The Wingham Times, 1900-11-30, Page 2: • -eeetet ,e-srere TUF.1 TINGUAN NOVINIIIiit u,Noo I ase, erelete d of (item VINCI-TANI DISTRIOT. Lqo • f. 1t-nieste.td.,1 .• .1 : • tt Ev't.'0 1":, Ott2e0 i%tt, tat I:. 4 i`o X111,4kt the tos ee leo le 1 arn; good frame house, inn se hele stairei.eibly sit - elated. r0t41)'".!(:"1 a Ina the constant etrain, and worry under which ,,Ife ad the nroiessioeel men ';,...e.'ez 'nacre} the irregularity of een haeite and Jetzli o2'S Oa. b law:, a an pscullaele ;11s- 31/1.A taekache, then nraetry.i.iftlenittes teen— t mtied toe- •,."; enenten Ilea only , nue butcher sZes x elan eL, Teeersid.r is tow Ileht- I wi: h aeetyleno pets. a t A At, i A)1 1.1 'V.I.-1,V. ale tory 'he- eseealie'etel. ia Walkerton. t • neseae.es: eetleng elan Lee; Leen ria er eit•iesel fi a the eirediest vette:sea : eeee Ji w s, e a Co., :nes atTlee 'so:tangent haa arrived. at ;Cu b(ww in Datheineen. ea:et-Oita', ,llatrie, has seareli- i lased John Lobb's /tense and lot in Drns- 't sels, the price being D. Hall, of Walkerton, has been me It prelates'. plays -knelt to the; Bruee Ileneo ot Refuge as sueeassor to De. Diektteeolt. ; eel:Liao t keine). trouhles? ; !'" "'Le '• • at v. j‘e,' BrisItt'a Disease aaa f death. U1,0 •'" r ce Leas 4. A •. A,Ad Strena; r,ird Invicorata the kelneyri *IleNt t C Ci.Vt) cd care , one eao,,..t the.ti 0 SO,. Rev. iv. L. •eteator or the .Reeeiet Chretch, r, Ont., stte s: "From my pero;.t.etl eze !`oen's Ranicy Pills, *ley e tette teed nt rvint‘ti.:.r for iati LI • •,* • ' '• List= to att.4,4t.R1:4 V. FEOPLE RECOVERING Feorn Pneureonte,„ Typhoid or Scarlet Fever, Diphther:o, La Grippe or say Seriees Sickness Require the Nerve Toning, Blood En- ' riching, React Sustaining action of Milburn's tie.art and Nerve Pills. F k It is well known that after any serious illness the heart cad nerves are extremely weak and the blood greatly impoverished. For these conditions there is no remedy equals Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. It restores all the vital forces of the body which disease has impaired and weakened. Mr. T. Barnicott, Aylmer, Ont., says "About a year ago I had a severe attack of La Grippe which left my system in an exhausted condition. I could not regain strength and was very nervous and sleep- less at nigl•ee rnei got up in the morning .as tired a e i!en ..rt to bed. "1 had tr.- t :ter e, end was in a miser- -able state r•.' • t t tit. Mali., • • t.• t—tne. Nerve Pills, which :e tore he re, changed 'me from a et -edition of misery to good lealth. They built up my system, strength- ,' ened my nerves, restored brisk circulation of my blood, and made a new man of rne. "I heartily recommend them to any one suffering frorn tl:e after effects of Grippe, or any other severe hitless." rtge11•24.S fk (111411111iit 11011111111)11! I I " nv4 Here's people free from pain and ache Dyspepsia's direfulills. It is because they always take LalcaroliVer His. These little pills work while you sleep, without a gripe or pain, curing biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia and sick headache, and making you feel better in the morning. DR. WOOD'S NORWAY PINE SYRUP. Heals and soothes the lungs and cures the worst kinds.. of coughsandcolds, 1.114 Makes Ble d P re Mrs,D. Ci entente, t)f Titre iel; 1sgone . ie. a, 1\1.a.., to tin ....s enc , • who lets been te•siding in the I",..4st for smile nitwits. John Ire ex -M.. P. for Seth Fieriou i .Th-esiig Farmers' I —titian utoetiegs iu Sixth Oeterio and other eaetera peeats Olaristiee Ileitis -In of Walk:Tent ?Sleek:4 Sehool, Inte been appointed principal of the Cariselte Public Stewed at a salary oi'$12S0 n year. Alex Wan-, oelCraten died en Noy, 17. h ii l b dim year. Deceased former - le a eneed le Hallettmid was otie of its tevsle pioneers. • 'Mere'. ea. O'Conutql, Middle Stewieteke, t•-3uts ".