The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-09-12, Page 1/2.00 A YEAR -IN ADVANCE -50c EXTRA TO U. S. A. • • , t• y;' • :°.v.• r: - • •h' 444 MASS 'OF' BLOOM AT FLOWER;S.HOW: Pne hundre ` and fifty-four floral :exhibits, att><•aetively .arranged made a colorful display- in : the' ;auditor:Min of the :.Town Hall ..last Friday arid ,Saturday 'evenings: • • The occasion wasthe annual flower show ,of the Lucknow Horticultural' Society; and which this 'yearattracted more, exhibitors and more"` entries than any, 'previous show A • departure from, the usual custom was -that of i.. • fights with .the show being well at=' tended both evenings. On Saturday , evening ' a 'program of readings, vocal and instrumental numbers • Was presented' including • ,a piano solo, by Norman Taylor; • read - ins by' . Mrs. •Young; 'violin' •selection, Dr. James Little;. solo,, Mrs. Harold Treleaven; ,reading, Miss Mary thac•- Leod and solos by • Robert Macpon ald of 'Holyrood. Accompanists were Mrs. G: A:• Newton and • Miss Wi'nni- • fred' Ackert. e • ' At the conclusion -of, , the show orb Saturday, evening numerous. bouquets were,,sold,, with. -proceeds contributed to the '.Red Cross . fund. • The following' is 'the list' of. first "6 PRODUCE . BUSINESS ‘ • CHANGES HANDS LOCALLY Alvin•• Hamilton, son" of Mr. - , and Mrs... W7 R:; . H'anlilton,` Second—+'Con-. ccs§iozi, took over. the Gibbers, Pro- duce •Business in Lucknow last:; .Fri- day, Heis being ssisted fit "present Y by Greg Leith, •who" Was assbeiatea' with,. the establishment of. this 'bush need:` under the •:parttlersliip, :of Leith and: Gibbons. Upon,; disposing• of the business.'to 'Mr. Hamilton, 'Bob Gibbons left the latter , part, of the''week 'for Meaford,, DEATH OCCURRED YESTERDAY The death occurred ,on Wednesday, of Isaac Ensign at his home in Huron Township, where the funeral service Will be held on Friday at -two o'clock with interment in Lochalsh •Cemet- ery. DOUG CLARKE; JOINS' R.C.M.P: • Doug Clarke, son . of. Mr. and Mrs. Temple, Clarke of Lucknow, has join- ed the Royal• Canadian Mounted Pol` ice and ,left last.Thursday for °t- end second prize winners" in the NAT.: tawa for 'traz'ning„ockrfrf n. ious classes: • j ' Doug, a .graduate of Stratf'ord''Nor , , Sweet 'peas—S.• C. Rathwell, Hai- 'foal••.School, has taught at • Powassan, old Thompaon. near ,No. 'Bay,' los' the';past three. :Asters,. red=A. W. Hamilton, Geo: years, ' wh.ere , he' played hockey •with '1.1. Smith,; pink --Mrs: A. Solomon, A.. the ''P'owassan ' Hawks, a.. team " that W, Ilainilton; white—Geo, 11. 'Smith, during...that time. has been a conten- Mrs. A:•.Solon>ion; '''purple—Geo. H. der 'for Intermediate'•`B," honors each ' Smith; •A. W..Hainilton; 10 blooms;'- winter. mixed—Geo. H. 'Smith; A. W. • Hamil-' ton.. •'•.. • - Phlox annual' •collection—Mrs. A. Solomon. ' , Salpiglossis=Mrs. T. J. Salkeld Mrs. A. Solomon: Verbenas -Mrs. T. J. Salkeld; Mrs. R: ,Fisher.:''I Dahlias, cactus-$. C. Rathwell; de- corative—S. C. Rathwell,, Mrs. Robt. Fisher; show—Mrs.. R. Fisher, S. Cq ".Rathwell; collection—Mrs. R. Fisher, S. C. Rathwell . . : ' , Gladioli, 3 spikes, 3 ,varieties—Geo. 11. Smith, .Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie; 6 spikes, 3 varieties—Geo. IL Smith, S. C. Rathwell; best . • spike—Hai;old 'l'hoinpson, : 8. C. Rathwell; 2' spikes, pink—Harold Thompson, .Mrs. T. J. Salkeld; ,two spikes, smoky—Harold Thompson, J. H. Pickering; 2 spikes, red or purple—S. C. Rathwell; J. H. Pickering; 10 spikes -LS. C. Rathwell, G. H. Smith.. ' Zinnias 10 ialoo`nis—Mraf?'1 i Salk eld, S. C. Rathwell. Stocks; .collection—Mrs. T: J. Salk- eld, •Mrs. A. (Solomon.. Snapdragon, dark --,S. C. Rathwell, Mrs. A. Solomon; light -Mrs.. Robt. Fisher, Mrs. A: Solomon Scabiosa—G. 11. Smith, Mrs. T, J. Salkeld. • Pansies ---Mrs. A. Soloirton, Mrs. T. J. Salkeld. Phlox, perennial—Mrs. T. J. Salk- eld, S. C. Rathwell. Marigold, French—Ml's. T. J. Salk- eld, J. IL Pickering; African—Mrs. T. J, Salkeld, Miss E. McCluskey. . •Calendulas-Mrs. A. Solomon, 8. C. Rathwell. • Cosmos—Mrs. T. J. Salkeld, S. C. Rathwell. • Petunias, double—Mrs. T. J., .Salk- eld, Mrs. A. Solomon; single—Mrs: A. Solomon, Mrs. W. MacKenzie. • Best collection annuals --Mrs. T. .1. Salkeld, S. C. Rathwell. • • It. Best collection .perennials—Mrs. T. J. Salkeld,, Mrs. A. Solomon. Roses, red -:•-Mrs. A. Solomon; pink --1?r, ' Johnston, Mrs, W. MacKenzie; =white^> Llx.._Jekisten _.-R. Ward;' , colt- ection-;-G. H. Smith, Dr, Johnston. Carnations—G. H. Smith, 'Mrs. R. Fisher. Table bouquet, low—A. W. Hamil- ton, Mrs. Wm. MacKenzie. Bouquet, ,any other flowers—Mrs. T. J. Sa:lkold,W. E. Henderson Larkspur, annual ,Mrs. T. J. Salk- eld, Mrs. A. Solomon. Potted Plant& Begonia, rex—Mrs. A. Solomon; tu- beraus,, double—Mrs. A: Solomon,' Mrs. n. Fisher; tuberous, s ngle—R. Fisher, Mrs. A. Solomon: llection'foliage or coleus plants -- 104. A. Solomon. • $est Gloxinia—Mrs. 'I . J, Salkeld. Any, tither plant in ,bloom—Mrs..It. Fisher, l r.a...T. d, Salkeld: • Fall ' bike 'Weather The first of the week brought tor- rential rains on Monday evening, fol- lowed by . a drop in temiSerature and showers on Tuesday' and Wednesday, that was typical of late fall weather, and certainly not Weleonted so early i aft S'epteMber, 1, w, I 1 , i'� 1 �' \y Saw Bobby Jones Golf Mr. and, !Irs. J. C. MeNab visited in Toronto Oast week . when, they at- tended, the C. N. E. Jack; who is an enthusiastic golfer, witnessed an 'ex hibition foursome match at ,St. An- drew's course on Saturday that fea- tured the celebrated golfer, Bobby Jones of Atlanta, Georgia. The match played, before a gallery of more than 1200 spectators, was a Red Cross. benefit exhibition.. • VIE SUNDAY E SP CIAL SERVICE S • Sunday which .was set apart as a National Day. of Prayer, was fittingly observed as.such in Ideal churches. Local members of the 99th Bat- tery, R. C. 'A:, were in Wingham on Sunday morning When ,the Battery, one hundred strong, paraded to:the United Church to attend Divine Wor- 11i1 1i i i Rev.`A: Be'ecroft°•delivered•• a stirring"sermon on "Our Duty To Our Country". Members of the Luck - now Pipe Bandheaded the parade. :-PRIZE • WINNERS Winners of the two 57dollar prizes in last Wednesday night's draw were Elizabeth Lyons of Li tcknow and 'Ruth McKechnie; a visitor -in Lucknow at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Mar- shall. At the regular meeting of the Busi- ness Men's Association •on Monday' evening it was decided to continue the drawuntil, and including, the last Wednesday night in September. • R. C. SHIPMENT MADE, LAST WEEK The following shipment of: supplies was' made by the Lucknow :and Vicin- ity Branch of the Red Cross Society Last Wednesday. 4n the report„con- tributions from various organizations are---acicnc wie:dged: f2,_pair. socks; 21 pair mitts;. 