The Wingham Times, 1901-03-08, Page 6lip, Orals. to of the largest Liberal conven. �' t tiSatlla ever heli fix South Havou was lit4d, standard- beawr 011 tl1Q, ixt Provitulial election. tiered. by President lftnss, and aft" the Oredelitial Coinuil, * 1111porte,d dircet from France. tee bail se.rutinized the list Of dQlk',,-9tC8 The firiv-st line PerIUMCS in the noinitiation by ballot wits Proceeded I Fancy Bottles, from ioc up. With. At tht, stagw Mr. X. Y. XvLvan. ex. M. P. P., stated that althougli UO had Hair B ruslaes been pressed by a large number of elect. TootlivErushes, ors to be the Reform champlou. ollee worn there were reasons beyond his con. Cloth Bruslaes trol that Impelled him to refuse to bo a candidate. It war, not that be did trot believe lie could will at the ilext election, and E bony Goods, for he believed that there never was n, time wilev. tile Prospects 1,11 South Huron Call anal iiu:p�-vt beforo buywg eh -o - 'Where at were brighter than at present, but eir- call stati(es Over -%Xhiell, he had U) con- trol were against him accepting the can, Colin AH Cal bel s didacy. Whoever got the numillat:1311 of this convention would recolve his DRUG STORE. ardent and hearty support, and he hop. ad that the utmost unanimity would re - suit in favor of the mall, who was nora- TO A0VERT18F_R8, inated. The voto resulted in the salectionof Wotice of changes must be left at this Mr, Fred. Hess on the first ballot amid office not later than Saturday noon, tremendous • applause from tile great The copy for changes must be left ss thanked later not , than Tuesday evening. audience. 'Mr. He anked the elect Casual advertisements accepted up ors for their confidence in him,, and to neov. Thursdav of each week, pledged himself to 'work as hard as in him lay to redeem the constituency, A THE WWNG11AU TIMES. MARCH (s, t9ft wingbalit, Uar+'r 1901, *0 V lour per 100 lbs .......... I , 25 to 2 Of) 2 As A. Fall Whkat ............. 003006-1 9 A spring Wheat__ ........ 0 00 to 0 00 it THE PEOPLE A. 0 P's to 0 oq 10 0 81) to 0. POPULAR 83TORE Peas_., 0 60 to 0 01 a Turko-ys, drawn. .... .. 0 00 to 0 10 0 ta 0 or) to 0 q W Duelts, per Pair 040 to 0 (10 llutter , 0 18 to a 18 We want your custom, btit we won't try to get it by offering yoLl something for Eoprgs Per doz .:,: 0 1(1 to 016 ' nothing, We will give You good value for your money. Wood per cord . , ......... $ 00 to 2 25 Ijay 1wr tats,.,. .... .... 7 OQ to 8,00 Potatoesper bi:ishol 0S G, 0 0 Flour Tallow ptir 11) .. 0 '1) 0 to 0 0. 5 DIRE S ........ 05 to 005 1 Lard .. .. I ... .. I... . - 0 18 to 0 18 W Black and Colored Cashmere 40o to 75o 4 is carefully pivParod Prom Corn, Rioc and NVIleat, rMed, Apples per lb..,.... 0 Q to 003 0 Black and Colored Serges.... 23c to , i.oty i Ready for Instant n -so. It is delicious, convollitalt and dp Wool ................... 0 17 to 0 1,1,0 0 1-lonlespun 0,00d's, now designs, ...... 75c to 1,`M5 truly a luxury. Livellogs, per O)Vb ....... 0 00 to 0.00 0 plain and Brocaded Goods in blk &I colors 35o to 70o biliolcolle ...... 30 to 040 0 Table Syrup I 13cgt 1$jIver Drips" per pail, pilly ....... ... dD Ootto-n ♦Shirtiugs. #) These goods have advaticoa it, mion at tile factories, Per lb. in small quantities ......... 05 0 04 But iVe, bought early, and are Large tingutiries .... selling at old prices, I N1 8 U R A iN, 0 E 4"), Ha`R'Vy Wide goods at 12.1ke. Cooking Figs. or Best Cooking Figs, 5 ) ,- 11 . or(; lbs. for 250 Life, Firc,Accident, Plate Flannelettes. Also I California Pranes, 'i'llis, 'fcW 1.150 1w I We are offering good value in F lanuelettes, plain, I Glass, 1i 0 0 stripes and cheeks, ac, 8c, joe, 12ij;c. oranges and Lemons. 