The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-06-08, Page 8NA 'vs 11 THURSDAY, JUNE 8T11, 1939. A if SFor • JCA DIES OR' MISSES RAYON SOCKS—Ankle socks, lastex top. �.15c pr. " -Colors white, greOen, blue, red, pink ..:.:...... , • : • • , • , .•. .. . BEN'S •ANKLE. SOCKS;. Paneystripes, size '.HILi? Pr:, CHIFFON HOSE—Full fashioned. The new shadea for white sheet/. Regular $1.00 ....... , . •..... SHEER DRESSES --For better dress, slips attached. ' Reg. prices:.° $4 96t Special,„, , • ; •• . M • , . **is. $3'98 RANDCROCHET'' GLOVES -,-Mer � eri'xed crochet thread. ' Good.• wearing .. ......: , ... ........ 75c tonless short leg,' no sleeves, ' Buy CpMBS,=Snug•fit, ;but ., MEWS. • ,� - s • 1:00 • 'for ” .,...`. • this garment for •eom t " leton tewar Lumber Company n Supplies: 'The Lowest west - °1; �• ampbell St.;::Luclunomi:..'' • Phone ' 34 Pine Band Band Out 'Saturday l.,,uclmow Pipe Band Made its first Saturday night appearance last week in commencing its regular Saturday night band concerts that continue duringthe -slimmer ' menthe. Dresses.. • . irs: Pearlman has: ' J 'ust brought home °1Vl� .. many new Summer : Dresses in the •latest. Styles' Priced ,from • $2:95 ,:up 'PHONE 85 1IIJCKNO , oNT.'. FINE • PROGRAM' AT. TEA, MEETING An , old-fashioned -tea , Meeting' in. connection with the celebrating of 'the' 75th anniversary of Chalmer's Pres-, byter an•church; .was 'held last Wed- nesday evening. supper was served - in• the (basement with a capecityy crowd attending. 'The entertainment '. held in the auditorium of the church • 'consisted of numbers by male quartet, George Douglas„ Alex McNay, Horace Aitchison,, and' Eldon: Henderson; ac- eompanist, Mis •Donalda MacCallum; vocal solos, Bert Cullimore; Gordon Leggatt, J. 'Reavie; violin solos, Jas. Little; duets,, Gordon Leggatt and J. Reavie; Mr. and Mrs. -John McGee; Bert . Cullitnore and "Gordon Leggatt; • 'readings, "Levinsky .at the Wedding andWhite Carnations" were given by Mrs. George -Fisher; greetings ,from former ministers were • 'received from,, Rev; J P:-Duncan,-reev: Stewart and Rev. Graham. Rev. J. Pollock con- veyed the •greetings. of Frank Henry, a : pioneer of the church in .its begin- ning, who was unable to be present. John Gillespie, ,another pioneer gave his greetings and told • of the "building of the first 'little white church and" of the brotherliness of all the -pion- N . MEMORIAM, IIN MEMORY 'of: my dear. mother. who 'passed away' five Years ago, 'ere June 7th, 1934. . she stied to do,. The' losing, things Mr. an. d Mrs• Eldon .The smile upon her face, turned tc .'Larder ;.Lake today. They: Are memories'written in our hearts,., went by motor;: iyecompanying the That nothing can erase. • . , • . latter s sister, Ms.• Frank •McLennan;` . r and other relatives, who wall, return Foidly.reiliembered byt18r;daughte Laura . .' .. first of the,week. • - Laura,".. (Mrd; IL. F;' ,Stingel')., e Gradnated''At Stratford , ': , , ;Myrtle• graham of •Luieknow was one of the meinb'ers of :the agraditat- class: of ,Stratford General,,Hos• '` ` 'ptal The -graduation exercise's s weere held on Wednesday,: • Mr. Fred Manning, g, jr,, M mss Muriel Manning; ' Miss---Iris-Moron :-and' -Mr. Garnet Code, all of ' London, ; spent May 24th at the home of Mr. 