The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-09-21, Page 8F4 v,a H' HIGHT �o- • THS LUCKI W SENTIIN,: ,t • •THURSDA'Y, SE1'TOMBER )1, I9a9'• A A ���".��s 3.10/3'�:�:yv OI# . when:. , :Ou can jLIS . t► ' -• wear a• i u -Bash.. well Nb rding:up Lessslipping .of '. shorlider straps' -Less besiery, strain ND lOoseDess across :diaphra m -f�APl�?i and Co. yrs - :CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP CLUB Miss Margaret Mitchell of Moles worth Presbyterian •church la•ill'-bring the' "Gospel.. message tothemembers' of the 'Christian . Fellowship, Club thin. Friday' evening; Sept, 22 at 8 o'clock. A gond 'proggamri • is .:planned to which. all'' are invited. . ••At 7:30 p.m:. ani Interdenomina-' tional Prayer Meeting will. be held to' • pray for a ;revival; and other needs of Our Elnph'n. "Prayer moves the •hanc' that moves the world" so let us pray before itis too late. ' • ,1( CIU, !I■, ,._ R ■PIENDS..« HOLD . SHO*ER (KINLOUGA \b?EWS) The girl friends of Miss Greta •Hod- gkinson gathered at the home of"Mis- ses Edna and May ' Boyle on Friday evening last'to shower her. • prior'. to her marriage. Miss' Hazel' Percy took charge of a`•short program +Which con - dated of , the singing. of The more we get together";.duet--Misses Edna Mies' Nellie Malcolr reading -m.' Hazel Percy; humorous contest in charge of Miss -Nellie 'Malcolm. Miss' May • .Boyle . read the address to the,. bride. Miss' Winnie "Percy then as - slated in •:opening the gifts and • Miss Jean Anderan read the attached ver. 'les. Greta, then thanked the girls for their kirn less. to her and invite& very; one present'to Visit icer in ' her. new Winne in. London. Lunch was, ser- .ved and a• social • that. enjo,Yed. Dear. gr.eta;:' ' ' .• In• the event of your approaching iaarriage• we felt that we could not do 'better than 'assemble ourselves together in this social: way to extent: to you., our, very best wishes fora ,iong anKi happy • married life. ', I Althoug Year work has. taken you from our Midst for the .past few years it has by no means severed our friendship, but in closing !we ask you to- • please accept all these gifts Wrapped so nicely with rhylnns, And.as day roll, along„ , Read:Ahem : o'er many times But. where ever you, travel, or live or go, Remember the old friends' Way ui, r in • Kin'lough. ; Your girl ,..friends Miss Mary MacLean of Kincardine spent- the week at her home here.,. - Mrs. E. J. Haldenby is visiting' with her'•daughter, Mrs. 'Wm: 'Wall, Cul rose., ;..._...,.:...:,...__. ;. :. _... Some from here attended the West- ern \ Fair ;at London.. ' Congratulations.,wto Mr. and 'Mrs. Wes. White (nee Greta Hodgkinson i who were married. on' Saturday last. at .the home . Of the bride's parents Mr.nd Mrs. J. B Hodgkinson. Rev. F: C. MeRitchie performed the eere • many ' Miss Winnie .Percy,' R.N., of List owel, - spent a few days at her home here. Mr: ''and •Mrs. J. R: Lane' were re- eent visitors with Mr. _and Mrs. Frank. Manlden, Glen Orchard, •,Ontario. Mr. and Mrs: Karl Boyle and Mari- lyn were week -end visitors with rel. atives in London. Deck Season Opened• - Thaseason-for the taking ' of duck:: and geese,'. ;north of ,the scesthern; Bruce Boundary. opened last Friday, with a number of niinrods' on the "w,arpath" • eerly...that .morning.', 'So far, ' we understand, the 1 numher bag- :ged has not been large. • �i. ;:NSATION►'. TWO WEEKS NLY .t .rda Sept.30 ep#..18••�to��Satu �p 