0 11arill Loans at Lowest Rates. 00 Seedling Oraugos, nim juicy fruit, per doz. 15a 2 0 Apron Muslins. CaliforniaNavels, choice frsit, 4 ( 0 0 .... 40c 0 go White Muslin tucked, 0, It i.i - wide, per yd, 15o Now Messina Lemons, largo fruit 1250 (a White Muslin: with insertion and tucked, per ­­­ . - yd' 850 g White Muslin, plain, 40 in. wide, 100, i24/,o and Inc First-class Potatoes ARFER 1'q1MEN- Vo Apron Print, heavy, 86 inch. wicle, Plifc, Navy gild We deliver potatoes to any pait of the tolva, in any Rf Loan and Insurance Agent, s5 Light Blue Checks with border. quantity at per bushel, 25c. • Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts. At home Friday afternoon a4d Saturday, (a Rolleir Blinds Cowan's loin9 I HSTABLISRED is, V. aided.is'lle would to by the staunch Roller Window 'Shades at and solid Liberals of South Huron, 6 right prices. for cakes. Ready for use, 10-c to 12�3:4,c a 'ela.-7� MOMV TO 19AN "ve sol' T-uE Wnanm TINES. Pig, Pure Gold Jelly, all fruit flavors, 10o at, from 4 to 5 per cont. on good I in, best niaterial, complete with .i� Certain JEtein edy for tuorns, mortgages, Roller, Brackets and Pulls (no extras) Pickled olives, per bottle, lOo , And one al to be relied upon, is W. R. ELLIOTT, F"==R AND pitoplumTolt Q 40 cents. less Corn Extractor U Putman. s Plis, MoLaren's Imperial Cheese. Nearly Safe, sure and always painless, 12 Fancy, best material, complete as Canned Plums .... 100 FRIDAY, MARCH 8, 1901. fifty imitations prove its value. Beware FIRE AND LIFE INSURANCE 0 above for 50c. 0 of such. Get Putman's at druggists, or phleed at the lolvest possibleratea. (D I. ' '..tuned I ddio ...... 100 ay Paper for Window Blinds, 2 shades, a it you canuot get it we will suad it to 0 aimed Rorring 100 -eceipr, of 2rj cants, 0 C NOTES AND COUliTEXTS you by mail upon 1 0 per yd., 5o. post paid, to Canada or United States. AUCTION SALES 0 We will Put the 11011er Shades on your we soil flip D. &A. Corsets. Canned Salmon 100 to 150 The report of J. B. Laing, muni- N. C. Poison & Co., Kingston, Ont. 0 windows if you don't live too far ajva3. None better made, Prive,140e,50 ,olpal auditor, shows that during 1900 no attended to. 0 76c, sl 0o, $1.25. Try thp.4o good': Chicken, Hain and Tongue 100 losses to municipalities were ascertained 1i They're all right, D. M. SCOTT, oil Death of a Morris Settler. Tues, —a striking contrast to the year 1897, %/n, Vhen the losses were about $100,000. In day, Feb. 26th, Christina Hunter, wife TI -es 0111ce. wingliam, Ont. a Fancy Japanese Silks. New Dinnerware. 1898 and 1899 the figures Were $11,000 of the late Henry Robb Bad after a long C) for waists, The prettiest silks ever shown In WiDgham. We have just opened a crate of new goods, new and painful illness I years. Mr. 0 Stripes and Plaids, 50o to 75c. shapes, new colorings, 97 pieces, with gold stippling, q) and $4,000 respectively, A 0 ,age �1' Catarrh Insurance. Robb died in the fall of log, Thats what you Want. This is how a Blouse Silks, fancy, 25 in. wide, Royal Porcelain $8,00. Mr. and .... 500 Hon, Win. Mullock, Postmaster -Gen- 1 0 Blouse Sateens, falAqy, 27 in. wide, about f - Snuffs Won't give it to YOU 0 Mrs. Robb came to Morris fort YO�l get it I 15C New Tea Sets. they I settled on the farm three years ago and neither will ointments or washes Now Delaines, all-WOO1, 30 in. wide, very pretty, aril, will represent Canada at the open- 0 500 44 piece tea, sets, new shapes, gold stippled, Royal a the Come early and secure what you Way Want of these , ing of first Parliament of the Simply reach the door of the disease, a Porcelain, $3,00. fD Oil the first line, where they lived until Catarrhozone unlike all these reaches 0 goods. They'll go quick. Australian Commonwealth, and will sail a theirde6th. They reared a large family the very rout, and the branches cannot a New Toilet Sets. ion March it'. During his absence -'On-' Three daughters and two sons are in escape its power. It is bound to care a Shirt Waists. 