40 helmets; 13 sweat- ers; 3 turtle neck sweaters; 24 scarves;216 gauze handkerchiefs;ii 108 khaki 1 handkerchiefs; 12 towels; 33' pair pajamas; 12 layettes; 5 quilts; 2 blankets; 56 articles of clothing'. for .refugees; '447 surgical dressings. Langside United. W.' M. S, — don ated 2 boys suits, 2 blouses, 2 aprons, 3 girls dresses, 1,, crib sheet, 1 crib blanket; $ nightgowns. Junior, Red Cross 9 sweaters, 11 pair boottees, 3 bonnets: Senior •;VV. A., Kinlough . donated ,2 quilts. ^*• Paranonnit Women's Institute pair pajama, 1 dozen khaki hand- kerchiefs, 4 helmet,1 'quilt. llural"Ciub 4 ,tri -socks 3 scarves, St. Helens Women's.; Institute --- G dozen gauze handkerchiefs, ' 7 dozen timid handkerchiefs, '1 'scarf,: 13 pair socks. ' Donated, 12 layettes. Specials in Girls', Women's and Chil- dren's Chiledren s Pall and whiter hose. THE MARKET STORE, u ph u; ,,„= 1, , ,�, „ ,. '. \4, y, i K. • RAN PRESENTS • , :MARRIAGE ANNOUIiCED .' HARVEST PROBLEM — H2ORNE Mrs. 1d.' Horne announces the mar.- riage of her elder' daughter, Lillian B. Horne ' to Arthitr W. Ellis.' son of Mr:+. and,'Mrs, At A.: Ellis,.' Toronto, the ceremony' being •perfoii'rned by the: 'Rev:: George' B. Cquiter of•Gerrard, Street United Church, Toronto Heavy rains this week. are a source of worry tel..fariners••and flax 'TA :yecrops, -growers who' Have Y t ps, their harvested ' Mostseriously concerned. over the' continued wet weather are' those farm_' ere Who are ;endeavouring'to. +stook thresh. •Otherwise crops, r pretty well off: • But • not,. sp with' the flax, of ••which the firm of J. G. Anderson” and • Son i.s. harvesting large, acreages this year.' •�fi�- e _ ._ _ w 4-a 5_-- _ :the "pulling of the grain' by machinery, Which lays the garin out thinly, on the. ground.. Here it 'remains for 'a• lengthy . period 'until •it is properly cured for scutching, when• it, is 'quite black 'in colour, Then with iron hooks "the flax is scooped int&. sheaves and placed. in position for the binder to pick ' up. Quite a' squad of 'school boys from the Tillage have been. engaged at this job of gatherin ,the flax into sheaves e psi are IN `F'I NAL'S IN 'GLOBE AND •MAIL.'DOUBLES T e. local bowling duo of Clark,Fin- TODDS FARE WELL L AT C.N, E. F. G. Todd and Tom. Todd of St. Helen's: arrived hozne •last ':week. from the.0 .. f. a .Toronto,where` they were' exhibiting several of thein fame ous ?olled An• us cattle. T he. Todds g. c. .� To d& scored 'many` successes :at . the Ex., ..but 'this year'•s *record was the hest yet,• when°•,,they� were= awarded tweh e prizes on seven' ahin'ials they showed, including fotur heifers,.a steer and:.a Jr. and Sr..bull.., - ' Erica of St. Helen's, 3rd, which 'won• ARRIVED IN ENGLAND Mrs. Herb MeQuillin of town re- ceived' a telegram 'on'. Saturday from her ,husband, advising her of his s4' arrivel "Somewhere in England". ;Herb is a• member' the Ro • •ai Can- adian' Y adian' Engineer, having enlisted at l_.ondon the latterr•par tt• of June; when he resigned* a .•member Of `the Vil17 age Courioil. Her was soon• moved to' Petawawa Military Camp, , a c Y C rnp, .nd by the; end of th, first week in September reached Eng: land; little more than two irnonths ter enlisting. been picking, off Some prizes; in' dis- trict 'tournaments 'this season; really went . to 'town' the latter part. of last first. in her class, won both the Senior• week when they readied the finals and Grand Championships. in i the Globe•. and Mail deubles taurn- Another heifer, Pride. of St. Helen s, extent in