The Wingham Times, 1900-05-11, Page 6s a...4 k 1• .,.,... r..a' tee sassrat THE NEW PATRIOTISM.. TRE WING11AM1 `.EVES, NAY 1', 1900. Atlynott:iloofthe Lecture as. Miss weteina'.I 6A OOK t.OR E. VERY We 13avo welcomed the new lmltelial si blessings that have cisme to us through it invent;-4, but we have not always beenDUIYMN so ready to weleame new truths and new duties. 'We want Merger concept of the . brotherhood of man. Then we shall ill f i i FOR espouse total abscineuon principles t:e- 1 ealtse wo that are strong ought to beta.•tit.±• infirmities of theweak, We are;; lad we !1 ILLUSTRATED do not stand aloha to -day as the apostles of total abstinence, as we once did, Tltc* h s' .f I '1 acus. and 5 [are •` ti.0 i't1.1 cutis largely � �Mi1.j�, 1,,E, � V. with we Inset -awe companies find tIhat (other thiur:s being equal) total abstin- eueo adds from ten to fifteen years to a Mat and Rug mali:ing in the house is man's life, Business leen demand clear- now commanding tho intention of thous - day under the bast generals are advised , Alio newlilustrated "Dimmed ed Dye ling to avoid the ciritliciing habit. Lord giving sholtizun the latest designs anal Kitchener in the Soudan campaign far- patter suis information as to how the p �, patterns Gi11n be 1)roanlad, will be scut bade its use and said, "Never have the frco to alnvono iuterastetl its the faseill- 1nen rec worecl more rapidly from ,tkiitf� x:011: of inali in): hooked mats and reps.! send your address to Wells. ob wounds and fever and I attribute it tali Rielulxdsou 0o., 200 Mountain Street, Moatreal. FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1900. NOTES AND COMMENTS. Tlher'o is now no doubt as to what will be the result of the ,eon coming. Dom- inion eleotioi's. The I~ mtbarnptou Bea- eou knows, ar.d told us. mere it is: 'c'In Bruce comity the three sitting mem- bers will bore -elected; in Eluron, Honest John McMillan and lab Holmes will ;et there by the skin of their teeth, but in East Huron there will be a change, as it is conceders by many that Dr. Mac- clonald has lost his grip." Wo feel keenly the position of the Doctor. We hope that he may react this prognostica- tion. end thus be deterred from offering 3umself, The saddest of all is to think chow he has year by year gained more political strength. Yet of what avail is it against the prophesy of the Beacon. The Toronto Evening News in speak- ing of the objections to the vertical system of writing, says: "By far the gravest objection, however, is that, if the vertical method is allowed to become FFF permanent, the sameness of handwriting will mate it well-nigh impossible to detect forgeries, and moreover, will en- courage the growth of tint crime by incres.sing• the chances of Escape, and the ease with which it may be committ- ed. This is, indeed, a serious charge, and unless it can bo fully refuted it will i certainly be in the interest of the public to go.back to the old methods." Flow serious! Such an objection would have no weight. even if it were true. In s'eality individuality may have as free 'expression in vortical as in any other isystem.of 'wilting. The mind rules the head iii any case. Many of our exchanges this and Iast week have contained warnings to far - =era against a certain swindler who has been operating in South Perth and Ox- ford. His plan of action is minutely ex- ?,plained. Out of respect for our own R a 113011 ••,I,,.hh y113 Ca to total abstinence,"' With such en- couraging re-inforcements we roust con- time our edncatioual campaign. Education awl- legislation. must go amnia fp the Iloboes. There is to be no peace for tramps iu hand in hand, Tho truest patriot is the Ontario this year. Owing to the success one who sounds the highest moral note mot with last fall in rounding tip and for the country. The chief difticulty in way of legislation is the attitude of the temperance men, and cln'istiau voters. Liquor