The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-07-27, Page 44w: • • u `THE LUCKNOWSENTINEL. , 4), ,i00 aur Your Stocks 8i .3ond, Wile Prices Are . Low WE RECCi.Mi14) ND THE PURCHASE OF WHITE - BEL� AN'CO 'AIRCRAFT'. STOCK -FCR FUTURE ADVANCEMENT: PRICE e nn r sh- V�• Nol THIS FIELD OF''FXPA1 SION 'FOR' AIRPLANES :IS WORLD:;WIDE, ANI) 'Ti;E Ii;US'IRY HAS TREMENDt S POSSIBILITIES , x Offer For Quick Sale, 'Subject. To Being Unsold At :Tint! Orders Received. Debentures, .Paying Interest At The. Rate Of 5 And 6 Per $25,000 Dollars Electric Power cent Half Yearly. • .Present Price Between $500 And $700 Dollars Per el,u00, Which, Gives Yoe A' Yield About 11 per cent On The Money •Invested: • These Debentures Have Never Missed Paying Their Interest, And AreOld Ee.tabliahe4 Companies, Dealing in A Commodity That Is.Absolutely Necessary To Catry;On The Pro- ''gress Of The Country. In v estnteflt. reale TelepEone 246 P.O. ' Box 216' Ontario•'• ; ASHFI=ELD• CoUNCI'L• • • ' i July ' 10th, 1939. Copticil met on above:gate, ata anent-• hers present, nunutesl'.of ,June""iieieet- '. ing read and. apploved,.on Makin of ' Anderson . and. Frayne. • Moved\ by •Frayne'and L. Johnston : and. carried THAT council give a grant to. the” Blue Water Highway Association: of twenty 'dollars, • Moved by Anderson and Frayne awed carried THAT council take out comliension insurance., Moved, by -•L. Johnston and Ander-' • son • and' carried THAT council • call for tenders' on the Graham bridge repairs,. tenders to be in by August 14th. , • Moved by L. Johnston and C. John- ston the following bills and '1 accounts. be ,paid. N. J. McKenzie, . widening road; . $56.10; Adam Johnstone, wid- ening 'road • and posts, 48.50; Herb Curran, tractor shovelling, and weeds 26.00; James Jo on, ditching, 35.25 'Herb, Pentland, . ditching, 56:50; , Rob- ert Andrew,' • cutting weeds, 7.25;, 'Ja- cob Hunter., cutting weeds, 14.00; John S. Dalton, ditching and. repair cal.; 1040; Thomas- Anderson.' cutting weeds, :5.50;' Harold Stewart,cutting' weeds, 440; Thomas Rivett, deliver -1 in/ tile,.:3.50;. John C. Dalton; cut- ting weeds, •2.25; Herb Curran; salary, 48.80;; H- Barkwelt, sheep claim: ;.00; Lorne Parrish; sheep claire,' ts-+rl.;. D. a A.' McLean; 'valuer, 2.00;• Archie John- ston, valuer, 2.00; Thos, Wilson, read insurance, 204.25, C y n* WHITECHURCH ount . of uro H hospital- account, 27.15; . Mrs. N. D. McKenzie; relief account, ' 24.00; ' Neil McDonald; relief from 'Sack.,' 54.07. Council then adjourned' on. motion of L. Johnston and Anderson. • • ' C: E. McDonagh, clerk.. HOLT'ROOb Master Clarence ;Ackert of Kincar- dine' is holidaying: with his -'grand- parents; Mr. and Mras Amidst Ackert. Ml -s. Morris ' Hodgins .and: non El- wood. spent a few days switn.her ,par- ents, Mr. and. Mrs. Mark Johnston. Mr. ,and Mrs. • Ernest Ackert .and : Mrs,' J. , -H. Ackert spent Sunday at Rev: H. Ackert's at Stoney Island. Miss Doris Shields of Winghanx is holidaying with her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Cha's.I Congram. Mr. and Mra. `Robert MacDonald, Floren'ce•and Jack spent: Sunday even- ing at 'Miss ' Catherine 'a.Ross's at Whitechurch. Mr. and Mrs. James fleury of `Cal- ifornia, Mrs: Hornell of Toronto, Mr:' 'and • Mrs. ,Win. • Hornell. of Lucknow; Mrs. Rachel Culbert, ' Eva rand Lorne, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eadie, Doris and Lorne were recent visitors- at ' Mr. Thos: Harris'. '- s Mr: WM. Pardon and his two.dau- ghters, Mabel and Mrs: Frank Coiulte and grandson . Mr. Alex' Coulter, ma- t to Lanark county, . and are vis'- icing friends there. . 