[ have us..td Laxa-,Liver I Pine ;.or serums Inver Complaint and they have done me a world of good. mak- ing me smart and, healthy." Julut Thompson, after an abseuco of 12 years oat the Pacific Ceast, and the Youlson, 18 visiting at his old. Louie in Grey townehip. This Glen who lives on the Ribbert boundary Hue had, the misfortune to fail while stepping out of his kitchen door and broke two ribs. William Stinson, a native of Stanley township is visiting at his old home aft- er having been in the Western States for over thirty years. E. Dinsley, of Clinton, can claim. to be the oldest contiuuous resident voter in that town, he having resided in that municipality for about 50 years. We understand that Mr. Eli Crich has bought the Johns homestead, ou con. 8, Tuckersmith, consisting of 100 acres; for the snm of $5,500. It is a good farm.. Thc Stomachs "Weai or Woe t" —The stomach is the centre from which, from the standpoint of health, flows " weal or woe." A healthy stomach means perfect digestion—perfect digestion means strong and steady nerve centres—strong nerve centres mean, good circulation, rich blood and good health. • South American Nervine makes and keeps the stomach right. -5a Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Richard. Irwiu. an old and, respected re- sident of Myth, died on Thursday morn- ing Inst. He had. been seriously ill for the past three weeks with heart trouble. James Sholdice has sold his farm, lot 8, concession 16, Grey, to Thos. McFad- scan, the price being $5,300. Mr. Shol- dice has purchased a farm in McKillop, near Leadbury. Dr. Ross, of Auburn, has sold. his pra- ctice to Dr. Frank D. Turnbull, of Gode- rich; Dr. Ross will stay in Kilburn. until Christmas. His mother and sisters will probably move to Clintou. There is =tame.. bettor' tor the ohild- ren's Coughs and Colds than Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syi up. It is very pleasant to take and always cures the little ono' coughs promptly. M. X. Scott, a 0. P. It. engineer at Revelstroke,B. 0..and son of J. E. Scott, of Culross, was married at Chelmsford, Nipissiug on Nov. 7th. to Miss Anna M. Powell, formerly of Mt. Forest, Mr. Harry Malo, typographer on the Beacon staff, Stratford, who has takeu a similar situation on the Brockville Times was presented with an address and gold emblem pin by the Royal Tempters. Mr. Male is a Listowel boy. "My Heartwas Thumping my Life out," is the way Mrs. R. H. Wright, of Brockville,. Ont., describes her sufferings from smothering, fluttering and palpitation. After trying many remedies without benefit, six bottles of Dr. Ageew's Cure for the Heart restored her to perfect health. -The first dose gave almost instant relief,. and in a day suffering ceased altogether.—si If the blood is pure the whole ,ljedy will be healthy. • If the blood is impure theWhole system becomes corrupted with' its impuritics. Burdock Blood 13itters trans: forms impure and watery blood into rich pure blood and builds up the lwal 17)!ase!;:e,ertris cannot lurk in the systeni when BJ3,13. Li used. Mies Ellie Meinetutid, Lieeemb Mille, Guy to., ki I have found I3,15.13. n a exeellent remedy for iturifying the 1,;00.1 and towing siek headnehe, had triell nee** ettieetlies, leet none of them *VA me mewl: good. Mira, has =Vie tee pet well that I feel like a illtW Winftte Ilia 1 ten eon.ltanfiy reeonninuil- htg i. to t' ietile," David L. IIONVaret, ton of Dr. nowar of Liverpcol, Nmelandwas married e Teeeday, Nose 1:ltit, in the Ilaptiet boo mom, Toronto,to Miss Lena I'dellnereire datighter of David Me:Murder, of Rix tail, in