The Wingham Times, 1900-05-25, Page 2. ' . Vor Over Flay Xt'ars. oToR•mTo LETTER, An (Ad Well -Tried Remedy-1'4re nt ' Witals la's Iiceal due: SYruti linsioyolvittl'a . in e ono OWTIVOTA1/4•11)0.1kItlIt.) or c•i eon ate* years lty millioueof Illthi tyre. for Moir toabirtn while teethime, with it. rarS POIVIOrro, perfl'et Str(V:.4,, It F.COtb.'S tIO Vlind,Wit. ' TO .01)3t the Court the clerk crie(l out eTrithl'anins, 011:1Ts nil Fain, t'111343 wind * ) \ler!" MA31,41,3tO DOIliSIII jimpod vole :nal .,, OW N.St rellttnly for diate . rhole. it le rIeasaut to the teste. Sold I .. 1 th 1 e 'le of the lteo a stet- -tcap ..I.t. • 0 NV I t. , . . 1 't2y tizu:!:6.., .., in every part of the world. law—not Yery.7. ronderous at the 1 elm les, Isieeelte cants a tottlo. Its valne VI Court—wero utt in maim, bald •tlallo. Be sure Ton eel; for Mrs. 1 "First .prisiouer, stead up," shouted. Witalow's Foothing feyrup, Rua take ao . other Icinl. the 3.1agastrate. "Ellen O'Brien, you are charged with being drank. Guilty- Inthat n :ram.. st arovinees • of Italia, 4110 auilty?" goats frogneutly NV wit‘t' any ill. "Giblty, yea worship. Lot me go 1 effects the rii,:1Vs'i4 a la v.wmi 1,01,1,1 cl the 1 was never here before." akautt or'.: elar,the milky joie° of witkh , aWhat t" nun. Denison started. is an weal p tent foe hrotten bet.oes and 1 "Not fez. soync years," Ellen ceerected is freiee.te'y a eel ne sac' i ; infant teia. • , .anvelf. A "i4110 Wt18 lWr ILlSt week," iuterroseti 11'r- pests a? eitielho la car. -11iet. Arrastran,-; ' be ret :lie dear. ecen :eel exeellea by tle.• *.thue clef auct eoets or thirty clays use of Da Low's Worm r'Srall- It is hard lalev." easy- to tate ‘ carl ceeteine ;IS O' parga- SI1O \relit do S'llii he stair. tive. "William (.13.iim ellerged with being Sane of the Soattish Cyaling (1 14, ,;:runk,. Guilty 04flot gtaityv$ h.ave been c xocentrteaiing with driferent William, who c .a.'ealerl to lavringl,euk- kacee of f e (VI in order ta eseertain the'.r ed. upou the wine i., . %idle it 'MIS red, .was suseainiaa 1»yer for long d:stauce rides a veuera,ble looking old follow, very like The temete fs pro: armed. the last ?X- oses in our family rale. In the =- reedy foe impart/ler a vigor to (ho con- rMviterueut of dressing for Court he had stitutional cant -decade 1 y alo ether. / -1 neglected to fasten his standup collar to hint to these who practice 1. ttg spins.' his shirt. As a, donsequence of its beiug A Ert'ert. COM settled cm ley throat and free it friskoci upiind clown his aieek. in a lunge eo t 7:a t• I could 1., ardly Speak. At ter most playful maxiter. °thee remedies failed. I triat Dr, Wotan- , . . , v . u Norway ray.1 Syrup and one bottle of it "How tong is it since you ica e oce. Mrs. Thos. Carter, Noetlaiort, Out. i "Two years." 1.`. "You may go."1: The atnericau 13ible Society eirculatee1 William was ou : through the gate in a. the Scriptures in 96 tougaes, besides our trice, tamed to o Magistrate with, mu speeek; 28 European, 39 Aglaia, 9 Oceauic, 9 African, 9 American Italian "Thanks, yer Wo+hip," put on his cap and was gone. f. and 3 Soath American languages Mid dialects. "James Murphyl plies Prootor, °Wag- es,- ...t.......-. 1.-..!F....sla.a-r.,:,..7....,, •.,,,.......,...mesneszapat ' ed with being fin k.'' This jeckel-Hy up, quite the hard- st looking man I ever saw. He had no Oat, no hat, no vest, His trousers were fsuspended by a strap above his waist 4t appears that he is continually in the 4oils, alternately giv- ing his name as 11turphy aucl Protor. The company got ti ty clays. "Ellen O'Brien, ugaiu," and tbat worthy ifitkhr hands ou the bar, "char- ged with stealing siz.- shirts." Then. Mrs. Somebohy Was called to testify as to the guilt of the poor creca tare. A smiling littlO, woman entered lookiug as pleased and happy as if she were going to a fea.se. Her air of joy and righteousness made one think of the little girls in school -days as they in- formed thateacher of roving found a scholar doing sometleIng particularly wicked. .