The Wingham Times, 1901-07-05, Page 5f- THE WINGTHAbi TIMES, JULY 6, 19,01, 7. of �. �..� OUR of last w•eel[,Mr. F. �3. Scokt,of I3ruaseia, N NEIGHBORS. ouble a 1line, Mr. Too land b oft alae seootltl flue. l4lr, David Agar bought the north Highest PriceH> last' 't Mao hundred acres, adjoining iii,4 .own form, g Paid for Egg4� THE NEW'a"rCRE Parti for Butter,. . i for three thousand dollars. John poll BROUGHT ON 13Y LX,PO$tJ.F1.F. AND bought the other huudred acres across _. EVENTS OF INTEREST 0 ALL, OUR READERS �the Concession, fer.$3,520, The reaorve WORRY, pwln to bid was placed at $6,5m. ^^^^"^"'^^ g the backwardness of toe Beason and warm woAtbar. ' • CA.M.. Stan, oRANDALL,.oF LINDSAY, z1,PW goods not having moved out as. uickl as nasal we have at;ided The garden party at the parsonage on ,� q y , "What Wiaeawalce Times Correspondents ComInunioate -•-- other Friday evening last, under the auspices U01Y ni: Saounl I) tti,irirA$r. P11031 Tiil'6 to snake a ape edx clearance of all Stttntner (roods at G A'f.X of the Methodist choir was well attend, MOST D4NOURops aiALADY, REMUICI D items Clipped From Our Exchanges. of Rev, W. J. West, M. A„ Mr, John le era tho watchman, Uwtwy, Out. g In the town of Liudtay and surround. We have no shop, worn goods to offer you, At a rate on the dollar, laowxCK. JfLUL"vaLE. ofethe same, town gave Addresses, and ' ing country no wan is better known or but all new, fashion4hle, clean goods At prices, not to be beaten in e have this week to recor3 the sadden /Ir. Frans J, Scott, is home on a visit the latter sang a solo also, Mrs, W. J, more highly respected than Capt. Geo. Please lease note our CLi�' J']IIICS, Just a sample of re, lAkilg away of Mrs, Sam1, C, Wil- o his parents after iii absence of Johnston and others contributed to file Crandeil. Forty-seven years ago he N% r duGtions in all departments, sou, of the 1211, son., Howick, whiph several years iu nitod States,. crank Programme, owner gild aapt�ain og the first steamer took place oil June 23rd, Deceased is in the drng business in Tama, Iowa, While two young sons of Mr, J, Cole that navigatod the Sougog Since that OIL u, o h time success has crowded his lifo both on , 1ia41 only been ailing for a couple of days and looks as if Uncle Sam had beets t; f Clintons formerly of this vel• and it was thought would recover her kind to his Canadian "nevvy," as he lane, we,'e standing near the track laud and water, Vqr forty-niue. years ho i C usual health in a few days, Mrs, Wil- generally is to Caundiaus. He will visit watching the train conveying the Huron . was a member, of the Lindsay town LAD 1 ES7 WEA R • 1 son was a daughter of the late Jas, relatives here for it few weeks and on volunteers, one idiot in a military coat council. He is now 73 .years of age And. / '$ .' fired at one of the Strong, Esq., sacs ]eaves behind to his way back will c the Pau Amari- boys, missing hilts by onjnys the boat of health, but 10 Las not mourn her loss, • a loving and kind can Exposition, a foot and a half, Anyone so foolish as always been thus. Some years ago the One piece, colored dress goods, 40 f 8 pieces fine colored muslins, mother, a husband and daughter, two This village aiX nee neighborhood was to use firth arms unnecessarily, whether exposure And worry incident to his inches wide, wire sere good -value of Y t; g serge, S ue ch ce new patterns, regular value sisters, Mrs. Alex, Laird, of the 12th well represented at Wingham races. And loaded or unloaded, should get a breath- Calling beglra to tell upon his health, and at 500, out price . . . ...... . ..... . 