10 piece Toilet Sets, new shapes, uaNi aesigns, printed, *9 Jas. Sutherland will act as Postmaster- for it is carried by the air you breathe; Q Our new Shirt Waists are beauties, and are goi printed and stippled, shaded and stippled, white tinct 9 Manitoba. Mrs. Chadds Forrest, of 0 The ' to fast. D,,Ib be too late coming for your supply for this 0 Oen( ral, and minister of Labor. now isn't that common sense. Here's a stippled, $2.00 to,,,45.00. Australian Parliament is to be opened Morris, is also a daughter. Joseph Robb proof for you: Mr. 0. M. Raney writes 0 season, 50c to $i.00. New Brooms now lives on the homestead and Miss Sept. 1900: 1,1 feel assured there is only 0 an May 6. Christina, theyoungest of the family tine treatment for Catarrh and that is a New Wrappers 10 dozen new brooms just put into stock AT OLD a 90 R. HoLxEs, M, P. writes from Ottawa rosides m ith him. CatarrItozone." Catarrhozoneispleasaiit 6 Handsome ready-to-wearwrappers PRICES. They're the best value we've had in many 0 Mrs. Rob�, accom —acts quiokly—cures absolutely—mousy . ....... $1.00 to $1.2 months. 0, --ac . money 0 to the Clinton New Bra:- The County ponied by her daughter, went to Mani- back iE yon.don't flud it so. Druggists 0 Of Huron can make a boast concerning toba, last summer, for the benefit of her sell it at $1.00 or direct by mail from N. a 0 When YOU want a pair of shoes, good stock at low prices, try Lis. 0 U3 three representatives in Parliament health but returned home unimproved 0. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont., Hart. 0 'Which cannot be eqnalled by any other * ford, Conn. 0 She was a m tuber of the Methoctist OK 41001autY in the Dominion. There are 0 Macdonald Block church. Al lenumber of JUVe Stock Xarkets. 0 Wingbam. 9 �.T__ L11%T 'people Who think there is no virtue or tended the f eral on Thursday after- Toronto, March 5.—The general tone 00 .'honor in the boast, while there are otherr, nooli last.. of the business at the Western cattle 'Who are proud of it. It is that neither Dr. VRAssell 0 inneYAP11 from a beam in market -to -day was dull, although. theiTe Macdonald, Mr. McEwen or Mr. Holmes the school wood shePjsvhile playing at was at times a little activity -in seine —The flM , insurance companies in either smoke or drink; they are total noon, on Wednesday of -last week, ana lines. The aggregate demand was not view of the recent losses they have sus - abstainers in this respect. There are broke his right wrist. Russell is rather up to the average and cattle sold slowly -1 tabled, especially in large cities, are Ua,�ITIVE LYL Other representatives who do not touch unfortunate as he had the top taken off The offerings were not heavy, but buy- about to increase their premium rates, spirituous liquors, but not another one� of the fingers of his rlgh�y-hand, in ers had been Well supplied and vera not 4county in the whole Dominion has the flax mill, last summer.IWF anxious to take on any more stock.' The Hannah Elizabbth, the young wife of representatives,who go as far in this Richard Proctor has returned from a total rum was 40 loads, including 809 John G. Gibbings, con. 7, Hullett, died respect as the men named. The same -visit to his home at Kinburit. cattle, 