The Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-02-01, Page 7• w's++•aK •ngw;Me4r.:eittl 11 4 aar Treatr$01-4 For Cancer Gets overnr:ent Aid •°, »+tectal Grant Made T4 Assist ' Research in Dr. HAnry Con- nell Foundation at . - Kingston, --Ontario; -• in' order 'to insure a continued ' supply,.of •"Ensol",'the cancer treat ment developed and produced by " the Dr. •Hetulty' Connell IFounda-•,' ' ti15n at. Kingston, the Ontario. Gov-. e,rnnient made a special grant of • frgm: $3,000 to $4,0:00 to_•the' faun •dation for, the month Of 3aauary. At the—'sales, time, the . govern.,' , mesh's otv.n ensile which is• making acUJ4tional, , resew:elves • into.' , the tt^•eatmettt iS being .continued;:It is let.flerstoes '.that tile..tlenut 1l' Fent- dation has. been. •short •oft t€tnds: to '. carry , on: the ,iiroductlon of "Lr• ?sol" ' ••. svhieli.,, still th being .• distributed'. free.• if the foundation 'was fer•,eed by .financial •reaso'ns •to• •discontinue ` the work, the Ontario •Gove•rnment clinic would, have to close down fore, IAck. of supplies: OTHE11 MEANS OF. It'1NANCJ'NC - Therefore 'Sen.'. Haro'ld ' Kirby, . Ontario Minister of health,.. agreed, "` not only -to continue the work of the government clinic but to assist ,the foundation itself in a financial Way . for the Month „led.' January.' at . least. • • It was. hoped that before the end :of the month .the foundation would' find othc•r,• means ' of fi:tincing Some dere ago It was curie's ed than the tlui'untinterests =the•. 'Uhlked• 5.taii.s haid agreed to' all-. l ' 'foundation '100 u00. 1't •' said,. however, thtlt this support' ,"was dependet t'itpou the foundation Securing from. the federal govern- , meet a permit to manufacture "En - Sol": for, stile. -This ltcrn?'t has Alet ' • been: forthcoming. • DOCTORS SUI'PLID FREE :-Some 00.0 •doctors'thfoughout the province are said„ to 'hav .bean suit- ' plied,,' with ':Ensoi". flier, ht• i':e foundation. They: Of course, collect fees,. from . their patients but the ConnellFounda flee is unable to. ac: ;rept payment without a federal per. .mit..'•', . • 01• Captures S t'ting: `Crown • • "?al •/I; a'.,a P;nrt .i•utt• of. Otta•e•;, carried eft the Junior' ('a.I:adiar. Women's 'Chore skating c•ham.pi"n- Ship. Dennis Illus,, also of Ottawa, carried off top honor•; in the jun'- for then'. • event he tire •Canadia:n figure skhtang chanmpitC7ship, lent in Ottawa. - LESSON V • HOL'DINC, LIFE SACRED. (A Prin., •ciple of Temperate Living). Genesis- 1:27.31; 1 Corinthians 6:19. ' 20; 2 Corinthians -6:16---7:1. GOLDEN •TEXT;•'!Ye'were Atought '• • 'with a price: glorify Godl there fore lin your •body." 1 .Cor..6.1'20. THE I:ESSQN,LN •I:TS 'SETTING Time'_ . The First . Epistle. •...of • Paul. to °th.e Corinthians—.'was k'rit- .ten ;in A.P.. 51; a,hd it is geeeral,ty ' belieyecl .that the Seeon,d' Npietle••,. .was. Written not: many "?tenths .la t- er, -.'Probably .in the same year, .•' Place' -- The First. •Epis.tle',.ot : • .Paul to 'tile Corinthians was- writ- 'ten. flute. Eniteusii: The- Seeoticl was • written- in Macedonia, •possibly' from the city of,Thes.salouica. 27. And. God created man in lila own image; in. the image .of God created he -••him•; • m.ale' .and m feale created • he them: We• gath.ei• from • the present chapter :that God' is a spirit, that he,thinka, speaks, Wills, and acts. The. great• points of con. ' • fortuity, to God that man .possesses are reasson, 'speech:, will and power•. in the reason is evolved the .d!stinc- . 'lion' of good and evil. In the wili'is unfolded.. that, freedom' of action ' ' wlri,eh cliooses `Mis good and, refuses' •the, e}'IP:.