The Wingham Times, 1901-03-15, Page 6J
TUE WIN GHIAlt TINIES. -R&RCIt 159 1901.
In his own brief report, D�. SmnuilQrs 'T RANSPORTATION. ply illyestiug money for the Canadian
nlalws the f0IJ()Jy-IJ- r(�fj�rell(,e to people. We would not, bo in the coin.
0410143141 sAwak4 la t1to House 'of petition line at all unless tile harb
the T��`�
11"'4 toll ;Hent mogress the U anadian farn", Dr" D1.1 or was B�kr-rn,;T CuTiRcu—Sai%atit services at
is inakitig in mixed farwingK.
. 110 improved, 11 it In alul 7 1) in. Sunday hohool it, is 1,11i"IX1411VID
im) is rimpfuvroft Says - — Oil TImrsday t)f last weo4 tile question �:,;o 1) In. Ueneral prayer meoting
' [W oil Wednesday ovellings. Rev, W.
TUr VAL[ ROP XVU,�I) of transportation was up for discus.4011, pastor, W. J. chapinall, S, S. —AT-_
"Tho of all branches wul Dr. Xacdonald, the r�,proseatativo ath sorvices The Thyles Offleo, avor B1007X
for U. ot Huron spoke thus HODISTOULTROU—,qubb, A
yVINlallA 1.?, ONTARIO.
it knowlo!igti of I
of farm workana, Dr. Macdonald look. (I up,)ii transpor-
at 11 a 211 till( 4 1) lit, Sunday School at
thosa vaa bust ba carrZo!l oil in conjhl it(,- 2:'80 11 lit. - I'Tworth , League every Mon.
01T11 taboa lis the lilt So impirtailt, que'stioll V1 I th A 1i Immune Circulation. d., ovening,
11'17TEII t!of1Fo,.-.stol1rodueot!,.(% most Fatisfa(- Conoral prayor niceting Twvrs or,
to �4. in in
bvitwtl I l:o people. D wns not to be .11 lo( liesdily avollil gs. Roy. Richard aill WHY, it' not So peid. No JXIJ)(�J. iii.4coo
tory rehiriis under the vazie(l conditions I tinned till lilt orrell"s arc, paid, inxmpt at the,
whicAll sur.roun(i tho sottler in dMeront S"-`l'1)01iQd that tiny one routo could carry Robbs p. stor, Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup. option vZ tl,o pub14-h(sr.
Fro Our Own corre-,-wot7i,,nit, all the, tratilo. Some would go ono way It i S IF r 0 0 t-10 All Wbo ,� httviidollt, Alwint'risiml IZATY's, — Lvgal n",11 other
parts of tbo Dominion, are itenis of in, ' ' Pal.,srYTER14N OJIUROXI-Sabb4th SOV- ousutil •adv(.rtlsi,nivnt.,; 8o perNonpariellint, for
Otlawa, March ')tit, 1901. and tscure the othcr. But the very heat Send For It. vices at 11 it In and 7 1) in, 81111day first irvvrtion, So per lino for eavil sub.4j%uL,4t
Goner.d rogr >r, will be felt at t1jo au- formation of deep interest to farmers Mothoil of facilitating tr;1llQp)rt-,ktiOl1 Sohoul at 2:130 1) 111. General Pray O1' in"ortion,
everywhcre. The (lays -are passhil- by AdvertiFellionts ill. loval coluninsure elitirged
3101111ce-110"t that t-ir WilrrM Liturier whell farmers will rest satisfied with tile would, bo by patting the "all waterway" nlvotilig Oil Wednesday evenings, Rov. 10 ot,4, per lino for Ilrst Insvition, and u eel is
JUIS found it impossible t.i 1wrsonally re- in tile best possible condition. Thi,, Tlio now edition of the Diamond Dye D. Porrio, pastor and. S. S. Superinton• lIXT hliv for each subw(luent im.,ortion,
risky position of depending entirely oil Ung Book will prove useful to the ladies dont, AdvertimeniontH of Lost, round, litreed
Farms for salo or to.1,,vilt, find tibililli)..
