The Wingham Times, 1900-06-01, Page 2THE WINGIiA11 TtI1[MS, JUNE 1, 1900 - "'Y� myitl,e for .3 \'INGHAM DISTRICT, itteht r,.--•'3.Is1A 34tt:1 011e wan'e way cat putt ine 1^, e, leu he had ken announced wearable from clxrollic dysl.1) 'silt. "It was a living e..eath to ma mall 1 tried Dr. TFTOII i +`tin's 1'incapple Tablets--tllaults to tiler, toe he I tun well ---and I tell my frierde bt)n°:ht my life for 3:3 cents" - 00 in l ' :-,hey're good f: r any and every :urn: LLf Stoxuach trouble --safe to use nu 1 o:l`-tltiont to carry with, you. ioia L. Hanliltou. .A. tt,r1S1)lt and fatal accident occurred iu Gol+itllozpe's saw will at Daugannou o11 E attt:: t; . May 19tH, in whin,, enx cf the workultil lost his life, iu a most s11oe1;iri1; manner. While attending to his work in the trill, Chart s Carpexittr Was. 111 seine way, caught by the feet and thrown on the large cireular saw. He was literally ent to pieeee. The sad totality Itt:s east a gloom over the whole oomluta►:iy, end the deepest sympathy of all o oat to the young who was so ,eeldeuly* and shockingly be- reaved. AXOLUTE '}€ E u Yt +k: Cenuine r.. a N to r s Little Liver Pills. Faust Boar Slgnnturo of Sea Fac Sisals Wrapper mew.. . Very oma11 clad as ce.2 ' tot2W a^..^ ezg;ar.. REAUCRL CAR Ett FOR DIZZIIIESS. I TLIE FOR BILIOUSNESS. E R FOR TORPID LIVER. pB LAS. FOR CONSTIPATION. FOR SALLOW SKIN. FOR THECOMPLEAION OE omen Mesi,uvc 3y+xwruet. p�„E I Pgraly Vegetable. el�ietioeG• CURE SICK HEADACHE. Better stop that . cough now with a, few doses of Dr. Wood's'- Norway ood's-Norway Pine Syr t ion let taaflo V n®d'8 it'rt on to end perhapL Lt arca- Norway chit's, Pneu- Puss monia or Con- sumption. It's awonderfullung p� healing remedy that. cures the worst kinds of coughs andcolds when others fail. Price 25c. &-500; All balers. .. f LANA- Cure constipat5on, biliousness, side headache and L dyspepsia. Every LIVERpill guarantee,( perfect and to act tG: t� without any gaping, weakening or ,, sickening effects. ssc. at all drug. PILLS gists. A TWICE TOLD TALE. Eat 11,iVe changes a1'5 to be n1ttCe around tilt' (;•. T. 11. depot at Blyth by repairing and over11au1htrr, '.C11e G. T. R. is having 24 engines of the Mogul type built at the Poitlt St. Charles strops; the company expects the largest run Of freight lxtxt winter in the history of the roar.. To be strong yon must have good ap- petite, govt, digestion, awl good ttssiulila- tical. ,Miller's t't:lupouud Iron Pills bring all those. At 0 to. A, Oantobell'$ E. L. Dickinson,'iCuliservative c axxc.i- ,late for the Bealve ref Commons for East Huron, was in rrtus",a last week con- s.11tintewith 5('1110 Of his friends in re- tard to the coxlii)tgluntest. Olirislopher Daly+, while walking be- hind a harrow in the field of Jolln Demi e at .: eaforth, fel: whom ha has been. worl for the pest seism, drape 1 dyad on tho afteruoou of May 21th. Heart failure was the cauec.e1 his death. Miller's Warm Powders make tine clxilc1re11 healthy. At Colin A. Canal - bell's. Brussels Council had, the following teuders for their proposed new grauoli- tllio walks: Royal, •Guelph, 1134c. per sq. foot, cressiugs, 1133 o. slid 15c.; Guelph Pay. Co., 11c.; A. Graham, Lox - dcu, 11c. ; P.L. Marden, London, 11 %o; J. L. Lloyd, Walkerton, 10. Tho tender of Mr. Lloyd was accepted and he will commence work in ;about two weeks. He has had considerable experience in the business and his testimonials show that his Work has given satisfaction. Miller's Worn F, vders for sallow skin; old