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The Wingham Times, 1901-06-14, Page 2
..;r, -..1`r?•.. ,•.�.w•'.T'7!'••i'�.. sr'.�,,• � v•� . , ,� ,t r , ...I• - ' � ' r:" � :.•m :y f- �'n•„` , c THE WING11 A•M TIMES, JITNE4 14, 190 1, , t.� ._ ....._.. .._ 'i:,q Candid. Btxaet IpcidetiL. The Mord tllrougli prophet Amos (lid To Nervous 111alliten. A lu=+ :.•r "•h t wa,t to ealirtidate for a ,"My hear Six," exclaimed Lawyer Those instruments condemn lura, D. W. Crousberry, of 1,63 Rich- + -yi ° ' � a +•,t�+'+t;wr�.•.,....:.,.,.:ti,M.Ku.r4 R�i.,a4:,., ..,a:;,e.+,F L1�tiiA>AW�F.a••r� V. 1,11., It itrd t"::1 -it went on't eativa&Sitig I3arthololatlw Livingston, meeting the . Then Svhy' should lie be pleased With. ours mond street, Toronto, says t — r';Diy OA'► tidy, pts 1 1: it"eltvil tit ti• rottar.e floor, Uev, Dr. Arelnhalcl Willdhazn on the dauttbter'A azervEt6 sver8 eoexitfatlsted held a / %Yllell lie disfavored them, village stmet, "'Wliat dues this mean? I elle was BO weak and do, will that she G Thl►ritl•ir tv:+K ou:•n••d by tl:vclettatt• had to give li work and, gvas almost a. t"ls vow, I1t18G'tTid lel, �TrS. 7`lveedlQ;" thought you iv �re laid up with all sort$ I'rora Christ we take our obristain faith p Of b,l<1 dl�eat+Et . victim of ilervOliA prostration, l)1`. c> inquired i 110 1:kivyer. ",chid. ski I �+els," rt'pli0cl the reverend.. Established an his word Chose's Nerve Food proved an excellent ""No, sir, was tlll� rttpl�•; "but I liiloiY i,'NnllE lt1k411, " I Mali all littiielc t>f indiges• Then why pollute his church in which- renlOrty in restoring her to health atzd 1`1011 and from that tinie oil my whole No ipetruntent was heard. strength. After having used four bees ^tvliat volt tstitlt. 3Z�= ll•ihbaltcl is sure to , she is at work A;hiu healthy riiicl happy. tcvs•tnu hit, bct.lz in to disordered condi- vote for you, bemuse you got kiln oil' tnill untit I hegall takilig Hood's Sarm. Nor yet within tllosochurches, too, GO cents, at all dealers. stealing that }latti last week." I puri}la wilivil leas put me on lily feet and Established gist by Paul, • . t '"No, uo--hale eel weal u of the cured uh iuy sttallach ti-vul,les," .It<esttit of Gtuo<t atrauugotnent, „ g g ""I don't doubt it,"" sail the lawyer: Nor iia that ehristiau age h am, correeted the lawyer. 4"'Phis Aaltte medicine clued my wife of Were organs heard tit all. A little ov, r a third of a century .ago the CauhciiAn liravinces of the time lie• "Alleged be blowedl" wAs the we- rheutmttisin and mylitth, girl ofsorofula. �. xann's smiling reply, "Weave got a bit When they l;ar lt:; the best medicine Then wily should we approach our God gau a now epoch on tin equal financial ' of it left yet. Lot me give you a sand. 'n101iey cilli buy,they only tell the truth." In such unhallowed ways basis. In the oanrso of time other QastoTiiL is for iifalats.. i�tic'l Chilclrcu, 47astoz'ia is ` zvielt out of it, sirs" *,Tea, yes, sal they (Io," replied the Muoh better not to sing At all provinces were adFled; now the fiscal harmless sulastittito for .Castor on, Paregoric, )Drops mitlist.oc, and tht, t •o pat -:ped oil, nlic7 $aoth141�, Syri4l)s. 7[t contains rieithor 4piutn, i ? Then mock our God in praise? situation is as ,'follows: Columbia, M .. - "„G,4GO,G4B clobt, British Colutnbih, • y Anatruniegtgl i%tualtt in the kiogse of (mod. See Amos, chs 5 v, 23, also chap. "„ 31olrpliiule nor other Narcotic substance. It is lPleiasant. Dr. "I g" "+,12G,269 debt; Manitoba, $5,701,000 % We have been requested to publish the .8, y, 5, debt • Nova ScotiA $3,711.,809 debt; Its, t4A;Canto4 its thirty ;� ears' use by Millions o1? following' lilies written by it well-known ,A, subscriber Aud lover of vocal praise. New Brunswick, $3,19$,359 chibt; Prince Mothers. Castoriita destroys NVorms au(I allays ti'btFeverish- r.