The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-05-25, Page 5!1
THURSDAY, MAY 25TH, 193_.9.
Lyceum Theatre.
W l NC1-i.AM
Show starts at 8 :p.m. except,
Saturday. --Saturday night
-two shows at 7.45 and 9.45 p.m.
MATINEE Saturday . 2.30 p.m,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
May - - 25 26 27'
0D� E A
Hopalong ` Cassidy rides again
•and thistime in Mexico to'
`,avenge the. -death of. a friend.
- "NEWS" '
Monday, Tuesday, 'Wednesday
May 29-'30- 31.
--L-*, in
"Listen Darting
Freddie and: Judy 'as a pair of
seriously. • minded; . adolescent,
romantics, attempt to ruin .the
marriage :of . Mary Astor.
Also. "Crime Does Not., :Pay"
• "Newsreel , Camerman"
MATINEE. Saturday 2.30: p.m.•
mhsslon u"' 0e
Children -10c
'Phe Dorm brook W.M. S. met on',
Thursday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. J. C: Robinson. Mrs. Robinson,
led; the meeting. Mrs. Jefferson read
the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Cunning-,
ham took the chapter in the Study
Book, Mrs. R. Chamney gave a report
of the W. M. S. Presbyterial .meet-
ing which was held at Wingham.:Mrs.
H lliard Jefferson contributed a solo
Which was much enjoyed:: The'.meet-
ing closed with the singing of hi
• Save The King" and prayer by the.
president,. Mrs. Bert Taylor, .A bale.
of quiltsand clothing was packed.
The ' Women's.. Institute 'Will, meet
at thehome of Mrs. Everett Finnigan.
en. Wednesday June • 14th. Note 'the
change. :in date The report of the.
District Annual ,:.will be given. r Boll
e ' scheme
firs ' tt de c
call. :. Whera� yI ,., .. t .�: a d� ,.
and the name of !my first school
teacher." Current : events -Mrs. Craig.
Music-Mi'ss Redmond, .Hostesses*
Mrs, lingh King, . Mrs. H. •Andrews;
Mrs.' Jelin •Thompsen,,_:and Bernie
Boyle. ,
Miss Marjorie Campbell has 're-
turned to her : duties : in a Toronto
Hospital after a weeks vacation. with
her. parents, Mr. • and Mrs..' W. ,A.
Campbell. ^
Miss Gindys • Jefferson, R,N'., •'of
Woodstock .spent last week -end at
her home :here,
Mr. and. Mrs. Lloyd Hinton and son,
Rae of Toronto were recent week -end
visitors with her mother,, Mrs. Cun-
nig'ham • and her uncle, Mr. "George
Wallace.. .
Mr. . and Mrs. R. Chamney and son
Gordon . visited on Saturday with Mr
and Mrs. Ernie 'Doerr, Hensall.
Master Norman McClinchey spent
•last week 'with lits -aunt, Mrs.• . J. C.
,Vlr, And Mrs. W:• J. Craig and sons
Billie and Allan were .Sunday vetitors.
with Mr, and. Mrs. R. Chamney.
THOMPSOON-+Iii: East Wiewanosh'
:on Saturday May 20th, Ellen Cham-
hey, widow of the late Samuel Themp-
son,., in her 79th year. • .
They're caging :RIB -ROLL Roofing
and right over the old shingles, tool
With Preston "Rib -Roll," and . "Tite-Lapp"
metal roofteg .there is •no moss of old
shingles; lying . around and no danger of
ex using your building while re -roofing.
°s "rite -Lap„ an . "Rib ' o, ma, a a.
famous Council • Standard quality, are
guaranteed for 25, years: Sure protection
against fire and weather for the best part
of a lifetime,.
Prices' are lower than at this time last year.
because there is no sales tax. Write today
for free estimate. Address Dept. 906.
f-a'e Factories also at
Montreal and Toronto
PERSONAL LOANS at the knees, .
rates...s365 per S1b0ok-Repayab'lo
in 12 Monthly Instalments :: c o
For any • reasonable need ernergeecy or opportunity -- we
areglad to advance money to people with -aa assured
income' . Consult the manager of our nearest branch. •
You • will appreciate his • helpful attitude toyortir problems.
Visitors with Mies Betty ,Elliott on
15.Uu*day sere lMr.- and Mrs. Wes.