• God formed• .the' body. of man in suc1ia way •as to make it a .fon its rational tenant, T.tie .mind• 'and the ,body Here .compatible and.. Complementary, tt was specifically ' 'the Mind of tiian that was created ' " in the divine image; God is•spirit- 'nal or 'physical substance.... and so i; muu's mind. dr soui.' • •'Ere Fruitful and Multiply 28 • A'nd God blessed them,:'and god 'said unto them, Be• fruitful, and Multiply, 'acid i'eplen1sh ', the -earth; •and'•subdue. it;' and have do• miiiiori over. the fish et 'the sea; and •over the birds ''of the Heavens, and over. emery living thing , that•nioveth upon: the,'earth,. 2,9..'•And .God said, Behold, I.' have given e t . Which you every•'herb yielding s el • is upon ih.o face. ef, all the : earth, ' and •evory tree, in which' is, the trtiit of a tree• yielding seed,'to`you •It'shali be fur food: 30. and .to' ev- ery burst of, the : arth, and' to.'every turd .of the;- heav'ens, .and to •every- thing tint' creep h upon, the earth, . wherein there ire, 1 have given' i food an. it green i •v i:ee c4 suet , . S • Was so: The ;words spoken by God,• to our ftrst parents' are •in the 'fort ' of t command': man .is to bear ',children; he is to subdue the earth; he is to, have dominion over all liv- ing creatti't'os: lie is to li•v;e.physic- sily liy •the herbs and fruits and cerca1J, which God slanted, in the • earth. Some day the Whole creation ',will :be. again HI perfect. stibjeclieoli' fn= man. .'r •i( t' ,aa r r1uined .1.0 'he Swollen. Beans • Scuttle Vessel They Get Wet and Swett Aftei 'Danish Ship Damaged by. Mine —Sink' It • •• A cargo of soy Ilenri- tan(I 0 •t Which badly -damaged it was the reason. the 11;000-t1)n 'Danish liner Canada sitnk off the coast cf England. , . Captain Carl •linhId cit, whtl. vva; in command 'of the Canada when it .struck a mine. nen:: Hull. Eng- land, 'Iasi November, has revealed that chances of taking the Canada into port for repairs were good until 8,000 tons of soya beans were swelled • three thlitcs their size by sea water- Zven the steal sides of •the ve-- 11sel couldn't stop the 'swelling. The plates burst and, the ,Canada, sank in shallow water, where lat- er it was cut in two when another ship rammed it. , - Ta Ache • . For Burgle' k'.olict of Mon tebeIlo, Cali C., hunting a schoolhouse burglar 1041 week, wondered if tlwy wouldn't find him with a steninclt ache. The loot:. - • side create, val•tied at x2.70• `roue il'ottics of milk: .,,,p`gUL ,11116. (if ,geol(ie5 iAmnY�1AwRSt• Nino bottles Of orange -juice.. . Barefoot prints indicated the -tinder 88' ;t •4t'nnli boy. •• „ ,USE BETTER SEED Opposition tplough'ing poor marginal land to iirovide increas- ed 'crop production to :meet war- —drab—needs, -was expressed -b- W. - R. Reek, deputy minister of agri- culture; at a meeting of the agr•'i- n culture committee of the ,Ontario • Legislature., "Th:e only way we can capitalize „on hogs and dairy pro.; .dusts is to .produce -pore barley, oats, and mixed grains,".,,said .Mr..• Reek. • • •"We:know definitely that by use of better seed, farmers in Ontario :can step i p,mtheir chop production.. appree• ab1y,7', said Mr. Reel:.::' THREE-G)<tAIN ,gilElt` • J'. E.. `Bergey,., extens7,,o:n. sfineial>i ist' of -the•poultry• department, of the• Ontario Agricultural College': at ,,Guelph,'suggests 'that •a single;-. `grain' diet. is -hdf satisfactory. for,. , laying he`ns. The•5 main grain's' are'.' wheat,. oats, barley, corn and buck- wheat, any three of whish should be used, but oatsiS the best -single grain and should be .one of the • three used in'a feed mixture. Milk is ,the . mostk outstanding protein , food, he said..Others may be, meat, fishor liver meal. Minerals,• he • outlined, .may •includeoyster shell or ..bone meal .and' for vitamins, • cod liver oil, greens or .yellow corn. Change Alphabet. no, .ono r Lieut.. • H. Z. Palmer, of the Canadian Field Artillery, son of 1VI1 A .2. and the"late ,Gel. Padrn'er; of