The Wingham Times, 1900-05-25, Page 4•
i\ guaranteed cure for sore,
sweating and swollen
Al1 Campbell's
Notice of changes must be left at this
°Mee not later tiun Saturday noon.
The copy fcr changes must be left
not later than. Tuesday evening.
Casual advertisements acoepted up
to noon Thursday of each. week.
FRIDAY, MAY 25, 1900.
_ . . . .
Tho annual meeting of the West
Buron Reform Association, for the
election of officers an' other business
'will be held at Dungannon on Friday,
June 1st' at 1 o'clock, p. m. The Liber-
al members for the Ridings and some
other prominent M. P.'s will address the
meeting. A full attendance is request -
The annual report of the Poultry As-
ada.' dons are to ..and. Those interested
in poultry ggiould send for this booklet,
as it contaibs some interesting and val-
liable information.
You respect a, num who can make a
aair of shops properly, he must -make
them the Ilse you ask, and with tle
material yen select. He must know,
too, when they are to be finished, and
urthermore finish them at the promised
time. What think you of a man, who,
in a strange country, controlling a force
if 200,000 men informs you of the posi-
...,....4416wskthitt.asions at a, stated interval
inthe future, vercoming a thou-
sand obsta4s keeps his promise to the
day? ;
NEWFOUNDLAND if left alone will
.1drift, perhaps out of the empire. It is
too small of itself to make headway in
this age of imperialism and big under-
takings. To Canada it would be a valu-
able additiOn, in. Canada it would
wrosper as IL 64liever prosper alone.
2he talting.ila•‘of r -Newfoundland is a
question which • should have immediate
consideration.. 1:he Americans are al-
eady securing privileges there, and from
iune thing theylutay go to another until
lour opportunity,. is gone. There is no
time like the present. -Events.
THE openingyot., the new police court
in the. city hall, Toronto was an occasion
marked by much humor if we may be-
lieve the Toronto Star. Some one posted
axotices on the doors of the various de-
vartments in the old court. On the
llagistrate.'s doorVwaSI‘Will they miss
me when I'm :Ione?" On Inspector
„Archibald's, "Oat for a drink." In the
mew court after many had assembled, a
*gad Irolea called out "Order!" The
court rose. The clerk stood up, so did
the lawyers. The reporters cried out,
14Bluff1" It had been a joke on the
/art of Mr. Morrison. The court wasn't
3'et open. When Magistrate Kingsford
value ilia voice said, "Let us pray,"
Mr. Chamb@lain told the house that
the Australiair constitution resembled
that of the tjtited States more closely
-** • than any other, although it has some
alistinctivefeaittres. The senate is to be
anclsome designs„
eleetcd by the same constituents as those • WINGIIAM liTAIlliET REPORTS.
n 1
unaiii 1\litgl IMQ a Flair pr 100 lbs.... 1 85 to 2 00
I _ ,
who vote for the inembera of the logis- Wtgliaan, May 17, 1000.
lature. This is a god feature and a de-
cided nuproveznent on our OWIL In
Australia every branch of the goveraing
body will be directly responsible to the
people. There will ba no played -out or
defeated politicians appointed to places
for life over the heads of the people. as is
dem in this country. It would bo well
for our ram to look into the Australian
arrangement, with a view to improving
what we have at present.-Bvents.
The agreement between the commis
sioner of crown lands and the Nepigo
Pulp Paper and Manufacturing Com
pally, Limited, has been published. Th
promoters of the comrany are Join
FLA t, merchant, Toronto ; PardWeidum
paper reanufactnrer, Detroit; Jame
Whalen, lumberman, Port Arthur, AM
N. W. Rowell, solieiter, Toronto. Th
company ask for privileges to manufac
turn pulp and woodenware, to construe
a water power to drive the same upo
the river Nepigon. They desire, too, t
obtain the right to cut upon Crow
Lands pulp and other wood necessary
for the enterprise. The company agre
to thoroughly equip their plant to th
sum of $75,000, to employ 100 hands fo
10 months of the year with a daily out
u Prom Me Tribune, Desoronto.
