The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-10-05, Page 162.0.0 A. YEAR -IN, ADVANCE. -40c AX:TRi, TO U. S. A. ;ere' .t " iiiil✓"e' AT H. S. -FIELD DAY • Jack Leith And Grant . Parrish Set New Records In Thinning : High Jump And Running Broad Jump At High School Field Day This sdase Ideal weather prevailed -last Thurs.' day. for the .staging of r the"'annunl„ Fligh *hoot' Field. Day, .•which ,&a'w h tered'. 'lw;y9.,�previotis 'records s at •:Jaclr `Leith; :*ho : .won the senior. chanpionship cleared the ,bar at 5' 1" in the running high jump to beat the previous ;record of 4'•.9le", set by Chaiilie Jewitt: • • in the ,Junior clause ..Grant Parrish created a new ' running 'broad jump record' of :14' 2";, adding two 'inches to the former record 'of 14. feet set by Jack 'Leith. Ross Patterson tied the existing stending broad jump rec. ore .of .8: '3"; previously set by Jack Leith. The • Champions' As re result of the day'e competi- tions Jack Leith won 'the 'senior championship With 33 points. Jack Cook' was runner-up.,with 19. points. Other high. contenders "were Gordon Stewart, 11; 'bong ,Aitchison, 9; John. K. MacKenzie;, 8. Ross Patterson is Junior champion With 38 " oints and Grant Faresh runner-up with 20 points. Stan; Prest collected .12 points and 'Bpd •Ore; T,• Evelyn Taylor and 'Mary Sal4keld were .tied with 16, points each for: the senior girls' championship.. Margaret :Salkeld •was neo in line with 7, points. Other point '!winners included Grace Campbell, Etta Bette. McDonald. Bessie Stewart, Helen :MacDonald, Jean Nelson, Ellen Andrew andBetty Taylor. • . . ° • Carolyn • Alin; is the- Junipr .girl ' r champion with :a, total of . twenty points, with Catherine Prost 'as run ner-up, only •two points behind: Other point winners were ` Norma Ritchie; Helen Orr, Catherine .Johnston, Helen ' Salkeld' .and Fern Tieamley. •The ginners follow: Senior Girls "220-yaid•.dash-Evelyn"Taylor, Hel- e'n . MacDonald, Grace Campbell. 100 -yard dash -Evelyn .Taylor, El: len Airdrew; Gracr ampbe1l.. Basket ball throw -Etta' Belle, Mac- Donald, Jean' 'Nelson, Betty Taylor. High jump=Evelyn Taylor, 'Mary Salkeld, Grace Campbell. ; ' Standing broad jump --Mary Sal- keld, Bessie Stewart, Margaret. Sal - }tell. Running :broad jump -Margaret: Salkeld, Mary Salkeld, Evelyn Taylor .k . Hop, step and jump= -Mary Salkeld; Grace Campbell, Bessie Stewart. junior . Girls ' 75 -yard dash -K. Prest, Carolyn Ai - lin, Norma Ritchie. • High jump -Carolyn Alin, Norma Ritchie, Fern • Twamley. ' Standing 'broad jump=Clirolyn A1 - lin, Katherine. Prost,- Catherine John: stun. Repning • broad " 'jump --Katherine Preet, Carolyn Allan, Helen Salkeld. Hap, . step • and jumpeeKatherine Prost, Carolyn Alun; . Catherine John.. ston. • • :Basket ball throw -Helen Orr, Nor- ma Ritchie Carolyn Allin. ,5'eiilor Boys Pole vault -Gorden Stewart, John K. McKenzie,. • • Relay -rack Cook, Gordon Stewart, Jack , Leath, Ray McNeil. Baseball. .threw -Jack Leith', Doug Aitchison, Lloyd Wylds. - 440 -yard dash;Jack Leith, Gordon Stewart; Wray Pinnell. ° • 'Bicycle race-Clive.Mintz, Ray .Mc - Nell. • Running hop, step and jump -Jack Leith,' Doug., Aitchison, Bob .1Vlcln- tosh. • Standing hop, step and jump -John K. McKenzie, Jack Cook, Reid' IVIcKine Half. mile -Wray Pinnell, Doug. t Aitchison, Ray 'WWI. `• '2e0 -yarn .dash --Jack' Cook, Donald li'inlaysoi , Angas 1V[eKninnc,n. . Standing,'' broad juinnp-Jack Leith, Jack Cook, Donald rinlayson. - 100 -yard dash -Jack Cook, `, Jack L * Donald Finlayson. Running. high jump -Jack: , Leith, Gordon• Stewart, ,Jack Ackert, _ Juno* Bois. ._ . -.._ Relay -Lloyd Wyldst Doug: Aitch- ison, Rod •MacLennan, Donald Mc- Kenzie. Standing hop, step and jump -•-Ross Patterson, Stanley Prest; Bud Orr. ' o ett Grant Feevith, Stan Prest. • T;0 -MORROW. NIGHT To deal with the organizing of . a Canadian Red •Oross • Veit in,"this 'community, a public meeting is: to be -held'in the Town Hall tomorrow even= Friday, October 6th •, to. "'which everyo'rle is- welcome: an invited .