men are liquor men first and party men afterwards, temperance men are party men first and temperance men afterwards. Do you blame politicaus for standing by the vote they are sure of? The individual voter is to blame. There must be a mobilization of a new contingent to work out this great reform, and women must stand beside brothers and husbands to work it out. We aro tax -payers, subject to the laws and per- form services that are equally essential to the comfort and well-being of the home and nation as our brothers, and neo therefore entitled to the ballot. Men and women do not live in different spheres but on the samesphere-not that their duties are identical, but the com- plement of each other. Our duty is to hasten that glad day when "every man's weal shall be each man's caro." ALWAYS READY. We are always ready and prepared to cater to your wants and requirements. Our stock of pure drugs is very complete, endbling us to fill without delay any order from your doctor. Our stock of Toilet Regnisites is Unsurpassed in Variety, Quality and Prices. Are you using Paine's. Celery Com- pound, nature's great remedy for the euro of Rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous diseases, diabetes and liver troubles? If you have not given Pane's Celery Com- pound a trial for your failing health, do so at once; we recommend it. A. L. ILAa11LToN, Druggist, Wingham, Out. Agricultural readers we have 11ct copied Wit. If a farmer is offered five prices for ( A Vseful Invention, Mn animal and accepts he is as inech al hfr. George Vice, maelhinut, St. rogue as the b'drier. Men svho deal Marys, has lately completed ;'fairly seldom have trouble with these a devise to be used as a signal at rail- gentry of the road. It takes an odd way crossings. The invention is so ar- lesson now and they to teach them the ranged that at a distance of over half a 'rudiments of honesty. Experience is mile from a crossing au alarm is set go - he only teacl&'er for a fool. ing by the front wheels of the engine Harriston and Palmerstcn are busy at passing over a small upright rod close to it proving which is the greaterhog town. one of the rails. The gong keeps on 'The latest from the PalmerstonReporter ringing until the engine approaches the glroves that Palmerston pork factory is crossing, when it passes over a second better than all others; their bacon has t£ rod, which causes the bell to cease ring - preference on the British market, and ing. Tho other wheels of the train, brings the highest price,..equal if not while passing over the small upright better than the products of the Wm. mer ,• -t.a-east;es.. re=---ta n -:,�•-- vin the macluuely near the imprisoning hoboes caught in the Pro- vince, the Attorney -General has deoided that a similar method shall be pursued every spring and fall in order to try and get rid of the tramp nuisance. According- ly Inspector Rogers of the Ontario Crimi- nal Investigation Department will short- ly leave to make a reconuaissauce of western Ontario and to lay his plans for the round -up, Last fall Mr, Rogers and some assist- ants succeeded in =railing some 170 gentry who were stealing rides oa trains and terrorizing trainmen. These were sent down for vagrancy in seliteuees varyingfrom three months to six mouths. The terror caused by these operations was such that within. a Week Ontario was denuded of tramps, who crossed to the other side. Detroit got the benefit of their presence, nearly 1,500 seeking a refuge in that city. Tho Detroit pollee tore their flair acid cussed uncles their breath because they have no such law as obtains in Ontario, permitting severe sentences to be imposed for vagrancy. All attempts to induce the hoboes to return across the border failed because they had the fear of six mouths at hard labor before their es es. Since last No- vember Ontario has been almost free from anything in the way of burglaries. Inspector