21% ;Wm. `Dow of Hansell •and .Mr: BANK BARNS WERE, UNKNOWN'TO EARLY ,ONTAR'IO SETTLERS. (By W • H. Johnston) The *pacers in some.. twonships, appear to have known little or, no- thing .about' nank 'barns. The first barns, built for. the protection • of their -crops, were •of logs, the sills .consisting of large stones or some- times. on cedar or oak blocks, Stables for stocks and , the pigpens were in 'separate buildings,. erected before the Barras: .. . ,• • :...Ari.. One exception :known to the writer' was 'log barn, built by William Fin - on, lot 5,• concession 9,r„TownsIupp os - of -Ashfield:. A small creek an act' s his farm, with hilly ,banks. He ex-. coveted; on -the side /of .one: of these hills a site, fora barn, -built of logs from the ' bottom' of the eaves. 'The threshhing floor was on • .the level : of the 'top of the :hili, with ample stab, ling beneath for all, his• stock. It was the talk of the .country=side, -with many coming' . to see it '. and rs.. McKay of +Star City, Sask. visited with Mr, John Clubb. Mrs. McKay was formerly Miss Cora, Sher-' • riff and Will be remembered by many here.: 'About 1870,'. frame barns :began 'to :supercede those ' ,built of .togs in `North . litiron. The foundations 'were. the 'sante, with, this', exception, 'the blocks • and stones • were 'larger. and, the , 'sills generally were about twa and one"' half feet, from. 'the 'grounds.' thus 'giving that much .more.". sp'nee for the storing of bay and grain,. The • clay • floor', • was often strewn . with . rails nor 'poles,! across which were •plae=. ed aa. few' boards, to ' keeu the. bottom. layer of "sheaves' dry. • . • Our :'nearest 'neighbour had, ' his granary'built across the barn, ,along sade . .ilJ� ling .floor, anwi. 'ea:tend- •ing • back.. over ;half the:. mow. The space• behind was almost 12 feet deep. and I have • a vivid recolleetion of an - 'other lad' and I having to' threw shea- ves, • bound` by hand, to the' top •of, the .'granary, whence ' a man, carried them to • the table of the threshing. machine. it: was hard,.,hot, work,:eveix en a •winter's .'day,;- for two' • lads in their ' early 'teens,,' but it wa; all in the -day's. 'work,.. and. a sumptuous threshing -day dinner,salivay,s-mA,de,up for the extra • exertion. ; . • ,In the spring':of ':1875 I went. to Donegal, in EI'ma Township; in, Perth, to .learn cheese -making. We boarded in the home of the late' Mr.: and Mrs. Samuel. Vipond:. , Mr, Vipond, built a, barn- 60 feet by 72ggeight -;feet, gestina ,Stonewall x ht on or nine feet-high,.:r was a: huge af- fair for ' those' days,' and it Was a masterpiece for •economy, .•since the one .roof. covered his. barn and sable, thus saving 'double expense -in, :roof- ing • and building:. Since that time scores of 'bank barns have been bui11 throughout t'ie township; and almost all 'of them were erected' in the next 10 to 15' years. Many of them ' were built on level land, and when' they were raised it took ...a large.. amount of filling to build a driveway - lead - ng into the barn: The' late. William Campbell,.' of • the Township of • Hay, drew 800 wagon loads for his gang- way, Many -farmers lad '.their' root - house• there,' thus 'saving space. Home in Ashfield again, I related the story of Mr..Vipond's. wonderful barn; and one farmer decided to try his luck • in building ,one like . it. , He .raised Iiia barn on large cedar posts, instead .of a,.stone wall. That • was in 1877, and- some of those posts are %tilt 'doing duty .under the centre of the barn. When the frame. was lip; it looked so much' like a castle in the air ' that the owner wished • he had been satisfied to build 'on the ground. fearing that a wind storm would be the .end of ,'it. Ten 'to fifteen .years' later the majority of .the barns were raised' and .placed 'On a stone or ce- ment foundation. tlr THURSDAY, JULY 27TH; 1639. DU hIG►t+ NON 'Visitors ' with Me, ,and Mrs, Donald Fowler on Bunday Were. Mr. and Mrs. George •Swan, .their daughter; Mrs.. Gordon ,Struthers, Mr. Struthers of , Lucknow and the tatter's uncle, Mr. Sinclair of Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. *Nevin =and .little •daughter Ruth Goderich. Mr. and' Mrs. B. F. ;Rice, Detroit,' are , visiting her ,sister, Mrs. Nellie Jones: : Wilfred Glenn ' of Goderich is spending,a'fen; holidays:with his cous- ins at the °hone of: Mr.: Frank Glenn. Patsy Nivens, Saltford, is =spend-. ing; some. holidays with her grand, parents, kr.. and Mrs: Robert, litter e,' children, Mr's:. A..J. Heffor '..and Douglas ' •and ; Lois; visited -'last week ,. with her cousin„ Mrs. Earl Westbrook, Goderich. Mfs i a Sproul, 'Stratford, spent the week- nd with her mother,..Mrs. D. Sproul.. , We *tend .Sympathy to Mrs. W. A. Culbert who :received a' telegram last Friday stating that her second• eldest sister, Mrs. "Oscar :•.Earl'son, East Kilowna, B. C.,' had suddenly passed away.'The deceased ' is a ' nat- ive of. Colborne Township' and'•taught in several schools around 'here a num- ber of years ,ago, • Mr.:,and. Mrs. Leslie Scholtz , and' Gordon visited 'their cousins, .Mr.•and Mrs..David McNfillan,.Auburn`en Sun- day and later attended the memorial services at, Colborne Cemetery. . ' Mrs: Chas.' Durnin and -little 'daugh-. ter, 'Margaret ' Joy, is visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs Jos: McNevin, leach, this week. Miss W wi ieCCkt e' . :' Mrs.. Courtney are.visiting friends -,in Tor' ,unto this week: . • • i. Miss Jean Stothers and friend, Miss Conny, Elitist left Sunday on a "two weeks' motor trip in' the States in. eluding. Chicago and•New York. Pope Pius XI and Canadian Rockies In his earlier days the late Pope Pius Xi achieved considerable • tame as a mountaineer and scaled moat of • the 'well-khown Alpine _sake After his ..a sslon .to. the P 1? s al Throne he one day told al party of 'Canadians visiting in : home that. he had always, been interested in the Canadian Rockies sat that at one time he had hoped .,fait the •'there were several • initrytaino there, he. said, that he would very much have liked to climb „The • fates directed hie ,pitth to • other heights 'culminating in the.. Chair of St,' Peter,.. but the story was,.brgught back to 'Canada and at• the direction of. Sir Edward 13'eatty a collection 'of piiotograi➢tua '• of the Rockies wad -hound together in, a handsome portfolio. of White eaif-skin' and yreaented 'fo His Holiness With the compliments of . the Canadian Paelfic Raftwa�. Sir Edward received a meet courteous and kindly aekaow- • lodgment which it nevi preserved iai the Conipgnes arehivea, • Mr. and Mrs. Dale, Toronto, spent a. week with Mr. and Mrs. George Ken-' nedy. Miss Elsie . Patterson ; of Auburn is visiting with her ,aunt, ' Mrs. Clarence Cox.`'... The funeral of Mr. Frank ' Henry was one of the largest ever held in this. community,: • The service at the house was conducted by Rev.. Mr. Barnard, pastor of the United church with prayer by the Rev. Mr: Pollock and the special address by a 'former pastor, Rev. J: Ure Stewart of Moore- field. Tie sympathy ofthe community is extended, to alt the relatives but especially tor Mrs. Henry and gain- ily. Miss Agnes and Catherine Paterson are holidaying at Grand Bend, Mr. .Scott and daughter" Marvel spent a day with Mr. and Mrs. 'Albert Paterson. • Mr. and Mrs. Toynbee .Lamb of Goderich spent Sunday with ler pat ents, • Mr: and. •Mrs.John Kennedy. • Mrs: ' Prank Paterson and children, of Detroit are spending' a month with Mr. K. Paterson. ' , • Rev. Graydon Cox and. Mrs. Cox and little daughter of Matheson are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Mac Ross, A bad car' accident happened near Wingharnhen Wilfred and -Albert Waddell and Joseph King were taken to Wingham Hospital •Wilfred Wad- dell is in a serious condition.' Mrs. Eli Jacques , spent Saturday at Bruce Beach, with her niece, Mrs. (Rev.) John McNamara. ' Mr. and Mrs. George. Fisher spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. John