350 } 12%o and 15c, cut price . , , , , , ,100 con,, and Mrs, W. H. Clegg, of the Brussels' celebration last week, and at itig spell in an asylum, , his heart showed signs of weakness, 2 • doz, Ladies' Colored Blouses, 2 pieces all-over lace, cream or ' Soo, Mich . ; two brothers, J A., wllo the Dominion Day games in Wroxeter The holidays are here now and those His sufferings and complete restoration latest style, fast colors,, regular price white, nice patterns, reg, price 35o, resides just north of town, and W. G., oil Monday. who get them have planned how much through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink 75o, out price .... . . . . ...... . ....Goa out price ... , ...... , ......--23C who is an organizer•for Canadain Order William Sanderson was up from To- they'll do in those long weeks that stretch fills are best told by himself. To a , of Foresters. ronto over Sunda away into the olden future, The girls reporter the captain ave the following 2 doz. Ladies Vests, short sleeve, i 35 airs Summer corsets, well Sunday, g p P d' g flue goods, reg, price 20c, out price, made,' good shape, regular pricy 35c, Misses Nellie and Annie Richardson, have a great deal on hand. They're go.. story: 2 for.. , . , . , , , , . , , . , , , , , , • , , , • , , 25c 1 out price ................. . ...250 _ BELGiLAT E. of Toronto, are visiting numerous re• ing to do a great deal of visiting; they'll "Several years ago my heart began to - Dr, McAsh has gone oil a three weeks' latives hereabout. learn to cook and to sew, and they'll bother me, At first I toot little notice 10 pieces print, fast colors, good One piece Oolored Summer Dress vacation tn Buffalo and other points of Aggie Smillie,who teaches near Grand write nice long answers to those people of it, but the trouble gradually grow Patterns, regular values 70, out price Goods, 38 inches wide, regular price, _ interest. Dr. Chisholm of Wingham, Y, y .. ' .... • I ................:... • • • 50 i ..5e, out price ...... , ...... , , ...150 - g Valle is home front school work for whom the couldu t take time to replyworse until I had to summon medical i is taking his practice while he is away. the holidays, to before the holidays; they'll make aid: I suffered much pain and at times 10c doz. Ladies' Seamless Cash- ! One doz. Ladies' Blouses, late William 'Phillips is plastering Will. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Bosman, of some dainty lace handkerchiefs, and was attacked by smotheringspells which mere Hose, fast black, regular price I style; nicely trimmed, regular price = Watson's house flus week. Wingham, visited here last ween, they're going to bed early every night to caused mo groat distress. Frequently 350, cut price ...... . . . . ......... . 25 51,25, out price.. , , ........ , ... , wi.00 We are pleased to say Adam Geddes Rev. W. J. West, M. A., and Mrs. build them tip for their work again, and these spells attacked me during the Ladies' White Skirts, full width, 1 3 doz. Corset Covers, nicely trine - Las again recovered from his recent 'West- are home after a three weeks visit they'll rise every morning with the sou slight and it was with difiicnity that I %veil made and trimmed, regular med, regular price 350, cut prlce � - illness. to different points. Mr. West attended to study nature in her loveliest woods, managed to breathe at all. I consulted Place 90c, cut price ............. 