Rogers has been notified that the Quebec Government intent to adopt a similar plan of dealing asith, tramps. The • sister Province is mare seriously infested with tramps than is Ontario and includes many desperadoes. There will thus be a rounding up of tramps from the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the east to Windsor in the west. WHEN HOPE'S GONE Life's Not Worth the Living. South Ameri- can Nervine Restores Hope and Perfect Hope. four years ago Angio Patterson, of Sackville, N. B., had a very severe at- tack of La Grippe, which left her with a very acute form of stomach trouble. She hacl about given up hope of a per- manent cure when South American Nervine was recommended to her. She procured it, and in a very short time ex- perienced wonderful relief. After a --- ea" -- Jug six bottles she was abs Mite g 4.tyPi mired. She says: "I glia be the most effec ,, r;mealy for stomach trouble in market." Sold by A. L. Hamilton. ' v hent. nuty tate ('arae, Theles ('tyule stry of the Druidic feasts in 1untar of tho p;t+!l 1\1, from wh:rh t'.e) cc•Ic>hr:.t:ou of May. day epral)g, Sl vie e ti:c 11 allic kith ass Pg:v,la and India. And the P.Iay-pale itst•It Is a pian:o emblem. In the e:,i.rch calendar the Intlt of May is tl:o combined ft'stival't t f St. Philip the Aeiesslo and :at. Jamey the Less. Thrl•ul hout Great Ilritniu and to alesser extant i:l Fr uw assts Germany, it was - formerly etiab eted with festivals which still have theihr loyal but e.tetsuatecl survival::. The Druids celebrated the feasts of L1k1 on the first (f May, by lighting im- mense flies M. his honor upon the various cairns, s1,l.lotlg the remnants of the'Jeitie stool:, tiro Irish and the scotch Irl,:l:l:under:,, ceetoms survive to thl present day. And they still call the festival 33eltine, or Wahine, the '(clay of Bel': fire." Even as far south as Perth• shire seinen of the rites of Moloek-wor- slrip are to bo seen, The drawer of the bit i1f blackeners cat -oaks behig made to leap three times through the fire is a modification of the cereniony of sacri- ficing the person who drew the charred Cake is former times. Tho Irish retain the custom of lighting fires ou May Day. Tho practice of run - nines between the fires is still kept up' The practice of fathers mauling through the fires with their young children in their arms has been substituted for that .of sacrificing' the children. --•Toronto Star. A CARD. Wo, the imdorsigued, do hereby agiee to refund the money on a twenty-flvo cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipa- tion and Headache. Wo also warrant that four bottles will permanently cure the most obstinate eases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills aro used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Out. C. A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist, Wingham, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug- gist, 'Wingham, Ont. Tho Bell Telephone Company has re- duced the time limit on all trunk lines front five to three minutes, but the rates remain the same as before. Milburn's Rheumatic Pills aro a specific remedy for Rheumatism, Scia- tica, Lumbago, and neuralgia. They eliminate the acids and poisons from the system. ease the pain and euro the dis- ease. Price 50c. Some twenty or more of the farm im- )ilement manufacturers of Ontario have signed an agreement not to make ex- hibits at fall fairs of ally description. They assert that the cost is large and the expendlitnre does not bring.adequate returns. Singers and Speakers During the cold weather singers and speakers almost invariably carry in their grips a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine as a cure for hoarse• ness, sore throat and throat irritation. ]avies Company; they lla.