The Lucknow Sentinel, 1940-01-04, Page 7• • • • 14 . er gent People ., Are Allergic, Are Sensiirive -to Different seri. ants'— Science Learns to 1 t Controj 'Suffering One of the mostrecent develop' lents•• of medical '8cielfee is the progress that has been made „in 'the control of allergies: Put ilhortly, . ,Says tate Winnipeg Free. Frees, an allergy is a sensitivity to an aller- gen (irritant) which exhibits, itself ' ' in • the :form of hay fever,:,. ,asthma, )0yeaa headaches,. •or nausea. 1.t is estimated that some 15 per. cent. •of• .the nation Suffers from al- lergies of one sprt or another, and . t At least 35 per cent. innagines ae.1:t to; be .allergic. 0P;jrsons, "who lead allergies as- re- • ntly as the 19th Century just �ent ri_gbf'rjii ita.ving them,,, hut tc- ay the:situation is'dif(,otent Medi;. ai. scI ace, combfihitig thea "tu�inin� SQf a• dete:otive.with: 1i. he patience, of . fob; haa.inanaged• to'cello 'with . ,6 ,;Certain amount of. the suffering and ▪ mbar•rass:inent • connected with' al-. aergies• - I Put To. Tests For'erample, ,a victim, of nausea is taken is hand and la' subjected to all sorts of con•ditio's to try to discover•', the precipitating cause' of ' it; a cause which .may' be the hair • of a, poodle„,.horse dander, cotton- seed' oh, kapok, spinach, sea • food,. and a wild couglomeration'of .other stuhatances, 'W'hen ' the ',allergen. [s successfully 'traced, the patient may. be desensitized; o.r, • if no .tre'atniruf is 1•,ossib.16 he c•n•';•.yrtrsiQ- ttn\iJy steep clear.•or tihc.<or,. iuling subsea:we,. Suislay School Lesson d LESSON' 1 THE . CHRISTIAN'S . CONFES- SION OF FAITH ---Matthew t, . 16: 12 .3. 8 PRINTED TEXT, Matt. 16: 13-24. GOLDEN TEXT—Thou art thp. " Christ, the 'Son .of', the living God.. Matt. 16:16... THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING T1ine.—Autumn, A.D. 29, in thh third period of :the Galilean min- istry. M P)ace,•--At, -or bear C'aesai'e'a Pliilrpp),• i4.:the. northern part of .. Gabler.,• in the southern foot=Bills;• . of ,Mount` Hermon: • For : two rand`, one-half : years ,Christ and his d4dip)es .have, liv- ed and . walked and 'prayed _and talked together. The cross .is only six months 'away, This was one, of the most critical hrurs in all our Lord's life; since, ; if this group of disciples now f'ailed, to realize his deity . and Messiahship, ';there was no tine to attempt to bring stick a conviction to another group. , • ' 13. Now when Jesus. 'came •into the:, •part, of Caesarea Philippi•, 'he asked his 'disciples, saying, Who do ripen say: • that the Sohof man is? 14. And, they 'said, • Some. say John • tl:( • Raptist; • a:.ome Elijah;. and others, Jeremiah, o.r one . of the p'ropliets. , In their answer to ts,, 'rrs ,ques ion. 1 indication of*** greatly the.gen- erality of the people respected the. Master. They ha,d'' only good. to say iA'Of 'him.•. 15. He 'saith unto.. themi Hut wh'o say ye that I am?. 1 S, ., Ahad ., Simon Peter answered and said, thou „art .the Christ,;the Son o•f "the living»G'rid. The Word Christ" is the G''eek 'translatipn • .of: the.. Hebrew. word "Messiah" ' •ahieh 'means "anointed,'" Founding 'of the Church .17.., And' Jesus 'answered and said unto. .hint, ,Blessed. art :thou, Simon 13ar-Jonah4 for flesh . and'• blood hath .not revealed it unto' thee,: but ,ray Father' who. is in' heaven. There was ne sudden rev- • elation granted: to Peter. ,The- rev - ...elation 'was. made • possible by Pet- ev s•over•.deepening 'kno'tivlede of •the Lord Jesus Christ.. All the facts of. Chh:ist's.