McLean, Goderich 'and Mins,. N. F.
Whrvard,, Seaforth. •
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pentland, Lon-
don -visited Mrs B. J. Crawford,
To.Mr. and Mrs. Benson Park:
Dear. Friends.
A number of; your friends- have aS-
senibled this evening : to extend con-'
gratulation: to you upon your •reeent
marriage. We weleonlile
Park to your new home in Dungan-"
non -.from. a.. neigbbotlrinng; community',
while You.; tertaell, 'need no introdeee
tion .
- to a Dungannon'"audiesice,• a..
h . -ag
Hired always in, .this district.
the '• .loecasion : to -aright' retells a
form' r 'time.. some years ; •• ago. when,
yet were eTalled"tp this carne. p ., ,,
for .a.. different sort of .presentation,
when you were honoured by the IU -
mane '"Society Which presented. you
With: ' a framed parchment in rec-
ognitioiit of your ,bravery in risking
your life by 'dieing into the mill -race'
fully clothed to save the life og. a boy.
'Who would doubtless have been
To -night, we ask you, to accept
g , Y P
these gifts from your friends assem-
bled here who wish youhealth, hap -I
pints; long life, and prosperity. -
Signed on behalf of.the .gathering,:
. Bill Wiggins, Allan . `seed, Harold
Blake, Wilbur. Johnston, Chas.
ett, Mel Stewart, 'Mel Dickson,' Jim
Reed, Ron Pentland,, Alvin Sherwood,
Raymond' Brown,' Cecil, Blake,; Arthur
Brown,'.Jack• Curran, Ken Hedges,
Bob Stethers,,'.Thomas' Rivett, Lorne
%MeKenziea .amps Davdso ; -T
The above is °. the address • read by
Arthur Brown to Mr. and Mrs. Ben-
son Park, and presentations shade •by
Wilbur 'Johnston which included- a lot
of lovely •bedding • and.' `pyrex Oven-
ware. The. reception was held in the
Parish .Hall ,with a large crowd at-
tending. Dancing was enjoyed till
the "wee surae hours":
Mrs. David . Errington on the'4th
_concession - of, '�West--Wawanosh- re-
ceived word that lies .eldest• brother
Igs; >lelr had` •died. lie a re`sided� m,;
Dufton, . England and has not been
well for over a year.
Mvs. ,.Reuben BreVver, Goderich; ' is
spending• a fee, days with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Burton ' Roach. •
Mr. and Mrs. Thea. Sandy, God-
erich • visited Mr. and .Mrs: Robert'
Moore, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. McNab visited
Mrs.' Crawford on :Sunday. ,
No doubt 'everyone With, a •. radio
'are enjoying the broadcasts'; of Their,
-Majesties' visit to each place..Many
will .'strive to see them at some
point 'they. visit Probably the most
dista4 of ;these 'is Winnipeg, -which
place Mrs. Win-. Sproule left- Monday.
reere ing a�xaiirLtoyisit,he siste •
looking forward to seeing the Royalty
on Wednesday as her sister had made
reservations for good place for eb-
nervation.., ,We Wish her . an enjoyable
trip and visit. • .
Mrs • David • Errington .returned
Monday . after visiting .a .week svitiL-
her ed'usin Mr•. • Alf. Errington, Car-
low. •
Published every . Thursday mortising
at I,ucknQw, Ontario„
Mrs. A,. D. MdoKenzie-Proprietor,
Campbell Thotpson-Fublisher
THURSDAY, MAY 25TH, 1939..
(Continued from. Page One)
of . the Lucknow • 'Woollen Mills and
her children and: grandchildren have
inherited her talent 'lot music.
After the year ,1860 thev.tflux into
*Vest W w anosll beeame greater: ,
T hl!e .• Hotel ate Belfast: became a„
very busy place.: and settlers 'bound
ter.' Huron and Itiniess• .found there,
a resting st' lace`
.e P
.ecu i the
hildren o d
Woinen`'and c „ 1?