¢a-,a xl.il�t e , -raise he crossing, leaving everything ready for a 'from the recent low other trains coming in the same direct *gores to the present $5.85; they handle tion. Trains going in the opposite 120Q hogs per week and employ 40 hands. direction will not effect the mechanism . ngersoll, factory employs five times as of the invention, as two of these signals =any; Collingwood has a bigger have to be erected at each crossing to Tay roll than. that. Palmerston handled provide safety, when the trains pass on 1200 hogs one week so the Reporter says the same track each way. To provide they kill 12C0 hogs aweek. They should for persons who are deaf, or who can - :start a wheat or real estate factory and not hear well, a small horizontal board raise the price of those commodities as is caused to swing over the road at the tvetl, crossing, so that they, too can learn that a train is approaching. Already. Mr. } Laza-Liver Pills work while you Vice has secured patents in the United *seep without a gripe or pain, curing States and Canada. Biliousnessie Sick Headachhenonand miake yea feel better an the morning. For Over Fifty Years. An exchange says the Gendhon Co., of An Old 's SoothingWall-Tried P Remedy-Mrs s Toronto. will start n. large furniture Wr over 's S othis by I ri p baleen mothers factory in St. Joseph. We doubt it. for their children while teetuna, with perfect success. It soothes the child,soft- ' ens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind 'colic, and is the best remedy for dint- '; Given Up to Die . theca. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. p� Twenty -live cents a bottle. Its value is .•. Two Doctors 1 incalculable. 33e sure you ask for Mrs. e i' lend and Doctor Used Dr. Chases Nerve other kind. end and Saved the Young Lady's Lifo. ;• . Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no Dr. J. W. Bates, of Corfu, N.Y.. states: 14A,.mast remarkable case has come under any hands of late and has fully convinced e of the wondelrful power of Dr. Chase's *rye Food over•diseases of the nerves. .-A, young ladywho was treated for over twO years for epilepsy by two doctors was gvetl up to die. She came.to me, and on 1osteeful examination, 1 found that her sick. • ewes was not epilepsy' but nervous trouble ate to menstrual derangements, and pre. bed four of Dr. Chase's Nerve Feed Is a clay, after meals and at bedtime. is three months since she •began this asoss,tment and she has not had a single bad Her Wealth has rapidly improved, lists gained about fifteen pounds in int, and T da clot hesitate to state that r. Chase's Nerve Food has saved her life made her well. u Signed, J. W. DATES, IMI)." . Chase's Nerve Food is the world's restorati$ra for pale, week, nervous Initlittirt and childrall. see. a bee, at or M. A. W. 'Chase 'Medicine o. 8(vSII tilt Narvoma Dieea From the Pacific Coast. A former resident of Huron county, writing from Seattle in an interesting way, says: I came to this city several weeks ago and found everything ou the move. I find real estate rapidly rising in trice, improvements on the old streets and construction of new streets are being followed up by street railways. There are now seventeen of these in good rimming condition and with its 90,000 inhabitants, its safe and commod- ious harbor, its transcoutinental railroad audits numerous ocean gping vessles, this is a valuable gateway to Alaska. Thus it is quite likely that it will be- come in the none future, one o4 the great- est cities on the Pacific Coast. During 1809, 278 vessels left this port for Alaska and it is expected that the number will far exceed that during 1000. People are acoustonied to think that the whole world has now been explored ex- cept Oentral Africa and the Polar Re- gions. As a' matter of fact there are portions of the American continent which are as completely unknown as any part Of Equatorial Africa. However, with- in the last few years. great strides have been taken and many have won fortune atld renotvn by their explorations made in. the