The Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-02-22, Page 4iiiiiiararenn$ People's Meet- ' 'vat eet-.i'vat Sunday School was held ifnh en Wednesday evening �"�°rsinium14th .with a good attendance two. lIt being llliashie- : fit, the -convener Beth .Mc- T'aviilh' was in.charge with Norval :Steway't" °assistant. Our meeting open- ed with .a hymn after which all re - :rated ;,in unison the Lord's Prayer. The ;president John . McCharles pre- sided- Oar Scripture reading, Psalm Was taken by. Mary Steele. • "nae Steele gave, -rte `a very:'in�g Valentine :story. -lir 2Missionnarytopic Chuireli ;the • National Life .,� 4%a!a3 •very . eapably , t 1 en hY `'( �t &don McGuire. Atter 'the:bushiees. '.Period the"..meeiing was' -brought to a close With a hymn; ; then. Bit. repeatedin unison the .Young People's Benedii- .; tion, As it was 'Valentine night, .e`ve-rY • BELFAST CENTRE .K1NL.OL . GH le THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 2211d, 190 A very large pier ,.attended the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Needham .of funeral .of the late Mite Violet brain Kingarf visited during the week +with" ley on Thursday afternoon held m I ackett's chi .h. $he will be sadly missed both in the,chureh and in -the. community' ai?here she liras a faithful worker and had given ,liberally of her musical talent- • • Miss Rebe► cion of Toronto has returned home :after .spending the art -week with blr, and Mrs. illiam Twamley, Mas$`9ikeliel Gibbs - ofW'iiiteehurch. is asgystmg Mrs,' Archie Nicholson for a few ; weeks,.' .. Miss Edna, Lawson :mss' returned: to' one enjoyed tine . Valentine Social at the close' of the meeting. Sympathy . of his community is 'extended to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Me - 'Charles end family in, the death of Mrs. Mef'.harle's sister-in-law which occurred • at . Toronto last week. ii We are glad that Harvey Brooks is • ithle. to be'up and abort the' house after being :confined to::his .bed :for :the hast `three weeks,: although he. is not :able to be .as .yet ' at _work, bat hope. rte, twill have ° a speedy recovery. W. M, >B., -Meeting The February W. M. S. `meeting was held last Wednesday in the `Church with nineteen members Pres- ent: The meeting opened with a hymn • after which all repeated the :4 ord's payer yin union. The roll was called cad the January ' minutes ,read . by the .secretary, Jean M,eGuire. ,'•The btttsiness'period was conducted by our. Stratford Normal School after ..Spend- ing the past iWeek mat 'her home here. Mr. and Mrs: ;Barry $iickett anti son Alvin spent Monday with Mr', and Mrs. Herb. Stother's of Dungannon. • Mr.: and ' Mrs;';Glenwood Cameron• and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Campbell of Fordyce... Mrs_ Willtarm:''lwamley 'wird son Toni Twannley. spent one day. renently with friends in .Wingham. Mr.' and •Mrs. Jacob Bunter and family of Zion:.called on Mr. and M'rs.: John Canipbell one day recently. her aunt Mrs. Kirke and ' Mr. and: Mrs- Hngi► Lane. Mrs, Hedley is v g with rel :dives- here.; Mr. Joe' Clifton or St. Thomas: North Dakota -is visiting at the home of Mr. and •Mrs. Wes Guest and Mr. and Mrs. 'Noble .Guest• .during' the Friends from here attended the fun- eral of the late 'Mrs. E. Ackert' on Thursday last. :Syn. -mat -by is exten ded .to _the : bereaved cites. Mrs. 