The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-06-29, Page 5. THURSDAY, JUNE ;29TH,, 1939. 4,1 THE LUKKNW SENTINEL INGHAM SHOW START'S AT 8 P.M. EXCEPT SATURDAY r ' SATURDAY, NIGHT TWO SHOWS AT 7.45 .and. 945 p•na., MATINEE SA'liJi l)A Y AFTERNOON AT 2.3.0 Thurso: tri: 5 .� u. 294O:.July SPECIAL OLD yrs •' IS WHERE YOU FIND IT" GEORGE BRENT. OLIVIA DERdVILLAND art CLAUDE RAINS' MARGARET LINDSAY BARTON MacLANE • JOHN LITEL • TIM HOLT WIL'L'IE BEST• Directed by MICHAEL CtJRTIZ MMusic by Mac Steiner • A First National Picture • 4 COSMOPOLITAN-PROD•N • Presented by WARNER RHOS ALSO' : "MICKEY MOUSE' ,, •AND •''.`NEWS" '. . THIS "NEWS" WILL' CO.N.TA IN PICTURES. OF . THEIR •MAJ-. ESTIES'. VIS'I'T .TO O'TTA'WA • .ADMISSION ADULTS -45c' -CHILDREN-7-20C.. M n.,, TueSo,. ., . my 3. 4 = 5. LLOYD' NOLAN DOROTHY LAMOUR —*ing � � � :E ' ,•. .. ST..., �. UIS .,LU..Salt The rhythin of Old Man .River with, the . singing of Dorothy Lamour, ad Maxine' Sullivan and the romantic adventure ''iii the Deep South. ALSO "Crime Does Not Pay, and "Coloured Cartoon': MATINEE SATURDAY, Al"I'ERNOON • AT 2:30 PJM, ,AD lisitiO11T.. ADULTS--2Sc. CHILDREN -15c 1. Vim• i B■ ®ter: 1 PRESENT GiFTS r Liideavour'and one hope. that your en r. u •i' teachiri work -•in. .4 stir into , g CMER TO TEJA• 1. cessf ul' • and .pleasant and we assure OUNT • BEGINS, "TINS Of. 76 militants ;for the',position •of Special County Constable of >gr>ico , which , is enhanced with a yearly sal- ary of $i000, and mileage, all but. five 'wereeliminated when the battle entered the final stages at the Bruce_ County Council • session in Wiarton,: the .competing quintette being Robert Nuttal, farmer , of • BQ uce Township; ex,Consti bde Alex Thompson of . Port Elgin; Constable •Ed. Fitter ' of Kin- cardine: Ed.• Doll of Saugeen and Innis THE EK. LUCKNOW SENTINEL Published '9sVery Thursday morning at Luckatow,'.Ontario.. ' yIrs. A'be0. T om eonteP morph etor Camt3 1 h p THURSDAY, JUNE 29TH, 1931' OBITUARY MR: PETER MURRAY ,., The angel of death brought peace- fully to, a close the life of Mr. Peter Murray '•obi Friday noon;. June 16th in his eightieth year. "Johnston, a former Walkerton High Born at Marino rat 0iitaro., County School student 'akad., eldest. silo of Mi. 'of . ,Hastings, its 185.9,,•he 'was J A..•Johnston,'publisher of the Mild .may,;.'G-azette o '' ;The b . llotin�' .'' o •n the ''•five :selects � . proved a.strenueus one at the Board;` no' less than 'four. voting contests be - the son Of .the late James Murray and •'Elizabeth O Bis n At the • age... a£ 'Seven,'.:he came with'. 'his parents Culross•, settling On : the old . home stead,' new. occupied.'by.,Daniel Mur - jag necessary before the winner.°•was: r .y declared :Nuttal''on 'the: final, rouid;' 'Inning hit early =YoTith.,`thewas :► which was narrowed down to • tiivo, :,pioneer in, the district. Later he' was getting it over his opponent ' by 21 ' foreman in •CargilPi Lumber •Camps to 11. His • friends, old and young, Will .re - The new official,• whose duties 'will call the delightful •experiences he lov- cOnsist of enforcing the Harivirers''and ed to. relate, . ' • On -June 1st, 1892, he married Art- nie Donovan, and `•s'ettled • at West- ford, . where: he has .siice . resided, al- ways • a, loved; and respected member of the 'comnuitnity ' •• Up 'to the last, he took an 'activeA interest in coinmianity :affairs. Foe over forty. years '' he was a trustee. tof •S'.S. No. 10, Gulross, being a staunch. advocate id•, ustice and, fair Pedlars' By -Laws and other county measures,.and assisting Provincial of-. ficer MeClevis inhisconstabulary; work about the county,';will commence to function on July ' lst. His",duties will necessitate him moviisg. to Walk- erton: „ 'home school, may continue to be 'sue (COL!