Carruthers. ' ' • ' Mr. James Wilson and Thomas Will- son and their sister, Merle, spent Sunday at ' St. Thomas wiith their sister Agnes, R.N,, • ' ' "WOLVES" IN CIJLItOSS Whether the officials of the Ganxe and Fisheries department say they are wild dogs; and farmers uphold that they are wolves, does not niat7. terms they are hi Culross Township. Many farmers report seeing the an- imals skulking around' their .'farms, but the.: animals .are apparently too cute to :lie caught napping;" so , very few have been shot. Herb. "Duffy an ,Roy Renwick art. s '.ter a ca w ed' 11 tit 't t he arm- of, J. D. vicitep3ie • one 'd`ay last' weak,' and managed' to get in a few shots at an exeeptienall'y large specimen. ,Roy put :22 Calibre bullet in the aninial'a hip hot failed' to stop the wolf for long. Al Werra!' got a shot at. !ate a few weeks ago, but failed to eons nett.=Teeswater •News. • ' FOR SALE—NeW potatoes and veg etables. John Barger, north, of T. W. Smith's garage. CLEARING. • AUCTION .'SALE --Of household effects, etc., at, lot 16, con Huron Township three and one half miles south of : Ripley on; •Wednesday August 2nd at 1.30. See bills. Oliver Wilson; ,Prop. W ell. Henderson, auc.. • PROCLAMATION ,KIDNEYS ARE CLEANSED and in- vigorated by using Rumacaps. At regular intervals, use Rumacaps for your health's sake. 'McKIM'S DRUG • 4 STORE. i •I hereby proclam,'Monday ' August 7th; :1939, a civic holiday for :the vill- age of 'Lucknow, All citizens are here- • bynotified'," to govern themselves ac-, cordingly." ' N. E. BUSHELL, Reeve: Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Larkin and chil- dren. Arthur and Margaret. -New Tor- onto are. visiting :Mr's. Win. • Shackle:' ton' and other relatives • in this dis-' trice. • :Mr. and' 1VIrs. Jack. Sturdy of the West,the latter formerly Edna 'Agar,' are visiting. her sister, Mrs. Joe' Law- son ;and called .on her aunt, and uncle Miss Ellen and Mr:, R, J. Durnin, Over ' 100 , attended " the Anglican picnie.at McKenzie's Beach on Tues- day afternoon: Swimming was first •enjoyed,followed.by a ball, game with lunch ,afterwar°ds,' Mr. and Mrs. Chester Durnin, Pitts- burg, are expectedat the end of the week and- with .members of •his fain- ily' will Spend two weeks at a cot- tage at Colpoy's Bay, Bruce Penin- sula. The "McWhinney" Re=union. is be, ing held . at ' Harbor. Park, ,next Tues day: • Mrs, Lorne Johnston met with,, i painful. accident lash Thursday, when the lever`on.the wind mill struck her in the face knocking out two teeth and a cut on, her lip •t'hat required five stitches, PARAMG'lJNT • Mr. John Mtirtiit attended the an- nual picnic of the Crewe Sunday. chool en Tuesday ' afternoon.' • Miss ,.Doris Grooms, Toronto, and Mr -.and Mrs. Stant, y Small: . Gnd- erich, visited. at 11/1r.-WVni, R. Martin's on Sunday afternoon. ' • ,bliss ' Tilley Rdberts'on, Ripley,'tis istilig this week with Mrs.' Herb nsign. Mr, and Mr`s, Goldie• Martin and Mr. John Martin spent Saturday at .Norwich as guests, of. the W itt3 Fer- ,tilier Works andwhile there enjoyed a motor 'trip to the Reforest Station at St. Williams 'find other points of interest' in the district. After•sp'ending twa weelol with rel- atives here, Mr. and Mrs.'Marvin Sanderson have returned to: Toronto prior to leaving,for their new }ionic at $t John,. ,New Brunswick. The Paramount Woinen'st Institut' picnic will•he-held on the Paramount. school ground.; lin ' I'hui-sii'tiy atter: noon, At gust 3rd. Committers • in charge are --tea;' Miq. .1 mellona'hi, Mrs. A. Ketchahaw; lerimonade . Mrs. G. Martin; sports and gan es ---Mrs R.. Hamilton,. Mrs., 0. • MacCharles, Mini Ethel Martial. Anyone interested is cordiall .