The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-09-19, Page 5THVPSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1940.. THE LUCKN• W SrNTINEL kr PAGE PIVf DUNGiANNON W I NGHAM h e On show each night t e w c �e R, Saturday. — Saturday night two shows at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m. ,Thursday,' Friday, Saturday, Sept.19 20 21' WALLACE BEERY �• • IDOBOLES" Di:l °RIO- he ' Man f ai n•-pakota�` A Civil War melodrama starr- ing Wallace Beery and his Plus-, . tering variety of comedy,. Also . "Andy Clyde" "Cartoon" "News" Matinee. Sat. afternoon '2;30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday • Sept Prr• .. RANDOLPH SCOTT ' FRANCES DEE ' . ,RALPH .BELLAMY \\ \ , 'A \111. Coast Guard An action -packed and stirring'{ drama ai oitt't"he :United Slit -ea Coast Guard. Also .. "Three Stooges "Novelty"- ' • "Cartoon" • PARAMOUNT "''We are sorry to record the death, of Mr. Isaac. Ensign who. was a' highly respected resident of the community and •we. extend sympathy to .his be- reaved 'widow, also Mr. John' ' Wing- field ing- field..and, other relatives. Mr, James Murray had the.:mis- fortune to lose his.• barn by fire on Monday morning while Mr. Mike Ho= gan's threshing machine was thresh- ing Mr.. Arthur Cook',s crop which was' stored• in Murray's barn. Fortun- ately no one was' injured although everything was a complete loss. • The loss on crop, barn and machine was partially covered by insurance. Miss May Cook, R. N. from Lon- don, is 'visiting at her home here. . Mr. John •Martin and Mr. , Allan Stuart from Eganville,spent fast week at the home of Mr. W. R. Martin. • Mr. and'Mrs. Wilton Bell and Mrs. L. Thorburn • from Kincardine . were recent visitors with Miss Margaret Murray. • Mr. .Fred Martin, Mr. G. L. Martin and Miss ,Ethel Maftin are assisting with the judging at various fairs. in. the province this -,week. Mr. Raymond Richards has gone to Galt to.take a course in the. Aircraft Training school. We'°wish him success in his.new work, ' DONNYBROOK.' The. W. M. S. {net on Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Jas. Jones with Miss Jean. Robinson pre• siding over the following programme: singing of the National Anthem; re • pealing the Lord's Prayer in unison; Bible readings, Mrs. Jefferson, Sr , ,.Mrs. 3. C. Robinson and Mrs, H. Jefferson; prayer by Mrs. Cunning- ham; solo, "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calm ," Mrs. Taylor; Study book, Mrs. Naylor; Readings, Mrs. Albert Campbell, Miss Pearl. Jones and Mrs. Bert Taylor. The meeting was closed by all repeating ' the Mizpah bene- diction. Attendance 12.• The Women's Institute met at the, home of Miss Mary A. 13rophey, The program we's in charge of Mrs. Jas. Craig, convener. of the Committee on. Legislation. ST. • HELENS Mr. and Mrs. Walter Haines of Matacheivan, Mrs. Edwafd Haines of Wingham and Mr. and' Mrs, Wm. 'Coates of Exeter were'' recent guests of Mr. William and Miss Beatrice Mc- Quillin. Miss Jean Thorn of Toronto is a visitor at her home here. Mr. Wilson Woods of.. Guelph was a recent visitor•and,op his return was accompanied by Mrs. It J. _Woods, Mrs. Tyson and Jackie. Miss Windle Barnard has ,returned' from a visit with friends .et Kirkland Lake. .. , The regular meeting of the Y. P..t'., was held on Sunday evening with the missionary convener; Isobel Miller in charge.Dorothy Miller read the scrip- ture, lesson and stories of the Indians of Nelson House were. read by.,Dor- othy Webb, Mae. McDonald. Helen McDonald. Vera Tailor, Isobel Miller and Dick Weatlherh a Miss ult`h R ge'lha \' et `ne oto Toronto. ,' nd wee.