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The Wingham Times, 1901-07-05, Page 3
�•,�.•.R.v..�-.--mss,.,,.-•�.�.,,,,:� J ,1 ■fit , * a alto Idol Dlim and lila k'lle, 1 lilttcic Aiiuoroao For tUtlllty, b011atO of soda), potash (Carbonate of lareted srpin 1$B8 to >4�9. ru(lsr the.A 1 broad Black Minorens for a number John Wanawaker. started at $1.25 a. potasiuin and magnesia.) . stable manuro title of the rI.'ti Tsing (the Great bore) ^� of i,�easons, among which are utility, week,. walking four miles to his work. of all kinds favors the scab development, Dy -Pasty, the Manchus hilvp rube China log and IndiaTea bean y and commercial value. I place He is now worth many millions. probably for similar reasous, bine A. D. 1044.--Frout No. 20 of the utility first because my experience has John 1). R,ockfeller worked, a your in Fertilizing materials which do 'lipt Now York Control's'"Vour Traalt'Serics" "�^ ��'' demonstrated that there axe few butter a newspaper oflico for $40, to id to increase the scab and which:nay �.�E O .�3A �►,r. utility fowls than the black Minorca, Andrew Carnegie was glad to earn oven cheok it are enumerated as follows: especially as now bred. First they oer- $1.25 A week wheel lie started in the Common salt, la (I plaster, Most cool- >l.[raxaa tir>, In the, death of Mrs. Soworville, p ' taiuly excel in egg production any other world• meroial fertilizers (ineladhig superphos- R` 1' ry ITS FAULTS ! fowl, as they 'lay as many eggs as and P. T. Barnum, who beeamethe Prince Phates,) sulphate of ammonia, nitrate widow M �offth West Be latv ruce, oil tlSunday M VIRTUES A i a emote larger egg than the Leghorn. of showmen, once rode a horso in a of soda, kalult, murlato of potash and nloriihu � hats saying a oo(I deal,. The size and beauty of clic Minorca egg circus for loo allay,--Excliauge. sulphate of potash, g, June 23rd, there passed Away y 1J1It It is a tl'11C; StilteYllellt. And . the oldest and one of the most highly You *can verify, it oprsell', A trill will trove the `truth or are certainly very attractive to the eye, great inally years app there esteemed citizens of %uokuotv.• 'Cho • , y l and their large size makes them very I was born in it manger in Nazareth one $hop itelvard,. •lop, lfdlSlty Of the above statement. • g Ty detoured lady was stricken with paraly- much in demand fox' market, Thou, too, who never tried to matte money yet: lie The readers of this paper will be pleas" sis about a week ago, and never full - _ ... _ -�*-• °' the Miuorc4s have been advanced in (lid More for maukAul than all the rich ed to learn that there is At least one regained consciousnetls till her death, •" .,. ....,....-.-., ,-....«, size ver much in the ast few years mon of. Judea, Shakdspeare started life dreaded disease that science has been s' P able to ouro in all its stages and. that Mrs. Somerville was born in nulnfexm- 6 6 ® /� 7! Ceylon Teets ari~ sol. I ill s; .-filed lead and for a tatle fowl are growing in favor a Poor boy and died a comparatively is Catarrh, Hall's Catarrh Care is the line, Fifeshire, Scotland, in 1820, cud, S SALE"' DA Pacl,-.ets 0111)r. Black, 17 ixed, Un - right aloe Fanciers are no longer Poor roan, yet lie did intro to enlighten. only Positive onrQ now known to the g• g when only four years of ago came to - satisfied to breed Leghorn-Minoroas, but the world than it lie had tads n dozen medical fraternity. Catarrh being a colored Ceylon Green, Free samples sent. Address "S� ,SAL - satisfied, disease, requires a con. Canada with her parents and settled in. want them u to standard weight and fortunes, A neighbor of John D2iltonDpl, Toronto. P g stitutioual treatment, Ball's Catai•1•li Dundas in 1880. here .she gioyv to above to be at all satisfied, until now we who bred a fast colt, probably got more Cure is taken internally, acting directly womanhood and in 1819 was married to for it than the blind emus received for tt on the blood and muoous surfaces of _ .see on exhibition ll%inorpas much above >; P James Spmerviilo.. They rvmil,iuocl iii — ----- -- - • •-• •-• -••- •� _��-..