Hall, 'Victoria St. Capital. $2,000,O00. Rest, $1,234,120 lakes. And the experience is that if gers and freight on all railways subsidiz- in men's clothes are displayed past the For every English statesman ill our POST Orrion.­Iu Macdonald Block. President-J'OHN STUAP.T. th4y do it jollily and .with a determin- ed by the province, awl. the ultimate sawmill, with its pond and the steps countay we have been, able to set up one Office hours from 8 a nr to 6:50 p m. Vice -President -A. 0. RAXSA)r. ation. to be pleased they are benefitted in I leading down to it, and past the tinshop of our own. Peter Fisher, postiliaster. control Of such railways, at the option 0 By the side of Baldwin we MsOU&NICS, INST1TUTn­Lib=7 Dinnovons some unfathomed way. and other stores. We put our horses in placod Lafontaine, by the side of Map, free reading room in the Town A11111, A. T. Wood, X. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto), It is particularly to be destrod, Low— of the Legislature. care of the fat boat of the Culross hotel. douald, Cartier, by the side of Maokeu- will be open every afternoon n. 2 to John Procter, Geo. Roach, Win. Gibson, M.P. 8, The application of public revenues from ever, -that ewe should be left behind, for the development of t h o province and The Culross not a German name but be- zie, Dorlon. 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to Cashier -J. TURNhULL, ause it re- -nom the relief of tire Vrxpayorq, longing to the adjoining township,, -has I 'Yes, I love my country bee 9-80 o'clock. Miss Milho Robertson, Savings B�,rxk I.R 10 to 8; Saturday, If Yot, cannot leave that behind, better W;"u. to 1, Deposits of $1 and upwards receivdaT, 10 to stay at home. If need be, summon 9. The revision front time to time as Outside as well as inside stairs, and cub- somblesnoother. I love my country be- Towx 0otmonWra. Clegg, Mayor; . Interest allowed. ed and your will and banish it. Do not create the public interests may require of the by holes wherever you turn. The steps cause even in the diffieWltie4 which arise Wm. HdImes, Thos: Bell Robt. Me- Special Doposits also received at ourxent fresh cares at our I of es I are as white as bone and scrubbed so it calls forth the noblest. resolutions, the Indoo, G. A. Newton, Soilp A. McLean, rates of intaredt, T place r n laws governing the municipal and poli- thin that someday soon somebody Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. For- Drafts on Great Britain and the United order to do this, do not example, incur tical institutions of the province and the will strongest the most generous qualitiesof guson, Clerk. and Tromurer; Samuel States Bought and sold. g greater cost than you feel that you improvement and enforcement of all step through them. We were taken to man. I love my country above all be- Y61llll-'Assessor; Win. Robextson, Col. T"ST01101`1 01-0 notified that the Bank of Ham can afford. Make up your Mind what iraton and its Branches issue Circular Rates c, laws affecting public morality, the sitting room where there was a pro- cause it is unique in the world, because lector. Board meets first Monday even- Nattonal Provincial Bank of England, Limited it 911(�Iht to cost you, and then spend 10, The maintenance of the indepen- fusion of red geralliumes, a parrot, and it is founded on respect for rights, on ing in each month at 8 o'clock. NvIdelt con be onsliedbout `charge, or trots- fellow playing I 'The girl I left behind pride of origin, on harmony and concede SCHTl OL BOARD. -C. N, Grn, (Chair- ble In Any I)mrt of the world. r1hat with royal good -will. Say to your� dence of the Legislative Assembly as the EL man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J, J. W. CORBOULD, Agent self, if you can, I lurva-,vorked faithfully guardian of the constutional rights of me, on a -violin, We thought ourselves between the races who inhabit it. Our Hontuth, Wm. -Moore, H, Kerr, Thos. 1'3, 1,- DICKINSON. Solicitor. and well during the past year, and my - the province. upstairs, but, as the hotel is built, on the 'pride refusee to follow longer