• - o :d. oilb a ;,representatiire gather-. 'rn ill .e, resent •to . formulate plans g' b,P, .� for. a ;local .,branch • of .this volunteer ordi which •'seeks to c orn''za o do � tI n at • 'the effQr persons un ertak volentary. war Lucknow Ont.; . Thursday October. 5th,. 1939 , •ABOUT THIRTY-FIVE CHILDREN TOXOIDED At.. a •'clinic, 'conducted' be Dr. W, V. , Johnston, M.O.H., last. •Friday "morning, some •thirt'y-five, •children ten years ,and. under, received •them first ,diphtheria toxoid 'injection., The treatment ' requires three injections at three-week intervals and" has prov- en .nearly one hundred per cent. ef- `festive in protecting children for --life from ,diphtheria.- • . It is ferthex• proposed to inaugurate a local medical and'dental .inseeetion 'of. public .school children at conven lent -iiitervel's., This will 'include • an itMpection of children's., teeth - and -an eye, •ear, nose .and throat medical ex- 'ees in - a r. tc. tr.o chitd''s health and welfare. Reports will be,.'submitted la the parents. Boost Price At Ripley Ripley barbeis have enneuneed advance in the 'price of hair cuts to 35e fOr ladieS and gentlemen and 25c for children under. 12. The new prises went into eifect qn Monday. WO FLpUg 'MILLS 'Coupons, good fortwenty.fiveeseents ppund bag :of .. flopr .at. :Treleaven's Flour Milt this week wete handed .Out it. the iota) eichibit booth at the Fail Fair last 'week. Each tieket wee RACE WINNERS AT FALL • FAIR School children's race events, spow sored, and conducted by The Clans- men at the Fall Fair on Friday, prov- ed popular twith' the pupils, whp enter- ed the various events in large um' - As well as individual, ca rizes, points -weye allowed .on la 3, 2, 1 sasis to rural pupils, with special prizes awarded the schools scoring the high- est number of points in the, variops ' Rural pupils ,did .not enter so read- ily in the events and• cOnsequently did 'not figure prominently among, winners: The points received however found St, Helens, Port eAlbert and Herelock City schools in a three-way tic end the $9.00 in prize money will be srearded $3.00 to eech school. • , Prize winners were! Relay race - (Rod MtLeneari, Doug Aitehison, Bicycie race, girls-eCatherine John- ston,, Doris ,Wylds: Boys. --Donald Joheston, Jack Wilson: 100 -yard dash, boyeseDoug Aitch- ispn, Rod McLennan, Joe McGee. Girls -Shirley Bannister, Jean. Bissett, ..Catherine reest. 75 -yard dash, boys -Allan Stewait, Johnstori, Gotdon Mullin. Girls - Maxine .McGee; Ruth_ Dahmer, Wienie McDonald. 50 -yard dash, boys -Raymond tell, Wingharn, Wilfred Black, 'Billy 'Mul- lin. Girig,-Reth Dahmer, Beryl Sol- omon', Gwen Stewart, , Open race, under, 8-eMary Chin. 3 -legged race, hosta-Albert Chin & Gordon Mullin, Lloyd Stewart end Johnston and Ant Parker, ilelen Me - Kenzie -andeeTesin--Biesete- -Mixed Grant Parrish and GraCe Campbell, Albin and Gwen Stewart. 