09 lUARTS iovereign Paints iarnisb Ct Enamels By Specie' . Arrangement •' QU'A'RT With .The.; Manufacturer, `'� We Are Allowed To Of -'r' . fer For Two ;Weeks Only • This Antazing Sale. The Product Is'. Good • The Price . Sensational Quick ` Drying Enamel WHITE, t1VORY, PALE N' ,GREE AN.NILE GREEN . House' Paint WHITE; IVORY',. CREAM; BUFF AND LIGHT GREEN Porch. and Floor Enamel • ,LIGHT GREY, DARK GREY, - YEILOW, TAN • AND 'MEDIUM, BROWN , Flat Wall Paint WHITE AND IVORY • '• VARNISH STAINS Ground Color Eight Oak dr Dark Oak; ' Clear, All -Use Varnish; SOVEREIGN F INISHES ARE WONDERFUL VALUE These Finishes Have Gained Great Popularity With Customers Be- cause- Of Their High Quality. IN ' . SPIE OF RISING 11 COSTS EVERYWHERE, This Popular Line Of Paints, Varnishes And ,Enameh IS OFFERED AT LAST .YEAR'S LOW PRICE. Little Need Then T! Urge All Householders'. To Take Full Advantage Of It Whiffle The Sale, Is On, And Stock Up For • All ,Requirements. •• • �nd PORTEUS RAE 'PHONE 66 "THE RED FRONT HARDWARE" LUCKNOW HARDWARE, PAINTS, COAL, PLUMBING. I& ELECTRIC WIRING d E Two 'QROM' 1 .SAG Miss Maud Murdoch has returned- home after visiting friends , in Tor- onto. • Mrs.. Charles Morrison and son Bil ly of Gloderich are visitors with rel' .atives in Ashfield. • , • " Mrs. George D. Stockham• of ''De troit is yisiting with ,her father, Mr Alex MacDiarmid and other fiends. 'p^..: xc.•,'rw«w. �r �'z�. .^xaw->sum+r+7, 'w Xa,l�^i+r'�-. ;'z,, returned 1.to the 'village . fgllowint. an extended visit with their daughte In., Toronto. iwy.- Your •' Suit , or, Overcoat befor, prices advance. Wa hive a large' range of sail}ples` to choose from, t'EItiPLE- CLARKE; Mterchant• Tailor • 'Mr.,and Mis.'1'�'an'k Cole;*l;llso. •Mr aird Mrs. Lloyd. Hildred of Bervie at tendei•the London Fair•, Mrs; Cole ase !Veining .over"•for a fa ew •days,,.. 'Week -end guests of Mr. and Mrs' W. J. ,Little. were Mr. and ' Mrs • Brue . Richardson. and. Mi:. and Mrs. T. W Little of .'Allendale.. The latter•' at( remaining -until Friday of:°this week With four rural teams entered in ' the local indoor soi,'tball' league;' two groups have' been formed. The one group includes the fixe', town teams, and the' second .group' 'the, four 'rural teams, +vrith an end, of-the-season,playoff for league hon- ors. _ • • •T.owni .games' will be. played on Tdesdsy and Thursday nights and ru- Fractured "Arm ' • Mrs. Ewan MacKenzie' had the mis- fortune; sone ten days ago, to . fat! '.nd fractura'. herarm, between ; the elbow and shoulder.' , • Sunday visitors with Mr: and. Mrs N:. H. Hedley : v¢ere Mr. and' Ws Russell Jervis . of 'Clinton. and daugh ter .Marlene and Mr. and Mrs. Gonier Gibbons of. Elmira. Mr. Norman Paterson of 'Montrea'.' and Douglas • Harton of Toronto • visit- ed on Saturday , with the fornier's +brothsr, .F. M. 'Paterson, who accom- • -peraledtthem:-teiareate ^o6 attend. 'i ham' funeral of Mr. 'Joseph. Elliott;'on Mon- day. :FORMER RESIDENT WRITES -'LETTER-WE APPRECIATE The-Lueknovir ;Sentinel, Lucknow, Ontario. Dear , Mr. Thompson : Enclosed please find postal. _note $2.00 to apply in furtherance of our .subscription ' to. The Lucknow Sent- inel. .. ' This,' to , us, most highly prized weekly letter from our home town' ever keeps us jn sympathetic touch with the people of Luknow' and. sur rounding country, so well ;known' to us from 1876 to 1912. Thus we share with you still . in your joys or sorrow:- each week as the