The Wingham Times, 1900-05-25, Page 5°P. q•Prr:7"11Pirr7rwirrrIPIlFrlirrglirrw• THE WING}JAM See tthe List of Attractions ! FOR THE 24th OF MAY, We're Celebrating the 24th by offering big bargains in all departments, Y There's a line of Grey Tweed Suits, well lined and well made at $5.25 a suit that would be good value at $7,00. Then lip have a better Suit at 50.25 in good Canadian Tweed in Brown and T310c. It looks as well rnd wears as well as a $10.00 made-to'erder suit. Of course the higher priced alts are the more satisfactory ones to buy. Take for instance our line of rish Serge Suits at $10.00. They are equal in every respect to a $16.CO inside•to-order suit. Men's reg. price $1 50 Pants. Special at $1.25. • • Ir I0c Socks, special, 4 pairs for 25c. ladies Ribbed Hose, special, 2 pairs for 250. Ladies' White Underskirts, fine cotton and pretty embroidery, special at 95 cents. Heavy Table Linen, splendid bleach, 56 inches wide, special at 25c a yard. 100 piece Dinner Set in Green and Brown Shades, reg. price $7.50; Special at $5.95. Fancy China Bread and Fruit Plates, reg. price 75c; special at 25e each. We want 1000 dozen of Eggs next week, and willl give 12c a dozen for them. R. G. GORDON The busy store at the busy corner. BUTTON BLOCK. Sight is Priceless! • Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE FIT SPECTACLES Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try us. J. R. MUNSHAW OPTICIAN AND JEWELER. Heintzman & Co. I "The Art Plano of Canada." I Toronto, Ont. PIANOS BY MAIL.. Distance need not be a barrier to anyone buying a piano. We are kept isy shipping pjanos to all parts of the Domi •.n, the result of our well planned mail order s '. tem. We're now offering unus al values in pianos of various makers taken i r exchange when sell- ing our own famou pi o These instruments are in good conditi n having been thoroughly gone over by oursel s before being offered, for sale. The prices quoted below give opportunity for extra values in a piano : A handsome Uxbridge upright piano in handsome walnut case, good as new, manufacturers' price $300; clearing $225. Evans &Bros. upright piano, a haudsome looking instrument, and one that will please, manufacturers' price $375; clearing $250. A Mendelssohn upright piano, handsome looking, an instrument that will•give,good satisfaction,.manufacturers' price $350; clearing $225. 3 square pianos by well known makers, sold regularly at $450; choice for $150. We have square pianos as low as $5o, and uprights for $loo. It would be to your interest if you have any thought of buying a piano to correspond with us and receive further particu- lars of what we can do for you. Ye old firm of 1-I.L3INTZMAN & 'CO., 117 King St. West, Toronto. 4.>—<1 t 4 4 t 4 4 J--1 4 4, 0 O—v—G--O —0 0-0 0 0 The Slater Shoe for Boys Made scut the knowledge that most foot distortions are the result of t' y •15oY ,�=.;, z r wearing ill -shaped shoes in youth, when the bones of the foot are passing through the developing stage. Boys who wear ” Slater Shoes " will 1 never be troubled with foot.illsinafterlife. s ` ju.-t made as carefully as father's, sante '') 1-t`;',', 1 yeleetetl material, sante expert worknian- , .,s r ship. same perfected maclaiiaery. " -� , r, iz,.s " Little Gents''' 8 to 13 d l , l .� t z+ i A. w. oulhs' i o z Boys' - 3 to 5': e. a I'rice; ''a.,o and $3.00, Stamped on the C a„�^.;lir (,00tiy'car welted sole in a slate frame. 00000 'A For Sale Only by W. J. GREED. Job Printing Done up-to'.d to at the TIMES Office. TIDIES, SAY 25, 1900. JA]U 1:SEEOWN, W. Byrans, toaehor in 5. S. No. 10, visite l at Alex Forrest's. #',Williamson viattc d under the par- ental roof at Newbridge. W, MoEwan and A. Willis Snndayed at the forinors home. Peter McDonal 1 is al to to be around again after his illness. Miss Mira Ramsay was visiting her friend, Mrs. Barnard of Wrexeter, Miss Lizzie Wright ;was assisting Mrs. Bailey in the dross -making shop last weak in Bluevalo. There will be no sports on the 24th in town this year, owing to sports else- where. Miss Aunie Ireland buys returneJto her home in. Bentick. George Rattan teacher of the Fordwich school was visiting his uncle, Leonard