The Wingham Times, 1901-03-15, Page 8Tff K WINGITAN TINES, MARCH 1,54 1901.
Mha Mary Llmnpliell, dau r Respeler Post office NV44 Vent- DR, AGNEWt 0
t110- lato PoFtw6ter at Luekuo`11X!! lln)! pletely gut ted by, fire oil Sunday evell. Physician, Surgeon, etc.
)been ftpp-Iltcd vvstalktr(�s tit Llu4g- il)g last. Omeo-Macdoliqla Bloelt) over J. rL
Drug Store. Nig hl at the ojjj(-e, D16 Inuease Ov.1
tco youxq, to =Vq, be
N D U 0
The Brussel., Orange j,ndge is junk,. ci-r,,d of croup, whooping cough awl coldi by
angem-uts for the litong WALKER PRO& & BUTTON
int; prolinduary ary ey lircathe it,
coming celebration. of Xuly ",,tit in that travellers have Leell ninking UNPERTAKUM-s, WINICUAM.
Nac."k and Fancy town. thtir wands. 1110 bleyvle season will Night Caller at Dutton 1110clir, or 1"Ifth Ot I i r Months,
soon lit, bore. door south at School floube, Shop op.
Ing 11,11111 1 � 11 .. . I , - 11 11 . � oatte Macdonald blocir.
-Kiss Doyle, formerly of Wl I P
ill fi-ilu have eliargo of the willhiery B
in Hodghis lire,' store at U L L F 0 R 0GE.
Dre r,%`3 Goods " VIOL14 AND GUITAR' I. has been our banner inoiltli ill 1"url4are,
oil) it oil. 0 13uYing Our 900dS for ca -911 and taking all dis-
_i,v Youm-L-Club Va,rtnightly Club The urclvr,�!jvurd will kepi) for WITIC-0 (11 Y40t HISS CARRIR XOOF.4 count, CnIbleS us to give bet erbar-aill rj
of London conservatory rr I'lusle, will N% pro,-
W-- NNlli 111:10t Yonda.-ir py-iniv., 7.!trop 1,41b Imil, 11jordIWlXvtH.*1 pared after Oet. jrt ti) ree(.1ve a, lint1tvil num- s than can
0 ben of Pupils foi, inntruction, on violin and be obtained elsewhere, We don't quote prices
at too hmno oo 11" PrIesid, mt, J01IN R1,11D. Uliftar. U
Ilan W2 cl I'll 111tIn c(I to talk- 'Walkot. with 50 per cent. off as special values, but give
div know Dad.Rantsay has I'mil appoll.te;l rock )ottom value ort a.11 goo(Is,
)-io,;s we har, I
MAND AND TIIIEORY. 'lairs fron'l 23c ul).
wberc tP b -gin ther� 1.9. s') rostivast,.-, at"Wvsffelil. Tlt� rilkes the W( i,o is avreby ,4ivvii V11.1'suant. to U. Good C01`111110n Cl Over -oc�
I VC(l 1't!"
plaeeorlli�'4 P -Mer, V.1.0 jt.�g r"Ino 1 01). IV, twv. 3.1, thu. 4111 jlvrt:on% jN'jIj,:, 4ISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M.
e -�nitlst the ('staro of I.Q%Vvi-d wOu 4old duringy the last few moj)tlj%
InUch liewnens, novelty and lall, I%.
ownsh!l) of 1%&rnb4,rr�T., tit t I 'loll Ity tind mettibor of the Amsociatea Tanpmans of
beauty here Nvorti-iy ofspcciallfrolll'v�"t k�"" (1 11111-t: . yt-oulnu, doemee(l. who ( t-cl oil Ontario, is wepared to reveive a lin-itvt n*m.
. I . I Viro aro ij1%igPl to r1pmr, that Y or 1,
eul ie, It -r (if linpi s for instrue tion oil 1�j;ijto and in
it. -Illouc t, nth &N. o� Ov�ob%vr, A. 1). 1 1U, are ri..
t Seems as t,1I(;tl,rh ' qiurt d to eitdI&Iio- wvlaa o; -t dt-fivcrt Theory.
to im-pr-yo. Tih,. niallY Luvlini 4 ustwwo he oy�io' git Ij kilIcefoll attention given, to inivils preparing
we ll;LVQ tiot overlook -d -,6' lit f I . , !?Ul. . . for e:quitinations.
