The Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-10-17, Page 5.,. ,I f^• wr: , ,;�*»r #..,,- r . + .^ria+v^zg•ri ««, .,• «�, wixR �.w M«i" a . . • - y'tp7w uE^a. • .. r _ .«u.:.,.. •,ti ,,..,wr"»n.: `l . n':.« , ", — �,. ...M.,, x,e u q, " •p,# .G• =,y N, n'" , { N .. ,� 'I , h , y N . ! . » . . . � 4 • . \ . 1 _ ,. - ,: . • ,� ' I�AGI�rr THURSDAY, OCMB . 17W 1%9 . ` E �tJ�Kt SIV EIS" � �I L , ,., • _ . . • .. _. . �.A _... -.. _ .........,.._..__ . _ ... LL .- . . THE • .G1ET� •PRESENTED• � .�t+�11GS1�� WHIEHURCH OiNGANNQN', SJOIA-6 I W . 11 . . � __ _ LUCKNOu1/ SEt�IT I NEL WHILE ON LEAVE , ll _ r, bars- Ed Gill, W`e Ric. M a,?td . The l.,angside � otic- Scei� A • �� �� The Largs de W lel, S� held their h visited over Thanksb�ivtng at Published every Tb rs±lsy ' m.o�►g' - L eeu�m TheatreP , I S. '. � � ­�., e>maw. Ontario. EST- HELEI►"S NEWS) ester Hall on 1'olaY erda►g F nrA� he _ the Ymeeting at the manse ,last Thursday the home, of Mr_ and Mrs, $actor at A number of friends, and neighbors. w ` some of airs. A, D, Mat-Kenzie—Proprietor m aid of the quota Lnr u' aw is ash W i NGHAM @Hite a number were present.' At the,_ Roach and also' cabled, onon Thanks . . • close of the 'meeting a social boar Canipbell' Thompson- lady wasA, - - One show eac nisbt .except the church people Who 'areae ¢m Pabesshet at the home . of ,hit. Charl,Qs Dom- ed to The higiaest � of St Helens 'Thanksgiving - I # was, enjoyed by_all.' - _. _ .. Saturday. Saturday night.: best of health. Sir- Gall had officiated . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 17th. 1910 night to honor his 'son, iF'te. Wilbert yrs B'� I'' $Doti High gest was k - two chows est 7.45 aAd ,9.45 p est. We are glad to report Mrs.. Herb at the Barker -Watt, wedding in God- Durnin of the 3rd Field Regiment, � ° was _. _ ` Laidlaw to be much' improved after Erich ,on. 14ionday. Petawawa Camp. ,During the evening, c n was t winner of tt_ The door prize tale Miss Betty Conley and Gia' Thursday, . ,r f� Friday, Saturday her operation in Wingham Hospital-, 1'930 CANAD YEAS BOOR : be Winn thus `. Y Gu van $cad as at Woodstock A ration was made of a signet 1$LQDO P size with - Mr, and Mrs. T. J. MacLean spent for thirty days as. required ring and a Seliaeffer pen and Pencil o_ ' IS NOW AV )� ` F "vo The proceeds were ,. .0 a. 1'7/ 1.g/ training ■ . Sunday at l�liagara Falls with' friends and Mr. Thornton F.edy, having Pass- set .The presentation was 'made by i..a_: " f f; there. They publication of the 19 0 edition _ , The Whii�echurch Women's In--t�i- q11 JANE WITHERS ed his examination in London on Mon- of the Canada 'bear. Book Pahlished Mr. Joe Foran and the ffoll Tay!wing ad 9 i Mr. .James Forster i$ holding an day for the $ C_ A.. F- went on' to dress read by Mr. Herbert' Taylor_ held their Oot�er meting in . M THE $I'iZ BOTHERS by authorization of the, Hon. Jame- Dear Wilbert- 'their ban ' last Tuesdag aftkrnoon n � � , auction sale of livestock' nest Friday Toronto where he is accepted as a ;-� 1. I A: 3tacKictnon, 4iipisier, of Trade an�o when it was decided' to hold a dance t r - r' y — in'.— at, bis farm clerk and now is in uniform- We We _. your friends and . mei ones ComYne cc, is annonneed by� the Dour Wednesday evening in the brill The_ 1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thompson of wish die, boys "good lack"- have gathered here: tonight to es- i . 