`R1;!IES •CORNER NEWS). our '1]lmer,I that goon 'wishes will follow you. ,We. welcome'. Mr and M r s• mtitiity, Fairish and family back to oui•eom ' r parat.ively near us 'nd hope we may We are glad that you remain .conn' hake fre quent ' eont �a t with y - u ou • '.A.• shower .was held for the brid'e� As a mark of our esteew_ would elect, Miss Marie Hogan, at .the homy talc yciti •toeacce'pt.this 'gift and,'hope of Mr. Stephen' Martin at" :Kings- '.as the Years €'o` by• it ,will, remind bridge. you of the friends you made , n the `a.: Mr. and. 14 t :: Alfred' •Armstrong,• school" section,. in ;�thich you first r•o`i'don and •Miss Eilleen Thorpe of taught. '' ` Loddon 'spent the weekend' at Mr: . ugc. bid you farewell and assure you • David' Little's. that mit' beast wishes follow 'you.. • ' Miss Vivian Courtney ' of Toronto: S,i'� rrod on lienal{ the ratepayer s is visiting her home.. My. f lc Johnston,b.C,hof wart :Jamieson. •Mrs. Albert •Brown :is visiting with 'Mr. and :Mrs. T. J.. Drennan. Miss Ina' Campbell has been hired l • Mr: and 1iIrs• Milton 'Kit atrick of troit and Mi.... add .Mrs. M:',minders,. p PARAMOUNT • at Cedar Valley as teacher I • Mr: and lir,• ' 117. Kosmyna, De - FOURTH CONCESSION Mr. ' and ' Mrs. R. McDougall, Blanche, and. Harvey, :are enoying a. motor • trip through the Eastern States. .. 1 . Miss Mary Graham_of Fergus: and Miss Anna Graham of Toronto vis- ited at their .home this. week. ° Miss Elizabeth Robinson is home from Wingharn fora few weeks. A little girl'• arrived at the home of 'Mr .and Mrs, : Robert. Moffat' on Saturday. ' Mafeking visited .6n Sunday with Mr. 'Richard Twamley at • Mr. and • Mr:••. • James Drennan.. , On Monday night about 90 rate payers, and.. children gathered. in 'the Clubhouse to shlow their appreciation and. esteem of Mr. Duncan -McKay!:. n•ork and teaching .dosing the past. four years. ,• •• Clark Zinn -read an Address 'on be- half sof the children and. Lorna Little presented Mr. •).VIeI{ay with- a 'man's, ' : travelling case. •• Mr. Ewart •Jamieson • read an'' • chess on .behalf, of the rat payers- and Myrtle Johnston presented a 'camera to Mr.. McKay. Mr. McKay replied to each in well chosen. words stressing• co-operation of parents,'children and teacher. Alijoined in singing "For Ire's a. jolly Good Fellow." • The evening was spent .in. dancing with refreshments. • • These are the following addresses: Door Mr. McKay: • We' are here. tonight because we. ',feel.' that we could ',not let "you go from us without telling' you how Much • We appreciated ysbur work. among 'us. You have helped us • riot only !with our se„hool' work,, 'but also with , our ' ' singing, our Xn'tas concerts and sports. • • Yon have •been, very -good to its • taking us away to, 'lilay hall and' yon have tried' to teach us to play fairly J and to Mattie `a beating t°'ith , good . grace• We would Mask you to accept . this lit:{.le . gift, riot for sits value, , but .ir . a ; iem'inder of S. S. Na. 10. • , " Signed on behalf of the school, . ,Lorna Little, Clark•Ziint; Dear, Sr. McKay: . On the •eve of your dearture, after Tour ' yen,' , . during which ;you were. teacher in oar school, we-, the "parents PTA ratepayers of `this section;• have gathered tonight tel •wish you God Speed. We wish to express' the esteem • in •which we hold you, and also tolhnnk e•�' eIn fo'r':lre 1'n'te'restr• ,y'.0ta .