- life are,, available for. men,' but not all, mon. recognize hint . And I also say unto thee, that thou art Peter: This is the .dame. which the lord Jestis gave• to Sinton, son• of Jonah.,. at the very beginning of Pete'r's estm- pan ionship . with-- the- lord. ' And • upon this rock i• will( build my • church: This. 'one of the, most dis- . 'puted,_ ci euss•ed, passages of the „New. Tc,stamcnt.. Here we.,have the first,' merits' n . of ,the eJiurch in the word' 'of God: Is this 'not the correct interpretation? )'s it not. - that -Christ .is the. chief .cornerstone' of the church', that believe'r's, are ''built, up a' spiritual house, resting as they do on Iiitil.,•i;-ten is the • • -A day off frore• studio chores finds' Ann Srithern enjoying:her Brent- wood garden. The aetres8 takes a • ' 'hand in the weeding,, planting and ,trimming 'other. flowers,; but ,also ' takes time. out • for a bicyclewide • around her home and an hour or'so Of lounging in. the sunshine. •.. Oldest Indian -Ramis ' Found Tchefuncta Horizon .Found in • • -Mississippi Valley' is ;More Ancient Than ;Any in The United States ' (- - 'of ii i}re•;."-i.:+tnvie rate ' of Indian; 111.0 nl(Ic••=t i•c 1 ' found in illi• Mississippi have. '1.0(11 • ' : • u,ivorei'e(I on (11" • bank' of 1.k,e P*rrocltar:•'aiii by Prof. 'J. A. Ford, ` of Louisiana' State. i'uiveruiry ,and it \V1 -,A The now culture. has iareu named • 00'Tel-1e until) horizon. This enl• ' lure, Pr.erf,.• Ford Said., anledatrs the Mat,cviile culture which prey'• iousiy was ate 'oldest. civilization estabrtslwd In the Mississippi Va1•' •i„ y - :thou!. 1,200 years old. . • About 1,200 Years '01(1 •• • 4.•'qk ' in ancien' t.:mrs, American In- '. (liana li'virnr along the Gulf coast • ap'itarently' •subsisted upon shell fish' and small mammas, birds and fish." Prof. Bird"s•aid, ' Our obaer- vatinns •indlea to that., they' Camped' on beaches • near' their principal fond supply: • Hunted With Spears • -They ha.d decorated pottery yes- • soic; oftep, with four added the., professor• said. "T"hay-;hunted with' 11i ir•t"tr'r'ttrine'd-' throwing hoard, air aunts, .off, spear. These spetir•s were fitted with, •Clilnpc(i Clint .projeCtilc points. or lioi.ew ibotie • points made .frorn the tong, •. bones a; l:n'gr' birds fn..stn'tll•,'ani- . huts • 1'h-+ United .States has ample reserve of helium. geS for any ern- erteilCV requirements that niay le, - '— 4 ^r•11�F s ,1 • 01en•I of • the 1ftt'er'io - , • • As Soldiers of First Canadian Division left For Overseas 7aGi• e.•y yx�.�v -.- x7< r�+,.,• /q'�,y>r % �:� ��5'' �����/a/y � . ��x� s i:'• q^ z Cr Z• �%iii" h v v' .✓ S< f S ,..�r�'��K.4er .y��ff , -.�'� �,x'^.r;'��'�;.s�.<�H`.'�,i'»�•��is.'�'�8:�'`ir;`�.:!.t ..�'t",�'.,?- :....,��.�, �..�zF.�".6r. MAW Here is a rie\v of the afterdeck of ,one of the huge transport Ships which carried the vanguard of Can- ada's new army overseas. The<•pieture• was takers. just as the .ship: was leaving 'Canadian. shores. cornerstone.