- unsay visitors W it sister in-law Mrs B. J. Crawford. Miss Eileen Ditrnin'is visiting with her niece Mrs. Joe Lawson at Belfast.' Mrs.. Warner Andrews ••and infant daughter from Goderich Hospital has been visiting her sister in-law Mrs. Benson Mole for a few days. Mr. and 'Mr's. H. -J. "L.' Eedy' ani family 'on .Sunday visited' Mr. arid 'Mrs, W. F. Nickel,. Stratford. . Miss Flora Durnin pis this week. at- tending .Stratford Fa.lt Fair and.while there rs one of 'the judges. . ' �.M °anil ni Cttrnxu .ga�•era • dau^ghtei• from t, Rochester visited Mr. W riq.• IVIol en enday.. . Miss Wrnnifr•ed.Swan, Riple.ys visa,- ed lre4. sister, .Mrs Harve'y Mole over the week=end. • . Visitors. with' Mr. and 'Mrs.• David S. Erringtonaon Sunday were Mr.. and 1VI4s. • Whit Stewart, . •Wir,gham,. ,arid .Mr. ar'i Mrs:''Roy Black • acrd Wilfred &OM Lueknow, . • Miss G. MacDonald,,'I,,ucknow is vis- iting her sister. Mrs. Everett: Harris. • Mr;. and; Mrs: Sam '.Swain and Reta llelmore,• visited Mrs: Harvey Mole• or, Sunday. ,, Mrs: B. J. Crawford received word that her cousin, Mr: Gene Miles, De-' troit passed away last. Thursday quite suddenly. He has' visited ,here. on dif- ferent occasions and will be remem- bered by.: many:... interment took place. In the faniily plot. Port Huron. Misses Alma: Anderson and. •Made line Caesar left last Monday to begin their year at Stratford Normal sehool. Miss Frances : Dalton, Kingsbridge,' was a Sunday visitor at the home of R Remember 'the Red 'Cross, when 'the, national campaign begins September 2,?rd:' Your eolntributions with others v ill help so: much. Give cheerfully and. pray for the good _it may do. . M r. and Mrs. H.A:, McCauley, of '•�lesheatan ,visited Mr . 'and .Mrs. on- •aald Fowler on :Sunday. and �1l11�r, and' Mrs. Wm.' Henry, Flesherton, ited Mr: and Mrs. George Irwin . on, Sunday. g.., . We are sorry to hear that Mrs; Wm Thomason has been quite 'sick again: She was visited . on' Sunday by her children, Mrs. Kitson and son .Frank- lin. London: At time' of writing she 1, was' 'quite a lot 'improved. ;Mr. and Mrs. Ed` Seruton and Mar ion cvisited over the' week -end with her parents Mr'. and ..Mrs. T. Drennan, Goderich, . Miss Annetta Stewart,, daughter of, Mr.. and Mrs.; Win.• Stewart has cont-' pleted her High. School studies at.the. Goderich. Collegiate Institute. She has been 46 -Yarded the Strang'scholarship which entitles' her to four years ati un'ver•sity with free tutrtion. Annetta; who has 'proved herself. exceptionally clever, having other years 'won prizes and is yet. but sixteen years of age, is leaving, at the end ; ;of the week. to begin. a University 'course -at Tor- onto..We congratulate Annetta on her high success and wish her` good luck, With her .new undertakings. ' 1Vii's. Isaac Hetherington,, Goderich i•s the' special speaker at the Wgrnen's Association meeting on 'Friday after - neon in the United Church. The Nile' Church •and-. sister.' church• workers are also invited for the special after- noon program. • Mrs.:Tas. Cook, Toironto, was a vis- itor her friend Mrs.' M. J. Reed last week: . ' What has the city got on Dungan - 4, non anyway for traffic, noise, strang, erg, rush to eating houses. Night and day the burg is alive. Pf you were used to the rumble 'of ' a street.. car at in- tervals, through the night, you may now hear a heavy gravel truck. If you come from the city and seeking a quiet 'Place to rest; better go some where else. If you do z ome, you can't say the. Place is dead, nor anyone in tt' far : a'' long "time—uiideitaker • left town! "Truck And. Train Collide • '• Last Friday afternoon Mr. ' Wm. VieClur•e of the village and Mr. Wm. Watson, Carlow, were driving across the train tracks at .McGaw and trot :eeine the conning -in train were bit. Mr. McClure's truck was badly dam - 'wed 'hnt'not beyond repair. The