The Wingham Times, 1900-05-25, Page 3f TIE WINGTWI MAY 251 1900. It vor Fail To Make Bice Al People Well Ci'ompui Is a Great Physician's Prescription. 1Posseses. Live -Giving Virtues Unknown to Other Medicines. All Classes of our People Speak of its Marvel- illus Cures. The best blessing of life—good health, deperlds upon the perfect action of the nervous ourrents and the vigor of the ;circulation and the quality of the blood. If you aro rundown, feel Bout ;energy, lifeless, fretful and d ondent, one or two bottles of Pa' e's Celery Compound will effect a wonderful change. Constipation ill no longer give you disqure ing thoughts; your appetite will com k; the blood will be made pure; s plessness, nervous- ness and headaches will be things of the Past. This is the happy experience of tens of thousands of men and women in Canada. The great and ever increasing°demand for Paine's Celery Compound as a health builder tells the story of the continued. confidence and faith placed in it by our people. Paine's Celery Compound must not !or an instant be classed with the or- dinary patents of the day; it is an a eminent physician's prescription that gives new life, vigor and strength when all other remedies fail. The use of ono • bottle is sufficient to convince the most hardened and skeptical. She—They say that persons of oppo- site qualities make the happiest mar- aiages. He—I'm looking' for a girl with money. Chlklre:3 Cry for c 11 Verisopht—That brute Snodgrass call- ed mo a conceited idiot, doutcherknow. Hunker—Is that so? You never struck sue as being particularly conceited. RIPPE'S LEGACY, Sllattered Nerves AND Weakened ,System. A Montreal Gentleman Tells About It. Mr. F. J. Brophy, a well-known employee in the money -order department at the gen- eral post office in Montreal, tells about his Case as follows: " I had a very severe attack of La Grippe, which left me all run down,, very mervous, without appetite, and extremely weak. Very often I could not sleep at might, and I was much troubled with pro- fuse perspiration, which naturally caused me much annoyance. Learning of the good effects of Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills, I began taking ahem, and much Wray gratification they have braced me up, in- vigo'•ated my entire system, and made me feel like a new man. I am now all OZ., and highly recommend these pills to any- one suffering as I did." Milburn's. Heart , and Nerve Pills cure palpitation, nervousness,-" sleeplessness, weakness, anosmia and general debility. WANTED ! Agents to fill permanent positionwitii iis AT GOOD PAY. All supplies free. Chance of pronation to good men. We also desire some good Agents, either on whole or part time to sell our preparation for 'the destruction of Tussock Moth Catorpiller, known as " CAT J IH?ILLA.RI10TE." "•Mnny of our salesmen carry this as a aside line, and make considoritble more than 'heir expenses thereby. ''We have the largest assortment of stock of „Any Nursery,in Canada. Peoplerefer our nods, because of our guarantee. All our stock sent out under Government Certificate, r wing cleanliness and freedom from disease. Apply now for territory. ' tone &' Wellin ton, Toronto. WIN. GHAM RI$TRICT, Tio Crossley & limiter Co.will open n business in Elora scan. Tire military context In Clinton real - kali eighty dollars, in Seaforth seventy- five, Brussels Ptiblie School did pct cele- brate Empire Dray owing to pressure of work, Percy R. Smith, formerly of the Woodstock Sentinel Review, has pur- chased the Palmerston Reporter, Brussels population is 1,228, an in- crease of 85 aver last year.. The' total assessment of the village is $315,140, 13, Gerry and wife, Brussels, expect to hate in the course of six weeks on a trip to the Northwest where they will spend a few months. •The safe in the G, T. R. station at Luoknow was blown open the other night and the contents, which wore net large, carried off. Miller's Worm Powders the medicine for children, Sold by Colin A. Camp- bell, druggist. Question and Answer.