or your;;. .t Colin A. Camp - boll's. The executive of talo Huron Old Boys' Association, of Toronto, have decided to hold their first annual exeur'sioa to Goderich, on Wednesday, July 4th. They are making arraugenents with the Grand Trunk Railway for an exceedingly low fare on that day, and no doubt a large number of Huron's former sons will en- joy a grand day's outing on. the shores of old Lake Huron. It is understood that the band of the 43th Highlanders will accompany "the boys" on their trip. .4 ST. THOMAS LADY; IN MAY, '97, TOLD HOW DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HER OF 53ACKACHE MID MADE HER STRONG AND HEALTHY. whose brother, William, was the p1•o- geixitor of the liAlox family so prutniuent cu the S.ottislt B rtler. The K.noxes purchased the lauds, of Rowlands from. the I+ 1t lauds fauliler. ''iV,iltt'r Knox, father of David, died at IIowlautls ill 1833, aged 63 years. Forty years ago the family removed to Martin's 1 -It us: , where Mr. Ktlox's mother, i livale tl1 II•ttt,. diet, in 1805, aged Si. Oct the Mother's side, David Knox had ales a notable aucostry, Jaxnes Hart, "hart of Hats" as he was called, boil,;; a ki11s- 01au. He died, in 1818. At the age of twe11`y-five heweig led:hirty-three stout s stood six feet three inches, beiug at the tinge. oonsiciered to. be the strongest man iu Scotland Eines tlx days of Wallace." "":.;airy tiunshlbe With You." A bright, frosh, sunny fate is • always inspiring, and it t%L\'l'ays denotes goad health as well as a happy heart. Many faces that It 'le once o ercast with gloom have boot unu'ie bright and suuuy by Hood's Sarsaparilla which cures all dys- peptic symptoms. strengthens tho nerves and tales up and: invigorates the whole system. Constipation is cured by Hood's Pills, the non -irritating cathartic. Sold by all druggists. td BLYTH Boy WINNER. The results of the Easter examinations at the Ontario Agricultural College are out, and among them we notice the mules of a number of Huron boys. S. Atkinson, of Egmondvillo; R. R. Sloane, of Blyth, and C. B. Gilpin, of Gorrie, have passed in all subjects in their first year; to take supplemental are G. Dick, Heusal., in geology and English litera- ture in his first year, and W. J. Know, Belgrave, in practical poultry, in his second year. Huron county has done well. Before Justice Meredith in single court at Osgoode Hall on Friday, Mr. D. L. McCarthy made application for an order to expropriate a portion of the property of Richard Irwin, of Clinton, for rail- road purposes. The Grand Trunk se- cured the permission ofa Privy Coun- cil to extend their line t Clinton, and settled with all property,; holders affect- ed, except Irwin. Irwin fefui:::•d to either sell or arbitrate, and the,, progress of the line is blocked. Pb.emotion was ad- journed a week to ensOle• Irwinto be served in the present cage. On Thursday, May? 10th, George Wetherhead died at his; residence in St. Helens. The deceased had for some time past been in a delicate state of health and finally succumbed •to an affection of the throat and lungs at the ago of seventy years. His remains were interred in St. Helen's cemetery on Saturday, May 12th. The solemn obsequies were conducted by Rev. S. Whaley. .A. large attendance of relatives and sympathizing acquaint- ances accompanied the remains to the cemetery in token of their respected pioneer and much sympathy is extended to the bereaved family. One by one the venerable pioneers are rapidly departing "Difficulties give way to diligence," and disease germs and blood humors dis- appear when Hood's Sarsaparilla is faith - IN A RECENT LETTER SHEi TELLS ,HOW SHE II S ENSOYED TWOAl D HALF YEARS CF SPLENDID WEAL H --FREE PEON PAIN OR SCFFERING.; Ther' are very fast rebredies now on the nx:t:,let that will stand the test of time. All they do is to'yea little tem- porary relief. They ne er go to the seat of the trouble and root it out of the system. . 