Toronto last Week.' 16th, won first .in her glass 'and .the' Province wide .interest is centred reserved Junior championship; in 'this bowling cIasaic that attracted Each' of the 'seven head' shown was a total' of four hundred. boavlers as a prize winner with ,,no ,anifriaj' .plat-, the .tournament got underway on ing lowethan fourth place. Thursday' morning: TI* finals were . last year receive`, - _et- swards =• 1i the Ex: "This heifer, as well as placing and . in an eff t to save. lite crop played • at 'the Granite • Club Greens 1 be ranted absence from school on' 1' i'iday *lit, whenFinl'ayson and Will „granted Agnew lost their only game in .seven to assist, with the work 'when 'Weather to take second. money. Their ,prizes permits; were sets• of lawn•:b.ow1S.' Last_: Wednesday the gang moved to lh air wo •their first game a •90-acrg Spread on `the c local p n p1 i ozrz a i?Yesto3i rink ,12 . to ' 11. In the near Olivet and ,favourable weather . to the. end of the' week speeded the.second they defeated• a Kew•, Beach Work there.rink • 19 • to 16 In the third. the :won . ' 'Rain oil Monday, Tuesday arid Wed..' ed= from Glebe • Manor 20 to. PICK '20 QUARTS OF .BERRIES One Considers the raspberry season 'as over, but not so at the farm- of, Wni.. Lannon, in. Ashfield' where -they have a, raspberry.patch of the ' Ever- h..eeri�dg variety, that is • .yielding a heavy, crop at present. Oen: Wednes- day niorning Mrs. Lannon brought 13 nesday of this week however has halt-; ed . operations again. ' •Bargains. in Men's' and • Boys' work clothing, shirts, socks, underwear„.. THE MARKET STORE. • ' OBITUARY MRS. ROBERT' OSBORNE' . Ill for more than a year .from. the effects ,of, •a fall in which she sun: tabled a,, fractured' hip, Mrs•• Robert Osborne 'passed away in Kincardine In their first 'game on Friday in the fourth 'round they defeated a' l:,ansdoit'he pair 17 to 12. Their next win;: was from Hall and Rowntree, of West Toronto by 15 to 14.•A Lack - now old -tinier` witnessed this game anal, tells about it eisei'here in this issue. ; That victory sent Finlayson, and Agnew, into the semi-finals when they defeated Bradley and . WOdd• of Ot- tawa 12 to 8.: In . the finals the' Local pair lost their lone game to . the Tor- onto, team of Packinan •and Prescott by 19 to .3. hospital, Friday, August 30th. She was "in her • eightieth year. • Mrs. Osborric;, whose • maiden name' was Margaret Ann McGuire, was.born near Madoc,' Hastings, county.. As a yoting girl. she canie with her • parents., 'the late Williunt and Jane, McGuire, to Huron Township: It WA there she wed Robert Osborne in 1900. 'They • moved to Kincardine '20 years ago. toresi- Her many kindly acts endeared her a host of friends d•uring her Moved To :Woodstock Chester, Twaniley, who is employed by the Standard. Drug. Company, has been `transferred ..from., London to Card Of Thanks Mr. and -Mrs. Stewart McGillivray wish •to thank the neighbors who ren- dered help and the kindness' shown dence there. She, was a' member of then? at. the time• of their fire. • Kincardine United Church, yvhpse pas- tor, the Rev. George. Kersey, conduct- ' „es.