The Wingham Times, 1900-06-01, Page 6JIUNIC 1 I We have not changed our view that 11'01 iM .111$ W114 PP .? 1 PIPI3 • 7 10 11 12 13j14 17 18 vgazi 4l56 7 2 : t I *eel eke eeee‘ fi esTABLaellea tee. rm n't ji /4; ; tfi TEE Marla B. BeeeeaoTT, Itemises:it ewe Peoinneeon FRIDAY, 31.7NF 1, 1900. out OTTAWA. LETTER. 'rom our Gan Corr& standout. Ottawa, May 26. The position takeu by the Government iu reference to corrupt practices at elec- tions must ceramend itself to all that are not too biassed by partisan prejudices to approve of any policy emanating from their political opponents. The par.tieu- lars of the case of West Huron and Brockville, are pretty thoroughly under- stood in the country. There was the nit - explained delay ou the the part of the Oppositioneast year to bring to the. at- tention of the House certain inform- ation which appeared. to indicate exten- sive fraud until months after such in- formation came into the: possession: an immediate acquiesence by the Gov- ernment in the request for an inquiry 'before the parliamentary Committee of 'Elections and Privileges, and the failure of the Opposition to produce any evi- dence in support of the allegations, al- though the Government permitted the expenditure of thousands of dollars to bring witnesses before the committee. Then the Government agreed to con- tinue the inquiry this session providing any new evidence transpired in the meantiffe, but the Opposition demanded that such inquiry continue this session although the stipulated new • EVIDENCE WAS NOT FORTHOOMLIIG, 13,r at least no evidence that would have been given a moment's consideration in any court of justice. The Government, however, refused to allow a further ex- penditure of public monies, in the face of the inability of the Opposition to ,show any reasonable probability of tan- gible results being secured; and that re- fuse1 was endorsed by two-thirds of the Nouse of Commons, audit may be safely added by a like proportion of the elec- torate. Having thus declined to be dragooned into a farcical investigation before a 'partisan tribunal, which could not pos- sibly have accomplished anything de• finite, the Premier announced that, so so far from being adverse to .a thorough investigation, the Government was pre- pared to order a judicial inquiry of the fullest character into the circumstances mot only of West Huron and Brockville, Init, of any and all ether elections Since 1866. We must have," said the .Printe Minister, "at an early date, int- enediately, a tribunal composed of THE BEST JUDGES OF THE LAND ao as to have the fullest, the most com- plete, the most searching inquiry into all that we knew, into all that has come to the attention of the public, to ferret out that system, to expose it and to eradicate it forever from this land of ours. I said last year, and I have no reason to repent the words, that the sanity of the ballot must be maintained at all hazards, and that the will of the people is to be expressed. by the ballot as the people have it in their own minds. I do not want, for this Government has mot the support of the electorate given by teas= of what is in the heart and. mind of the electorate, / do not Want to re- -main in the government of this country. A Victim of Piles should, have the sanctity of the ballot preeerved, as I Leda lest yea; et all cests_ and at all had." aim coeo on. Boom So much has been said by the Tories. respecting the effect of the Ceovernmea's policy upon the prim of coal oil that it would not be surprising if considerable mystification existel as to the facto of the case. The whole matter was sne- rued up in the House the other day by the Minister of Fizetuee in reply to nu inquiry from the Opposition in term which put it se fairly and concisely that I will repeat what he eaid. Tho qua - tion called attention to the big dividends paid by the Standard