—"Will Ripley ever be incorporated? is a question we have been repeatedly asked."—Ripley Express. Answer, No. Fishermen from Teeswater, Wingham and other points •had an opting on the famous trout creek in the Alps last week when some very fine catches were made. On Friday Alex. Colvin, near Teeswater, caught a speckled treat which measured nearly fourteen inches. One night last week the Iargest frame barn on the 4th con„ Grey, belonging to Jas. Lindsay, who resides on the SUI con., was burned to the ground, to- gether with a team of horses which had worked on the place during the day. Tha loss is partly covered by insurance of $500 in the Ehna Mutual Insurance Co. Tho origin of the fire is a mystery. The comfortable brick residence _of James Grant, con. 14, Grey, was destroy- ed by fire on Monday afternoon. The fire is said to have been caused by an ex- plosion in the stove. President Miller and Vice -President Bryans, of the Ilowick Insurance Co., adjusted the claim on Tuesday, $500 on the house and T200 on the contents. "There is no little enemy." Little impurities in the blood are sources of great danger and should be expelled by Hood's Sarsaparilla. Harriston will shortly vote on a by- law granting a loan of $11,000 to Dowl- ing & Leighton furniture company for 15 years, the first five of which interest is to be paid, the remaining ten years $1000 a year. Security in the shape of first mortgage on the plant and Posses- sion of Insurance policies will be given. The object is to enable the firm to extend business, employ, more hands and increase the output. Mr. Miners, township assessor, of Usborne, has returned his roll, from which the following statistics aro gleaned: Number of acres, 42,678; acres cleared, 37,995; value of real property, $1,803,575; personal property, $5,700; taxable income, '$300; total. value of all property, 31,809,573; population, .2,326; number of dogs, 339; cattle 5,884; sheep, 1,516; hogs, 3,507; horses, 1,665; births, 44; deaths 18, during the year. The Rev. 0. H. Philliinore who a few. months ago made an attempt on his life by cutting his throat, at his home in Meaford, committed suicide at his. father's residence in Port Dalhousie, on Thursday, 10th inst. • The act was .committer) in his father's barn at 5 o'clock in the evening by taking carbolic. acid. Tho family, missing him at tea, made a search for him and found hint in the barn, gasping for breath. Miller's Worm Powders cure fits in children. Sold by Colin A. Campbell, druggist. At a large meeting hold in Brussels arrangements were made for a demon- stration on Juno 22nd. B. Gerry was elected chairman for the evening and Reeve Thomson explained the object of the meeting. ' After some discussion it was deeided to have a demonstration similar to that held last year and officers and committees were appointed to make arrangements. There is about $170 on hand from previous demonstrations, which will make a good financial start and the intention this year is to have a better demonstration than in any previous year. ,.r... - A Eincardine deputation consisting "Canada for the Canadians." Mayor Macliendrick, Councillor Miller and Walter M. Dank, Pres. Board of READ T H c Trade, wero in Ottawa last week, under noon so astocash the eh eques,_issuod by W. 11.Keir, the Secxotary-Tsoasuier of the Committee. Last week a statement was mailed to all depositors tis far tis their addresses are known. The gentleman referred to in the fol- lowing article from the Seaforth Ex- positor is a nephew of Frank Scott of 1i;'itbetlt a Docknes Exawinetiva ifkidneys x clog- ged, can hid out the ki y are - c g ged, deranged and diseased. Rave you baelraelbe or a -weak lame back? Do you have pain or difficulty. in urinating or a too frequent desire to urinate? Are there deposits likebrick dust intim urine after it has stood for 24 hours? If you have any of these symptoms not a rnern- ent should be lost in obtaining Dr. Bluovele:--"Dr. Tian]. Scott, who has . Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the world's been studying for more than a year in a25 tints ac duet' cora. One kill a dose,. the hospitals and schools. of Europe, is about to sail for home, Frank. who is Xulie and Xeo Libraries. well known in Seaforth, has had a more The report of the Minister of Educe - than ordinary bright career. Ile was tion for the year 1899 containg some in' medalist in his year, and on account of teresting information concerning libar- his stand in his class got the position of les, From it we gather there are no less house surgoon in the Toronto general than 400 public libaries iu the Province hospital for one year. Whilo he was in of which 120 aro described as free, ran Edinburg lie took a degree in medicine upon similar lines to that wa have in and while he was in London he took a Clinton. position as house surgeon in one of the large hospitals of that city, which posi- tion he.ha.just given up, Dr. Scott iutonds to devote his time to diseases of the eye, ear, nosy and throat, and wo predict for him a useful and successful career in his specialty. `He was a student in the office of Drs. Scott & Makkay, Dr. Scott being his nude, and ire` refleots credit on his old preceptors." A LXTT FOR FEMINIPi6 H11 P'j��ERS, IT IS MM1E ►• F . TO ALL WHO SENO FOR IT. The new illustrated "Diamond Dye Rug Book" can justly claim the largest circulation of any book ever issued in Canada. It tells how to make pretty and useful hooked Mats and Rugs from old wool or cotton rags, 'underwear and pieces of cloth. This interesting little book shows handsome colored designs of now Mats and Rugs and tells you how to send for them. Post free to any ad- dress. Wells & . Richardson Co., 200 Mountain St„ Montreal\ Growing Less. Last year the people of this country consumed only 3.99 gallons of beer per head, as compared with 12.60 gallons in the United States, 25.00 in Germany, 31. 30 in Great Britain. In whiskies Cana- dians drank less per head than the people of these other countries, although the comparison is lass favorable. The num- ber of lioonces are also growing less. Take Ontario as au example: In 1974-5 the total number of licolioes issued was 6,185; in 1893-7 there were but 2,096, or but a few over half, and the unmber continuto decrease. Southampton Beacon. , 10,000 SSOICRY HUARTS. LA GRIPPE HAS RADE TRE31 SO BUT DR.' ANEW'S CURE FOR THE HEART WILT., • BRING JOY AND HEALTH. La Grippe has left many a heart weak and diseased. Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, because of its great merit as a heart remedy, the magical quickness in giving relief, and the almost incredible cures it performs, is snatching from death's door many who had been given over as hopeless cases. It's a wonder worker; it's a specific for all heart de- rangements, and no matter how acute or seemingly hopeless, will give relief in- side of thirty minutes.: Sold. by A. L. Hamilton, druggist. One on the Postoffiee Clerics. A tall, raw boned stranger walked into the postoffice this morning and in sten- torian tones asked if there were any letters for him. The meek eyed, gentle -voiced said softly: "The name, please." "Louder," replied the lanky stranger, and the Government official raising his voice a bit again asked: "The name, please." "Louder," again replied the double actioned caller, whereupon the clerk sang out in an angered tong: "Your name, please." The long geared stranger threw his arms around his head and almost jump- ed through the wicket and shouted: Louder, Robert N. Louder, where itI ha are your ears?—Guelph Advocate. "A Single ?act Is worth a shipload of argument." What shall be said, then, of thousands of facts? Every euro by Hood's Sarsapa- rilla is a fact, presenting the strongest possible evidence of the merit of this medicine. Thousands and thousands of such facts prove that Hooch's Sarsapa- - clerk • Public Lrbraria... Total Itoc'1pts.. .. 