basin of the Amazon in Brazil in the south or Labrador and Alaska lathe north. All this reveals the fact that rest fields are still open on this continent in which wonderful discoveries can be made. At present the eyes and atteil• tion of tho greater part of the Western Hemisphere, aro turned to the discovery Of gold on the beach aria creek at Cape Nome. Thousands aro waiting hero to get off with the firsts boats and it is estimated that 50,000 will leave here for (;ape NOMe witllh i the next few months. War Bulletin -Posted on church door by pastor, who mourns the death of an old church member: "13rotlter Johnston departed for heaven this a,m." Under this somebody tacked a tele.: graph bliulk, with these words: "Heaven, 0.30 p. m. -Johnson not yet arrived; great anxiety." A PIERS. SHIN, Dr.Afstlove'it Oifitmeitt Will !soothe, Cool and Mai It, 'With the skin faitly ablaze from itch- ing, burning skin diseases, such as eczema, tetter, itch, salt rllouill, scald head and other distressing eruptions, one application of of 1)r. Agnew's Ointment will quench the fire, give instant relief and comfort; will euro mid leave the skin clear and aoft. In three to five hiightil it wilt care any kind of piles. Sold by A. L. Hamilton. A harassing Cough. Dr. Low's Norlvay Pine Syrup cured me of a harassing cough and hoarseness(. X know of no better remedy for healing and soothing the lungs and bronchial tubes. Pude tis cents. TOWN DIRECTORY, BAPTIST CULTISM -Sabbath serv"ieet4 tat 11 a ul and 7 p 111. P•'uuday :'rhea 1 at ;3:1.0 p 10. General prayer sheeting on '�; ednesday (vc^rings. Rev, W. bayed, paster. W. J. Chapman, 2 . ki, k upetiutondont. Meant'DTHTC'inutt'II Sabbathairtime at 11 It m lues 7 p in. i unsay cites ht et30 p int, 1slnvortll League every Mon- day mediae. General Drayer meeting (u 1VeUuesdey evenings, Rev.1iiebartl Hobbs, patter, Dr. Towles, S, S. t3ue- erintendent. P1;.r..:: rrerltLty Outman ---Sabbath so: - vim at 11 a 111 a12(1. 7 p 111. Sullclay Sells of at ::::;0 p m. General prayer meeting on Wecblosday evenings. Rev. D. Perlin, pastor. D. M. Gordon., S. S. Superintendent. ST. PAUL'S Oizuac'it, Eeiscox'tt -Sab- bath services at 11 a 111 and 7 p m. Sane any School at 2;a0 pm. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev, Wnl. Lowe, incumbent. Ie'. Shore, S. S. Superintendent, CosontEceornmAL C;reran.--Sabbath services at 11 a m and. 7 p n'. Sunday Seiloel at 2:30 p nl. Genotal prayer (sheeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. 3, W. Goffitr, pastor. Gavin Wilson, S. S. Superintendent. Rous CeenoLra Onurau .- Every fouith Sunday. Mass at 10:30 a hu, sGr- mon duct benediction at 7 p nl, Rev, D, P. McMenamin, P. P. S. envoi ON Altux-Sbrvice at 7 and 11 a m and a and 8 p In on Sunday and every evening during the week at 8 o'clock: at tho barracks. CHRISTIAN Wormnras-Services in the Mission. Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday at 3 and 7:30 p M. T. A. Calhotne, in charge. Poo Orrloa-In Macdonald" Blook. Office hours from 8 a m to 6:30 p m. Peter Fisher, postmaster. MECHANICS' INSTITUTE -Library and free reacting room iu the Town. Hall, will be open every afternoon from 2 to 6:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to 9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, librarian. Town CouNcxL-Wm. Clegg, Mayor; Wm. Holmes, H. 0. Bell. J. H. Olns- hohn, Rolland Beattie, Goo, McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. 1'or- guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel Youhill, .Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- lector. Board meets fest Monday even- ing in each month at 8 o'olock. ' SCHOOL Bo-tnn.