F resent Canada. at tbo oponing Of the far as r4tt'K I aro interSt,d in In ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL-Slib- tl,,,t ....... th,,ud 60 V,lts ff(].;
110 crop IV aavorso seasons, which would Provide a check, so, d (lacilt
:first Federal Parliament of tho Australian o were concerned, upon, the other methods NY 10 k1kilig bolnomade bath sorvices tit 11 a lit and 7 p m. Sun- niouth. for cucli
Occur niore or less often in almost every Mats and Rugs, It is illustrated
10ommoliwealthnoxtMay. Thesploudid of trausportatioli. There was it great throughout with pretty do.4igns for Door ditySichoolat,2:80pin. Gaiieralprayer CONTRAOIL
(country, Stich men oil Stich occassions
impression that th.i Prunli(ir, created I ceutriug of traftle through the $L It Mats ttud, Floor Rugs. It tells you how meeting oil Wednesday owning. Rev ou"ratvs fortho insertlon of advortiseilwnts
'a lose grutindfinancially, and sometimes S. S. for spooflea p(,rjod4:_
tit to a'n pa ttorus aiti4tically Win. Lowe, incumbent. F . Shoro
London at the tirno of the Diamond Canal, Whi011 ill '8') numbered Q,000 Hosqf 8114011111 1 rpt. auto. 31%10. 111W.
coloredan(I ready for hooking. This Superintendent. '00.00 $, *15
to sucli ,in extent as to take them soN oral Olin Columil., .., .. .. ." 3.1.00 N .00
Jubilee, •and the series of imperial events years to recover. The best, and happily vessas, with an average tonnage Of 600 booklet has an inimenco circulation ill CONGREGATION4L Onuncu.-Sabbath iialfcohinim, ........ jj5j)() 18,00 INO
with waich his name has been so close- tons and �t total of fiv�3 and a half millions Canada. aud, the United States, Saud 119 services at 11 a ni and 7 p lit. Sunday Q'IM101-001'anin 14ou 10.00 0.00
tho.,,ystoin now most generally followed '00,
of freight carried. Last year the uumber your address, and we will mail you a School at 12 m. Midweek incotillg�on Advvi,tisc,up)Its without spoiflo directions
IF ideu�ified since, has made him in a is mixed farming. This is eminently copy fret) of eost. , The W(,lls & Rjcll� Wednesdry evenings at 8 o'clock, Gav'lll. will 1)(1 till of Mid ehat,god accord.
peculiar and unique sense the most re- of vessels was 20,000, with an average 111�4;r. Transient advertisements must be paid
adapted to parts of of tons I ardsou Co., Limited, Montreal, Que. Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E, Prior, pastor, for inadv;oico.
prasautative Canadian of the age, and the rapid growth of this system of di -
of 1,000 till, it total of ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURoir - Every Tum Jou is Stocked with an
of politics or aught else, the versified agriculture may be 25) 000,000 tons of weight carried. In fourthSiluday. XassatlO:30ain,seriii Y'`n4 -
attributed 1 `0 The Oldest Printer. men and benediction at 7 p in, Rev. D. ttleilitle-9 not equalled I� tile,
the Same period the value of the freight eountyfor turillng 011t fir
st clan„vert, Large
desire was universal that he, and he much of the phenomenal increase in the Tho "father” of printing in Canada is P. McMenamin, P. P. typt, and UIVrOluilito eiLits for all litylj,S of post,
alone, should convey the greetings of assed through the canal increased from exports of Canadian agricultural pro- P said to be Thomas Fox Dayins, of the SALi-ATiox Aruizy-&rvice at 7 and 11 OrS, Hand Bilhi, oto. and the latest styles of
this nation to her sister nation in the ducts which has taken place during the '$' '0,0001000 to *21810001000' The Gov- 1% lit and 3 and 8 p lit oil Sunday,d elloice falloy typo jj�' il," filter classes of print,
Barrio Gazette. He is 80 years old, and all in,
ornment had done much to improve the every evening during the week at 8 B. ELLIOTT,
Antipodes at this monotonous period in past ton or twelve years. has been in the printing business for 65 o'clock at the barracks. Promiotor and Publisher
the latter's national life; but the ox- Speaking of his reeent visit to Great greatest natural waterway in the world, 0
agencies of -public life has made this ifil.- years. Ile was born in Manchester, CHRISTIAN AND IN-Iissio,;Alty ALLIANCE,
Britain and France, Dr. Saunders adds' and the people approved of the expen- Eng., where he learned tile trade. In -Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.80 p.
possible at the present juncture. "The experieneo gained but strength- diture, in order that Cauada. might 1843 lie went to the United - States, but In. Fellowship at 4 m., and ova:�-
Failin- this much wished for arrange- - obtain the advantage of handling the gelistic at 8 p. in., every Sunday in BANK of HAMILTON
ens the opinion that Canadian farmers I in the following year came to Canada. Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St.