75,573 3 f Totallbxpeuditnr'os 335 a3 Total Assets ..... 752,395 72 Total Liabilities . 11,021 00 Members ...... . 03,249 No. of Volt me','.. 4841,124 Number Issued . 734,0;34 No. of Newspapers&c 2,712 Free Libraries. $117,545 84 109,138 79 577,68009 113,802 49 89,143 425,981 1,812,48(3 8,11:: Toronto has the largest library of the Province, the one with over 100,000, having 108,370 volumes; then colnos Hamilton with 26,262; Brantford, 15,- 795; Loudon, 12,505; with volumes be- tween 8,000 aucl 10,000 we have Brook- viile, Elora, Gue sha Peterboro ; from 6,- 000 to 8,000,.Berlin, Chatham, Dresden, Paris, St. Oathariues. St. Thomas, Wat- erloo and Windsor; from 5,000 to 6,000, Collingwood,Iiingston,Preston,Seaforth, Uxbridge and Woodstock; froni 4,000 to 5,000, Barrie, Fergus, Galt, Kincardine, Owen Sound, St. Mary's Stratford and 15 others; from 3,500 to 4,000, Clinton and Goderich (Huron County) along -with 10 others, The following will form some idea of the libraries of the county:— ap. oLe Auburn . 107 545 1840 Blyth ........... 104 18455 201 *Mussels 232 2051 8'2,18 "Clinton 140 3728 4725 Dungannon ..... :103 1230 280 Ethel 120 121+0 1182 *Exeter....,..... 450 8270 18324 *Forcbvieh 170 1328 8720 Goderich ... .. Jill II 20 10870 24 *Gerrie ` ' 101 3245 tare Hensall 107 1107 1101 Kinburn ...... 103 t,, 0 10"3 Seaforth . .. 177 5102 2109 18 St, Helens 108 108,4 18655 18 whiteohurch 103 13.50 750 Winghnm 1"0 626 3571 S4 *Wroxeter 943 5;03 40::2 Free Libraries. From the above it asfll be seen that Exeter stands first for having the largest library in the county then Brussels, Wroxeter, Forclwich, Seaforth and Clin- ton. The people of Goderich are the most extensive leaders their average be- ing one and a half volumes per member per Week, Gerrie next with a little over one volume per member, then comes Whist= and Clinton fourth. Since tho above report was made oat by the department Clinton has been changed iuto a free library and tho membership nearly doubled while the management has added extensively with additional volumes and the books issued have increased considerably. The library of Clinton has au asset of $4,014.- 10 and along with those of Ethel,Hensall Wingliant, Gerrie, Exeter, and Wroxeter have no liabilities.—Brussels Post. Suffereillntense fain. Mrs. Chas. Miller, Bowling Green, Out., says: "I have suffered greatly from Inflammatory rheumatism for two years. My joints would swell and the pain was most severe. Could not get out of bed. Milburn's Rheumatic Pills cured me " • The theory of Christianity is that the Oils of the 'world. have, come -through' the departure of men from God, and its remedy is to bring them back to him.— Mark Hopkins. Dyspepsia Eight Years. Nine bottles of Lasa -Liver Pills cured me of dyspepsia and Paiiis in the Stom- ach. after I had suffered 8 years and could get nothing to do me any good. Mrs. Asa Hamilton, Boar River, N. S. Visitor—I suppose that plate on the mantel is a very rare piece of 'china of priceless value? Hostess—The value is largely sentimental, but certainly is a ram piece. It was in use for two years, and never so much as cracked by any of our servants. 4:i 10 a 15 17 CANADIAN NOME JOURNAL - instructions from the town eomieil, 10 villa w ill cure all diseases caused or pro- lay before the Publio Works Dept. meted by impure blood. It is the best • A monthly tnngezine full of inter : ooertanl purposed nocessary itnprove- inadicine money can bn3. . eating reading matter and useful in- moats to tris harbor, and 1.3 request that , . formittion:fer Indigestion,nauseaarecuredbyIloods • a buildiug for a Bost office and customs Pills. CANA DIF it W °DIE �i AND be erected. Mulotik promised to send - - • CAN AiSIAI+T IA outs ail engineer to examine the groaned and report. no do - i i,bnct ilr Wee I,rir•e One Doi ler pfr lighted with t o etareftn^.1�hearing as til leen •Auburn, i� Ott you ban Teems it with this diem by the Hon, William. • palter for one fear at the ssnte On Saturday