Rattan. Frank Wright has disposed of his fat cattle. Archie McDonald was the pur- chaser at 434 a pound. Janos Gibb wont up Main st., canvas- sing for Mr. Oster the artist. Hugh Patrick still continues very low His sister Mrs, Wynn of Berlin is at- tending him. His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. W. A, Mines was presented the other' clay with a pair of twin colts, they are both doing nicely. James McEwau wheeled 'over last Saturday and spent the day in calling on his friends. Jim is clerking for the firm of Manning & Ewing of Teeswater. Seventeen Years of Torture. "I had a bad cough for seventeen years," writes iliia's. Saml. Hamilton, of Lawnville, Toun. "No doctor or medi- cine could cure it until one year ago I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did me more good than all other medicines I ever used. It is truly a grand cure for stub- born Coughs, Colds aud Throat and Lung troubles." Positively cures Consump- tion, Pneumonia, Grip, Bronchitis, As- thma, Hay Fever and Croup. Price 50c and $1.00. Guaranteed. Trial bottles free at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. LLUE'VALE. On Monday Joseph Pugh traded "Old Bill" for a little bay pony. Many Blue- valites will miss "Old Bill," as ho was of the finest kill for a long drive. The mill whistle was blown on Friday evening to celebrate the Relief of Male - king. Many people thought the whistle was a call to a fire and after running like mad to the village to do what they could to put it out they were "hoppiu" to find there wasn't any blaze. After the annual night -mare common- ly called house cleaning the village house wives have settled down again to the usual routine cf their daily lives. I-Iugh Ross, of the eastern boundary, is going to build a new house this summer. Miss Libbio McKee, of Moleswcrth, is visitiug at George McDonald's. Mrs. Wm. Sellars is ill. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McIntosh and fam- ily, of Molesworth, visited at Thomas Coultes' on Sunday. Wilbur Jackson, of Toronto, visited Win. Sanderson last week. George McDonald is putting up con- s:derable fencing on his recently acquir• ec1 farm. Rev. W. J. West, M. A., exchange:I pulpits with Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, on Sabbath last. Miss Jemima Jamieson of Fordwicl', is visiting at R. G. Casemore's Mr. and Mts. Fred McCracken and children, of Brussels, visited at John Gardiner's over Sunday. Miss Mary Schoaletarted for Swan R' r, Manitoba, last Vatarday morning... ohn Dinient, junior, fell from the barn on Wednesday of last week and severely injured his thigh. he injury is proving very painful. Intendol for last week. Miss Martha Bosman, of Morris, went to Winnipeg last week to spend the summer with her sister, Mrs. Campbell, of that city. J. N. Kenclull's incubator has hatched out its first crop of chickens. He slid not have as good luck as .lie expected. This spring is said to be a poor .one for hatching. Mr. Kendall is of the opin- ion that the value of a cow in hens is more profitable than the cow, that is if they are the ri;;lit kind of fowls and ftd in the proper manlier. Geo. E. King, of Wingham, visited his another, Mrs. Duncan King, en Sun. - day. - ii. N. Daft' attended the meeting of the executive con.inittee cf the Feat Baron Reform Association, in Brussels, • a ■ Ri n Babh9s often develop into weak, delicate, backward children; undersized, nervous, feeble, adults. Lack of nourish— anent is the cause. Stria e4114464.11. is the remedy. A little of it three or four times a day will do wonders. The pinched, sad faces become round all(' rosy; the wasted limbs plump and firm. If your baby is not doing well, try this great food -medicine. see. and unci, all druggists. • Oil Tuesday of last week. Robb. L. Stewart is home from queen's University, Eingston, Mrs, John Messer has returned home after a visit to hor daughter, Mrs. Me - Niven, of Exeter. Walker Ard, D. D. S., ono of the re - boat graduatas of the Dental College at Philadelphia, is visiting his mother, Mrs, Albert Hughes, of the first lino of Morris. Mrs, Joseph Pugh and son Chester wheeled to Brussels on Saturday and