1'tc+t so with Doan's Kidney Pills. Their notion. on the Kidneys is of a pernziu.ent curative character, altogether 'unlike any of the substitutes or cheap it1L.' imlt,'t t N Y Or: rtronproofof this Ore b lis is the two Statements made by Mrs. E. W. Trump,. of St. 7.hoinas, Ont. The furbt of these, made Ally 10th, 1897, is as follows: "When I com- meneel taking Doan's Kidney P111s I Was stek and miserable with severe 'pains in my bath and kidneys. I was also t -.•"r- weak anti Tier v eels. Since twin 1. 11,.• i+..i r 1 t► i• lu" It It, 3:110V0.. • y . rt s halt i. 1i.:e•xl r1rt'i.,-theu- ed and goo t hetotLi ltaa bten 1es,ored to tae. 'They are a splendid medicine for kidney troubles of any kind." ' The second statement which we give below i:: of recent date, and shows what splendid health Mrs. Trump has had since Dames Kidney Pills curet, her over two and a half years ago, "Over two years ago I wrote telling of rho cure made in my casts by Doan's ',Kidney Pills. At the present time I ani Isltljrycr iu4 the very best of health, sleep Wall, c,.t well and my old enemies, back - f el and kidney trouble have never re., turned. Instead of misery and a broken down c:'nstftution, I have for the past two years enjoyed a fresh sena, of the Vika and beauty of Iiia." fully taken. Mrs, Munroe, wife of Charles Munroe formerly of the Commercial hotel, Em- bro, died after an illness of several months, on Friday, May 18th. Deceased bore her months of painful sickness with the greatest fortitude and patience. She was highly respected by all who knew her for her sterling qualities and cheer- ful disposition. It was her ambition to move from the hotel to the farm, but the very day she was to go to the farm she became worse and cued. Deceased's maiden name vas Y Eliza McLean. She was but 35 years of age and was a daughter of Mr. McLean, of White- church, Bruce county, Besides -.a be- husband- four children the reeved , , youngest of whore isonly two years old are ;eft to mourn the loss of a kind i+3it and indulgent mother. ' The funeral took place from the family residence, lot 16 con. 4, on Sunday afternoon, and was said to be one of the largest funerals eve sten in West Zorra, over 200 carriage followed the remains to the cemetery, John Knox, Goderich has received Word of the death in Scotland of a cousin, Haloed David Knox, at the good age of 10 pears. The deeeased, Who Wel a lineal desoendalt of Scotland's great Reformer, Jelin Knox, was a fanner, and is spoken of as "ooe of the oldest and most sueeessfttl in 'Upper Teviot dale." One of the papers recording his death says: "The Knox tangly is trace- able back to John Kien the lteforlller, Horse Shoeing Coat t Rosults iu Victory for au old lyth Boy. Mr Henry Pfeffo, who learned the blacksxuithing busiu•iss with Mr, Wm. Siris, Blyth, has recently distinguished himself in a horse hoeing contest at Petoskey, Michigan. From the Pe- toskey Independent Democrat '.vo take the following:— 'Ono of the most novel andiutoresting entertainments eter given here, was that witnessed by Abair sized audieuee at the