}i Ce 14 played in the eeildren • eritr u4teil' to • your care,, --not only with regard 't'o tior l -eC'with teaching, bet, also cin Cor n t , their piny and 'sport. 'We wish to compliment yoe ora ' you►' success in' handling yowl' school • ' iii every phase of school work 'and • Mr.' and Mrs. Dan McKinnon spent Sunday 'with Mr.' , and Mrs. Wm. McKenzie. • Mrs.,•.Colins and 'Mrs. Smith re • turned . home after spending a few days with relativeshere. A very successful U:F W.O. titeet- ing was• held at: the home of Miss Dean McLeod with Mrs. W. F. hMc- donald,' 2nd vico presid,,ent in, 'the,+ chair; The meeting opened. by singing. the, Opening Ode and repeating the, Lor'd's prayer an unison. After com- munity 'singin'g two guest speakers, Mrs. 0. G. Anderson 'of Bel:grave president of the Co-operative and Mr. Hare another Co-operative work lir. spoke on co-operative : principles• A paper was• given- by. Mrs. Youne on "Making the Most Out of . Life". Another paper on.. "Farm Poultry, from incubator to market" was given ; PAGE~FWV'E COMMITTED > till:' TR1-.P4I ON • MURDER CHARGE.• '• "Those people who have given 'evi• denee have, told untruth. s• • and will 'have to take theinQoaclr; Again and pay for them too," din atically stated Miss' Katherine Fitzpatrick, 73 year old r..esiderit shortly before she was committed for trial pn a •ehaxge of murdering her $4 -yeah -did brother, joint •oi Albert Fitzpatrick, iiTl /their J hassle i lower Wingham last March. M.agist A. Mains of Stratford presided at the preliminary hearing. Unrepresented •lay. counsel, the ag- ing spinster was asked if she: 'had anything , to say before. „being coast, m tted to stand 'trial at the;:,next . assizes in ' Goderich in .. N.ovenvber. With a brisk movement' she walked towards the• cadi's bench and made her statement: Andasher last words were. uttered her ,voice, becortte°•;in a• • herent andai:nid the stillness..'of' :t11e • little room her mutterings were riot discernible. Crown Attorney D. E. Holmes di' Goderich acted for the Frown in .the hearing which lasted only' three- quarters of, an hour. ' Accgm;panied by a .police• 'matron and • Provincial Constable Percy McCoy of Goderich, the 'woman was brought:' from the Hunan 'county •jail where she had been tbearcerated since being returned from a, 0 -day, observation' by phy- ebiatrists. at the Ontario' Hospital in', London.. . Five witnesses . were called y Crown Attorney Hel'mes. They ",were .Provincial. Constables Percy McCoy of Goderich and T. W: ;Platte of Wingham •wwho . conducted the' ,police 'investigation at the time the late Al- • bert Fitzpatrick's badly ,injured -was 'found in his heave.; 1Ros; MCAS- thin; lower Winghamgrocer; •Dr :W. A.. Crawford, • Wingham physician who attended the departed man and Rev. J. let Paquette, parish priest'. Toronto, wore recent visitor§ with, by Mrs.. W. G.