'MacLane: s ant; the week=end civil} with 'Miss'M a Sedtt. ` • president, :Mrs'. W. d Roulston who. alai) • took :.charge :of our first part of. the meeting. Mrs. Mac McGuire was convener foi this month and she took Charge .of ,the .remainder of the meet- ing. lira G. Barkwell ::chase al her portion of +Scripture reading Luke 11x1-10. Mrs- J.. Gelling took charge of our stemperance talk -,giving us .a radio. talk and 'a reading+p'What is your $eappnat ility." Mr's.. Coiling Aire mead a .few tines of poetry sent from Mrs.. Joseph . Colling who is spending the. winter down south.. Our Study Book was Ewell 'taken by Mrs. M. Vogan on "EstablishiingFriend- Ship Centres"' ':and "International Paths" --showing that people could live bagpiily together. We were 'fav- ored with a -reading "Trip Lightly" by • Mrs. , T. Hamilton. Our .meeting was brought to a • close by Airs: W. 3. ' Railton 'leading ''in prayer.. Mrs. G • Brooks is convener for our March his illness and hope he .may aeon he ranting, and her helper: i rs. 0.' veep• again.. Finlayson, 'Jean \ McGuire, rs. ,c, The rink drew ` good crowd of Hamilton, Beta Wa alden. Mrs: Mac McGuire was convener for 'February slaters on Saturday night. and her helpers—Mrs. H. Vogan, Mrs. Mr. .-and . `Mrs. Stuart Collyer vis - L. Osborne, :Mrs. G. Barkwell, 'Mrs. ited Mr. and Mrs.P. A. Hodgins on E. Hamilton. Sunday °a•BERVIE Miss Beeth :Arnett shad friend from Loride.bloro were recent caller's at eLer t Mrs. :M: D. McLeod of Ripley and Mrs. 'Taylor also; of Ripley were -nurs- ing the former's. brother Mr: .E.. Lindsay last week. The latter is still in a very, weakened condition. The Junior Farmers ' 'had. a .social evening in the Hall last Tuesday. Mr. 'Robert- Vance a of , Bruce has, been engaged to operate the farm of Mr. M. Alexander and . with his ' wife'• and • small son will shortly prove to take up their residence herr: Mr. MacDougall. of . Kincardine anti Mr. J. C. '''MaeIntyse of Edmonton, Alta., (formerly of Glamis) were' vis- itors on Thursday at the .home of ' Mr. and ; Mrs. Gordon' .Alexander.' On 'Friday evening -the Young Peo- ple\ had a very enjoyable ' Valentine Social in the basement of the United church. The early part of the mien - :lug was spent in skating to : radio •music,. t;t the rink; while those who did not ,care to skate, played' games. Afterwards a . pnograa was 'listened' to with Miss Jean Moore in the chair. The evening. .was concluded with 're - Miss Helen' Thompson is 'employed at the Clifton, 'tome, Z,uelmow.. Mr: George Haldenhy and Ethel: also Miss Dorothy 'P.innell spent the week -end in Toronto. . Little 'Mildred Pinnell visited over the week -end. with Mr- and Mrs. Jack Bradley, Kingarf• Friends here were sorry to learn the illness of Kenneth Haldenby, .eld - est:son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur . iial- denby, Toronto. 'Kenneth has been confined -to . his. bed :' for some time with rheumatic lever. Mrs. J. B. Hodgkinson. visited :Fri- day with her daughter Mrs." Gerald McIver, north of Kincardine. Bert • McLean and Balfour also ga��p)�Eyr n .pE� 7P .f sRLY ' OUST KINCARDINE •e Lueknow Sepoys xperienced little difficulty in ,ousting the Kincardine sextette from -Group 12 Intermediate playoffs last. •;week. . With goals tr•, count on <the.rround, Lueknow took a• 6 to 1 lead islr£,eardine,last Tues- day and':ion 7Lhttsday night on hour•: ice, handed the'2visitors an 8 to drubbing, o capture the round .14 t, c • ens - ter spen t; e ee endwith relatives in Clifford. Mr. and alis. W. Bushelland /talo- n* also Mr. and . Mrs. W. 