The Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-08-08, Page 8PROS *GUT TEWIPLETCW1,41S Anna AUGUST SMIE _. 'BOYS' • ANKLE .SOCK Strong. cotton, .elastic slat Pr. , . , . 15c • 'SHORTY SOCKS.. for the Boy who wears' long p> ts• .t Estripes.. Y • .. 35c. Pr. BOYS' WASH LONGS -Wonderful value,'saniforied, shrunk. New ` Green color. .$1.59 BOYS' POLO SHIRTS .Yellow; . Blue; Wine. Good washers, Short Sleeves. , For sport wear or SPUN SILK LINEN-•Nashable and.' fast colors. afternoon, dresses. Yon can not beat .this .cloth. 36" wide. 50c cial, Spe . I1tAZTif. TOWELS --Large size, closets; .woven,. plain � colors • 59c BED SPREADS --tyro toned Chenille, . extra . large size; , r .: '64.25 MAW OTHER'•:%RTICLES HAVE BEEN' ADDED TO OUR Vs -PRICE TABLE '. BIBLE INSTITUTE A prayer meeting for. our Nation l : and revival will � be held nextFriday evening August 9th is the Bible In stitute rooms at .8 pin and We urge an. Who; canto urine with us. "Prayer moves. the. Hand that moves the ierld". I and God's promise is true that "If . my ; people (The*:.Christians) which are called by niy. name, will Fumble themselves andprayand seek • 'ems my"face, and turn from their wicked way, then will I hear from Heaven and will forgive their' sin, and, heal their' land.") ' The 'quicker we. take . God. • at . His word and get busy just. that more . quickly we shall see results Let us impeniber how Re answered quickl y wheathe men were entrapped at Dun- kirque, a: proof that God is with us and will, answer .if ave , ask • in .faith: �believmg.• 'd FALL FAIR Ii;ATES Elmira •_ Aug.' .30-Sept2 DurhamI ' Sept. 5, 6 Orangeville• . y • • Sept. '124.4 Markdale • • . • Sept. 16, 17 Blyth'.. Sept. 17, 18 Mildmay . Listowel ' Hanover Kincardine. Mount Forest Clifford Palmerston Atwood anada THE LUeKNOW SENTINEL at Velar A Weekly Review Of Developments On The Home Front corps of Canada will shortly luxe a two complete divisions and ancill- • ary troops in'the British Isles. e Wouldnot serve . common cause at : this time to have additional 'Can- adian forces added to this- Corps. Need in England is not manpower but equipment: 'Third and Fourth Divisions will be trained and equip- ped in Canada,. Recruiting for • loon; permanent active militia in Canada,;,will be suspended from August 15th. Thereafter men militia. on . call ander' will enter. National Resources . Mobilization Act,.. Compulser`y training of • men4 called, starts I'.October Ib with 30,00,.. a month called and trained, thereaf- x ,_r �. � AR11AS°I'RON :: CLAN CLocMand GENERAL) ,.1 REUNION HELD Jaelt Naylor. of Toronto is visiting with relatives here. ' • •e tx r Mrs. Jessie .McInnes has',curd • from a visit. in 'North Dakota. Mrs.., Jack McKendrick spent lastlast week with Mr. McKendrick in- Winil- sor. • Co.mpulsoi y' training . period:. 30' days pay, $120 a day. First call prob- ably men of 21 and 22 .years. :All_ unmarried 'men in Canada be- tween 21. and 4 years anis- phys= ically fit mayhave to take 30 days military training within one year • Canada can train 1,000,000 men under this system and' 'not ,dislocate in- dustry • and primary. products. M. and M%s.. Albert . Nichol of Chicago visited last week . at Albert Boyd's. ` , . , Mrs. F. S. MacKenzie - of Montreal is visiting at the home. of Mr, and Mrs. P. J. McMillan.' Mrsand' Mrs: Huntley Gordon of Detroit visited last •week at the home of Mr' ,Harold A'llin:' • Mr. and Mrs, C. L Obeile of -Kings- ville, visited last week ,with Mr, and Mrs.. W. A. Porteous, • • Sept. • 17, 1 OU °FAY LESS YOU USE LESS SURER RESULTS Sept. 1,8, 19 Sept. 19, 20. Sept. 19, 20 Sept. 19, 20 Sept. 20; 2,1 Sept. 20, 21 Sept. 23,14 Dundalk . • .. Sept. 