Without good digestion there can bo
norther good health nor happiness. More
depends upon the perfect working of the
digestive organs than most people im-
agin.e, and even slight functional disturb-
ances a the stomach leaves the victim
o irritable, melancholy and apathetic. In
such cases most.' eople resort to_laxative
t medicines, but these only further aggra-
vate the trouble. What is needed is a
o tonics; something that will build up the
n tho system, instead of weakening it as a
' purgative medicine will do. For this
. purpose there is no medicine equal to
; Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Theyenrich.-
the blood and strengthen and stimulate
the digestive tract from first dose to last
In proof of this assertion the case of Mr,
Thomas A. Stewart, the well kno and
- genial proprietor of the Orie Hotel,
e Desoronto, may be quoted. o areport-
' er of the Tribune who entioncd tho
e fact that he was uffer' • g from dyspep-
sia, Mr. Stewart ai .-"Why don.'t you
take Dr. William Pink Pills?" Asked
why he gave this advice Mr, Stevlart
continued: "Simply because they are
- the best medicine fcr that complaint I
- know a. Por years I was a great suf-
ferer from indigestion, and during that
time I think I tried a score of medicines.
In some cases I got temporarily relief,
but not a euro. I fairly dreaded' meal
times and the food that I ate, gave me
but little nourishment. On the recom-
mendation of a friend I began using Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills a little over a year
ago, I soon experienced relief and no
longer dreaded meal time, but as I was
determined that the cure should be per-
manent if possible, I continued taking
the pills in light doses for several mouths.
The resu1e is every vestige of the trouble,
left me and I have as good an appetite
now as any boarder in the house,and niy
digestive organs work like a charm. I
may also add that my general health
was greatly improved as a result of
using the pills."
"Do you object to my publishing this
in the Tribune?" asked the reporter."
" I have no desire for publicity,"
said Mr. Stewart, "but if you think it
will help anyone who suffers as I did,
you may publish the facts."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by fai-
ing to the root of the disease. They re-
new. and build up the blood, and strength-
en the nerves, thus driving disease from
the system. If your dealer does -not
keep them they willbe sent post paid at $1
50 cents a box, or six boxes for 50, by
addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine
put of 30 tons. This capacity to be
doubled inside of four years. The Gov-
ernment grants for a period of 21 year
all =occupied lands within.5 miles o
the ehors of the Nepigon. The conipally shall pay 40 cents a cord for sprue
and 10 cents for poplar, whitewood
banksian or jack pine. The Blanch
River Pulp and Paper Company hay.
entered into a similar agreement with
the Ontario Government.
Rev. J. Anderson, of Goclerich preach
ed in the Presbyterian church last Sun
day morning.
The Auburn and Smith's Hill songre.
gations have contributed ef,;05 to the In-
dian Famine Fund. Wo feel this to be
a very worthy fund and that our con-
tributions are very very small.
Mrs. Nathaniel Johnston spent a few
days last week with her brother, John
7,11liott near Wingham as Mrs. Elliott
had her head cut from the falling of a
heavy sledge from the handle while
being used by her husband itt splitting a
block of wood.
Auburn and Westfield football teams
played last Friday evening in Westfield.
Westfield won the game. The Auburn
and Dungannon teams are to play at
Dringannoil on lar 24t1i.
Henry Mc -Vitae and Miss Annie
Fothergill were united in wedlock at the
home of tne bride's parents at Westfield
on. May 16th.
House cleaning and gardening are the
women's hurry now:
Some of the Auburn boys drive to
Donnybrook Sunday evenings.
Miss Reale Lockhart has been ill for
some weeks, but is improving.
Mr. Youngblut has sold. his residence
to the Methodist congregation for a par-
sonage. John Nicolson having bought
the old parsonage.
From another Correspondent.
Miss Annie Densmore, who has been
inNew York the past five years studying
for a nurse. has retarned home for the
summer vacation.
Mrs. D. Ramsay has been very ill the
past week. We are glad to say she is
somewhat improved and with careful
nursing will be around again.
Mr. W. and Miss H. Stackhouse and
Mr. Ed. and Miss J. Armstrong spent
last Sunday with friends in Brussels.
W. H. Wightman of Goderich
iat,e called on friends here last Sunday.