'White London were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Hodgkinson. Misses Frances and Jean Elliott and friends of London were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs: ;Karl Boyle. Mr. and : Mrs. Donald McFarlan and childrerr visited Saturday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Clark Needham, 10th Con., Huron. -Mr. Ben . Logan of . Ripley called on friends here Monday. 'Mies .Helen Malcolm of 'Toronto is a guest at the Malcolm home here. Service was held last "Sunday in Knox church here. ,A .number' from here went to Kin-. cardixne Friday evening to attend the hockey match. Friends of Mr..Jack Bradley•regreit. F ell, Henry, I did a good piece of business at the Bank of hiontresd .: . "Remember' I told yen last fall I had a Int elf: coarse grains and didn't want to sell because.prices were so low? Well, sir,. I went to the Bank of Montreal' and got a loan for *36, bought nine young }figs, fed them .ihe coarse grains, anti this spring sold diem at a nice profit. Yes, and the Bank's paid back. Andthe interest cost me just •84 cents." ,dui for our booklet, "THE FAamint AND His Suri." 1 OF $01•TEAL :4##A4**0, d a Q i�IZld �l0 I.•n� ry a Lucknow Branch: V. N. PREST, Manager 4.' Thissemi-final round fell far shot- l •to !*:crease their lend. -$1PLSY iNIORS'LOBE Triplet Juniors were •eliminated on ridgy ,night, when trdine ran - •the count up to 5 •to 1. These two rivals had previously' pli$►ed to a dead -lock in .the first ;game of the playoffs. Trailing .2 to 1 going ufto the third Period on • Friday,' the Red - men were tweed to .open rip' 'in an attcpt to get .,goals, but which prov-; ea their downfall as the Kincardine lads tank advantage of the openings of producing. -the keen -conte 'ex- Bytheir victory •Luck now ie alnai�. to meet.. Paisley ,for: group 'honors Paisley . has, just emerged' . from "a tough. •3 -game 'series with Port. El Kion, iii .which the Lakesiders all but. qualified : as group finalists.. The, Paisley-Lncknoiw ,'Series opened ' in Paisley Islet night with the second game here on Friday.' In event of a. third game the place and date haionot. yet been arsaaged,.- In Thursday's 'game. the Sepoys started the .scoring at the si ra minute' mark,, and added '.anotherbefore the period. ended, ty ;that , ended an ' hopes Kincardine bad` <••of -overcomingthe 'On. Monday evening the '. regular meeting of the Church Society was held in the' Presbyterian Church. Misr May Boyle presided: The meeting op- ened with ` hymn 483 and prayer by Rev: F. C:• McRitchie. Scripture read': ing .from ' Acts " was taken' by Mrs. Milton Walsh. Hymn 495 closed the devotional part. Miss Anderson .read the minutes of the last meeting and called the roll.. Mr..Eerl Percy gave the•current events and Mr. Isaac Pin- nell led. the discussion—"Shaul have` a distinctiYe flag in Canada in preference to the Union Jack". He also read two poems about our flag. The main feature of the program way a debate—"Resolved . that men rather than women have done more for the welfare of the human race." Affirm- ative, Messrs. Harold . Haldenby and Wray Pinnell; negative Misses Marion Walsh and Jean Thompson. Judges— Mr, John Emmerson; Misses Ellen McBride and Isabel• McKay who gave their '.decision 'in favour of the neg- ative side: Mr.. Toni Brown favoured with several mouth organ 'selection's Hymn 606 and '•prayer. brought the eating rto a close. • .Trailing hopelessly the visitors roughed it up in the second period with Greer suffering. an eye injury'? and Babe Book getting slashed across the face. At the atone time the-Sepoys. were outscoringthe visitors in, thin