•last rites on 'Monday afternoon, September 2nd. Interment sardine • cemetery: The pallbearers were Howard and William McGuire, Harry, and • Lester . Osbo"rne; Howard Henry and Victor Bridge.. To -mourn ;her ,,passing shu, leaves. her husband, two children, by • a pre - loos n is a /VI Delena Fitc1 v g,rs. i, Toronto acid William MacDonald, Chatham; :four step -children, Law- rence Osborne, Toronto;. Elmer anil. Russell, Huron township and Mrs. Wilda Whitfield, Toronto; three' bro- thers, Malcolm and Thomas McGuire, Huron ,and Samuel �� Lucknow and three sisters, Mrs. ,Jane Mitcheltree, London, Mrs: Mary Hamilton, Harnil • ton and Mrs, Katherine Jeater, Rip-. ley.. The funeral service was largely at tended by friends from the district .and from Toronto, London, •I•lami+lton and Peoria Illinois.. :twenty quart boxes Of lovely berries to 'town 'and put then? in cold storage, at Silverwoods .plant. The fruit was picked on Tuesday and was in' per, 'feet condition, ,. • WEDDING BELLS. LAWRENCE -- COLLINS The marriage of Helen. Dorothy, only 'daughter Of Mrs. E.''J. Collins' of Winnipeg arid the late' 'Mr.Collins, to: Private. Herbert . C. Lawrence, P.P.C.L.L, eldest Son of 'Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lawrence, was''solemnized 're- cently at the home of the bride's cousin, . Mrs. A. 0. Piggott; •Sherburn. St., Winnipeg, Rev. Walter Spence of- ficiated.' • • •The wedding ' music was played by Mr. A. C. Piggott. The bride wore a dress of dusk.,' rose crepe , with matching turban. Her corsage was of Talismanroses' and sweet peas. The bride was attended • by her ' cousin, Miss Lola: Wadsworth, who wore dove .rose crepe with matching hat and corsage of white sweet peas. Private Harvey Lawrence, P.P.C. L:I., was his brother's best man. The- bride's -aunt-herware. a._rbiaek: and white 'figured crepe"with corsage of mauve sweet peas. The bride is a niece of Messrs.' D. M. Thompson and R. H. Thompson of Lucknow. Her' mother was formerly" MinnieThon san'of'tiris village BAKING SALE & TEA - Mrs. Struthers 'Group• of the W. A: will 'hold. a tea and • baking sale, •in the „United 'Church Sunday , c,Sehool ronin' on' Wednesday'afternoon; , Sep:r teml3'er 18th. - ' PA ' DANCE AT PARAMOUNT Dancing every Friday night, at Par- amount Hall to music by MacKenzies 6 -piece" orchestra. Door prize each: week, a roasted then. General. ad- mission 35c. DANCE AT HOLY,ROOD A dance will be held in •the Town- ship Ilan, Holyrood on Thursday •01- c ping, September 19th, under auspices of the, Holyrood Women's ,Institute. McCharles' Orchestra. Admission 25c • and 152.. •Mrs. Pearlman hae just returned from a( buying 'trip to Toronto with 'a wide variety of New Dresses • and Coats for, Fall. Call in and 'see ,,thein. Teaching At Holyrood • , • ,Miss Mary Smith of Creeniore is teaching 'at Holyrood school, succeed- ing Gordon • Campbell • who has joined the R.C.A.F. Miss Smith is a daugh- ter of Mr. and.,lVIrs. Belt Smith of Creemore, her father being the editor Of the Creemore Star: 4,. MORE POWER TO BRITA IN's FLEET AIR ARM The Blackburn Roe, a new ,fighter just.ntroduced 'into the Air Arm of Britain's Navy, fat it is fitted with a Bristol Perseus engine and `a power -operated gin` turret. ' • i`1 1 'Pnt •I,,:1 ir. p 11'bl • t,, •1 l i i i 11.,1 t 1 1 1 1� 'I kii \\ • , ti• l Very Vim-•.® Frank MacKenzie, son -,of Mr. and MacKenzie' . of Lucknow un- derwent 'an appendicitis operation 'in Wingham General, Hospital the let- • ter part of, the week. He is 'making quite 'a' favourable recovery.