The Wingham Times, 1900-05-04, Page 6•
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ESTABIaseirI) one,
$', B. 11:T7T,TOTT, Pe7rlr.I sent Alm Plrornrl•:'ron
FRIDAY, MAY 4, 1900.
From our own Correspondent.
Ottawa, Apiil 28:11, 1500.
With very little parade or hcurish of
--'trumpets, but in a practical business-
like manner, the Liberal Government,
'both at Ottawa and Toronto, are placing
legislation upon the statute bock which
an its operation will go far to minimize
if it does not entirely eradicate, the
'pernicious "sweating" system, which
'fins so long being a standing disgrace in
anOSt parts of Christiandoln, and which
was obtaining altogether too erre a hold
upon the industrial life of Canaria. The
:Postmaster -General's resolution now be-
ing debated in the Commons, provides
that all Government contracts, or works
aided. by public funis, shall to carried
on under brach eenditions as will secure
the payment of proper wages to all em-
ployed thereon, and as tho best possible
evidence that this is no academie motion
to be relegated to oblivion as soon as
;passed, the maehixery is already being
perfected for carrying out the p_'ovisions
of the act which will follow the passing
of tho resoluticn, and that machinery
ams been placed 'ander the direction of
ane of the best known and most trusted
representatives of labor in the Dominion.
In the Ontario House, a bill has been
introduced by Hon. Mr. Latchford
'+which provides that every person con-
tracting for the manufacture, improve -
anent, or alteration of clothing, or parts
of clothing, shall keep a written register
prominently posted. of the names and
address of all persons to whom such
work is given out to be made, and each
article so made shall bear upon a label
the name and address or number of the
;person making it. Such articles shall
not be exposed for sale without a per-
mit from the inspectcr, showing that the
place of manufacture is in a thoroughly
clean and sanitary condition. When
such an article of clothing is found to
have beeu•made under unclean or un-
diealthy reconditions it shall be seized and
impounded, and a Iabel, "insanitary"
ztlaced on it, after which it shall be dis-
dnfected by the Board of Health at the
tamer's expense. The Board of Health
f they see fit may destroy articles of
clothing which they find were made in a
-workshop tenement or dwelling where
the inspector finds evidence of unclean
or unhealthy conditions, or infectious or
contagious diseases.
The following review of the commer-
Sa1 outlook in Canada will prove entire-
ly satisfactory to most reasonable men,
thought it may not be so pleasing to Sir
Charles Tupper, and those who, In 1896
.end 18911, were determined to see noth-
,ing but the most dire disaster follow the
accession of the Liberals to power. The
article which is from the pen of a
'recognized authority is a leading Ontar-
io daily Say's: --"The summer season
'will open this year with encouraging
asreseects ferbusiness. Labor is gen-
erally well employed, and in some trades
:it is impossible to get men. The fact of
Droppings in the Throat
A Symptom of Catarrh Permanently Cured
by Dr. Chase's Catarrh Care.
The hawking end spitting which the
Catarrh sufferer goes through itt the morn -
fag to clear the threat of the droppings is a
.arked symptom of this distressing disease,
To the early stages the discharge may be
*Sight, • but ft becomes so thick and tough
1Jiat considerable effort le required to expel
It from the throat.
It is encouraging for the catarrh victim
Mab know that he Can be relieved of this tilts
tress and permanently cured of catarrh by
awing Dr, Chase's Catarrh Cure, Both
*seta and chrcnfo catarrh are eradicated
liana the system by Dr. Chase's Catarrh
ttt ur•e. It clears the choked up air passages,
*heels the ulcers, and quickly conquers
Mr, Themes Squirrel!, aI4 any Street,
.wa, Ont., states : "1 taxis afflicted with a
severe form of catarrh for nine years, and
so bed that the doctors gave me up to die of
s,amption. A careful, systematic use of I)r,
's Catarrh Cure brought about a complete
Kr• I no longer have any hawking and
g, and ate pettedly Cured. The doctors
t my throat three times for thisdiscase.