` 'Pettor. hiriiself. is a stone in this • heavenly structure.., And thegates of Hades shall not ii prevail ,against it. The correct • in:., terpretation . •of this may be that the gates 'of Hades shall nbt• swat - low 'up the church..• • , " -e '`o 19. •I will' give • unto thee • tle . keys of 'the ' kingdom. o" 'heaven:. and !whatsoever" thou shalt bind on earth ,'shall be bound in licaveil.;. and whatsoever thou ,•shalt, 'loose on earth ,'shall .bc 'loosed••. in heav= 'en:J.The conditions of'salva<tion are 'diyinely.stipulated—the conditions that we must become livi'n:gsteins 'and mernVer of the new. s"pii•itual race: 20. 'Thein . charged , he the 'disciples that they 'should tell, no . man that he. was. the •Chr:ist. Ln- tit' the; disciples'. own views. of hie•• 'Mes.5ianie Work „were greatly c•pr=t, r•.ected,,any statement by them that he >;cas: the .V essiah Would' do -more . harm ',then*geed.'It "weulil have' brought, Jesus. prey aturely::into -open antagonism to 'the Jcwish rel - . era, 21, Front that :time began• Tes- -us. to'••slho}v unto: his' disciples,- that' . he m ist'go.'to'Jei`usalem, and suf- • fer Many things of thq e•ldeh:s and,. 4,chi'ee priests 'and scribes ;and be killed, and the third .clay be•'raised.'' up. •22. • end Peter took''him, and began to rebuke -him, sayPpg, Be it far from', thee, Lord ; this shall never be unto thee. These words '..were'said'to `Christ out of^loco. for him, but as• the apostle• Pa d reminds us, love can often be at •, fault unless it is. united w•jtlr wi -• dom. '11 How -To Be True Disciples . 23. Hut he•turned, and said ur- to 'Peter, •Get .thee, behind me, Sat" an; then art a stumbling=block tan- to met for 'thou mindest not the things 'of Goll, ''.hut the ;things 'of 1NOTES RADIO A N D N 'E W S • By N ADGE "ON PARADE" tris .Majesty's Canadian" Wenn- tiler Guards'. hated i, winning an ' even gyro 101' radio tollowing sin0'r its new .protrsul, "On Parade"; be- gan nvrr tht• Canadian iu'two.i-k on Thursday c,Veninis at '8:30 ,. pan„ EST "Ou 1'ai•atl( "' is' something quite novel : inhr' .D.uninion radio set -lip. It' is•ptiiinuirily' a combine-` ' tier. '0 military I'1r11,ii('. and 'minder ° s01•rgs,• 111 tune with the 1Imes it also etnhod,ies a giiizz feature, A listener. clrpsen. by lot from among narncs,sent •Ire weekly froth all over the country, is asked •by lung dist• - arhCe tclephon'e to, solve the Myst- ery Tune of the' Veck. If he gue•ss- es correctly he gets a vaitable, .prize. Lhange in Programs - Biggest1 news concerning Ameri- can progratits is still the radical Change ih cbnnectiou with the , Chase and Sanborn Hour and • ,"One Man's Family ' Starting on ' January 7tii, /the Bergen -McCarthy • show°goes on a. half-hour schedule from 8:00,0' 8:30 p.m.,. EST., the other half a the former hour tieing taken up. by "One Man's 'Faan.ily." Oih and after January 1tth,.•"Miss: .• Trent's Children" will. rep1ae'a the Amerlcan progh'am,- "One mily," 8100 to 8:30 p,rr. . HEARD 'January 5th,• 10:00 p.m., NBC, the light -heavyweight boxing bo t_. h- tween Mello Bettina: at ,Fred Ap- ostryli from Madison Square Gard en .... January Ot•lt, 1:55 p.m., NBC and (if3I:, Metropolitan Opera: Lily Pons in "I.alaue". , , , 10:00 "p.m., NBC Sytnpliony conducted by •cern irditio ittotinart r . I tn. 7; 3 CBS 'incl CI'RB, N 5-:. Phil- o'w"-rr% gra.