news is conveyed to ,us through ' the weekly Sentinel., Yours sincerely, •". "• Tlfomas'" A' McKeith. • Hazenmore, • Sank. Return To Listowel Mr. Prank 'Tyler of Fergus, has re • ceived the appointment • as assistant tit the local C.N.R. station, and i^ now. on,'duty. Mrs Tyler and daughter will, come' to Listowel in 'the near future and they will take• up residence In their home . on 'Division street. - Listowel Banner. - - Pentecostal Mission' SPECIAL EVIANGELISTIC CAM- PAIGN Beginning Sunday: SEPT.' 24th. EVERY N'IGH.T •Except ;Sat- urday' In T'he. •Pentecostal Mission, at 8 p.m. . Plan LTo Attend. 'Every Night. Bring The Sick. James 5114. AT KK"NLOUGH THURSDAY; September 21st. .Subject -"REASONS' WHY 'WE SHOULD PRAY FOR A RE- . . . VP , AL." ' Service held in .the Orange Hall • T - 815 pm. E. L. Ripley, Pasta. LUCkNOW • UNITED • CHURC'H Rev. R...'4 Todd, • • Pastor SUNDAY' .SEPT. 24th • 11 ' a.m Morning •Worship. Sub- ject `.THE ONE THING%' NEED- FUL.'. ' 3 'P.M. --Sunday • School. ' 7 'p.m. -Evening Devotions. Sub=' jest "WHAT IS THIS CHRIST- IANITY?", Guest preacher at both services will be Rev.' A. M. Laverty; B.A.. E!.D., ef-Manitowaaing; •Manitoulin island. "Let this 'mind , be in you whicl. 'was 'also in. Christ Jesus".. day nighte0v7ing to wk Fall Fair. week, there arenogamc•�' scheduled as the .arena is una!daiiabi during the'week. - The schedule follovys 3 • Group, "A" Sept. 1,44406 School vs laucky Nine ,,19 Tigers .vs file Harris ' '`21--13igh School vs'`Qntlaws Octt, 3 -Outlaws vo; Lucky;Nine • b -Hi'gh School, vs Die Eardss` • 10-Qutlaws vs Tigers 12 -Tigers vs ''LuckX ;Nine 17 -Out -laws vs Die -Hands •. • • 19 -High School vs Tigers • 2.4-Liicky ..Nine vs Die -Herds, Group "B" • Sept. 20 -Zion vs Dungannon 23-Kinlough vs Curries'; Cor Pet. . 4 -Dungannon vs •Curries Cor. 7-Kinlough vs Zion. 11 -Dungannon vs . Kinlough rg -Curries' Corners vs Zion Last,.week wepublished the list of local and Zion players. ' The list of players on the other rural teams • in •'' eludes: Courries' 'Corners Eugene O'Keefe;' Joe O'Keefe,' Boli Ferrish,` Bili Farrish, -Archie' Man - tyre, 'James 'Nelson, cIn-tyre,'James''Nelson, Dan. Rose, Dun - gap McKay, Maurice • Bowler,' Joe Hackett, Matthew Foley,: ' Gerald Dungannon "'• Frank. Eedy, Cliff Kinnahan, Bili Kinnahan;.. Thornton Eedy, : Ray 'Cur- rie, Lavern' Culbert,Harvey Culbert, Bill Bowers, Bill Wiggins, 'Bruce Mc- .Nrthur, . Dick Park, Kinlough -"Wildcats" Levi,Eckenswiller, Frank Thomp- son, g.pence McFarlali, • Thomas Mc, • Farlane,•Leonasd ;Murray; .Angus' Mc•. Leod, Frank Collwell, Harold Holden.'' y, Weir Eckenswiller, ,Grant Eckert: ;wilier, Harvey Cassidy, ,.Elliott. Car- ruthers,, -George Halderiby-manager. LUCKY 'NINE ,DEFEATED • I H. S. IN SOFTBALL OPENER • The, Fall indoor softball series got underway. last Thursdaunight in the 'Arena, with Cam MacDonald's Lucky Nine -defeating N-S�-Calvert's-High: School .team by a .score of 19' to 10. Greer on the mound for the Lucky Nine had thirteen strikeouts, . while ' his teammates slapped out "16 .hits. for 19 runs, 11 of which 'were scored in the 5th inning. Donald Finlayson rind Jack Cook shared the • mound duties for 'the School nine; Lucky Nine -Harold, ' Greer, Fred McQuillin, Fred Steward, . Bill Lloyd,' John K. McKenzie, A. Wilson, N. Stewart, Gordon' Fisher and Reid 1 c Kim. • High. School -D. Finlayson, N. S. Calvert, ,Doug. Aitchison,' Jack 'Cook,. R. Richards, G. S. McIntyre, Jack Leith, Lloyd Wylds, W. ` Pinnell. • Score By Innings -R H E Lucky Nine ..13.0 2111.160-19 16 0 High Schpol.. 