Sr iv. Chastest Catarrh Cure, 15 cents a box,
sr firs, at *11 dealers, or Edrianson,
(5i Co., Toronto. • 415
the matter is that the ep l nteg np;ef new
ten' itoty i1z I1E western mid ne>rl'lxwest-
e:zx pants of the l mince, and the iu-
ereesE'c1.11rosperly ef the country west of
the Ictl:es, and well as the better dt'nland
of the Maritime Psovinces, all contribute
to keep workmen away from the cities
at a tiiile when in former yeetrtt they
came there in search of work.
The employment of large sures of + 1 9
THE' t\'1NGHAM DIVES, MAY 4, 19O0,
ar,l waive t'eae.ret tee nen-wawa
. +a,Itre Wau mels,to n• Ours.
, At the histrriettl firer itt Loudon, 0Eng-
' ! laI�d, it# lec:i, c re ti:es:teazel lives were
' :i lost, 18'. acres were 1'l;riled (:l•t r, anei 1'3 -
t3'"0 munch: ti l.ui:clirgs i ez tro •ed. At
the g:citt Chicago fro u; 1h71 the ettitn-
li eted loss l'eiug :;'i.):>,t:(01(E'0, 35,030luil(1-
irt1;-t were i£urz.ed; at the, New Yolk fire,
183 ;, 010 l•uileit gs; C'hu 'lestcu,ilrc,1808,
1'it:sllt:x'e, 1"•15, 1,00;); SanI+ran-
cisce, lu£il, 1,500; and at I:Ostcin in 1872,
800, diff n the Zeas woe "f,C0.),0CO3
Arnot g the motet r al •.r fire; la Canaan
tray 1e nlez:ttem:1 time £:1 Quebec) iu
1815, la wliieb, 1,0•:() houses were bran -
ea, and one-third el the p pulationmadee
itolncl(ese. .lie lots was from ,4i300O3r00
t'3 r; n.00,\,0'00, AIl• t'lt r fir,l l -n Jt:no '28
timer seacd 1,,:00 C :vt .I:IIt. s, and 0,000
persons made houl(lestt.
In 1825 in New Brunswick a tract of
4,fee ,OC 0 was burned over, .and the towns
cf Chathean, lv'ewcnstlo and Duunlas-
lawzl (l(t troyed; 100 perse:nswere hi'Iccl,
and 5C0 brilc?ings bunted, St. Johns,
N. 13., lits twice been coiastatedby fire.
In 1857, 115 houses we re burned, in 1877
an area of 2C0 •acres was burned over, 1,-
050 develliz3ge destroyed, and 37 streets
and squares wiped out. St. John's,
Nfld., was nearly destroyed in 1816.
Two whole 'streets upwards of tt mile
long were obliterated. Montreal was
visited iu 1850 and 203 Rouses burned,
and again in 1852, when the space burzx-
ecl was ono mile in langth by 34 utile in
breadth, ioci:tiling 1,200 houses, and the
loss was estimated at s5,000,00O3
Among the Arcs of the last few yo^.rs
which will b3 within the memory of all
may bo mentioned that at Boston, which
destroyed a large section of the business
part of the city; at Windsor, N. S.,
Westminster, 13. 0., and the ,great flee
at St. John's; Nfld.