frame5to1: Play tamed down and at times be- came , quite listless in the final per- iod, with each team getting a goal. Lucknew Goal, Ritchie;. Defense, G. Book, ,McCormick; centre, B. Book: wings, Fisher and Greer; Alt., Harris Webster, Solomon,McKenzie. Kincardine -,tial, Riggin; Defense. McNair, Pickard; centre, Savage: wings, Sutherland, J. Graham; Alt. R. Thompson, Schilroth, Mahood, Pol- lard, M. Graham. - Referee -Honey Kuntz, Kitchener. -First. Period 1-Liicknoar, Fisher, (B. Book) 6:20 2—Luck-now, . B! Book, (Mc- Cormick). ... •.. • 14:0.7Seeond .Period : 3--Lucknow; Fisher .. •4 :25 4--Lucknow, Greer, (B. Book, Fisher) 1.;3' 5 --Kincardine, Schilroth, (Pick- ard„Thornpson) .. 6,-Lucknow, Fisher, (B. Book 5: 7 --Kincardine, Schilroth, • Thompson) •• . 6:n• 8--Lucknow, B. Book, (Fisher, • Kincardine continued their victory. march ;ori ;Monday when• they took .the first :gamehof the,.•fiitais from' Hca- ;over' 5. to- .8. The' Britiuhasan oil Comp- any, in 'co-operation with Port Elgin dealers; provided' the Port Elgin Lake - sides with .new brightt green, hockey sweaters, and in their first appear- ante in them, so ..dazzled the Chesley Colts that the Lakesiders won a Pmt- off birth, by the scare of 10 to. 3: •s s s• se That F, W. 'Fish" Kemp is not popular as a referee in this neck -of - the -woods,' was 'mer Proven last week upon' his appointment by W. A. Hewitt; to handle the Kincardine= Lucknow game. Both. 'clubs objected to -Kemp and, "Honey" Kuntz of Klt- chener got the . assignment. ZION. Miss Elle Hunter, who has been a frequent visitor in the community of recent months left oh a six weeks'. vacation on Monday, en route to Man- itoba„ where she will visit her father, Mr. Jack Hunter of Deleware (a Zion old boy). and renew acquaintances in her old 'home neigliborhood. Mr. Fred Ritchie of Olivet neigh- borhood visited Zion friends on Sun- day. Mr. Robert Andrew .who has been experienced.. a very distressijtg state of :health of late owing to frequent spasms of asthma is some what im- proved this week. Mn.Mand Mrs. Will Gardner and Harold attended , a .family gathering at the 'home of : Mr. and Mrs; David Alton • on Monday evening, honouring Mrs. Alton on her birthday anniver- sary. bliss Marian ,Gardner' who, has been a abut -in for the pasttwo month resumed school attendance this week. Mrs, George Hunter spent Monday With Port. afternoon with 'her sister Mrs. Ewart week -end games1} Taylor. CLOVES' VALLEY AND Miss Ella Whitley mho .has beerDIJICLO,,VER AN WON assisting Mrs. • Fred Anderson of late, spent the week -end with `her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Victgr Whitley o; Last week's rural hockey double= Crewe. . header resulted in two good games. with Clover' Valley scoring a 7 to 4 Mr. and Sirs. Charlie MacDonald victory -- successful of a 1'i parer spent Sunday with the Bannon nosed out Auburn to 2. Hall oil Friday night Nein Fndiiy Mr; andMrs Sant tatter's parents, M :. � The. $�sndmg evening, FobruarT 28rd, program a4,n.. ,. tlu ..: _.. Y"1 .�i'-..«nti..w'."e.. a.s.aer.�.,. .. . .. ... -.. ,. ..,....0 w ..