--0. N. Griffin, (chair- man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Leo, J. J. Homuth, Wm. Moore, 11. Kerr, Thos, Dell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm. Robertson; Treasurer, J. 33. Fergnson, Meetings second Tuesday evening in each month. Puma SCHOOL OHMS. -A. 11, Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Cornyi, Miss Vats:one, ifiss Matheson and Miss Reid. BOARD Or I -it r Ti: -Mayor Clegg, (clairniau), C. J. Itcading, Thos Greg- ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- retary,; Dr. Towler, Medical Health Officer. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur- pentine has by far the largest sale of any remedy for coughs and colds. It is the standby of Canadian homes. zSc. a large bottle at all dealers. 17 "All Dunlop Tires in. :goo" Your guaranty of good- ness in a Dunlop tire is the gu:tran tee from the makers. "The Dunlop detachable tire is guaranteed against ,ll defects of workmanship, ni:Lt. riais or design, for one S earfrom date ofpurchase." lti'.i other tire is guaran- t;:ec1 thus. Dunlop tires on all gond wheels without extra charge. ";ho only tools ,, T:.o iuniep Tlra to . Limited, Totem r, iu•)ne:2ktt. Lt.:iota. A LY GLOSING Before placing your order for Spring Clothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old ' .4,rui it '" watt Lu"rrie-bait more than' new Ind better goods of the latest styles will cost to -Clay. We make clothes that fit. Nj'Alana0 -- FIVIVBIIt,AT, atneONS b'OR eAatr'iet (linea Manners in this province co represent me in their own and surrounding herrn ,les. Wi1Iinft to pays* yearly 1000, vertigo week Desirable a elnployrmen with unusual dae Isortnnitiea. Rrfcroncow ex0l1anee(L I&n- rk, Caxton D e Dealing, C for ge of>n. S. A. WEBSTER & CQ., Queen's Block. Caveats and Trade -Marks obtained. and all patent business conducted for MODERATE VEER. My office is in the immediate skint tyofthe Paten tOflice and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of Invention, wit% description and statement as toadvantagge. claimed. 4ar•liro charge is made for an opinion as to patentabiUt, and my fee for prosecuting the application will not bo called for anal the patent 'f allowed. "InvenToes' Gunn„" con. turning full information scat free. All (1otnmunl• cations Considered as Strictly Confidential. FRA KRJN i-9. HOUGH ser e (. roots WASHINGTON.. INGTON. )I). C- 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 110T. 1103311.;11 1 i 73, .'IN; ';�,' tTiF ES, IS I'1 IaIJIriTiea EVERY FFRiDAY MORNING Tim Times OffIce, Beavea l31og1( evati ilIA1)1, ONTARIO. Ti:1.Dtd o',• ; .t n 171,1 rto:r-1 I (9l'ik'e tcrnnni in ndvnnce, fg,r. uif not ):o 110111. inti p„ram db eon - tin Wc1. till all tlri ears oro peiti, ekeept at the - opolI•Ir2,tlictilcu• TLIu'• r.ni,ieieiue] advertisenumb k per direrllint 111•r l• inr t rtioe, )k' l'er lir t for cru It nub: c•gttent irlAd$el'tIOirivort•;rmezvtr: in local cnnls tee clu:rged . 10 cts, yen line for fir's( t'1 'ulufour, end 5 cents pea' lint' far wale r.uLr.egtwiit in.-eZtioa. Arlcrrti�f rr•;lts of Saint, i'cnu)cl, $hayed, . Arms for hale or to Rent, era r imil:el' s1,(5) for brat month and 1.0 cents for melt eubseenent month. Oox:t•n +el i€AT228--ThefoPotsing table !.hales our rates for the i114t'rtio'r of advcrtir:tmenta for ape c'ffirQ p, r'iotbi; hhLA01:• 1 rR. fl •S'). 18310.000. M0. Ono C.olurrur..........,'ro.110 °h'.,tM) ;1,.00 *6.00 Half Cole nor 91 2) 14.00 10.0) 4.00 Quurtel'Coita:ut 1Y.00 10.00 0.00 2.00.• Advertisements without seeder+ dircetions will he inserted till forbid r+l:d ehnrgt d accord- ingly. Transient adverti,temeatt;; must be paid - for 1:1 cdvllnee. Tan Jon DrvARru):No fs stocked with an extensive- asycri,nent of all requisites for print- ing, affording facilities not «stalled in tiro county for ttunfne out first clu24 work. Large type, tied appropriate ruts for all styles of Post- ers, Bund Billy, etc., and the latest styles of choice fancy type) for the finer classes of print- ing. E. B. ELLIOTT Proprietor rind Publisher. BAU I ii ILTON W.ING11AM. Capital. $1,404,620. Rest, $1,000,000, President -roux E rtrAn' , 