XIuroo. ecattety, whom he tat while travelling in this empire% On Thrasilay menthe; ()fleet week the editorot th0 P,!yth Standard WWI prt Wilted witit bUlittil Of strawhert. vines in blossom tee Wm; Moutray an whiel t itoniaktd along the (eraad Trutt tracks last evening. This is rather lac in the year for strawbernes to bo bloom intLan A. Tennant, seeond son or jam Tennant, Elam, died at Red Bluff, Cali tonna, on the 7th, inst., of pneumonia Mr. Tonuent bad lived in California le d louder and i4etta1ay Seltool Superiutend- I n mit at iliake's appointment, Ashatel IT. , Oirenit. Five of Lie sewn chilsineu stir- -, i vivo hint, VIZ: 'Vitt. IL, of Rippen, t- ; Albert, of West Wewancell, Rielottel, oa a: the al homestead, Mrs, W. P. Reed, of Lanes and Z.Irs. H. What*, of Steatfeerd. Whitt it In, y farmer can on5 his farm iunee- a meats awl set them out ia the spriegftt k good rosily, mady for use, That:a good o management. Another farmer can leave his farm implements where he last uSeCt them, to b rest and decay, and mat pring he can hitch to them and curse the ineker awl his l'ifalcer because they don't work well, That is very bad managemout. r about aint years, had eteady employ ment and woe seater well, IIo was thu 30C1i year of hle age and W/IS 11111.1101, A man eau so brevet and handle his live stock as to product° only the best, a Last Monday, Frank Livinlile lift for 'Montreal whore he wilt take charge of a elsrainent of cattle and sheep to Liver poet for stole dealer elf Now caetle on the Tyne. Mr. La tltbio wU spatel a rn..izth or so at his old home be fore et-to...dug. We wish him a pleas ant voyage itud a safe return, Th President a Slave* to Ontarrh.,--D. T. Sample, president of Satnple's Instalment Company,Washington. Pa„ writes; For yeses I was afflicted with Chronic Catarrh. Remedies and treatment by specialists only gave me temporary relief uatil 1 was induced to use Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder. It gave almost instant relief, 5o cents. -49 Sold by A. L. Hamilton. Last week., Fletcher Sperling, 15th COB.). Grey, sold his 103 acro farm to Luke Spearin, 14th con., whose farm corners it at the rear, for the sum of $5,- 000. The farm is a good one and, has be- longed to the Sperling family for a good many years. Mr. Sperling may give rip farming for a while. Seaforth talk at present is about the proposed W. D. VanEgniond Woflii Mills Co. Limited, which is being form- ed to take over the Seaforth Wollen Mills, and operate theni on a large scale. The capital is divided into $10 shares 10,000 shares, amounting to $100,000, ,S40,000 of which is now on the market. A pleasant event took place in the R. C. church, Forntosa, on Tuesday morn- ing, Nov..20th, when Antony Kunkel, blacksmith of Mildinay, and Miss Emma Dearer of Carrick, were made man and wife. Tho ceremony was performed by Rev. Father Gehl, in the presence of a large number of the friends of the con- tracting parties. R. Van Egmoncl has disposed of his farm in Hullett, Ny., of lot 15, On. 1, containing 50 acres, was sold for $1,500 to Edward Jones, whose farm adjoins, and .61. 3e," of lot 17, con. 1, 78 acres, realiz- ed $4,880 (€60 per acre) includiug house, two barns and other buildings. George White being the purchaser, and he will move to it shortly. Milburn's Sterling Headache Powders contain neither morphine or opium. They promptly cure Sick Headache, Neuralgia, Headache, Headache of Grippe, Heaclaohe of delicate ladies and Headache from any cause whatever. Price 10c and 25. Henry :Johnston, one of the early set- tlers of Ashtield passed away- on Nov. 15th. He was born iu Ring's County, Irelaud, in 1820 and was the youngest of a family of ten children, all of whom died before