'r^— . 9': d Toronto. the week end wit"' intoe • Bureau of Statist3es_ Tl►e Cain mottri — ``If yon would enjoy the, , ,r` T on spent Mr. and 'Mrs: -Jas;.,. Barkley, after, oda Year Book is the official. statisti- pts our goodwi*es to 'yogi, a, fruit,Rplaeb not the flower- was gsvem �' ��� 15, a m and Mrs. ; Joe visiting two months among relatives ice n_ soldier of our Em ire. Yea' have' al- - - ��� s �%' Tiffin and other rel- p Mss. Cecil Falconer.. fi �e,rall a ll - 1 anneal of the country and Do 'qua . " . .. ret sir hoffi,g, at • ' to -date .account ways shown as spirit • of iWAKY an article . nlana- .i _ �' > > ,fives., aurins er�l by . j returned last week #o, t a tlioroaghly pp' Troubles , The 9iissi, ga�nd•, held theg meet-• , o Ba the 'Dom °'° everF have Pio f 3n, ..Canada Vom 1 _ ah 011.1' T y= tray and' ®. m on Sato. '' I the hont< of Mrs; of ttie natural 'zesouices � and friend iaetuz+ed d'anRaaa4a � g: y> �Jdr. and 11irs. S Swan, Behnore, vis inion and their developme the his- ' a true citizen gel'' good , 1Tie .typic 'The !endure • l Y. Jong .and The : Qitz Brothers , im ' C. 9liarraY I tor!+' of 431' country, at all tanner; We . donid not ''let rasa 4 t,, ' ited their daughter Mrs- Harvey 9'taile ' its �titatio�ss, - dnsisie� of Caaiada, and what v;om. . matiiiye to make raisings bot -for klrs.0 T. Iamb bf' Goi�erich and leave 'tvi t. some token;" of 'oar ap- deem.', liras given Miss feta Swag, 'has , beeA assisting its. demography, the ,different , bra*s- : can cin to s /' x h general durjng the writ: . Wny, Cranston: •o f St. ' Helens o predation:. `'Please accept tdiese ' gifts` _ Her :'si7ter sirs 'Mole fps segeral chis of production, trade,. iransp it- by 34rs "'$oi+Prt Buss, Maraca .Ana �. + `w . spent Saturday at the home of their . in remembrance of yoffir neighlsoars , Also 'Three StoaSes" Sport" weeks. • ,tion, fnance, edaeataon, etc. — in . Mae .Carrick arra Agnes Gallesplle ,� 1. . parents •Mr. and Mrs• ,Johai.:• Kennedy. , re ,geed friends.» . e a duet Miss Merle W an*! ' N EST _ �Nfiws» Mi: Jack Pollock .spent the' week mss. Rutherford and childreai f bni 'brief, a comp pensive studg within Wilbert ezpressed his thanks, and ' .. the 4th concession of Ashfield' have the limits of a single volume of the Mrs Ezra Sho3tz gave piano -tri- 1Hatinee Sat ;afteraosm 2:30 end with his parents Bev.• and MrB: a a on in..a .fatting mianrier_' Pollock moved 'to the Pentland residence ree , social and economic condition , the pp mental, tom-, kgs vven given b�' f R u I T I � I. The remainder uf. the evening bfirs_ John Colvinash Miss Jeans .Well- �,' `� i. 'The W. M. S. of the Presbyterian ,eptly vacated by air. and Mss. J. D. Dominion This new edfition has been t in. dancing to music by, air. IPE,'rosc C AppTesa ednesds ' church`` are holding their Tbankoffer- $ichardson_ thoroughly revised thmaghont anal spin wood A skit, 'viae weddaang �r '' Monday, Tuesday, W y Wvi_ � Robb_ • given by l'drs BSo'b Wass, as the � R � cAee ®fI 1-11 11 meeting oa Thursday of this Visitors with Mr: and lir$. H. F.edF includes in all its chapters the latest foods that can, be . mg, g _ re d.,-la,oleeorae, week, eetin .Mrs. Fowles of Brussels at tine holiday. 