The Wingham Times, 1901-03-15, Page 8Tff K WINGITAN TINES, MARCH 1,54 1901. Mha Mary Llmnpliell, dau r Respeler Post office NV44 Vent- DR, AGNEWt 0 t110- lato PoFtw6ter at Luekuo`11X!! lln)! pletely gut ted by, fire oil Sunday evell. Physician, Surgeon, etc. )been ftpp-Iltcd vvstalktr(�s tit Llu4g- il)g last. Omeo-Macdoliqla Bloelt) over J. rL Drug Store. Nig hl at the ojjj(-e, D16 Inuease Ov.1 tco youxq, to =Vq, be N D U 0 The Brussel., Orange j,ndge is junk,. ci-r,,d of croup, whooping cough awl coldi by angem-uts for the litong WALKER PRO& & BUTTON int; prolinduary ary ey lircathe it, coming celebration. of Xuly ",,tit in that travellers have Leell ninking UNPERTAKUM-s, WINICUAM. Nac."k and Fancy town. thtir wands. 1110 bleyvle season will Night Caller at Dutton 1110clir, or 1"Ifth Ot I i r Months, soon lit, bore. door south at School floube, Shop op. Ing 11,11111 1 � 11 .. . I , - 11 11 . � oatte Macdonald blocir. -Kiss Doyle, formerly of Wl I P ill fi-ilu have eliargo of the willhiery B in Hodghis lire,' store at U L L F 0 R 0GE. Dre r,%`3 Goods " VIOL14 AND GUITAR' I. has been our banner inoiltli ill 1"url4are, oil) it oil. 0 13uYing Our 900dS for ca -911 and taking all dis- _i,v Youm-L-Club Va,rtnightly Club The urclvr,�!jvurd will kepi) for WITIC-0 (11 Y40t HISS CARRIR XOOF.4 count, CnIbleS us to give bet erbar-aill rj of London conservatory rr I'lusle, will N% pro,- W-- NNlli 111:10t Yonda.-ir py-iniv., 7.!trop 1,41b Imil, 11jordIWlXvtH.*1 pared after Oet. jrt ti) ree(.1ve a, lint1tvil num- s than can 0 ben of Pupils foi, inntruction, on violin and be obtained elsewhere, We don't quote prices at too hmno oo 11" PrIesid, mt, J01IN R1,11D. Uliftar. U Ilan W2 cl I'll 111tIn c(I to talk- 'Walkot. with 50 per cent. off as special values, but give div know Da­d.Rantsay has I'mil appoll.te;l rock )ottom value ort a.11 goo(Is, )-io,;s we har, I MAND AND TIIIEORY. 'lairs fron'l 23c ul). wberc tP b -gin ther� 1.9. s') rostivast,.-, at"Wvsffelil. Tlt� rilkes the W( i,o is avreby ,4ivvii V11.1'suant. to U. Good C01`111110n Cl Over -oc� I VC(l 1't!" plaeeorlli�'4 P -Mer, V.1.0 jt.�g r"Ino 1 01). IV, twv. 3.1, thu. 4111 jlvrt:on% jN'jIj,:, 4ISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. e -�nitlst the ('staro of I.Q%Vvi-d wOu 4old duringy the last few moj)tlj% InUch liewnens, novelty and lall, I%. ownsh!l) of 1%&rnb4,rr�T., tit t I 'loll Ity tind mettibor of the Amsociatea Tanpmans of beauty here Nvorti-iy ofspcciallfrolll'v�"t k�"" (1 11111-t: . yt-oulnu, doemee(l. who ( t-cl oil Ontario, is wepared to reveive a lin-itvt n*m. . I . I ­Viro aro ij1%­igPl to r1pmr, that Y or 1, eul ie, It -r (if linpi s for instrue tion oil 1�j;ijto and in it. -Illouc t, nth &N. o� Ov�ob%vr, A. 1). 1 1U, are ri.. t Seems as t,1I(;tl,rh ' qiurt d to eitdI&Iio- wvlaa o; -t dt-fivcrt Theory. to im-pr-yo. Tih,. niallY Luvlini 4 ustwwo he oy�io' git Ij kilIcefoll attention given, to inivils preparing we ll;LVQ tiot overlook -d -,6' lit f I . , !?Ul. . . for e:quitinations. him abo 1XV011- c I opposite in r in it IV X114 dav o, rvc8idellft -oR.O-Chureh,wirgba thin BALL B I I ";Ivir Liz thAt W13 good, and such apa:-,t ROA !m an iniarmise vilriety to choose it iv!! vu wn--A lit tit ma. wn C.'ann. it lit, _T. Tj. ljf.,wj w.."llt. fin, tll(�, 01MIl't Iyevrtilzed, lidt" I Ie.. t) FOR BERY1 4. Y tit-, ' Z -ento-1,ri %v I woevcd to dii!