re- mainod over Sunday with her father, Rev. R, Paul. Miss Maggie Robertson, of Wroxeter, was visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Black ever Sunday. , John Putliind, sr„ of Brussels, has re- tnrnecl to Bluevale and is iu the employ of Mr. Estey, the new tenant of the Royal. Joseph Smillie, jr., of Morris beam - turned from his medical studies in To- ronto, I.1rs. G. 13. Wray and son Thymic, of Stratford, are visiting hor mother, Mrs. Thynne, of Morris. Mrs. Wray played the organ in the Presbyterian church last Sabbath morning. She was formerly organist for that congregation and they aro always pleased to see her occupy her old position when visiting here. He is a. Wonder. All who see Mr. F. 0, Collier, of Cherokee, Iowa, as ho is now, cheerful, erect, vigorous, without an ache, could hardly believe he is the sumo man who, a short time ago, had to sit in a chair, prop] ed up by cushions, suffering inten- sely from an aching back, in agony if lie tried to stoop --all caused by eh roaic kidney trouble, that no medicine helped till he used Electric„ Bitters and was wholly cured by three bottles. R• sitivoly cures Backache, Nervousness, Loss of Appetite, all Kidney.troubles. Only 5Cc at Colin A. Campbell's drug store. (i (JLROSS. Mr. and Mrs. James Purvis and family, who were formerly residents of Kinloss and intend to make their Sutura hone near Denver, Colorado, where Mr, Pur- vis intends to engage in sheep ranching, were the guests of John McKenzie, jr. last week • Their ninny friends in this locality wish them mach prosperity in their new field of labor. N. Dunbar loaves ou Wednesday of this week for Montreal where he will sail for Scotland, his native land. He will visit his brother and other relatives in Aberdeenshire. Aberdeen and Bal- moral will be interesting places of boy- hood. He sails from Montreal on the 25th on the str. Lusitauia cf the Elder Dempster Co. Royal Mail Line. He will bo much missed during his absmce of at least two months. We hope he may have a pleasant and profitable voyage across llie deep to the land of the Heather. He Fooled the Surgecns. All doctors told Renick Hamilton. of West Jefferson, 0., after sutferir:g 18 months from Rectal Fistula, he would die uuloss a costly operation was 1 er- formecl; but he cured himself with Buck- len's Arnica Salve, the best in the world. Surest Pilo cure on earth.. 25 cents a box. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, thug - gist. EAST WAIVANOSH. ' Mrs. John Elliott, whose serious in- jnry we reported 1a; Beek, is recovering as quickly as could bo expected. - Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson attended the funeral of their neice, Mrs. Mc- Tavish, at Tavistock on Saturday of las .week. A very sad and fatal accident occurred on Sunday, May 20th, on concession 3 of Mast -'Waavanosh, just opposite, Fred. Toll's gate. While Mr. Radford's child- ren were driving home from church, ac- coinpanied by the Misses Braduock, the horse became frightened by a cow, rul- ing against hien and sprang off' the road. The two Radford children were thrown out but were not injured. The Misses Bradiaoek jumped, Maggie escaping un- injured, but Aggie fell on her head, frac- turing her skull. "Willing hands were cn the scene almost immediately and she was carried into Mr. Toll's. Medical aid was summoned but shadied about, o'clock in the afternoon, never hav regained consciousness nor spokenDe- ceased was the youngest daughtr of Mrs. Rachel Bradnock, of East Wawa- nosh and niece of Mrs. Alex. Dey, of Wingha,m. She leaves behind her to mourn her sudden death, her widowed mother, two brothers and three sisters, besides a large circle of friends. The sari accident has cast a gloom over the community. Miss Annie awl Charles Ring spent St 'day with friends iu Morris. Ir. John Sheil4ret with a serious 1( ss last Saturday, winhis barn and straw shed were burned, the cause of which is dou'•rt11a , but seppcse to Le the children lighting uiat�hcs. Fifty hogs were burned its well as a largo amount of grain foul a usatid dollars worth of an.chilies% Mal insurance am aniline to $s1,5&)J. Herbert Campbell is employed as rnilk-drawer