him. in 1851 he emigrated to the United States where he remained for about two years and then came to Cantina living in Toronto and the coun- ty of York =ell 1861 when he removed to his late home accompanied by pis wife and two children. Here, he and his aged partner, who survives hint, hewed out for themselves and family a comfortable home. He was a mau of sterling integrity, industrious and ready to lend his help to any public or religious object that was worthy. For' many years, until failing health compellel him to resign, he held the position of class types of animals.. That i•s gUthi hus- bandry. luau can en abuse and neglect the care of his fax stock that it will de- generate MN) the uteltneht typos of animals. That is "bad luck." - A farmer may have a st-rong, fc-r;ale 1 K41, and snatch it over from year to year, and, lot the rains continue to fio'd by A. L. fIttinilton. On Wednesday, Nov. 21st, at the re- sidence of the father a the bride, Miss Edith A. Attou, eldest daughter of Wm. Attou, of con. 6, Brant, was monied to Benson BeIrose, of Brookholm, Ont., the Rev. T. L. Wilkinson, of Hanover, per- forming the ceremony. A, box of Milburn's Rheumatic Pifls will be sent free to any one who suf- fers front Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lum- bago or Neuralgia if they have never tried these pills before, Send`2; ittinnt) for postage to The T. Milbnrn Co., Lint - Red, Toronto, Olit. On Tuesday ovenibg,Nov. 13th, Chas. Merges of London, and Misa Ida, (laugh- ter of Wm. Elashill of Bru.ssels, were =tried at Seam tit, Rev. J. W. Hod. - gine, R. D., performing the ceremony. Ittr. and, Mrs. larges will. make their future home in. London. *111.**AA,iya.R.MtMemil*R.tioaumaYm,knia•ii•i• Ilef"d* 1.117e. 'Macro Phogioainto Bald and recommended by sll tne Great Enattslo Pernedy. druggists in (Amide. Only tell- able raedleitie dtorovered. packages auereasod to owe MI forms of Sexual Weektiess, all eneete of ebese hnt5ree"oe.eniuMmenotarifitrm°urtYlani xt5lv �tine.t?eleTipOt. of NUN, one package $1, six, $6. One tsitt:_gosee, toill sure. Pamphlets free to env Addrss. The Wood compel:1y, Whidse'r, Ott+ 'Wew1i4 Phorphitline is mold in Winelenn (Ittlitt A .4!atntobell, A. A. Morrow, J. E. Dave., A. L. Ile. Aiken, DruggNis. wash away the fertility .ann grow poor- er crops, until the laud has to change ownership because the former owner did not know enough to underdrain and open up the hidden treasures thatlio deep in the soil, evaitiug the kindly touch, of an intelligent hand. That is pigalteadeduese, "Reut$Iter PratOtitIonter—No 2e- tilt."—Mrs. Annie C. Chestnut,ofWhifby. was for months a rheumatic victim, but South American Rheumatic Cure changed the song from " despair " to "jov." She says : suffered untold misery from tifelltriatisrn— doctors' medicine did me no good—two bot- tles of South A.merican Rheumatic Cure cured me—relief two hours after the first dose. "--50 Solcl by A. L. Hamilton. The Girl and Mer Month. Here is an old astrological Prediction said to indicate with tolerable certainty the character of the girl according to the month of her birth. If a girl is born in January, she will be a prudent house wife, given to melan- choly, but good tempered. If in February, a humane and affec- tionate wife and tender mother. If in March, a frivolous chatterbox, somewhat given to quarreling. If in April, inconsistent. not intelli- gent, but likely to be good looking. If in May, handsome and likely to be happy. If in June, impetuous, will marry early and be frivolous. If in July, passable handsome, but with a sulky temper. If in August, amiable and practical, like to marry nio3i.' If in September, discreet, affable and much liked. If in October, pretty and coquettish an likely to be unhappy. If in November, liberal, kind, of mild disposition. If in Decemaer, well proportioned, fond of novelty and extravagant. DR. A. W. CHASE'S fig,.. CATARRH CURE ... &WU° .....,... is sent direct to thelldtseased parts by the Improved Blower. Heals the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops droppings in the "Ito throat and permanently cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. slower V 4S.