Ottawa, Canada, is pictured .with his • bride,:tl a former Peggy.Crevar, •daugther of •Brig: -Gen. ,11; D. G:: Crerar; chief of staff at the Canadian. military headquarters in England;'as they left ;St.' George's, :Alae; slict Garrison church, after they . were married. • 'Trumpeters'of the Royal Military. College "Of Music, :Keller Hall, stand. >�ehind; them.... .:at•the,time:of his creation (see [to-• ma=us 8:.18-23),• • Temple of the Holy Spirit 1 Cor. ,6:19. Or .know ye not that. .your body'.is a temple of the Fioly Spirit 'which is in you, which ye have from God?' and ye are not your o•wn. '.Man..has- not only body. and Out, but also spirit. Deeper down ,than where fhA. soul. with its consciousness' can enter, there is a.spirit-nature linking main with God. Ian•, some people it 'is nothing more than a dormant power,. a pos- sibility • waiting for the:.quickening of the Holy Spirit (We are famil-' ...iar: with.°:the division of the temple into three parts: there was, its ex-. tevior with' the. outer court;„seen by all lumen; the holy, place,' into vihich•.alone the priest might enter;. God: dwelt in: the holiest of Holies, where none -might • venture nigh..) 20. -For • ye..were,•bought •w-itk- a price; glorify God, therefore iii •yoii.r body. The • price or ransoin Which Christ. our purchaser, paid for our redemption from slavery, was his awm:soul., Let "our bodies be God's so ,that through .our •eyes • NOTES AND NE WS By MADGE •MUSIQUWZ" CONTINUES' • , 'In response to an overwittlnlitlg huhttlir, Item lull; e:•1" •sed iu'htni ' this• at' ni'' 1't.1'ftPrS"..• io1egilione ; alls. - etc.. Tr,1 Cott':; unique Sunday, .at. ' teruc•ou musigt:iz "So• You Think Von Know Music" Iias been IIrestor• !ed to its former spot on the Colum-' bia• 11Aat work, t undays al 2:30 p.m. tt't'I110. Most amusing of the let- . t,‘:•; from , younger l'ratent,rs was ono 1:. n, ;t To.•nuta girl:. who have- it;'t ih( 19i'Iriitlt ' i ant • eight. 4:a.,•s did and 4 lova your hr:,Irani. t hope yon will get enough le:;ccs. so you• can bo on the air agaiu as i am not taking piano It•ssons or any- thing shout nlugio ire you 910 .I am 1 :truing' a lot. over the radio, w.''1 1lnlie you will be ani r hn air, il,:id so docs my, tnothe.t and friends." MARCHING PAST The.. Regimental iiarcli-past of the old 65th — "Les Fusiliers de Mont -Royal" will be featured by tho Band of the Canadian Grena- dier Guards and the. Five Singing Guard,men "On Parade" on Tours-. • day uigllt February 8th, at •8:30' ,over CBL. Founded on the 186h of mune, 1869, in Montreal, it is one of • the oldest French-Canad- ian .regiments in tb.e Province of �)ircrber. • - WILL. SING AND ACT 1km Amcthe, .former fn.c. and siugiaig_'star of the• Chase. and San- lira Hour, has been signed 'to -head a.• half-hour variety igic1' dramatic Urogram which will go Ong, the air as 'soon 88 one of the networks can 'supp'ly a suitable spat. As en the Chase and Sanborn Hour, Ataieelni will' both Ritip and art on the pre- gratnt. TO B54 HEARD Feb:. 2, Ci3Y: Aoronto Metidel•s- s(tihn Choir and Ti rento Symph- ARGH,ER • C131., 'Metropolitan •Opera Company . '. 10 p,tn.,.C13L: Bernardino ' Melivart cotlditrts NBC Symphony • C;F RB, 2:30' p.m"z' "'So •Axau' Tht11k Pon K -now Music"I". . 3 p.m., -(`FRB, N. Y. Phil. Orchestra . 6:30 p.in„ CBL, ' Chase • and. Sanborn Hour . 8:30 p.m.. 0131., One Man's Family .. , 9 p.m.: e1314 Your Government and the War .. Feb,. ,5; 12:30 »:m.: Ontario and Quebec region Farm Broadcast 8:00 p.m., CFRB; Tune Up Tilne .. 8:30 p m; Ci31., WItii t" a troops in England , . . 10:00 p.m., NBC-' blue to South Ont.. Little Old Hol- lywood ... Fob. 6, •'8:30. CBL, In- • formation Please . 9:00 p.m.. CBI., Reginald Stewart, pladist .. . 10:00 p.m., CBL. Toronto Sympli- oiiy Oreh • ' '1.30 p.m., CBI,, Mrs- - ic by. Faith ...