the beat- Bell, Wm. Button, Secretary, Wm, side of a ]rill, all one has to I Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. P. IM, XZTEDfYi hl. is.. X. 0. P. S. O. wife (if you are so fortunate as to have 11. The application of sound principles do is to walk' en paths. Henceforth we must march J - (Member, of ho British Medical Asgocis- oue) has been immersed in her worrying of education to the courses of instruc- through a ourious, unused looking along other roads and toward other h i Meetings second Tuesday evening in each tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. special or" mouth. attention paid to diseas*s of Women and Child household cares, and my children have tion, in all our schools and colleges, in- kitchen, at the back of the sitting room, tons. Let US have in View only the (16- PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAORERa,_A. H, ren, Officehours-1 to 4 p. ra.: 7 to 9 p, in, puzzled their little brains over their eluding technical schools, for those con- and one is in the yard outside. velopment, the prosperity, the grandeur is, Robert . schoolbooks. Lot us go forth to the Musgrove, o' IFarquharson,MR. XAODONALD, Map T cornea in industrial pursuits, agricultur- We heard that we were just in time of our country. Let us keep in our Miss Reynolds, Missfields and the woods, and for a few days. Corlly,T Miss Vk,st ught: I Canada first,Carx- One,as Matheson a al schools for those concerned in has- for an afternoon service in the church. hearts this tho7 and Miss Reid. th Centre Street be once more children of nature. Then bandry, and schools of mining and eu- On our way up we pass more stores, the ads for ever; -Nothiiag but Canada. BOARD ov HmiLra-Mayor Clegg, Winghain, Ontario, come back, and, looking around the old. gilleering, where a wider range of scien- post office, dwelling houses, parents and (chairman), 0. J. Reading, Thos Greg- tific knowledge is required. children out playing croquet, the con- Hagayard's Yellow Oil is a useful ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, See- DR. -AGNEW, familiar household gods and, the well. vent, built far bac]�- from the road, and remedy to have in any house. It is good rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical belilved bookson the shelf, say, Therels. for man or beast Relieves pain, reduces Health Officer. Physician, surgeou, etc, no place like home. the big hotel, which, we were told con. Swelling, allays' inflammation, cures Office -Macdonald Block, over T. M Davis' Good health is ,impossible without tains the largest bar -room in Ontario. cuts, burns, braises, sprains, stiff joints, Drugstore. Night calls answered at the Office. rog action of the bowels. Lasa- MRS. W. H. HELE iver ills regulate the Of this we are not sure, however. Per. etc. Price 25c. . New life for a quarter. Miller's Com­ boNv els, cure. I haps the good people of Formosa, boast R. VAXSTONB, pound Irou Pills. Sold by Colin A. constipation dyspepsia, biliousness, sick their big bar -room, in somewhat the A Message to Young Alan. Classes In China Painting, Campbell. headache an all affections of the organs Oil and Water Colors. BARMTSTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. of digestion. Price 25 cents. All drug- Isame manner we, of Bluevale, boast of "in perils in the city." Whatatemp- Private and Company funds to loan at lowest Also a new revelation kiln for firing China. rate of interest. Naa gists• our cheese. But, be that as it ixtay, it is tation there Is there to bet and gamble ommissiou charged, Mort - Studio at her home, Catherine Street. town and farm pronerty bought and !.'112cs' Office, Beaver Block. Wingliam. a large looking place, The people are and trifle with other people's money I To Destroy tire Caterpillar. flocking to church, children, grownups, You do not suppose that a young man, In a letter to the Galt Reformer, Mr. old men and old women, indeed very makes up his mind to be a thief. In E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN J. A. MORTON, -Alex Goldie gives the following useful old man