opera house lAst Friday night, at whish time Col. E Wells aur, Henry Pfeffer of Petoskey ' defeated J. Allan Lancaster and Ceps bore of Cheboygan in a spirited horse sh eine contest. The curtain rose showing a complete horse shoeiug shop. Flcuui ig forges, anvils, horses, brawny smith , judges—all were there. • At one niuu to nine o'clock the signal was give .1 and the merry work was on. . At t start it seemed that it was an even fi '1, but when the third shoe was reache first by the Pe- toskeyaus, it was plain that Col. Wells and his able assist nt, Mr. Pfeffer, would win the const. The time- keeper's watch sho«p. d precisely 9.20 when Mr. Pfeffer.: past down the last foot, Mr. Lancaster and' asci taut finishing in oue minute and fifty -tlfree seconds later. King Bartell, the wonderful x-ray and magnetic healer who isilstopping at the Occidental', occupied a ;box during the contest and was very it ` nth interested. At the close of the cont - t he announced that inasmuch as each d now won a victory, and that the tter was a tie, he would give an opal lug worth $125 to the winner of the third contest, The ring was given A. Ln THnmil1 to be awarded the nart lucky man. Messrs. Wells and Lancaster hive not yet de- cided when the contest Fill be pulled of. King Bartell's gener$us offer has certainly added spice to the event, and it will be eagerly lookedFfo'ward to." 11 A I!'ightineVintly. A recent Satnrday,.edi -on of the Globe gave some pictur`nd ' part history of John Odium /tind descendants. Professor Odium mentconed below is known in Mg m, hays some years ago as a g lativo, George McKenzie says :—" `Ica 1690, who Orange crossed to Irela: with him two brothers Since that date their des)endants have been in the British Ar y iu an un- broken line. They we rewarded for their services rendered at },the battle of the Boyne by lauds iu Ireland; thus they settled there and thee estates still remain in the family. ;John Odium, who is DOW the oldest representive 'of the family, lives iu Lucknow, Bruce ng visited hero test of his re - The Globe i William of td, there went Famed Odium. County, Ontario, and is a Odium, who served with in the Peninsular war. te n of Captain t Iron Duke e was with his father in the war of 1837 and after- wards rendered service hi' l the Fenian raid, for which he hopes soap to receive a medal. Professor Edwiwrd Odlnm, M. A., B. Se., of Vancouvel'i B. C., is the second son of John Odluni, and was born near Tullamore, County of Peel,' Ontario, In 1866 he joined the militia, and during the second Fenian raid went with his company to headquarters, but saw no actual fighting. He is au ex- tensiveeller speaker, traveller, a publicAnd an ardent Imperialist. Three $0118 of Professor Odltxm are now serving the empire, The eldest, Edward Farraday Odium, has lately gone to Halifax g'!trrison. He tried to go to South Africa e With the first contingent but not being a t the a tine was not permitted. The second boy, Victor Wentworth Odium, Who was in attendance at Victoria University, taking a course in arts, voltuiteered for service, was accept- ed, and is now with the Royal Canadian Regiment in South Africa. The third son, Garnet McKenzie Odium, notyet 18 years of age, is also With the first con- tingent, fighting for Queen and Hnapire, and was under fire for 12 hours in the battle of Paardoburg on Pebrnary 18, and his conduct upotl that wend* ie described by a member of his company, writing :home as felloti►s:•--"Ile Was as cool as a cucumber and as plucky as lie could be. The lad is a brick." ,1 iffy .ttR�._.