- An( t,sforF.;,,0 froin. No wonder we are fav• :,.I C.I., wtll lv,vo Ins 11111pril 1 .1, t_tt)ate the of the 'erased amo-n- the -o i-riany buyers ol vria­ -y �f r - '?ijr hr tl I undorgigiteci v.,Ill I to,, Hpj-vlt,:) on Ills ored with s tiolivoi y�IIiv.4 1; VCG, iii"j, I n k n 14 ',v to -miW."t, jot 80, en, 0, 'h:it Wawano-dl, it on Tliur�d­., Minc-li. 1;PtIl. 2t. 1, P... , 11 UND,. tithpati:[xree, ERTA.-KrNo-i i ye'ars )ractical experience en I , 0 .1�eurry, im.noved Bpi, I it,*(. I�g As to value our 11;1 1 tit Dtess Good, i elal Silks, Trim- ­1Ltt!,,4 n-rovintwil -stll off thrtrou,­j %I It Sows P are easy. it Y.&N; 1. itor Ior tit(,, 4xi-et.iors, r ables us to guarantee satisfaction. i I - elph, 30111 (.'ole, mingsand Gll�ves to i-natch all b"I! It On tile of --------- F,,-Ignivo. vurolvnwcl the oiorou flibr,d P. GIBBONS, Dress Goods. Shni`aora ball, -Crimson Laa." I N, 6 lus C a I I•-JI'aditors. Marnoch, P, 0. LUTHER BALL, Funeral Director. tk-elslit-reby uq mrsualittoR.S.O., NEVil LINENS -T',fN ilr1 n1irm was sounille:1 on IS xt,* Cap. 13.), Ft -o". .1 , t . all persons litivizig OW InsolVent AM. Residence --Patrick St., ATr4 Gracey's late residence. Stitt-Ottv tift,-rution hist Pad again on !j" � arainsttho 'state roldbuld G ordwa, -arrived for me tomal-.canas- of tht, To, hip of r rn err .ill the �The time hes lk We are careful linen buyers and Suril,,y nt noon. The firemen had a • Comity of Huron Yeonifl, C nise h0 tiled mment for the bonellt, of myself. Tit(, Having Inks - cont., I it I It -it 11 IV 1). ny only three pei lie I ant pre- pared r __­ - - - - - ___ I - - - - th(Irdo we know good linens when we see run fir nothing on bat' a occasions, 0 PRY 10 to 15 (301AS 021 most, to 8" 11o.; - i )ai( or to an We can recommend these wito oe he own of other.,; are doing, twice a year to all them. its Wf'Mrs. NV. 11. Wilgn% wif(A of flip, late wt in C part -I r, linens. for jf,3taAnlain le County of uT , olicitor requiring boots and shoes repaired. All + t=iebef ", tho 21st tire I ill' istrairix, on 0 In I we c e to call and find what can be + 72 inch half bleached Pare Linen XV. 11, "Wilson, who ryas killed on Mareh of Marc A!-1,theicnamos, - es s cs saved at the oldest established shop in town. first by �1.11y, de . , ) . full t.:tlitemert pa -i- Whitt enables me to repair bouts and shoes rest 45c and 50e. a snow plow special on the G. T. • ticula r sole, and the nature o he and cheapest In the count Is X live rent free ecrtri 0C biy anti dread Of the ties it - aI .,3- the Adn;L-jj4.i, owing N7111 please call and svttlo their, accounts + R., near Atwood, died oil Fatru lay ii -tri I t1hpul, curly cortif I alliff. All pat 72 inch fine. bleached Table Linen and that t morning. t, rimto tlie as.;etaof 65e' and 75c. will )r d'. I �i( 'm " � ) at once, and all parties in Winglitim or in the ct-11HUX the na rfie, entitled thereto,I Dominion, having claims against me will oblige Fine bleached Hu'eh Towels, 25c, -•Edna Isabell, the infant dau-11ter of oni it) the claims at which by presenting their accounts as their cash is + loll I shat hon have notice. rea steps west of SwartW Hotel. 