- rc?1��� �I'r�1���' Esulscr. •ibor. Gt1`e fele' he will finThe above has been taken from the d fcW t ��.0f dward Island, $-08'137 debt. Hess. Castoria cases L3iazrlia"alalaii itadColi,C. Ciastorin. a•' a rsympathizers its prac'tivielly every person ,, I � ������ Teeswater News upon request of asub- Ontario along has public debt. Not. T nowadays believes that the organ assists � ' relieves '�cetltiit; 'Y`rattl)les, cures constipation and scriber of the Tiaras. --[Ed. 21atl:s, withstanding her expellent public in - very :materially Ili tho,sorvice of praise.— FIwt141encyr. C:astoria assimilates talo Food, regulates stitutions, And her educational facilities, tFort� u!a t.f• Tine Pitcher, M.D., Late Ed. , x Tarn The Itapeals out; this province has shown herself the the Stoniackl aticl 7i'yovvels of >t4afasits and Children, �*iVil4; Pcafvssor of thatoria Modica and Our lnoder;l (,iliistiaul. advocate we refer to such rascals as dyspepsia, most economic of the provinces of llealtliy° aand nater al sleep. Ctastoria is tlzo Cliilclreu's An We praise, bad blood, biliousness1106d oastipatluu, at0k British Norch America. Pauaeca�--'Tho lKother's Friend. Gertitta Urinary Diseases, Michie€a To worship God iii other forms headache, etc,, infe6ng the 1n111lau a system. Turn them ot and keep them A. Litti Elan, "^ ^t Cotiegeof Modicine, Detroit, Mich., Than tlzo.e of former day... � i' (✓'iLS'LOrlct. (''ill,,t,Or1,. . out by using Burdock Bitters, the , U. 5, A.) natural foe to disease, which invigorates, Tara hall a visit 'g n Thursday from ,+Castorla is an excellent medicine for 4scastorla Is to well adapted to children Beljeviog that a:lusic chtnm tones and strengthens the entire system. Prof. C. J. Sole a diminutive and in- y pre, 1)1`, i'itcher's Backache Iiidne Tablets are b YQ Yi +t children, Ssipthers have repeatedly toad me that I reconnnend it as superior to any the quicke:,t and surest relief for backache and will eyLry soul inspire terestiiig dwarf, Whole home is in To- of its good efrect upon their children," scription known to ate," Sidney t roubles, and can shgw more evidence They places an organ in the church :Lowell, A Pass. It, A. Attexrtx, M. D, Braakim, N. Y The Human 13o<ly. Tonto. We were attrt�cted in the fore - DQ, G, C. OsGoon, to that effect than 01 other advertised rgmedles And organize t1 choir, no011 b the sound OY liltt610 tendon look- coutbined, Dr. Pitcher slakes his reputation on Each ear has four bones. Y , FAC—SIMILE �n�•s these t%bleu for i•ackocbe and Xidney troubled, Within this idol -deft The stomach has fOtir COatS. ing Out saw a little ma • on the road, play- THE i'! 