On Wednesday, May 16th, the home
of George Fothergill was the scene of a
very pretty wedding, when his daughter
Annie, was united in the holy bonds of
matrimony to Henry MoVittie. About
tWo hundred guests Were present to see
the Rev. J. Kennedy tie the nuptial
knot, after which all present sat down
to a bountiful repast. The evening was
spent in games, music and. social chat.
The company departed at a seasonable
hour after wishing the happy married
couple a long and joyful married life.
On Friday last Auburn Foot -ball team
came to Westfield to have a friendly
game of foot -ball with our boys. Auburn
has a good team but are not strong en-
ough. When time was called the score
stood 1 to 0 in favor of Westfield. Mr.
Cooke of Auburn made a very' impartial
"The Thorn Comes Fort/
With Point Forward."
The thorn point of disease
is an ache or pain. But the
blood is the feeder of the
whole body. Purify it with
Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Kidneys, liver and stomach will at
once respond? No thorn in this point.
Severe Paine -"t had severe pains in
iny stoxnach, a form of neuralgia. My
mother urged me to take Hood's Sarsapa,
rilia and it made me well and strong. r
have also given it to my baby With satis-
factory tomtits. 1 am glad to recommend
Hood' a Sarsaparilla to others." Mas,
JOIlle Pima, 210 Church St.,Toronto,
Good Quality,. complete Exhauetkirt-,, After UI15
meat in hospital, 1 was wea1r,. hardly ems
Very Cheap to walk. My blood was thin, I took Mood's
• Sarsaparilla until well and gained 20 lbs,
It also benefited my wife," AltItUR Mxzt5,
Dresden, Ont,
jeweler and Optician
Macdonald Block
; after play began in the second half.
I Ont.
Palmerston and Listowel played base-
ball last week. Score 8 to 6 in favor of
Stratford defeated Woodstock in the
intermediate game in Woodstock on
Friday. Score 2-1.
Walkerton is to have a semi-profes-
sional baseball team this season. Elton
of Woodstock is one of the stars.
The management of the Dominion
Day celebration, Teeswater, has secured
the Walkerton and Wingham base ball
dubs to play a match in the park on
that day.
Harriston played. in Listowel on
Friday evening. Score 2 all. Listowel
plays the first league match ou Wednes-
day with winners in Stratford -Wood-
stock games.
Frank McGuire, secretary of the foot- :••
ball club, has received a reply from ,
Blyth re the challenge of . last week.
They set the date for a match'. in Myth •
on Monday evening. A meeting will bo
called to consider the matter.- -
Berlin and Toronto Riversides played
on the Toronto University grounds on ;A
Saturday. Neither side scored. Berlin
held the advantage during the first half,
but for the last half hour the Riversides
held the ball always in the vicinity of
the Rangers' goal. The splendid defence
offered by Brown and Ruddell on back
and Vogelsang in goal prevented a score
being made. Henderson and Hatt, who
appeared in Wingharn two years ago
carried the honors for the Toronto team
A score of three all was the result of
Saturday night's Wingham-Clinton
match. The air was keen and fresh,
aiding considerably the players who had
not "worked out." On call of Referee
Pete Campbell, the fellow:lig players
took the field:
Peek Goal Stevenson
McPherson Backs S Stewart
Passmore 5 i Perrin
Weir )Ansley
Baird Iralf.back; Bell
McLeodl Aberbart
Thompson. Forwards; intiff
Aikenhead Atkin
Yeo 1 1 Burgess
McKibbon { Hamilton
Winghttut kicked west and after about
16 minutes play scored on ft shot from
close quarters. Clinton scored twice be.
for half time and onee more shortly
Fall Wheat •... 0 al to 0 03
Sprirg Wheat 0 00 to 0 00
.Oats, 0 26 to 027
Barley .... .. . .. — ..... co 03 to 0 85
Peas 0 58 to 0 58
Turkeys, drawn ...... 0 00 to 0 10
Goese, " .. 0 C5 to 0 00
Ducks, pm 'air.. , 0 ,10 to 0 50
Batter . ... - ... 0 11 to 0 12
Ergs pi. -1. dos • 0 09 .to 0 10
Wood per cord ...... 0 00 to 0 00
Hay per ton.... .. , . 7 00 to 7 00
Potatoes per bushel 0 20 to 0 25
Tallow per lb , „ 0 05 to 0 00
0 12 to 0 12
Dried. Apples per lb 0 05 to 0 05
Wool 0 00 to 0 00
Dressed Rep 0 50 to 7 00
Chickens 0 35 to 0 40
Lard ..
e Very
is not too good for you,
by buying
The best because the handiest, easiest
running and longest lived:
Easy Terms.