* •' STORE BROKEN.. INTO • AT• LOCHALSH The general ,store ; of D, A. *- Lennart at Lochalsh Was Broken into. last Friday . night when cigarettes to the -,value; ,of . about $15.00 were • stolen. • Entrance to the store . was i gained by 1Orctaig ,a base•nent:'ititindow. A_ check-up when thebreak-hi was dis- covered On Saturday morning, indicat-. ed that the' fags were the sole loot of .the thief or thieves. That saine night a quantity • . of gasoline was stolen at ' the ' airport at Port .Albert. WROTE t'OEM Elsewhere in this, issue appears a poem "The British Empire Forever". The author is Rev. I. W. Kilpatrick of Strathroy and' a brother of S. J. Kilpatrick of Ashfield..• HAD fNTERESTING : TRIP TO NORTHERN QUEBEC • Since the last issue of The Sentinel we have had a'. flying trip,, to North- ern •Quebec. via 'Kirkland • Lake, in- all, totalling close t&1200 miles, While one hasn't muchtime for observation in navigating. the ,hills and bends on these northern 'roads", it 'was :aux--in tentien to briefly outline the trip, and tell you something of the .unique little island of Siscoe, which „was our destination and where we were fort:, unate in being shown underground in the mine 'and through the mill. Time hat not permitted • to 'write the article for this issue, and still get the .paper oui-oir.'ime, so the-utbi't`'- of the trip will 'of necessity have to be heldover until next 'week: W. I. Meeting Friday ' T'he: opening., Fall ,n eeting,;0f , the 'Lucknow Women's Institute Will be, • held on Friday, • September 13th : at 2.;45 ,Sharp in the , Town Hall. A: good program is being prepared, .including a debate, "Resolved that a good nat- •ured, untidy wife is preferable to a 'cranky, tidy one." This being, visitors' day,.' all ladies are invited to attend. Rolf call, "name your guest" HOLIDAYS END AS SCHOOL- REOPENS Locally public. and 'High . School students commenced, a •''new termn Monday morning as the school it summoned,•thern back to studies after the summer vacation• that was exten• ded .from -the • regular opening date of September 3rd to #eptenber 0th, • A number of, students who are en- gaged in harvest operations, chiefly ..fiax_.-harxestin toil be '.permitted to continue aissistin.g in such ,work, weather permits. ' • • In the High School there, is an' 'average •enrollment_ with a particu- larly. large Middle School grades. • .The- public school enrollment to' date numbers 131 pupils, with,- the 1? girls outnumbering•• the boys 77 to, 54. - Iri' Miss McD'ougall's room the be- ginners ' class On Tuesday included. Betty, D•urnin, John Gainntie, Alvin Irwin, Joan 'Johnston, Noreen •Kit- patrie'k, David Maloney, Shirley Mar- shall., .Jackie McKim, Edna Reid, Clark FIRE DESrRu'�r5 _ EARN AND CROP The barn' and. season's' crop• on the • ,farm of .Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Mc-. Gillivray, Concession 10, .. Ashfield; ',as.'destroyed by" ire that `broke..out '' shortly .before six .o'eloc.k,' •last' nesday:.. . ,'There was no insurance "on'"lie 'eon- . tents; 'making, .the loss' a particularly heavy. one for Mr. and Mrs. McGxlli- The blaze occurred when.the child- ren dropped .a lighted match in loose had' been. playing at the "barn When one of them went to 'the house for a pair. of scissors to' 'cut, a piece. of . twine they were playing. with. • Matches were kept well out of the childrenis' reach; but the head of ,one :was : found . in searching for the leis- sors. Whewthis this was lit, upon return- ing to the barn, the flame burned the child's fingers,'who.dropped it at the edge of 'a. straw pile beside the, barn. Mrs. McGillivray was in the: gar- den nearby but. before .she could do anything