•y invited.' Basket lunch. • TENDERS l'ENDERS WANTED—Tenders will be:.received by the undersigned nail 2' pati, Monday., August 14th, '1939, for building concrete :wing wall . on Graham Bridge., An approved cheque for 'ten' per ' cent. of 'tender ` to • ac= company tender. . • Herbert C. • Curran; •124.Supt.,' Luck= C E McDonagh, ' Clerk, Lucknow 3. 1VIr. Mason McAllister, who had been seriouslyill with pneumonia in 'Win:gham -.Hospital, is niow; at his home 'convalescing, but will be con fined to bed for some time yet. Mr. and Mrs. Rich. , erdner 'visited Sunday with Mrs. J.1 Berkley and, Mrs. R. Fitzgerald. • A Community . Picnic was held at McKenzie's Beach on -Wednesday, 'July 19th. The day was ideal and a good crowd attended. The sports run off were ae follows: boys, under 5, George Harris, Donald Petrie; girls under 5, .Jean Petrie, Olive Petrie; boys 5-8; Jack Eedy, Jack • Petrie; girls 5-8,. Gwen Stewart, Eileen Currie; boys 8-11, Paul Caesar, Billy Stewart; girls 841, Pauline .ones, Thelma Cur- rie 1 boys 11-15, 3.'• C. Alton, Ross Eedy; girls, 11115, Annetta Stewart; Doris Reed; girls over 15, Anne Reed,, Helee Anderson; married Women's race, Mrs. E. Harris, : (Mrs: Fradt Glenn and, Mrs. Joe Petrie) ties.; bays' three-legged race, Roy Jones, and J. C. Alton, Ross Eedy and, Mel fefford; girls° three- legged *race;Anne Reed and Helen Anderson,. Gwen .Stewart end Thelma.Currie;. kick the slipper race, Under 15, Pauline Jones, Doris; Reed; kick the slipper race; over 15, Aline Reed and Alma Anderson; boy's Wheel barrow race, Jack Eedy, Roy: Jones;. dignified .ladies 'race, Mrs. Steve Stothers, ' ,Mrs. Chas. Alton; minute• walk, Annetta Stewart, Mrs. A, Roach; married men's race, has, Rivett', • Wilbur Brown. • ' Dungannon Ball Team played a league game at Ripley Monday even- ing, Losing with 'the score 6 to 1, due chiefly' JO the failure of the batters and seine erratic. fending and base running. •Every team lies, a poor game and ,. D'•ul. senna.: -ot !� 1"1 ...4 r d f' clic s. Monday night, They are .y Mountplaying Forest at Dungannon Thurs. rlayarright of this Week, The W. •A:':• Meeting 'of the United (hi:n ch was bold last Friday after- tooii in the basement led by the pres- ident, °Mrs. 11V. A. Culbert, After TENDERS Tenders will be received until Au- gust 3rd, for 'a complete 're -decorat- ing .job at Clover Valley schoolhouse. The best in material and, Workman- ship orkmanship . is„ required.. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. For in- formation or inspection apply. ,4co'i -G'r= vi11e Finlayson. " • Signed, ' • H. J. McGuire, R. R 6. Lucknow. K I N LOUG�I WE'VE GOT IT! Prosperous Mr. =As seletine has it! YOU CAN GET IT TCiO! Cash in :on the. Biggest, best line. of HOUSEHOLD NECESSIT- IES to lue•sold`direct from factory .ta consunlers.•1 $$UCCE$$ ASSURED. ,Write .' todayfor . freer. particiilars.:- • FWrit AMILEX; PRODUCTS COMPANY, 070', St: Clement St., Montreal, Que,. - Sympathy is extended to. the: Pin- ned ,family in the loss of their father, the late. Harry Pinnell of 'Culross. A large' numberI of friends -attended ;the funeral at ,his' late residence on Tuesday afteinoon. " Mrs. Schoolley returned to her home in.' Merritton after 'spending a week with 1VIx s. Ethel .Raunchey M' . William Percy - is seriously ill with .' pneumonia. His many friends• wish high a speedy recovery. The next. meeting of the Holyrood -Women's ' Institute .will' be held : on Thursdays next; August 3rd, at..the honia of. . Mie ses Belle and. Hanna Ross. Convener—Mrs.' Tem. Harris; assistant, Mrs. Earl Hodgins, Mrs. Wm. Well; topic,. public health and child welfare;a current events; matte, talk health, happiness and 'prosperity to everyone you meet; roll Call, 'some; thing you keep in your medicine chest, demonstration, bandaging; lunch.eom- mittee, Miss Hanna Ross, Mrs: ALkert Crang, Miss. Hazel Pery, Mr. Elmer Percy of Toronto and Mr. Walter 'Percy of Buffalo called at the,Percyi home here ,on,Monday. , Miss Winnie Percy, •R.N., of List- owel' is home owing