beds: 'Men • lay on the floor:' side by
side, so that_ the p eoprietor had to
step • .carefully., over;them • in order
•to' replenish .the" fire in the stove:
McCrostie's Tavern at Belfast 'We;
the'last-inn until' the travellers arriv-
ed at their destinations,. But pion-
eers were kind-hearted and 'hospit-
hospit-able. and no .one 4as turned away
at night and shared whatever acorn
odation there` was. • . •
:: Speaking of hospitality brings to.;
my mind a story: told , of a Mrs. Mc-
Donald. She . and her. husband . liv:ed,
do the; faro •now gowned by Wallace
Miller. She was kitrd:hearted and not
finicky about small matters. The log
house was near- the road and travel.:
lers wereinvited. in to have a 'cup of.
tea: On • one occasion she invited the
minietor 'in as ' he was passing. She
had just finished -a cup of :tea her -
Self so after throwing the leaves out
of her -cup, prpceeded to' fill . it • for
the minister: liar hands,. were- not
too clean;..'it is said,Tann., tate alnrxrry
seer in order .to avoid drinking from,
'what he thouglit mai the Janne side
of the eup took the cup . in his left
hand, . Mrs. McDonald, noticing that
remarked, • "Its strange' minister
that we're :both lefthanded.",
eta;::�s�•;z.,.::;:;�V:�:•�:��., -
Visitors with Mrs: Chas. Elliott at.
the end ofthe:: vtieek were Mr. and
Mrs. • Ira Diebbs, Callander; Henry
Ratz, Golden' Valley,'. his brother, 'Mr.
Clarence Rats ' and wife, who were
married last Friday, also were there.
The latter 'couple are soon leaving to
make their home in Nova Scotia. On I d
the • return of the northern visitors,'
Miss Mabel Sniith, Goderich, return-
ed with them to • work at Callander
this. summer.
• The Women's Association' met Fri-
day at the home .of 'Mrs. Arthur
Roach, with We -C. Alton .presiding:•
After a hymn was sung, •the' Lord's
prayer was repeatedil`i• unison.' Mre.
Arthur 'Elliott read the Scripture les=
son and prayer. by Mrs. B. Roach. It;
was decided to have the .next meet-
ing' a picnic on the lawn of Mrs. G.
'Harris'. •The date of the, Garden Par-
ty was set for June 21st and a cone.
mittee was appointed to secure "tale
ent. A ' duet was rendered , by Mrs.
Gill and Miss Fern Alton Laos. J.
Finnig n' nand Miers .Brydges gave
readings . on the topic -"Good Books
AS Life Companions." Mrs. Elliott
gave a 'Mein. After a hymn,. the .Mir-
pah benedictions was repeated' and
a ten -cent tea was served 'vtilth twen-
ty-eight being present:
A close call to Mitring damage done
to Mr. and Mrs Jolla McWhinney'S
house was' on Tuesday:merging when
during an: electrical atom about 5.30'
a.m. a large pine tree, twenty feet
away was Struck and likely is 'de-
.elothee line had joined from the 'tree
to the housek but -hot long ago was
disconnected from' the house, which
they account tor, •'tlleir. safety..
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stafford and
daughter•, Dawn and -Miss Genevieve
Hamilton of Toronto, spent the week-
end: with : Mr. 'and ' Mrs Jas: HPmilten.
A. pleasant daywas spent, on Vic-
toria day at the home of Mr. Thos.
Wiggins, the peen -Ann` '-of his . 79th:
birthday. Those. p"resent. were Mr. and
Mts. 'Thos.• Wiggins, Mr. and, • Mrs.,
Jack 'Serimegeor, Goderich, Mr. and
Mrs: Richard Park, Mrs W. R.' An-'
drew' and ,Mrs. R. Caldwell Friends.
andcitizens wish•. 'him .many more
happy occasions'as'.this.
. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. ; Iteid • of. Pert
Elgin were present Tuesday evening
of last week for theil' nephew, Ben, 1
Park's reception.. While here they vis-
The Kairshea, c..b.ib. 'meeting fob'
May was herd in the sixth school'
li'Ixis. McKinnon presided and • -the
merging opened with -singing . the
opening song. Mrs.- Hughes ;:was; at
the piano. 4Phe Lord's ' prayr' was
repeated in unison. Mrs. 11aelntyre
read the minutes of the last .meeting.
After ;singing "0Canada" the roll
'call was responded to by 'A ,name
of , a„ s'nember of the. Royal •Fa •roily."
Dr. •ohnston was the guest speaker
His talk was very interesting. and
beneficial. Mrs. Sutherland read the
currentevents:- Billie McKinnon -fav-
ored ')the .meeting by. ''Singing two:
solos,which-Was much appreciated.