looney in connection with the coal and ' f �y
zu1 4
zncral resources of the Dominion, both�� � o1)0118
in the eastern and western part Of _
Canada, has contributed greatly to the , „� a,. .ti
proeporty of tiro country. The zuasses' /h I tie 61081 i Lit#i Siler o
aro more largely employed now than
ever before in the history ofCanada, and ,
probably Nina hitherto experienced by
the labcriug classes in the Dominion,
New settlers are arriving in the Country
and taking up laud in the Northwest,
while in this Province the prosecution of
largo enterprises in parts of Ontario that
had not, hitherto attracted tho opera-
tions of the capitalists, hed tho'efiect cf
drawing in settlers to tracts of country
the advantages of which had been over-
looked, There is a great deal of railway
construction in progress, and that is em-
ploying large gaugs of leen at geed
wages, The effect of this developxaent•
will be more apparel t to business menl,
as the summer advtinces. When large '
lumbers of men who had in former years �
been idle a great part of the time are
fully employed, the effect ou the busi-
ness of the community must soon be- ,
emus apparent. The keen demands for i
funds for business purposes which has'
been reportedby thebauksfor sometime
past foreshadows a better era for busi-'
ness. The steady employment cf the
masses at good wages largely increases
the purchasing power of the people, and';
must result in increased deThe drier indus-
tries of the Dominion are all well eta-
ployed, and every week brings reports of
companies making arrangements to en-
large their manufacturing' capacity to
keep up with the demand for staple
goods. Many factories and mills in
Canada still have orders on hand -that
will keep thein busy for some mouths to
comp. This does not look like the ap-
p-proach of a period of over production.
Stok�sess and Disease.
'the average wages paid now ia higher
In the month of May we fled then-
: sands of tired, rnudolvn, weary and half-
: sick mon and women who are not in
!condition to cope with. the ward and
duties of everyday life.
• Some suffer from sleeplessness,norvous
I annulate neuralgia, eheuntatism, dye-
; pepsin, liver and kidney troubles; others,
lowing to an impure and poisoued eon-
( ditica of the blood aro snftering from
unsightly eruptions and skin diseases.
Paine's Celery Compound is the only
true tend trusted medicine for the present
season. It purifies and enriches the
blood, feeds and braces the nerves, builds
up the weakenedtody, corrects digestion,
gives mental vigor, bright eyes, clear
skin and sweet sleep.
Physiciansare daily prescribing Paine's
Celery Compound in Canada and hun-
dreds of druggists strongly recommend
it to their customers.
Try the effects of a couple of bottles
of Pain's Celery.- Compound if you
would build up physically and mentally
for the coming summer. Paine's Celery
Componnd is the world's leading and
curing medicine; "it makes sick people
The Vancouver Beard of Trade has
passed a resolution in favor of reducting
the gold royalty in the Yukon from 10
to 5 per cent. on output values. A
British Columbia newspaper, comment-
ing favorably ou the proposal says: -
"There is every reason to believe that
the suggested reduction of duty would
bo largely compensated by a greater out-
put accompanied by less taxation eva-
sion, whilst there would also accrue to
Canada a larger revenue' from customs
and excise duties and other receipts,
directly and. indirectly connected with
retiring and trading development. .It
is, moreover admitted under present
circumstances by Mr. Sifton that the
Dominion rixakes a considerable profit
out of its Yukon administration and this
profit considering what is given in re-
turn, may certainly be rated excessive."
One writer commenting upon this view
of the situation says: -"It will probably
not be denived that, making all due al-
lowances for the getting rid of tax
evasions, and for increased customs
revenue, etc., the reduction from 10 to
5 per cent. would destroy the profit
which now accrues to the country; iu
other words, the gold would be given
away for nothing. If this view is sound
one can hardly understand why so much
objection should have been raised to
Mackenzie and Mann getting a share of
the gold, whether small or • large, in re-
turn for the building of a railway. The
capitalists who builds a railway for any
gold he may find is surely more useful
to the country than the ordinary miner,
who leaves nothing behind him but a
hole in the ground." ".
Speaking of therosition of Canada at
the Paris Exposition, the Montreal cor-
respondent of the Glol:e says: --"The
-extraordinary influence which Canada
has required in Britain since Sir Wilfrid
Laurier came to power, is shown by the
change in the status of this country at
the Paris Exposition. Originally the
name of Canada was ignored in the
afield demonstrations. Hon. J. Israel
.Tarte on his arrival in Paris discovered
this, and at once communicated with
the imperial authorities. Mr. Chamber-
lain rcgcgnized the injustice done to the
most powerful colony of the empire, and
'a despatch to La Petrie announces that
he has just signified to .h r
3 I`renoh
authorities the desire cf the Imperial
Government that Canada should be
accredited directly. The effect of this
up;,n European nations ran easily be
imagined and it must prove of immense
vnlue,l.y attracting attention to this
country. This adieu, of the British
Government recognizes the new power
It hick Sir Wilfrid recently PO happily
t'a'd has risen in the west.