24, 25 Ripley Sept. 24, 25 W ingham • . • • :.. • .... ' Sept. 25, 26 Lucknow • Sept. 26, 27 Harriston .. Sept. 26, 27' Port Elginn' .. Sept. 26, 27 Collingwood . Sept, ' 26-28 Brussels '' ,... • • • Sept. 27, 28 Neustadt , Sept. 27, 28 Arthur Oct. 1, • 2 Teeswater Oct. 1, 1' Tara Oct. 2, 3 Ayton Dungannon ... . Oct. 2, 4 Fordwich • Oct. 4; 5 The tenth annual reunion of the Armstrong clan was held at. Harbor. Park, Gudericli, with about 125 pres- ent, A ball game was the first event, followed by races. The results .were: Preschool children, Winnifr.ed Par- rish; girls 6, to 9, Dorothy Thain, Mary Bell Chisholm, Anna .Robb; boys to 0, Grant Chisholm, • George Par- rish; :girls 9 to 12, Alberta Thain, Grant Chisholm; .balloon race, Marjor- ie' and Jas. Richardson, Dorothy., Pat- terson and Grant Parrish; neck tie race, Anna Mae garrish and Melvin Dickson, Mrs:' Chisholm and: Bud Par- rish; ladies. time race, Jean Douglas.; ladies kiekin, g .the slipper;_ Evelyn Hill, .lean . Douglas;. great grandmother's race Mrs. Hughes;- ..grandmothers' spot 'race, Mrs. McDerntid, grand- fathers' bald headed. race, Thos,'Satn- dy; youngest present, Mervin Francr Richardson; • RR. 4, Guelph; nevea married. couple, Mr. and Mrs. 'Allen Grant; person coming farthest, ' Mr. and Mrs., Ellibtt Pinnen, Ridgetown; oldest person , present, , John Arm - `strong, • Teeswater; , -married-men' race, Dude Hughes. Officers elected. Were: president, John' Parrish, 'RR.- 7, Lucknow; first, vice; George Richardson, Rlt 4 Guelph; sec. treas., Grace Richardson RR. 5; Lucknow; sports, 'Mrs. G: Richardson, Elmer . and Wilfred .Far- rish, Geo. H. Armstrong;.luncli; Mrs. T. 'Sandy;, Mrs. ,N. Parrish, Mrs. Gir- vin; Mrs: 'Horne, Mrs T. Dickson, Jr. Mrs. 'Hill. The reunion is to be held' same date and same -place' next year. Relatives were present from'Avonton Guelph, Ridgetown, Teeswater . Tor- onto, Lucknow, Godeiich, Milverton Gorrie, Glamis and Chicago. Defence depart'nient regi iriement' May be met : by calling up during • first; year single Hien from 21 • to 35 years. National registration boards for each military .district and one for. Prince Edward Island to be created with jurisdiction, for 'calling up, mess Harald Ritchie and 'Jack McLeod of Londonwere holiday visitors at their respective '.homes here -. Mr: and Mrs. Chester Ritchie of Detroit spen the week -end at the t:ine ss�MrS.. _ 4 PIONEERS CA1,VME TO CANADA ONE HUNDRED YEARS AGO'. The hundredth anniversary of the � coining to d of ert McWhinney Canaand ahis wifeJohn Isabella Kirkpatrick was celebrated at Harbor,• Park, Goderich, on Tuesday afternoon c= of last week,• when the annual M Whinney' • family reunion was held. "Over 250 members . of the clan, in- cluding the 'Mcllwain and Johnston' branches of the family, were present. for the occasion. John •-Robert McWhinney was born; at Saintfield,• Ireland, nine miles fro • Belfast. on Christmas day, 18.14, the son of Mr. and Mrs: Wm. Mc •Whinney: As a youth helearhed the trade of linen weaver. A. few yearsafter his marriage to Isabella Kirkpatrick, he came to Canada, accompanied by his ';rife and son .Andrew; and settled in this vicinity He risided with his brother-in-law, Mr. William Johnston of Goderich township;" for two years and then 'the family •: for to Mb - Veld eld township, where they established a home von the, 1st concession, : a home which viasknown far and wide for its', kind hospitality. • �fL. Tw amley and Ches- • . Miss Ara'oelle.• Cameron of Glencoe is spending two weeks'• vacation 'with her parents,•'Mr. and Mrs's R. . 