284 Sheep and lambs, 36 C8lVe3- recently. She was a daughter 0 V M 12' thing held good in the 'last Parliament Andrew Gray, senior, was kicked by and 200 bogs. Expert cattle—Trade David Hoggart and has been married A 19 also."0111 1 ff 0 a ahorselasb week, and unable to work, decidedly slow; choice quoted at $4.40 but three years. She leaves a three t While his son Andrew is ill -,vith con. to $4.80 per owt., and medium at t4 to weeks old daughter. Deaths In January. gestion of the lungs, and Miss Jessie hal $4.40. Export cows sell at $2.25 to The Provincial Health Department's la grippe. $3.75. Butchers' cattle—One small A6, statement of deaths from contagious Ernest Jewitt, who has spent the Win- bunch of fancy cattle said at $4,45; bulk 71 diseases for the mouth of January was ter with his parents and other rplatives, of offerings in this class, however sold issued Tuesday. As compared with the raturned to Prince Albert, las,, week. at $4 to $4.25, and Were in keen demand A man > anonth of December last, the statement Rev. D. Rogers, Methodist minister at those prices; ordinary 'to medium w ith a shows a decided improvement in regard here for nearly four years, has. received cattle, fair demand, at steady prices, thin head BUSIN SS to tuberculosis, typhoid and one or two an invitation to go to Ford-tvich at the Export bulls dull, with light offerings ,other diseases. The following tables beginning of the Conference year. It and and fair •deand; prices unchanged. of hair is na marked show the deaths for the two months:— Will Patterson out his foot while chop- Feeders and stockers—Offerings light I -!>' ......... ...... 4 ....... �+ Jan. Dec. ping at William H. Fraser's. last week. and trade inactive; prices steady and un- man. But Total deaths reported_ 2,261 2,172 March came In like a lion. changed. Feeding bulls—Few sold at t h e big Scarlatina, ............ A 14 Our local dealers are getting in bicycles $3-*12900.50per cwt., dearer cattle Whooping cough ....... 11) 10 A mail named Wingliam, of Dublin, Mich rows—st . eady demand for fine is not the Vyphoid ................ 92 Ireland, has invented a paraffin lamp for animals, and thg�, sell readily kind of a mark most diphtheria ............. 49 O'h bald spot Miasles ................ 70 to be ready for the spring sales. being rather flile stock; trade quiet. 9 4 HAI Great S au a- 41 y at $45 to k S Tuberculosis ........... 194 215 the purpose of lighting buoys: It is de• $55; others dull, at $30 to $46. Sheep— inert like. signed to burn three months without at. Good demand; prices advanced about Too many men in '�4 J. England, of Dashwood, this week tention. 25c. per owt.; export Awes worth $3 to ■ their twenties are 04 sold a, load of 14 hogs to H. Willert, of Tames Maxwell, of the Bluevale road, $8.50, and bucks, 0.50 to $3 per' cwt,; bald, This is absurd - 4 Closes'March 16. Dashwood, for the sum of $168. Good had an auction sale of farm stock, on 'butchers steady, at $2.50 to U each. ■ ind. all unnecessary. I - .110gs Will always make the farmer Friday attertloon last. Lambs weaker; grain feed quoted 10c to 44+444+++++++44+++4444+4 =Oney. Robert G. Casomore, of Newbridge, 25c lower at 04. to $4.50 per cwt. Calves', e a I t h y hair shows was in the village last week. active; good veal calves firm, at $2 to man's strength. To George Pocock and family, of East $10 each. Hogs weaker and prices 37;4/oo build up the,h2ir from THIS 15 THE LAST Wamanosh, have moved into Mrs. And- to 500 lower; seleOts'Of 160 to 200 POundi the roots, to prevent 4 9 Clearin erson's cottage in our village. natural Weight, have dropped from