:raent,the decision to entrust the mission are well to the front in almost every- commerce towhioli her people tire on- lie was first employed in this cotintry on POST OHwicE-In lklacdonald Block, WINGHAM.'
to Hon. William Mulock meets with un- thing, and there is no country where titled, Although much had been done the Toronto Globe when that paper was Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p in. Capital. $2,000,000. Rest, $1,234,1W
animous approval. Next to the Premier to improve the waterway, it Peter Fisher, postmaster.
there arc so many useful measures in was netts- in its first volume. A cylinder Hoe press president -Jona; STUATM
lio man has done mor,,, to advance 11111 sary.iu order to obtain the full benefit of MECHANICS INSTITUTE -Library and Vice -President -A, G, RAMSAY.
operation designed to assist the farmer talled (the first power press free reading room in the Town Hall,
perial interests in Canada than the Post- the expenditure which has been made, was being ins DIRECTORS
- in overcoming the difficulties he has to in Canada), and -there was no one in will be open every afternoon from 2 to
master General, and. his name is almost that better harbors and superior terminal 5;45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to John Proctor, 000. Reach, Win. Gibson, M.P.
as well iknown in Great Britain and contend with, and to aid him in his an- facilities be provided. At present the the country who could run it except Mr. 9:80 o'clock, Miss Millie Robertson, A, T. Wood, M. P., A. B, Lee (Toronto),
Australia in connectionwith the success- deavors to acquire a better practical Ittrgo vessels plying oil the upper lakes Davies. He stayed on the Globe for librarian, ORSIller-T. TURNBULL.
knowledge of the important principles three years, and then established the ToNvx CoTiNciL-Wm. Clegg, Mayor;
ful inauguration and operation of im are excluded from the St. Lawroncu Savings Bank -Hours upwards
0 to s; saturdny, 14!
which underlie his useful occupation. Magnet at Barrie. This paper is now Win Holmes, Thos. Bell, lw-obt. Me" to 1. Dopogits of $1 and upwards received.and
Torial penny postage, and the imperial It is gratifying to know that the farmers route, and have to sail past Port Col- the Northern Advance. Other papers Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, iiitorest allowed.
Pacific Oabel scheme as that of Sir Wil- of this country tire eager for infornia- borne and go oil to Buffalo. The Gov- that lie published were the Law Journal Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- special Deposits also received at current
)rid Laurier himself. Mr. Mulock is a guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel rates of intorest.
typical Canadian statesman, aggressive tion, and always ready to take advaut- ornment had determined to do what was and the Spirit of the Times. Ila finally Youllill, Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col- Dxafts on Great Britain mid the United-,
ago promptly of every opportunity of possible to remedy this by improving the ioiaed the Barrio Gazette staff, on which lector. Board meets first Monday even- Statbs 1301-1911t and sold.
and resourceful, tactful and improving theirconditiou. With such a harbor and terminal facilities at Port he is now, at 80 years of age, all active ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Travollnzs are notified that the Bank of Ham
urbane, and the interests of Canada will Colborne. The waterways had been SCHOOL BOARD. -C. N. Griffin, (chair- In'ton and its Branches issue Circular Rates 6
spirit of enterprise abroad and the en- compositor. -Printer and Publisher. Nittional Provincial Bank Of England, Limited
be well conserved in his capable hands. ormous a-ricultural. resources awaiftg proved to be of great value in governing man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. which con bo citsllvd without chal,ge or trou".
M MONTHS TRADE. 1� * tes. The lowest rates for wheat in Could Scarcely Walk. Homuth, Will. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. ble lit any part ofthe A"Orld,
development in Canada, the future pros- '-'a Bell, Win. Button. Secretary, Wm- W. CORBOULD, Agent
Thereturnsfor the first half of the perity of the country is assured. the -world are from Chicago to New Mr, George Thompson, a leading mer- Robertson; Treasuxer, J. B. Ferguson. E. L. DICKINSON. Sollcifor.