Oil Company, and asked whether the Government intended to take measures tide session to -curtail the Standard 011 Company's power of extorting exhorbitent prices out et the Caundlau cousamers of oil. In reels M. Fielding said that there has been no legislation under the present Govern- inent which would assist the Standard Oil Company iu chargiure, exorbitaut prices. Every step taken by the present Government whether With respect to legislation or to departmental adminis- tration, has been in the direction of re- moving restrictions and lessening the I price of oil. ref 20 Yeart-A Constant Sufferer From Weeding and Protruding Piles -Cured by Ur. Chases Ointment In vain did Wirs, Jas. Brown, of Hin- tonburgh. near Ottawa, search for a. create for piles. In Europe and America *he tried every remedy avalleble. but itt remained for I)r. chases Ointment 'to effect a cure. lira. Brown writes: -J. / have been at voustana sufferer from nearly every term of piles for the last twenty years, send during that time both here and In the Old Country have tried most every from Y. "I am only doing justice to Dr. Oirittnent when I say that 1 neve it to be the best remedy ob. table for bleeding and protruding Tea1 strongly recommend tir. *so Ointment to mothers, or indeed any' person suffering from that d torment -piles." rattans avid druggists recommend Chem** Ointment tie the one pre,' Oen that will never fail to cure It is guaranteed to positively Ira whether itching. bleeding. rudIng. O Cents a box, at an' or Edmainion, Bates and Co.. ..‘6.6. 6 THE DUTY BEAMED. The duty. on imported oil, which ex- isted under the late Government, has been re.dueed, and burdensome regula- tions existing under the late government with respect to inspection of oil, which could only take place after it had been put in the barrels, have been abolished, thus facilitating cheap and convenient methods of handling the oil. The Min- ister said that the number of points at which oil can be imported in bulk, in tank cans, has been increased; permis- sion has been given to 11E0 tank wagons, and the former regulations forbidding tank ships has been repealed thus giving along the line of our water communica- tions the opportunity to receive oil by - cheap transportation. Moreover where companies increased their freight rates on oil in such a man- ner as seemed likely to prevent com- petition in the oil trade, the government on the advice of the Railway Committee of the Privy Council disallowed the in- crease and ordered. the restoration of the former rates. Iu short every step taken by the present Government in relation to the oil business has been for the pur- pose of removing burdensome restric- tions, reducing the cost of oil and cheap- ening the article to the consumer. If the price of ell has recently increased to. the consumer, and larger profits are being realized. by- the manufacturers, whether in the -United States or Canada such enhansed profits are not due to any measure of the Government, but must be due to other causes for which the Government are not in the ertinriest de- gree responsible. CAPITAL SAFE D7 CANADA.. The London (Eng.) Financial News. recently says: -"Some notion of Can- ada's industrial progress may be gather- ed fram the latest issue of the Dominion Government's trade Statistics. The re- port shows that the exports of home - produced merchandise have risen in value from $74,821,058 in the eight months ended February, 1895, to $1I0,- 038,428 in the eight months ended Feb- ruary, 1900. An increase of 47 per cent. in five years, even allowing for the al- teration in values, is not .mean perform- ance. But as Canada is a gold. producer the bulletin exported should be added; these have increased from $213,035 to $1,111,886, bringing the total percentage increase up to 61 per cent. Money care- fully invested in Canada should be safe and fruitful." IMPLORING NOE'rHERN ONTARIO. THE WINO -AM Tili liS,, .J 1N 1, WOO. PEOPLE OF PROMINENCE. • CARTER MEDICINE CO. WiNat obtainealtmetton Jn (netti eavidving tomidatioei.of ,abeet, Brea Mod, preside itt t f the Carter Medicine Cieweiny, yesteelay received 11 COVIMIln frent his lawyers ut Fleets Lowden, Estebreek PlIV1H,. 