220 -yard dnsh• -° Ito's§ Patterson, itendirig broad juiripe-Ross Pet - 100 -yard ' (lath - Roes' Patterson, Grant Parriele Stan Prete , Rueeing high Jerrie -Rosa Patteie son, Stan ptest, Bud Orr, . �.7 DARING. ItOB' RY NETS ' CONSIDERABLE £.ASH "using.' nitro-glycerine 9 h a r ge s; 'thieyes expertly blasted the safe and strain• • box' of°:the 'local plant of Sit- verivood's Dairies, Limited, ly Sun - 'o .d;ay morning' ztnti escaljed with :ae lti. TEMPERATURE DROPPED OVER'. 30 DEGREES IN. FEW HOURS -- Fair Day on Friday a saw a goon -hour .surirmer, temperature ' of 80 'degrees, which dropped,, so . . suddenly " during the afternoon, •i even l� ' inthe • ..that by ng Y Y • 'readied -a, point, of 49 degrees, a ,' most 'Unusual variance In • :such a few' hours. Rail fell late in the afternoon as the fair .concluded, • 'causing the crowd to 'quickly lis-, hperse, . WEDDING BELLS . MacKENZ'IE-COOKE On. Wednesday, , -September 28th. Doris May, eldest daughter of Mr. and:Mrs. A. H.._'Cooke, McIntyre Mines, «.as _married to. •Thomas Laurier Mac- Kenzie of Lucknow, at .Trinity United slierch; Schumacher;' in asetting of autueneflowers and "ferns. During: the signing of the register Mrs. H.: Darl- ing. • of , Timmies . sang, accompanied by Mrs. J, Huxley, organist. The bride, .,•"At,'.: .r er father' wore frenchsir'e model of ivory duchesse satin, , '•sweetheart neokline, leg -'o-. mutton sleeves with lily points at the wrists; Her 'veil of misty silk tulle held by a-eaiO xe'teef-o'r sons 'which her mother wore on her !wedding day. She carried a shower bouquet of..,: pink roses and• lilies-of- the=valley. Her attendants were :Miss Gladys Madeline Cooke, - sister' of • the bride, as maid of .;honor, and . Miss Katharine MacKenzie, sister of the: groom, 'bridesmaid, who were gowned' alike in French velvet modelled also in princess lines with Edwardine bus- tle. They wore matching turbans with. bustle bows and. carriedshower 'bou- quets 'of Marguerite 'mums and baby asters ..in. .contrasting colors. „ . ' The' groom was attended .by his' brother,: Alexander. , MacKenzie of 'Toronto: Ushers were Wesley., Cooke, brother of... the -.:bride, ..,and... Thomas. Leck of Shumacher --Followingethe--ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents. Guests were re- ceived ley Mrs. A. H. Cooke and Mrs. William MacKenzie -of Lueknow. Mrs. Cooke was gowned in a lilac blue etymon lace, ,with corsageof yellow. roses and lily -of -the -valley. Mrs. Mac- Kenzie, mother of the groom, was'.in Queen .blue 'suede.applique with model hat adorned with ostrich plumes and corsage of ., pink roses. Following a wedding trip' to ,Souhern Ontario and' Chicago Mr. and Mrs. MacKenzie will reside in Shumacher. The bride chose for travelling a dragon -fly blue sheer wool ensemble 'with hat to match and accessories of black ante=' lope and corsage of sweetheart roses; Out of town guests attending the wedding were: Mr. and Mrs. -N. S. MacDonald. of North Bay, ,uncle and aunt'of the beide;' Mrs, William Mac- Kenzie of Lucknow, mother of the groom; Miss ' Katharine •MacKenzie' and Alex MacKenzie, sister and bro. ther of . the groom; Miss Isabel Mac- intosh of Hamilton, aunt of the groom, and Mr. end Mrs. D. Hanneson of North Bay. • COUNCIL SEEKS LOWER HYDRO RATES , Village Cored] at its October Meet- ing Tuesday night, took steps to seek loWer hydro rates f e the village. recommended a ten per cent. rebate to hydro user's. The Board believes the local surplus irs noe sufficient ep warrant such a rebate, and weee 'of` the opinion that general reduction dineih, ydro rates would be More in or:. , As a result a motion was passed