him abo 1XV011-
c I opposite in
r in it IV X114 dav o, rvc8idellft -oR.O-Chureh,wirgba
thin BALL B I
I ";Ivir Liz
thAt W13 good, and such apa:-,t ROA
an iniarmise vilriety to choose
it iv!! vu wn--A lit tit ma. wn
it lit,
_T. Tj. ljf.,wj w.."llt. fin, tll(�, 01MIl't Iyevrtilzed, lidt" I Ie.. t) FOR BERY1
4. Y tit-, ' Z -ento-1,ri %v I woevcd to dii!- An( t,sforF.;,,0
froin. No wonder we are fav• :,.I C.I., wtll lv,vo Ins 11111pril 1 .1,
t_tt)ate the of the 'erased amo-n- the
-o i-riany buyers ol vria -y �f r - '?ijr hr tl I undorgigiteci v.,Ill I to,, Hpj-vlt,:) on Ills
ored with s tiolivoi y�IIiv.4 1; VCG, iii"j, I n k n 14 ',v to
-miW."t, jot 80, en, 0, 'h:it Wawano-dl, it
on Tliur�d., Minc-li. 1;PtIl. 2t. 1, P... , 11 UND,. tithpati:[xree, ERTA.-KrNo-i i ye'ars )ractical experience en
I , 0 .1�eurry, im.noved Bpi, I it,*(. I�g
As to value our 11;1 1 tit
Dtess Good, i elal
Silks, Trim- 1Ltt!,,4 n-rovintwil -stll off thrtrou,j %I It Sows
P are easy. it Y.&N; 1. itor Ior tit(,, 4xi-et.iors, r ables us to guarantee satisfaction.
i I -
elph, 30111 (.'ole, mingsand Gll�ves to i-natch all b"I! It On tile of ---------
F,,-Ignivo. vurolvnwcl the oiorou flibr,d P. GIBBONS,
Dress Goods. Shni`aora ball, -Crimson Laa." I N, 6 lus C a I I•-JI'aditors. Marnoch, P, 0. LUTHER BALL, Funeral Director.
tk-elslit-reby uq mrsualittoR.S.O.,
NEVil LINENS -T',fN ilr1 n1irm was sounille:1 on IS xt,* Cap. 13.), Ft -o". .1 , t . all persons litivizig OW InsolVent AM. Residence --Patrick St., ATr4 Gracey's late residence.
Stitt-Ottv tift,-rution hist Pad again on !j" � arainsttho 'state roldbuld G ordwa,
-arrived for me tomal-.canas-
of tht, To, hip of r rn err .ill the �The time hes
We are careful linen buyers and Suril,,y nt noon. The firemen had a • Comity of Huron Yeonifl, C nise h0 tiled mment for the bonellt, of myself. Tit(, Having
Inks - cont., I it
I It -it 11 IV 1). ny only three pei lie I ant pre-
pared r __ - - - - - ___ I - - - -
we know good linens when we see run fir nothing on bat' a occasions, 0 PRY 10 to 15 (301AS 021 most, to 8" 11o.; - i )ai( or to an
We can recommend these wito oe he own of other.,; are doing, twice a year to all
them. its
Wf'Mrs. NV. 11. Wilgn% wif(A of flip, late wt in C part -I r,
linens. for jf,3taAnlain le County of uT , olicitor requiring boots and shoes repaired. All +
t=iebef ", tho 21st tire
I ill' istrairix, on 0 In I we c e to call and find what can be +
72 inch half bleached Pare Linen XV. 11, "Wilson, who ryas killed on Mareh of Marc A!-1,theicnamos, - es s cs saved at the oldest established shop in town.
first by �1.11y, de . , ) . full t.:tlitemert pa -i- Whitt enables me to repair bouts and shoes rest
45c and 50e. a snow plow special on the G. T. •
ticula r sole, and the nature o he and cheapest In the count
Is X live rent free
ecrtri 0C biy anti dread Of the ties
it - aI .,3- the Adn;L-jj4.i, owing N7111 please call and svttlo their, accounts +
R., near Atwood, died oil Fatru lay ii -tri I t1hpul, curly cortif I alliff. All pat
72 inch fine. bleached Table Linen and that t
morning. t, rimto tlie as.;etaof
65e' and 75c. will )r d'. I �i( 'm " � ) at once, and all parties in Winglitim or in the
ct-11HUX the na rfie, entitled thereto,I Dominion, having claims against me will oblige
Fine bleached Hu'eh Towels, 25c, -•Edna Isabell, the infant dau-11ter of oni it) the claims at which
by presenting their accounts as their cash is + loll
I shat hon have notice. rea steps west of SwartW Hotel.