1!A✓- � I I,, SIGNATURE and will not allow them to i e advertised asp y' OF "Jack of all trades" medicine. This worl{latbnship• of art, The tympanum is really a drum. Ing familiar airs on a tin whistle. Mr. , d Mrs. Sarah Bevan, of Fort scope, says: Are placed a ufudpipe and a pump The human skull contains thirty Solev gave tib Leadei a call and we ° Yyy y,ntrnili� ""Thirteen years ago I fell and injured my hack, learned from flim that he was 49 ears of anti since then have kuown�ery tittle comfort Which are its soul.aud heart. bones. Y with nackaelte or Iadney troubles. s have tried Every hair has two oil glands at its age and was born in England and came r Ali Liudsofntedictnesand seen mauyphysicians, " Afew devoted worshippers-bAae, to Canada 12 year? ago, and resides at but g•,t no help until I began the bottle of Dr. Before t Y Fitcher,s Backache Sidney Tablets, flint I SCA ore its presence stand The sense of tout is dullest on the 172 McPherson Avenue,with his brother.- front rother:front it, Dey ell, drucgist. They have done me a And fancy they are seraphims back. 1\.t' r, Soley is 3 feet ` inches in height and- world of good. I feel stronger; the dizziness Ofthe celestial basad. and s tiu are gone, and I cannot telt. you how The lower limbs eolztaia thirty banes weighs about 70 po nd6. Although not �^+, /� p }yQ , q� WRAPPER. p /� g� pleased t am, and everyone else says ilic same each, very strong he en joys fairly good health, APPEARS O N EVERY �J �1 a PPE Ate• o of than. They are justwhat everyone wanted. Then groans this guttural deity The lobe of the eye is moved b sit and occasionally to s a tour through 3 hope others will use thein and get well, Aimrl np the voices raise g Y Y NC4V YORK FIT! , THE FL•NTAu.t ffANf+ANY, y7 MURRAY BTr EET, Dr. Fitchcr's 9ackaehe Xidney Tablets are , muscles, the country in summ'r time, as he is do- q YYi� "IT •t1` „•., m`,, -13?.: + put up in wooden bottles, with green wrapper, Because its pleasing to the ear r':;,�., . "amu : sr bearing the portrait and signature of Z. Pitcher,They call it sacrad praise, The cerebral in Iter is about seven- ing at present, to gat ex in a few shekles M. D, Bach bottle contains 5Q tablets; price eighths water. to assist in paying M way through the 50 cents per bottle, Manufactured by The Dra The orgemites maintain that such The exact detail of the functions of world. His parents ere of usual size, Zine Fetcher Co., Toronto, out. - t Pgrowing Are of essential use , the 6 leen are unk own, and when he stn d owin • At an To harmonize the feelingwith Y age, Y P' - - P � g' aleattt of tiro Rlgpltane, The normal wei t of the liver is be- earl a e the too ed the best meds- t rP� Oa The sound that they produce. tween three and f pounds. cal help in Loudon, g„ to see if any- o ,+ The elepltaut's inanth is one of the The human s letou, exclusive of thing could be done t0 A1El In his grOtivth, c� ,} queerest sinhts in the whole of the Because to artificial means o P y IN l 0 ® animal kingelmu, says Pasts and Ani- Is worshippin,o, but.half, tenth cousin! of . bones. but it was of no avail, He simply re (a Hair is very, sir g; a single hair will fused to grow, and remained to be a •,�-housands of your�r and middle-aged melt are annually swept to a ppremature mals. Irs size! alone mat qs it sufficient. 