Agent, Wingham.
The score then stood 3-1 in Clinton's
favor. Manager Hamilton began to sob
most piteously. Rush after rush was
made ou Clinton goal, -until Wynn did
the trick on a nicely held ball and pass
from Burgess. Again andagain Clinton
Goal and backs relieved, but they lost on
the kick of a foul. Play was resumed
but no goals szered.
Keen air.
Large crowds.
. Square referee.
No rags wore chewed.
Watty Boll was a revelation.
Stewart and Burgess were the stars.
Rob -t. Fox has sold his trick residence
ou Fanderson street to Thos. Fihaore for
about $450. We understand . Mr. Fox
will remove to Brussels to reside with
his son James, who is in business there.
ox -In East Wawanosh, on May :. l ' , tbe
wlfe)f. Andrew Fox, of a daughter.
TiddVirwric,-FornEsorm-At the home of the
bride's parcmts, East Wawanoshon May 10th,
by Rev. J. Kennedy, Henry Mc'Vittie to Mi..
Annie Fothergill, both of East Wawanosh.
Wingham, May 22nd, Clara S. -
oad, aged 19 years. *-r
Friends wane welcome to call any time up
to 9 a. m. on Thursday, May 24th. Funeral.
rGrvaiVi N
-At Eirkton, on May 12th, Margaret
Reid, relict of the late W. Gilpin, and mother
to 3. .L.Gilpin, Brussels, aged 91 years and 10
Or May1q11 John H. son
ofK=IT',74111 Bag: Knight 21 ye„i.s.
RoNALD-in Windsor, on'. many 14th Ellen
Downey, relict of the late James Rona d, and
mother to .Tno. D. Ronald and Mn,, John Broad. -
t, Brusselsaged years.
FESSANT.—.Lt Guelph, on May 18th, Sarah
Fessant, relict of the late Joseph Fessant, and
mother to Wm: Fessant, Wingbaal, aged 78
115 .;44, 4N.
Ri4-*• .
' 4os
Ever have them?
Then we can't
tell you any-
thing about
them. You
know how dark
everything looks
and how you are about
ready to give up. Some-
how, you can't throw off
the terrible depression.
. Are things really so
blue? Isn't it your nerves,
after all? That's where
the trouble is. Your
nerves are being poisoned
from the impurities in
your blood.
purifies the blood and
gives power and stability
to the nerves. It makes )
health and strength, activ-
i.ty and cheerfulness.
This is what "Ayer's"
will do for you. it's the
oldest Sarsaparilla in the
land) the kind that was
old before other Sarsa-
parillas were known.
This also accounts for
the saying, "One bottle
of Ayer's is worth three
bottles of the ordinary
P.00 bottle. Mt
Vfigto the Doctor.
If V141 have nay complaint whatever
and desire the beet Medical advice you
Wei Vottibly red011,0, WHO tlui doctor
Trebly. You win receive a prompt 11.
Idy, without cost,. Address,
DX, '7.0. AT/SE, LOtroll, Mau.
woomrt••••-grapoorsessonalcs. ••••••••••••vora..or...a7Travnt,,-,-.••-.1z•.wor.••.;•naraotnotroc,, • •••. -.11,1F10.•
.C•VM'rn.1.2r?r•:..VOO•rr,-r'.3W•N.••3tiaij••olgr..t.As•ee..,;t4r3rA.—--JLM.It.• WM, locloar,fr*-T7.0,-..,•••,
Parasols an
We have this season bought direct from the manufaeturerst
and claim that wo can give you good value for your motley.
Prices from 40e to 53.00. The handles do not pull oir. They
are /iveted on
Gents' Ties
We have just put into stock a quantity of Fancy Bo% tries
and Founin-Hands, which we bought at reduced pries. Y011-
: may have them at 25e each.
Fire Works for the 24th1
Roman Candles, Sky Rockets, Cannon Crackers, Torpedoes,
&c, About a doz. different kinds of fireworks to sell at lc
each or 10e a doz.