authorizing the clerk to write the Commission asking if suggested re- bates could not be used in lovverieg local rates; which are the highest in the dietrict, and recoeimending The By -Law Being the rate of tax - stem and assessable ,propertY was passed. Total' Assessable preperfy a- men/its to the awn of $409,333. with siderairle 'amount of cash. ' Some valuable .papers, included in. the • loot, were recovered Sunday more • ing by Provincial Officer McCleviy: of Walkerton, . who is in charge.of the. ihvestigation. The . tecovered papers were stiewn•along the roadside as fat- es aras Kinloss village; ten miles north. This daring burglary was commit- ted 'early Sanday morning, possibly between'•the hour's :of from one. t.,, three o'clock. Items about eine o'clock •S:bnday morning, ;when Mae" Mac Leri. rrane butteormeker • at .the plant, dii -covered--the- break ane: tl e_blaeted_ s5 and.'the debris -strewn office..This al lowed: more than 'six hours for the thieves to 'snake . good their escape, before,, police • commenced working on the ' case. One, clue to •work .on wee the pres- ence of, a . stolen motor• car in the village. that evening.- Suspicious moa= einent's of this. 'car,•• on •-Havelock St. -late Saturday • • evening, caused' ,Jinn Henderson to make , se mental note of - 'e-ne bcr: Corrtacting Tanen- to .police on Sunf,ay, .Constable' Mc Clevis • learned that '.this Car,' a • 1938.• Nash; had.: been .. reported. stolen ;et i'oi•onto, early Saturday evoning. Entrance 'to the', plant. was' gained by forcing the lower front door. Mounting.. the stairs,. the raiders again used force to bre, inethee-office door,. .x here they. really 'w.ent to.. work. • In manager J. C.• McNab's office' they smashed. the' handle and combin- ation knobs off the door' of the heavy one and- ahglf ton.safe, inserted their nitro-glycerine charges, soaped then' over and blasted opep;the heavy door. leaving it it shattered wreck. • ' Further charges•were used to. gain Entrance 'to the strong' box• within the safe. Fuses indicated that four charges in- all were used before reaching the• cash. As a result of the blasts, the door of the .manager's :office wee. smashed and a portioq of the partition blown out. When the burglary was.' discovered on Sunday, it • was learned that res- idents of the vicinity had • heard the. :explosions during the night, and'. one .party is reported to have seen two Men coning out of the plant after two a.m. A screened window 'was- prepared presumably •for a hurried exit by way of a lean-to roof, should the robber- be caught in the building. It is believed that the plant had previously been sized up, for earl- ier in the week •a .stranger had enquir ed 'at a nearby residence, as to where. Mr..McNab lived. Finger, prints weretaken as a- pos sible means of solving the. crime, bet • to date no new developments in the case have been. announced. • • The burglary is another of a series of robberies in this district, among -which was the .robbing of the ,Cream- ery ai Tara, twice within si esweeks. DANCE MONDAY' Danoe to MacKehtie's orchestra in Lueknow Town Hall, Thanksgiving night, Monday, October 9th. Fire Co. auggices. Admiesion, gents 35c, ladies • Remember , the -dance Langside. Hall,' this Friday, October' 6th, under auspices of• C. p, F.. Admission 25c. Music by Sepoy orehestea of,; Luck. Menday evening Thanksgiving bay, bridge Hall eOld Thee Fiddlers' Core 'Admission 25 eente over 41 mills to rai'ae the° sum of $17;046:39 for all purposes. Major. ex- penditures