•10:00,p.m„ Musical Tribute to Edward MacDowell .. . Pet): 8, 8:30, CBL, On Parade ... . 9:06 p,m., CBY and S.. Ont.`' East-, man School of -Wait, . . , 10:30 p.m.; NBC - CBS MBS, President Roosevelt a.ddre.'ses l3oy Scouts of America. • - • shall- flash the light of, his love: Froin this;'lesson':we should realize anew the sanctity ot• the physical body, .1u which ' we live, the high purpose. of physical" .life 'as such. • :The Separated:Life., 2• Cor. 6;16. And •what .agreement ' hath,' a•• temple of 'God with idols? for we area temple of . the• living will •God~ -even :as God said/I dwell. in them,: and walk • in them; ' and 1 .Will be, 'their God, and 'they shall, be my people. The city of Corinth was full of temples which • were an• insult .to God. ,Thein idols ` spoke of and•deraanded.unclean noes . on the part of thelir worshippeiys. ` a . m.nd God is infiniCely hol y,•and de s holiness on the part of those .Who • approach htin. 17. Wherefore, come ye out from 'among them; and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and 'touch no unclean thing; ',add I Will : receive you,'and will be to you a • . Father, and ye shall be to me sons and daughters, saith the Lord Al- mighty. This 'separation from the • world was dot to he physical and local and social, .but moral- and Spiritual. These ,Corirthiatis were not to migrate to o,her cities, but tokeep free from the iotimacies and , fellowships . which might ally them with idola•tri', and today the Christians are to live mfr:the' world, ' while they 'are not of the world. is 1 having thteretore these. promit,cs,. belovotl, let us' cleanse ',mil -serves froze • all defilenien•t of flesh and, • spirit, perfecting holiness in • the . . fear of God. As the source of s11 defilement of the flesh is self -gnat: ffiration. so seat- seeking is at the root of a1.1 defilement of itis+•spirit. ' Wise Bird Lays A Breakfast Egg • ' A hen which .prefers a' ,warm . kite:ion chair •to'a'cold nest saves N. J. •Detweiler; of Middlefield, O-, a' 'shivering. trip 'to' the' heir= • Ito:U:se..for. his... hrea.kfast.,.egi . • "Every mdrning about '(law.ti," says fetweilert:who insists this is. . no yarn, "this hen scratches tin the kitchen door. When I let her, in she climbs eh a cushioned chair . and .a few. minutes laxer cackles to announce than she has laid her egg." fiavana, the Cuban capital, which reeen,'t1y celebrated its 425th anniversary, stood' as a city- 100 years before the first'houses were built in what was to become New York. POP --Boston Tea Party ut. TRAININI'x .01 FRUIT ' 44VESTING•? Tltqassoetatjof adopted a reso- lution asking the dePartwe rt ej„ la. • Orr-So-orgatlize a national service .program for, enrolling .and training . • yours$ womelt to 4-0.1454#p i!rurt ltit;r. vesting ,A'nothe'r reeellition `4.81 04 • the government to .establish a ire, search 'station In the, Niagara 4ifi- trict :to find' ways and Means for fullest utilization of fruit produ'ote: Is I Ti-iis syi1T.WORLD Ferguson r: t\r"j r . -114E T'VVQ tPOL:A2 .AREA, (• • IT CAN BE SEEN SOLlTK OF THE: ARCTIC C I R-Pl;,F AN D /Vr0•277 -.. CF.. THE, ANTARCTIC.. CIR_Ci t=• • OS tt I n �—A�J-WATER. ANI MAL, BUT' IT WiLL -r AVEL. THROUGH SAI..i u r SEA' WATER FRoM..ONE RIVER, .MOUTH TO An Ablerican, Has• :Now Invented •A System He Hopes to Make . A. Common. Language; Symbols for Sounds • •T.hc• 1ittE,'Ft•an k IL Vizetelly, the 11� Toned lexicographer. 