men nrinactilovsly. escaped death but can hardly: remember just what happened, These th'ngs happen so quickly. Mc - ('lure scrambled out unhurt but Wat-• son was.'taken to Goderich Hospital with minor .cuts and bruises about thr head.. We learn he is recovering nicely though. - f-adly Stang BY Bee One -will say "Well, what's going to happen• next'?" and this is what seemed to happen to another business. man. on .the same side. of the street. Mr., Tommy Rivett on Tuesday' with his truck and Mr., Wilbur' 'Johnston, were assisting Mr. George Harris down at Cransford to 'move bees. And one did. net just see it in, that way sad took revenge by stinging Tommy. A few minute's later, he arid compan- ion Wilbur were driving home. Be asked Wilbur to drive as he felt sick end queer. On reaching- the village, three miles and home, he was stricken unconscious as .he was about to get out, Medical aid was summoned and a .special serum, such as. given for nakebite and 'etc. Was' administered. iie rallied around in about an hour, feeling 0. E. and no bad after-effects, hut was advised by his medical at- tendant to keep clear et bees. If one :ting caused such damage, what might more do? Mr. Rivett met almost ,a similar affair a few year's ago, lie now believes if there's anything sweet about bees, let therm 'show it in their dispositft n. ,andla'dy: "You'll have to pay your bill or•"'leave." • • Lodger:. "Thanks 'awfully. My .las landlady made me do both." Card of • Thanks • Mr. Janes and Miss Margaret Mur ray ;wish to thanks the neighbors Who rendered help and the kindness show 1,1� �1' ti,he�`�ti'rri� lamer Mori*. t n .LANGSIDE nosh spent a few days last week with. her son Vtor and Mrs. Emerson. Mr. Jim Scott of Carling Heights spent Friday' at his home- here' and Mr; George' Wraith and his friend Mr. `Harold Brooks :of the air train-` ing school near , St. Thomas; spent the week -end pith friends here.. •. Mr. and Mrs: Russel Ritchie : and Mr:; ,:John Smith' of 8th ' Con., spent Sunday with. Mr, and Mrs.„R Tiffin: Mrs. Wnr:-Conn sp:ent--•last •week with ; Mr, and Mrs. Harold 'J01141401 of Lueknow•and Mr. Corin also spent the week -end there. ' The, girls' •'Garden and, Canning Club. field tbeir:'final. ,meeting” at the home of Miss Ardyse. Brown: and made. at rxngernents for their acbieve.fnent day, to be held this 'Saturday after- •roon, • September 21st in •the Institute Hall, •Whitechurch. • . Mrs: ;John •Richardson is spending a few weeks with her sister Mrs. Chas. Hunter near, Galt. . Mr.' and Mrs.. Cecil Attridge and Barry of Goderich .and Miss Ella Att- ridge of Waterdown• spent.,Sunday _evening: with.. Mr.' and Mrs..:V,',Em- erson. Mr. and ' Mrs; %Torn Morrison ,and Marilyn of Whitechurch were in this vicinity calling on friends on Sunday it being 'his •last ,leave before . going v. Mrs. John McIntyre : and family spent Sunday with Mr. ,and . Mrs. Geo, Tiffin: Mr. Bert Caskinette of Kitchener spent -Sunday with friends • here and Mrs. Russell Moore returned with, him •to Kitchener 'to visit with "her sister Mrs. Caskinette and with her parents Mr:' and Mrs. T. Hoekley. Messrs. John . Crowston and John McIntyre are employed as framers at the. Port Alberti airport Mrs. Thomas . Hill, spent Tuesday last with Mrs. Harold Currie. • Miss • Velma:. Stewart;. of Turnberry spent the Week -end at her home here. Mr.' and • Mrs. George • Harkness spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hardy of Salem.' • Miss Reba Marshall spent. Wednes day last.'with her , cousin Miss. Ina Harkness of Culross. 