75C .................... <......... , .25o Miss Dollie Ross of Blyth is, sewing the General Assembly at Ottawa and in and they'll rub up their botany know- several doctors, but their medicine failed - -.. .. . in the village this week. his sermon oil Sabbath morning gave a ledge. For weeks whoa a book needed to bonefit me. I then tried a much Quite a number from here took in the a, t. Q report of the assembly and the standing pasting or there was. a picture to put in advertised remedy, but this also failed to . sports at Goderich on Monday. of the Presbyterian church in its various their scrap -book it wasn't_ pasted or it help me. I bass always been fond of MEN'S WEA Miss McDougall, who has been visit- branches. '� wasn't put in the scrapbook but put smoking, but I was to such poor health -Ing her sister, Miss Ceaser, for the past Miss Fannie Patterson, of Wingham. away in some easily remembered place that a few puffs from a cigar would week, returned to Goderich on Satur- visited in Bluevale over Sunday. to be done lit the holidays. They'll distress me so much that I had to give 04y. William Cranochan of Seaforth was 'g P g grew worse da b One doz, men's,Sailor Straw Hats, es doz. Men's Silk 5c, c Four-in-hand . y , � have lots oi< time you know; nothin ,t u altogether. I ro y Y regular price 3Uc, cut price Ties, regular value, 85e, cut price, Mrs. Sproat spent Monday with friends through the village on Thursdaywith a else to do. We in. When the holi- day and began to thin][ my end was near 250 in SeAfortb, load of cement blocks for the new clays aro over they say they had intend• and that I would die from the trouble. Methodist church,. Wingham. ed doing' this or that but O the time Some time ago I was advised to try Dr. 18 men's Top Shirts, collar at- One dozen Men's Overalls and GLEXANNAN. b a ; tached, regular price 50c, out price, Smocks, well made, regular price Report of Glenannan school for the Mrs. Frank B. Scott, has abush out in slipped round so fast. They begin to Williams' Pink Pills. After taking one ...,• ......:, ..,:...... ......... 390 650, out price.......... ,....:...500 a profusion of very beautiful blooms. It think then the best time to get extras boli I noted an improvement ,n my month of June. Names in order of is a picture of loveliness. done is when one is working hard every condition and sol. continued their use. = 15 pairs men's Bla-k Cashmere • One dozen Men's Linen Hats, new merit. n I Sox, seamless, regular value 35c, shape, regular value 50c, cut prices, At the Dawson City races on May 28, day, and the worst time to do anything, I kept cn improving till now I am as IV Class. -George Muir Bessie Aitken , cut price . .. . ..................250 ............................... . Chester Dunkin, g John Hutton, Ida a horse belonging to W. N. Gray, form. vacation time. well and strong as I ever was to my life 40e erly of Whagham, won second in the before, and have not been bothered with � 2 doz. Mens Summer Shirts and One dozen Men's Tweed Pants, Elliott, Peter Muir. q g Tirugging .vill slot Cure Catarrh the least sign of m f y r Drawers g P , g , $2.00, out price III Sr. -Roy Rutherford, Bert Elliott, quarter and half mile races nettiu three g y former malady for ,. re�al$r rico 35c cut regular valve hundred dollars in prize money. Doctors say so. , Victims of s4uffs, Dint- months. I am now able to enjoy a ^S Price ............ .............. 2oc ............ .......... , ...... $L50 Charlie Aitken, Maggie Muir, Addie ments and tablets tell the same story. smoko as I used to, without feelin the - -- -- - Dunkin, Annie McGue, Mabel Elliott. Mr. F. J., And Misses Mary and Oliva Catarrh is a germ disease. The germs g ! III Jr. -Mazy Aitken, Etta Elliott, Scott, visited relatives in Seaforth this excite disease in the lungs, throat, nasal least distress. All this I owe to that week. passages and bronchial tubes. Germs • greatest of all remedies, Dr. Williams'� � . 