'once said •the• :.English-speaking :people need• • a new .alphabet..and Johit:.E. Leac•itt of Cincinnati believes` be has it in his ."phonobet," . . • Leavitt,' a 'retired •car,pentE.i•. ma ;chinist. acid shbe designer, defines' the "phopobet" as. a "scientific ar• rangeinent of letters' in a logical'. sequenge according to their sound;` 'values alid the vocal ?mechanics of their' utterances." , 40 CHARACTERS.. • AR[tANGED LOGICALLY Relieving •that,'a eommen fang- , nage — preferably English -would b a in tae. t,rcatzst singl' factor establishing. -and maintaining, per• • eetual peace •throughout .the world, • Leavitt bas offered his inventiotito. Abe ,League of Nations.,' • ` 'Leavitt • prefers -English 'because mire .than. one-quarter of •the peo- ple of the world use it. But Ire says foreigners' could not master the language until its vaga.rles• o.f. spel- ling' .and, pronunciation . are, stand, ar(aizedi. • • • .1WITH SPELLiNC ACTOMATIC• • •The. "phonobet" includes symbols adopted 10 *epresent. the "orphan sounds': that have • no ,character's in the present English langilage. It has 40'ch.ar:li'ters instead el. -the 26 • noW in use.. ' The additional. characters. Lea• vitt Says, permit , each .letter "iso have its own sound and each sound' its own letter in the ;'plio obet: making all. pronunn- ciation: •and malting 100 per rent, wutoma tic•. • • 4 • eeslrnproved Fruit Outlook Federal Farm Economist Encoura.g• es• Growers of Niagara " All factors''eortaidered, Canadian growers 'of lender fruits can look fel ward: to 1946"w with ""a t e<tWot: i1)1e dcgt r';eloi optintisrii," •'C. t . 'Hopper. ehicf 'agricultural cconemist tor the federal • department of agricul- ture told the annual convention of the Niagara Peninsula ,,Fruit'Grow- ers" Association. • •"A general rise in the Ie%el of commodity prices would ha -iii a tendetfcy to push up the prices .01 tender fruit." he 'said "If 'we have , a long war and a large number of man are taken into 'service, theve is likely to be a signjficant 'rise in • the prices. of all agricultural pro. ducts,,. — _ • CCPR.1937 BY NO SERVICE, INC: 7-a THEORETICALLY, the midnight sun. is visible •only within the. .' polar circles. but ,due to the. fact that the.eartll is slightly flattened ..at the poles. combined' with the refraction• of .rayl near the' earth's • sur ace • a . person' considerably •south of the Arctic Circle •and north pf the Antarctic, Circle 'can see the sun at 'Midnight, at, certain sons of the, year ' " NE7>T: Bow .can poison. sumac' be ,recognized"' i 'M CAL INSTRUMENT. - • HORIZONTAL ii.Pietured: Musical instrument. Tit instrument' of the viol class. '11 Monkey. 12 Enemy of. the gods. 15 Gazelle. 16 Hops kilns. 17 Treacherous. 18 Measure. 20 To regret.. 21 Small -stones.: 23 To lubricate. 24 To burn • • incense.. 26 To observe. 27 It has a rich — quality. 28 Blemish. 30 Southeast.- 31 outheast.31 Surrounding conditions. ' 36 Earth. 37 Go on• (music) . 38 Pronoun. 39 Surgeon's 3, Answer to . Pr viious Puzzle ELIL S ROK it1 ES T USS"D O.L K DRI LLNIK SALT ET I IL= :'GALIA� SII LO: AIN TARC]=1 C LANEISJ--jE 1CRAiPET inst:-t int nt case. • 41 Dye. 43 Silkworm. 45 To add to. 46 In advance. 50 Mug: 52 Male duck. 56 Wild buffalo. 57.Roof point covering. 58 Kind of plum 59 It has four 60A famous • •. 'make of this instrument. VEET.,'t'A 2 To c:r.:•:nate. 3,Madc' of, aatnisat, 13 Substitutes. 14 Tel vex. ' • 16 It has first place in an 19 Every. 21 Fruit. ' 22 Let it' stand'. 25 Expression of arnusenlent, 29 Pirate: • •30 Sly person. 32 At this time. 33 To emulate. 34 North America. 35 Type -standard 40. Type of auto, 42 Chair rail. 44 Frozen ' ' de:: sert~s: • 4 Circular wall. 45 Narrative • • 5 Back of neci:... Poe' -n• 6 Ray of the 47 Derby. sun:. • 48 To do v.`rang. 7 Be silent 49 Bird. .. .8 Self. 51 Upward.. 9'Nonmetallic 53 Male sheer„ element. 54 Since: • l:0 Parrot fish. • ` 55 Insight. 7 11 12 13 14 15 16 20 2q - 17 • 18 23 25.,. 27 1 By J. MILLAR WATT rvG, BEEN OFFERED' FABULOUS SUMS TO Liy1; IN AMERICA! WJ-IO BY •- • Ir 4. V M Y alt alts 11:30 p,m., cat,* - The 'Northern. nfeestttcrr- , 1 Feb.. 3. 2:00 pin J..4 '.•term.„;e�+'•C