• McKenzie.. The roll lir,•Mid \l t' .'Janies 'McDonald:,. call, •was answered. by a beautiful • '1' lie 1'TI inoLInt Women's Institute *PI amt:rt. at the home of. Mrs. Wtn R. M.ital. on, the, afternoon, July .ti, Mi,; 1':Lhe1 Martin and Mrs. Refit]lar i ikon are 'on the program and Launch. eoinrnittee. There'wilf .he r. ,{;•'riiutrslrrtti+m ..staking an Angel' hearty vote of thanks .was' extended. ''al.r". AIr y me iitterested' is' invited' to the hostess and' a social half hour I o at tend.. The meeting-will-commence 'Was spent, ' nt. ,.t o'e,lack: r thought in poetry or prose A duet was 'sung by Rose • Marie Robb ` and Jessie. Orr and the meeting (doted by singing the National Anthem. A play . , p • Surviving ate his widow, '•three daughters; and five sons: Margaret, Montreal, (,nue., Bessie (Mrs Archie McKinnon!, •Hoiyrood;) ,Agnes, Sarnia; Joseph of Coutts; Alta.; James • B. of Joliet. 111.; Alphonse of Helyrood Jahn, bon' ,Springs, Alta:, .Charlie' �.f. Warner, Alta; Two sisters and two bothers 'also survive: Elizabeth and Mrs. Frank Caskanette;,James, all of Tees;uatet; Ont, and Daniel of Hollyrood. The funeral took place from his late residence ' to St '' Patrick's Church, Holyrood. Requiem High: Mass was 'sung .by ;the pastor, Rev: Father O'Shaughnessy, who, also delivered • a Very ; touching sermon; Interment was rl`iade in the:'family plot 'of St. ,Pat-' rrck's. Cemetery • Six life-long friends ani:] neighbor er'e the pallbearers: Peter `Lineh'aan, Duncan Campbell,,.' William Wall, ',Jos. Wa'll,' William Ruth; Fred ;Haldenby. Those Who ,Attended,' the:- funeral from a distance •were•• Joseph Mar= ray, Coutts, Alta:, 'Margaret. Murray. Montreal; James B. Murray, Joliet, I11.; Betty and Jimmy.. Murray; Joliet; 'Dr. Donovan and Miss, F. Donovatt of Chicago; Mr. and Mre. J: R: ,Saigeon of Sarnia. 'MR. DAVID LOGAN TAYLOR The funeral of 'D:avid Logan Tay- lor ay-for was held on Thursday' from the home of his sister, -Mrs. 'John. Cowan., Ashfield, tor Kintail ,Cernete'ry. Mr Taylor, 'who was. 'in his "65th year, passed away • in Kincardine . Hospital on Tuesday, whets he failed 'to 'rally after suffering ,a paralytic stroke, . A native of Ashfield, he was 'one of a -flintily of ten of the ' late D. L Taylor and Frii ces :.yohnston. He was a ;carpenter' and contractpr 'by, trade and lived in Detroit for a nab - 'her of years and for' the past •few years has lived .at :Ripley and .iiiKin- loss Township: • . His death was the first break' iii the family. He is 'survived try two sons, Harvey acid 'Clarenqa of Detroit, and by two •brothers,•William of Sault. Ste. Marie, and, 'Charles of Los AR: geles, also seven Sisters, Mrs. Alex Johnstpn, •Chicago; Mrs. Robert Wag. ner, Detroit; Mrs. Sara McKenzie. Mrs. Neil McDonald, and Mrs. John Cowan, Ashfield, Mrs, Dan . Wylds, Lucknow, and Mrs. James G. Mont- gomery, Saltford. ' :.1r and :\Tn 1kt. McKenzie;, Tiver- 1 {r• \ :int{,i;il4, (i. L'r Martin. . ' •lir. :' 't M r'�. Al. : Kosntyna, • Mrs. �;,,:.t. lliuuilion and Mr. - Jas.• Mc- Mrs., Browning of •Kinea.rdine vis- 1)on,ild o isit.i•ii with friends. in. ,Tor-' ited with Mrs. Fox.'s day' last , week.. ',;into. r r: easily• Mr. R. Carrick and daughter spent • 11r. and .A:1rs. l'red.il'amilton,,Van- - •oti , r, t. ire sec pat visitors with 1VIr. the. week -end in Stratford with 'Mr. �Tr 1. 11rs.' G{i.;cr••'MacCharles. • and Mrs. ' Platt, '.• - • .lir. :inti :4Ist.' G.,• Jamieson,• -Tsa:. Mrs. A. Mowbray Of' ,Montana is Ion t ere recent visitors firth Mr• WHITEC•H,URCH ... ladle aunt{ Stewart visited recently visiting; with her nephew, Mr. John .Willi h 11 r.. and Mrs, 0. Tiffin; Lang• Movvbra side.y' .Ili:; ('nl,her'ine Mckenzie has beeii We are glad to report Miss Isabel c.LtigIlged ns teacher•.