'Vint-President-A.G. ItAe:::Ar. DIRECTORS' John Proetor, Geo. Revell, Win. Gibson, M.P.,. A. T. Woocl, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). Cashier -J. TL"P.17BULL. Savings Bank( -hours 10 to 8: haturdny, 10 - to 1. Deposits of ;1 and upwards received and interest allowed. Special Deposita also received at current rates of interest. Drafts on Great Britain and tho United, Statei, Bought and rota. W. CORBOULD, Agent, E. 1:,. DICKINSON, Solicitor. TRADE MARKS D.SIGNS COPYRIGHTS &C, :Anyone sending a Achill And description may quickly ascertain oar opinion free whether en Invention tis, probably patentable. COtnmtlnlca. tions strictly confidential. handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest regency for securing nstents. Patents taken tbrottgh Munn F, co. resolve apcctaZItotfce, without charas, 111 the SCiefttifiC M�ie�°iCAti o Ahandsomely !tlnetrated weekly. Largest rtr• cnIat10f1 of any rclentttin 1.)urnnl. Terme, $8 it Year; fOOtgtrppmonths, 21. 0o14 byail newadtalers, MUN v Co,8ctroadvay, lbw York tltnnc'a neuro, C'15 1. C.,'t7r.s. Il,.;t'Nn. I). C. TT PAYS ADVERTISE IN THEA, .. TIMESS.. E. SMITH 1'INCI1AM, General 73anklnr* Business transacted. Money advanced to farmers and business mon on endorsed notes and collateral. Farmers' Sale Noes Cashed Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts Collected on reasonable - terms. J.P. KENNEDY M. y., M. C. P. S. O. (Member of the British Medical Assocfa. tion.) Gold Medallist in Medicine. Special attention paid to diseases of Women and Child. ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m. ; 7 to 9 p. m. DR. AGNEW, Physician, Surgeon, etc. Office -Stone Black, over Deans' Flour and . Pend Store. Night calls answered at the office. DR. MACDONALD, Centre Street Wingham, Ontario.. R VANSTONE, : BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. • , Private and Company funds to loan at lowest - rate of interest. No cornmissionehargcd. Mort ga es, town and farm nronerty bought and sold. Office, Beaver Block, Wingham. J• A. MORTON, BARRISTER, &c., Wingham, Ont. L. DICKENSON, r BARRISTER, 'ETC. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan. Office -Meyer Block, Wingham. 1lA Rr23Clt J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. Doctor of DentnlSnr ery of the Pennsylvania.. Dental College Licentiate .Mce -f over Post Office, Wingham. JOHN RITCRTE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, Wingham, Ont. P DEANS, JR. LICENSED AUCTIONEER for the County of Huron Sales attended in any part of the County. Charges moderate. JOHN CURRIE, WINONAM, Ow, LICENSED AUOTIO&TLER. Sales of Farm Stock and ram Implements a specialty. All orders left at TIM TIMxs office promptly - attended to. Terms reasonable. SOCIETY MEETI WS. ��++ Camp Caledonia, No. 40, meets. 0. ®. 0.-tho first and third Monday in every month, in the Oddfellows Hall. Visiting • brethren welcome. D. STEIVIAte, Chief; E. B. Elliott, Rea.- gee. JOB PRINTING, incledin'r Books, T'nnphlots, Posters, Bill' Herds, G reit a s, &C., &o., executed -hi the hest style of the art, at moderato prices, end on short notice. BOolustNb1NG. -o are pleased to nnllOtuie0 that any Books or Magazf,res left with us foe Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prinf•s for Binding 92 any style will be given on application to nip TIMES O);'PICli, Wingharn, RAILWAY TIME TABLES. GritANI3 MIMIC C RAILWAY S'Si8'i'b112', lJf ipHAT:Td 7I2AVL Mit Pabnerston ., 0.40 a.m.... 8.541.111. London 8.83 a.m.... 8.l5p.m. Kinetudine ....11 nt, Vii 8.15-m....10.46p.m. Kincardine ....0.40 a In R.5.) tito .. 8.15 p.i11. Lenient... 11.10 a m .. 8.00 p.m. Pabnerston 8.0., p.m....10.43 p.m. J. l#. ' ON: A__ gent, Wingltam, CANADIAN PA •'TC EATL rAy. TRAINS LPIAVI1 rOlt Toronto and Last O.t0 a.m.... 8.00 p.m.Teeswater . 1.31 11.n1....10.4a p.m. AllUtV11 Iritolt Teeswater,.. 0.03 e,r.....13 p,m. Toronto rind gtgamm.J.B MS, Aen,Wir ri 41