York, and the reason was the rate• was chant of Blenheim, Out., states: -Ili Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
present fiscal year, show that Canada's THE CENSUS NEXT MONTH, I is was troubled with itching piles for fifteen. month,
I made oil the waterways. Proof of this P. KENNEDY, >u. lis. X. C. P. S. 0
imports of dutiable and free goods am- years, and at times they were so bad I PUBLIC SCHOOL TfAcimms.-A. H. Jo (Meiiib(iroftli(iBritisix.MeclicalASqoeia.
The Dominion census to be taken next was to be found ill the anxiety of all the could scarcely walk. I tried a great Musgrove, principal, Miss Robertson, tion.) Gold Meliallist in Medicine. S-i)ecinr
ounted to $88,767,379, or $37,759,890 more month will be the most complete work western States to obtain an outlet attention puld to diseases of Women and Child
Oil the many remedies, but never found any- Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson Miss ren. Office hours --1 to 4 p. in.: 7 to 9 p. in
than, for the same period of 1894. The of the kind ever undertaken in Canada great lakes and waterways, in order to thing like Dr. Chase's Ointment. After Cornyn, Miss Vaiistone, Miss Matheson
increase of dutiable goods, compared if not in the empire. Of the various de• control the railway rates, One reason the third application I obtained relief, and Miss Reid.
with 1804 amounted to $24,511,745, and 'partments of information none will be why Buffalo had captured the ' in and was completely cured by one box.', BOARD Or, 1-1r,.A LTri-Mayor Clegg, DR, MACDONALD,
Ask your neighbors about Dr. Chase's (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos, Greg -
Centro Street
Of free goods to .9,13,248, 145. The total more important than the schedule re- trade was . the improved terminal Ointment,
only absolute cure for ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
eeexports of merchandise for the first half cording agricultural values', of which facilities it had provided; elevators there piles, retary,; Dr. Towler, Medical Health wingbani, Ontario.,
of 1900-01 ware $119,133,562, as compar- the,*,ofticial instructions say --"It is the were capable of elevating 40,000 bushels Officer.
ed with $71,324 223 for the first six first attempt made in this country in the an hour. The Canadian route could not Fain In Her Throat. R a VANSTONE,
months of 1894-95, or an increase in direction of establishing the true fluan- compete because it cost four times as A curious incident is reported from BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.
favor of the present year of $47,809,339. tial condition as well as the- real Coin- much to elevate wheat either at Port Ilderton. The 10 year-old daughter of Private and Company funds to loan at iowgst
The exports of home produce improved mercial wealth of the farming commun- rate of interest. No commissi.. charged. Mort -
Colborne or Montreal. ]pd. Slack, of that village, has for over WAN T-EED 1 $, town and farm property bought and
by no less than W, 734,260 in that period ity. In previous censuses we have been ten months been troubled with an af- g' Nd! Office, Beaver Block. Wiiigliam.
and there was an increase of some $7,- satisfied with obtaining quantities re- MONTREAL HARBOR. fection of the throat, which refused to A. MORTON,
-000,000 in the foreign PAduce sent Out. specting farms and their products, but Montreal was not even a first-chiss yield to medical treatment, and even an Jo
,.The aggregate trde exclusive of coin and as these quantities alone were found to •harbor, judged by modern facilities pro; operation, performed in London, failed AT ON CE6 BARRISTER, &c.,
bullion was $211,852,236 for the six be of little value economically speaking, vided at other ports. : 'Moutteal'$fidilld to give relief. This week the little &I Wingliani, Ont.