-. .. 1 gt',l m Crrtf'r11tt, ;t(T Ily- 'Igor 5 i ( Iftp ARCHER 5:30 t'w,. tilt(' and CHL. Jltt. ropolitan Auditions of .tile Air . 3:Qil,'p,nl.. N73('. `rind.• CBE,. Chase --and'•Sanborn flour 8:30 p,fn,. NBC and CfiL; (ln,', 4t;iu'..< Fams'y • ▪ 0:'00 1r•nl..,. C i .. pends}' c ren. ing I-Totu' , .•. Jairua ry- 810, at S:0t p,tn., • NB(' 'and , C'111., Quaker Var- i,ty Show . , S:60 ,i.n1.; NRC. and' CBG, Volce of P'frestpne with Rich.. ' ord Crooks : . January 9, at .9:45 NBC arta CB(', ['rime i'lini'•. ter Nevilie Chamberlain speaking on "The War, Its Progress .and Fa- . ttrre" . , : 8:30 p.n'r.. NIJC awl CBI.. Information Please . CBI:, Torontci Sympluhny- Orchestra , con.durted by Sir rl'tie:gt'l:IaC1ii11a11 ▪ . January. 10, 0:30 'p.m., CBs., Peh'cy:Faith's 1121;sic.•. , . January 11, 8:00 p.n , CRL, • Miss Trent's Childs ren . 5:30 p.m, -CBL, ,`"On Par- ade" with His Majesty's Canadian Grenadier Guards' Band .. . 10:00, p:m,,CB1,,i,1 tag Crosby. . .ripen, 'Peter was here, a trap' set to.eatch,Jesus..Chi:ist now informs 'the "disciples, that they too, if they are 'to • be follov .cc's of his, must ' live :a life et•self-denial, 'and prob- .ably •a, life 'marked by suffering.. , 24.'Then. said. Jesus unto his d'is•-. ci.les 1 any 'ma w ul, .come • '''..after me, -I.et hini deny liini'self, and take UP his cross, and fol- low me.' "• FARM... COLUMN PRODUCE FINE 'BACON The national hog policy or tiie 1)orhinion Department of \Agricul- :tul,•e which has beech in.. operation for several.,years is now of 3artic- Oar, value. dei assisting. Canadian. • farmers • ,in obtainiyg •'t.•:fcgn+type f'ounrlationn stock, the i)epartrnent• 'offers tile: services of 'ftA officials - thr••otigilout"tlie..eountuy at specified ,points in the'selection and shipping of gilts' ofa'ooti bacon type, 'either to individual or ,group shipments, During the, past few years the.' improvement, effected • in.: mai:ket • hogs in '.,districts...'xynei::vrng drip- • I,nents•' pf'bacon type gilts with as sistauce under .the .BrOo 1 Sew Pol-' • icy, of the Department,, has been impressive, and indicates that good female .stock of the right type is the 'foundation upon which to.build a permanent. bacon hog industry. '.The 114 of .gond sires which usual- ly accompanies 'the ownership• of supply of snit - .. hc,gs yielding.r< rc•asses'snitable,for • hath t d•r-mrlfd, MUST, WORK TOGr.Th{ER •�.,,., 1'7ilIC' tiie rd P!•.d 'rni• 01 7: 1I I'?•ariolt ;tu(i• sgeti(I14g a lot moa;F,•tinl.e toddy' ' . itt thinking (of' ways, Co ,market pro= duce, F.'•S. 1tiliilbut'n, Peterhorp,' • se,cr'etai•,y• of bite ..13airy 'Farmers A.soii•at on in a rercent add' ess•to. , 'Prince Edward 'C'ourity ;11111;-Phodu- 0(•rs' .4ssoeiati'on•:asked: IC'hnt: - 'ftiitit 18 it that .corhd•itions. for the far,ne'r are so bad,,? :1s .it the Gov et •melt' s, •oi' the .nlauufactul'ei•'o.% •'' our. fault — Von•t''4 and min`, and' it 15 otii',inb to i'i011 ..Out,. what: to 'do about it,". •• • • • • ."We < need' legislation to level production 'out," he said, "tint -w'e • can't get it until we get down tor'. work, and organize; talk, thine and - woilc at our plan till we:can .speak., with 'One 'Voice and the people will 'leow what we. want. anti Will sup - `port it. r• ,• Blackouts Takes -' Increased Toll. The, blackout continues to .exact a death toll on Britain's roads. The Ministry ol?' Tranort ,has an zrounced that hig1)4y fatalities' in , r to 1 l�ov�mbe �1. +� 1126, 'art fu►, . e ' of . ,over . e Crca$. .51. : 8 �y„v Pabotq 1938. Of the'saceidents .