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The Wingham Times, 1901-07-05, Page 2
r ti 7 !7777 ,tC'hu.rurtbr #n 71iet1klneL Thero i4 a cliaractcr in Dr. C'hase's Ointment'.- dist .Such rh!lrnrter n6 has Made Dr. Grose esteenle•rl and ndluired the worlil over, Dr. ("htlso's Otnt"1011t has stro I tlptrf t of b Illl% Rrid rplilaills to -tiny tho only ar•tn°1l ow -o for Files and ttchin€r St:in diems,,- It is rho t:taudard Ointment of the wnrltl. Yoll can 1`01v on it 1•1st rw v oll r:dv m, Tar, Clinso's'RP- ceint 110.4t. hc, ,n,,., v o•1 1-I1mv that it is batik -,l lir tiro aterlintr character of Dr. Chase --,l.111. r;ca's Cx,vart..t Physician. A l['ontIN110 aiuehitte, A little llllit•hinn whic'11 threa•ls 1000 needles a minaret is ill Afinn, anoids. It was spell by Ta. i•• 11 •naldaou, of milli, eilptdiaa. in :-t G(All. S pit %orinud, ou a recent vi4t, ave' flit 1•:ld pp s t to his place of 1•ligilw4s in 'Mitnwavolils werely as all exhibit. The purprneof tile nrit•?•bio is to thread needl•',; Olif are piaved aftortvard in all embr:,id ort- 1-0111 for ninkilltt the .;wins or Httirtbur„ lltep, Tl'P dovina is almost ontirt-tv tuttonvltle.. It tali + tll0 n,ed1P from it bo-i•wr. enrtivg it along and! thretlda, ti: h tlaP ki-or, entt� tilt, direatl oir a llllliVr! 1 1Prlstit vat io,t the lwotile acrttis : u .p�,u .X14:,• t• and sti-•kc it in a I rack. '1'•'e+ wi lk of t'trt itd;vg thnFP needle s its fcrinvr':�• d,ve by hand, tied the ac;tt.nc v fruluwhat ala} be (Ione by hand to It thoilsand a utitnite by ma- chinery i, an iu,-Icx of the pro: rt',s of the Swis•: Iicgrnidiv. Mill ...... Cr;;l 1'thvders Curv. S.•lrl by Colin A. l'u.upbrlt. E A ,yl ' "z s CURE FOR Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Ner- vous Prostration, Loss of Energy, Brain Fag, Faint and DizzySpells, Loss of Memory, Melancholia, Listlessness, After Effects of La Grippe, Palpitation of the Ideart, Anaemia, General Debility, and all troubles arising from a run- down system. They will build you up, make rich red blood and give you vim and energy. Price, 5oc. per - box, or three boxes for $1.25, at dt•ug- gists, or' will be sent on receipt of price by The T. M11 -- burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. t \ F �pJ C u :33, . L 1 t 'err a•wM1.:''+•t ; =:�. ,, • ,s����, r - lt,•4t'�,1, - yam,,. i• A pp (' l a 'lt ,FOR Diarlihkczill) V scrltcry, Colic, Cray; a, ����� 1n 'a Stomach AND ALL Complaints. ITS EFFECTv ARE lv3lt.RUZLLOUS. 17 A©'1'r'L'1'XE A tCGHPRra. RELIEF ALW113T INSTANTANEOUS, Pleasant, Rapid, Reliable, Effectual, Every House should have it. Ask yon!' Druggist for it. Taho no ether. A tx u 1 l 4,0 M J L•t:t.uL 441KA41.14 1. a %144 .L alp A iltl l e SPECIAL. SI:RNlQld, x1►p Iwdte,t* Ipstltcte. Th e Table or 8011tilde. The annual meeting of the I..adies' Study of great achlevomelits, of noble All outlille, of Rev. A. E. Prior's sermon Iwtitllto (it branch of the West Huron characters, from the founder of Clilia- oil Snndily, June 23rd, in the Wing- Farmers' Institute) was held at -Nile, tianity to the useful scientist of today ay 1azuC(1�rPgtttgnRl church,recently.Thep1Psi ont, Mrs. H. Elfoxd,'\l 1 ar 68 upon you 1110 value 0i Luke 12: 00, b7• --Here is all appeal to gave All ex"1101lt address oil the aims of solitude to the human soul, the vvrdicr• of the human soul for elle the Wolllell's Institute. The socretarr, A ourso of all civilized life And of claims of the Gospel.. The causes and bars. Colin Campbell, of Goderieh,, pre, American life especially is the exaggera- ef.eets of the experieuces of the human S011tt•d the following report: 0s A.t tion of its social side, soul err just Its easily perceived as those Goderieli,, on December .8th Inst, a Tllexo is llo time given to restful objectivtly observed ill nature, Every UIC00119 t'f the ladies, of West Huron thought, no Chance for the brain or the ' roan leas power to. be observed in nature. was convPned far the purpose of organ, soul to get ltavlt3• to t tudy itself and its . Every reran has power to observe lvroug izing a Women's