to the illness of. . her father;• ' Mrs. Peterson and little daughter Betty of Tdronto arolidaying• with Mrs. M. MacLean. At the service in the A hglilcan church Sunday morning .three babies, were'•bal tized, namely„ Marilyn Jean, daughter of Mr. arid Mrs, Karl Boyle; Kennetih` Wilbert, son of • Mi•. and 'Mrs: Wilbert Hodgkinson; Douglas George, son of Mr. and albs. Levi Eckenawiller• NOTICE TO .CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE .OF JOSEPH WIL• ' '+ LIAM-HELM, deceased. All persons 'havingclaims against • the Estate of ' Jo3eph ,Will'iam. Helm, late of the Township•of West\Wawa- . nosh, in the County of .Huron, Re tired Farmer, • deceased, Who died on .': or about , the 10th day of 'February, . 1939, are hereby notified to send full particulars of their claims' to the un ' dersigneil: on or beforen•the 10th day 61 August, 1949, afterwhich date the' estate`will be distributed,'havixig•• regard only to. claims •- of which the Executors shall. then, .have notice. Dated at Listowel, Ontario, this 17th. day • of July, 1939.. • . . R W. Andrew,. Listowel, Ontario. ,. Solicitor for the Executors. • ' • NOTICE TO'CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate of Frances Ann Blackwell, late 'of the 'Township of Kinloss in the County of '• - Bruce, , Widowo deceased: • NOTICE is hereby given •'pursuant' to the. Statutes in;that behalf that alt• persons hav'in'g claims against the Estate of the said Frances Ann Black- well; deceaseds who .died: on or about the Thirteenth day, of, March, A. D. 1939; are required to forward their claims, duly verified by affidavit' to the- undersigned, Executor, of 'the last Will and Testament' of the said Fran-' ces' Ann Blackwell, on or before the •Twelfth_'day. of August, A. D. 1939, after• which. date 'the ,said ''Executor will proceed. to distribute the assets of the said Estate among the persons entitled' 'thereto 'having' regard . only to and being responsible only for the claims of which he: -shall then have had notice. .. Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this 19th day of.July; A. D. 1939. Harold Percy; ' ' • R. R. 1, Hotyrood, Ont. Executor. I. Mrs. Charlie Gillespie returned front her trip to the West and visited here ,with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hodgins on Sunday. Mr. and •Mrs. Neil McKay and Miss, Sarah McKay of Glamis were recent visitors at the Percy .home. A nuinber of 1theyiladies from here attended the W. M. S. meeting at the home of Miss Margaret Robinson, Purple .Grove. on Wednesday, after- noon. Mr. George Haldenby and Mr. E1= don, Eckenswiller, our local threshers,. began threshing operations this auk, A simple way of getting t.id of Meg front a room, is to get a poker red-hot, and put it on a piece'. o; camphor' which will give off. fumes which are disagreeable to flies anA]' other. insect pests. This can also be applied 'in a sick -room for destroying germs: ' hY mns, and prayer, Mrs. A. Roach reed :the Scripture lesson, Mrs, Webster read a topic "The church and Sects.",A read Paper was P p by' Mrs, arvey Alton "Th church and why 5 fiat" A flower r contest ivas held and a 10c tea was served later. `rhe next meeting, and tea will' be held at the home of Mrs. Robert Treleaven. " • • JOHNSTONE and •, MacKENZIE FU:'ERAL SiiRV•Cr AND FURNITURE COMPLETE REVISION ' OF PRICES .lnibal:Ince Service Day or Night. 3 Phones, 76. F. T. ARMSTRONG O1''TO NIETRI ST IN LUCKNOW E.ICIl WEDNESDAY 9.30 A. M.• To 6.00 P. M. • EACH SATURDAY• 9.30 A. M. To i0.00 i'. M. AT WM. SCIHMID'S STORE BO SERVICE from ' 'LUCKNOW LEAVES Lucknow South doily, , except Sundays and hoz- allays, 7 a.nt. SUNDAYS & Ilolidey4 Pan. • NORTH to Kincardine: Daily: - except Sundays and holi- days, 9.10• p.m, SUNDAYS & • P.m. For Further Information See ,Local Agent. SMUT"' SARA E G - T Western ' Ontario Miotorw'a s • y • ,