'Tis like the Aaronites'who danced bear a weight of 1 150 sins, rival of Gen. Tom, Thumb in size. He ro throuc It k..1,6�Y.Y IINDASCIRCTION, EXCESSES, AND k3LOOD- + ly remarkable, g �" ' Fila. If you have an g y lent its construction i6 arca:d the olden calf. The color of theskindepends on pig. has a full face and beard and is both S. too llate. Are you nervons and weak, despondent symptoms consult us before It is ' d gieomy, specks before lite more rc niarl able even than its size. , r eyea with dark circles under them weak basic, jcidneys irritable, palpitation of the It has no front teeth, for elephants never I pity Chase whose dormant soul meat cells ill the interior epidermis. shrewd and intellig�eut and a g00d Con- �T' heart, b.x::ful, dreams and losses,' sediment in urine, pimples on the face, sunken An instrument requires The enamel of the teeth contains over versationlist. Afte chatting for a half hNl eyes, holla and .t cn tiff careworn tired mornings, poor mearory, lifeless, distrustful, lack eat flesh nor env Ot118r food which re- g restless nights, changeable moods, weak man, For scripture proves that nothing but 95 per cent. of calcareous matter, hour we found it tok some time to get ;i hoccl4 stuntxd or�•ons, remature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore threat, etc.7 quires tearing ap•irt. They have only Har )3�4i LT cf cc9s©1`a Ill cure yon. The race of God inspires. The wrist co ains eight bones, the our back straighter) out, for standing sett emmt �P y eight teeth altogetaer, four huge yellow a molars on each si+tai, two above and two g P Palm five, the fi geti; have fourteen. up Mr. Soley was > pt high enough to a RE , But if we use the natural means The roots of airs penetrate elle skill leave his autograph upon our writing � . !� `� below. These teeth are about two Ancl thus perform our part + �a+. rfl " `tl@'S;fit, c� ` 1 about one-twelfaih of tin inch. table. Leader: ', i I�'othhig can L� mare damoratizing to pounce and middle-aged men than etnissions ' inches thick and the width of a 'mans The Lord will give the a pint power , The weight o all ieverAge S1Zed man s t n G, h or carr, t drains through the urine, gl`hey unfit a man for business, ions band. TO Organize the heart. + is about 140 po ds; of the woman, I25. A Detroit mall was innoyed by people " tLr life or social aapptness, No matter whether caused by eve! habits in y th, ratural�c ealcress, e1` sexual excesses, oar Now Metisod Troatttneat will osi- 1 c welkin on his sass +i.- tivcl c rcyou. rt ffSS E1lJA2AlVtlEBD. NO CtJigE, iV® PAY. Oft The cells co osi: the epidermis are g g so he put up a 7 Our Gad demands a vocal raise g P . ` ,i. 11 P 1-1 9 0 0 511 of a: i ioh in diameter. sign, ""Take tho-Sid walk." A few �' ti7-�® �x��e� mooed �gt�¢ttg� �TsfltE>i�aA dvm�laeltnt. �a F �,, 1`r ^ Prom universal man, mornings the sid walk which was u >rven those unskilled iii ulnsic art The only iuvckluntary muscle compos- g ; i r w. A. Muir, of Lima, O., says: 1was one of x `" `, n'" !f1` " t 1i of boards had disappe ed. "ItNi 5 . ` the countless victims of early vice at 25 years of r Must do the best the can, ed of red or seri eel fibers i6 the heart. ;'. o i aye• Tile drains on my system were weakening - - ---P �'y, i±±y brain ae welt as my, sexual and nervous sys- 1 Men have b n known to lose by + ofn:S;" t, tett, For lei years I tried scores of doctors < r ,, 1 • r� ; t ki 'Tis not the harmony f tones ars jration 5 0 0 t0 Ei 000 rain8 an 6 «.a a• c•1r•.c;•ricbcltsand atentmedicines. Sosneltelpecl ay 6 • :a tl a5 . eia i a ., P P. , 6 + r t p Before, djfeP. I rue, none cured. Z`was giving up in despair, in Produced by vocal art hour, " Wood's P�1013�9110d�Y19,�,ij,� ,6 fact, contemplating suicide when a friend ad - T5" a 1, an ^ to o^ 1)a:r• � .A The rxreat English Iie»aedy. ;1`r rs� Y�� wised me as a last resort to give the Iiteve � ,, ,_; Alone will satuy our God Strairyht`h,;ifrs a nearly cylindericai ^3 - u T g t rhe?::las an�c _rte ...is, v`izen there a1`,: e z •Z Sold had recommended by all pse•tliod Treatment of Drs. K. & K. afair 1 sleek:. .:•. 