and women, all climbing the many Instances, he knows that he is WINGHAX BARRISTER, &a., information and will be found helpful to long high hill which none but devout honest in purpose, and lad says that, if TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. Wingham, Ont: 3nany of our readers in fighting,"1111 eat- Roman Catholics would. struggle up on he can only succeed, no• man shall lose a erpilla.r pest: a hot day. All the old women ivear low penny by him; he will Aly back his Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music L. DICKENSON, If everyone in town were to thorough- shoes, blue -grey stockings, and short own Judgment against some other mania examinations, BARRISTER, ETC, ly go over the trees on their own prop- brown or black skirts with a deep tuck judgment. He says, What barm can VIOLWAND GUITAR. Solicitor toBankof HAranton. xoneytoloan, there be in my setting up my sagacity Office -Meyer Block, Wingliam, erty and also of those on the boulevards in them to let down when they grow. # near them, and destroy every cocoon They all keep, jabbering away in Ger_ against the sagacity of some other man? MISS CARRIE MORE. He says that such and such issues will of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre- A_nT"uR J- IRWIN, D. D. S., L D. S. found, it would have a very marked ef- man. The children are much more Eearrifafter Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- lid Doctor of DentalSurgery, of the Pennsylvania 'feet on the number of caterpillars next modern in appearance. The e take placeJ say they will not take place, pupils for instruction on Violin a 'Dental College and Licentiate of tire Roval come t Guitar. 70al'i as each cocoon produces about 200 streaming up to the front of the church we stake a hundred pounds upon the Residence_Oppoite R. C. Church, Wingham. College of Dental Sar,geons of Ontario. Officeover Yost 01ce, Wingliam. There is a noted difference - ,caterpillars. with their clean little faces, brightly consequences; have I not a right'to back, Office closed every Wednesday afternoon Professor Loehhead spoke of the bor- trimmed hats and frizzy hair, pop down my judgment against his, PIANO AND THEORY. during June, July and August. in the style and fit' of Pants we- er beetle and showed me some of its on one knee and net seated, the boys on No, you have not; you have no right MISS SARA LOUISE MODRE, L.C.M.W T. HOLLOWAY D.D.S., work. The beat way to stop this beetle the right side, girls to the left. The to do anything that will burn up your * L,D.S..&� make that always brings peo- Trom doing damage is by coating the organ sounds like a flue one andthe brain; you have no right to give your- and, inember of the Associated Musicians of Now method for pal Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited riam- traction. Na poeaine. I back for another, air. trunk of the tree from the roots to the choir is good. Close by it is the priest's self a fever; you have no right so to ber of pupils for Insbraction. on Piano and in care and Jpeoial attentiort to the care and re td Theal:T� children'.9 teeth. Xoderato ces and Q branches with a compound of which the fine residence, and behind Is the burial strain your nervous system that you Special attention giveli, to pupils preparingwork carefully and skilfully performed. Office Then there is the low price' constituents have already been publish- groupd, where 6vory cross is inscribed Shall lose every faculty of manhood,and for ecaminations, in Beaver Block, Wingham. subject yourself to all the humiliation nesidence-opposite, R. 0. Church, Wingham, Office closed every Wednesday ed, but which will bear repeating, viz: in German. The church would do credit I daring June, July and August. afternoon and better quality of cloth put One pint of crude carbolic acid to a to a, city. It has a congregation of two of the most pitiable imbecility. The l IIill It question does not lie between A and B, J. J. Elliott, V. S. J039N RITCEEM, in them -cloth that wears. quart of soft soap, or one pound of hard thousand and keeps two priests