1Pruturg ltiiit that a flualiejtmetion, with ceets end Deets granted against the Chieugo Label and Box Compeny. This etaeeney mkti aepeciality of mahufac- It rnef 'alleles, boxes, ete., for drawees. The tenter Comp my has teem tellowitee them throegh tito etearte for two Tomo ou the comp./Mut that the label company was makulg eneulatations ot the labels t eel t ee's l4ttie Livi rl:1•14. They have 11(AV obteinee a Leta injunetion with oasts, awl the wits str.4 wry largo, as, the case bee been eulabittee to a Mester in Chancery for a final accounting. The Carter Mei/toilet Company has bet n the first and only cue to prosecute printers or engravers who have prepared such Libel 4 and mappers. It make a, new eeparture in infringement eases., and their victory is one of great import- ance to the whole epropriotary trade," raid Ma) of iutereet to the retail drag- geste.--New l'ork Piless, May 2, 1900. SIT elltilit'S Tupelo recently completed tho forty-fifth year of hie piddle lite as a politician,. autl sichs of the Howie joined though rot 'without some partiean Pleeteautry,Itt corgratulatirg the veteran state:mem, who ie eue of the few re - enduing failure of emit( ti. ratien living tooley. From 18,17 to IWO, mid omen from ital3 to lfie r, lie was it member of the Nova Scotia govermiamt, haviug leen premier leen / (it until July 1, 1/467, when the- Brithei eemerhet £.ct mute into force. He declined a seat in the ficst Conaainn cabinet in 1P(17 but j.iined Sir John A. Macdoettle's governineet its 1 e70, mei only resigned ie. 1873, when We Joinee goverement was succeeded by that of Alextudar Maclaereie. Ile came back to :filee with Sir John 111 le78, and reelgatel in 1e8e, when appointed to the spleudie eoeitiou of High Connuissiener ot Canada, which he held till 1887, when he again joined the Conservative government, of which, however,. he oely rt =lima a utembt r for one year. He egain resigned ou his raappointinent as High Commissioner. In 1806 he entered the Conservative government of it Mackenzie one on the reeiguation of the latter be- came Premier ou April 27, 181)6. Since that time he has been the leader of the Oppositionein the Dominion Parliament. Sir Wilfrid Laurier's hearty wish that he may long adorn the Canadian ment will be generally re-echoed throughout the Dominion. Local: David Douglas Wilson, Seaforth, was born June 2nd, 18e9, iu North Dumfries, Waterloo County. Ho received his edueetion at the public sc'aoole and Galt Gramirar School. Ho obtained a first- class certificate and taught his old school in North Dumfries for Ave years. Iu 1863 his eyesight failing him, he engaged in the egg business, which reached a few years ago gigantic propor- tions-, shipping something like a million and to half dozen per year to New York, Vancouver, Winnipeg, Montreal, Liver- pool and London. Mr. 'Wilson is a member of the Presbyterian ehureh, trod has been an elder for twenty-three years,. and Sunday School Superinten- dent ever since the church iu Seaforth was organized,. He was reeve of the town for fifteen years, but declined re- election in MIL He belongs to the Masonic Brotherh.00d, also to the Royal Tempiara of Tempetance. eeee was married in 1859: to Helen Richardson of Waterloo, grand -daughter of Table. Shiel of St.Meayee College, SeTirirkshire„ Scotland. Mrs,. Wilson died. 1885, leav- e -les seven emigre:1r_ He was married. ageeer in. 1891. to eerie Duthie of Jarvis, Aherdeenehire, Scotland. THEY CURE Sti WELL PEOPLE ARE GLAD! TO TRU The PUblie Would Doubt Ohly For Local Testimony Freely