1,,,_•.: _5 ; : tI ruomentary spm us It is the rruiS'«ug heez t. curly hairs ar6 elliptical or ;fat. f druggists in Canada. Only roll- s� �, t rig ;. trial. without confidence I consented and is ` of t: r. i•.1` c s, Ito:. for the cause, and _ a able medicine discovered. Six J', ' }� { r^• th*ee months I was a cured man. I was are ' ' r ' " ^ The �OICe i6 but the Infitsum nt The human body'contains two hund- pac7cages. guaranteed to Cure all / < seven ears a o—am married and ha happy. I seta tl.a._ .t t., re.—rsoved at once. e y g p 4 " Cu'.tirate treed health while yet there red and eight b01leS and :ave hundred forms of Sexual weakness, aII effects of abuse �Sa bo -artily recommend Drs. K. & K. to my afflicted to ir:"Sd on, instead of Through which our Itenrts should rise, or excess, Mental worry, Excessive us*I of To• ?' I ; fd r.^t•�r>°;++=Mt u11ow men.'" After Treatment muscles. bacon Opium or Stimulants, Mailed on .'eceipt +�tt waiting until the ne: p force is depleted As words express our Sentiments of price, one package $1, sea, $s. One wilivkase, �q AZ W'etreat and care Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, and vitality Completely exhausted. One hundred and deventy-five million yyt till cure. Pampkiets free to as address. ,� Gleet, Stricture, Stphilis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abase, Klduey and Bladder .b To persons suii2rino the results of So sounds express our prallf,e. x The tiFood Coinprany, Wiindsor, Ont. I Diseases, and all diseases of Men and Women. thin blow . and wasted nerves, Dr, cells are in the lungs, lvhichwould covervo ' ' s ?70 TTA?IP 3 USED VGITIIOU7? WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIV®TE. No I Chase's Nerve Food supplies all the Eat if we cannot harmonize a surface thirty timC6 greater L'liau the GPood's Pho,nhidino'is sold in Wingham by ;' ,;±edicire sent C. O: D. Ido names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. needs o, the system and brings perfect Colin A. Campbell, A. A. Morrow, S. E. Davis, � ° ' Our praise to please our ears human body. $ Druggists. nueatiot±list had cost of treatment, FREC. •. A. L. Hamilton, health. It occitnles a field by itself That no reason t iGall's displeased " i, rpt `'";1`y , ff� 148 SHELBY STREET, and is unique in these respects: that It cures by forming new, rich blood When Itis the heart Ile hear:. ■,�. � ,sin.+ w.1` i w1`. � � DETROIT. M Sf and nerve force, building up the system 1 MIC K.- increasing the weight. 