afternoon, 26th inst., at pride by sending your orders to 1 o'clock, a meeting of the creditors of the publishAr of the TIMES at : tlic McIntosh anal Morr'agfart estate will enSnd Id m, be held ill the lfarestors' Fltill,_ l lasliill ,d 1tJ cents for sample u•oi•ty. testi Ifrasstls when.a financial state - mope Will be presented and cheques 'Limed to pay the 5th and last dividend 1 • urnn) TORONTO, bar .. .m.trikietelimm+�+�. to tl01t0 persons interested. This ay - • inept will be 5% and will total the de- To PATENT Good Moos positers80etr.tnall. Per the convenience may be set:trrcdby of those wile aatond arrangements have been niade with the i tandiucl Bank to a 1 Battlaisra, baa. open their doors for an hour that after- , ' a w` d our aid. Address, t!]i: PAttNt fig60Ri) Although the Transvaal is 1,000 miles hearer the equator, the temperature averages much lower than at Cape Town. A Cheap Medicine Chest. Mrs. D. Williams, Goodorham P. 0., Ont., writes: "I have used Iiaygard's Yellow 011 for Barns, Scalds, fipples, Bruises, Sore Throat and for pails in the Stomach a :td Bowels, and it has always given .relief, My mother snys it is a regular medicine chest in itself." "When a roan loves God hisnoighbore Will And it out." c$ yid? s'I Ory fair RIA Cramps and Cholio. Nothing gives such quick and effectual relief from these distressing complaints as Dr: Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry. traw-ber y. Saul Smythers is sure finauoial hit this time, What is his invention? Perpetuated grass—to bo used on 11e Ruinous D#tlsletn. Y The :son of the King of A 1ss:ih:,i: t married a few years ago the (laughter of the Ethiopian King Of Simla, who carie at her wedding a ouriouE3 drown, made centuries before Christ. and raid to be the famous diadem Solomon gave to the Queen of Sheba when she visited him at Jornsalerrr. It is of gold glittering; uiib precious jewels, and lias been l re erred through all the centuries by the kings .of Sheba. The general talk at Pri.tC1 1) is that President Kruger is contemplating an iinmedictte depaxture fr.nn tete Trine. veal. will make a Is often a warning that the liver is torpid or Inactive.. Moro serious troubles may follow. For a prompt, efficient care of Headache and- all liver troubles, take L W� t' '® ' While they rouse the liver, restore full, regular action of the bowels, they do not gripe or pain, do not irritate or inflame the internal organs, but have a positive tonic effect, 25e. k' at all druggists or by mail or C, I, Hood u Co„ Lowell, Mass. presidential lawns during politioal cam- paigns. She roftusea to talk, replied the spokes- man of the committee. Then it 'wasn't my wife your met, gentlemen, he rejoin:?. with great posi- tiveness. It was somebody' else. . 44. ' 1� i+ • .er "r,ralit•. Pllf. x,111 � 51 1192• Ife 1� ,II, PO erg: Sf;<15e')' '• is Low ;lil:iroaching when these Bills will be needed by horsemen, We would say to all such tilat the 'rrMEh office is well tacllaipped for turning out this clas`i of w1:. A splendid line of sui.able Reasonable rates. THE MIS OF THE t °K' 2 is pure1111(1 0''1'2 • "cl ij.3: i•r, o .di'rr7 • OXFORD C IPPE11 Front and alar Gut MOWERS Am, sures With Roller and Ball hear; li s Serrated Ledger Plates if do 4. e(1` Ask our agent to Chow you t::e New Patented Bill Bearing Knife Clip. Supplied only when speci.t ly of dered. PtP111, Vie-4Vie-4 OR BINDER 5 ft., 5,1ft. and 0 ft. cut. Highest Drive Wheel made. Brass Boxes. Roller :bearings. S .:venth Roller for i:l_' :•::t re. An the latest aid best improvements. G l a a 'in P tireee e 4° °f 4)1110 i ? • We, also manufacture the heat iii i most complete line of 'CULTIVAT- ING and SEEDING 11i 1°ir1011::3'I' s , n Ea+''11, cowp'ising SPRING - TOOTH CULTIVATORS' (tied Y+i h 18rriin anti gra,.