and t 4Win. Patton, was engaged last week $6,879 o to $6.50 per cwt., and lights and U r e Golden opportunity of getting cutting and housing ice to be used in fats from $6.50 to 100; prices steady at C his dairy next summer, decline, bald- Sale John Elliott, of East Wawavosli, was VaIlIuMe'AdVICEF to . Ithou1nattes ness now goods at a tremendous cut in the village, last week. 0 iBat meat sparingly, also 'eery little ■ use in price Mr. Jamieson, of Vordwich, was n sugar, avoid damp feet, drink water . Japanese China our village last week. abundantly, and always rely on Nervi. A or - Messrs John Burgess and Thomas line as an absolute reliever of pain. Vivo SP CUPS and ftucers Stewart went to Sarnia, lastwoek, to at. times stronger than any other, its Power 41D ¢+44 .. 4++++ .................. tend the High Court of the Canadian over pain. is simply beyond beliof, Got It always restores ' Vasesa bottle at your druggists, test it and see 7 > 18verything will be sold. Nothing will be rbsery Order of Ito rostarg, the former as High if it is not so. Medicine dealers sell it. color to faded or ray ed. Auditor, and the latter its the topresont- everywhere. Ete, . 'oroa ters -hair. Notice tTat 0 ative of Court Douglas. The 11 aids Widow Advertised fs()m word, " always." And You MAY AS WELL Were exceptionally well entertained, by Mrs, Hagan, A Berlin Widow 0 a the people of Sarnia. fifty summers, is a resident among us no t cure's dandruff, MUSICAL COODS SaMLS Patterson has returned to ManW Mani- longer, says the aterloo Chronibio" S11-604battle, Alldruggists. tOba after A Visit to his parental home. Telegraph. She left tile other day for ,My businoss calls me out amob 81'I'Ve money as your neighbor. A shipment of flax Was made to Mont, Montana, whore 811019 tO'Wea, She has Atratifets & gte4t demi, I woula I 26tuh 1Y feel ashamed eVery time violins Val, last Week, not seen her hubby -to -ba, In the flesh, I Woulil tako off uly 11at, my bats Miss Ruby I)affL Of St, CAtharillog, is but hil, image has bee i p eMSO oil ,, 0 thin and the b-t1d spots .......... 4++-O++4,++t+ n impressed d up Allowed to plainly. I begtin the use Guitars visiting at hot, home hote, her mind by 016 ATt Of the Photographer. of yotte cit, V1 or 1085 than threo Ynonths ago. TXY I find I hateall Rev. W. J. West X. A., Mrs, West The wooing was a love affair. Ile ad, Ate 9, 116W of hair as I ever had, 110 COME WITH THE OROWDS and get the Sheet Mus ie. Vito, Tuesday 11i v 11�611 OVetybody WNtt I Used, mid 01 alld uts.. it. X, Due, Spent ovbfs6d f0ta, wife and the Betun. widow' t oy 94Y 1 it must bo a wobtiorful WtOketer, Ile former attended the 4flawerod the Ad. by mail. . After #,tit. biggest bargains Of 4 lifetime. Wo aro boiand to close out thcee goods 1609, ehiegio, ill, aud. will 8011 them very, very ehea�. Meeting Of tile PtesbyterY atcl the two ing letters to each other photos wore ex. to latter the "oventeenth 9,1111111al, meeting than ed, Daft Co id, ham added to'his Wolis*vd a book 611 T116 ftkif and ........................ we 't Molt we Vill send tree ItDon of the Ptesbytevial womdjIFS; V oteigii laurels as an archer by the proftioncy -i rettufst- It YOV1110 n6t obtain all tjj� I Ink bonthis Yin eipoetA frorA thly ttiki di RD N at this long Iees)bIt"t, an ft to ad. "kN1161111111"90 .Is 01"Smate of mr� wigt, aaaressed distimm 1, Alga. MOW: It pay h fttg of 016 NOW.- . about 0 'y DARK xlEgioutmv society, tov. j,x6w&#, hdhagohowtila rewhing tile aciao HALot M. J)"a ratMedti%donoyfrota Chino" tjjo$�L JoVeko �'Vjth his illitfta 6 KaGdonald Block. IvIngfiatn. the society, VM4.14& A A OPP0410 114MIlton1ii Drug Store,