•u., .a.. .. ._: .. u..... .. �-..':. '.YM _...,,• .. .:�' FOR.SALE—nine" pip,'six'weeks. old. George Kennedy, R. 1, Lucknow. FOR SALE. --8 h,p. International Err•' gine ,in good shape, for sale cheap Apply W. S. REID, FOR SALE -Number of pigs, six, weeks old;, also 'two etilves. HEIR MILLER,. ,North • Barris) • '• • • • • Durham eliMiaated Wingham 7n, termediates last , Wednesday night when they scored a 6 to 4 victory over the Hurons to take the round 10 goals to 9. Winghain won their home game b to 4 Wingham Juniors are also on the shelf for'. the season and so "Doc" Cruickshank started talking baseball last week, following 'the annual .meet- ing : of the Wing/tarn Club held last Thursday. With a good many ` distiiict towns' still vitally intereated'.,..and 'act- ively engaged in .pialing hockey, we imagine: it will be -pretty tough tempting to create any ''baseball fer- vor at the moment. • • • 8.• FOR . SALE—Recoatditiolied . copper -tub electric washer, Qne year guaran- tee, M'URDIE'SHARDWARE. _ FOR:SALE—A number of copies. af, "Prince Pedro", written by the late Dr. J. H. Garnier, and mentioned is last, week's Sentinel may be, secured atthe Express Office for 50c each. RHEUMATISM, SCIATICA., Back- ache, . Lumbago are attacked at the. source by the cleansing and antiseptic, action ;of ,I#.umacaps. McK.IM'S, DRUG STORE, ' .A UCTION SALE of cattle and hogs, at :Harris' Stock 'Barn, Ripley, on` Friday; February 23rd. 32 head of cattle, •25 hogs. See bills. Donald Blue, Auc.; Thos. Harris, Prop. 9-Lncknow, Solomon 14:5-1 Penalties -McNair; G. Book Third Period 10—Lucknow, Greer, (Fisher, B., Book) • °15:22 11—Kincardine, Sutherland, (Savage) . 17:4' Penalty--Schihroth. JUVENILES DROP DECISION TO WINGHAM BY ONE GOAL Lucknow and Wingharn Juveniles are ibattling it. out far the group chanipionship. The series is best two - out -of -three gamesc,and on Tuesday night; the HurointNaeked ,The second game will he played here tonight (Thursdayy and the locals niust win it or le eliminated. ' A. E. COOK PIANO. VOICE & THEORY FOR APPOINTMENTS; Call At'Hilts Store or Alex Mowbray's 4 Phone .145-j , o Finlayson :Bros. .i.UCKNOW • CLEARING AIJC'TION SALE of feria stock, implements and household ef- fects at Lot' 24; Con, 7, Kinloss, 31/4 miles 'east of -Holyrood; on FridaY; March 1st at 'one o'clock. See bills. Joseph E. Wall, Prop. Well. Hen-: derson, A sportimer was installed in the Ripley Arena a shoat thne ago, and the Kincerdine News sport scribe be- -moans the fact that the Kincardine rink is thie only one in these -parts now without ,a clock. 'He pleads for one in this manner. "So Pleaniea Boyle tobacco company .or other, take PitY On us and install a time clock. The best it can do is win you undying gratitude from Kincardine hockey fans and the worst it can do is pull the rink down." PORT ELGIN FORCES SERIES TO THREE GAMES FOR SALE OR RENT -260 'acres, Lets 14, 15, Con. 10; Kinloss, includ- ing 2 large 'bank barns, a lb-roorhed concrete 'house in ,,excellent condition, abont 10 acres hardwood bush, 125 acres under cultivation; excellent water. APplk,to Mrs. A. Hawkihaw, ST. ,HELENS Tls-ie regular' weekly meeting of the Y 11. ors held on Sunday even - with Mrs. E. W. Rice in the chni- The Scripture lesson, the story the prodigal Son, folloWed by a brie." exposition of it, was given hy Mrs. Bath. Mr. Mochre sang "Where my ,wandering Boy 'To -night?" The topic, "We read --Why and What?" was ably presented ,,by Mrs. Durnin The service in the United Cburch Sunday morning took tie form of a memorial service for the late 'Lord Tweedsranir. The hyinns were sting and the Scripture lessons' read Were those uted at the funend and in his address Rev. p. A. Barnard paid high tribute to the beloved Governor-Den- eral of' Canada. '.13is many friendt mere sorry .to learn that Mr. 3. D, Anderson is a patient in St. MichaePs*Hospital, Tor- onto, where he imderwent an oper- ation on Monday. 