4 Cam- eron. Mr: and M rs. H. • J. •Fensham ',Of Toronto .:spent, the week -end with tht litter's Parents, .'Mr. and Mrs. James, Smith. • All : emples rs musts under' penalty • put employees back in jobs or' 'e- quivalent positions on completion of training period. Total strength Canadian •Active Force on July 21, both home and overseas, was 133,572. In ' five . weeks, over 42,000 recruited for active Service. Recruit 8,500 Men a . Week in Canada. During the five week period be- tween June- 14th e-tween'June-14th and Judy 21st over 42,004_ men were recruited for 'active service in the .Canadian. •army' or .the equivalent of two and.one . half 'div- isions. On July 21.• there were 31,607 troops outside Canada and::101,965 in Canadasa total of 133,572. 77 Airdromes To Cost $15,500,000 According 'to Hon: -.C. D. Howe, Minister of Munitions and 1Snpply; the anticipated 'cost of airdrome con- struction on 77 projects now approved .fdr construction' :in aconnection with the Joint Air Training Plan is $15,- 500.000. $15;500,000. Up tothe ::present it .has involved the purehase. of 30,000 acres of land at a cost of approximately $2,000,000. • Jean MacMillan and Elleda Hunter visited last'' week in London: With Iso -' bel Douglas; where. she is taking a summer. course. • Mr, andi i Mrs. Henry ' Simms and son Donald and Mr. , and ,Mrs. Glen Moore of Hamilton .spent the week- end with Mrs. E. N. Hodgins, Mr.. D.' L: MacDiarmid, Arlene and c THURSDAY, AUGUST 8th, 194.0• Seven sons and ane" daughter ware' 'torn to the couple. The boys, Andrew, Samuel, William,. James John, David and Richard,all established homes on `he originalb'fainily property and de- scendents of these ' sons still occupy the old homesteads. The daughter. Mrs. Margaret • Knight, resided on a £arra a short distance from -the faro- - 'ly'home.. • Three sister*of the original Mrs_.. John 1VIcWhinney came to this .count y about the same time aS she did. They were Mrs. , .•Samuel 1V1eIhvain 'Margaret), Mrs. 'William Johnston • (Mary). and Mrs. Dick, of whom little •s now known. • Those attending • tire; reunion • were' descendants of Isabella, Mary and ••• Margaret Kirkpatrick or relativesby ,- marriage, and they, attended from ;uch . scattered ' points 'as Sault Ste. Marie, Bluevale, IVingcliam, Ripley, Embro, Dungannon, Galt, Auburn,' Sea f orth,. Goderich, and; • Colborne township. Mrs, George McLeod, •'of . Sault Ste. Marie came the farthest to attend. Doris of Jamestown, New York, are • • TO -DAY TIlURSDAY "SLIGHT LY HONORABLE" Fri., Sat. August 9, 10. OUIR thBORDE t' AtTRY,- �e„ 6 • Gene �/"�n _nn Smiley BURNETTE �- .. flus . LA U'•ItE1, & HARRY 'Saps� At • It'S A. Riot! • COMPLAINING Is NOT ENOUGH once shipments.. of training type visiting this week with, the former s The opinion has often been expres- Britain irepared to resume almost at . sed .by merchants in smaller centres planes urgeritly needed for Com- father Mr. Alex Ma.cDiarmid. -that their citizens give more support •ASHIFIELD COUNCIL monwealth Air Training 'Plan. , I to the stares Of near -by large centres than they shatild, and as a result their Dorothy and Doreen Prendergast of Ro al Canadian Air Force strdisgth Toronto retUrned to the- city on Sat businesse% and the connatinity . at July 24: 1,765 offrcers; 17,688- erday after a month s holiday e airmen; 2,552 civilians. TWentistwo Destroyer Fraser„ lost •Off Chester 'Twarnley has accepted Ashfield, July 7th, 1940. Council met on above date, all members present, minutes of June meeting read and approved on me. - tion 'of Anderson and Prague. The following accounts •were or - dered paid on motion of L. o ns and Johnstont Pay roll NO. 8, 00 000 progressing satisfactorily. David Giffies, boundary east. Bor eaux has.. been replaced.