' bee
Dean cLeod, took up tiles serial
,story "'The' Flame of Freedom"." A
contest brought the program to a:
conclusion, Mrs: Rn,1pb ;winning. A vote•,
of t auks . was given to ,the- ones • tali-
re'in the 'program, The June
g is to be held at the home
of 4 -iss Dean McLeod. After singing'
God Save The •King bench was served
and a pleasant time enjoyed.
Miss Hannah McDonald is spend-
ing a few days in Toronto, •
Dr. C. McMillan of Toronto; spent
the weektend with Mr. and Mrs..
R. Mci1!fillan.
Mrs, P. Robertson;. Mrs. R. Rob
ertson, Christena and. Mary of Ripley
and Mr. Wm. Robertson of Toronto:,
visited Sunday. at' R. Middleton's
Mips: D. Graham and granddaugh-
ter Miss Margaret McDonald were
in Toronto. on Monday.. to :attend .. the.
visit of 'Their, Majesties.
Mies Leona Whits of .Belgrave is
visiting with her 'grandparents,. Mr.'
and Mrs. Thomas' White , •.
We are- sour• Y .:tor. report tile. death -
'.Mrs. Margaret McGillivray who. •
'died en Sunday at het :home on the
sixth concession . of Kinloss after a
few week's illness. - The funeral' is
being', held oh Thursday to Kinloss
Cemetery. .
ited among other. friends.•
:Mrs, Sam Emmerson is ••this week
visiting her brother, Mr- Robert Hun-
Miss, l;rzzieWall- pis• not as well as
her • •many ' f'rien'ds, 'would like to see
tier. a
.Mr..and Mrs. Will ' Walsh visited
with Kinloss friends' on -Sunday • •
Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett and
Jimmie 'suent Sunday: at Mr. Dan
McDonald's. •
Miss •'Emma TliompsoW.•visited° ie-
cently at Miss Sadie 'Pollock.
Mr, and Mrs. Donald McCosh spent
Tib sday with' the latter's parents.
r. and Mrs.. Isaac Nixon and fain-
• .
PAGE >r ` YH
4 u.
Plana Supper fcr Rcy&sty
Firtt Prize $2,00.0.0 'and a.
n Silver Cu �!-
Sterling p
What kind of supper weak!: you - 2. Sendin as many entries as you•wisb.
, Each menu entered must be vyritcen qn
serve the;. King and Queen? - a isingie sheet of: paper. with your tame
anti post oce:address written clearly at. .
By Evangeline . .the OD of•the page.. . .
their 1VIa'esties whose $' Each Menu shall have three courtier: ,
• „Supposing e, 1 a Rsoup., •mate' course pppnd dessert. :Cede.:
preference for simple meals,:is. cpursemaya"c"newliateveidupesyon
' w to a at h well. ted .
o a e
to•dr• 'i' fo
uld ecv D,
,well lEhown; were oP. n. ; eal•.inat' i '°Ca dian home where
m P er Pa.
supper at. your, home: What the homemaker prepares the food for °
would .ouserve them? Draw'. upthe family. (A sample menu is given on
e . ales page for a tuide )
and send, it, to me. Robin Hood. ,t-,Writeon.theback.ofyoitreott9 paper',,
Flour Mils are offering •1,87 cash •b er'inlyoue hem sh you.,Cotisiderethe:'..
prizes totalling $1.,000:00 , £or :;5. Each entry ,will be judged on its ,
the best' menus.. ., , merits as representing a simple, well;
balanced, •typically Canadian meal.. 'la '.
A GRAND LIST OF PRIZES .: e menu withihe prize given to
' 6. To each menu entered,; pin the guar -
1st Prize $200.00' .antee certificate from your bag of Robin
and a Steri Ina,. Silver Cup. . Hood Flour. No entry can be considered '
by the kuaranree.
2nd Prize - r - : 15100,0; certifiicate. • gg
3rd Prize = - - - • A(1 enuiios must bye rete vend by m,idtught
' pf that date.' Melt .'-your • Evan- .
9 P R O V I N G. I A L PRIZES :cline"Dept: O', Home Bala'ng Service,
font to be awarded to the best entry in Robin Hood Flour Mills •Ltd. Toronto,
each province after the winners of rst. • 'Oat. No • employee of Robin .:Hood
2rid rand 3rd '.prizes have, been selected),, Flour. Mills Limited or .any member ,.