- free, All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo. The Hessian fly is reported to be dam- aging the wheat in Wentworth County. THE MILK OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and costs... . . . THREE CENTS A QUART. • 1•••••••.. $2.00 SECCHB EDITION 1$2.0 rnu YEAR, AT YOUR POST OFFICE. PER 373IA1i. The London Free ti Progressive and Palmier Paper. ress ESSENTIALLY A NEWSPA.PER.—The Free Press is now ia its fifty-first year, 15 15 essentially a newspaper for the hotne circle. While distinguished for enterpriee, earo has been taken front. the beginning of its career to admit nothing to its Columns that would offencl the moral eense of self-respecting 1I33 MARNET rtiorovrs—Aro full and op -to -date, containing all the latest • Canadian, American and. English live stock and grain markets, with the most rap -to -date news, VETERINARY COLUMN—A new and special feature, conducted by J. E. gins, V. S., Honor gradttate 0. V'. 0. Articles appear every Saturdaydealing with all Ottawa of Veterinnry Science; also questions and answers daily rela- tivo to all diseases of animals, ac. Contains valuable home instruction for the farmer and stock owner, FOREIGN' NEWS—A complete bistory of the doings all (war the known world in the latest and up-to-date despatches. COMPLETI4.1 CANADIAN NEWS—By telegraph and mail from all parts of Can- ada, particular attention being paid to 'Western Ontario. sromiNG 'NEWS—In full and complete with Amateur and Professional Sports —Base Ball, Cricket, I.41CrOSSO, Golf, Howling, Foot Ball, Hockey, Skating. Horse Racing, Trotting and Running, Hand. Ball, etc. POLITICS—sluPolities it is Conservative, but its Conservatism has never pro. vented it fret° doing justice to or upholding men of beth parties Who do right. It is the organ of the people, irrespective of party, and makes the public well- being its first eonsidezation. In fact, the Free tress is the Most completo and mt-to-clate paper west of Toronto; from 8 to 12 peeve through the week, and 16 pages on Saturday. It is bright and readable ; news for old and young. Second edition at your post °ince for 132,C0 per year. Now is the time to subscribe. „ • ilia London Ns Pros Ptg. Co., 1't. London, Ont What is • 4k4,4 - . •".%tlfOtt".. • Castoria is for Inihats and Children. Castoria is a liarmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor ether Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Diothers. Castoria destroys 11Torras awl allays Faverislip. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Celle. Castoria, r °Heves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. Castoria assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Dowels of Infants and. Children, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria in the Children's Panacerki—Tho Mother's Vriond. Castoria, " Oustorlu is an excellent medicine dr children. arotitere have repeatedly told inc of its good effect upon their children." Dr... Q. C. 0$3001), Lowell, Mass'. Car.,S.tOrj.a. " Castorin, is so well adapted to children • that I reeoluniend it as superior to any pre- scription kuown to me." ,ef., A.RCUtilt, M. D. BrOthlyn,11r, THE PAC-SIIVIILE SIGNATURE OF APPEARS ON EVERY WRAPPER. Te,t: Cr 4,01•APANY, 1"7 MURRAYYMCA'''. DICW YORK CITY• ..