in round figures indede street 3.18030; school, $4,000 and debentures,' $2,060. The 'following ecttibell genies pee Arena. Thursday -(tonight) Outlaws vs Tigers; \ Saturday night, October .7th, bungenlion Zion'; Tuesda,Y, October 10, High School, vs, Outlaws: Wednesday; October 11; Dungennon GATE PRI'Z'E•AWARD STILL UNYCLAIMED The . gate ;`prize award at the " Lucknow Fall Fair : is stiili un- ` ' -claimed., , The 'lucky; nu mbert drawn at the.'coneert Friday night • andthe or s 222 h byDoris Taylor, a l ay , 4' holder.' -of ibis ticket 'will` win a.• •, lovely china ' •cabjet donated to .' the Society by the'Lucknow Table Company. • OBITUARY. imom4S HENRY Themes Hem.? waS born in Clarke Township; County of .perham, 'Nov- ember 23rd, 1862 mid died at his home on the 2nd ; Concession .of September 27, 1939. His parents were. 'Jame& and Agnee Henry, original. Clarke Township Settlers from the .nortla ash:deed, He wee 'the last of Alex Heney having, died at Riplee 'earlier . in, thie year: Mr. Themas Henry' came to Kinlose more than half a -century ago and' has, been a well known reaident of that Township ever -Since. For a time he wotked with the late J. H. Ackeet on the northeast cOrner at Holyrtood where' he lived for. really years tile tied Sarah E. McMullen, daughter pf Williarn and Eliza McMullen, pioeeee settlers' tof the Sth Coxicession Of Kin- ako leeying one daughter, now . Mrs. Melvin, 'Irwin of Kinloss. ; ' . In Jule 1927 he was married to 'Mee. Isabella J. Irwin of the Second Concession of Kinlose bY the late Rev. NI. M. Bennett, United Church mini- ster of Wingham, This second union proved a happy conipanionship. Thee' were deeoted to. each other and there is a general sympathy with Bits, Henry in her bereaveineet sie there is with the son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and' Mrs. Melvie Irwin and the . Miring Mr. Henry's long residence at HolyrOod he .was attive in the church life of the place and for forty years was superintendept ,of the Sa,b - bath School and general "leader in the:Work of what was, then the Meth- odist Cheech. At the tinie of his death- he; waS -the sally one left of the 'original mem- bers of the Lucknow Orange Lodge. lee Was an enthusiastic Orangeman end his memberehip covered a period of fifty-two years: The funeral was jointly in charge' of his pestor, Rev. R. C. Todd, United Chureh minister ,of Lucknow end his brethren of the Black Knights order of Orangemen. The • pallbearers ,were members of the Order. During the serVice the male quartette of Eldon Henderson, J. .M. Greer, Clarence Greer end Alex IVIeNey ging "1,`Want. Internment was ,in the South Kin- loss Cemetery..: There was a leeee attendance at the funeral, for Teni 'Henry, as he was femi/iarly called, was kroatly beloved be all who knew him. DIED SOON AFTER Four days after she had reached. her one hundredth birthday, death came to Mrs. Bridget Chin. Godfrey mi Sunday eeening, September 24th. Mrs. Godfrey pessecl away at the home of her nie. ce,731iiej. T. Christ's man, Kansas City, Mo„ with, whom ehe hes Made her home for the Past twenty-five years. ' Mrs.' Godfreyi; formerle Bridget Cain, was a slaughter of the late kr. rind Mrs. Rodger Cain, a pioneer Holy- rooe family, ,the Cain home being on the cornet epppsIte the Purees Store surviving Member of the Rodger Cafe family, evlis a'sieter of the late Thos, It is about twelve years since Mrs. ruocle•hei. last visit to this district. Femme servicee were held the,. fol. - �'�%••+~•1�a�;sesexe_hseakes"';k t�keR`se.,.,,...,.. e,e-.e•s•aaa hs eese^3• eeSe!....es• ,„e.eae a see.ssarn ..