•:_- Paradise Lost, Robert Buries didn't the system, thereby destroying the the requirements of the standard as to foundationof.tlie disseise, uncigiving-the Dundas Gill the year 1SG1, �vlit'n they -%vee lit. Neither the fancier nor his know how to make or keep a dollar but , S Patient strength by building up the con- removed to the rownslilp of 'Sheat Wa- filan� Sehe�01 !Cho�e�re�l c'bi"i� customer will be satisfied with fowls his life and his writings preach to leu- stir and assisting nature in doing w T suc].cand six years late, they eamo jvbich fall below standard requirements manicy through succeeding generations, its work, The proprietors have so vl,uch I Pale Weak and Hervow. q while the rich gentry of his faith in its curative y I d d Thu deceased was all fes to weight. -R, F. Palmer in Poulty g Y period aro echoers that the earnest aiul devout cliristiaii and a levo - only remembered 'because they knew offer on Hundred Dollars for any case FI;��,'F' �,;Q,p Monthly. that it fails to pure. Send for list of long member of the Presbyterian church. r him in the flesh. But without callingDebilitated n#td Uxhausted fit 3lind CUr testimonials, She always took it keen interest in every- and Body -Dr. cliase's Nerve x, ood g A 01( A 0.4 E = itis world's geniuses into evidence, a Address, F. J. CHENEY CO.,is Surprisingly ueneflcinl for leer over �•tity roars. thing that pertained to the moral wet - man need only count over the list of his `Toledo, O: Children. LAME BAG K - An Old and Well -Tried Remedy -Mea Sold by druggists, 7Ge, fare of the place, incl was a charter Winslow's Soothint;Syrup has been used acquaintances tolearn that leo envies, Hall's family Pills are the best. member of the IV. C. T.V. She had The severe and ever-increasing strain RHEUMATISM for over fiftyyears b millionsof mothers not necessarily the. millionaire, but the , of competitive examinations coming at D 1 A Q E T E o y occupied the Presidents chair and at a time when every boy and girl - for their children while teething, with roan whq is healthy, surrounded by Tito Tillage Gossip, the time of her death was Vice Presi is undergoing trying physiological BRIGIHT's D.-SEASE perfect success. It soothes the child, health and moving in worldly conditionsneighbor's ' chances does much towards making e'c: -� softens the gums, allays Itll pain, cures b Y Out on her shady porch dent of clic society, and 'her pleasant D1�L16V v.r nese ai.t. wind colic and is the best remedy for. that are reasonably pleasing and content The village gossi sits g mental and physical wrecks of school ' y producing. p gossip fact. and kindly will lona be children. Itun down in health, with 6�tC)1dEY � dlR1h1P:R't diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste, P g. Millionaires in their capa- Talking about her sister-in-law remembered by those with whom she the blood thin and watery and the nor- ©ISESES Bold by druggists in every part of the city as money owners aro used too often Auci giving hex cousin fits, associated, Amon the many beautiful vous system exhausted, children have ARE 0E:;ED Oy world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its g Y no e ehance to escape the many ills that s� tY- as models for the young and there is :end there's not a woman in to�vu who $oral oii?eriu s scut Seas a handsome beset a feeble body. There is no treat- ®l :'�� - value is incalculable. Be sure you ask g stirring in immature minds a wrong wreath of white rose, carnations and ment known to science that so natural- ,,,. ,, for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and b b fails ly and thoroughly restores strength and 5t�2�:' take no other kind. conception of what success is. To catch it ore she quits, maidenhair ferns from, the local W. C. vitality to the nervous system as Dr, � ..,. Rockfeller's success has not consisted T. U. and a beautiful Svreath from the Chase's Nerve Food. It makes par - Advantages of Farm Life. in making iniflions so much as in start- Once 8118 was y011Ag and T08yOh90ked ants happy by bringing back the color o And trine a,nd sweet and shy,BPworth League oY the Methodist to the faces and the strength and 1\Itzs. I. STEEVES, Edgett S Laud- The following extract is from an essay Land- ing in with nothing cool hemaking -cself And people didn't shun her then Church. She leaves a giown up family elabticity to the bodies of their pale, ing, N.B., writes on Jan. x8, 1901 react before Stonewall LiterarySociety the greatest oil man g the world -tom- P P Robert sons and two daughters, ping puny children. It Y batiAg and overcoming through the early Or over wonder why Mrs. S. Dempsey, Albury, Ont., In the fall of 18gg I was troubled by J. M. Terrell, of Marshall, Mo,: She always saw the wicked, while Robert of the Soo; Horance and Hugh writes:— My little granddaughter, ninta with a severe pain in the back. I "I am well aware that farming is not stages of his career men with more cap- > of Superior City, and Mxs. R. L. Hun- years old, was pale and weak, she had could scarcely met u out of a chair considered a very desirable occupation ital bigger opportunities and