��•_.�[1:.,_,� .���` w IR . r; •M Cyt is the beginning of k� 4 4otracteci hunger means starvation, and starvation means death. When, the calp is starved the hair dies at the roots. What's the matter with you hair? It gets dry, harsh, brittle, dull of color, the ends split. You wa it and brush it, but it still comes out. It's hungry! If washing and brushing would stop starvation, then all the expense of a horse's keep would be .a sponge and a currycomb. Hunger needs bread, not a bath. That is why ea a �M 1 A Prevents!. • ,I1111 tr SS. I supplies the requisite nouris ment for the hair, and the hair grows. It r tores the tone of the scalp an so induces the secretions of the fol- licle that the coloring matter is renewed and fading hair regains its nate al color, dandruff disappears, and the hair becomes thick and glossy. Men' and women whose abundant hair is the envy and admiration of friens, admit that they owe it to Ayer's Hair Vigor. "' Last winter I discovered a bald spot on my head as large as a silver dollar. A few ap- ,1plications of Ayer's Mair Vigor started a healthy growth of hair, and in a short time the 1 disappearance of the bald spot was a subject of wonderment to my friends and pleasure to myself." A. M. LEN, No. 3116 Locust St., St. Louis, Mo. "" I have used your Hair Vigor for a great as a hair dressing and restorer. It has giver E highly in its praise." A. E. FIELD: "" I am sixty-nine years old and have used my hair from turning gray. It is an excell, always use it." many years and know of nothing egtial to it satisfaction among my customers who speak Barber, No. 45 Princess St., Kingston, O. yer's Hair Vigor for fifteen years to prevent t preparation for that purpose and I shall JOHN HECHTMAN, Osseo, Minn. ""I find Ayer's Hair Vigor to be indispens ble. My hair fell out for five years, but a few applications of the Vigor stopped it. It gavt the hair a beautiful glossy appearance, and I also found that it did not affect curling or crimping." .M. E. SNYDER, Brantford, Ont. V "i' 4 • •' 7 { 1 When It Hurts to Cough. The cough that hurts, the cough that gets tight in the chest," is daily getting deeper and deeper iilto the bronchial tubes and is mainly, directly for the• r s lungs, to become pnelu tion of the lungs or con coughs yield only to th oiency of Dr. Chase's and Turpentine which Hess and cores cough a 25 cents a bottle. Famfly size 60 cents, sold everywhere. lotrlel. mfiatnma- u:nption. Such wonderful ein- em of Linseed 3osens the tight - d cold together. With the Se, es. Coarse kiuduess is at 1 est better than coarse anger; and in all rivate quarrels the duller nature is ulnphant by reason of its dullness.— gorge Eliot. The best conversation .. d the ideal is a tete-a-tete of two oppo to sexes, when the young people talk in imately about themselves.—Stephen G nn. Purity, sincerity, obedi nce and self+ surrender are the marble tops that lead to the spiritual temple.-- radford. czemu ortttro A Chi About three years ao I had to leave school with Ore hands. My teacher said it was alt Rheum or 1 ezema and told in to seethe doctor. Mother got some me cine, but it did me no good. After 1 had suffered with the itching and, burning about three months, mother thought she would try Burdock Blood Bitters. 1 only took two bottles, when my hands got completely cured. --Emma Sheridan, marry Sound, Ont, WEAK, ERVOUS9 DISEASED Vi stso,opo cuRED IN 20 YEARS. 