>,..,� DIED IN LONDON of Lonclem for a number of years; died in that city on Seeday morning. He wesqs1,iis 71st Year. • Born: r Morris "rownship, Frank now' foe .some time, and es well re tnetribered by...older 'residents, bevels operated:the Cain House here. ele' is entvived by his Wife, -Annie, Wee,' sons? Daniel enclgoliii one' daughter; Julie arid 'bi theee 'JOINS HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. J'ohn D. Merin, son qf Reeve and Mrs. Duncan Munn of Ripley hw gene to Vancouver where he will be a mem.ber of the Staff of the Memorial Another son of Mr. and Mre. Munn Lionel, has gene to Toronto yvhetc he' sell serve es demonstrater in them, researah at the UniVersity o! Totonto, et the same time. continuies LAW, PARTNERS ARE • MEMBERS OF BATTERY W. R: Temlinithe M.P. for Bre& -has joined the 98th Fieldt Battery se Port Elgin. What ; capacity he ewe , serve in has ,not yet beep announced incidently his hew partner P. S. Mc Kenzie,. son of Mr. ane Mrs. fir V McKenzie of Lucknow, is seeped in a'►r G/l, r inr.c'K nic7 '"' - FAVI R. LAST WEEK Attendance SlightlyLess Than Last Year - Concert •And', Dance Drew ' Large :Crowds Fniday Night. , • . ' The wea.thei men gave • the. Agri- pul'turai 'Society a break last week, and although :nein .fell • late. Friday.: iitez'noon; it did not natserfeee mitts the • ' • ,activities of, 'the Fair, the a t- ior tendance, which in spit' the' tine day, °swa : : o ewhat aPPoin enex • - • however, falling slightly below last' year's figure. - ° Indoor, exhibits„were plenty and of excellent quality, except that the flow- er display is not what it would have been• at an earlier date, as merry of the best blooms are past. The apple exhibit was exceptionallyfine. • Several merchandising displays .ad- ded colour to the:indoor show. These included displays by the Lucknow. Flour Mills;. -Harold Greer, radio deal- er; Purity .Flour; ' Alfred .Andrew, Beatty Bros. products; The Market Store, Temple Clarke; ••merchant -tail yr; Wm. Schmid, jeweller. and Durnin ?hillips, Dodge dealer. A display of handiwork and culin ary. art, 'lay various Women's Organa izations . ii h'e corrrmunity . attracted much, •attention; as did a display .,of ' :i-ophies and .silverware won by. F _ ek r'udli andons. ane c a eel COUNTER CHECK BOOK PRICES MAY ADVANCE ' Due to the unsettled world condi. tions which make it impessible te se the piniehase of materiels that arc Check, Books is concerned, present nrices cannot be guaranteed for any length of time.. Leek over your puPpb and if' you's- etock of Counter Chece Booksee getting law, let Us have youi• order, at once. to ensure them 'at the BORN . 'lleapital on September 251.11, 'to Mr and Mrs: Howard Harris, R. R. 3 ZION .SHOWER FOR BRIDE -ELECT Oe the eirening of 'Septemher 23rd; abolit thirty friends .gathered •at. the home of Miss Violet Ritchie in. honer of the hride-elett, Miss Rube Reid. • Escorted, by Mies Elsie Ritchie Ruby entered theeee: om to the Strains of Lohengrin• played .by •Mrs. Peter Cook after which e 'very 'splendid program waS enjoyed with -Miss-Ada Webster acting as chairlady. Sone very humiirous readings were giver by Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, Miss Mies' Hackett aed• Mee. Prank Retchie, fol- lowed ' by a trio' Of Lois ;end Lorna Hunter and Marion Gardner singing "The -W-edding-of Jack and Jill". Miss Muriel Wilkins favoured With a solo "Put On Your°70Id Straw