'week -end were Ma_ information. available up to .the date br e, Miss Velma Scott, . e graam Tlr ptam�a� O i �� i ` Mas, Melville Scholtzhaues ani of going . to per- 'ST. H'ELENIS- Mrjs. Jim Falconer; P'a; .34rs Cecil heavy,with delle d��- Eat �Z� • /,• . / aanll be 'the guest e? and. year Bek ex- t e.yor 'three of t�eae app'l� yrs David Sennedy, Peter:. cold Douglas and' Mr. and Mrs. $oriel! ' The .194(! Canada Falcoiaer, Ma The bride and, gioosc , day. — ilFiec'ne good fru a; JOAN SENi`TETT day in ilverton and Mr, and Maw_ tends' to over,' 1,i0' pages; dealing Yiioas #os tlse hoflada creek-endg two due ibe Borst �A } .. goul .A�d •:be su�ne %ai 'tee LOUIS HAYWaIIiD. Annie spent Thangiving . Riley;y; bases of the aaataonal life incti�deii Miss Irene Woods ®£ Watpa- aorklrig snare's siig+pee'' r�-t.�J arra pTc�t9cfaa�a�.appleil�= Goderieh with Mr_ and .Mrs_ •Harry Scott Coulter' and' Lindsay, 'Mlbank with All p ag�ple, balstid ate, e s IN Mrs. Lorne'Eedy, Mrs SPea- 'and more espedaft with those. sus-. Too and 91r_ 'Mo, Braavn. •of Kitchener rhe follo�g awards. Mks_ Ezra e Mr. and . semen B�plin� s - . - e Tichborn . '• - der, a. Mr:' and ahs. ]MI Spencer ceptible bf statistical Mea,- S; avith Mr. and 9lrs_ P WaodS; sirs_ Siaoltz, '%s#; Mrs: Bob lios�; d Caaaadian : alp s aTe an y� "The ■ statistical stlmniarg. Of','the grog Wm GoilaheT of'. Z'®rwood,. Mr. Ste- Mrs_ Sa>iilr Paced, 3rd The judges , The felt 'In OBITUARY-.,' Marilyn'and'doam, stratfard. A .�dsi:e.l;> Rev: Mr.. Williams. 'a .former rec- rens of Canada is aaichad . . e art Collyer # We�itrosI Mit dean , -ere Sirs. Wm: Heade -n, ��ia � -- _ - ed in di � X06 ' JOHN A. 5lacl.S-�.�T ,{..._ . 1;11,1 for of St Paul's, called on Mr_ Win introductory matter. This gives a Thom of Torouto,.Mr and, Mrs Cari3gs- Clarkson ' Martin, M , allT of tOMM� �iirram r ' ' theirQ�n *Sk,ao� A:-� st.•.1'at;l. Min- mole Sunday •after Preaching. of Picture' m fagni of tlhe reaaark- '11 To�iap3on an!! Dos:afld of I �fsliam The s��ng of the mai- uF a�px�E.. Aesata, .son. of the late Laughlin and Brussels 3Sr_ Williams is ,•stationed able progress which the coantrg ha` mow with Ma_ and Mrs_ E J. Thceria; 3otaal Anthem eio #lie' meeting- The story of •�Aious SII.Vs ,of CatherAe MacLean of .Lncknow pas- sed Awayat ,Midway Ho1.spital ' on near Sebringville snd will be remern sus . e since the fust eek of the Miss' Norma Weatherhead o£ Starner;. MLss Bei Mar'=!lull •spent , 'ds� �, � France and his' twin brother bered as living bere over ,tweotty 'Dominion was take an 1S'71, . sastq= Miss' Marie 3"rostie of Tommto_ 'i han sgiving hbl das• *" her mtsfih- I . Philippe.. . October aid, . • year ago. They have thr4ee sons and ]eight years ago_ Misses Jean and Lois Webster y o hit_ 9larslsall . of Toronto_ 7 s 6000 ,m■ fd1 . Ft311 XDO . . - five B . Also :.µC u". Ma: McLean is survived by his eldest vsri7l -be ordained as a .mini- Persons regni L g the Year' Book Clinton at their homes here; Mr_ and his Elmer c£ftaa off. 1•aarn}serry, - ,' children; Mrs_,Webb of -Superior, Wis- - M,-_ WW- Dougherty and Gwen , of 'at.•,- ID- A- MacDonald and 'Donald . . . ster in the spring from ;Toronto: inay' attain it from the )facie's Prin . eonsin;• firs_ :Mann, Jack, Roger and a' to as the saipply .Guelph tvitli Mas P� J_ Woody; Mss of d Con Kinloss sig -it'd c Sam cell o e' moo -stand Alen, of St. Pani; also four sisters, Miss Jean and brother Mr.' 