• lion*, ible ?Par these deaths, 674 oelet*, red during the iiatekout. 1TwIS CURIOUS WORLD -70:::14) As Nazi Sailors, Abandoned' Scuttled Liner "Columbus" • In this 'dramatic. piicture, sailors .of . the 'German . luiut y' liner Columbus are .shown going' over the •side Of the blazing liner into wait: ing lifeboats after. her captain ordered -her scuttled rather- than let f'he. craft fall into the hands of-•. fRoyal Pavy., POP S„A . Cure for Sleep -Walking ® 1a WITH LO/VG LEGS HAVE, LONG NECKS', 8u -r ,NOi ALL. 40/VO NECkE4 8! S. HAVE L. ®/VG LEGS. ABOUT 3504000 i SQUARE /y\ILES+ .OF 'PHE -Ci N.ITC„G STAMS ARE •' JIyDEf21AIN �!. MOP..E VFJNS' OF= WORKABLE COA(sg: Ti•{,i=• fVAM� "DINQSAVI'' I MEANS' rglevegE t/?A.R-4, An1Cq EACH DINOSAUR. •HAS A NAME '(USUALLY 1AT4N'1 WHICR IS .. DESCRIOTIVE t F THAT'. PARTIC.Ut,�:R., GRI=A.TUI� 1 .CORK •83'•H'^'t SEF?'SCC, trot b -'.lb' TRICTOPS THREE•f,'Q?NED FACE ” `;' ', is tit:?° c.(sc ":h4.1•11r•3nirn:,is of today, the prehistoric anirtaals• bear sc•ictitifcnames••that are descriptive:of. themselves. The name ,of' the gigantic, :lumbering ,Brontosaurus means ' "Thunder Lizard.". The 'carrlivorous.Ty'rai}nosaurus is' translated as "Tyrant L,izard,". while the' 'creature knoWn" as 'Mon'oclonius, or: "Single,' had, as its narne suggests,• a single spite en ' its ,:head. '. ,,• • `OAT:- Are there an'y' icebergs in the n.or'tberrn Pacific ocean? • •■ 6 . WRITER HORIZONTAL ' - 1 Pictured composer' of 'Swanee River„': 12 Billiard, rd. 13•To liberate: - 14.Point, 16 To jurrip. 18-Encottnters. 19 Trarnp, 20 Sound reasoning. 21 Mortise tooth. 23 Spanish. 25 To seesaw. 27Musical note. 28 South Africa. 29 Measure. '3.0 One who gapes, 32 Neuter: • pronoun ' , • 33 Ability'. 34 Court. • • 35. Valuable, property. 37 Some. 38 Tb' abound.. _40 Crude. AAiswer t0 Previous Pdzxle CI IMMO' UM • o s Roles© Row MMI 11 s':E.AT MAPUfi =L!1© C7 as GAP Mil fel ®mom acs .�CRi DA :CV�•t1 ID.A1 121lAILW ® T o I K 4®C41111©N soil r s Y: icwir.chi ©L � N o PSINNWSIMEI ©ORR:SP • C�(1! ,:F (rl�N TIR'E,�L 43'Frosty. 4b Sina11 depressions: • ' 48 To accomplish, 49 Soap . stibstitute. '• 51 Nay, 52 Kimono sash.' 54 Chaplets. ' 56 Beverage. 58 This — mu- sician played at 2 years. 59 His songs were a huge —: 12 I6 3.4-15 13 VERTICAL 1 To court.. .2 Wild . duck. • 3 Pair. . 4 Half ('prefix). 5 Chooses by ballot. • 6 Born: ' 7 To grow • plump. • 8 People of Caucasus. . 9'Southeast. • 10 Stili' collar, 11 Chest bone, . 7'fa' 12, His tunes are • • folk'. songs:. 15' He diied ' hi t 17 Italian' river. ' 19,Hour,'1y. 22 biul'lified: ' 24 To jabber: 26 Snaky ,fish: 27 Sttbstance to: 'cairtile milk - 31 Tiny, vegetable 33 Golf device.`- '• 35 Beast' •' 36 Fashion's. .•, ' "39 Males: 40 Plant group. .41 Entrance. 42'.Therefore. 44 Fish. 46 Short letter: 47 Oceans, 49 Data. 50 Mooley apple. 53 The soul, 54 Measure of area. • ' '55 South ' "-Carolina. 57 Electrical term 10 11 22 23 2: 32 4 24 26' 2 3 3•. 90 Ey J. MILLAR WATT 1. 11-1GAR '• YCIU WALK IN CoLc JGL !-• • , 0 • riffs �.YUu''YBP7 • tit •