85e and 50c; per pair, Mr. anfl Mrs. Win. Halli ' day, Zd on D ed this 19th day of F cbruary, A. D. C01. Victoria St. THOMAS ABRAHAM. Irish drash roller Towelling. Thursday of last week. The bereaved 1. VANhIXONE, Winglitur I holma.tirlortlie.kilmi tr4tIx. Linen Napkins 50e, 75C, 81.00, parents will have the sympathy of their $2.00 and 63.00. many friends in their bereavement. FARMERS Elizabeth and anyone having live stock or other GENTS Pe -The remains of the late E 0109 the wish to dispose of, should oolver- Macdonald, *he died at tbo London In- Use the same for sale in the Tim s. Out, In A r [ e 9 1 wunlls ♦ , Opportunity New Spring Hats, Ties, Shirts and sane Asylum, were removed to F-enforth '19 j circulation tells and it -will bestran-ei indeed' 1. you do no�fotacustomer. WocanIgitarantee Collars. Suitings and FantiDgS, her f that ou-% 11 sell because You may ask more + orinqVilame, Tuesday, for inter- for t?c arblole or stock than it is worth. Bond 4, your adverti%emenb to the Time and try this v Ready-to-wear Suits and Spring menta #dor The uuCersigncd pul-chasedall jjan o + Overcoats. - First choice. -Win. Gannett, implement agtnt,nas the necessary machinery for drilling articles, disposing of y . our stock and other +• Lasp week we advertised a case of Shoes been appointed agent for t1lo _Nk[ejotte Artesian 'Wells anil are prepared to do choice heavy Bacon. We dis- ++ all kris is or work ilj that line. + Saturday Snaps in Cream Separator. Mr. C-nnueft now SHERIFF"S SALE OF LANDS + A clearance of all odd lines of has these separators on exhibitiol, at his Any person wanting work done in our posed of the whole of it. Thi's * t 111raropoonis and will. he pleasod to 1ILLY0 1,110 will leave word at W. Gannet's Im- COUNTY " H week we have secured another Boots and Shoes. I /,a'from intending purchaseis. plement shop. OP URON' � OfBy virtue �t writ eri facing issued + -Drice is a trifle high - We will sell on Saturday 125 pal To NVIT: a case but the irs out of W. A. CURRIE. Her Majesty's High Court of Justice in of Ladies' and Gents' Shoes, J D., �Mr. Essex, of Toronto, who lids: the the matter of arbitration and award and to me directed and delivered against thelland er. However, we are going to + King's make; less contract of 1 uilding the Na,tionai Iran 'WINI. DAVIDSON. and tenements of James Leech at the suit of 50 pair shoes, regular $2.00 for War], s building, was in town this week. Joseph Leec�, ursuant to submission dated oner it at the price of carload lots., Juno 25th, 1895, 1 have seized and taken In ex. $1.84. He is purchasing material and having, it ecution all the right, title, Interest, and equity + 10 LBS. FOR $1.00. of redemption of the above named James 50 pairs Fine Shoes, regular $2.50 laid on the grounds. He will commence Cook's Cotton Iloot Compound Leech, in,to an�k out of the following lands and Is successfully used monthly by over remises, viz., IoW r*, 00 and the caster - ,for $1.67. work as soon as tile weather will permit. 10.000 Ladies. Safe, effectual. L Y 140, running + Another shipment of Cooki our drui dies ask y two thirds of lot No. ng 'I81toes, regular $1.25,14e t gist for Cooks Cotton Root tam- numbers; - all in the Village of Gerrie, in the 25 pairs Fine for 84c. 5- -The remains of Bella Messer, wife of Pound. your no ot er. as all Mixtures, pills and County of Huron, and Province of Ontario, as Figs, 7 lbs. for 25c. ImItations4re dangerous. Price, No. 1, $1 9car MoIZvitin a registered plan ofsaitivillage The above for Saturday 01115'. AlexanderMcNevill. of Seaforth, were box, No. 0,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. 