'Ell �. ter; Ottawa, ng �'ebs54r of t.'ondon, Mises= day with :fir_ and Mar_ ..Taos Hdh us�a . airs Williams and Mrs. Reid of Tor- Stoth, T`ottanto spent Thanks-gevin lasts. at, the price of $3 x0, vs}aicli Dorothy rim gas nand 'the :enema. You tea+ b1i. 3'ttos. eocers merely the cts of gaper, prays- - Zylda and Dorine Webster, said Mrs 3Sr_ Mrs , Raiel . Ri#cle auris_ vvF3e the first in ani cam• BETL..' 11iR RICH TO SPEAK onto. lairs_ Boss an8 , rgaret, Mac- week -end' with• thei fart er 1 C Si. Ray •of Torr+ai#o, 3fi Myra t�tla Cors natal Mrs :J. B, Morrison , . . Gng acid 'binding. By a special con ity tea ai3swer �e c and �f wast# .11 Ican of: Grand $,Fids. 3iiehigan-, Stothers. ' Boles, Mie W soli, sir_ Snyder, Mr_ sit Sunday with Mr sand �- R :hits ' C, G: Brown lead ees-ion, a limited mainber i►f paper- C� of St ' Catherine with �Sr� I I 11•, to, .i3o� tirosad we . are of vow Rev, T_ J. filch, pastor, of the air. 'MaeLesn had.. been mita the as her guests bound espies hare. -been set amide P� Tifs =ppit of sacrifice sand e. fist Ghurrh, Kincardine, accompan- Great iorthern Radroad for nearly 'on Sunday; lacy brother 3laar_ and iii s: d, Wel-ter- Mr. ,tad 41•s_ dos kiat _ James : Santt oi' London,and ceL,on Couch, Stratford; Ther alsfl fon mini -tern of religion, inn fide and FIs. B�9 1!iii- i *rz r °the# yorsr dam' calls • led by a young man soloist will, briri �j thirty years- ' ; Brown. students and ool teachers, who shell, Miss Webster; George L'frait3a of the 1L C _� F_ a? ,i Y� .ate �� Our uddst for a t� w,. the Gospel Message at the LncicieoaF Fein era! services were conducted by dashed 'Sir.' sad Mts jWilb`ur 'hell of Toronto with 3lla ane! Joss St Thomas 'spent the •wed-eAd.. at . of whieh.'he had has returned may obtain copies at tale nominal fiaaa'',u3llirsg tis help of . Bible. Institute this ,Friday .evening the Masonic' Lodge sirs: A: B. Pentland !rice .of ata renes each W_ G_ McCros-tse_ theelr .flnotames here at 8. o'cigck. been a member for years_ With him from . 3oathampton after spending Rev. Join and, 'Mrs_ Barnard . and Mrs _Edna. Forsythe of . Toroastcs at . all. times ) b ra greatly ap- .. civil a at the trine# h5s death were his cera! weeks Aith'l+er daughter Mar-. little .frog near Sarni over ��g lnalidays with her parents predated '�Ce :a=raB that 9oa may Mr: Rich:had' the great P eg children 'and sister' 3iargart THE: LA11iGSIDB WILD C A1'S. r p an'arr5�g ort so�ir of being in Wales at time. of, the °aret, who teaches school there ,guests; with Rev. and Tlrs G_ A �_ amd'Mrs J. B. Mcaazirsn f 'rir_ .and airs_ Chas- Alton, Ferne11 around our burg, Barnard for 3hanl��icing_ 'Prayer saneetakig was held at the. cess-£ni Gamma? safely T .2 sae - Welsh. viva!, .of 1 and those YOUNG Eii� Pears - gfl $ I I . who.present to hear 'him `at . PEOPLE HELD and J. C_ Enjoyeii' a trip Aara4h over !Sass Rama Sttart of Torantes as home o£ Mr- grad . Mr Boli' Iiea3 s+i9 tom. 3NaiLAL R. LLY AT WIiVGHA3t A great excitement, fell; evenin by Ma> s H3rmter eraeinr, Pial man— the Institute november have' not the week -end visiting Mr: and. '- -, 'For si>> lite peePlezl re •and there a .homey wide air_ and Satiday 'We mot lett this time Pam zsithoUt � .ass . forgotten the blessing which attend- WiII Alton, Toronto. 'at their cottage stories g unsold teIL Mai_ G. 3ti_ Stuart and Cowan and as�l i held asog a atoken of our Q t- ,c' ed his ministry- The . a�aal Rally' of the Yom. at Clear Lake in Party. Sound die- Mr. Tyson sura acid Jame ortso have Tipesda; and Tiraa*s*SalaB eve�airsg • of f r}sat People's Societies. of Maitland Pres- re-- trict and .