'Mr. Tom . Cooke spent' Sunday in this vicinity calling.4on .his :many friends. The Whites urch'Wonnen's Institute' held their September meeting on Tuesday „ afternoon in the .Institute• Hall . with' Mrs. Lance Grain presid- ing. The grandmothers 'and visitors were 'welcomed by the 'president . on behalf. of the society. The ladies who had the. greatest number, of invited. guests present were Mrs.- J. Burch- ill with. 17 winning first prize, a .bath towel; Mrs. Cecil. Falconer 'with 14 won second prize,. a cookie jar. Lead- ers for the .project, Foods • for fruit and • flavour, were Mrs. • A. Walters and Mrs. V: Emerson. A contest for the October meeting is—A• working man's'supper, to consist of .S articles. Community sifiging'of songs was en= joyed, .Little Brown Church. The mot- to, "make new friends but keep the Old, the first are silver, the latter. gold",; was given by Mrs.. Torn Moore, A • dialogue was then; `given by two, grandmothers, Mr§. W. Lott and Mrs. Mac Ross, in old time costumes and they sang Long, • Long Ago. Misses Carter and Phippen of Wingham sang a duet, "How can I• be lonely" and "My Beautiful Home": The topic-- , When . grandpa wed grandma, was given by Mrs. V'. Lott. Mrs. W. IC Farrier -'gave aninstrumental; also Mrs. Ezra Sholtz. Mrs. Pocock sang a solo --Down by the old mill stream. Readings,were given by Mrs. L. Grain "Buying a Bonnett" and 'Mrs. V. Em- erson /Grandmother's parlor" and ",Grandma resents modern ways", The president of the Red Cross, Mrs. Rev. J. Pollock then spoke'of'a few business matters of the Red Cross. Sewing was given • out. Lunch +iris served to an attendance 'of 120. ' The Langside Presbyterian W. M. S. held their Thankoffering meeting at the home of Mrs. John ichardson on Thursday afternoon with the presi- dent, Mrs. Neil MacDonald presid- ing. The scripture reading was -given by Mrs. William Simpson 'and the meditation by Mrs. Johnson Conn. Mrs. J. Richardson and' Mrs. John McInnes :led in prayer. A paper "We can still lgive thinks"• was • given by Mrs. Neil MacDonald. 11Irs..McWliin ney of.Dungannon then gave an ad- dress stressing the: fact •'We should give to the. church more than ever. Our soldiers, our• sons give their'"lives for the church. Do we live up •to this'? `Everyone• has a mission. Eabh neem` ber should be loyal and true, and leave the results to Christ. Readings 'were given by Mrs P.., Moffat arid Mrs. 'W. "Purnell. 'iheiios$ess served 'mice to an attendance of 2S with a••thank- offerrrig collection of $5.31. ' . The Young Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian ' chueeli held their nneeting ' at., the home 'of Miss Catherine Mowbray on Friday 1 v +l �n ,\' ttl' s 1�, sill `t. Ors. oht5 11 it4 \;pine iditlt.' the a OLIVET The ladies of Olivet 'held their reg- ular monthly W..M. S. meeting at the home of Mrs. C. N. McKenzie, Ripley, on: Thursday; -Sept. 12th,' with about 22 mem5bers and visitors, pres- ent. The . president, Mrs. W. J. 'R'oul stony 'presided; :Our opening hymn, "Jesus Keep Me Near The Cross", was sung after' which 'all"repeated theord's Prayer. ,During the busi- cress periost, M•r. A. McTavish, °.i!Q,z',s.:• W, Walden 1iIrs. 'i . ° Steele and -lea':• W J,. Roulston •kindly • offered; to look after"„Sunday flowers. 'Mrs., A Me Tavish read the Ser.ipture, reading._ Mrs Jos. Black very ably togk charge of .our".Devotional period,, haying as her theme "The Way of cOni .Fat'her's Will', and giving very clearly three sketches of.ministers'. sermons. Our Study' Book was very interesting -deal- ing with "Untouchables"• • was*: -taken by; Mrs. W. S. McGuire. '"Nearer To. Jesus" was a duet sang' by Mrs. W. Steele' and Minnie.Our:closing hymn was "Work for the Night. is Comng' after which ;all sang the' National' Anthem and. Mrs: C. ` N. McKenzie led in °prayer. -At -the—elose--•of 4he meeting a very dainty lunch Was Ser- ved by Mrs. McKenzie and her