0. by Win Bolt P L 8 Which lands and tones early a interred in the Wingliam. cemetery on, I or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8 -cent ments Y slialfoher*f�r sale, at my office, in the - and 2 soid ana recommended by all Tuesday, the !sixtoentll clay of April, 1001, at e JWaonNeoill;1I Druggists im Canada. UW01VU UL I -Re 019CH, noon. + corrempontlence stamps. 2119 Cook Company Windsor Ont. Oourt House, in the Town of Godermh, on Monolay last. Particulars in Binevale Mrs: MoNevin was a GQIF."IFINIS R. G. REYNOLDS + sister Win. Gann No, 1 and E. Davis are sold in WhIghain bir A. L Sheriff, Duron. + et'tl of this Hamilton, X. E. Davis, A. A. Morrow, Colin A Sheriff's 0111ce, Goderich, M. S toWli. Campbell, Druggists.' Jan. 5, 1901. OvIts* - . .., ...... . .... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . -11allicipality ownership of'i-lectric lighting has been in forco a year in MINOR LOCALS. Winliipig, and (luring that time the cost. Cilinpbell's Headache Wafers guarau- to the city per light leas been. less than teed to Cure headache. 103rf. per cent. The year precodiug the A', -Next Sunday is Saint Patrick's day. cost was 45 cents per light per night. The light furnished was also very great- -The URIan factory was not running for a. fti%v days this Nveek. ly improved. -Tho Baidc of Hamlltol has opeued a_. _- _ -. __ __k'" -rt�l •,y rim i__'y"7 ° , �� _ G$` ~'�-_'---`` �... AL branch ofitm ill Mitchell, r, 1) -1. N1. q, oili_utarca 8th, Vie wife -W. F. Vallstone shi•pped it car loft I of John Mathors; It of hog- to'-"(,roatt) on 24cu(jay. ARD. -In Win-ttli-im, on March I%h the I of UU" G. Ward; a d-mighter. pP X"t -, f r mgultag"i - " , i-'tt`V- of all kinds done ouf CrTrBB-In winglism, o gen, the wife E�A '�q I * 11 1 in�r •I � IM: Gam'` 40 7 0, short wjitice -T.n Blyth, on February the o. John Clubb; a delight A UrA 0 at the Ti=t; office. Ki xvspy -�-Et-4t Waw-mao;013 township council wife of John Nenuctly, a son. X-111, DIZ: =t_ �Mt me(ts onThurs lay of ne:ct N, -f-In Hullott, on M.-irch lst, th TAMA P Nvlfc of ,*(!k. All aughtm% U(2jr,�'Taman; a tit g -R­,mllar meetin" of Caiiip'Chledan.a LOGA=Ris-lu Xorr!s, on If h I b th wife tw -:7- of the late R. H. 8diison; a (IFIVL� of John. Garness: It Non ketlp:i S. �Y 0.1 Monday evenivg next. rat, wife WR Su TNsov�lli Gorrie, on hell 1st, ' xiij '. P"M Rintoal shipp.-ol a car loal XOTAvisa On March 2nd, near Wroxeter, Ma Of' Or,(- fr011, Will" aul on Tuetiday. tit(. wife of Din McTavish; a claughtor. vvu 2 W:Zers anil flimily lef I W' WIN I V n1g. W, 0, 1 HATUIXED , 0 reside near the Boo. hata oil Tuet�llay CAU1-!­,LL-Gn,4.mAx-Ab the residimce. of 04" Q, IX tl]L(' brido's pares s, Luelcnos,,*, on March ifth, A Ors A V _ I M of thn Winglinin curlers we:)h. by Rev. Mr. McLellan, Tobil. aampboll, of NVIU- nipegcms, Man., to Miss Kate Grahnin to Litt Lit on Thwisday of last weLk We -and were fle.featea. DrED. L'e&W11*1)&T-1r W;ngham, on March 7th, -­:�.7e.lobil invitations and visiting Edna lsabell, infant daughter or Mr. and 3 41 card:; 4.V i IV*.'R',Ill!dny,agF-�d4inoiithsaiidsd Sw printed neatly - and at JoNvos possiblepri,mr, at the Tlarg ofn-,.o. Maiti'lid Jet-oale, son 0, J. h. Jerome. L. 1). b 13 WingIrtta, 1IYcI,.0y(-nest 9 months and W day -40 --- -Vi,.C.3r Fr--lieli, lato foreman in the Mol Mortis, a March I t,A c Moi , o M r R Archibald Clititc-n Xwv Era office has stapCe(I Mepmeg L --,t d U years and I month. OiAinnx;y In Mortis, (,n March Wit Lorne newsaper ill