{n the Paramount Fox to be able 'to •'be home after 'school . for the coining year, having a minor operation, in London .lir. J+•thn P. Martin has been. re. hos ital. . ' ;•tyre cd as teacher at S. S. ; No. 1, • p • Godoich, for the' coming ,year. He is rec•citir(g c•otieratt,ilatiotis on !the. sue Mrs: Geo. -Kenned'y and. babe .have retprned home from Wingham Hos- tess of his entrance class of five stat: pupils all 'passing -with , first class P Mrs, John Johnston, we are sorry, honours, • • CREWE to report, has been confinedto her • bed stiffering from ;heart trouble st week Wehope . for an' improvement' 'soon. 4441 1Vm,a1 C nr. hell spent la HOLYROOD 11fr. a•nd Mrs: Richard Elliott and. fa. rily"were the guest§ 'of .Mr: and M . ri•nst .'Ackert .and family on Sunday :.it' •'thew •.cottage •at "Bruce. Reach.;',•' Mrs. `rhos., arria, Mra and • Mrs.: Ho trard 'H:arrils sipe,nt Sunday evening a�t M1Ir, . A:I A.Palnier's, Kincardine.' Mr•s: C. Eadie .of Glenannon. spent wi'til hi; .daughter, Mrs. Wm., Crozier: Mrs. James Forester is Able' to be M r• .and. \'i r>s. Fier$ Stothers; Helen 'out again after. being in • bed for" a. and Arnold „ spent Sunday eveningfew days• • • • . frith Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Drennan. .At'the •young PeoPle'•s meeting on. • A nnttheir frons• her attended the ladn so.'ial at Zion en Friday evert -,:Monday evening of the4Ui'tite'd,church ing• and' report h i good . time, -they presented' Rev, and Mrs..Wright Miss • liarriet Whitley spent •the 'weekonid with Mrs,' Tom Hackett, Jr. • Mics, iter nthv C'tn ran ofMafeking 4liomt the' 'pa Iwo weeks with; 'er gra iebn °flier 1ii'4 John. Menary. Mise T.etr mane llurnin entertained her iirl friends at a birthday party nit Wod resday it being her thirteenth hi rthd•ay. Miss l"atiny T)nrnin was also. . a guest., •, Mrsh ];den 1'Tunter•• cif Tondos' and. Ti Mary 8i•r'ttthers of, Lueknow wer c g ucsts •tif Miss Matlock and, Mrs.. Clifford ,lost week -end. • :Mrs, Jahn h:ntnterton . of Kinlough visited liar sister Mrs., Victor Whitley' ::nil family on Sunday. , Aire. -`flj'. •tr r—Drt'tiinf (nen Farm% frrit'v 'ol' ...Kiln hint,' 33:' •C"' , wart xW ('1{fiord Wehh of nedet•re$h' Visited they. 's'iater Mrs. 11t, Shae;kleton.• oe tlre(lnrsdny. al?air cans.] Mts. Vernon !Tinter\ Mr. id MIN, Pert. Treleaven, Gwendolyn Jen•d 1�lrs• T'rtrnees •Cir,,,44oe, ]lung - with an address" and- ;a', fine linen table cloth, as• theyare leavingSt. Helens and Whiteehtirch.. Mrs: ' A. Rintotti and son Golyddn, also Mts. D. Kennedy Mrs. David Gillies and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pur-' don and family attended the golden wedding . of Mrs. Purdon's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Anderson, . of St. Helens on Monday evening, when 'a very enjoyable tithe es spent by all. o The Young 'People of, the Maitland Presbytery are holding a 'pienic at Kintail on June 30th. All are wei; �I ,.3x44 -04y ,a00, ST.. JpSEMI'S CHURCH' LAWN KIlippE l _ , SUPPEit 5.3.0 P.M. ` 'ADMISSION- -35c. CHILDREN Refiro ent 'Booths Country -Store. Booths e�h. '-c n+ °t • Speerec1lees .• •s•. `CHAIRMAN--dildr M1'1: N:• SULLIVAN., OF (J 1NToi• Ci 10.30./IA` 'PAKISH HALL McKenzie : Orchestra ADMISS•r-ON-25c' COME .AND ENJOY 'i 1115 GARDEN PARTY,. • • UTE weekrend Nvith her son, Mr.;,Wtn• Eadie and Mrs. Eadie.:. ' "Miss 'Helen Valad and 'Anne Parke{; were sucressful ,in, passing their •en- trance on. their year's• work; Congrat- ulations.'' ' • ` Halite. Almer Ackert' and . Mrs. J. Ii Ackert were the guests of ...Miss '.S. Purvis on ,Sunday. • Miss.'Marie .O'Hagen, • R.N.; of Cal- ifornia and Mass .Ilene . Valad 'were •recent .visitors • in, 'Hamilton , and • Mr. and Mrs. Wm.. Eadie and fam- ily and Mrs. 