The Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-11-28, Page 8' �I THE. LUN ► ' SENT I EL THURRsDA,1, NOV' M ER 290, 940 • op Have No "Idea The Vir%ety �'aer%l At This ,Store. • Close Coaatparison Prices Will Prove That It �� To Shop Here Where Quality Goods Are Sold At The Right Prides. • Pure Silk Hose You Will Find- A Very Fine Line WWF Women's All- Silk .l -Silk Hose ¶a.• Sheer Chiffon, Crepe & Service Weight. Alt T6 New Anti And Winter Colors. These' Are A Standard Y e Reduced To. A. Pair $1.o1. Undergarments Warm Nem Winter Un r :e Karn nts For Women And. • [dren. All The Wanted Kbid '' 'eec . 't, Inter- i Wool Silk And Sri & Wool 25c to 1.00.r Men's Wear erwear, 1�enI you: will find a , number of lines of Und . ,, Socks, Mitts Groves Braces, Ties, S'6iih. We have too', much of these and are offering some good bargains. Come in "'to appreciate the Special prices. China and Glass Ware New Season China and Glassware.. The ladies wig admire these and they are . here for you to look over at •- Plates,Pitchers, Etc. No_ ii ation your leisure 1.. . Cups,�g • to buy. lay away .anything you • may pi :Lucknow, ou only pay a =nail deposit to hold your parcel 'Phone 1 CHRISTMAS CARDS WE. NEED, YOUR HELP • The Sentinel has an attractive line of personal greeting cards; An en- , tirely- nevi range to choose from L. all made. in' Canada, and at prices as low as $1.00 for 1.5 cards with your name andaddress printed on each one; Several in the: patriotic motif, particularly appropriate this year. Don't delay -tonne in 'and see the .samples now. • If any of our readers are dis-' appointed at• times innot seeing an item Of ' news in the paper, of which they pre fully 'acquainted with the details, kindly do • not place all the blame with. us. We are neither mind- readers nor prophets andif' we are not acquainted 'with the news :it's a "certainty we cannot publish it Hand in every item you ,can and we will greatly • appreciate it. r' .pr�� �,�y���y�y�y y�� y� AUCJyy. h491!�f<�i�:PI�TMCJ��lpCWNO9JG961CJTiC!0~011/ifiCrlPl"OFC7 Here''s YoWr Xmas Shopphtg. Guide 1LE'1"S' BE• •PRAcric u: AND GIVE 'FIRINGS TO WEAR: Li WOO LETTE 'PAJA.MA$--,Sura rt two-piece styles' Colorful floral printed: designs for ladies & Chil'dr'en z Beautiful Satin or Rayon ?MIGHT GOWNS`Tea. Rose, Ice Bine Or, 3 Gold: 98c 8i' $1..59 • .. ft Oiled. Silk Cnihrellas that help to hrighten up dull days. With 16 X fi ribs and chic new handles. they make an ideal gift • '$1.95 f 6, GLOVES for every one. Suede. Cape Skin, Kid, 'Angora, Wool. Priced 50c & up t'O'R Tf'iOSE WU KNIT ---A. wonderful range of yarn.. Wheeling; S Scotch ," _, ..,r.isti_...i.. _. . . . _a_.r___e__. •"i'gorette' &'Angora 1 oti` €of Jvof; , 'f>i# g fzoi42J € yti f 1t #fofrayf WORD OP CAt''TION---COME EARLY WHILE STOCKS ARE COMPLETE 0. a (LOC4.LaIId"GENERAL) CLEA:RI.NG OUT SALE of the bah ante '' of ,' our ' millinery at bargain . I prices this Friday and Saturdays; No% -' ember 29th and 30th. BELLE 'ROB'- ERTSON,'. Lucknow. • Some Pieces of Community Plate at greatly reduced prices. Wm. Murdie & .Son. ' Mrs. C: Webster spent tine we -end' • at "Toronto and Oshawa. Mrs. Campbell Thompson and Don- ald were week -end visitors in Tor- onto• Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie and ' Miss Yate MacKenzie were 'week -end vis- itors in Toronto. Mrs. P. .1. Naylor yvho underwent •a major operation. in . Toronto Gen- eral Hospital' six weeks •ago,was able to leave the .hospital this week. W. and Mrs. Thomas England: and boys, of Galt, spent the week -end with the formers. parents, Mr. and. Mrs. ,Joseph England' of Lucknow. Further proof ,that Christmas is fast approaching is the fact that High. School stud nts spire' engaged. this. week in writing their Christmas ex- aminations:. , Miss Edith• Watspin of Niagara Fall's, an intimate friend of the late• Miss Mary Rathwell, visited last' week with the Rathwell family, in their' sad bereavement. Miss Arabelle Cameron of Glencoe was a week -end visitor with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Cameron Mrs. Cameron has beenconfined to bed for the ,past ten days. Lieut. Toni Alton of the'•Paymaster Unit of i.ondon visited' this week with his mother, Mrs. Thomas Alton, re- turning, on Wednesday to conclude what was believed, to be his last leave. Miss Mina .IGraham df . Cbillicote visiting here • on account of, the ser- ious illness of her 'sister Miss Christie Graham, who is ,somewhat improved however this week. Rev. R.C. ' Todd, 'Mrs Turner and Ar. Jotseph Mallough attended, Pres- byterial in Tara on Tuesday, ',while Mrs. Andrew M s. W. G. And ew and Mrs. Grant MacD;armrd attended ' the Sunday School' coinferenceheld hat the sable time and place. " Thug Frit, Sat. Nov_ 28, 29, 30. SURE AND, YOU'LL, LIKE. THIS "Three Cheers ' for the Irish" Alan Hale ' ' Priscilla. 