busy, -soap, dissolved in two gallons of boiling was built around the old church, between this man and that man, the HonorarUraduate of GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, See- our ifew goods and prices. the Ontario oterinary water, services, being continued until the new question touches the whole uniierse,and College. Wingham, Ont, • To be offeetive this should be done church was complete. no rnau has any right to do anything Office and Infirina, "u run mar d lit It Will be The whole plate 0 'q ' 'it' a -within the next two weeks. and s=oun rfr It. x. LICENSED AUCTI(JiNEER You cannot be fortunate in at �8oilo` P DEANS,XA, ding that will infect and villiato the air of vi-to",.�t" WEBSTER CO, Impossible for the town authorities- to country is German and Roman Catholic. Society. 1) d lit promptly -y a- attended I d toi to', : Telephone . xx t. for the County Of J51CLA7011. SulPs attended in ,go Over all the trees on the streets and We asked a man if there were any, Prot. batting and gambling. cleph'xx on to r. any Part Of the County, Charges moderate, te, To PATENT Good Was. boulevards, but if every citigen. will do a Patents in the place at all, He replied, There is no prosperity in wickedness, o may Ile secured by share and look after those near him, we somewhat Irish like, that there was just It 1001-0 like Prosperity, it has all the, ap- FARMERS JOHN OT'RR"', w"N"N", ONT. our aid, Address, may be able to preserve intact the shaAe One and she moved away two years ago. pearAnce, of it, but though the men yo LICENSED A10'CTIONEER, THE PATENT RECORD, a and anyone having live stock or othet, Biritiallore, AM olto to speak of be clothed in purple and fl tielea they wish to dis ose of, should adver- Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Imploll;ients a trees that do so much to make, our town Every man, woman aurid child spoke Ile Use the same for sale in the TiAms, on, lal. speefaltv. beautiful, us land nodded. As the first to do this linen, and fare Sumptuously every day, circulation tells and it will bestrarill 1d,,dJ'f AUrdoftleft itTo.Tt,.Sogl,,Dpiolnptly. were gay young fellows - we it all , ends in, "He died, he Was buried, you dono, tacustomer, Wecan ' guarantee attended to. Terms reasonable. 00 YEARS' 0 that you -vw V:r thought I sell because you may askinore them rather free ancl a trifle impudent, and in hell he lifted up his eyes,being in to the article or stock t ion it is worth. Send your advertisement to tire Tiimg nd try this OB PUINTINGY'- but soon learned that they do it from torment, "-% poor edding, a miserable Platt of disposing of your stook a and other, inobid Books, Pamphlets, posterp, Bill, s. The sehool and denouement, art icles, Herldfif Circulars, &O -v &cn executed in the best Surgoorse glander civility and politelles' nearly everything has a cross upon it. Ohl to have'lived to this catastrophe I Style Of the art, at moderate prices, and On Oparating for pilesi You'll 3iot believe, that anywhere neat Tell me, is it worth your short notice. while? You Bo0x[%1NnTZ1G--We are Pleased to aurrollnee Vize 'Wkl' 4 Pain and L that any Books or Magazines left with us for of an you is a spot with such a, foreign air un. Say you only beta little. Thatisimpos- Bindin - proxi TRADE MARKS ,will have our ipt attention OlPertttlOn AVOIded bV1 Uatilig Drr til you See it. Prices or Binding lit any style w 11 be given oil Otsiarm Chase's 01nitment-A Minigitetijg It is easily getatabio, stble� A man. cannot bet a little. It application to OP f' &C, Better visit it. The little locality, or may belittle merely as to floe 110minal THE TIMES Or, Anyone senditig a slectoir and tlescri9tton mar Wingham. quickly ascertain our opinton froO whether an Too many doetors: seem to lit, t, little in arithmetical sense, but invention to pfolinbly patentable. Comnlublem ,ve Il, colony, has kept itself as purely German 1 RmOnn '%xiania for using the Itnife a recom. as it was possible to do I), & youbg - when a inan bets his gottl is in, the wager; Mini strictly conddential. Handbook on PaWatt som free. oftlest