perhaps no The kood escaped her eye. I no appetite Superior City, and seemed to be gradual- Y b n p Wis. ly growing weaker, Dr. Chase's Nerve and it gave me gre..i, pain to move b ,tau people, but the are those who more conscience than himself. Iia is But that wds lou ago, before Wm. Connell, of Lucknow. Food -proved invaluable in her case, re- ' y Y P P, Y g g, � , about. I took one box of Doan's only look at the surface. They do not to be praised only if his success is as 2'he tvrinklea li,9c1 her brow; storing health and color and making realize that one-half the people in cities legitimate as it is great. her strong and well." Kidney Pills and was complet■,ly p g Men flocked around her then, but she There is no fdrin of kiduey trouble, Fifty cents a box, at all • dealers or cured. I have not been troubled Haven't enough to eat while the other Carnegie's successes consisted in build- Has no admirers now. from a backache clown to Bright's Edmanson. Bates & Co., Toronto. „ Half are engaged in a constant struggle ing up an immense business in steel- And, having feelings, she must find disease, that Doan's Kidney Pills will with it since." undertaking an enormous load and car- A vent for them somehow. not relieve or care, to outshine their neighbors.. If you are troubled with any kind of eying it without a C•tamble. W9 do not y -` .-�.��--- �.._ :._ _ .- .. __ ..._.,as..•n,+aer+�.�,,.,.., .... ,•... _I "People who are doing well in the kidney complaint, use Doan's Pills. country frequently imagine they will think it altogether improbable that Car- She's heard a truly awful thiug better the condition of themselves and negie Pat his life into the steel business Concerning Mildred's beau, •families by moving to town. In nine as unreservedly as Kipling puts his into And when she's through with George's The ritnosopi,y of Simon groat. cases out of ton it proves a bitter and his literary work. The money is the wife, (Philadelphia Record.). costly mistake. The superior education measure -the length, width and weight Tlia tatter's pretty law. `!'rouble's like babbles; it Brows biggerr which the parents imagine the children of the success achieved, but not the sue- by bei, nursed, g The children coming home from school , , , cess itself, Ki ling knows whether his It doll t make so much diff tonce what �7 are acquiring generally amounts to but P o 'She hurries out to meet little but it Invariably nes them a success grows or dwindles by the earning a feller thinks, so thet lie don't say it y gi power of his periAnd questions thein, anal, being full, distaste for the farm. , yet to him money is out loud. Goes rushing down the street '"That town life is the worst possible not the main thing, any more than the There's some folks Chet thinks of they P With many a morsel on her tongue, , training for young people is proven by cyclometer is the bicycle. cant do a thing nobody else kin neither. Il Y• That she considers sweet. The out pp 1�lie Typewrim tl,e Warlll was Wafting ting For. history.,. Nearly all of the great mon of Success cannot be found in mons y�tvay to flied happiness in this - ' •.. - .'y . •, , • , -��. having, nor does the size of a man's for- Sho goes on Sunda to the church world's to fetch it with yo. the world have come from the farm. , g y Ef fortune don't come our way the The reason is quite plain. Tii9 country tune indicate the success h9 has had. It To spy on others these, y y is not an arbitar means of measuring And seldom fails to et upon only thing to do's to go his'n. boy, if he is the right ]find of a boy, y g P This is PROVED V E D by the face that the BUSINESS in - success even in trade, because one may The track of some affair I heard a feller say ouch that fafures i spends his time building himself UP habitants of the world USE it. menially and physically. The city bdy acquire a million dollars by despicable That she can magnify somewhat only help a wise man to success. May r too often spends his days in idleness and methods and to the injury of fellow -men And then proceed to air. be thet s the reason some folks git Now manufactured • in three of the great countres, viz while another may gain possession of the richer ev ay time they fail. Canada, United States and Germany. his evenings at saloons a leof life He Yet women sits and listens to The feller that complains the most The Canadian Pacific Railway have over 200 in use is not prepared for the battle of life and same amount of wealth by pushing base- P + The things she says and know about the 'victuals generall 's the one is left behind b the country bo with great