11 Malley McGue, Harold Hutton. r are hard to get -at, but destroy them and Pink Pills." HO •16 _ Frank Greenway, of Toronto, visited A. II Sr. -Walker Rutherford, Roy you cure the disease. How can it be Rich, red blood and stong nerves are at hiS father's this week. y y g powerful medica.'Williams' D G Blliott, Ella Elliott, Agnes Wallace, donci: B carr in� o A garden party will be held at Wm. tion with the air you breathe direct to the keystone to health. Dr. _" Andrew Wallace. Ja"'mes Johnston's, first line of Morris,ou the diseased parts. You must be sure -Pink Pills are the most widely known The Cheap Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. II Jr. -Robbie Aitken, James Aitken, Friday evening, Ju , ' P ly 5th under the also that the ,medication will kill the and raised of medicines because from =--_ '•'yurll •••",� 1�.:�:�vi�nbii6�2cltltfde YtiYrtid�r7il17t11 �+•�"*aa;.ia . , ... ., ,n cn Wesley Marshall. disease germs. Catarrhozone is guar- first dose to last the make new, hfe- Auspices of the Methodist church. Anteed to do this that's why Y ' Part II. -Tillie Baird,Willie Marshall, y it has giving blood, and restore weals and -� - --r` - -- -- - Master Johnnie Powell of Detroit is created such a sensation in the medical counts were ordered to be cin>Llzoss; Bthel Casemoro, Leo Bok, Agnes. Ruth- paid: visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs, world, You simply breathe Catarrh- shattered nerves, bringing new health �Irs. Jno. Sellick r Mord, Peter McGue,Heleu Rutherford. ozone; it destroys the germs it Beals- mad strength to hitherto despondent Duff & Stewart, 1nntUer, $10.80; John of the 18th coin John Powell, ,o TucKilloq. Garniss, repairing Sr. Part I. -Thomas Wallace, Mabel in a word it -cures. Now you know sufferers. Do not take any substitute- P g approach to bridge, Passed peacefully into the great bayou Baker. Miss Murdie,of McKillop, who teaches everything about Catarrhozone, except $15; H. Bone, ditchin i on Thursday at BrowntC�vn school, Morris, was tak- what you can learn by using it. do not take anything that does not bear g, b 2; John Pick- y morning, June 20th, in her Jr. Part I -Bolla Eadie,Walter Hawk, en suddenly ill toward the close of the Catarrhozone never disappoints and is the full name, "Dr. Williams' Pink est, drawing filo and putting in culvert, 62nd year. Her maiden name was Annie Hutton, Robbie Muir, Mary Me- guaranteed to cure Catarrh. Price $1.00; Pills for Pale People," on the wrapper $4; W J Sonch, gravelling,$22.28; Thos. Newman and she was born near Gne, term and had to be removed to her home. Small size 26 cents, at druggists or Bone, inspecting wort:, $2.50; W J Prescott, Ont. Her father was one of Miss Maud Paul taught the remainder g around the b9x. Sold by all dealers or B. Pl �utsox, Teacher. g Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. by mail pest paid at 50 cents a Bos or six Souch, gravel, $4.68; F. Garniss,digging the offiars in the battle at Windmill of the term. ,� ditch, $10.15; John Bennett, part pay- Point during the time of the Canadian Maggie McLean boxes for $2.60, by addressing the Dr. JA11 ESTOWN. gg , of Wingham, is visit- rol,i)i� Yuri. , ment for crushing stone, T60; Sawyer & Rebellion of '87 and '88. In 1854' she ing at John Johnston's. George Ne on who'is workin with Williams Medicine Co., Brockville,Ont, Y, payment for road grader, $210; with the other members of the family Mr. and Mrs. bTcCutcheon, of Morris, g , g Masse was visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Holt William Gray, of Dunnville, formerly Horne & Caber, of Listowel, had the hroxriS. John Douglas, repairing culverts and removed to Culross. She was married of . Bluevale visited friends here over misfortune to run a rust nail through The Court of Revision met according g p $4,50; S. Welker, use to her now bereaved husband fort last Sunday. Y g grubbing atom y first. the palm of his right hand. He was to adjournment in the council roam on of scraper, 50 cents; R. Thuell Mrs, John Johnston, of Stratford, is