Offered In Every Place Where Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets Are Known. Without unnecessary loss of time the Provincial Government has completed its arrangements for giving effect to the plan of thoroughly exploring Northern Ontario, which is an important part of its general policy of progress and de- velopment which has been so cordially endorsed by the people and press of the Province. About the lat prox., ten ex- ploration parties fully equipped and ably officered, will start out to explore the vast unknown territory running north from civilization towards the Arctic circle. Eacli party is under the direction of an experienced surveyor, and the informatiOn they will gather of the forest and mineral resources, the agrionitnral posaThi1ftis, the industrial opportunities, and. the general indication, of conditions which would make for sae- cessful development, will be of inettletil- able value not only to the Province of Ontario and the Dominion of Canada, but to the empire at large which has never felt more keenly than it does tO- day the necessity for inereased oppor- tunities for development rad an enlarged field for the profitable utilization of its surplus population and its unemployed capital. The policy of the Ontario (10V- ernment has all the best charaeteristies of that imperialism, which have marked the actions of the country eines its affairs came under the control of Lib- eral statesittem Mrs. F. Davidson, Patrick, St., Wing - ham, says: -"Kidney trouble and back- ache is something I have auffered from for four years or more. I do not know what caused it only that it was severe anclresisted treatment. I heard of Dr. Pitcner's Backache Kidney Tablets and got a bottle at Colin Campbell's drug store and can truthfully say I like them. I did. not use the entire bottle but found the relief I wanted. They acted gently easily and rapidly. They are certainly a good medicine." Mrs. J. Groves, corner Victoria and Leopold St., Wiugham, says: -"Some time ago I had a severe attack of hem- bago; the pain was quite severe. I lay its origin to a cold that settled in the small of the back. A neighbor told me of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- lets and I got a bottle at Colin Camp- bell's drug store. I took but one-half the bottle and the trouble and pain was gone. I have had no trouble since. This I think should convince anyone of their Worth." If you have the slightest symptom of kidney or bladder trouble you catt test this great medicine free. Arrangements have been made whereby every reader of this paper can obtain strial package of Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- lets absolutely free by enclosing a two cent stamp for postage to Tho Pitcher Tebbe Co, If yon aro eonvinced Pitcher's Tablets rIMirasit ;Talt nytosu eau grarf ga e for e perb . net obtainable at druggist's, mailed free of postage on reeipt of prico. OR, A. W. CHASE'S twilg CATARRH CURE LiaC. Is **fit direct to thgteiteedited pats by the Troptseved Blower. heals the altieri, Olean the alt passeges, MOWS droppings in Oat throat and pettiartatrUy Curet Catarrh sedilaylreetit Slower frt.. All dealers, or or. A. W. Chili )1fMae Co.. Toronto — . If °WICK. tiosvielt Council mot on May 16th in ' the Township hall, persuant to adjourn - molt; members all prtsent, the Reeve iu the chair. MiAutc s of last meeting road and adopted. Deig-Vielay-That John Hammond be appoiated to operate the road-greder itt .25 pm day-Civried. Tenders were received and opened for the purchase of school debentures for school section No. 7, the Central Canada Loma and Saving 0o.'e, Toronto, tender being Q4,810; Wm, IL 13ronse of Toroa- to, $4,1346; W. H. O'Hara & Co., Toton- to, 6-'1,815,80/ Goo. A. Stinson & Co., Toronto, $4,311.50. The Council decided not to sell the debentures until fall. A petition eves presented to the