•••••••••,•*0•••••• here before?" mat ired Worship. completele eured inc. TE EC, IIITY„ Canzairtc-, arcs Little Liver Pills. mast Beat' Signature of See P8e..S1=Illa • - Very arsine er..e. D. c:no7 ' to trase e st.4.... CA ;:jr"vie "':, i Om HiltIACELL. a .'' -* '.• te 1,,,,7.• %,,, r3 e••• -.e::,•• , ; ;4., .. • LL ;•;14..%111E,;.-ii2,1 T, • _Mt liii„?.CUSIIESS, . a . . 7 ' . ' • 01 MEMO Wig% .; 1 ciai. dd. eti COUSTIPAT11111. .. F141 tIALLOW SKIN, . MI WE comPLEXON ,•,„,,:. , e 17.4..."NliTICZTS4 MUSIttAff0.11.011. ITWS13 I Purely veger.ma., ...,6• ft. CURe SICK" l!t,EADACHS. STRENGRIENS WEA4 LUNGS. Many persons are in condition to invite Pneumonia or Consumption by reason of inherited tendency or Other causes. They catch cold easily—find it difficult to get rid of an ordinary cough er cold. Wo would advise all such people Ao use Dr. 'Wood):: Norway Pine Syrup, It iss wonderful strengthener and healer ot thebreathing orgroas, and fortifies the lungs against serious Oalmonary diseases. Miss Mara Marshall, *core, Ont., writes: "I have suffered sever) years with weals lungs and could get na, cure, so became disco-oraged. If I caught cold it was hard to get rid of it. I started using Dr. Wood's combination stood "Truth, whole truth, taud nothing but the truth," jumbled thp Magistrate as he handed out the bpok, "S"elp y' God." Her kiss smacked so roundly that a broad smile spread over the Court. The evidence given, the sentence followed. "Sixty days, hard labor, to run con- currently with first sentence." Tho wretch trembled, her knotted old hands shook on the rail, her head. bowed and down she went. 1 "Samuel Webb oharked with stealing iron from the G. T. Be Guilty or not guilty?" "Not guilty, yer Wkship." "How do you elect. to be teied? By me summarily,I or by ..ury?" C Ty jury." 4 "Case remanded." - A little old wonnui with white face and hair timidly and with many a, tremor approached His Worship's desk and offered to go bail for her son, the sixteen year old lad in the dook. "No bail for the likes of him:" said. Ris Worship sharpleal Bat she did not go away: mothers never give up when it Is a sacrifice for a son, no matter what kind of a son he may be. Filially the boy Was bailed at one hundred dollars. Mrs. Minnie Lynch, whose beauty had not all left her yet, appeared text, char- ging her husband, James Lynch, with non support. Norway Pine Syrup, and as a result my "And he won't keep you?" cough has been eured and my lunge greatly „Nel yer Worship, and he's going strengthened.' 4, f With other women." ti Br. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. 25c. and 50o, a bottle. 4n druggists. A Frien.a's Advice. When you find pour kid. neys out of order, when your back aches and paras and gives you end. less misety, when you have tO rise often M the night and endure torture 's day—take- , ; s • : G..t • ' ;• URNS " Th!re aro lots of ioeople. in your town, Who have been cured by this remedy. Mr. T. Sarchet, merchant tailor, Brock. evilte, Ont., says they cured him of a severe Attack of backache and kidney trouble. Th.,y cured Mrs. E. Ford, St. Thomas, Ont., of drupsy. Mrs. Win. McNeill, ee St. James St., St. John, IVA, says they cured her of' dis. tr:7, backache, front which slzesuffered for over six months. Prom nearly every thy and town in the Dominion we get statements similar to the alloy. People who have used them are .way s glad to say a good word for Donifit idney Pills. "Your Worship," interposed a lawyer pleadiug for the virtuou4 jaraes, "she is not his wife; he was .u4ver renrried to her.' . Miruile's eyes flashed. "Well he was tool" "Let's see your certificate„r.cOmmaud- ed the Magistrate. x "He's got it, Tour 'Forship, he said he'd keep it for ine. yie was married seven years ago in St. Fichaers College, and Father Walsh cold prove it if he was only hers." f• Minnie was given tl11 Tuesday to pro- duce the necessary doquments. David Mason, a coloied gentleman was next called to answello the charge of stealing e hod. Of oJirse he was not guilty, at least so hiaid. One of his I most important witness waa in the far i off States and so ho Wat unable to fully establish his innocence. "Well," said His Wo hip, "I'll have the case remanded for a, week