&),..,. ft;A•21F3.?MitVirr.1, ''••••'•.).-*••.,1•0', ItiliVit.41,1r,S,Yan;772:: 747 -4,inNii'W„ -,..........—....... *,,A.W ;A*. - • .114,-...••••••••=111/01111•10.111.1•11.4121MILIMM.fte t7.4 4 • 'a r hp,• • rouL • • • • Trzoin2ndao oen,r, and inmate -aged mon are annually swept to a _premature E.;* Aslo.tLie liNDISCRETIoN, EXCESSES. AND If you have any of the following symptoms consult us before it is P., • t reu yonervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the . 'tk , circles under them, weak back, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the ;. • ' , itrttat, dreams and losses, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, sunken 4 11013UW careworn. expression. poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack ett engt.z, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, weak man, nted organs, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, etc.? . Qat' ,Ti`•cw ftIctiaocl Treatment will cure you. 4. r4 .10 ,7•9014,, ▪ , d:01 tan git• .18C. ;.•:!,9,1t,tant , 5(.6,41tRi OR. '•4•0 e to IFE • .AV1 7-1'.'ting ran 'be more demoralizing to young and middle-aged men tlizul emissions :1"...lot?;rtlf!or secret drains thibiigh the urine. They unfit a man for business, mar- ,Nib'o matter whether caused by evil habits in youth, . al wt•mtness., or sexual excesttes,our New Method Treatsnteut t,:;,•1.7 Care GUARANTEED. NO CURE, NO PAY. 4 Used Without Written. Consent. O•aa •,1 • : • • " ""C"fgi'••:.7 W. A. Muir, of Lima, 0., says:—"I was one of the. countless victims of early vice at 15 years of age. The drains on my system were weakening my brain as well as my sexual and nervous sys- tem. For ten years I tried scores of doctors, electric belts and patent medicines. Some helped rue, none cured. I was giving up in despair, in fact, contempiatimr suicide when a friend ad- vised me as a last resort to give the Nene 30 t.ttrand 'Treatment of Drs. K. & IC. a fair , trial. Without confidence I consented and in three mouths I was a cured man. I was cured reven years ago---anl married and hazy. tfti .s., heartily recommend Drs. K. de to my toted ell= men." After Treatment TTo 1rf,4: ntd rtir?.*V-iricecele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, C"rt,t, rtrio:nre, Svphil is, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, leidney and:Bladder Ir.r.cntscr, :tila all dihteases of Bien and Women. e e• t er.C. o names on boxes oenVei pesveryt r . Ilhing confidential. 'Y -t3 rszn WITHOUT' WRITTENICONSENT. PRIVATE. No 0, N • .., t• e• • twit cost of treatetem, PRES. t tt.l.t.to Lb. A fallen 148 SHELBY STREET, .., 6 DETROIT, Rfiticii. ''" P• NiTtlY os' ik'gRAVARM • 4, ntra, 4110-/A:Ve31•4147;,'.NIZALL,A0C.. tt:WORIIAWA, 841 kata...,gM, Alf S ••••••••••••••••••*•••*-••••••••• •••••••*,w,.....••1•1 Agents, Why Don't You Send • for a Free Frospectii Of CANADA'S SONS ON KOP.TI AND VELDT ? It is the latest book out. An agent just reports 51 sales in 8 clays, another 26 in 4 clays. Big Book, sumptuously illustraied, and is so cheap it sells on sight. Scud for a FREE PROSPECTUS before you sleep, and make money easy and quick. The BOADLEY-CARRETSON CO., Limited, BRANTFOILD, ONT. , 41.61111•AMOMO•1041•••••••••••0•1111, matml.ramer.rm.soanadneoca.a 'Nepigoll" 110bas. Made by the CANADIAN RUBBER CO. Canada's oldest and best Rubber Man- ufactureq. An extrX thick corrugated protection band of pure rubber coming high on the upper (see the cut). Thick soles of pure rubber' and taps and heels of extra strength and thickness. These are soles that wear as long as the uppers. They are the strongest and best *0* heavy rubbers in Catiade. Look ter this trade meek on the soles, Made by THE CANADIAN ROBBER CO,i, TetRONTO, MONTOSAle WINNIPEO,