The Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-03-21, Page 8woln T 'TOE , LUCKNOW .'EN TI NEL • • rem ; oin€thln. New • dor Easter ...., YOUR RASTEROUTFIT DEMANDS NEW HOSE. We can give • .;you the best and 'latest shades in H'dleproof or Phantom. hose., ade, Soldier Girl, Bugle, Reveille & . GLlpregfonaire. , Holepro rh n ntomeuJmFlirtatious' Joyous,: Magnetic Rose- lite, Sun-san and :Chambeige. ' GLOVES TO BRIGITEN. UP YOUR COSTUME--Turf-tan, Wine.' Navy„ Black an d White • ' •. ' " . 85c — $1.50 .add •to: your ;'costume, BEAUTIFUL. EASTF.,,lt HAND ,BAGS; to- Patent. or :a soft. dressy :crepe ; 98c -a., $2.00 . .. Suede,; I?qt . HARMONY PRINTS ---The. better' quality prints for sport -dresses. Patterns are different and colours guaranteed:, SMART• LOVELY. AT , EASTER WITH A PERMANENT 'Treat Yourself' to A Prescription Of Charm With' a NATURELLE.PERMANENT ZENO MACHINLESS" ' Make Appointments, Early, 'Phone 60-j HazelCulbert's Beauty .,., Parlour ar r THE LURE*. OF THE IMII.TS No one but. the Scot loves the thistle, The 'haggis; the pari ich, the dirk, And many deride his devotion To,:chieftain, to kinsmen, 'to kirk, But whether We 'go to the trenches Or • just to St. Andrew's grand ball, We find .that his pride in his tartan ]s� something heshares with. us all, For, -goto our Highland. battalions And check ' ap their. nominal ' rolls, And there you . find . names of ,Nor- `-w8gians, Of . Irishmen, ' Sldvaks and • Poles,. Of rookies -limn all over. Europe,' Who follow the 'piper'§ ' 'ay lilt "Though And shout the ;woe no • Scotsmen ' We . glory in wearing . the -Alan McLachlin: Want Streams Restocked At the annual ual meeting of the TeeS-, Bill MacKenzie son of Mi'. and Mrs. • water Fish' and -Game Club, W J. has n Freeman was' elected president and I3. , Wm. ing ti a merit onf St. mioss,Michael' Hos, R. King,' secretary -treasurer. The fol- t 1 cioMLa.ndGEHERALD T.oniorrew :is Good. Fridayarid a public holiday. Mrs. R. IL Thompson is visiting this week in Toronto. Mr: Jitii Ritchie is quite Al ,at p�;es'- ent and is confined to his bed. EASTER M I L L -INE R Y—Tukbans' Sailors and flower hats • on, display.. BELLE ROBERTSON. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rae and; Mar- garet returned . last week, after a winter 'holiday in • Florida. THURSDAY., MAgC:B ?1st, 1940, 110. Ci.IiOLERA , MAY . BE UNDER CONTROL The' epiaemic f :hog cholera: throughout Middlesex and .H u r o Counties is ,now believed to'be under control, it was announced the • end of the week by tile Health of Aniitals Branch, of the Dominion Department of 'Agriculture. 'Source of •the infection was traced to Sale' yards, at .London, in' which district the' first' ease ''• was eported. Within a week, up to Tuesday of last week; the 'disease had., spread so rap- idly. -.that _at• least 'twelve cases were reported -iii a Huron• County; including Exeter, Hensel", Brucef eld, Varna,. Clinton, Holmes,viiie, L• ondeaboro. Blyth and Wingham dis'tricte: The outbreak • has 1)een regarded gravely hi: Huron County; where S0, 8 y . 0tO hogs were marketed: last year to 'rank Huron 'third as the highest marketing • County in the . province. When the' disease strikes, mortality. averages run as high as ,90 •per cent-, while remaining animals are, classed as carriers. All hogs 'showing symp- tons of the; •disease.- are. promptly siasightered. Government; .compensa•�. tion is"paid at the rate of. $15 maxi mum per . hog;, except in purelireds- when the maximum will be $50.. Animals known 'to•be suffering, from the •disease' are destroyed . and either burned or buried. As a precautionary measure adjoining farms• are placed. 'under quarantine and •hogs' 'treated- with a serum • which can be given on, ly by Federal veterinarians. Immediate steps were taken' to institute control measures as .soon as it was known def - initel that the dread disease had struck in Huron.. Working under the direction of : Dr. William Moynihan, district' veterinary .inspector.•, Health of Animals Branch Toronto, are Dr. T. J. Cornish, • Chesley, •Dr. A'. W. Bett, Toronto,; Dr. L. H. Ferris, Flesh- erton, and ,as part time assistant, Dr. C. Cain'pbell, • Hensel'. Clinton Agri- cultural Office. is headquarters • for the staff. Symptons Mn.. Jinn .Young , is 'making a fav_.. our able•. recovery' from 'a; these weeks' illness: with pneumonia:; ' y , z. Miss Marion' Stinson, who. is em plpyed "at • Webster's Restaurant spent the week -end her home: at Oshawa. • Miss Edna Cook of Owen Sou �i spent a 'few days last week with. heir parents, Mr.. and' Mrs. Albert Cook. Toronto. lowing were elected as directors: F. Pia . C. Green and Alex. Lambertus. The MacDonald spent last' Weep' with rel- question of restocking the streams in atives in Detroit, having accompanied the district was discussed at length Ml. and Mrs, J. C. •McNab .to that andmeasures were adopted to 'get city. G Moffat, W:.Sillick, G. Bannerman. Mrs, J. R.•:McNab and Mils Floes Have you renewed your subscripion? Read all the ads in this issue. this proceeded its . IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Some time ago Bernard. Shaw was interviewed by a reporter from an English newspaper, iwiio' asked Shaw Whether he believed :in advertising. Shaw .promptly; answered: "Decidedly so,, and I, have my reas- ons:: It is known that' a codfish h.lays ten .thousand eggs in one' day, but it is .done silently. Well,' the chicken Ilays one • egg and cackles. Nobody eats codfish eggs, and everybody eats chicken eggs." LVCKNOW`'S GREATES alues Otfered anada Varnish Co. Products ant • Sunset 'Quick. • Drying • . Enamel. None better, flex=