p g J > P , r ,gravel years ago in March and they have live . visiting her friends, Mr. and: Mrs. Wm. The young men. of the congregation helpingto tear the siding off the June 24th, 1001; members all present; $2,81; Beattie Bros., gravel, $8.50; Geo. together on the same farm ever since. J.'Johnston. made a bee on TL•ursday of last week to 14Ienonite church at lirotherston. The minutes of last meeting read Anci con- Proctor, spikes, covering bridge and Six children, three boys and three girls Messrs. Bert and Milt McEwen spent repair tho church sheds, of the Presby- board he was standing On slipped sacs lie firmed, drawing lumber from Bluevale, $4; A. five of whom are mastic,,, and all liv' ' Sunday under the parental roof. teriau's. was thrown to the ground with the Jno. MoDermitt, entered tenant S. E. Proctor, gravel and damage,$4.90; Wm. within two the old home, Mr. Walter Breckenridge is entertain- John Johnston's horse was taken ill above result: Medical aid was at part N. X. 80,00u. 5,M. McNichol, enter- Turvey, gravel and damage, $7; A. mourn with tlte,i er'the loss of a ing a well known friend -a sting from ' with sunstroke just before the races, at once summoned. Blood poisoning set in, ed tenant N.H. 1' 26, con. 5, William Nichol, repairing doubletree, of grader, loving moth j i' ,i.to February she poison ivy. Wingham, and was unable to compete but there is good hopes of his -recovery. Wallace, entered F. S., S. Y4 10, con. 8, ,$1.50; Chas: Ritchie, plough broken on had enjoyed; :, pa.: ;health, since which Mrs. Dave Errington, of Dungannon, Mr. Cruickshank, of Turnberry, places ' Dominion Day was very quiet here. John Mills entered owner, Sly 12, con. road, $2; D. Melly, plough broken on time she has • it fCered intensely with a VAS visiting her friend, Mrs, Jas. Mc- the damage done to his crops by the re- The Royal Templars attended a large G, James Pitch, entered owner S J 26, road, $5; John P. Kelly, team work on growth to h6r throat which finally caused Brien cent hailstorm at about $100, picnic at Shipley. Others took in the con. 7, Geo. M. Proctor, assessed - owner grader, $6.25; R; McMurray, gravel her death. Mr. George Patterson has returned Rev. D. Rogers preached his farewell sports in Wroxeter and reported a good N part lot 10, con. 4. $6.09; W. C. Wilson, gravel, $3.75; S. home after spending some time in Mani- sermon in Bluevale, on Sabbath evening. time. The lawn social held at Joseph Code -Shaw -That the Court of Re- Irvine, gravel, removing crossing and ,toba The church was thronged. Mr. Rogers Hainstock's, under the auspices of the vision be now closed and the assessment repairing road, $53.47; Geo. Proctor Wm. Wright, of Brussels, spent Sun- and family removed to their new home, W. A. M. A. of Trinity church, was roll as now revised be confirmed. -Car- gravel, $7.60; Jas. Rearney, gravel, day around Morrisbank. in Fordwich, on Tuesday, carrying with well attended in the evening. All ex- ried. $4.90; R. Youill, material and covering Mr. Alexander Moffatt, of Turnberry, them the respect and good wishes of the pressed themselves well pleased with the Council business was then proceeded culvert, $G; R. Youill, the ditch, $2.50; Thie signature is on every box of the genuine drove over last Thursday morning to in- entire Community, evening's entertainment. The proceeds with, minutes of last meeting were read R Youill, building bridge, $21.50; Jas. Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets Rev, Francis Swann, and family, was $27.. and passed, Kearney, gravelling, $10.20; Jas. Shur- the remedy that cores 'a cold In one day sped the new stone wall being built at formerly of Ripley, moved into the par- Mrs. Murton, who, moved to Listowel Settlement was made with Messrs. rie, gravel, $4. •Jamestown. • Ile reports the work well s ge on Wednesday. a short time ago, sent the done • much credit to the Ireland Bros. g , p past week Ritchie sacs Salley for ploughs broken Code- Jackson -Council then ad- �vAl✓TON. Mr. Lemuel Juol[lin, on ilio boundary" John Ding's new • barb was raised on among her old friends. whilst working on the road. jonrned to meet again ori the 5th clay. of Rev. T. J. Sabine, Methodist met with a severe accident, being kicked Tuesday of last week, b , er one hund- Miss Mary McIntyre, who has success- Shaw -Code -That after this date the August next. -Carried. minister of Otterville, formerly of by a horse, [analog an ugly fractures, red acid twenty-five moo, without asci- fully taught the junior department of justice of any Clain, for ploughs broken W. Ct,Alth, Clerk. Walton, was stricken with paralysis Mr. Francis Wright, of Morrisbank, dent to one, which is very fortunate con- our school for the past two years atul a on the road must be certified to by the Angus McLeod, wife and children, of while preaching at the Little Lake had a successful logging bee last Reed- sidering they raced, William Elston, of half, has resigned hud intends to go to pathmaster of the division before the Holland, Man., Are visiting the Shurrie appointment Sunday, June 16th. He steads He entertained the lads and Morris, and . Councillor Musgrove, of British Columbia. Her pupils presented 1 claim is paid, -Carried. announced the second hymn and sat y families and other old friends. He notes clown. Atter the con , lassies to a social hop in the evening. Turnberry, were captains, we, believe, .her with a very handsome ladies' gold- Taylor -Jackson -That 20 Cents per a great many improvements. It is :2 g egation had sung Quite a number attended the funeral Mr. Elston's side winning.el(ould he "yo- filled watch chain on the eve of her rod be granted towards digging a ditch years since Mr. McLOoci moved from the hymn he made no move to start the of the late Mrs, Rufus Jacklin. heaves" and "Go it Geordi be departure. on side of road at lot 11, con. 8, Glitch to Morris when they owned the "Innis sermon. Robert Kelly went to the pul. heard half a mile away. Twenty candidates wrote oil the be 6 feet top and 21 feet deep request farm" 4th line. He has not been back pit and found him unconscious. Doctors Senator Villeueve, of Montreal, is Alvin Duncan, of Grand Valley, visit- Entrance here last week. During the for said drain having been made by Mr.' since the family moved away. Old Mr. were sent for 'and when they came they dead. ed at Robert Duncan's last week, a ithmetio examination fire was noticed E, Irvine. -Carried found that the 'left side was paralyzed, � McLeod, who lives at Cypress Man,, is Mrs. Morrison and son, of Mount in the parsonage stable. The candidates Jackson--Shaw-That after hearing quit .smart ;although he is past 84 years They brought him home. Great sorrow Forest, visited her brother, John Munn, received a great fright and some of the discussion on the Belgrave school of o. is exprosse 1 over the sad event. Mr. ®��' Xos'e senior, last week. them could not resume work for over question, this council do agree in refus- Another of the olcl settlors of Alorria Sabine was to have left for Fenwick in Mrs. Wray returned to her home in fifteen minutes. ins to take any cation in the matter.