Wataskiwilt, N. W. T. X.Iler, int-pir son cf J Kerney, used 8 months and 18 drys. L.Slewart, of Willowdale, Peyth -rch 9thi Bells 7' County, will take charge of the Canadian M,�smor, wife of AUxander MLwovin, ug(d 86 MC."TEVIN-Itibmiorth on Ut YP M1 and 1) 111011thil. _- fruit pro(luetsat the Glasgow exhibition. -1.1713 40tilt annual meeting of the LA Ontario Eclucational Association will be THE CYNIC. hel(liu Toronto on April Oth, 10th and 1""'ONAL I N W RKS If you act as they think you should, yque friends are your friends. When a man finds at home all the com- Tj3:MX1r_rM3D_ forts ot a hotel, he will be staleflea. When YOU Out a nickel In the baby's (INCORPORATED UNDER ONTARIO COMPAIiIES ACT.) bank, you are really giving to its mother. Don't talk. ThOrd, Is no truth in the S world so appiLrout that some one will ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS. The matrotl` 's Of the tdi- 074 not disagree with you. Sole Canadian. Manufactialing Agents for ' el son Orphanage at Lowell, When a rich man dies, it is, remarked The Glenfi d-XeIIA0dY 00ty, Ltd., Xilmarnock, Scotland. Nat s., U.S.A.,wrote the that enough money was spent on the y toffiti to have clothed some of the poor had a siege of whooping. :.t -11_t! kin that showed up at the futiorali- BANKERS. AUDITORS. Atchison Globe. CANADIAN BANX OF CO3ALIMEDC.L1. CLARKSON & CROSS cough in their institution', SOLICITOPS. They taid that every case ROWAX & ROES. wAs promptly relieved by Vapo. TAUNTS FOR TESLA. JOHN GALT, C. E. & M, 8.3 Creqolene. Its value in coughs and PRUAIDUNT. WILLIAM C. BULLOCK, C01u'a was 90 great they always kept Petbatis the new y will not -=Iss NrANAGING VAIM14,10ftit. it ready for use. You know ]low it's t1te Reoly Motor soot, ery ffludh, We' DUMOTOUS FOO WING11AX.-A. E. Smith,Bsq., tanker; us( d, don't you ? 'Tis heated by a have Testa still with tis. -Newburg News, tet us hope that Iff, Tesla hordtLfter, nha'6 it. Wr'te *111 do Iftere obuinlUtildittlag With Uars The Company invite application from residents of Wingharn and vicinity for j po us J.'t :7­Yf t* --,,t tell."I'l ah0titit, C (ind less cellon of the present issue of � per With the reporters. Dotroit cant, preference Stock. 'I'he preferenres given are exceptional, and being embodied in the charter Make it -an unusual o0por- it at Y to fj t•,, •-+'r fore, r I nj The i 11r. Tesla litlig jtqt annoutiedd that d last a 11(a. tUllit ers, nierchants and otbers'Of t�.e clistrict to Secure a portioll of the profit..., accruing from the irnmense trade in jim" ota'. a 11011f reqrA lit! 0111114, le, r I p.; Yebtlft Of 801he Illulliffiating tabeir. Per• iron, now openinz n Canada and so Seldom in the reach of ordina The sha-es are placed on the n1arket at extra ralitlis ofc';L1,L!116 1!4 0" Asti Sort"(4. 11AP8 It w0ald be merely an Idle Itiltation . up i Din r,.Itot hooklet colit,ijail g phy idar& Tvs.l• to,'ibqulre whether Me. T681a, has not an. $roo.00 par in p,�Yfflentg Of 10 per cent, putting it withing easy rea . Ch ry inve,5tor,', ttfinfli i. fr--P ri itaiAt, VA110-LIILS0Ut14i; t -(T,, ,s.&j V '_i St. New York, U.S.A. b0ft-40d bet&d till*tifttlollm "hich ought Inf6rMation and prospectus Can be obtained by addressing the 6f ever Re wtirrimvItA itnd.4old by A. L. 11ansitto,-�j,; t6 ltO� delivered gh#ltd Of thr4 one."Vvjk4h. C0,11paynoynea-t Wingham, or (aWDg upon Mr. Bullock at drag.J4, wingham. Ingtoyl Our. the Hotel Brunswick, witigham, N I