° ite- position with the Standard Drug placement will shortly' be, in tom-. Company sin Leridon, East and will mission. ' • ' commence his nmf duties on Mori - Two neW destroyers ander construct: clay. ion in Great Britain for Canadian • navy. Three merchant vessela are Recent. visitors at the home of their being converted into arnied'eruiiers. uncle, Mr. EP. C. McMorran were Mr. and Patty an Bobby Holmes ef De- icers and men With 113 vessels. In. •and Mrs. prep Scott of Wyandotte Strength' Canadian Navy: 9;000 off - Canadian sfactories to produce air- sReid and Miss Helen Thompson left planes' at 369 a' month early nest last Saturday for is two, weeks' motor year. o "Mark 111" tanks to be produced at t times to Cane Breton. 'rated of -10 a nianth as soon as I plant equipment is completed. 1 Rev. and Mrs. J. ,W. Lillie°, • and British Empire. ... ' • week at. the home of l‘Irs. Lillico's I trip through 'Quebec and The Mari - fees In' some niunicipalities nothing more is done then to complam of the practice, but others' have taken defiri- ite action to combat the drift to .out- of-town buying by citizens when they pre leoking around to fill .the Market basket. children Frances 'Cathertne and Bill. Artillery plant at cost ef $19,000,0001 . . . 's in.. of Red Wing, Minnesota,' visited last • to be largest ,aint most modern 1 There are premium eon:teats and the likes but the big thing is mereharri co-operation to blast that mistaken idea that prices' and quality are only Obtainable in the big centres. In the majority of instenc'es, quality and -value are obtainable equally at home -but unless the local merchents do something to counteract the trek of shoppers to larger buying 'centres there cap be and vvill be 'no improve- ment in this respect. --Paisley Ad, vocate. 'A groin) picture of the family was taken after the races were run off,s after which was a shert musical pro- . gram given by sonic of the family's leading musiciani. A delightful sup- per was served in the pavilion. After i mittee cenrerier,' R. C. McWhinneYs, ' RR. 1. Dungannon; program commit- sproper a sketch of the family histery tee cOnvener, Mrs. Bertha .IVIcWhins. union, was read by Bert McWhinnes. I ikeYo Dungannon; sports c.ominittee also of Dungannon. The sketch Paid conVeeers Lorne Johnston, Port ' • tribute to the pieneers who first set- ' bert• refreshment committee conven- incardine The SeaSon's Most Sophisticated 11.SUSAkii6Or: 'Join Crawfded • Frederick .March Wed., Thurs., August 14; 15 MAY ROBSON As `A Western Cow 'Gal! Granny Get YoUr Gun' HORSE RACING "STORY , 'Pride of the 'Blue Grass' See "GANTRY" The Famous .. 131ind Horse 'of $120,000,000 will have prodiecive i Mr: and Mrs. H. Kruger' and Lois capacity of $500,006,000 Worth of 1 . of Detroit viiited for the past, few idays with Mr. andMrs. Charles Cook Slf 'Min • rogram costing $50,- land with Mrs-Kruger's mother, Mrs. • 61.80; The Roofers Supply, road' signs t Mr. and Mrs.• Frank Cole attended Canada probably producing greeter ] 3.70; Thos. Rived, trucking, 2.00; than any country in world at 60e the volume of auteinotive egnipment gsrden party at • Bruce last week ran, express on road signs, .35; Lorne mechanized units a day. ',which has been held there fel- the James Burns, tile, 12.75; Herb Cur - CALUMET DOUBLE -ACTING BAKING POWDER Parrish, Sheen.claim, 15.00;,john Far - War pyograns will require expeediture , • la, st 25-' years at Mrs. Alex McWhin- '140.00; County Of Huron, hospital acs , Total sale of war..Savings certificates.; Libby ,hIcDonaId, daughter' of the late • Council then adjourned Pri ntotion.' . 