3nonths ending 31st December, or $85,- it was thought desitable, in the interest be a national port, taken hold of by the was eating a hard apple, when a large
569,229 more than for the same period of of that class of our population most di- Government for the benefit of Canada. piece of fruit which she was masticating ]F L. DICKENSON,
1894. Taking the exports for the two recti y concerned to introduce this sebted- This would bring much trade to slipped down her thrdat and became lodg- , . BARRISTER, ETC.
lalf-yearly periods, the exports of min- ule of values, the success of which now Canadian channels that now goes to ed there. With considerable difficulty Two Coat Solicitor tol3ankofIllimilton, Moneytoloan.
ing products has grown from $3,132,124 rests almost entirely with the farmers American ports. The provisions for 'ex- it.was removed, and when examined it Office-Meyor Block, Winghani.
to $23,662,370 forest products from $15,- themselves. Eur the first time in the porting different commodities from was found to have a large pin imbeded
870,488 to $19,666,158; animals and their history of our censuses we I Makers.
are trying to Montreal were most defective. The in it. This was probably the cause of A RTHUR T. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
-mroducts from $24,606,147 to $36,973,939; do for the farming industry what has provision for exporting cattle was so bad the throat ailment, for the child has not Doctor of Dental Surgery of tlxe Pennsylvania
manufacturers from $3,920,487 to $8,- been done several times for the manu. that the animals went on board excited, been troubled with it since. Dental College and Licentiate of the Rgal
facturing industry. A great deal of the Also College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, o ce
beaten and braised, and were dopreciat- over Post Office, Wingham.
OUR EXPERIMESTAL FARMS. success depends also upon the manner in ad by $2 or $5 per head. The facilities The first trial . of Dr. Wood's Norway T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., L.D.S.
The annual reports from the officials which enumerators will acquit them- for loading flour -wore so poor that it Pine Syrup will satisfy anyone that; the W
Two Pant N -
of the Experimental Farms throughout selves of their responsible duties. Should eNv method for painless extraction,
was cheaper to ship by Portland. Then lung healiugvirtue of the pine tree has No Cocaine.
the Dominion, have been issued, and as anyone hesitate to give the answers the for lumber the shipper had to pay $2 a now been refined into an effective and Special attention to the care and regulation
convenient cough m ediciue. Sold by 0 ren's teeth. Moderate prices, and MI.
wual the volume is replete with reliable enumerator will strongly insist upon the car or $10 a barge demurrage per day work carefully and skilfully per ormed. oilloe
all dealers on a guarantee of satisfaction. Makers. 'c"'d
and most Taluable information for the fact that the information desired is in owing to the absence of piling grollids. in Beaver Block, Wingbani.
Price 25 cents. At Gorrie every Monday.
farmer, wherever his locality or what- no wise connected with any system of In Boston the cars were ran right to the Mr. McKinley was inaugurated as
ever his particular line of farming may taxation, as some might think, and that ships, and the cattle easily and quietly president of the United States Monday JOHN RITCHIE,
to. The knowledge and experience, as in the case of the manufacturing in, loaded. The result was that two-thirds at Washington. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT,
theoretical and practical, brought into dustTies it will be treated confidentially of the cattle going to Liverpool came
facilities •NBSTER09-b CO, Winghain, Ont.
requisitiou by the superintendents and as required by th* census act. from Boston. The elevator
various heads of departmonts,the system A NATIONAL Loss. were just the same as 25 years ago. Queen's Block, ps DEANS, Jn,
and care with which the experiments are The death of Dr. George M. Dawson, The (could load only at the rate of 4,000 A M. inister's LICENSED.AUCTIONEER
conducted, and the method and precision head ofthe Geological Survey of Can- bushels anhour against. 5,000 an hoar at a for the County of Huron. Salos attended in
with which the results are noted and clas- ad&, has removed one of the most cap. Buffalo. A vessel was recently unload= any part of the County. Chargea moderate.
affled, make the ftiformation, absolutely able and valued public servants of the ad and reloaded in Portland in three Experience. JOHN 0 - URRIE, WrNGHAM, ONT.
trustworthy and of the greatest service. Dominion, and inflicted a serious lost, days. Did we wonder that the Grand So far as Is known there is no other 4, LICENSED -AUCTIONEER.