� added feature of their .A Langs-ide bear uas oat at large ;pent tfie summer with her mother, I ' and. heart 3� giati3aZdQ this greets at $ ®ciorl� ' The Lu;ckaow Bible Institute ' is In- Lytery urns 'held in St:. And ew's , Borden, Mrs: R J. Wooer, !lave left for Tor Misses Grace Easaeardsu#i, ' �ds> 3 YOU .are a9v�sg air �, your �� ' terdenominatioaal : in nature bat per- an Fri- P s visit to Camp . Di, -tubing all, sett3er. cont* i - a = on RFs^ s bsterian Church, Wmgham, ehl in sbere � they bad a pleasant. greeting [ No one could •work, for .thought of, it onto ,where they will reside_, Brown. 3sialdreai Moore, Eileen Mc- itively Christian, and friends fro»; all day business session was h -lot even port theme yrs attended 2oeept thew v cast watches an #!sere churches are invited to come and et%- the, late afternoon, after which supperfrom the local boys' ovho are training Mt. find ]ars: Tom Sam off God- cienagham. Mary Caution envelopes Aa?g,' as a j9B this ho1. ur of spiritual inspiration' 'rich and 3Srs Ed -.Snyder' o£ YDe- site Achievement Day held tai London }rand frown runic #' was served ser: Mr. and Mrs: W.'P. Newman Long have pia. trait acre gaessts o£ Mr. G_ A Webb ors �BFedme-aP la�-i Brown is . and., Christian fellowship. Please tell The evening session opened with entertain the, And• .that has been forgotten. and Mr_ and Mrs:. E R'_ Ince on represgentatace of this group cayarsa M hand r our friends of the Uniied church en • too, Haat 1. ase of sun y devotions by the Blaevale Society and• Crewe Chtazch W M- S on Tuesday .Ti71 Hoar ore have, so tate are tpkl, Sunday,' an addre 3Sas 11Jed M$CDo d. ark; - .. � ' .a sing song led by the Lucknozc mem- 3[iss R'7d cats_ Ole! how rotten_ 3liss Katharisie McGregor off Luff- Mr_ James P.irlrard�n algia aws+cii- and iP�-i� for B afternoon at the parsonage velem the -war clo ds have roiled a- K .. ' bens. The special speaker eras .the, Marian Wewman. nurse -in -training at now, Sir_ Charlie , McGregor of Kit- the giri� Hospital was 'home at the They tell, us they're an Moffat's back, cisei;er aced Mn Roderick McGregor Mr_ A_ J_ Murray, .Bob ant! B4Ir- was. M'as Goci b� 3� ms's `� . FOURTH CONCESSION Rev •W_ Weir, B_A-, of Henn!!, " Goderich Hospi F aim, he heardopt froria and May Ile g The following ofiirers ii ere elected parsonage. of Kintaal attended the aaingversars and Mas- GordonGt+ido?i 3Aiairrag grad asci g' Year President, Cam= ' But Clark while ' ploughing 'in the on and were guests Elly all of. Toronto .fit. the. hoh- you in tl a midst of the pans that C� Mr..Bob Campbell returned hams for the ensuing Bea , The'Ploughing mulch: Was held aiu yenit Ssm>B damsrirertnd '$aaT Bc after spending We summer ata the eron Macaulay. Biptq; 1st vioe'Pres:, Friday. October 12th on the 'farms of field off Mr_ and Mra3 G_ M. Stuart day at their �""""' laoase a on i, --ha f 'of your f 3 . West. Catherine B�ScSenzie, Ashfield; '2nd E,idaims! He's sure he saw one 3r George Mcl n of the R_ .C-, ' The ladies of the 2nd and itis 6f l Signed Robert Davidson • and Albert' Brown a and bTa"s ard,-= Collectors- #guile . vice pre--. Anna Chittick, Wmgham; cog to the cold drizzly 'day the at- . A_ F. has been traazsfex red