energy and skill, by applying �' Y The know a GOOD ilium Y Y Y• new ideas b exploring new channels of Just what she is, but, whispering pass that eats the most. y '' eAnotheradvantage of farming is that, ' Y g Her slanders to and fro, A quiet mule that minds his business 0111E OF ITS ADVANTAGES trade gaud reapingthe first fruits of And ever as they go the rounds, is better'n a balky hoiso, the farmer can be absolutely true to his courage. The rich man will only servo convictions. The lawyer, doctor or mor- as a good model for the young if he has They grow and grow and grow. There's many a teller thet dies for ' chant must study the whims of clients, , 31alb3o wr.ting start to finish. . nrtal,ility, weighs only to pounds. Patients or customers. The farmer has grown rich by means creditable to him- -Sam. Kiser. love -o drink. I D3unifolding, beats them all. AUgnment, po8itive. and permanent. self, and even then he makes a good Fault's the easiest thing in the world Durability, hardened steel parts. shnplroity, roo part+A as against 1400! no one to please but himself. He is a to find if a try. WARRANT133D by a woll-]crown Canadian Oompany here to basic it up, free man. model, not because of the money he , q p� a �-1 g /� y Y• 0/Still al101hOr advantage of farming possesses but because of the zeal with � 1! I 1 �9 G H K I It's climubin' hills that they don't is that the farmer never becomes either which he buckled into the big uudertak- �� i old never come to that. makes some folks _ very rich or very poor, neither of which ings that .occupied his time. -Toronto old afore their time. (% (d is desirable. Extreme poverty degrades, Star. __ Friendship's like a china plate; when • it's busted you kin sometimes mead it, and great riches have an equally bad Y YOU WASTE, that mach if yon BUY an OTHER and you DO PRAISE DR, PITCHER. but the cracic'llalva s show. r effect in creating extravagant habits and CHASE' , Y , general selfishness. Q�+. A. W. LHASE !25o. - There s always plenty o fools to -cheer NOT GET SO GOOD a machine ! ■°Farming is all right as an Occupation, _CATARRH CURE .. 3iome Evidence that Must Convince the another on On. but could be made much more pleasant � Is sent direct to them'diseased Blast Skt epical. There's as much in knowin• how to MEMWILLIAMS MFG. CO. IiiMi•ted parts by the Improved Blower. rest as there is in knOwlA, how t0 work. than it is if farmers would take more Heals the ulcers, clears the air A'Write to -day. MONTREAL, P. Q. assages, stops droppings in the , Thera ain't many men so great that pride in it and themselves. The farmer ihroac and •permanantl cure. There are very few people its Wing. , bas as much right as anyone to wear a Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower ham who do not know of Dr. Pitcher's they dont care what other folks think free. Ali dealers, or Dr, A. W. Chase Backache Kidney Tablets and the great of them. -- - �-•- good suit of clothes and adorn and Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo work. the are accomplishing in Cariri 'beautify his home. In fact, it is his duty y P g g Some folks' busiest �ini�il meal time. , backache, lame or weak back, tire(:, , to:do so. It is also part of his duty to fur- dizzy feeling, puffiness under the eyes. There wasn't no saints till they was rush good reading matter for the family. POTATO SCAB. swelling of the feet and ankles, frequent (load. 'We should strive to so elevate and rising during the night and Kidney and There's some folks thet spend their You Can Encourage or .Dlsconrage It With Bladder weakness of the children and time wouderin' how the world managed dignify the business that any man could soil and Fertilizer, old people. to git along :afore they come to it, an' be proud to say, I am a farmer. Blackened pocketlike cavities and One of the many in 1Vingliam `olio how it'll lose a- aiu' after the leave. speak well of Dr. Pitchers Tablets is I P g Y roughened corkey spots are chatacteris- , + Mr. b . H. Kerney, proprietor of Barber A feller s first love's generally like his, A -we', -+-s•+•• � . •q`i tic of scab on potatoes. On beets it does she , Joso bine at., who sa s "The g • • • 'iABSOLUTE P P l first pacts; he soon ontorows it.