friends and Mrs. A. McTavish -moved a hearty vote of thanks to Mrs. McKenzie for inviting the :W.. M. S. ladies to her home. Our September Meeting was in charge of Mrs: W. S. McGuire as con-. vener. and, her helpers, Mrs. D'. ,.Stew; art, Mrs. W..J. Roulston, Mrs. C. N. McKenzie, Mrs. II. McGuire and Mrs. J. Black who kindly 'exchanged 'meet- ings .with 1 ,s' G. Brooks tis. convener Who was unable .. to take'charge ' of this meeting and will be in charge' of the October meeting. Friends and'neighbors extend.their sympathy to Mrs. Isaac •;Ensign acid john Windfield in their. sad bereave- ment, and to' other friends and .rel•• atives. •. We were sorry to learn of'the, fire of Mr. ;James: Murry's barn,,on Mon- day. Talking Hockey At. Winghare • • There's hockey talk in the air at Wingham, and prospects are that the - Indians` will ice a strong 'club, New=• comers are • Pete Fromanger, ` Len Nichols and. Vic Bishop, all three having' performed for Owen .Sound last year. Then there's "Cy"• Proctor, Ted English, ' Tea 'Eiliott, Jack Bate- son, John Cruichshank, L. 'Zulauf, ; H: Brown, W. 'Baker and.Bert Mitchell, Jack Guard will probably be avail- able fis well, .so all in' all, Wingham shouldn't have any ;'trouble icing a team this 'coming season. This . is the first hockey • chatter we've 'heard in the, 'district to ' date, but with ':September rolling away, it's time the sport 'was receiving some' consideration. - SLCOND CONCESSION Miss Mary Carter left this week for Stratford where she will attend Normal this year. 'Mr."' yVm.` Stimson; Sr.; was'a l e ne from Windsor last week -end. Mr, and Mrs. Allan Binder (,nee Ruth England) were up from Preston for a couple of . days last week. Mrs. Benson ' Brown, Shirley and Mr. till' Brown . visited Sunday with W.. G. Reed. Miss Ruth Boerner of Walkerton spent a fee days with Mrs, Wm, Stimson recently. e ' • Mr..Jini ^McNeil was. home over the week -end. - As usual 'our school is taxed to overflowing, there being about forty scholars this terra. The 'beginners this Year are Jean and Joyce Smith, Shir- ley England and Kathleen Graham. • • CULR'OSS CORNERS ft spent a week recently' with;thei daughter Mrs. Wraith. Mr. and Mrs. Art 'Ilod'gins visited Mr. and Mrs. ' Dune. Thompson on Sunday evening recently. • . Mr. and Mrs: Thomas 'Einer, of Cuyahoga Falls. Ohio, have returned home 'having' spent a few. days ,with Mr. and Mrs..' Earle Hodgins. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster visa, iced Mr, and Mrs. Frank Thompson onSun'daay. Mr, and `WA. Wm Davidson and. family of Teeswatea visited W. . and Mrs, Earle."Hodgins Sunday: ', ' . '. Mrs. Dave ;Kirkland is spending a•, Week, with her.: sister :Mrs..'Williann Thoinpson. Mrs: Waiter Hodgins has returned home after a few' days visitvith her daughter Mrs: Earle Culbert. FORMER ' WAWANOSH PIONEER NEARS 80 MARK. IN ,WEST. John= .Phillips, a former pioneer. of West Wawanosh, .brit now of Yellow Grass, Sask., on Tuesday last cele; brated his 79th birthday.and is en • loymg good -health Be • retired" from 'his farm only last year and is .living: retired'. in Yellow Grass. He is still. very active despite his•` advanced years. • years ago and experienced ,many hard- ships , of pioneer 'days. .He` and his wife, formerly„ Margaret Tumuth, lived, at • Old Fordyce. While there they conducted! a general store, post office and. blacksmith shop. No build., lags jraeil en -'t •naw.. ..