690,436. Mr. and WS.' Donald MacDonald for- rishs sheep clam% 12.00; Hugh C. Mc- of 150 to 200 million dollars this i neY's, 6th' Of Bruce and which always j Kenzie4 valuer, two inspectionS, 4:00; 'year in addition -to the $700,000,000 attracts a veiy large croWd. ' . ' Mrs. N. a MacKenzie, relief account, i . -d *- • Keeps.,, Casualties Unknown . - Dr. A. W. Irwin has receiied a. reOnion Of. 1910. r." . • I here recently; It was. Mrs. Cameron's • • first' visit back te Lucknow since the MISS Zylda 'Steward spending weeki with •friends' in -Toronto). . Mr. and Mrs. Thoines McPhee of N•ile spent 'Civic holiday at the Inane Mrs. Ross Fraser, her sister, for- merly -Annie Grundy, and the latter's huSband 'of Toronto were week -end callers On old friends here. Miss Ma'e McMahen returned to 'Toronto , the first of the week, , after speeding • tWo weeks' vacation -at her bonne here. Mr. and Mrs. Damn' of Leamiegton were:week-mid •Visiters at the home of •Mr. and Mrs,. Peter McCali. Mr. and Mrs, IL H. Thompson and members of the family spent the week -end 'in Toronto. They were ac- companied by Mrs: N. L. •Campitell 'who returned .to the city after si two weeks' Visit. here. tled Caneda, "laying four very portant pillars to the nation, the Home, the Church, the School and nationally -minded men and women. all very important for their material. -plritual and moral value", the Well -- worded sketch read. Addresses were given by the Messrs. Gideon Rattle and Thomas McPhee, Nile. Officers Re -Elected • reception Cominittee,' Convener, Mrs, Devid JOngtOn. Port Albert. ' ' Dr. R. a... Bowen ,of 'Lambeth' and. turn the same slate of officers fors -It -CAT - next year. They are:- Itenorary presi- I London, W4fi ealle.d' on Sunday • after - Of Lucknoss, who is on the lents; *Mr. Richard. MeWhineey, Nile give first aid treatment to two airmen who creshed near ' Byron Seafortlf; president Mrs. Richard Mc- • during a tt•aining flight.. One ' of the '. • township, 'and Mrs. J. Dougherty," Whinney, Dupgannon; viceliresident, j men received 1:s e fractared legs and: • Mrs. Alex Bogie, .Colborne; secretary th tl ' ff •• d ' b ' • ' ' ' , en ter sn ere .a rain concussion 'WAS.. Marjorie. McWhinney. Dungan- ' . ' ' ' ,. nee- possible skull freeture. They were „ , non; treasiirer. Hugh McWhinnev. RR 1, Port Albert; historical Corp- removed to the Vietoria, Hospital. I The dreaded Gestapo; ni Gentle. y. E expected. that he will leave ear s n , forbids relatiVes of dead. soldiers to 'James of :Jaitetrille, Ontario, vis- , wear mourning or to spealc about the i week for Torento .to teke up his dut- s" I death. of .anybody outside their Own , ties.. A Short time ago the Doctor made families, Offenders meet with drastic I application 'to tli.e corps and it Ili es 1. Thomas , Roaeh and Mr. Roach, ton. ' holiday ' ,with • Mr. . and Mrs. Joseph • ,ited..laSt week with his sister, Mrs. two ..stons of.,Galt spent ,the Week:end prevents knowledge of huge easualty I pecte d that his duties :rill be in con- ----i 6; Kinloss. On Sunday Rev: Kennedy England of ,Lucknow, They. also call-. punishment. In. this way. Germany i . . •• . ' ".' • nectien with thq Royal Canadian Air P . Church. reached in the Ripley Presbyterian. ed on Mr. and . Mrs. J. W. SWan at • lists from beconting known to the i Mr. and Mrs. Thomas England and Berrie while here. ' Mid- Summer) SALE Ends This Saturday THIS IS YOUR FINAL CHANCE TO PURCHASE . QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT BIG SAVINGS: SPIECIAL CLEARANCE, 2.5 Ladies' Summer Dresses REG. TO 85.00 IN LOT. FOR ONLY 79c ,THERE ARE MANY OTHER BIG SAVINGS. CALI. AND SEE THEM PEARLMAN ever Stocks Women's and Girls Wash Dresses, W'omen's 'Silk Slips, Undergarments and,Siik t ation caOie t. Lticknow,