�,� not lead to pits, but results in rough, position taken in se work half stooping a. corky elevations are usually more and the strain consequent upon this co et extensive on the upper half of a root. tion, and the long hours on my feet The mate who did odd jobs in a pertain 9 brought on a constant pain in the back. county school gave tip his place the other Every potato grower knows that some I was induced to try Dr. Pitchers Back- day. When asked what was his reason, c,tin soils are more favorable to scab than: ache Kidney Tables and got a bottle. t « + Doctors �` others. Chemist Jones of the Vermont The one bottle was all that was notes- he said: I m Iiaueat, a,tl I won't stand J ttt mmm URIWV*yestation says: General experience indi- ane I have Sinchada no rouble. t has li This all iislta handkt being erchief about the schoolected. If I find apencil I m ` Cates that heavy soils, whether they are big relief and I can heartily endorse sweepingI give it u Ever uow and 2 Qen u 5 ne . of clay, snuck or humus, are of the fav- thew." P g' ver`, t,llo teacher or someone,p' Y oring class. This may be because they Dr. Pitchers Backache Kidnoy Tab again, howev' lets ase GO cents a box at all druggists, [Put is toq cowardly to face ane, will Good r7 7,11 are inoistor' or sent b mail. The Dr. Zina Pitcher lP,`A There is ground for the statement Co. Toronto, Oiit. C Put a slur upon use. Why, a little i rte r sometimes made that the soil best fitted while ago I saw wrote on the pard, "Find the comiiioti multiple," 4V911, i 0 for a large yield of potatoes is also most t! Little �� �� �q eye g '1St inolined to scab. Ho v Old is china. I looked from cellar to garret for that l 1. �1 g g 1 lea Experiments at the Rhode Island sta- China's antiquity is a part of its color- . multiple, and I wouldn't ltnoty the 'm • 'a i tion show that an acid condition of the sal proportions. Their early waiters Hain„ if I met it. Last night in big Must Bear Signaturo of r Covering writing on the black board, it said, Find �� "`�'��� ��• � soil checks the development Of the scab record a mythological history o g ,•. fungus, and Professor Wheeler suggests tens of thousands of years, but this the greatest common devisor. Well, I , that plowing under a green orop, such as period ends with the establishment of says both of thorn things are lost now, clover, 'will Chechi the scab fungus, since the capital of the empire at Kai-1�'ung• i "Iaucl'm I'll 19 accused of stealiiig'eui. So i this reen matter while decom osiu Fit in tho 81st centum B. C. Her I'in off.See Pn�•f3imile Wrapper Below. g P 1� Y tormankind will render the soil tOmporarily acid. legendary history extends from this time very smeu and as oa y Ou the other Mind ft+rtiliz rs ox manures to 220E B C. at �vliich Gime it ma b0 wA•NT>Li):--Onpahlett•clfabio personln every r e r y eolttity to re resent l rgo company of solea rtO s°ko °'s which tend to destroy the natural acid- said China's real history begins. The linancial reputation tn30 Nabiryy ttier year, pry y able weekly • so per (lay ab-olutely aero and all r, I i + FOR HEADACHE„ ity of the soil or to increase its alkalin- ancient history of China extends from n a' nmist3ioi i rheumy Baia`onekaS tuianylrind i ARTS FOR DIZEINW. ity may thereby render conditions more from 2205 B. C. to 208 B. C. Her t,� „lice inctiry n(lvailcedencll week. •STAND• 3: Tan for flue cents. it Ttrtto.d drocers, 7tesautana, I"� FOR elUOOSNESS. favorable for the fungus, mediaeval history begins there and ex- AIW HOVS% M4 DuAnolit+t ST., rifroAGO. Saloons, News Stands, General Stores and Barber@ –shops• The yy' banish pain, indute sleep, and prolong life. IV, �/� F0R'TOItPID LIVER. It is the common experieneo that lime tends to th0 time of the Mongol Coil- One {rives relicfl No matter what's the matter, one will ' v p • quest in 1210 A.D.With cite rounding solo iicgt•tor ao voa good.. ren sAtnples and ora thousand eesw PILL jOR CONSTIPATION. and allies area t to faVnl clic liCab, T110 g monials sent b mail to any nddres@ ort receipt of price, FOR 'SALLOW SKIN. Rhode Island. experiments showed that of the Mongold dynasty, China's modern Saturday, July Oth.-Auetton stile of br the ftlpins hdatical Co„ to!sp'rote St., New York Ott. F08 THE COMPLUION ' this is attributable to their 'Coutent of History begins. The Mongola wero' household furniture, oil the market >r 1 ,,b�6PfVlfiridt wusriuv. 'aAru�@, caroliate of lime which renders the soil driven out by the' brings in 1808 A. D. square,. Willghattl. Salo to cOnttiiCliCo 16..:, itb I rurel� t .�.�„i�•,tr�e'„ew,�y4•..�.=•-.,. favorably a111;aline. Siinilai• incrOaso of The 1llings were the last native dynasty at 2 o'clock. 'Vers. John Dickson, orb• OURS 910K HEAOAOH94 . scab followed the use of soda ash (car- that ruled over China, and their control prietress. J. Uultie, attetiolleet. ._. a - kid, ,',.r' :a . Jy. _ _l . r�. e ° f '.,, r u `, •1....i Iii,.OiY:.c...:u.. h ' •@�'iilt✓ — '�-_..Yxi.Y_ - r. •'r. �..,.._.. ..