Liniment removes a hard, loft or cal.
loused Lumps and Blemishes from
horses.. Blood Spavin, Curbs, Splints,
Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stifles, Strains,
..ore and Swollen Throat, Coughs, etc.
The use of one tottlo may inake.vciu 9p'00.
Wt rranted the moist woiulerfal Blemish
titre ever known. Sold 1'y A. L.
Saturday's Advertiser gives a detailed
account of London's Educational Institu-
tions. Tho principle ones dealt Svith
were, - ILindorgarden, Public and
Separate Schools; Collegiate Institute;
Sacred Heart Academy ; •Normal School;
Western University of arts, science,.
literature, law, medicine, engineering
and divinity; Art School; Business Col.
leges: Harding hall, a ,ladies wheel.
Conservatory of Music and the Royal
School of Infantry.
The Saturday issue of. Topeka Daily
Capital as edited by Charles M. Sheldon
uuder the heading "A Christian Daily"
gives a very eulogistic history of our
Christian paper the Montiteal Witness,
We give the followiu summary: The
Witness was started by John Douglas
in 1840. Its platform was evangelical
religion, puritan morals and prohibition,
without denominationalism or partyism.
In 1860 its first daily came from the•press.
So successful was it that Mr. Dougall
eudeavored to get New York and Chicago
journalists to try a similes paper in their
respective cities. His efforts failed.
Huwever in 1870 acapitalist offered to
The selection of a druggist who can at
all tames truly and honestly dispausewhat•
has boon prescribed by the physician is
an inlportaut milt ter . 1170 can assure
you of devotion to your commends and
We aro noted' for cam full stock of
Toilet Requisites, Perfumes and
up-to-date goods .at
Popular Prices.
P sine's Celery Compound is the best
of spitug medicines. It gives wonder-
fal results to rundown and ailing people.
The use of Paine's Celery Compound
means rich, pare blood, and increased
A. L. HAMILTON, Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
Jelin Clark, con. 6, Culross, sold a
horse recently for $175; the animal
weighed 1698 pounds. •
Fifty doses for a quarter! The best
of all tonics. • Millers Compound Iron
Pills. Sold by Colin A. Campbell.
Dr. G. E. Holmes, of London, has
purchased the dental practice of Dr. T.
C. Bruce, Clinton, and will be in full
possession of it in about a month.
supply the means if he would supply CHRONIC
the brains far a Christian Daily in the
city of New York. This enterprise
absorbed money at the rate of $50,000 a
year for seven years, when funds being
exhausted it was forced to die. The
Montreal Daily Witness is more success-
fuit d than ever before.
in outlining the charaeteristies of a
Christian Daily Mr. Sheldo1sclaims that
it must by no means be partisan. It
must be as ready to rebuke the party it
prefers as the one from, which it differs.
It would be easier in endeavoring to
print honest advertisements to make a
clean sweep of theatrical advertising
than to distinguish ltetween bad and
good. "It is to be remembered that a
daily newspaper can not, unless under
the rarest circumstances dnpend upon a
class. It must enlist the general public
as it readers. If it does not give the
general public exactly what it wants it
must greatly exeell in what it does give
if it hopes to get the general public's ear
at alt." The Christian Daily is not apt
to be successful, but success is not the
gnerdon of all. The duty of the press
is plain, the bullet cr the Victoria Cross
awaits it.
Wo, the undersigned, do hereby agree
to refund the money on a twenty-five
cont bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills,
if, after using three fourths of Contents
oi' bottle, they do not relieve Constipa-
tion and Headache. Wo also warrant
that four betties will permanently cure
the most obstinate oases of Constipation.
Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng-
lish Pills are used.