85e and 50c; per pair, Mr. anfl Mrs. Win. Halli ' day, Zd on D ed this 19th day of F cbruary, A. D. C01. Victoria St. THOMAS ABRAHAM.
Irish drash roller Towelling. Thursday of last week. The bereaved 1. VANhIXONE, Winglitur
holma.tirlortlie.kilmi tr4tIx.
Linen Napkins 50e, 75C, 81.00, parents will have the sympathy of their
$2.00 and 63.00. many friends in their bereavement. FARMERS
Elizabeth and anyone having live stock or other
GENTS Pe -The remains of the late E 0109 the wish to dispose of, should oolver-
Macdonald, *he died at tbo London In- Use the same for sale in the Tim s. Out, In
A r [ e 9 1 wunlls ♦ , Opportunity
New Spring Hats, Ties, Shirts and sane Asylum, were removed to F-enforth '19
j circulation tells and it -will bestran-ei indeed' 1.
you do no�fotacustomer. WocanIgitarantee
Collars. Suitings and FantiDgS, her f that ou-% 11 sell because You may ask more +
orinqVilame, Tuesday, for inter- for t?c arblole or stock than it is worth. Bond 4,
your adverti%emenb to the Time and try this v
Ready-to-wear Suits and Spring menta #dor The uuCersigncd pul-chasedall jjan o +
Overcoats. - First choice. -Win. Gannett, implement agtnt,nas the necessary machinery for drilling articles,
disposing of y . our stock and other +• Lasp week we advertised a case of
Shoes been appointed agent for t1lo _Nk[ejotte Artesian 'Wells anil are prepared to do choice heavy Bacon. We dis- ++
all kris is or work ilj that line. +
Saturday Snaps in Cream Separator. Mr. C-nnueft now SHERIFF"S SALE OF LANDS +
A clearance of all odd lines of has these separators on exhibitiol, at his Any person wanting work done in our posed of the whole of it. Thi's *
111raropoonis and will. he pleasod to 1ILLY0 1,110 will leave word at W. Gannet's Im- COUNTY " H week we have secured another
Boots and Shoes. I
/,a'from intending purchaseis. plement shop. OP
URON' � OfBy virtue �t writ
eri facing issued + -Drice is a trifle high -
We will sell on Saturday 125 pal To NVIT: a case but the
irs out of
W. A. CURRIE. Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in
of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes, J D., �Mr. Essex, of Toronto, who lids: the the matter of arbitration and award and to
me directed and delivered against thelland er. However, we are going to +
King's make; less contract of 1 uilding the Na,tionai Iran 'WINI. DAVIDSON. and tenements of James Leech at the suit of
50 pair shoes, regular $2.00 for War], s building, was in town this week. Joseph Leec�, ursuant to submission dated oner it at the price of carload lots.,
Juno 25th, 1895, 1 have seized and taken In ex.
$1.84. He is purchasing material and having, it ecution all the right, title, Interest, and equity + 10 LBS. FOR $1.00.
of redemption of the above named James
50 pairs Fine Shoes, regular $2.50 laid on the grounds. He will commence Cook's Cotton Iloot Compound Leech, in,to an�k out of the following lands and
Is successfully used monthly by over remises, viz., IoW r*, 00 and the caster -
,for $1.67. work as soon as tile weather will permit. 10.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. L Y 140, running + Another shipment of Cooki
our drui dies ask y two thirds of lot No. ng
'I81toes, regular $1.25,14e t gist for Cooks Cotton Root tam- numbers; - all in the Village of Gerrie, in the
25 pairs Fine
for 84c. 5- -The remains of Bella Messer, wife of Pound. your
no ot er. as all Mixtures, pills and County
of Huron, and Province of Ontario, as Figs, 7 lbs. for 25c.