$25:00 each of theit,fatnilies maxenter the contest
8. I have appointed:che foltowiag well-
25' Prizes, each - - •-'$5.00' known'dientiansastudges:-Miss Jessie,
150 Prizes, sac - -•,$2.00•Read of'the Toronto "Evening Tett:
- gram•':. Mrs. Madeline Day; Chief Lec
curer of the "School' of Canadian. Cook -
If y'ou don't V. 'l St, 2nd 'or 3rd ', cry' ,' and. Miss .Marie Holmes .of .the
Priz"e, you,h'ave 'a'.chance for the Toronto "Daily Star'.
• $25.00 Provincial Prize which ' 9. If for, any reason, the Royal visit
will, be -awarded •for competition sh °uld• be postponed, this contest will
only in your province. And if you • • be held rwt the same. '
don't:win .one .of tiieteou ea,,10. All menus and recipes become the
win one•of the 2 5 prizes of $'.00..'
.00. L'•v . impr�operty of Robin Hood Flout 'Mills
each 4r one of the .150 prizes of ited."Sam,ple -Type of '',Men u
$2.00 each., No contes'E.ant can i�ve on'some idea how,io'go,
Now, tog Yon
win More than One prize' so that about,making your menu,', I have batt to•:
18 7, Canadian women will share : gents a guide to hely ypu. Of
-,,. ,course, I': haven't mentioned any actual.
Just Pilan a Simple, aruieiy free:SOUP
Home.Like. Meal .SALAD
Think of a meal which, in your opinion, MAIN COURSE
would give our King and Queen a got -'WITH TWO VEGETABLES ',•
sect and favorable impression of Cana- DESSERT
dian foods. Choose what you like. but be BEVERAGES
sure•to.have at least three items in each ` •1iallAleS' OR ROLLS. OR OTHER
menu which contain'Robin Hood Floor... • • • B� .GOODS •
Follow These Simple Rules "In the above wenn I consider my best •
Which put Everything in cape f to be cite, ' The re- .•
° � ripe; for it 'lathe method of mtikittg it '
t ' a Nu shell - is each: ed: ; (Name and Address of
1. i87 cashprize' nda handsome Stere A Final and Important Word '
ling Silver 'Cup, suitably engraved with •' . ,
• your name, Wilt be awarded for the best • Mail Your entries now: The dosing date'"
supper •menus to serve the King and • . for entries is June 30th.'Sendin as mass.
•Quee6•-during Mayor-June,using-G-ana.—menus aayou-please=butpin-a•guarantee_
dian ingredients only (spices excepted.) 'slip to each rnonu. Prize winners will bs
and with Robin ;Hood 'Flour used in ° . announced in this paper as soon uw
.. • Three or<-more-items-oci-each-inen :sibie:afteriudging has -Ogen completed..
Robin Hod }Flour
After¢ .• w z/tt �..
•ily and Misses Harriet and .Elia Whit-
ley. visited at 'Mr: Jack Emmerson'~;
•ti Mr. and ,Mrs. Donald , McFarlane
and Winnifred spent •Sunday with the.
latter's ,pare\nts at Donnybrook.
Thebiggest selling 1939 model car in Canada—and more than that
the world's biggest selling cat for seven outiof the bast eight years. -I
les faster. On the getaway'.. it's stronger on the hilts :..' and a
much better all-round performer . than other cars 'ln its field.
Steering.' Column G'eaMhift With "Vacuum Assist". New ,Adro-Stream Styling,
New 'Bodies by Fisher, Chevrolet's Famous Valve -in -Head Six. Perfected Quadro- '
Action Hydraulic Brakes. New "Observation Cary" Visibility. Advanced Knee -Action
Riding System Leith• Shockproof Dual Cross Steering (on'°Master De Luxe Models).'
Tiptoe -Matic Clutch.
. Dollar for, dollar, feature for feature, car for car, it gives you more
for your money. than any other tar in its price .range=-thankst'to
Chevrolet's volume leadership.
ro Low -Monthly Payments on the General Motors Itistalmentt•Plan.
--because it's The Only Low -Priced Car Combining
"All That's Best at lowest Cost"