'and' Mrs. Elmer Alton. LOCALnnd GENERAL The monthly meeting =of the Wo,. men's Institute will be held in the Town :Hall. tbia. Friday, June. 9th. Biscuit contest. • N ON • .COQ:# iNTY ADOPTS:REPORT • • ON EQUAINIZATIO4_. Moron Countlj Council concludes its UR t spring 'session •at Goderich on 'Sat Mr,• and: Mrs, •Beverley Burgess and ' urday,. after ,tresenteting , some . major daughter, . Elaine , 9f Toronto, are vis- t, legislation including- :the adoption o f iting with his.' parents, Mr, end Mrs.1,the •contentiene equalization report, George .Burgess. ab ENGAGEMENTS Mir Pinker . and a14�rs SV, E. Taylor, too announce ttheengagmnent ef; their ton„ Margaret 'Elsie; <"to 14ir.: James Harvey Houston, Holyrood, son a. . '' an the ,. Houston d 1te. Mr, of Mrs Thos: , Houston, Pinkerton,,, Elie mar-. ridge to take place quietly in June. , • 1- Iummer CARD OF TH'ANKS Mrs. • -Oliver Jehnston• 'and •. family wish through. 'Tfiie Sentinel to thank all those who so .kindly. remembered Mr.. Johnston• in .many ways, during his long illness, and also to ack nowledge with thanks, the- kind' ex- pressions of sympathy, the floral con- tributions, the loan .of ;cars', and other„ acts of .kindness at the timeof their, recent sad 'bereavement.' voting of $5000 •for this year to cow - Menge a reforestation 'program; Arid, approving • of. action, being' taken to dismiss 29• , part-time County. , Con - Doug Clarke, Charles Driscoll and ;Murray Moore of . Powasson. spent the week -end in Toronto' and on Sun- daywere visitors' with the forraer's parents here. They were accompanied from Toronto by Miss •Monica Quinlan and Miss Eunice Newton.. Mr. and Mrs: Wilson Woods of Dun- das were week -end visitors here:' and, On their return were , accompanied, by her parents, .Mr.- and Mrs. James R.' Hackett, who.' will (visit with them and whO planned. to See Their Maes- ties at Hamilton on Wednesday, • Mrs'. J., A. Glenne , and Mrs; •G; A:' Siddall are spending" tie month of June at ,the former's cottage at Point Clark. They . motored up on Sunday •l!vith •Miss Frances Siddall, who on her. return •was accompanied by Mrs: N. L. Campbell and by, Dr. G. A... Newton who will visit . for a -time in 'Toronto with his • son, !Mi., Harold Newton. NOTICE • 'BUSINESS MEN'S MEETING The regular monthly meeting, of the Luc iftow Business Men's Club will be held' rn' the Town 'Mee on Monday, evening, -June 12th, at 8 . o'clock: It\ is important that 'you 'be•. in attendance. NOTICE BOWLING. CLUB MEETING The annual re -organization meet- ing of the Ladies' Bowling Club of Lucknow will be held this Friday evening, June. 9th at the, home of Mrs. Charles Steward , at S o'clock: ' .All interested ladies are urged to be pres ent.\. Cees: rches Greetings from sister c}i u were brought by Rev: MacLean from, W inghani;. ReV: 'MacDonald from Lucknow and Rev. Young en. behalf of South Kinloss,• also from ' the Maitland Presbytery, he being Mod- erator. - • , FAIRS ASSOCIATION MET AT OWEN SOUND. Seventeen branches, of the 38 com- prising the Grey -Braes ; , District No. 10 of the Fall' Fair Association . were represented at the. annual : spfing meeting held at. Owen ' Sound last Wednesday afternoon. The attend ance shield went ,toy Mount .Forest Society With 'over .20 members having travelled 45. miles to attend. The ap- plication of the • Wingham Society to be transferred. from District • No. 8 to . t'he' Grey and Bruce Association was dealt With and unanimously 'ac- cepted. Otto Johann, secretary -treas- urer of -the Owen. 'Sound Agricultural •Society, 'was in charge of a registry and 125 delege,tes signed at the af- ternoon session. The men's and women's section. of the Association met separately, The latter group . was presided over. by Miss Ethel . Martin of Paramount, district ladies' 'director. . I 'COMINGEVENTS, •1. PARAMOUNT DANCE :'.