ImItations4re dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 9car MoIZvitin a registered plan ofsaitivillage
The above for Saturday 01115'. AlexanderMcNevill. of Seaforth, were box, No. 0,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. 0. by Win Bolt P L 8 Which lands and tones
early a interred in the Wingliam. cemetery on, I or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent ments Y slialfoher*f�r sale, at my office, in the
- and 2 soid ana recommended by all Tuesday, the !sixtoentll clay of April, 1001, at e
JWaonNeoill;1I Druggists im Canada. UW01VU UL I -Re 019CH, noon. +
corrempontlence stamps. 2119 Cook Company Windsor Ont.
Oourt House, in the Town of Godermh, on
Monolay last. Particulars in Binevale
Mrs: MoNevin was a GQIF."IFINIS
sister Win. Gann No, 1 and E.
are sold in WhIghain bir A. L Sheriff, Duron. +
et'tl of this Hamilton, X. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A Sheriff's 0111ce, Goderich,
M. S toWli. Campbell, Druggists.' Jan. 5, 1901.
OvIts* - . .., ...... . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .
-11allicipality ownership of'i-lectric
lighting has been in forco a year in
MINOR LOCALS. Winliipig, and (luring that time the cost.
Cilinpbell's Headache Wafers guarau- to the city per light leas been. less than
teed to Cure headache.
103rf. per cent. The year precodiug the A',
-Next Sunday is Saint Patrick's day. cost was 45 cents per light per night.
The light furnished was also very great-
-The URIan factory was not running
for a. fti%v days this Nveek. ly improved.
-Tho Baidc of Hamlltol has opeued a_. _- _ -. __ __k'" -rt�l •,y rim i__'y"7 ° , �� _ G$` ~'�-_'---`` �...
branch ofitm ill Mitchell, r, 1) -1. N1.
q, oili_utarca 8th, Vie wife
-W. F. Vallstone shi•pped it car loft I of John Mathors; It
of hog- to'-"(,roatt) on 24cu(jay. ARD. -In Win-ttli-im, on March I%h the I
of UU" G. Ward; a d-mighter. pP
X"t -, f
r mgultag"i
- " ,
i-'tt`V- of all kinds done ouf CrTrBB-In winglism, o gen, the wife E�A '�q I * 11 1
in�r •I � IM: Gam'` 40 7
short wjitice
-T.n Blyth, on February the
o. John Clubb; a delight A UrA 0
at the Ti=t; office.
Ki xvspy
-�-Et-4t Waw-mao;013 township council wife of John Nenuctly, a son. X-111, DIZ:
=t_ �Mt
me(ts onThurs lay of ne:ct N, -f-In Hullott, on M.-irch lst, th
TAMA P Nvlfc of ,*(!k. All
U(2jr,�'Taman; a tit
-R,mllar meetin" of Caiiip'Chledan.a LOGA=Ris-lu Xorr!s, on If h I b th wife tw
of the late R. H. 8diison; a (IFIVL�
of John. Garness: It Non ketlp:i
S. �Y 0.1 Monday evenivg next. rat, wife WR
Su TNsov�lli Gorrie, on hell 1st, ' xiij
'. P"M
Rintoal shipp.-ol a car loal
XOTAvisa On March 2nd, near Wroxeter, Ma
Of' Or,(- fr011, Will" aul on Tuetiday. tit(. wife of Din McTavish; a claughtor.
vvu 2 W:Zers anil flimily lef I W' WIN I
V n1g. W, 0, 1 HATUIXED ,
0 reside near the Boo.
hata oil Tuet�llay CAU1-!,LL-Gn,4.mAx-Ab the residimce. of
04" Q, IX
tl]L(' brido's pares s, Luelcnos,,*, on March ifth, A
A V _ I M of thn Winglinin curlers we:)h. by Rev. Mr. McLellan, Tobil. aampboll, of NVIU-
nipegcms, Man., to Miss Kate Grahnin
to Litt Lit on Thwisday of last weLk
-and were fle.featea. DrED.
L'e&W11*1)&T-1r W;ngham, on March 7th,
-:�.7e.lobil invitations and visiting Edna lsabell, infant daughter or Mr. and 3 41
card:; 4.V i IV*.'R',Ill!dny,agF-�d4inoiithsaiidsd Sw
printed neatly - and at JoNvos
possiblepri,mr, at the Tlarg ofn-,.o. Maiti'lid Jet-oale, son 0, J. h. Jerome. L. 1). b
WingIrtta, 1IYcI,.0y(-nest 9 months and W day -40 ---
-Vi,.C.3r Fr--lieli, lato foreman in the Mol Mortis, a March I t,A c
Moi , o M r R Archibald
Clititc-n Xwv Era office has stapCe(I Mepmeg L --,t d U years and I month. OiAinnx;y In Mortis, (,n March Wit Lorne
newsaper ill Wataskiwilt, N. W. T. X.Iler, int-pir son cf J Kerney, used 8
months and 18 drys.