A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
CA. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist,
Wingham, Ont.
A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Drug-
gi.t, 'W'ir emu, Ont.
The Citizen's Band, Palmerston, held
a ineetirg in the bard room on Tuesday
evelzit]gfor the purpose cf re.organizing
and elxgaging a now leader. Mr. P.
Warner, of Port Elgin, was engaged and
ecmxuencedupon his duties immediately,
Itis the intention of the band to have
regular Irantiee 16 get into shape for the
summer's playing.
crane. rot X):arrltoea.
t'I have keen using 13r. B'owler's Lx•
tract of Wild Strawberry for the past 0
years and C r i1E:c'.er it t't grand remedy
i'or-lintglove, fuel it is ctpeciai':y 'good
for ehildten c utPing teeth.
• Mrs. Ilenry C.'thtci'ci, fort Elgin, Ont.
And Can Only be Cured by Persistent Treat.
ment with Dr. Chase's Ointment.
The extreme suffering produced by the
frightful itching and burning of eczema
usually leads the afflicted one to seeka cure.
and thus fortunately prevents the disease
from becoming chronic and deeply rooted
in the system.
At whatever stage this wretched disease
may be, Dr. Chase's Ointment is a prompt
relief for the suffering and positively and
permanently cures. It has effected more
cures of itching skin diseases than any
remedy in Europe or America. It is the
standard preparation for itching skin dis-
eases, and is recognized as such by the
most skilful physicians.
Dr. Chase's Ointment is invaluable in
every home as an absolute cure for eczerna,
salt rheum, baby eczema, scald head, old
people's rash, chafing, sore feet, pimples,
blackheads, and every form of itching skin
disease and skin eruption. 6o cents a box,
at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co.,
Toronto. 15
"Alt Dunlop'rires in (goo"
:zo wheel fitted with
Dunlop Mos gives no
trouble to tate dealer after
its sale.
That i:; one reason wily
d aters favor Dulxlop-tired
wheels. They know that
Dunlop T :^r .. C tho
v:crtl ri:gri of inward words
°Ea bicycle.
•,ihdotl o s
taoihs:y::rae) "m'tcd.
. ....,-1. 1auft,.,.,; „5.,701.,,
Werra], -•W 1•11i.VEIiAL 1514/1i4ONS POI(
Listriet Office Managers in this provinee
eorepiresent ere in their MIS and snrrouiidina
tounties. Willing to pay�, ye Ludy trn0, payable
weekly, Desirable rnip1O, Iflent with unuseal
opportunities. R,•fer(net•tr uxehnntxed. En -
°tow tadf-nddr('ttt-((I stamped envelope. 1#. A.
stark, WO Clayton *landing, Chicago.
C" UI111tCIt :tal:l:lith berviet•s at
11 a in and 7 p Izi. Sunday tJehill. at
:10'0 p n', (4ent`n'al prayer Meeting
e, z Wc:'nc'se1aM, ererizlgzi. Rev, W.
Fra e d, pester. W. J. Chapmen, zz, S. S.
Sep eiintenclont.
21i.rli: nlsrtilperitoll•--Fnbbathservices
at 11 a lit x111(17 p xl'. Sunday Sehcol rat
2:801,1nz. Epworth Lea ino every Mon-
day eves g. C.cilernl prayer meeting
xr , ,
.y evenings. ltCv, 1ticllaxtl
rt -S
Hobbs, pastor. 1)r. lo'ivler, S. S. alr
vities at 11 a in and 7 p rt. Sunday
Seh( of at ::t:0 p PI. General prayer
meteting ou Wednesday ovoizings. Rev,
1)• I'erlio, pastor, D. M. Gordon, 8, S,
14r. P.tux's CITCTI,C'II, ,B' Piscoitat — Sab-
ba(th services at 11 a u1 and 7 p nt, Suns
clay Sekonl at e :top nl, General prayer
.mcotiug on Wednesday ove]zing. Itov,
Win. Lowe, inculnbont, IP, Shore, S. S.