to' quench the blaze, the fire was roaring., through the stack and. :qu'ickly.the :whole barn was in flames; Included, in 'the: loss: were', 11.00. •bus- hels of grain, recently threshed,'tons v€ hay :;het m 1y . filed the ... barn, and 16 pigs: As well there was a cream separator, fanning mill, and other incidental equipment_ commonly found 'in 'a barn. There were' two straw stacks beside the barn, which; added to the fury of the conflagration. RIPLEY WINS -JUNIOR "B" CROWN, IN 'THREE . STRAIGHT Ripley Juniorsto'o'k. a•.4 to 2 de- cision ecision•from Cliesley in . the " Huron 'Village last Thursday afternoon.` The victory,, their third straight of the • series won for• them the Bruce' Lea= • • - gue junior; title and the Ontario •Jun- : for "B"' crown, as °the Ripley lads are ,the, only Junior "B" squad in' the province.•. The boys, coacihed by Walter. Lane' and under the :.managership of Don e playedart: brand McLeod, ha've.a. s m of ball this season and Have brought - honor to .themselves and to. the age • of Ripley '. by their accomplish inents. J , Pictures of The, teens appeared in The Free Press and Globe and Mail this week, The. players include Me- ' Lean Dell, outfielder; Huffy Harris, , pitcher; Gurney Pollock, 3rd; lack Bowers, second; Ken McKenzie, and d•M•art ..yn;autfielders, ley; Mike Weis, shortstop and Wil- fred Weis, outfielder of Teeswater; and' Donald Finlayson, catcher; Jack Cook, 1st; Mervyn Solomon, pitcher and Doug Aitchison. and Angus Mc - Several of these boys are .good hockey players, • but 1 two of them •at least will be• absent when the hockey season rolls around; as Huffy Harris r and Jack.BoWers• leave this riiorithto attend Toronto .University' and Strat- ford Normal Selig. respectively. PLEAD. 'GUILT* TO CHARGE • OF ROARING CREAMERY Appearing before Magistrate Walk- er in' police court in Walkerton on • Friday, three' Toronto youths,' age 16; 17 and 19, pleaded guilty to a charge i of breaking and entering and theft at the Kincardine 'Creamery on Au- gust 29th. In the safe which they took with them and cracked open in a ,swamp near: Hespler was cash to the amount of about 8450.00, as well as ohecks and valuablepapers. ar The trio was ' remanded' dire week for sentence. Stanley, Richard Treleaven. The High 'School 'staff Consists ,of Miss P. F. MacLean, Principal; Mr. -N C,::2:'r'�"n and Miss Ruth Matthews The Public School staff includes "Mr. John D: Rosa, Principal, ,teacher of 'Grades VII arid VIII; i1r. Jini Henderson, Grades V and VI; Miss Grace, Hurlburt, Grades I1I and IV;. a ' nd, Miss Marion McDougall, Grades land 11. MAY NEED EXTRA TEACHERS With the en guests in the schools of th tions. -to engage, to, serve the n The Departure ing forward t may be thous are required t of such- teach McArthur, 1►I children can: b iiii of employing ice` olnient of 'fli4tish war public and secondary e province,. it may be found necessary in certain school 'sec= additional teachers eels of the new comers. Department of Education is look - o the time then there ands of evacuees in the province, and ,'where extra 'teachers he Ontario Government is prepared to pay one-half the cost n'a' scalar en, Hon.- Dz., Minis er o' E•uei tion, says that in the smaller' centres, it is quite prob able' that , the visiting e absorbed in the exist- ing classroo • s without the necessity new teachers. Iii'. the lar. 'May ger centres •mart y be necessary to. trpezr new classroo'm's. • \A‘t\\ i. t\ A r_