it ency for tiocurip atenW triend an operation for pilel, all'i'scores of RAILWAY TIME TABLES. Patents taken MrouRb Monli ORO. r,3001#6 uses when Dr. Chase's 0111truent would country with its different climate and the devil will take nothing less. The GRAND TntTNIr IZAILVA-Z By$ spettal mtke, without chnrad, Intho ieffect a thoroush ane lasting cure. oonditions. Long way it continue to (10 sixpence you bet is the earnest that your TVX. Q . "I nev. S. A. X)upraus Methodist inin. go, But progress, or imitation, or new sot] is coming. Do not think yet, can JJUINLOP TnAINS Mkvx Von $ elffific AWrica Ister, Consecon, PrInce ndward County. Palmerston ....... 6.58 A.m. .... 8.19 1pr0stdr. iont" states --"I was troubled With Dot so, for trifle Nvith the' spirit Of evil and Succeed; London.. 0.50 ft'ra .... 8.25p. culation Of gn3ra,cletitiflap)w OtIms 0 and bleeding piles All kincis of SoI,1bYji1T1i4VrsdAlcrA� for Years, magine, that you,poot )ad, it el . � 812. pdn.,., 9,88P m' itching boy, In in. Illi MY XIIWAO-tcly Attained to 0, very here are some girls With some Valton edits (10 )lot 1 40 tL!n Viio"w M�re'71 C0,36 I PrdndvAy, [low York form. Large lumps or and fashionable skirts Without taeko,and Can 90 Out And talk such eloquence Rubber Tires 8,55 A -M 8,25 Violent ab. co to Landolt ....... 11.10 Aam ... 7.51 scesses formed, so that it was With the lash, lots of them have bicycles. that serpent, the devil, tL&I you will glxuo,.;j�� . ............ 2.45 g.m p.m Ureat difficultY and considerable pain u tL11 k1nds of R, T. BUTTON, Agent, Wingham, that I WCA MbIO to Stool. 'At thlo severe The bityelewill mean trips out of the be able tor convert him, Ito has no pity Vehicles. CIANADIAN 11A0n7O nAlINVAY. 4crisIs I purchased a box of Dr. Chttsa,s colony and we all know that travellers lie has h0thbg within, him that he 0" WAMOR LVAvAl lroxt Cilittillent, but I had little or no falti, Ill bring back tow ideas, be appealed to by littinan Dunlop Bleyoto Tires Toronto It, as I bad tried various remedies be. Teasons and 0 and East........ 6,513 u -in 11.00 P,m, :tore and to no purpose. Wie bads good-bye with regret to its human need; her lives Vneuinatio 'Corrittgo Tires TeesWater .............. 1-812 0 -in .... 10.48 p.m. to d0sttOY,-Dr. AfthIvA 010M ­Xow, Imagine, how great aticl, JOYOUSr Jetl Ternwat r­ qWas mY surprise to find that Just the , geraniums' Which evoty6ne has in loseph piatkor. 'N' Solid 1111bber Carriage Tires T.Volitoo 1516b 10.43 labandancey to Ito th r Ag crooke ancl one box cured me, so that the lumps a M C1 14valid Chair Tires H. B15=91ft, Agent, Winghlim, A4!ftPPe,trCd1 and Also the external ati-oots, the little riVor, to t fat I T hb A 0 a Th.eltbt - iswell.ing, I feet Mom % diffetent man ��QU'for Baby CarriageS. 'AlkM4 61nd 1'ratle.-MaNs obolntd, and stil 13oLtegit Oftintins sbadking th6it pipes of peace in tisluto conducted far A10D)?,5AT14 11`898. My ti)-daV, and have IkOt the lea -4t doubt MOP Tire Co., Limited 'Difide I'lifi% tht fininedlate vicinity orthe fatiritoface that Dr. ChaWS; Olntniemt Saved rho their blue ddors,aud all tesoiqed to come Cft""ASTORIA ' IT 'PAYS ittd 1110%011160 f6t 111LIVIV-1figpiktorits are UtlJu*.1$Jda from & V�ry dangerous and pabaful op+ Again at the dhanee. No more 40. Sand thode14 sketch of photograph or invention wit'i ,enation and many years of suffering, 'P rrJr to *rou are at DerPict liberty to uqe tbl, vor Wants illia Whou, TO ADVE 11J.1LISE likhtfica P1406 than Formosa could one J)"fe"f4blRe and 111v foe lot pra-�Ceotlhg the 4v* tt%.atirnoblal as You meo At for the banefit Visit in logfy 3tind an( p�t a, f s 6, Our ark *15PROVIOn 16 1 111011 Obb OdIlO.'(1 I I hap 0 Oft Tradom A 411dit Me of others Idmilarly dffl feted, 'At 6& IV -,% I THLI Poll'ohl Dr. ChAPle's Oint1tPht, I* cents & box, its beauty Would be to 16sa Ift bVilliwit 040119 fulf Ififfirmittloili sant frtb. All iflowduhl. st all d". lers, or I.Ilmanooft, Sat4l# & October, oil the 1140flotX6 Indian allmrffief $fly? As attlotly F.6110delklicAll. Co., Toronto. Xovembor.-Bitwrale 0;,ox FRANKVIN H. HOUGH IMES * # t 1 ,fb 4