L.Slewart, of Willowdale, Peyth -rch 9thi Bells 7'
County, will take charge of the Canadian M,�smor, wife of AUxander MLwovin, ug(d 86
MC."TEVIN-Itibmiorth on Ut
YP M1 and 1) 111011thil.
fruit pro(luetsat the Glasgow exhibition.
-1.1713 40tilt annual meeting of the LA
Ontario Eclucational Association will be THE CYNIC.
hel(liu Toronto on April Oth, 10th and 1""'ONAL I N W RKS
If you act as they think you should,
yque friends are your friends.
When a man finds at home all the com- Tj3:MX1r_rM3D_
forts ot a hotel, he will be staleflea.
bank, you are really giving to its mother.
Don't talk. ThOrd, Is no truth in the
S world so appiLrout that some one will ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS.
The matrotl` 's Of the tdi- 074 not disagree with you. Sole Canadian. Manufactialing Agents for ' el
son Orphanage at Lowell, When a rich man dies, it is, remarked The Glenfi d-XeIIA0dY 00ty, Ltd., Xilmarnock, Scotland.
Nat s., U.S.A.,wrote the that enough money was spent on the
y toffiti to have clothed some of the poor
had a siege of whooping. :.t -11_t! kin that showed up at the futiorali- BANKERS. AUDITORS.
cough in their institution', SOLICITOPS.
They taid that every case ROWAX & ROES.
wAs promptly relieved by Vapo. TAUNTS FOR TESLA. JOHN GALT, C. E. & M, 8.3
Creqolene. Its value in coughs and PRUAIDUNT. WILLIAM C. BULLOCK,
C01u'a was 90 great they always kept Petbatis the new y will not -=Iss NrANAGING VAIM14,10ftit.
it ready for use. You know ]low it's t1te Reoly Motor soot, ery ffludh, We' DUMOTOUS FOO WING11AX.-A. E. Smith,Bsq., tanker;
us( d, don't you ? 'Tis heated by a have Testa still with tis. -Newburg News,
tet us hope that Iff, Tesla hordtLfter,
nha'6 it. Wr'te *111 do Iftere obuinlUtildittlag With Uars The Company invite application from residents of Wingharn and vicinity for j po
us J.'t :7Yf t* --,,t tell."I'l ah0titit, C (ind less cellon of the present issue of � per
With the reporters. Dotroit cant, preference Stock. 'I'he preferenres given are exceptional, and being embodied in the charter Make it -an unusual o0por-
Y to fj
t•,, •-+'r fore, r I nj
The i 11r. Tesla litlig jtqt annoutiedd that
d last a 11(a. tUllit ers, nierchants and otbers'Of t�.e clistrict to Secure a portioll of the profit..., accruing from the irnmense trade in
jim" ota'. a 11011f reqrA lit! 0111114, le, r I p.; Yebtlft Of 801he Illulliffiating tabeir. Per• iron, now openinz n Canada and so Seldom in the reach of ordina The sha-es are placed on the n1arket at
extra ralitlis ofc';L1,L!116 1!4 0" Asti Sort"(4. 11AP8 It w0ald be merely an Idle Itiltation . up i
Din r,.Itot hooklet colit,ijail g phy idar& Tvs.l• to,'ibqulre whether Me. T681a, has not an. $roo.00 par in p,�Yfflentg Of 10 per cent, putting it withing easy rea . Ch ry inve,5tor,',
ttfinfli i. fr--P ri itaiAt, VA110-LIILS0Ut14i; t -(T,,
,s.&j V '_i St. New York, U.S.A. b0ft-40d bet&d till*tifttlollm "hich ought Inf6rMation and prospectus Can be obtained by addressing the 6f ever
Re wtirrimvItA itnd.4old by A. L. 11ansitto,-�j,; t6 ltO� delivered gh#ltd Of thr4 one."Vvjk4h. C0,11paynoynea-t Wingham, or (aWDg upon Mr. Bullock at
drag.J4, wingham. Ingtoyl Our. the Hotel Brunswick, witigham,