-Tt is not surprising therefore to learn not only to Canada but to the scientific Trunk went to a port where they could treatment for piles so w6ndorfiffly s Sales of Farm Stock anFarm Implements a
from the Director, Dr. SaiInders, that world at large. His work as a scientist get such accommodation as that? If we prompt and effectivo as Dr. Chase's is
ointnient, This pie-paration hag never specialty.
attended to
left tit Tnic Table
mics office promptly
there is a "large and increasing demand of wanted to keep the Grand Trunk ill SpAel
was )eco by the uniyersities yet been known to fall to cure* piles. Caveats and Trade-MSr)5 obtained, and sit patent attended to. Terms reasonable.
by the farmers of the Dominion for the Canada and by the geographical geolog- Montreal we must .do better than we It stop% the itching at once, and post- liusiness conducted for MODERATE PERS. Mr
publications issued from the experiment. )Cal, and ethnological societies of Great had. He cited cases where from 800 tively and thoroughly cures piles. of offite is in theimmedlao rielnityarthe Patentoffico SOCIETY MEETINGS.
to every form. and my facilitiesfor %ecuving patents areunsu 11 e
Send model, sketch or Photograph ofinventio I'% Call? Caledonia, No. 49, meets
—tI I
al farms," which he takes as I 'gratifying Britain and elsewhere. He was % brit- 1,500 cars had been lying idle in Mont- Rev. J. A. Baldwin, Baptist Minfsterq dest tion and statement as to advanta -- S ■ Oa So te rat and third Monday Met c IDVn,.If m
information Montreal Arkona, Ont., writes :-"For Over b chmrf7d is Mc9def9r, at& op 0 cry month, in the Oddfel
evidence of the desire for inform - real waiting accommodation. - 431 ev Ilowl! Bull
Tient conversationalist a charming com, ratentabiliqb a, a - ethren welcome. D. STNwAnT, (Jillef; a, $3
ty year, I Was a great sufferer from rid MY'ffi: for pros' t br
allaong this class of the community, Aso panion and a great favorite with all who was the weakest link in the chain of our a A_
Itching and protruding piles. I used *PPI'ca?'On tbi I nod bar. eared Elliott; Bee.- Sec.
He navigation, and he thought he %vas many remedies and under, to of full InformittlOm sent free. All 6i;m?AnI. OB PRINTING,
:if the high esteem in which these records had the pleasure'of his friendship. went three ratefst vallowed.
of the work of the farms are held. devoted his life to science and his liter- speaking for the people of the west, for very painful surgical operations, all cations ConsldeI,64 A"grIcily Confidemust. J
ithcut obtaining any permanent including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill
arious the whole country, when he said that w FRANKUN H., HOUGH Heads, Circulars, &c., &c., executed In the best
ary records of researches in the v benefit. When about to give up in
branches to which he directed his atten- Parliament should direct the Govern. despair, I was •told to use Dr. Chase's -*'Sb x4sts WA9311X!4G'r0,V. jLm style of the art, at moderate prices, and on
Ointment, and did so, finding relief at short notice.
tion remain as a man specially endowed ment to assume the port of Montreal and once. I used three boxes, and sin al- BooXitiNDING.-Weare pleased to announce
by and equipped by thorough make it a national harbor, have plans most entirely cured. The itching Is all thatanyBooksor Magazines left with us Por
"Hurts gone. X have advised others to use it,
Whv,n i Binding, will have our prom8t attention
training slid experience for the perform- draNvu by the most expert engineers in. Prices for Binding In any style wi I be given oix
bellevJng It would cure thcrn� as It has application to
ante of services of inestimable and last- the country and upon a magnificent rne.1' - THE TIMES OFFICE,
no ey scale, and then let them go on and build Dr. -Chase's Ointment, 60 cents a bo.v Wingliam..
TU Couig h Ing value to his country and the scien- at all. dealers', or Edma.n8On Bates &
4= tific world at largo. His death at the it as they could from year to year, so Company, Toronto, D-UN-LO,P RAILWAY TIME TABLES.