from Tor- the United Church held a tea at tai_ James i .. Ped Crus . . Mrs Hamilton of Toronto spent ,gam Jean ); zsher, Brussels; tress 'hen •you ask .asnat color? at Dehert. tome off Mrs_ Robert Lai&aw on ' . two .weeks 1i'Ith air_ and Mr. ,Gilbert n r advance- tendance might have bezri'' held dotes ii- hite, we all are told, onto acid LS Hoar in training �-e y,•r, Mr=„ k r�ii ?llasTE tom$-�.. Hamilton. . Mary. Reid Teeswate - , somewhat,' bat a fair crowd was mot- a Lova Soots,_' ��S to 3�i, Biba Mar haH work �"'�`� , For if there's one there :iiia -`t the mmrF + Mr_ Billie Stimson of Windsor spent Times. ' . iced- To the uninitiated, it would' have ,how abut, When they get old! Miss Isabel McLeod -of Kinloss was ,Mr- Joe Murray, ore are Try Mr= T. £men-4m- beeA bard to choose- the 'best as it a visitor for Thanksgiving with �' reppoTi, is cored to the horse wi'tla the week -end at his hoiite > a hart conditioin 3hFI, Or i of asi Stn BEL.I:a q all looked eery good- Mt_ Albert .Shots have been beard both tai and au t. Urs- A ° . air. and. Robert Irwin of Tor . . �}j _ securing 3r.1 ' Mr_ and Mrs- Harry Haves and mo�� was made to dn?i Ss�t � with friend.= Congratulations are, eztended to Brown .was successful in g near, Jim $icliardson and to Cemge onto °spent a few pod' sncte_c- raze with his tractor. Till neighbour think that now HOLYROOQ of Do M �S S seed boys. in 'ved aroaaid Lacla�ow. Mr'. Boss Henry on his g p lies grand daughter Seceslr of Citta BErraitis tar CaaaTlie i The of 'the ` to Mrs. biellie the fm°' "3 Lucknotiz, Junior Farmers, We' ':tend sympathy Tire wild cats, sae' after Son spit Satcrdar with' " i4r- anal Mr_ and Mrs .A_ Fraser of Embro Swine' C1nb_ 'He took fust prize for Steuart a:iio. was recently, We bops they get them �- airs Ziin Elliott is visiting visite with Mrs T. Robinson on to of her sister, Mrs Emily Laing Mrs s. her 3, m Reuben Tiffin- . �aa3<with Mie Grad $i91ned r�A Pre - his two serine in Lac�ow, so !bad 5.icter Mrs, George Hudie of Clan- g at the 7fiTin0 Sll 3trffied in sing- . Sunday_ take diem to the Western Junin: Taixig was in failing health for • some On 3+iandag night of coeur ,,eek, 3+ir: anal Mrs Lina Heuser'_-. n and dim -be�_ i` "=cr duet are J011 -c gross fellows" Mrs_ R. Middleton spent ,a day Farmers 1?inii it London where he time and passed away 7th in her 1® sin Young agethei hyrnn� a de am o so � M Mow:ba �� I. uckno'.i' � _ mgt w zrtrs vrhid3 Thee.Nati �T�t�tein �s Clinton b�3 of. W iii stent Mr John wish 3+ir ayd Mai. '�es,eg 'i'a- with , lapin: Scrimgeour of Pal- aLo' took: all the first prizes there pita! on Monday; o P g „pent the nice - _ k -en y fain 6 -azr�_ T3ie in the 'pair of swine clasp. Re also 6aW Bear- Thirteen years ago sties. And P_�alms that,vre all kicoczr. Ackert_ Mr. and M- rs_ George Gamble and On behalf � �� � �� and Mrs Jones is spending a feat days ,took first prize for the best show- eras marred to Mr. Peter Laing o: Mr. ak Mrs Alex Fra. L& dangle-' s him_seli, thanked ap caint'ri`isaato ,sad after his death four, ooze 3iondaB might watia Don#e is ,unruly off#is. Com, Ca= ir. Toronto. manship and also took anotber'Prize 3oraip#o and home The liglit5 were all turned oat; €er of E ►n Gia- P.obinon of tti? _g�av with Mr_, avid ],ars. George i•foznsFa3 t� aaai�re t ar a int of livestock- gears ago, came to make lief IL( a# $t 3ltamas =peau# the, al's asaisa ria' *.fie csosiT3ag, ha4 A euchre and dance Bras held in for judging in Dangaainon SSTs- Laing . oras' s Ea'b. took their, place upon the SYe °' , t HaakreY . e- gi.,Em to the boy�- Dan- the Sixth school house to aid the Mr_ and Mrs_ Chas. Cook of Wing- ,week -end at xrs- Tsrrdail P-csi�ors s MT. A- L_ MacBnrn� , rnf Cama iaam spent Sunday at the home of member of Parkdale Pentecostal .t6�t's 'all the' noise alrotit Mr. and lairs. Wm_ Tate and Bilh'e I nE rden 'sit the week -'mrd �h "sBi= �eaa re_�me+3 f�•a the Til s�i �e . lied Cross_atr:.. Smith of Sa Sk - ; 3,ir_ and Mrs. Albert" Alton. Church qn Cowan Ave -ave ,Mrs Laing Tt's wild cats? ?k'o le=s than tairee. v. iIaffii"Iton.. ataait . ar,3 �c3g 41r. and i13ts_ !"tarn= �'� .. ]lr. and �Srs. ,Tames' Bird bf Bras-. was twice married. Her fist hit_=- a grid Ota'_ the ,noise they .made a Mie Margaret. Palmer and Mr. LMM Hi a �r - — sets spent a few days at the home of .laatnd's name was Wm Kendrick and so Kay s ,; Ardyr�s wait on me.. Paisraer of eine sp y S Sr Mr. and 3Sr� GQor-re Scar## ani; �Ff Ki'^� b ' Mr_ and Mm John Campbell- they lived. a L'� �y years ru So ' at the gate cbe stayed- iat air. Ttas_ Harris'_ . S . 11 a •• iaaaia'ay � iT�'=a?i+asia �'� �s32s spent . T Mr: Pass Browning of Southampton Grandview; Ilan. Fifteeiaft Bis of ttais stare i= Mr. and Mas. Etne-St :ackext, Wits- :+ ■ H ztida r_ nmol Mrs lid. J_ mac. .and Mr. and MTs. Geral Jolct= LL CLOT after hu death, she came East. There tow itis f�nB Tart has returned home after spending flashlights, aaifred axed LBasyd spent Strider wi-� �_.� Walter l re e4 lam. -be aeel'-•r'd in 1 �s�tm. FA B a week with his stmt Mrs. Thos are three spins to maiun her death Tirane xa�dcats rzTaT 8 t � &3r 10rd Hilton h r death ­ i itaends at° Ft'hel_ Wi mifa� xeasaaaaa- I with theirs. kiss= ,Elva 1'aaaai-er H� FtoB of Grandview, They drive a car and smoke mere sr�c *Leamial the u�'ak'es�s3 at lz ` ..,.. NEWS for ,few ° Sa-sie this llit3 ]ir. and Mrs Robert Pardon and and Willie of P.oasbarn, Man Sol BS AS afl ua� have fire right t�3E wee: 6 with her at the time of hely death Miss Doris Eadie spent c'- t cessful in seem �g foal $t the sba - . =on Archie of Whitechzarch spent _ tion all departed mat3aer MTs lrasla- 'iia-zssas Amclerson . �_ Fn- to th•_ar laa>� ,esid with her grand aiyg match lead at 3dir.:aeil I1SroD�.- MT aasd MiT-� day with Sir_ and 3ira ' Irciae Henry. and' she is , to be laid to rest beside Fla& in their own direction. CuRert s n,A JY= :used on Starch .b Mr. THOSE who consider �th�- sir. and 3r4rs_ Wesley ,Altana . and l& hastand_.in Grandview cemetery- el, a!r3' t,31 RIESIES. a Por all retarn€d home stfelB Pi313�`l "i` WATCH] .? ISrz_ Harv- iS �sb a�f Si lle}s i. , ins a neer 4isde-to Measure' family of London spent Sutxlay , wdh 3' m Laing leaves ,-five, ' sisters and : 1lSr_ and Mrs Sm>fii and %1F - sirs ohm Bell (slur cats re��aaned aulleeEi Dai of B goF� ,areaie week end v-3ior- ; The Langs'sde eotiv g �lr Maw Ir and, ' r F Mr anj Mrr Albert Alton: two brothers, ' fi _ � � _ � Mrs. Laughlin 8 .. otic form- 'ion), Mrs Mark Ward Mo iisa4- r'the: too returita d slao'rtdg. ' at fir. Ilopiard' gob om'S zea its' F I"ri$as erect- off Wsanae r T+e=nt .Mr - NLRS Doris Brown of Torotsia aaai?' iia {. ata hozntaiur th `tdi� , � . r /si, a f ;11icz t ' Mr. teacher, called on . Mr. and Mrs. Backs Faits,. S J. Lung ( n.g fun acs* ©ter now, e to=� s.