Itistitnte, Considerable I possibilities, and right in himself, by uature, without interest was manifested and a. partial Tho business mall struggles all clay in idly old"otive ruvelatioll. Scepticism of ' ori tiilizatioll was effected. On Feb. company with others, He chats and oar own Moral eouce is impossible. rnary the 5th another meeting was call. gossips in the evening with family or Tlir+:e real objectionsto the (gospel ad, aalcers were elected and the with friends. liven tit bis dreams busi- froul the philosophic staudpoilit:-- Worueu's Institute of West Huron was Bess schemes and busillessacquailltauces I. ,if the gospel is a revelation of ftlnly lanuehod, The success of the accompany flim, Gull, as Christian • claim,. it stands work work has gone beyond our expectations. Children brought up ill cities and secondary to the lighnll revelation Iii I The members have found the meetings towns are like nlou eys in a crowded unr uw., marvel llaturd. We can use both interesting and instructive, and the cage. They are packed closely together with cuni:deuvo only our interior or Institute protaiccs to become a most use- with no chance of isolation to develop subjective revelations." ful organimtion for the bettering of our individual chari%Qtor.. At first this looks plausible but on holnes incl the 1prending of knowledge Emerson declares that great deeds are txaluivatiou we findiit to l:e no objec• partaining to domestic science. At our born in solitude and there is no doubt taut at all. The Bible is onl�r a means first nlPetin{,* tlrPllty-seven names we, that great charactl rs aro formed in to tin end—a mode tri' comilaunicad,on. handed in for membership and the list solitude. Audi it secol.Ilary, it does not follow has steadily Increased until now wehava Why do so many of the great men that it is qui•stiunable and unreliable. a membership of eighty-two. During come front lonely country life? it dopei,ds, and will Z•talld there, Upon the past five hwittlls fourteen regular Because the isolation gives them a the truth it brings and thelight itthrows meetings, with an av@rage attendance of chance to devote thinking and to build upon the reeds and disabilities of the forty-five, have been held, as follows: up Character, They are not more echoes hn.lrnn soul, which our constitutional Four at Godorich, three at Holtuesville, of others shouting around them—they nature (toes !lot kivte us, There is moth- two at Wingliam, three at St. Helen, lead individual lives and have some Ing iu iiaturitl religion to tell us of the two at Iiintail. For the better carrying hole of shining as individuals. grief of .G•ud for siafnl Iran. or of His on of the worb, branches hove been or. Men and 'women should give them - sy utpattly for a sinner, or of the Hope- ganized at Gorlerich, Winallam, holm• solves and their children the benefit of a fullness of the sinners case fu view the esvillee, Lrintail auci St. Helens. The certain amount of isolation. Crucified Christ, or of how the sinner following papers and addresses have . A body tightly bound with cords actually meets God. been read by the members: Women's Collid not develop muscular strength. 2. •'If God has given us a Institutes, Airs. E. Elford; Should girls And a brain surrounded on all sides •revelation that goes beyond our nature we cannot have an allowance? Atfss Mary Qalkeld; and at all times with cllatterings minds accept it. For, if our nature is not to be Home influence, lairs. Colin Campbell; all running in groves., has no possibile trusted, it cannot be employed as a Care of mills, Mr, 1% Daviel Todd, St. chance for development. guide even when a revelation such as Helens; The ai in and • object of Religious feeling, true reverence for the Bible claims to be is before us." Women's Iustitares, Miss McDonald, the Creator, depend upon solitude and This objection is like reading a book St. Helens; Iiow wo roily lessen our lonely thought. " previously knowing the contents. It is household ditties, lairs. Bichan; Care of Bernard of Clairyaux says: like a farmer refusing to plow and