Hat" after • all joining' in a sipg-song. Early in the eveni'ng the kifts were hidden throughout, the roOms. Two. littleegirls, Jean Ritchie end Freda Huntek. assisted in finding the gifts. and bringing them to the bride. Miss Violet:Ritchie opened. die .'"gifts with Ruby reading the atteched Asepses. Ruby thanked the ladies for the maqy useful gifts she' received and invited them te visit .her in her. new. home. Jolly Good Fellow." Some side-splitting. contests were conducted by ...Misses Mina Hackett. Violet end Elsie' Ritchie.. • A dainty lunch brought. the pleas," ant evetring-to a close. RESIDENTAL CHANGES The pest Week Mr. and Mit. 'Dick McQuaig and family moved to the' Sturdy residence op Havelock St, while Mr. and Mrs. Verdun MowbraS mated te the TWA nitey residence oxi the street. Mr, W. E. Hender- son has purchased the residence of Mrs. R. D. Cameron,' we pnderstand, but twill not o`ccupy tit for a time. SPECIAL' AT • Lycmum Much interest centred eround a lisplay of antiques, and the demon - ;trader.' of carding aed. spinning by ifternoon. With washed' wool sheered MeDougall, demonstrated very adept- ly the '..proceedure that •tonverts the fleece into,. two -pie, mire wool, ready for knitting. This pioneer occupation is now rerely practised,. but Mrs. eicDoegall Still retains. the art of -It :ling and knitting cluripg• the winter months. . • The' Friday; night • concert, by the ; Excelsior • Quartette of Pahnerstoie was enjoyed by a. near capacity. aud- ience, and for the dance that followed there was an equally large crowd. Musie ,was provided by Maticenzie's orchestra. es ; HORSES Heavy Draft .Horses , • McKague, John MeQuillie. Feel -Jack McKague, Albert GaMmie, ;Leonard Phillipe. Year old gelding. or .filly- PeteiWatson, Jai. Forster: Two yias old gelding or filly= -Albert Garrimie, ias. Forster. Three year ald mare or , , gelding -Peter Watson, Peter Watson FemaIe-Peter Watson. Agriculteral Brood mare -Bert McLelland, Bert MeQuillin, Year fold4elding or filly-; Jas. Forstee. Two year old gelding pr filly -e -J.- W. Joynt. Span in harness -- Bert McLelland, Peter, Watspn, Glen Campbell. Feniale-Peter Watson. Broed mare -Leopard Philips, Jack Smith, R. G. Martin. Foril-Bruce Mc- Millan, Jack Smith, Il. G, Martin. Wagon and General' Pqrpose liorsee Span in harness and rig. --H. H. Cormick, Herb McQuillin, .i. 11. Needham. Brood mare -11. B. Mc - Forster. Two year old mare or geld - Carriage Horses ' Single carriage horse -M. H. Cot- -lick, ten togan. Brood mere- M. III. 'Cormick, M. H. COrmide, George Al- um.. Year old gelding -H. B. els- league. ' Reed Horeee6: Single horse in harnese-L-Wm. lew- ev, Oliver, Smite, Pollard Bros:, Pol - lard Bros. MarereAlex Andrew, Jas. drew. Year old gelding or filly - W m . G. Keith. I Gentleman's turnout -M. H. Pc/1.1114.k. 1 Wm. Isceery, Oliver Smiths Ladies 'hitching' rete"-Bernadiee Alton, Mrs. Oliver Sieith. , Bost female -Peter Wetsou, Bert 'eleLelland, Peter Wat- son. Best gelding, any; age or (Sass ' Pe er_Wa lheavy draft and Agritultural -horses e- t Peter .Watson: , Best • three horses - Peter Watsot, Bert McLelland, jerk , MeEsigile. S-pecial sten, hackney type Miss Amy Yourex Of Dutida•lk, and recently\ a member of the High §tliool , teething staff/ heret is this teem at- tending University College in Toronto, • tiesd'ay„ the special Attraction at the Lyceum Theetre i's ' "The Story of Alexandee Greham Bell," featuring Young and Henry Fonda, Read the edvertitetnent • \\ '10 \\\\' w(\\ '\\\\ \\\\\ \\ k\ \4\ \\\