• Mr. Phillips, through the years has become 'a large land owner in : the or not . e was coming ..., EOI%JG DISTANCE: Yellow Grass'section and has two sons; both . farmers, George, and Ar'-, thur, :in• the` Peace :River district. . Other 'members of the family. are: Harry, , serving: in the array at Shilo,. Man.; (Elizabeth) Mrs. Nelson Scott,. of . Wellow Grass; ;Jack and Ray of" Yellow • Grass;, Peggy of Vancouver;. (Ruth) Mrs. Rood, of California, and Leslie; now serving with the'R.C.A.F. at. St.. Thomas, Ontario. . One: son,' Jim, ''passed , away some years • ago. .. just to show he hadn't forgotten us." And ..so goes. _. Lon _:Distaneeje -the ....._. g• � single man's answer tO many a problem—and the married man's shortest' road home.,Always ' at our service wherever' you may be. ' KINLOUGH • Mr. and Mrs. A. Nethery and 'Mrs, Hodgkinson of ' Belgrave called ori friends here on `Sunday. • ' The, W. A. ;entertained members from Walkerton W. A., Bervie . W, A. Four of this family( Harry, Elizabeth, and Kinlough W. M. S. The meeting' George and Peggy, . were all born in opened with hymn 51,7 and prayer. Ontario: Mr. Phillips has one brother. Mrd. W. J. MacLean read ;the scrip - living, E. Phillips of Auburn, and' ture, Hymn 3X8 ,was sung.. After' the. four sisters, 1VIrs. James Stein, 'of business part of the meeting'the ,fol- YeIlew Grassi Mrs. Andrew Fox, • lowing program followed'{ . Reading, Wh%techurch•; Mrs: William Humplf- Mrs. Otto Hewitt, Bervie; solo, Mrs.• rey, St. Helens; Mrs. Alfred T€hbutt • Mac, Walkerton; reading,•Mrs. Art of Goderich. . Graham, Kinlough; Mrs. Wm. Walsh, scripture reading was given 'by Miss Mary Caution and the meditation by Miss Grace Ricliar'dsoii. The topie— The women of the World, was given by Mrs, Wallace. Conn. Mrs. J. Conn, gave 'a reading, "The star .spangled Pants". -Miss {Merle ' Wilson led in prayer. The hostess served lunch The Whitechurch Red, Cross for the first six 'months of their work by the. campaign "received $189.50; tea and dance $40.05;. total receipts $229.55. This Was used as follows for sold1 ier supplies: -65 pairs socks, 7 sweat; ers, 9 scarves 7 pair wristlets, 1 -knee cap, Hospital supplies, 36 pillow cas- es, 17 sheets, 12 suits pajamas, 34` hot water bottle' . cover's, 27 iee bag covers. Refugee supplies: 2 quilts, 4 flannelette blankets, 17 woollen blankets, 2 suits children underwear, it*e is to . --nr rcl` ` -tn= this' area again 'during the week of Septeniber 23rd when the campaign is 'being carried on again as a year ago. On „Monday evening the White- church commu" its res nted Mr. `Toni w f pth prial wI'te wa ;\' o. I'a_ � n v i nie1�''1� a til �' � �. '. 41 Bervie;' duet;' Miss•Nellie ; Malcolm and Mrs: John Emerson;. reading, Mrs, . James, Walkerton. ,Mrs. 'Kiev. Young ' was the guest . speaker: Solo, Edna Jackson. Rev. McRitchie of. , Walkerton - brought greetings from Walkerton. The meeting closed with hymn •409 and God Save the King and :the • litany :by the ..Rev. H. B. Hamilton.. ° Lunch was served in the basement and a'.social' hour enjoyed. Services in the Anglican 'Church ' , will be held at 3 o'clock on Sunday. • next. and "for, the Sundays following instead of •9:30. • CHALLENGE TO 'CANADIANS THE MOST WE CAN. GIVE i WILL NEVER EQUAL, ...mergenc Call for •$5.000 000 OUR r.nw civ at i. , ..• fires'' 'fanily, friends, Careers. They held. nothing back. Unasked, but�irred'within by the urge of manhood and pride of race, they goi forth bravely to face hardship,loneliness and danger, to risk life itself, in a great cause: It is your cause, for which they fight. You are not asked to give your own life --but you can help to save one. The Red "Cross, of glorious tradition, unchallenged in purpose, needs Your help se that it: can answer tanks with ambulances, bombs with beds, horrors with hospitals, cruelty with Mercy. Those of us at home will not he, less loyal, less generous than our fighting "nen. We can remind their daily of our gratitude and our devotion, •thrd'ugh the Red Cross. . ADIAN