sow poultry, Mrs. Church; 'Women's In- "Conte away from the noisy world. till he knows whether nature will re. stitute, Mrs. W. J. Currie, Winghani; Enter into the silence. Trust thyself ward hint for his labor. reading, Idiss A. Anrlrows, G1oderich; and the universe with God." ' Of course human nature is unreliable. Caro of milli, Miss Green, Loyal; Felon says: The knowledge of right and wrong is Decorating a c0nllt17 home, Miss "Silence promotes, the presence of no criterlan that we would choose the Currie, Winttham ; A happy home, Mrs God, humble the hind and detaches it right and avoid the wrong. This is why J. Linklater, Wingham. In view of the from the world." we claim that the Revealed will of God, fact that we have not yet been or. Thomas a Xempis says: even if secondary, is essentialto provide ganized Eix months and that the work "In solitude and silence the holy soap us with motives and inspiration for holy ' has been new born to officers and dire(- advances with speedy steps and learns living. tors, fro feel pleased with the results . the hidden truths of the oracles of God." 3. "Written revelation is of little and are enc•ouratn•ci to look forward to —New York Journal. value, if even true, if its ei.icieucy de- grentoe snceecs in the future. A. JE. pends upon the Spirit of God.,, • Campbell, secretary." Not to be Aoue. We deny that this is an objection, the' Cf tiers for Cie ensuing year were J slee-tc rl as follows: President, Airs. H. A traveler entered a hotel and asked we heartily agree with the principle that calls it forth. ,.rti O understand rile Elford, Holuiosville; vice president, price of a dinner. , _ mind and will of God we must have an ., Mrs. J* Siwll', Olinton; secretary treas- 'Two shillings,' replied the tva'iter. He whop took ,' seat, and placed his interpreter; just as a child llecc�ls the in. rarer, Mrs. Colin Campbell, Goderich; rlirectoresseF, Mrs. R. Holmes, Clinton;. bag on a chair by his side. After din - r in order f acquired simplest first language Misti ( ieorvie McPhail, Porter's Hi]], ner the waiter came to be paid, and ask - p buil principles p tivorcl and banding. The Spirit of God reveals the I Mrs. J. F. Ldnklater, Wingham• Airs. ,tyln, ed for four shillings. `But,' said the trave'iler, 'I have only mind of God in the truth, and appeals J. Currie, Wingham; Airs. R. li. had one dinner.' to the receptive potters of our nature— YO11llfL. Carlnv; Airs. f.I. Morris Car- ' lnty• Mrs. Will, Tllohan Gorlerich• Miss 'Ah, but your bag has occupied the iutelect, i1ltUiiiOn, C011SC1CnOe, }pill—t0 confirm and sustain theclaims and to ' ' Gret111, Loyal; i4irs. J. Salkeld, jun., place Of another person,' replied the , move in conformity with Divine instrue• Gorlerich; Mrs. J. IT. McKenzie, Laur- i , waiter. r The traveller paid auci made no re - tion. We do not need simply inforina- ler; Mrs, R. K. Miller St. Helens; Airs. Hugh Girvin, Nile;' lips. Grummett, , mark; then turning to the bag, he said:— tiou, but impression and persuasion. Mere information , Nile, Miro. E. Pebbutt` Hoimesville. 'Now, m friend I bi ve aid for your 1 y ' P y dogs not draw men to I d dinner and you shall 1lilve A.' Christ. This is where our philosphic ( He then helped him sell! to a big sup - unbelievers :tumble. Lot them remove the stones of their own placing nut of a PkIld••a: 111- vn•:,, iaalcrimmon sympttnn ' ply of eatables, and placed them in the Chia' way• ,. • of leo: t:. ill c•biirt•t�n Mntht•rs lthn walked t ba,., and � al edea . �. snsi•t'•ur, their child J t troahled with "We do not need more light, more knowledge, but we do need more right. worimi should :ulotiiaistcer Dr. Low's Pleasant Wcrrrt Syr im. It is silliple, Burdoelc Blood Bitters is a medicine gess." Heaven is harmony with God, dafe wid elft eirti& Price 25 cents. made from roots,,bark and herbs, and is the best known rPmcicly for dyspepsia, not a blage of precious brcnes and gold- i T.Ifn i)n ts•nbroller is 73Ut reallya, mail':' Cl recall blood dVo as frolm andwil comuloln ea streets, and incomprehensible beings. etuucl,J." lnit l,t' Ilia be clothes-ly re- worst , imple to the scrofulous sore t .nunuunun:InnI11111tlIlIpellUlllllllg111!IIHpIUplpga ul ,........ SES L t S I l I e TnAJpa n J��.-4 - LE _ ��iGr ���af�� t - A egetable'PrepairationforAs- SIGNATURE i similating tlleFoodandRegula- ting the Stamachs and Bowe of -- O F-- om . i .1 . Promotes',Digestion,Chserful- ,aeo ness andRest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. j is ON THE LVOT NAnC OTIIC. i Tis�pecl"OIdILSAMErLI.FlTL�' 7r APr F3empTtin .fctcL— i'' �flx.Scnn¢ + Bonier&Salts— OF EVERY Y Anise Jeea + j ,A•�ermint .. fhCardonaleJcdQ ♦ 130TTEE! EE! 0r i' zavyrarL Faamr, .tlperfectRemedy for Constipa- ( tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea i Worms ,Convu tsions,reverishCAS!R�� - ' Ress and Loss ®T SLErsp. t 3 'bac Simile Signature of W- ElAr -YORH. I Castoria is put up in ono -size bottles only. it ! a •'D MZ �� to not sold in bull:, Don't allow anyone to roll you anytL•in� oleo on the plea or promiso that it is "just as good 11 and "will awwer every pr - pose." AZ' Sce that you get C-A-S-T•O-n-I-A, ul EXACT COPY OR WRAPPER, stailo � ; _ rf fo ca Y, tlg7't1ae�il�/c ��,! 07ET7 `�"�'`P.+'„25�','rlJ. �'``�i�„1�s'liC,cF.fhS.�'#ii�^tib°`y-CkNA'.S43tW59<"11�1tt+4L�1;`0roA•t�it�.L:���a. �`u•N:w .., C-1. .6 C,.WJ. VAI VARICOCELE & 3 vim F. IC!lTU r No other disease is so prevalent muoug men as Varicocele. As it iuterfer�s with ; ^ the nutrition of the sexual organs it produces emissions• loss of senion through the a urine, decay of the orgatts, pains in the loins, aching is the bactg nervousness, des- >s pendency, bashfulness, palpitation of the heart, constipation. and a coirb.nation c. 4 , these results lit complete Loss or Alunbood. :1 huu,anda of yonnir an ' middle- for aged men are troubled with Stricture. If yon have reason. t.a belisl o t a are ;f' a<eted with it, don't negle..t it. It will ruin you. Don't let doctors exp ri 'U—t on you by cutting, stretching or tearing it. our Now hie, f od TrVueon 1 t v� dissolves the stricture tissue !tents it dirappears r.nd rz� r• -ver mtnr•1 lv Varicocele and Strii:ture without np:,ration or los3 of tin Tvi� t -eat::• t ',.r taken at home privately. Ser.d fur.o:•. "pre 11:r•J ^w-.. wl :'11 "A." i.•,,t Stricture exiad Gleet. We r;. Cc: :sc.:. Yo Kidne All sexual complaints affect t?th2e n i many. 1ie•,c- tui 1 'y » : -r T re: - t=• --ren' • •1 ofdisease..liaveyouachiuhot• overt!,•• k.aia A If e:catacL,te.u.••i+; i•, +a urinate frequently, deposit in arise, rnldncr.:i of ha:vty rat 'J Vt, :.:rn.yn,• fneiir _ t t j Qhe morning Don't neglect ,our L-idneis. Our ii:,W ,M -e: -.o.: Tv,.ucu:�,oi r, is guaranteed to cure any disca.:e of these organs or cc vvy i9 'No Names Uned '�iVfti:tots.t '� r t�o_z CoL✓inttfl. ' � O. W. Rowe, o° Jackson, Micb., rays: —I itad t i'�sM4 �caricocete in the secondary stage and two strictures of 8 years siandino. I was ept•rated un tsvicc. undcrgotng great sufierinir, but rnly l 'I got tem:i: temporary relief. I wan -ninth advised to t p �. 'l,• _eathe tee New RTcttiod Tc•stntrttar•t of Drs. 1 r+J t t , Sa S. The enlarged veins disappeared In ;^ �! sa, six weeks, the stricture tissue was removed in e eight weeks and my sexual euertry c-od vitality mn ,i returned so I was a man in every respect• IJ ?t �j0 4 y recommend you doctors with my whole heart, t s' - CURES GUARANTEED. NO CURE NO PAY. • Beton- Treatment. L.fter Treatment. we treat and core Nervous Debility. Lost Manhood, Varicocele, Stricture, Syph- i1ie, Gleet, weak Parts, Gonorrhoea and Unnatural Discharges. Consultation Free. Books Free. write for Question hist for Rome Treatment. STREET Drs. Kennedy Kergan, 1�t8 SH1.eY DEROIT,•MICH. r , .n.a•1J.. •w,...,.J. Jt...,\� w.�.,-. IL_. ..�. I -a._ L'.L•J__�L�li L1.'.Jl_ i'.J.l•l-.W. 1..1LAhIL. •.i -Nature reveals, neither the past, present, I p tai..+.l.. Money cannot secure all the glories of -- _ _ ..._ nor futuro of the human soul the Bible does. If therefore, the Lord claims are hfilh•l::' �orul Pt,vc ilrrs the merlirine life. Among the x,000 millionaires in verified, in any extent and form, by t for;hilelren. ;. 