so that yon can get this man." "Couldn't you get him?" "Get him yourself; itstorir case, ra target all about it befortl 1 Wait off the bench." "Will the case be disci if t can't get Mtn?" "Oh, no, no. Soracb cl down for it, and you wilido as well as anyone." y has to go The court laugher'. And so the mill wont oif the milt that has been grinding since tl's days of Eve, and that will grind yet fo. a time. THE WINGRAN TINES, NAY 1 81 19()O QtacKLYAND WELL SERVO. Our store is modtroized in every de- partineut that properly ptataius to, the drug business. Our patrouaare quickly and well served, and go ewer satisfied that we ere worthy of their confidence), As in the pest l'aine'seCelery Coin - pound stLll reeks as oar leading family medicine. Its marvellons miring record is milloient to recommend it to every ailing awl stair man or woman. supply of the genniee Paine% Celery - Compound olways in stock. Come; A. OANXIIIIM, Druggist, Witishoen, Out. • T11;0'0040 ongelens, The Amerleaalpeople hardier realise what an inordinatiexpeuditure of money has taken place =Per the McKinley ad- ministratioa. Tlit capenclitures 11,111011 are fairly chargiblo to the policy of Presideut Mcrae ey start on July 1, 1897, r t the opmit g of what is officially kuravu as the fiskt 1 year of 1898, and run to Aprit 1, ..KO, that being the latest -date covrect ,. by the monthly r' turns, This is a r '.ziod of two years and t nine mouths, or tc O med. three quarters liseal years. la tl• . t period the national expenditure have 'leen as follows: Fiscal year. 1 Expenditures, 1F,98' 1 $ 488,819;914 54 1899 : 4 . 005,072,170 85 1900 (uiue raouthq 872,801,882 95 . .,, Total t .$1,415,71;3,277 .)4 Of these enormObs expenditures $503,- 283,10404 has beela for the aruly and wary, $e0,000,030 tor the Philippine in- t denraity, $33,7G237.8.5 for pensions and $108,900,8e5 00 for interest, ' an aggregate outlay of $1,115,957,264,65 for • i old and new warsan the short space of two years and Mak =faiths. • DoTon Pen Heart Failure?. No death comeseso suadeuly and un- expectedly as tlaattiused by boart 'fail- ure, but the trouble had its begitnalug; mouths or perhaps years before when the blood became thin and watery and the nerves exhausted. Gradually the waste has become more rapid than the process of repmr, the tissues of the heart havo become diseased and finally some over exertion or nervous shock caused the beating to cea e and life to part. Dr. Chase's Nerve Fodti prevents heart fail- ure and all similar isoases by creating new, rich blood. aid nerve torc,e, and building up the systVa. •Damien's Sieeessor. Father Conrardy, 'pho took Father Damiou's place on Mohtkai, is preparing to go to the largest lepei colony of China. One would imagine that the years spent in ministering to the ratinis of the dread diseases were more then enough to danmeu his enthusiasn4ut that he is as full of audor as the dcty when ho first put his hand to the worliis oridendefrby the fact that he intends le again cast in his lot with the lepers. It is not easy to fiesta the magni- tude of his task. Imagi e a settlement of fifty thousand persolits cut off frdin the world, disfigured ainl reekiug with corruption; think of the heat and. the filth and the stench ref the loneliness and desolation that broods over it, and you will have a very imperfect picture of what awaits this heti° priest. But he is glad to go. While men scheme and plan and quote Citrist without be- lieving Him, he is golug to show the world that the love whth prompted the Master to give His life for Wie Mead abides in the hearts. of is diseiples. Deeds like these are oases on the desert of life.—Catholic Register. A °AND. it We, the undersigned, do hereby agree, to refund the money ocent bottle of Dr. Wills English Pills, O11 a twenty-five. 