'Mrs. Anderson is a - visitor with her son "Torrence and Mrs, Anderson in Toronto. Miss Irene Woods of Waterloo was a week -end visitor at her home here. . Mrs, McKenzie Webb spemt a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Allister Hughes, tiolyrood. Miss Doris Reid of Zion is a visitor The current hoekey surprise in Group 12 has been the showing Of the Port Elgin Club, which barely made 'the 4th place playoff spot, and then turned on the feat travelling Paisley Club, and- threw a scare into them by,extending the series to three games before the Cards eked out a The first game was a five to three victiary for Paisley in Port Elgin. On Paisley ice the Lakesides won the game to tying ,the round- with 10 goals each. In a hard fought geme Paisley eliminated Port Elgin' by a adore of 6 to 4, • Paisley suffered the loss of Dudg-- eon for the -balance of the season. when he fractured his wrist in the second giime. -The Cards however had Craig "tip" for these two iiimortant F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST WILL BE AT WM. SCHMID'S STORE &AtE BY TENDER Plant Suitable for the Mans- -facture of FURNITURE Cir WOOD PRODUCTS in the town of Lucknow. Ontario. Operated until recent)* as a \furniture manufacturing con- -cern this up-to-date Plant la completely equipped for Ma mediate operation. The factory building niessur- . es about 285 x 88 feet; a two story, well constructed cement building with the planning milt close by. A completely equipped office and .8 bush fiu-m are included in the estate, A watchman is in attendance and the property may he in- spected at any time. TRUSTS, & GUARANTEE COMPANY LIMITED - TRUSTEES LUCKNOW TABLE CO., (PRIVATE) LIMITED BELFAST— Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Ebner Alton who relebrated 'their twenty-sixth rwedding a.nnivFrsary 'or? and Mrs. ROph CarneroTi Mrs. Sunday where she is 'rna.;..ing fav- ourable recovery from her recent op - • turn .home this week., Walkerton Hospital, on February 14th to Mr. and Mrs. Bert Alton, a daughter, Mary Louise., Miss Freda Rintoul it visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. RalPh Cam- Mra. Kenaeth McKay and children. 'and Miss Florence MacDonald of Rip- ley spent a day last ,week With Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Haekett. ald. Mr: 'Wallace Miller attended the anni,a1 Convention of the Ontario As- sociation of Agricultural Societies held in Toronto hot week. He was a delegate froni the Lucknaw Agri- cultural society. Mr. Con. Foran returned on pat - Mr. and .1dra. Purnin Ind, ored to toronto on Monday where Mr. Philips is a delegate from 't,Ise Town- ship of West,-Wswanesh to a Muni- cipal Convention. ' now provided splendid nitric for a Kingsbridge, Dun- St -:-The 'Y. P. S. held their regular meeting at the parsonage on..Monday evening with a good atienciance They Conternplate presenting the sacred "The Lost Church" in the new Clover Valley Dungannon 1 `f) 1 '3 ere. for patriotic purpOses and music 1 0' 1 8 for the dance svIll he provided by the 't is requested that ill Red Cross (It'i • ing and Completed knitting be future. 0 handed in this .week • "Isn't this a New Line, Friend?", "Yes, It Partner got a Telephone!" VA:itMERS no* re,aggiii24. the telephone: -11' as a frierid in time of need and as) a Money Maker. A itlephone is vital to a farrn—and the tokdte family living there. Iiothing gives so ifistli in service„ useful- ness and protection against danger es the telephone. That's why Farmer ?del:10411n has iint now. Thal itbaut you?