1.1 4ly- Colh1.L. Gawp- United States no one of them can write reason, and consuieuce and nature, the bele i poetry. Job text stands approved. 111-16 that know- -- -- a -- - eth to do righteously but doeth not, to him leis very knowleOge worketh sin, and i he that sinneth shall die the death." It strilres the Heart. Not only is the victim of Rheumatism ' a constant sufferer, but he lives in con- tinual dread that, the disease will reach the heart, which means sudden and un- expected death. Rheumatism can only be cured when the uric acid is removed from the bleed by the healthy action of the kidneys. Dr. Chaso's Kidney -Liver - Pills make the kidneys healthy and vigorous, and so gradually andthorough- ly. cure Rheumatism by removing the cause. One pill a dose, 20 cents a box. 35©r 1 , Fasture for ilogd.' Pasturage is necessary to the successful .�: . ��'",� • +' � raising of hogs. Not only is green feed the best, and almost indispensable for growing swine, but the exercise required rte+► in grazing is just as important. The n °t "" 'L ""'"'"`"ME cheapest feed for hois that own b n hogs gr y Cresswell, Maroh 23, 1901. the owner and harvested by the stock. Tho T. Itlilbilrxi Co., U—Mited, In the southwest there is no lack of I ., tcrage plants fora ry month in the year, Teronto, Ont. and benne pork can be produced at less Dear f5irS,--l' write to Say that cast than eslewhere. When this is not i hftvo tiaelRttrdoekLlocd Bittern done, it is not the fault of the country With otcelleri1; results. Last nor of the hogs, slut is the result of bad 1 spring ray daughter got all run management on the part of the flog down and was very thin and raiser,—�'arin aYld Ranch, weak) Her faro was covered with red Miller's Worm Po•twdsrs care fits in spots and a Targe boil formed on children, Solei by Colin A. Campbell' her cheek. I procured 9 bottles A new Jersey ss railway was assessed $1 d .$.I3 , otld by the time she danl!iges for killing a, boy. There is no y ( money in raisilig children at thtlt ridia• had flnishCd tLieni the spots and oalous figure. " I buil disappeared and she liaw MilburnIg IIS rt and Xorve Pills cure 1 tot strong and fleshy again. Anaemia,NervAusnesi+,Sleepnetcs,'GGeak- Il consider 1B.B.B. the best blood ness, Palpitatiofl, Throbbing, Viitint 1r�tedlclfte Tt no GCfI;f. speller,. Plzrinese, or any condition aria• Ing from limboveAshed Blood, Dieotd'er. MRS. Y. DAVIDSON, ed Neves or Weak Heart, 0, I's 0, Lid you ever have boils on your neck ? Not very nice, eh ? Your blood's out of order. It's bound to be this time. of the year. You require something that will purify that function. Now, don't weaken yourself with cathartics._ Have common sense and purify the blood. Powley's Liquified Ozone will do . that. , The condensed oxygen acts directly on the system. It is Nature's great purifying agent. A bottle of Powley's Liquified Ozone will cure your boils. , No and $1 a bottle, at all druggists. 'Write the Ozone Co., of Toronto, Lim= ited, 48 Colborne St., Torontd. Powleyrib 1*6ed 0% Sold by A. L. Ifat liton, Druggist, W inehalAT Ora.' The -.james In this progressing .<.re a business firm ca not afford to use door printing. � The quality of its stationery i the inddx to its worth. Customers and, the public generall want no better sigh than neat and , attractive printing. THE TIMES Presses are prspared to furnish just what is wanted in teller Meads Bill leads i. H -ale lical;s 5�a�.e��leEl��s Memorandums t Envelcpas And all Office Supplies. is not always the best kind to get; but if you get go printing, and at a moderate price, you ;will then have the best. 4Ve h ae every facility for turning out good work in the shortest time. 'The o ce is equipped with fast jobbers, card and piper cutters, stapling max ine and all modern conveniences. IF YOU WANT 11rogratr roes Wedding Sta eery Catalogues Busincss i cl s Calendars or Auction Bills GIVE USI A GALL.; ,' O -ANY ADI)I ESS TILL JA "fJ!'ARY I st, 1902, for TH 1 EIMES FICE do Cents WING11AWS 01'0 . i. r r �g