Coun- cil with 60 names of the ratepayers asking the Council to mako a grant to the sufferers of the Ottawa fire. Finlay-Fchurter-That this Ceuacil make- a grant of Me -Carried, Spence -Doig -That each utentber of the Council have the road -grader for one week in their division as follows: Sand. Ferguson, Reeve; Wm. Finlay, Amlrew Doig, Henry &hurter and John Spence, Councillors -Carried. Accounts passed: -J. T. Wiggins, sal- ary as collector for 1809, $52.50; A. Dra- inage, flour as charity to Isaac Wilson, Jec.; Geo. Wylie, repairing road lot 17, eon. 10, $3; 0. Seibert, for culvert, Ford- wich, $2; Hammond Bros., contract in full building bridge, lot 15, con. 10, el2I.60; Thos. Nash, printing copy of School Section No. 7 By-laws, $2; Isaac Wade, balance salary as collector, eqe; Lizzie Walker, part salary,. 35O. arielay-Doig-That thee Council. do. now adept= to. meet again on the third Wednesday iii June in Lattiouby's hotel, Beeseure-Cierried. L. Wremere, Clerk: TOWN 1)111 E( ere 11,1 MIST Oil:WU-Sabbath serviees itt 11 0. in and 7 p t2t. Sunday Velma e p 3t. Gemmel prayer liteetit.g; (dr Weawsday eveniugs. PAT. W} Frct.cl? pail( r. W. J. Chapinen, S. S. S.,peinitendent, Di man n myr Outacn---Sabbath sitv at 11 a Itt and 7 p in. Sunday Sohcol at p 10. Epworth League every 11jen- day player weettag on \Wane:it:ay • evenings. Rey. RichsoL Nabs, pastor. Dr. Towler„ tk S. Sup- erintendent. PRESBYTERIAN Onuncat---Sabbath ser - Vit 05 at 11 t'. nt tiLd. 7 p211. Sunday Sc,In al at p m. General prayer meeting on 'Wednesday CV011ingli. JIM Perrie, pastor awl S. S.eSuperintene dent. ST. Pere's Ononen, EPIseorAte-Sale bath services at 11 m and 7 p in. Sun- day School at 2 :::0 pin. General prayor mooting ou 'Wednesday mixing. Rov. Wm, Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S. Suneaintem dent. 00NU1tBOATIONAL CUUZOIL -Sabbath KOIVICON itt 11 0111 and 7 p in. Sunday School at 2.30 p m. General 'rayw meeting on Weanesday evenings. Rev, .7. W. Gain, pastor. Gavin Willem', et, S. Superintendent. Roiti OATHOLIC CHURCH - Every foutth Sunday. Mass at 10:30 a in, sta- men1 and benediction at.7 p m. Rev. D. le, McMenamin, P. I. SALVATION Aumr-St.rvice at 7 and 11 a in and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and may evening during the week at 8 o'clock flt the barracks. OnearrieN WonNees--Services in the Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday ttimrg et3iuoid 7:3)0111. p nT. A. Calhouue, in POST OFFICE -411 Macdonald Block. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p Peter Fisher, postmaster. Macardorros' INSTITUTE-Librai7 and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 5:45 o'clock, and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Mjs Mfflio Roberton, librarian. TowN Cotiame-leem. Clegg, Mayor; Wn Holmes, H. 0. Boll. J. H. Chis- holm, G. A. Newton, Rolland Beattie, Geo. MoKenzie, Councillors; J. E. Fer- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; e'ainuel Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- lector, Board Meets first Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'clock. Scrum Boann.-C. N. Griffin, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham, 11.. G. Lee, J. 3. Homuth, Win. Moore, 11. Kerr,Thos. Bell, Wnt. Button. Secrettiey, Win. Robertson; Treasiner, J. 13. Irmgusen. Meetings second Tuesday evening m &eh. month, PUBLIC SCHOCL Teeemens.-A. H." Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyn, Miss Vanso.ne, Miss Matheson and Miss Reid. BOARD OF Hre reetee-Mayor Clegg, (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- • ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retaryo Dr. Towle; Medical Health - Officer. WANTED ! AT ONCE. erafeking wasbesieged for 2/3 days, , Two o Cat Khartoum 341, Sebastopol 327, Paris 1.61, Kimberly 123, Ladysmith 119, Pleven 94, Luelmow 8&e Saragossa 62, y iakers. Cawnpore and Eadajoz 21. The Arizona editor who divides his Arent hours between reading Tripling and cleaning his guns has just bung this neat placard on the north wall of his sanettun: "Don't submit poetry, lest we forget, lest WO /mecca Dizzy Spells and Headache Weak, Nervous, and Run Down, would Shake with Nervousness -A Terrible C8180 -A Remarkable Cure. elm Chas. H. Jones, Pierceton, Que., writes:-" For years I have been a great sufferer with my heart and nerves. I Would take shaking spells and a dizzy, swimming feeling would come over me. Night after night I would never close my eyes, and my head would ache as though It would burst. At last I had to keep to my bed, and though my doctor attended me from fall until spring, his medicine did not help me. " I have now taken five boxed of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and it has one me more good than 1 ever believed a medicine could do. Words fail to ex- press my gratitude for the wonderful cure brought about fly this treat- ment." Dr. Chase's Nerve rood makes pale, weak, nervous men, women, and chil- dren strong, healthy, and. haTIPY. In pill form, tie centi a box, at all dealers, or Edmanaon, Bates & Co., Toronto, linglish A BOON TO HORSEMEN Sptivin Liniment rinnOVes n. herd, soft or cal. loused 'Amps and Blemishes front horses, Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints, Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Sprains, Sore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc'.. The rise 01 0110 bottle may make you Vie. Warranted the most wonderful Blemish CUM ever known. Sold by A. L. ITamiltou, "Alt Dunlop Time la zoo" On macadam roads - on country roads -on good roads and bad ramie - Dunlop Detachable Thou are safest and easiest to ride, le you meet with a nib - hap - ti puneturo ten miles from hottic-" those are the onlytoolsyou need." "The only took," The Dunlop Tire Ock, Limited, Toronto, lgobtaw, Winnipeg. flt, Jokm • Also Two Pant Makers. WEBSTER 8v CO., Queen's Block, Caveats and Trade•Marlei obtained, and all patent lousiness conducted for MODERATE YEE& 11y office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilities lorsecuringpatents aro unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of Invention, wit% description and statement as to advantages claimed. 42'No charged. made for an opinion as to patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the applicatien stall nob bo called tor until the potent s allowed. "'miswot re' Gum:, con. raining fuU information seat free. All Oemmutil. cations Considered as Strictly Conflitenual. FRANM.IN H. HOUGH Val% JeEhzo.h wAsuricaTom IL (2 - SO 'YEARS' EXPERIENCE Timor MAIMS MIMS@ COPYRISFITS Ani Anyone etiedilig 41 Nittlidi end efeceptiert 5141 email wettest' our eeeiene etielfee f ititstitsoP AInvani tali ie provably it attott ertfiessis sttlefSfittfel yetiiifnghtii HMI111wtl,,T,,,10klrgSratfsgrrrltti:tee tiIiiPgggve itr.Mik, tifititteiinf t 1411 1114 A lieneretmele ittettete4 htw..o,hieff,emeriti i Ilt MO' 141.11484 put lstrtal ti.loIifIttftofthto'I 14 fiiiri4rBred 10, Si. 01,1:1 loid0 IVIU COI1timmilffy,wror lmsotorti,eivflf.A„,,,,,,,N,1 ,,.:r T PAYS To ADMIT'S t IN Tilit E s 4 4 1-..t`..11.131t '4:51) . TRES 112 rviTi1s1i) EVERY FRIDAY MORNING {. 4)0* The Timm Mee, Deaver Block tmr.u.ro. Itiellyillit11:11t;;;' ZillIi.ft42111(%11:,111.4:71,2(111.1T-T.:11112 "111t.'(t1i11111111/41°21&1111: etattib luer, 144 b'tP7:1z:uicSdeL111r4;%nt‘,::1: rtet. 10 vt2..per 112:4‘ for l?r,t• ittyertion. eta 5 cents. 112,24,A:ri.rIfilllEitti,17111?;11.41.12;:k. fit.uoiryteodr, . Ih site:ttit nnt1 re et 210 WI' melt subiTquent - 1;a1z(2111:(11)(•?;2111tnAit'iterltlAuTIU4.--no'IT11141:1411711;1114111111sce' rattly; (.C12 f1i,2f4:.112P1 1;Y:..:*r:114°.(11":1'111 .4)54°Q°Ii:1tit1,11.00 01t4.002:11:2?15 1! 0e2.00 81,2' 1,18 •rueifie dreetionSN111lilt fl2r1)1 and charged accord- inglv. Tratr-lynt advertisements must be paid for fu. 