't if, after using three fonahs of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. Wc3 also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. A. A. MOrrOW1-011emist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. t4 0. A. Campbell., Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. e A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug- gist, Winghatu, Ont. t•A A Searelty of T4Ilnher. The recent great Ottaeta conflagration will have its effect on the lumber mar- ket for the coming season. The demand appeared to exceed the 'Supply before, and it was reported that all this season's cut had already been bartained for. By that conflagration from 100,000;000 to 200,000,000 feet of cut and seasoned lumber were burned. The destruction of the standing sew mills, too, will tend to cripple the coming seasons output by as much more. Deflecting all the quan- tities from the ordinary sources of supply besides the increased home demand for building at Ottawa and Hull, will tend to crate a very brisk demand elsewheie and at increased prices. This promises to be a boom year to the Canadian lum- bermen. ALWAYS READY. We are always ready mad preparedto eater to your wants and requirements. Our stock of pure drugs is very eemplete, enabling us to fill without delay any order from your tIOCtOr. Our stock of Toilet Requisites is Unsurpassed in 'Variety, Quality and Prices. Are you 'using htitte'S Celery 00111 - pound, uature's groat remedy for the cure of rthexunatism, neuralgia , nervous diseases, diabetes and liver troubles? If you hav' not given Patio's Celery Cont. pound a trial for your falling health, d) so at °met Nve recommend it. A. L. HAmttirox, Druggist, Wingluttn, Ont. Gems ofTuoutsttt. 'Lo reeognieean old. blessing is mist bettor stor to get a new one.—MaeDon- The only passible victory for t]io almrch is by puelliug up (*lose to (hrist.— t. It is the society of the encouragers that makes the whee:s of the world go samothly.—Zion's Herttia. Tho artist uses a game and it is a sta. tu ; the mason uses a stone azul it is a door-step.—Philip Brooks. OM:reti aiy for aeserateremeetet •4',441,4=r;:..-•"•••;••;;;;44, ...11.,i111.11.1tEl WI: ,1111=1111111111111:3:RqUiiitliMilli. 1. 4 Irno•••••••••••••••• 1,4 I '14,5k, fe;S. 1'5. • t ;',":7n7r,77".":7771Tr,.r,.741-7i..1,•cirwt-7,-;;-•;77,77,7-e'. [*0 . .WegetablePrepararotiforAS • simitating theroodancinegula- oini lay tievillb43 US, gal`:itt turn- tigttStcacItu'i13owuIsof .01: iva to the nein, . God, and the 1taster will know 'Who c :(1. the work.—Mission- ary Herala. Truths v:la, is ttro good electrical con- duetors iron: new= to me will not fail to be the urelle of great grace to others, I—Daniel St: ea). Many, in.lecel, thiuk of being happy a ith Goi in heevtia but the being hap- py in Gad on Faith never enters lute their thouglits.—ehn Wesley. - Some day He wit let you look beak on your life st wy, auct. eo the goldeu thread of His feeheily loy and care shining over end ea c and it —F. R. Havorgal. . „ W01 1 area.' len 1IN.t..T W110'te, &V 1:13X011t3 VI:ECK—SET GLOMY IN A SEI.E.,::!C Tkalt WILL CURE HSU, AS SOUTEC .A.N.LI2E2414 NERVINE DID THIS ONE, Mus. JattOCIS A. Publicoyer, Lunen - burg, N. S., was a -wreck from stomach troubles and nervous prostration. After she had trietiV.I.lany remedies, and was treated by b 'At "physicians, ouly to bo aieeppoinicet i c a care, she was recent-, mended to ase South American Nervine. Site did so, with tho result tbat to -day, after years c..f saffering, she is a cared aud happy woman and proclaims this g' -eat remedy say a her life. Sold by A. L. Hamilton, den gist. We must look cl . t and aro and to see what God is like. It is when we persist in taring our eyes. inward and prying curiously over ou4 ownimperfections that we learn to ma o a God after our own image,- and f oy that our own *darkness and hardue s of heart are the patterns of his liehttud love.