- sowing attach- ments If desired ) SPRIN.1 :rr•,l G.I': TOOTH' HARROWS, DISC HARROWS, GRAIN DRILLS. (,IH kinds,) flORSiii RAKES, (friction and ratchet dump,) etc., ate. 11 you need anything iu cur lino srnc1 for rear 1900 Illustrated Catalogue, (sent free.) You will find it very much. to your interest to do so. THE N OXO N 00., L'M, Ingersoll, Ont. (,NERAOUSADISEASEO MER.; a a1 I-aae.a r'F Tho- sands of Young and Middle Aged Men are annually swept to a premature grave .. t--ou;lr ,arjy Indtscr. tion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitationai Blood tli..1 Die asess h ;ye ruined a rd wrecked the life of many a promising your man. Have son any of the following SY nptoms: - Nervous and Despondent; Tired in Morning; No Ambt- ation: 3fem ,ry Poor; Easily y'ntigued; Excitable and Irritable; Eyes Blur; Pimples on the lace; Dreuns and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard Looking; Blotches; Sora 'i hro it; 1Liir Loose; Pains to I3ody• cinnkon Eyes Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of L ler y and 3tr, ugth. our Ass M-thed Treatment will build yon up mentally, physically nn t eaxu:rny l c [i a ,a .,rr on. 1tti1ha1` Do®t 1 KENNEDY 85 KERGA Done, Have .1 ,f•'�.�L"rq-.tz.'.�5..r�.i°; Yei181 "l �y l E. "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. My back troubled me. I cnnid stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and amine at night weakened me. I tried seven Medical Firms, Elec- trio Bolts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised mo to try Drs. Kennedy a "{organ. They sent mo one mouth's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cures when •::a rn .n r.i 21,1,15 ail else jails." They have cured many o: my friends." Dr. Mos`o:i.NARATNN M , 1-� Cnrc,,.yu�.P...w�. Capt. '"rrr:t .end. Little Harry, who has been ntlni shish- " e,l to keep quiet while at thrall', I say, Ita'nalnna, 10111 1110 your sl,.eetxel+s, pleas:'. Grandma—Why', my dear? Little Iiarty_ .Nothing, only I'so un awful appetite, end I waist this little bit of pie to ink large. "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood disease. 1went toHot Springs totreat for syphilis. Mere, .rynhnoet killed mo. After a while the symptoms again appealed. Throat became` sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, oyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Iiennedy S Iiorgatl's Now Itethe l Treatment. It Dural m 1,and I have bad no evmptoms for ileo years. I am married awl happy. As a doctor, Y hearth recomend it to all who have this terrible disease-- sJphi•'ts." It Will eradicator the poison 2r0512 tho bboul." 15 YEARS !ft DETROIT, 150.000 CURED. "I am 93 roars of: ago, and m talo 2 Mem your'; I led a gay life. Early indiscretions a'd later excess.% ;n,,dtroutrlo or rne. T became `v?n'{ and hervo , kkin,ys became affected and I faired llright's disease. Marri ,11 lrf t,' ,s tiasntis- factory andmyhome unhappy. I tried every abet -ail t':uled till I took treatment from Dm lionnodv and ICor;an. Thou. N w Method built me up mentally, physioilly ao.l smuttily. 1 fool and act like a man in every respect. Try them." Dom" No Ilam s Used 'Without Written = - Consent of Patient. CL.1 .4l.x i Olit hover falls iu enrinti 1 all, as•i oQ met+. t; Our 1\IS�I Method �i'8"cl'1:11�21'1'l: lr,, atronuthons rile bo ty, etop�i alt rdr Bins and losses, purifies the blood, clears the brain, builds up the nervous and actual t 4.. vs stems and restores lost vitality tathe body. ,,i WO t:tt:+rnis3ee tb Cure Ate>t'vott5 '014110ttr, llrtii9$55;; t{ifhte4i,+^-1, s'vlfiililrt Yitrieueeii.!, ''trtcttire,Oleeett,Vain attar ti tblsiWe...at.q;.ty, 'W earl: IP- tat timid All 1r.ttlr125y tatitli atlmt;tler t• lt):.:pMtC r, 1 tris, ltonnedy & No r;an nr3 the lc^.ding a n,i,lli:;ta n,'. Ow Amor1e . Thay gttar.tntee to oaro 0r no pa' . i t'rr r,+ •.i. , •>k. 9,�Wy tation end natao:relof basi:le3s are at "t.,c,'. 5 s run no risk, Write thole for en110aestnpinioti 1ra 10m'ittsr woetr.rito1 y.i'. It ms/ "s Savo ouyears of regret and suffering. 0hargos r333..l.t ,1o. Write for a tnitil:etiozir List and Bank V. CCs C41initir,tli .v. or: 't;..'t- f'. DRS 1(- NUFDY84KERIAN'-' Da„''rl ap'_