'C. Eadie' spent Sunday. at Mrs. Rachel 'Culbert's. , . • Mrs. Janies. Valad was a recent visitor at Detroit and Minden City. Mr. Ernest; 'Ackert has. • •pin chasecl' the residence„ of' the :late Miss . Eliz- abeth Pierce. ' .Recent* visitors •a th Mr. and ' ']rs James Valad were Messrs.. Chaste. .and Leo Yantz, and °Noah Knair of Saratoga, 'Elsdon and "Newton O'Heg - :n, John Marino .„of. St. Catherinea. Nile McKenzie..of Durham and Mr Donald McPherson, .Miss K seeker'. 'Mrs. John McKirmon:who. has "been ,ctsiting' at. Mrs: James 'Va1ad's::,r'c• - turited to her. home in "Toronto week. 'Is •Your Subscription paid? 4 et ouncil Standard” RIB -ROLL or Tite-Lap Roofing' is :being: widely used ' for 'houses. It is permanent,` fireproof, weather- proof—requires miniranm upkeep. Write for our new free book, "House 'rope". Eastern Steel products Jinifed PRESTON ONT. T/(/o//LJ aaaw, MONTREAL ETORONTO with friends in Toronto. Mrs. ' Aubrey Higgins, ; ;tack and Bobby ole Detroit.are. holidayino, With Mr. and Mrs, Jelin Menary. We, arta glad to report ' Mr. Menary is nroving, after stifferin a severe ASH'F! ELD NOTES Mr. and Mrs.. Jake .Hunter and, family, spent :Sunday,. at :Mr, John Campbell's, Belfast. ' r• Master 'Gerald Helm of Horchester is visiting with his uncleand aunt Mr, and Mrs, Robert Helm. Master Harold Gibson of -Detroit .is •spending the holidays with his uriele George• . • Mr. and Mrs. F. Drennan of Gad- erich visited with Mr. -and Mrs, A: Helni • on Sunday. . Mrs. K. Parrish 'and 1Vluriei spent Monday afternoon .With Je;hn Mr-' Dorald'a;'.: . • Miss Lorena II.ogan returned frcni 'Detroit • Saturday where she spent the past week with leer sister Irene. Misses Muriel and Dean Patterson of 1'.ueknow spent Streday afternoon• with Helen Gilmore. We, are glad la know that Mrs' '1. E •McDonagh who underwent •. i doer aflo'n :: of 'St," Joseph'ct• Hospital _ i Iiydtsia..• i Trus . wracks ago =has:.iaeexa removed• tothe bonne, of ,her dauah•• ter, where' �be is , iri'tproving n'leely. Mr. & Mrs, i3,' Brady and• Mr. and, Mrs, Will .',Brady of Strath'roy spent Sunday 'WA Mr; and. Mrs. M.. Hogan. „antral, npentt a .pleasant wee]; -end`' heart attack. • t • v' 4 • e.- <:,;�::v : ':. , �:•:<:.; ..mac?:}.:•.:::�•::... ... ..... P s<> ..• tS`:C4'22 "::loch•,.}:. realizingBayers are now PON T I AC is right in the Lowest a Price Field! RESULT—sales are. soaring :to new high records! Big.. :: sleek ..: so lazily restful.. Lots of room for six .. "h'un pleis” floors •.' i . better vision all around. Nimble as a eat in traffic • q: , lithe and steely powerful as a.panther, �n . the stretch. Vet• • instantly obedient to the effo'rtles's controls. Arid the ,grand "Neto- rest" Ride levels every road! Get the full story back of the wheel, today! . • e,nrd Motors brsta{rflent P•Jas Ponos c has stepped Up the horsepower of your new car dollar! 'Here's beauty that stand§ -out like a glowing debutante visiting an old maids home. Anda price away down With tJe' lowest ... down as much as $$100 compared withlastyear! A Pontiac ..: engi- iieered still better ... packed with features. Never before was' there such value! . - Gonvenlerat loins on the • SMIT YOUR PON1IAf DEALER'S DESIRE IS TO SERVE: YOU_ PERMANENTLY,,.04 WELL