202 11 00 219-10 9 3 Sunnmary-Bases on balls, : off Greer -4; off Finlayson --8; off; Cook, -3; Strikeout', Greer --13; Thilayson- 6;' .Cook --2;, Two -base Hits -Finlay=' son, Aitchison, G. Fisher, McKim,"Mc- 'Quillih. Three -brise Tits --Aitchison; Batteries; Lucky Nine, -Greer and MeQuillin; Bigh School --Finlayson & Cook. • c . ' Sensational Silverware. • Offer .:.. at ... • ma; c 's. i..��s��•���� •.,�;xw *gym t Mame COMMUNITY SLATE ALL PATTEit NS "FOREVER"' . .. Includ>cng This, Brand New,. Desi SEPTEMBER 15th to 300• ONLY Never before has :there been a. Sale like this. Every piece regular quality with . Replacement iGuar'antee. SALE PRICE 50 PIECES :$ Service for 8 OPEN STOCK PRICE $6725 :• 8 •' Teaspoons. 8• Parks. 8 • D 88 ort Spoons Knives; 8 Butter Spreadere, 1 Butter Knife, 1 Sugar Spoon. • •SALE PRiOR ..•39, •P 1ECtS__ 297L Service for 6 . ' • OPEN STOCK PRICE... 150.00. 62: PIE -CES - Service for 12 OPEN' STOCK PRICE . . 183.50 • Above Prices jnclude Chest Typical Open Stock Values Regular SALE • Price PRICE Tea Spoons'. 6.1•'3.75 $ 2.25; Soup Spoons 6 7.50 4.50 Table Spoons 6 • .50 4.50 • Dinner Forks 6 •.50 4.50 Oyster Forks.. 6 6.00 .3'60 Salad Forks, 6 7:00 4`20 Cold Meat Fork Es. 1'.50 .90. Knives, H. H 6 13.00 7.80 Ind. Butter Knives- ...6 7.00 ,' 4.20 Gravy Ladle Ea. 2.00 1.20 e; C : moBNO lhz TIGERS BEAT DIE-HARDS TUESDAY BY 20-7 SCORE` in the second softball battle of, the carr&nt season • on 'Tuesdaynight Wes • a,. Huston's Tigers' defeated George` Has• sal's Die-Hards by. a score of 20 to 7. • "Chuck" Webster and Jack Mac- Donald divided the pitching duties for the Die -Harris with Clarence Greer going the route for the Tiger%. who scored nine runs in the 'thin. inning and .?their lead was' neve threatened ''from then on. • Tigers -Jack McNab, 1st; •Clair Johnston, ss; . Cam. Thompson, 2nd. Art McCartney, 3rd; Jim Campbell If, Leonard MacDonald, •cf; Roy. 'Fin layson, c; Clarence Greer,-• p; Joh! Ross, rf; Stuart•Collyer, Vernon' Ilun ter, Mel' Stanley, outfield: Die-Hards--AylmerAitchison, c, • .,.. 11ez Ile.ntosh, 1st; Jack MacDonald,' nd, • p; Chuck . Webster, p, 2nd; Bob .IcKenzie, '3rd. Fred Millie„ cf; Ted 'allyer•;'ss; Cliff McNeil, if; Roy Col- lyer, "rf. Umpires -Harold Greer and . Jack Fisher. LOCAL 11. S. DRUB RIPIEY STUDENTS At.the school diamond on Tuesday afternoon "Lucknow High ,School soft- rall team drubbed the Ripley students, soft- :!all score of 35 to 15 in a' seven -inn- ing fixture. Lucknow-D. Finlayson, W. ' Pin- 'cell, R. ,ichards, J. Cook,. D. 'sou, J. J. Leith, L.' Wylds, A. McKin- non, B. McIntosh.' Ripley:-McCosh, D. Finlayson, Mc= Lean, Harris, . MacDonald', Pollock, 3rawford, •Martin, Pollock. , • r • We have very large stock of Blankets to shoo c.:__ arom Blankets'. Woollen, Flannel, . Flannelette�� All at Old � Low � Prices n Also P Underw " ear f o� -111e! • � Women and . Children , ,� •I' oil\" 1•�. ,� ',P I"1 , , ' 1" 1 , `• I 1 11.1 1 11 IP'!' 11 i•Il i • /iWpaV+l Wukd4Nn5F�l/W.J��'Y,.ig•Jlp,'F�'Irl.�3fdT�Yk,fNJiYlil djL{ R4 ��lWiNri� 9'^^..., 4:.T,riauWi(,Zti 1' q 1,\1 1 1. \4' 1'th J+11 •1 h1 Y 1'45 i l `I 1 ,4 l x C '• �p�•'''yli' 1Ir,I1,,'��r9. •I Y , 11 ,.`,\% ''.A,1 1\- ,,11T•1 1• .• d • • • • L`yD}, g , 1 \1\ 6 , 1 . \ \ .p1q; 1111 1� IS\•', 1w� 1: ?.. u.... �1 ,. rel\ • , {\, MIP' • Wr, • L•