for the pal lino this suan- ir.er. v Tho masons and framers are wonting at Httgh McBurney's new barn 'this week. Mr. 1\1013urnoy will have his barn standing in a short tinto. Miss Jennie Spoors is staying with hor aunt, Mrs. John Menzie, jr, int present. Mrs. John 1Mensie, sr hes retltrned from ]Myth, where sho had boon for the past two weeks. Brick Church Upworth League held their annual nteotins last Monday even. ing and elected ti e fellowiag officers for g WILL PO$ITI VTEILY .;XHIJ31T AT Win3hdrn a June 1 tae OL}'S ESF SHOWS.! Gireati Three -Ring Cb' us! Raman Hippodrome! Oceanic Ac!uiwiir."t c r cl Congress of 30 Cage Menagerie! Monster Museum l Living Phenomena! WALKS THE);' E'A -ac' ti A BIG Feature JUST FOUND! Ira a BIG Show! JUST ADDED! RRAJAH THE BIGGEST BRUTE ON EARTH THE BIGGEST BORN OF BRUTEIS THE BIGGEST FEATURE YET! Two Inches taller than the World's Famous Jumbo. 3000 pounds heavier. Secured at a cost of over $25,000. A Towering Giant among his Fellows. The very Lord of Beasts. Taller—Longer—Weighs More—Costs more than any Elephant ever Captured Alive or Brought from his Native Jungle! RAJAH is on Exhibition at all times in the Big Tent. No Extra Charge. One Ticket admits to all the Advertised Shows. Ask yourself the question if RAJAH is not the. Largest Living Creature that .Inhabits God's Created Earth ! - THE ONLY .ROxg a ..glraerA-loo IN THE WORLD. Will positively appear in the Ring in a Five -round Glove Contest under Marquis of Queensbury Rules. Positively the only VIiitc II.®ilr ON EXHIBITION IN THE WORLD. Captured on the'Kus-kok-vim River in Alaska and taken from the nativeS while being worshiped. MO GrT-44111.1VICJENEG- GORGEOUS FREE STREET PARADE! $1,000,000 Invested in this Great Show 1 1,000 People, Horses acid Animals! Transported on Two Trains owtr d by the Shovvi $2,500 Daily Expense 1 It Never Divides, Never Changes its lime, Never Changes its Date of Exhibition! REMEMBER DAY An DATE! TWO GRAND PERFORMANCES DAILY?, Cheap Round Trip Excursions on all l,iges oft. Travel! Positively no Gambling or Swindling ifloweii •i' the Grounds. the ensuing year: President, Mrs. J. Pattison; 1st vice president, B. J. Reid; 2nd vice piesident, Mrs. J. Reid; 3rd vice president, Miss L. Milne; 4th vice president, J. Pattison; cor.-sec., Wilfrid Reid; rec -;oc., May Reid; treas., John Beecroft. Tho League is in a flourish- ing condition; attendance is good and new ni, mbeis arc beim; ural ;d. All are groat:y interested in the vs o:'k tinder the new presi lona T Ie Lague exp •e's to far exceed the past in rho srititual, m rel and social training. 0. 1 i ' nu. unbars. Leanne rn,•ots every l' .it : y evening at 7.20 o'clock. Thos. E. Walker returned. from the so:ithern c maths en Wo ;nes:l:tr, Lut was uuat 1a to got any (IV t'.e. A. pi wi 1 be given by the pupils c f 5. S. No. 8, lust Wt.w lues', en Satin- Arty, Juno 2nd, on the farut of Mr. I'a1 e, just south of Marnoch. Athl tic sl:oits, swings, glans, ote., will be the order of the day and a refreshment booth vs ill be et the ground. Everybody mine and gsjoy the afternoon with the boys and girls. i Building and rebt. ilding aoeins to lie -the work for a great many people in the neighborhood this summer. Robert Henry is making a great int. prevenient in his stables, etc., by joining his two barns. Mr. Cunningham is putting a stone fenndation under his barn. 0. Campbell intends erecting a brick ••e:tidc..ce this summer. John McLean. s ,also building a now house. :'c f rang is just about over; at least for dl 1 iv a few who got a late "start,' Growth is very slow but the crops ar© 1 iok inn good. collection was t_alt; a lag c.unday ai Calvin and I)elgravo churches in aid of tli' Ina a Famine Fund. Another op. 1•ortunity will be given next Sabbath to ht r e r. ho Wish to contribute, Will Work. at Night. eetnitlei-s thousands have forma it .rr , bl•' tri . ss to the 1- in „ body Dr. King's s New Life Pills, winch positively cure Coned. pation, Sick Headache, Di^tines.•, Jaun dice, Malaria, Fever anti Aga,. mr 1 all Liver an -1 Stomach truublm. P.tr.'lt vegetable; never gripe or we skim. t).6. `,a.) cents at Colin. A. Citw;,b.4l'`I drtt stare, is