-The cough that hufts, -the cough that comparatively early age of 62, -when that at the end of five, ton, fifteen or SOLID CXRA14D TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTHDr,
gets tight in the chest is daily getting many years of useful work seemed still twenty years, when the harbor wag RTtBBER
deepell and deeper Into the bronchial Dr. Chase"s INS LEAVE rOU
tubes and Is making directly for the ahead of him will be generally deplored, completed, they would have a harbor of JL Palmerston . M� - 0.63 a.m.... 8.65a,m.
lungs, to becorne pneumonia, Inflardnig- X Ow a I London ........ 6.0 a.m.,. 11.2lip.m.
which they could be proud, We could 0!151 mg1mift. CARRIAGE TIRE 11
tion of the lungs or Consumption, not love the improvement of a large 0
Such coughs are sometlines referred Tho Ladies, Favorite ARRIV14 FROM
they' harbor like that to private enterprise, Xinenirdine ....0.49 a.m., 8.55 nim..., 8,25 p.m
to As "graveyatd tougha,,, because th Laxa-Liver Pills are the ladies' favor- London .... ...... ....... 11,10 nan.... 7.55 part
tsually bring their victim to thdt 1 00 y it, Palmerston ............. � 2.45 p.m.... 8.38 pan
list ite medicine,, They cure Constipation, and therefore it wag the duty of the A now carriage tire that makes riding J. H. GORDON, Agent, Wingliam.
testing place. . . . . . . ExplZE NCE on all roads a pleasure -economical, too,
I. 15r. Obase's Syrup of Urweed Sick Headache, Biliousness and Dyspep- Government to spotid'money, even If it CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY.
Purpefttine has long bee And Ma without griping,. purging or Mciten- was five or tell millions, on the harbor, Nh for it does away with the vibration that tonA1249 LMAXM von
mother's favorite reniedy ft known si� ing.
for croup. The loss on the cattle alone from. insuffi• shakes and breaks the carriages, Toronto and East... ..... 8.68 a.m.,.. Sm li,m.
bronchitis, coughs and colds, It gains 2W 1 1 Tecawatei ..... 1.82 P.M..,.10,43 pm.
11a popularity *very day and now has The War Office hits made a contract tient facilities was nearly $200,000, Y-4hared. spae� botWoonithe ;�ii;;W know
by fat the largest 3116 of any -similar while the Interest on the araciant he had rubber Ire and the steel flange, Toeswater... .. 6.53 am .....
reventq the erecting and cut. Torouto wind East ...... 1.82 porn .... 10.48 1).**
vrepariltion. with an American merchant to supply mentioned would be only $300,000 a, RADC MARRs ringwhioh other irm Aresub. H. BWOMBU, Agent, Witicham.
It 100sens the tightntsi III the chest. 0,000 felling aces for the !British troops Sect to. Bee the exhibit at the
*IlstYs the IfiftAnImstlorl, cures the cold year. Montreal was not a first-class tMIkIGNS
4ind prevents Dneafft6nid, donsuntption in South Africa, harbor. The Uhitad States looked on PyAlawra big stairs:
*Lnd other lung tfditlblo�, .25 cents, 1111 A PleAsant Duty.-,' When I kho%* New York as a cehttal barb AnVVI,16 mending a Aketch and Solid at once for Free Tito Catalogue,
'd"Llers'l 0r zattg Co-, To- 11hythitlig wotthy or, and had latekly Acortain our opinion f roo w e IT PAY8
of recommend Invention is Drobably ratentab 0, Comma giving prices of all sizes:
stion, X nt
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Consider It my duty to tell it, says Rev,
tent sero. IdeAt agaticy for viecurinseratents.
Dr. had spent over five millions, alad %o with Patants tAkoft t rouirli blumi 0, reWT41
19A. Murdock, of Hamburg, Ila. Tat TO ADVERTISE
Ore Chase Syrup Ag'*W's Catarrhat Powder has cured ine 451 Go,*61stou and other harbors, Liverpool speem "0"" .1
Cattirth of five ydats standing. it is ter• ill the lost 100yeato had aptifti; 100 mil. $ftfific Amtrica"o
of Unsoad tidal miiglcail ill its 11ect, The first A bmilioniely Illopffateil *601Y6 taroat ett, Dunlop Tire Co., I N T 14- P,
lapplicatlovi bebtifitad thein va raillutes, limn on her harbor, end IlAnibutg in culatiOn (it any Arlolitlail I-lurrml. Terms, $3 111
its so as, 11-9 twelve ydaro had spent $80,006.000. To 41ir lgaftr Months, $1. ache bY141) h0ridoiklartu
fir id Turpon" tinds, sold by A. L. 311%milton, imptove Mouttoal hiabor *odld -bo *1 - A I &C0,360t6mmy, Now A TORONTO. S
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