$ aria! Ms'rt_ Jaataes oar? Gte Wzzith az# . " - , t Calgary; Mts T. EdmoOds{ Maude). d i�bsi't ,You think they7l have hoary 1wir..liaray Mcl:ellaarl of Gaeaiati _ , we�o� Monday. _ , . flue Is C Ar F 3be - �€ Oxus aa3 or Jce Lawson on _ Mrs. l�ell;?e Sta.as=k Durg soit�es 3Bdas� Alieasaa i3rmrn said Mi. Air and Iirx. Archie Aradersoaa of ° las dancing and the fro mT 31 - . I wil] . do 'cell to choose from , _ WZL and Freak . gerniek, Ckig'arB_ After their . xiight Poor-wl--ov Y a Bradley of Ainberl�eg �pr t 1 rt�� , o f cions 'Mr. alae the spleaidid range of New Fall ., T ` • . . r . I at Mt_ `T;aynard Acket`s- ' ' C3aai ag Tiftaat l - St: Ilelens visited with kir., •sad alas. n srai3 1"i=� - Irvine 'Henry on Sunday- one r cat liad lois of run ` r Samples shown by Gtte Tzilaf a Wia4s ]lir. and ars. Jtaffiisiie laaYl Oslo r` Sra'"tits aha i;'%sxKs nam witli Mrs. Thos.,. saw 1'faro3d Catrie; l Recent visitors d e bar a nese , ' t 4 J'mi=t hi -le the jai ,., Jinn TiaoaYepsaii, t� f Mrs.. 011ie" wi joke did last, Jimaaaa:e, lir_�B:ll Palin s Mrs.. � � M.-,• . Mrs, Win Me- he felt tau' How and Gordon29 � 'A Tv;* "days Henryete illy., and my_ Tlrtituiit+' of Listn�rel, acid bresthei But Ola the . d rs;- . , � ,i !►+1 Pali" cif, `oasomto . o Mich, Mi. _ may' - Mr_ . i'�g %lam_. ' '� � arsrisazri�g' t �+ ��r are ' �� �e ��f r Ys■ r111xster of '» , of Mr--. P- 5,. nethetimg#on of -1 nag- baa E he d a Mrs: W. .L Davis . Detroit;' illy. and t " the .pa'#.' � at lir_; Albeit "Yhosnp;mi's Conley, wain,. Tbe;n Jim and G.eat t , • 3ala, f d y Giga = B'asnk off ae: ntlg received his whirs at Niitr if. #his little aaaate of puri it ? xti'anaas with _ ori b. ares'-fMA si ter tome- � Chatham. lift. , and Wald eat. ' 'I%aati s --it platfoTai sa"Ja s az-g a - 9 . �l . We -r ,lt,m anal 'farnikr ad Il: I, L '( SOW Mrs Case Mc�lilister, OttaQa He 'ti taw o tc Jarvis for M� pegs . and Mr, s Cana Ola; taut3n bear ttaerta for 2 da'em rftd b. 3darsiiali _ and; lrs i'teos Irwin, Paisley -i mAvv Ttiesae are. >soderatdT prised..' and son $rr of advansned training. He was a xffieaxn-aI gor3aer what u be ,teat Islr_ad.J�taaa Eobett 3daraald. Y?P `he and BJlis,- Bro,ipiug card er au »11 ' bei o; #tie 10(ith •Battery; G� I�� He'lt plea io up at i at fat. Joh. sr J ::aa 4 : e- aid fav A pmt l Southamotoa. Sway _ asci fir, S se befo, a ke trat�sferred #ci life Ali � Fist os-•i$�$i ea# T^a;ir l�tv-o ��� 'Baer %t'linst�: k inial Gas* T jokes imd fain is lub. ulna sf'atai fi t show to . s szt o� faint a.ld A -.. bring then to y, oiw Mr: Wm. Twamiey tad" cam Toni ' •.' !tour ,pokes � �' est. e ection. . snni- For, lai�t Apfil. His aatif � atte>Yd d the diamond thein We � agree � t Mi. J. E. 'i`am and L of th of ate• Alli'= ins � M -A P n#y,s :n Auales +n �eTA taaame f<o+zsa � y� - . r. and Mrs. John' T_ tr'a,�„An .was taken at. Eiixliittier., i x -cork. S dz3- afiP`t):*� 'for a fe•a• , i "Win vets:a� of M : - But..Pm aftaidl we iia file Bs;ke, • V&erwooa$.s�t'.31itndity s1 fix:. Rob- deamt rggs ^ "stn Fes_ -we i�ya� I Plrotar 628-T-21, 8k� y on Monday event he 'seat to Ottaova fat ftarther m. Plated rigbt then 16ei Pal. ,ort Uacoonald& � e e poi lac, � �i�insrr fisc' saw? ,-en: Cinrrie of Wingbam on eia?l h _ . ailaas>a ------- — . •nag• r ` - ..+ . « t. . - I I . . . a I r! . v 1 .11 r-• .,