'OGIRE$ GUARANTEED 0R AlO PAY/ • ®DD iN GOLD CANNOT CURE OF SELF-ABUSE, MISSIONS, VARICO- CELE, CONCEALED DRAINS, STRICT- URE UL.EET, SYPHILIS,. STUNTED} PARTS, LOST MANHOOD, IMPOTcN- a CY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, UNNAT- URAL DISCHARGES, ETC. The New Method Trealnent is the Greatest Dtseovery eo the Age ttrriout ttlrctr. FOR CURING THESE !Dis4ASr~$ Thnreanein c' yhftne and middln aced leen aro annually swept to a premature grave thr,.0:ed L.:4wt'1' Is►,1S.:RFT3,'NS. CXCli'til3'i. ANE) f11.Ou13 1315P.t,SL':'. Ifo' you h:.en 0!;) e t the plowing symptoms eol:suit i.•: before itis ton into. Aro ver nor- vols and wt.t.k, Maasn.tont and gloomy, t+l+eoks before the oyes with dark eivo)nti tinder ' ' thein, week lush;, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the liar; h t. , „ 4 t I {, A right !, s, ea . and itu•Ur. {, 11 nudes on the face, .eyes nunkeu, cheeks, c;Laaw+rn ;! erprelossessstmt, 1•6 - t"'nturr, 1,f, testi, distrustful, 1a !c energy and strength. tired 1114)2;;- inga, resit":s:, i irh'.,.,•ctinn:;.'al.to mne,)s, W(.11.c manhood, atunttd w'k.,no and pronta- turo decu✓. bond t .a:.its, hair loose, sore throat Me. YOU RAVE: SEMINAL WE.4ITNr:;S I OUR NEW /ARMCO THIIATMENT alone can cute you, and make a man of yoti. Under its luau- onco the brain becomes active. the blend purified so that all pimples, blotches mill ulcers disappear; tho nervus l,ncome strong ax stool, t tdt narnests, bashfulness and despunenstnppe; the eyes beeotnn bright, the fn,'o Lull and clear, energy returns to the body, and the moral. phvah:al and sexual systema aro invigorated; all (,rums cease -no . moroi v tel waste from thoatt f , . The s n, y rarlf 119 er' an9, 1,C 'O Irl t !. L lt natural and manly. a 111 Tru r Y feel , mlt.,elt a than told know marriage sellout he ji: a failure, we int itn t)tt iii afflicted to enusult ua. ▪ confdont tally ruts, two of mu:1''e. Don't let ti 'nuts and fakirs nth you or•your h .,rd enitu d dollars ▪ iVc W.1 C4414 Phi u/ HOPP* it As Yat.I,C.UDI) ill:,;:r DISEASEI13 •f aY'l1lI.'S f•• the r.'n t prevalent and moot s ;:\ otto+La , ti:.1300 dl.e'tt-.•'. It Her tli•, very lite blond of tete . •g•F vlcthn and mil 'sscot' 'nl y (•ra,Ueal.xt from thug; -s. P I''�Li. torn alitn:1%1, t:.. o." rine. 1:owaio of D)nreory.. 1trnrui•rAnr /glum) ri:srAR12 it only t; nlq+resst:l the y:nl•tn,ns our NC:1V Mt lr:0l) pesitively cures it Ter evt•r. `YOuNt1 0t„ 4ttb'13 lii.A(RID At AN—You're tut a gr.y life, or indulged in the routes. eV of Youth. Polf•nl,ttt,e err loth excesftealtarn broken %barn your system, •Tina f..' the -vmpt.,ma stealing °vet you. ;rnttinlly, physically and snxttall 1 Y. 'ore you then the You otos to to or a)iotYl be. Lustful practices soap rich harvests. 'Will you hied the dullgti' signals. READER 1 ‚.nymri%eintltn? itaro:.rnn1r ;noun?:t"a ry"rnntentji.rt1n; mnrringa !!11 t 11mpot;CUl hat it '110 iisod1' 12,8,ynusuyvrnal;ne+s,,: uur•ntw)tntbo1 • Treatment will cum Yuri, What it Etas dune fornthtun at wltt Liu fur yntl. Coiisultntlon " Nreee. No matter Who },�'.s treated rot, write for an ihonestoptntnn Freo •+r ;Tier(;o. otlargo9 reasonable. II. uka Pratt • •'Tho ;}olden Monitor" ltlla0tri&ted), on Iseasoss nt ;ten. Inelone postago, 2Ltents, Sealed. Boole en'-DIsrasos of wo•nen" Fre . 41010 NAMES USED ;•L'TROUT WRITTEN:,ONSENT. PRIVATE. No medietne ant C.O.D. No unman on bt IIs or envlt}opos. Ever2th;ny confident)aI. Qucstoli est and tint of Treat. meat, FREE, 'ORSi A No.148 $I't i $Y ST, N lY U KERGAN �ri iii � Il yllt�.