—Charles Kingsley. ree-lee. Cll. A. W. CASE'S CATARRH CURE &VC. r"4 is sent -direct to the.dIseetad parts by Ole Improved blower. Heals the ulcers, clean, the sir passe,ies, stops firoppiegs in the throat and permanently cures Catarrh apd Hay Fever. Blower free. All dealers. or Dr. A. W. Chase Metilmne Co.. Toronto and Illuffato. ring ether Try as you may, you cannot escape the weary, worn out, dont-care-to-worl4 feeling that accompanies sprig weather. Brain is not clear as it ought to be; theFe is languor and listlessnessinstead of energy and activity. Burdock Bloat]. Bitters is what people neecgthis weather. It sets the liverbowels, and kidneys acting, whereby- all poisons are eliminated from the system ; cleans the tongue, irnprcives the appetite, purifies and enriches the blood. Mrss MARY J. limn% Hot- lan.d, 1\:Ian., writes: ". I have used Burdock Blood Bitters as a spring medicine for three years now and don't think there is its equal anywhere. When I feel drowsy and ,tired, and have rio desire to eat, I iget a bottle of B.B. "1 think it purifieb the. hintA und builds up the cone n than any other tome . e." ; Vilt,'-;y:M'Wift,'344M1, i • ., a ...gee:aloe. ' alaar.: ,', 1414 .1 4.4.44.••••••••••••4 V 140,•••••• PrOMOteS DigeStiOn,CheerrIll'. t. rieSSISIReSt•ContainS neither ppatm,Mrphine nor Mineral. I. 110T. 1S.r.A.T1C ()TIC. i• 4 • 1.40.?4•4444.41, 4,ft, 01471r.5:61044PI2i7M Pumpkin Scrod - .47ort311 Saha --. dfdsa Sraa. # Awe:mint .: Rs turbonata..c.4.s. . Ihin f red - qtr;;# , d Siert 1 reqB,,,!..„ , ..... 1 APC:reCt Remedy for Cooslipa- 1 ; • t!xin, Sour stontach,Diarrhoea,. : worro ;Co rentb io ns ,Fever six- .,....: and Loss or SLEEP. , • ••••••••••••* . , .. 1:;•1: '.'., i mi le Signature cf • es'ealia';',47'eWiv, • NEW YORK. :a 'lei 1AT THE 'h.. FASJME 1 cxAor copy ol• v."::=.12:1: liCastor:a is pat or in oro.sire betties oniy. T% ra not sots in bulk. Iht.'t allosT anyone se eon •••• :;you anyeting elzo on the .71se. IN' 21Gt.l.rd) tltat It 4.1... i. ..s, is "just as ga;a" alai "ivili answet,e.tey pa, "-' :'": I;Ofts.” k.•;z./" E. o thr3 you get 0-4.0,0-2 ...,-.A.. 7 locesogr,A=.4. .1? l/ e,—"4 • • st.ietz.vi. ..er ..... ;ay .‘":„....4„..e.ifez i" :Vfirr ,........-,-,.... • • • • ti ‘..-..::.f.r.`,..--....-...........--- -..........................t....,.. "•4* f ' T. - •V• • ""*."-,. ...el'..7a3:2 "..-';'—'1 A'a n. • .' 1" --: :.' V; '":" ' - 17-1":"-'*.'"'''..:'`' '''*".....•• ;-...Nc.---;;;;;.----.::-...4....... '............--.......J.,.......1,..,....-.- ..-k` Theta- lickrs To draw away the car loads of goods ordered for spring. Buggies and Carriages. -) Nearly three car loads of Buggies and Carriages have been ordered front the best makers in the country. NW will have buggies to suit the purses and tastes of everybody. Hight grade, medium grade and a grade neither high nor medium. Prices to correspond. arm Implements. We will h enin farm I mplements nothing but the best. We don't need to s• anything about the Massey -Harris goods, iri suffice to say that the farmers are going wild over the new ' Binder and Mower, and those placing their orders with any other firm before seeing these new machines will undoubtedly feel disappointled. Buy from a thoroughly CANADIAN firm that can t,give you the best on earth, and a firm that keeps thousand4 of,dollars worth of repairs at your door. - • - We. have the slickest plows and gang plows you ever saw. The National artd Imperial Gangs are something new, and had -an extraorAnary sale last fall., In fact we could not meet the demand mach on us for these goods. Ask your neighbor about the gang *tkv he got here last fall. gepairS t Repairs ! _ \Are ,,re loacted up with all kinds of repairs We can fit any plow ever 4cle with hard ind tough. tempered in oil cast- ings. Having 1..tight our r pairs last fall, before the raise in further,tice. prices, we will b • able to bell plow repairs at 1899 prices until .Music and Sewing Machine Dept. In this department you will find choice selected. Pianos and Organs from Gerhard-Heintzman, of Toronto ; 13e11, of Guelph ; Doherty of Clinton; Dominion,. of Bowmanville, and Sewing Machine front Raymond, of Guelph. Small Instrtimeits,Music Books, Sheet Music of all - kinds in abundanck, all Of which are sold at a small margin. Come in evtfybody and see through our stores aad warerooms. i •Oppgsite Presbyterian Church. , v. PUBLIC TICE Shorey's Clothing is sbid by Reliable Dealers only others cannot buy it, consequently you can. be sure it is as represented. H. Shorey & Co., Montreal. tit ) All Woof; Business Suits Shotiey's Retailed !at $8.00 Cannot be beaten. myky. • •aall. ,rereareaaateenaleaneee