'JtIi a 41 Di;,..4.71,MINT h4 5i1(8e14d, With an t...ttusive as 4n -town t of 011 requisitt sfor.print- - hog, all'otlititt faellltics rot equallol In Cm county for turin!.: our first "less worlc. Large 0 -Pe iahl s1'281 lnute ents ler allstyles of Post- ers, Iiai.d Bill,., etc., aryl the latest styles or pholm. fancy type tor the liner classes of -print- ing. II. B. ELIAoTT, Peeprieror and Publisher. BANK ot HAMILTON WINGHAM. Capital. e1,41/1,e20, Rest, $1,000,000-0 President-ZORN STUART. ofildknt-A. G. RAttLsAy. DIRECTORS ,Tehn Pro -tor, Geo, Emelt, Wm, Gibson, A. T. Wood, X. P., A.BLee (Toronto). Cashier --.T. TURNBULj,. Cavings Ilank-Hcmrs 10 to 3; Saturday, 104 to 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and intereAt a UOW Special Deposita also received at current rattlt 02 1211(2)4(543., ?r,18ar.d thek(410Uat Unjted W. OORBOTJLD, .Agent. E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. s., E. SMITH WING 11 AM. General Banking Business transacted., Money advanced to 11111110114 and business melt - on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of - Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable - terms. '1 P. KENNEDY, 11. 1).. M. C. P. 8.0. . (Member of the British Medical Associa- tion.) Gold Mectallist in Medicine. SpeciaP attention paid. to diseases of Women and Child- ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. In.; 7 to 0 p. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Stone Block, over Deans' Flour and _ Feed Store. Night calls answered at the office. D R. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario- , 1), VANSTONE, R • BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC.• Private and Company funds to loan at lowestr. rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort- gages, town and farm property bought and.. sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham. J A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., Wingham, Ont. EL. DICKENSON, • BARRISTER, ETC. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Malley to loan. • Office -Meyer Block, Wingliam, ARTHUR 3. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania. Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal? College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. 011iciss- over Post Office, Wingham. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Winghnin, Ont. T) DEANS, JR. A • LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron. Sales attended in any part of the County. Charges moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WituntAid, Owe. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of rata Stock and Perm Implements a specialt'. All ordera left at Tan TIMMS office promptly - attended to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETINGS. 8,, moo Oaledontte No.49, intake t. tool, in the Oteltenows Mel. Visiting- ehrep weletene, hitellWART0 01110r; R. first mid third Monday in IB. ll'') 4, Bee, Mee, till leltINTIN(1, 11,44,14, 4 ro.limigloi.,A1 remelted in the best 111111111111401 Pesters, Olt iv iff bat lit ital110111tA prima, and on plytt 4,111 1144 /Dinh iith I Volk: e'I1 eee plowed to nunearice- 2)141,11 4l 3944 )I.IY)4 1101 )w(iu;pt Itttontion.. e 114 HP ng 111 any 414)14'w I be given oTh,. iteplieti tem tit reille %W1(41 Oirloalt, Wittehion.. RAILWAY TIME TABLES. cfnalas 1,EAY14 YOU F11,11,111.1.1111111 n.40 •• ri,Nies,M* te,1121,41 tttttt kts ansp.m. inporetim/ ...,11 rien,,, 44. l p.m....10.48p.m. Anutve 1011011 XIn,:iiidIi� .. ..11,411 a.m., 44,1414 0.18.... 8,111 p.m.. Yoludon 11.10 atn.. 13.00 part. 8.05 pan, "10.0) p in J.' It (1(3111)0X, Agent, " 1ANAIllalf rAolario RArtvitit, ,NRAINS LEAVE FOR, froranto end e.as a.m... 8.00 p.m. TeeNTrater 1.83 11.111....10.48 pan. AltRIVIt .. ILO 11.111. ..11p.ni. Toronto and . t 1 p.m....1 A gra*. wi m r