-'•. assess away early on Thursday morning a week, where he was stationed for the f That is what you should breathe through Co;nber on Saturday last. Rev, R, I. Iloskingloft hereon Tues- Carried, June 27th in the Berson of Sansei coming conference year. The family -not your mouth. Mrs. John Collie visited at Hamilton day morning for Ripley. Rev. Mr. Code- Taylor - Mr. Jackson bo lit- gernaghan. IIe was only arcs, fora have the sincere sympathy of all in their 1#ut tpere mag be times when your ca- and other points. Rogers will move in in the afternoon. structed to expend ' 10 in repairing side- sad. affliction.' tarrh is so bad you can't breathe through it. '' p $ P g couple of days though he had not been in William Jowitt, shipped a car of hogs Ho ,s to preach to the Oraugemen on line between lots °0 and 21,con, 8. -Car- - 13reathing through the mouth is always ^• good beasts, for some time. Mr, :..--.--•=------.••---• 'bad for the lungs, and it is especially so last Thursday, Mn Jewitt ships 'a car Sunday afternoon, ried,IlLernaghaii was cativo of Armagh, when thelr delicate tissues have been weak- load of hogs to Palmerston every week. Taylor---Shaw-Mr. Code be instruot- Ireland, and carne to Canada 44 years Corns! Corns! Coins! Th ,Mrs, Pollard and children, of Toronto, ed to have briAge of er the creek at lots aero. He lived its Caledonia for a couple of J time blood on hicscrofulous epends. Ct the visi6d at John Wasman's last week. Discovered at last; a remedy that is sure, 10• and 11, con. 9, properly repaired.- years and theft came to Morris where he Alfred Lr. Yingse, Hoernorstown, Pa., Mr, pattcrson safe and painless. Putnam's Painless , , . r , suffered from catarrh for years. ,Tits head r of Oregon, is visiting Corn And �'4*art Extractor never fails, car i dY v lived for 42 years, Ile leaves one son to fight coli%ijuiption, mvith Scott s ' tett bad, thorn was a rluRing to lila ears, in Morris. never causes sin n Shaw -Code -That after hearing and he ,could not breathe through One of p r or riven the slightest g the i�aicl Dna daughter. Jitittea of Merril. 1`ltl.ulsion d� coil;• -laver oil i5 loirg kris nostrils nor clear his head, Mrs. Dloilk and daughter Holeu, of discomfort. Buy Putuam's Corn report of ilio rYeet o incl Counoi,lor anti Mrs. J. G. Turnbull of Gra v, , y Atter trying several catarrh 80celway Toroutoi visited Mrs. A. M.'acRwell, last Extractor, and beware of. the ina ly Taylor, re Mr. Sharrie's claim ter bridge her, Kornag]aatt wns an r ntlias,io txi advance. l it'I:hreatcilS, yo+x ft If0in which ,be 'derived Ile Smolt the week, cheap, dangerous, and flesh eating this CCtluCil ta%H lie aotlpTt littlro matter. ' iaompletely gated,, according to his own substitutes in the market, orongeman and seldom missed tit•► Whil, resist ;silts 011 ins• bverCol4io statement, by The road work is done said the village--Carrirtci. of Julie celebration. In poi' l o was � � �"0'r g'ot a bit of middling aidowallt. Allan Lamont, of Grey, who has ],cert C;octe-- Jarkl;ell i4lossl's. S11aty null r w 10 S Sarsahl�I'illcr Y astaunch Conservative Dolt t be hfmid; be brave. But This Great medielne' rsdleally and par- Tho Lxeoutofs of the Agar estate, ait inmate of the Hotiao of Refuge for • Taylor lid. imthiotert to oxamine side- tnanently cures catarth by oieansing the Morris, Bdward Bosman, of Wiugliatn, about four years, [lied last week, his liner lretweeil lots lu and :6, eon._ 4 ,ills To curer, A Colr.Tl IN 01M DAT tackle It ; dolt's tvsste tills[. blood and building tip the wbol6 system,._ and William Jewitt, of Brussels, had the remains being taken by his brother for r6p6i•t nt nevi i35e0till¢t. - i�Ftl'Cil9 TnItt, paxative, Bronx, Quinine Tab % is. All at,ib YON .stir •AOXILIM 'ANO 4sr W. . - slbdri• a. sawno awe , w, rot,oNtb. ifCu»'s l'tr i s srottio favdr►te aatbertla, Oso: l property offered at auction 6tt Tilesclay Interment. 0090 = Jackson -•r I''ll0 folle�'ing' AC- Z.V. Grove ss s gmtui n is on cac i hot.tc curensec, and ft.00; iii �raagtets. :5 ., s i.f.'_S4.eff -Y,pF ;. _ .'..-. w Y�Yi)•!+T v�flii"�.'Li,i7f •I �.,�,-.._ +..:. ; -�.L. � � �. •