Window Shades
We ere in the Window Shade business; don't forget that,
We are agents for Messrs. Menzie, Turner & Co.,' Toronto. Can
give you a good Linen Shade with roller at 40o; decorated 50e.
We ecu procure for you anything you want in plain or Fancy
Shades, any width, also Rollers; Linen by the yard, Lace
• Shades, Embroidery Shades, Fringed Shades, Fringe, Lace and
Embroidery for shades, Can show you samples and pictures of
all goods manufactured by the above firm.
Market Price
Market prices given for Butter and Eggs ; and remember
our prices for Dry Goods, Groceries, &c., are from 10 to 20 per
cent. lower than others. We prove it.
Goods delivered promptly to any place within three miles
of the stors.
. _ .
Macdonald Block,
Wingham. -
(p0:01090134::314:31, ILIEEta.
For Which the Highest Price in Cash or first-class Goods
• Will be exchanged.
- - -
I have purchased largely from the Best Mills in their line of All Wool:.
and Union, White and Grey Blankets. 'White and.Grey All Wool and
Union Sheetings. Also All Wool Grey and Fancy Wool Shirtings. Horse.
Blankets in Wool and Kerzy and Linen lined. Heavy Wool Tweeds for -
the farm. We guarantee the beat in the market.
We also have Single Yarn, in grey and white. Two and three ply -
Yarns in all colors, made from pure fine wools, teither shoddy or ilyings
it. It pays to get the best when you have to add your time knitting to it..
I have a fine line of Flannelettes and Flannel Sheetings,
and Flannelett Blankets.
We have a Mammoth Stock of Ready -Made Clothing to,
select from. A nice,'heavy, well made and well fitting Suit.
for $5.00, and the best Worsted Suits, well lined and good.
trimmings at $ro.00: The latter cannot be duplicated for less.
than $r3.00 now by any other house. Youths' .and Boys'
Boys' Suits a speciality from goc. a suit to the finest made.
Small Pants seperate from Suits. It will pay you to examine -
these goods if you contemplate buying a suit this summer.
We have a full line of Canadian and Scotch Tweeds..
Suits made to order and fit guaranteed.
I purchased a very large 'stock of Carpets *before the,
advance took place and can offer them at the old prices. Brus-
sels, Tapestry, All Wools,1Unions and Hemps. A nice Tapes --
try at 28c. and a better line at 40c. A nice Union at 25c.
A splendid stock of Linoleums and Oil Cloths, i yard to,
2 yards wide. I would like to show you through this depart-
ment of the store. It will pay you.
In Black and Colored Dress Goods I. have just opened a.
large consignment of Black Dress Goods. Great values tor -
new goods. Black and Colored Cashmeres from 25c per yard
and up. I have the nicest stock of Prints in town and at the -
lowest prices. Ducks. Piques, Drills, Linen Skirting, Mus-
lins and Grenadines. All new from the American market.
Ladies' summer Wrappers and Blouses. An immense stock of.
Embroderies and all over Laces in black and white silk.
, Ladies', Children's and Gentlemen's Umbrellas and Para-
sols from 25c each up to $4.00.In Corsets I keep the cele-
Vrated D.& A.Corsets. Also full lines in a scc Summer Corset.
I have Lace Curtains from soc a pair to the finest $4.00.,
and $5.00 lines. Also in Chcnile and Art Muslins.
I have pitrehimed several cases of Cotton Tweeds, Denims and Shirtings to sell
at old prices, although price of raw material has advanced over 00 per cont.
I have& complete stock of Ladies', Childron's and Mon's finest quality and best
values in Boots and Shots. Ladies' Oxfords end Tie Slippers. 1 ant not asking a
fancy price on a fancy Slipper, but they are marked at close prices, Men's PLAY
Boots of the best make at the lowest price, Monts Box and Chicago Calf in TEM
and Black. 1 have Binder Canvas to make now carriers and tinder Covers to pro.
led your machine from dew and rain. Always kept itt stork.
BUTTER and EGGS taken in exchange for goods and the best values given. in
the county. Cash paid also. A can sclicited and bo convince that I can give yon
value for your money.
Carding and Spinning done on short notice,