'why introduce au organ then, � � �` e�'ai�s4' � e It is a reconstructant, restorative and I � '-�✓� —' 8ti.a " a a e. s' w reviialixer of the most unusual merit, An instrument of art, which sends new life and new vigor to TO utter human pride to God every part of the body, and gradually That come not f1` 'lu the heart? ' and permanently cures all nervous trou- Rm r e A-1 ®®�Ibled and diseases resulting from weak� �Job blood and low vitalittl• li0 cents a Wby use the altifi 1 means,t box, at all dealers', or Edmanson; Batch a i nt" Co., Toronto. If rci�e at all is given, It is liko oiicrin up strange fire E 9 i, h h 1 M I Lore � ti"S w S That llev(d leas e6 6 ell. Nerve Foods GOa judges not onticierd forms In this progressing age a business firm cannot afford to use ' The good in every part poor printing. The quality of its stationery is the index to its Tt ithin his scales he weigh eaell sons t worth. Customers and the public generally want no better Doctor.: Alid.measuresevery hetu. .. ; sign than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES g QIt'F �fi- Cal'&P0 "UjjFj9 And Acts as universal judge; :° Presses are prepared to furnish just what is wanted in With jastice in his hand 5 ARE BOTHING And in proportion as he gave MORE OR LESS THAM Tie only Will demand. G, -o -%y # RANK IMITATION, As proof that God himself approves eelj Lefler Heads Of instrumental. praise 'Tis said ging David used the harp iption Bal! Heads emoraii�il3iilS i. To chant his sacred lays. � }'•' T �s.r Note Heals C lel es E I But if it, right to imitato The harp which Daviel strung And all Ofte' SUP06S. 'Tis wrong to chant those modern songs t' \ He neer composed noir sung. � F , He introduced the harp'Forift, e himself 't� To mortifythe Lord t i � And if the imitate him "thus h r•,,sfl-& p P +"�s• t. � �x Why, not fake up his?iword? � a is lltyt always the "est kind to get; but if you get good .pi intiltg, land at a, _ •, , Wily not strip off our c otlles lore him Ten for five tents at Dtm��w�t Orwin, F.eataurants E l• Saloons News etande General Stores and Barbers - moderate pries y a will then have 'the hest, We 111ad'c M y facility for Exposed to public vie,'r Shops. '`They banish pain, tndute sleep, and prolong life. y ` (iii! alp Tri ye,tota acrappen) Ind dance around our 4ter wk one hives rehefi No inatterwhaeathe mattar, one will t. turning belt good v?!ortc. in lite stlortt;sc time. '�'lle offi o 3s equipped with ,io you good, Ten samples anti one thousand tea& fast jobbers, Card "ttnd ptiper 'cutters, t?taplinb 'mitObi d and all modern OWES At1Cl call it worship to�1? tbn tbelfif eahi snail to any addprees an receipt of price +1`'k G�,olifi, 'GVhell C4Ud tilts 14loutit Sinai Brood - Y p �ltcssitllCo.,raiS raeest„NewYorkCit . +e CotiVt;nietlCe$, � iar�i.cll, Dysentery, �._... ii1 '�3,ci1t5 in, 5118Tie drew his sacred plait u And framed Iiis earthly t' ple there Ct'31r �, � ' toITlilCi9, n--- tCllolcra, Cholera Xorbus, ChaloPI And gave t:ainmando IMan. _ IF YOU WAIN Infatittll- and all tSurn1]7ar Com- Tire l;avc diulcflsions of tTz� ark � � � lw �. �., —= Progl�amnies Wedding Stationlery 4 11 i11uJr wafer 1 C•tlfsblo, i1,1'Yii• It.4 tllinga both greatatlil. olid small - b Y r _ , Notices i�S3, l fluoell � Ratllevt;r vas Dow ment,9n made Catalogues $lisirlcss Of ilistrument at al . Th 'Times -4 Caleam or Auction Bills N >r ryas there ntly rpfwo reserved GIVE US A CALL. wlOuror,mistobe pllectxl �� �. � A���i��>r 'bait ()f TILL it vet r1f then its ftf tett Yeats �Ttxrrliu cftll t.e txa+ed. JANUARY lslty 1902, fest" ` THE M I, , �•t�� Till'David izitro/titc;rtl thetftt if 1`r ES 0 F 1111"' EQUAL: +.' '�•?" .� GiiAlt Ah lie wan inane rif 1o11g And +Tther fslttovatioue cgAike 0 IWING11aW,,J% t' /jt ].,',to it •avant Very 10.1g. I 'cif 1• : _ �� .e . •�,., �, M