• 'Dancing every. Friday 'night at�'Par- amount 'Hail. MIcKe+nie's orchestra. Admission 25c. - stables..,• ' After a . full day of diseuseion, by a vote: of 1.7 .to' eq , Council adopted the; io' sessment report of'.'the" . ualisatn., firm of Nogg and Quinlan, valuators, which increases the assessment ,bar, aP- :y. a roximatel 10,000,000, to, a total of. $54,OOQ,OQO, y . amendment, .. " division .tri " By the divisi e. 'r asking that 'the egr}glizatian r po t e lost. bel aid Over for.on year was ost The -higher -Assessment is- of vital. interest„to .many outside. of ;'Huron County as among. the municipalities which are 'increased is' Stephen,'Town- ship, • in which . Grand Bend—a well-, known Summer resort --is situated. Many Londoners are "cottage owners at . Grand . Bend. , Stephen .must pay '$2,595.52 additional each,year to the county, 'but ' representaties' of that -township said, during the debate, they would appeal. as as . • The vote. wfollows: For adoption—Reeves Cardiff; Dor- ranee, Frayne, Feagan, Ganibley Grain, Keays, - Leiper,71Macitenald,- .McNall, Passnore,,Redmond, Scott,.'. Webster., Weir; Whitinore,'Wilson.-17: Against 'adoption,: -- Reeves •Arm- strong, ..Brown, Haack?, ; Hetherington, Kerr; Lainport, liasifnutney, 'Saund j .' Shaddick, Trewartha, Turner; Watson NOTICE'' i The Whitechurch kUnited Church Young Peoples' Union are presenting o n P. P a 3 -act comedy drama entitled •"Pay: ing the Fiddler" in Institute ` Hall,' Whitechurch, on Tuesday evening, June 20th, 8.30 .p.m. Admission 25c and 15c. ' , '' The cast' are ready to accept other engagements. For partie'�ilars 'core- rmunieate with J. Harold' "Pollock; R:R: 5; L--ucknow, -'phone- 612-4,. Wing- ham. LILT CK.NOW UNITED CHURCH Rev. R. C. Todd, Pastor SUNDAY JUNE mu , 10 a.m.—Sunday School. ' • . 11 a.m.-Mornin Worship. The. ' minister w.ill address the Masonic Order on the subject "The. Pass- word to better Living". 7 gip. n. -"If I had a. million dol- .lars --i?" Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, Station Street, were Mr.' and Mrs. Wm. Kershaw, Joyce" and : Billie of Plymouth, . Mich.,. Miss Emma Jenesen of Goderich, Mrs. M.: Stiegler; . Floyd and Mildred of Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs. Walter 'Kaak'e: and R. J. ' of Kinloss, Mr. and Mrs. Ezfa • Stanley . and Beverley of Kin-, lough, Mr. Alfred' • Hayes .of Kincar- dine and Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Short' of Kincardine. No SERV" CAMPBF LL '$T... .Lu.,OW. n 'of, Inspector Olives: adoption of a Pla lac' Gi" the provincial. ponce to pa piece ,of "provincial officer •in Enron ,County, - the • two provincials to tra 10: salaried • sale •'foul w ith end'. cot -operate county ..o•iiet bless: I4e campl&ed- tl► t ; all •constables are ,centred in.' deric'i rnd that outlyingeparts are•vnpr•oteet- ed. He also charged, that there w ts lack of co-operation: between provin- cial' and county police 'because the- caur,ty. constables already appointed ao not meet with the approval Of:,t - C revinci-ai' inspector. ' Commence Reforestation ' After 'three years • effort, Huron County ..is to launch a .reforestation program, County Council adopted 'a, report of the agricultural advisory committee :providing for t e purchase of .100' acres in sash •of ' town-, ships. ' Four' of these 100 -acre ' plots, two •I in the northern and. two in the 'south- ern'. part of the county, are to be pur- chased this Year,. and the°lanorprepar- ed for .treeplanting in 1940. Purchases' in,° other twonships are, to 'be ',made' from tittle .to time at the discreation of 'the • agrieulturaI' committee. Township units to properly super- viee each wood lot are to be organ- ized to . supervise .theprevention of grass fires; trespassing and Christ- mas tree pilfering. An appropriation of $5,000 was ai-. lowed to . the` agricultural committee for reforestation • purposes' 'this ;year. The survey determined that ,there are no 1,000 -acre .stretches of waste land 'in Huron • County. suitable for reforestation. Therefore the scheme adopted does' notqualify for :Pro, vincial Government maintenance. ' Enlarging its reforestation pro- gram, the .council . *ill pay 50: per cent of ,the purchase price ofland in each municipality .up to 100 acres the price• not to exceed $10, an acre, the 'local• municipality to pay the re- maining, 50 per cent, plant and main f years i ' the' township wishes . to retain; the prop: erty;. they must pay. back to the county.any expenses involved by the county .during' that time.. . With the -adoption of the tie* equal- ization assessment Stephen will ,pay. '$2,595.32 extra each year to the coun- y. , The town ' of Goderich Will pay. $2,999.64 extra yearly. Warden Turner in his capacity as reeve' of Goderich,: and : his :deputy,..E. D. Brown; fought adoption throughout' , the . day. They served notice that the assessment, if adopted; ...would .,-•be appealed,' as did Stephen township representatives. Other . municipalities increased and the extra amounts they will pay into the county annially are:• :Ashfield $178.65,' Hay $284:09, Stan- ley $273.79, .Clinton $791.81, Seaforth $124.40, Wingham $825.27, . Brussels $5.46, Hensall $367.44, Exeter ;$9`.10.11. Decreases are:. Colborne $•55.88,-God- erich Township$639.71,, Grey $1,529.41 Howick $1,208.52,, Mullett $796.85, Mc - Killen $1,698.66, • ' 'Morris $1,337.52: Professor C.: R. MacGillivray, of the, Lawrgnce Institute - of Techtnoidgy; Detroit, -Mich,, was .a week -end .visitor with his parents, Rev. and Mrs. J.'''K MacGillivray, Lueknow, 'returning to Tuckersmith $818.48, Turnberry. $153 - Detroit 153-Detroit'Sunday afternoon In addition 78, Usborne $561.64; East : Wavvanosh Department o. to hi lectures, inthe s •'• nosh ' Wawa nosh 3 West W ' s85 1 $ , Mechanical Egineering, Professor ' Blyth $158;80. i ' MacGillihay- is engaged in preparing Ask Constable Dismissals ;a new, up-to-date text-boolc 'for use in hi§,department, which he 'expects Council unanimously passed a res: wili•be .issued i the early fall. , olution asking Judge. T. M. Costello, • to .dismiss 29-part=time' County .Com • stables, and ' to request them to hand in -their -badges, ~revolvers- ,and--ell- 'SURFACING VILLAGES T6. DO •PERMANENT ;SURFACING OF 'STREETS ' equipment.. The constables ' had twice ignored an invitation to. resign follow- • ing .re=organization of county police. Teeswater and.Mildmay are.two. - - _ Bruce County villages that plan .to'' • This action was taken after discus have work started at once in carrying Sion of the Police coniniittee'a 'report out a .permanent surfacing program. submitted by the chairman, Reeve. ort several of the streets, -in the res- (,'eorge McNall, • R ' pective centres. In Mildmay the work! ' In the debate it was stated that in. includes about' a mile of streets,, while the first three: enonths` of thls year in Teesfivaterabout twice this distance Huron County had saved $1,400' in Constable's fees. as compared wit1 the ,nay be surfaced. The annual: cost of same period last� year. , upkeep of 'Teeswater streets is placed Only three constables remain on Vero at $600., .so that within 'a few years force,: Ferguson, Jennings on Olt tim'' the cost of permanent surface will be on monthly' salary, and Pease as past more than met, by 'the resultant sav- time officer: ' , ' ing in road 'expenditures. . • It is expected that the 29 co-• stableswill be dismissed gat next • :reek's Sessions• Court. The plan 's Too many people spend' more'. time .CPPreved• -by Attorney -General Conan • studying their 'Bible than 'putting it's who Was waited upon by a delegation. teachings :into ,..practice.—Jack • Miner-' Reeve N. W. Trewartha advocate] The, estimates of, County Treasurer 'A H: Erskine for -1939 were -accepted, The 'rate will. be 4 mills plus $42.090 -for secondary- schools made- up ---ac= ,follows General account, 1.8, county highways, 1.9' and, provincial high- Ways, ighways, .3:, • ' • , It cost, the' 'county $:13,000 to snow- plow,•'its roads lase winter, lrngineei T. R. Patterson .reported. This is $3,000 more than the 1937-38 winter due to the heavy snowfall in . the northern townships during the past winter months. County road ' commission 1939 .est- imates • of $160,000. were . passed by County Council, without change. Half of this amount is recoverable in Pro- vincial 'Goye•nment subsidy. The acquisition' of a county store- house and machine shop for county road machines and'. equipment, , for which $$000 was provided, was left to the .commission.'. Blyth,, Clinton, Au- :burn,"'Godericli ' and . •Seaforth reeves all pressed for. the establishment • e n d'• k E e • PIE CHERRIES; 2 cans for• 25c BLUEBERRIES' 2.•cans 'for 25c PEACHES in Heavy SyruP25 26 oz.: GOLDEN BANTAM CORN. 17 oz .3, holt • 25e :SWEET. WRINKLED PEAS 17 .oz., :3 'for ' ,25c RINSO . Large (Small Free) . 24c COMFORT SOAP' - 3 cakes (1'.free) • PLUM JAM ' UC- ':.. .. .. • PINEAPPLE JAM 32 I►z. .. . , . 25c ORANGig MARMALADE.. 32 oz. ... . 25e SODA BISCUITS 2 ' lbs. :. 20c PEANUT BUTTER' (Toy Pail) ' . 25c NUT CRUSH. 16 oz., glass • 20c ,:,15c Fresh. Fruit • and Vegetables • '•Always On -Hand of thestorehouse in their; respective towns, citing vacant buildings as, . suitable. Purchase of a new , cater- pillar tractor power' grader at a cost of $6,700 also was left to committee. Thomas J. McLean Dies • Thomas J. .McLean of Wingham,' well known in the. district as an'hist- torian, and prominent in_ the • Grange Order; diedddenly at.his home on .Friday from .a heart attack.. The fun _mat_ service• . was "held ' on Monday, '• conducted by Rev., E.•' 0. Gallagher, and under auspices of Wingham Orange Lodge. ' -The yearly cost of the. Sentinel . = is less than 4c a week. Subscribe to your home paper now, and keep in- . formed as to the' doings' of your neigh- bours and friends. Do, it to -day. . CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP,CLUB Rev Robert A. MacConnell, form- ",� erly ministering pastor of the Pres- . byterian church in Ripley, will bring the Gospel .message to, the young .pec- ple at the Christian Fellowship Club this Friday evening •at '8:.o'clock. A fine program is 'planned to which old; and young ' are cordially invited. We hope there will be a good .attendance. Please bring' your Bible's. - a $rigs Ma • a�- great Checking over our ' stocks, wee find a great number{' .of ,;the helms R substantial British:Manufactures acurChintz, New Cretones — New Materials, NewCongoteum .. and - • �Tev� Curtain New Linoleum Rugs tIs ,GIC IOW one i 2 •