'Lane PLUS AADVENTCRE. FEATURE ."Danser : Qn ' Wheels"' Dick Arlen Andy Devine — SERIAL CANADA CARRIES ON "BRITAIN' AT'• BAY" CAPJTOL K. iffc TUES. DEC. Alice Faye . Fred `tittle. Old New 2, 3 e. MacMi irray York' WEDNESDAY DEC.' 4th Kincardine Junior Hospital • League Presents MISS ANNA NEAGLE -` in — THE MUSICAL COMEDY Advance Sale Now On'. a Tickets Twr'sday at the Capittol TEE UNITED CHURCH. LoUCKNOW svitivt OE4CIElt, lst 1i aim. -98th Battery, R. C. A.. Church • Parade. 3 :7. -Sunday ' School. _.. er N. •10 7 p.m., -=Tire •LortTls 1'euy --4 PRAYER AG•A'I,NST TEMPTATION. tn`rager Service Tuesday Evening in 'the Presbyterian Church at 8 .o'clock. ' vs ENTER TWO ' TEAMS LOCALLY With yesterday the last day for entries , in the O,H.A , a :hockey meet- ing eeting was,lneld on Monday evening when the important •decision arrived at was to enter both . a j;}.niorand inter= mediate team. It is a longg tinie since Lucknow bas beenl represented: by a junior team and as a resat those over juvenile age haven't .been getting a chance: There will be no juvenile entry this year, but many of ..last year's squad are available for the junior team. The resignation of W. B. Anderson aspresident of the Club was received with regret, but ',business interests prevent hum from carrying on this season. The meeting unanimously favored the appointment of J. W.' Joynt as .president.„; succeeding "Wif', who was named an honorary uiem- ber. The Presbyterian Sabbath School will mold their annual "White Gift Service" on the evening of Thurs- day, December l2th at 7:45 o'clock. The ,executive would appreciate a good- attendance of the parents, a: well as the children. LEFT FOR' 'C'AMP FRIDAY To continence their thirty -day train- ign period at either Woodstock of Kitchener, seven boys boarded the train here on Friday''morning They were Allan McCharles and �atneron McTavish to liitclrener, •while An- drew BarkweiL Frrilay MacDonald, Roy MacKenzie and Donald McGregor of Ashfield and Lorne Snell of West Wawanosh were bound for Wood stoat. . Others in the district who were call- ed op, principally 23-year=old included H. C. Congram, ' R. 1Dun- gannon; 3. M. Courtney, IL., 7 Luck - now; D. 3. Cowan, R 3 Goderich; W. C. Crozier, R. 1 Dungannon; J.' J. Gilmore, R. 3 Lucknow; K. 1.: Bodges, Dungannon; R. E. Irvin„ R. 7 Lucknow; W, li;. Laidlaw, R. 1. Lucknow W. A. Martin, IL 2 Luck - 110W; A. D Phillips, R. 2 Lucknow; I W. S. Reid, R: 1 Dungannon; - ' Shackleton, R. 1 Dungannon; H. J..I gailnon; A 13. Swan, et 3 Lucknow. Be P A R L e r noall theseboyshave ; Rah the . or t e I LUCKNGW, ONTARIO. PHONEMAN EL reportod for training we are not a- •ware. I ZwainniiikatacinsAnoignlinainGsFaiatini2thi400041,411404,0/i0/47100014/Giaik. l RFy.. C. M. KEEN TO ,SPEAK Rev. Clarence M een, pastor of Benton . St. Baptist church, Kitchener, Will speak at 'the Lucknow' Bible In- stitute this Thursday and Friday ev- enings, Nov. 28, 29 at 8 o'clock. Pas- tor Keen is known as one of the leading ministers of the Baptist church_ in Canada and has a vital Gospel, message which all should bear: We' especally urge' the young people to come out and' hear him. The one and only purpose of the Bible Institute' is to bring inspiration and blessing to members , of every Denomination to the end that they may. go back to their- own church stronger and ' better -fitted for ser - nice. GOOD, TIME IN STORE Dancers have something to look forward to ,locally alike the next week. Tomorrow night (Friday) its the mighty'popular SL Andrew's Ball under' Kairshea auspices , and next Thursday The ,Clansmen will present Benny Palmer in �i return 'engage- ment. • . ,Shovelling Snow .Again Snow shovels were dug out sof hid- ing on'Wednesday morning, to clear away the ,Gxbt heavy snowfall of . the season. A young Missal that set in Tuesday afternoeu. •quickly calmed down again, but by ]ate Tuesday night upwards to three inches of snow had Wien and more -was ded on Wed- nesday afternoon. I Special on 'ladies Coat • iii We have. only a few of these coats left it thin' lowf price. These i , are half cliarirois interlined in pure wool Fabrics- .fnr1 trine :ed , and' satin lined- 'ery stiarrt styles y� . lel D la C ._ 1 • SALE OF Winter C�ats ALL OUR LADIES WrN.1'ER COATS ARE AT SPECIAL SALE PRICES. • THIS LS A '(MANCE TO SAVE .REAL MONEY . a Q GIRLS' COAT Pure. wool materials. Smart Fur Trims. Stzea $8.95 to 14'at only ' SIyE IAL SALE 'PilICES ON ALL DUE MENS SOVERCOATS IL ASG . to WE HAY' E A WIDE 'VARIETY Or XMAS ?GIFTS FOB THE ENTIRE FAMILY. CALL. IN AND SEE TEM 5 1 • 4