Su iexiute'td zzt.
Politicos at 11 a in and 7 p In. Sunday
School at 2:80 p m. General prayer
meeting on Wednesday ovozzings. Rev.
J. W Gofiiu, pastor, Gavin Wilson, 8.
ROMAN CATHOLIC Oimiwzr -- Every
fourth Sunday. Mass at 10:80 a in, ser-
mon and benediction at 7 p rat. Rev. D.
P. McMenamin, P. P.
SALVATION A1itcr-Service at 7 and 11
a in and 8 and 8 p ni on Sunday, and
every evening during the week at 8
o'clock at the barrack.
0/111ISTL.N Wo11IiERs-Services in the
Mission Hall, Victoria street, on Sunday
at 8 and 7:30 p m. T. A. Calhoun, iu
POST OFF:OR--In Macdonald Block,
Office hours from 8 a in to 6:30 p m.
Peter Fisher, postmaster.
free reading room in the Town Hall,
will be open every afternoon from 13 to
5:45 o'clock and: every eveningfrom 7 to
9:30 o'clock. Miss Millie obertson,
TOWN CouNoxr-Wm, Clegg, Mayor;
Wm. Holmes, H. 0. Bell. J. H. Chis-
holm, Rolland Beattie,
Geo. McKenzie, Couuoillers; J. B. Fer-
guson, Clerkeand Treasurer; Samuel
Youhill, Assessor; Wm: Robertson, Col-
lector. Board meets first Monday even-
ing in each month at 8 o'clock.
SCHOOL .BOARD, -0. N. Griffin, (chair-
man), Thos. Abraham, H. G. Lee, J. J.
Helmuth, Wm. Moore, H. Kerr, J.
Bell, Win. Buttons Secretary, Wm.
Robertson; Treasurer, J. 13. Perna/shit.
Meetings second Tuesday evening in each
Musgrove, Principal, flies Robertson,
Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss
Cornyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson
and Miss Reid.
BOARD OF HRt.LTIT-Mayor Clegg,
(chairman), C. J. Reading, Ther• Greg-
ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec-
rOetary, ; Dr. Towler, Medical Health
Before placing your order
for Spring Clothing call and
see our
for 1899. We can afford to
sell New Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one -halt
more than new and better
goods of the latest styles will
cost to -day.
We make clothes that fit.
Queen's Block.
Caveats and Trade-bfark's obtained, and ati patent
business conducted for MODERATE NEEs. My
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent OfYice
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention wait
description and statement as to advantages claimed,
.011 -.No charge de made for an opinion act to
)uatentaxbilhy and my fee for prosecuting the
application fell/ not ea called for until the
Patent s allowed(. "Invnstons Gomm:, con.
taming full Information seat free. All (Jemnluni•
rations Considered AS Atriatiy tonfldentlat.
ins 1'' S, xeete 'iVASHINCf 'ON. yL 11.
Copvatel+re &b.
.Anyone tell and desdrlpttnn ma
sending d Motels g a is
uttllil ascertain titer opinion rte whether a
a y p
Invention is probably patentable. Htai£Ifo. ConVatoea.
Monsstrtetlyeonndentinl, Handbook patentnt's
sent free, Oldest agency for securing_ristents.
Patents taken through Munn Ac cpo. receive
apeceat notice, without charge, in the
Scientific JJmerkkatt.
A handsomely nln£trated Weekly. Largest Mr.
crtlattdn of arty t,ctonttae i•nrrnnl. Ter,n,511 a
year: four months, 51. Sold by till nowedealers.
MORI t C. 13f191re dra„ flow York
testae o,:tee. (..5 i Ct.. c1e•.,itn ;vs,. i) (1,
T1MESw r r
F„5."S'_: .,IFt:U 3) 111172,
IS 1'1?1.2LI•'IIr1)
The 'limes O iiee, 13eavep llloek
i t,7I1. t -»
.1.Q per 1 annum dtrin in.
n<lvar.(:•, sate it' r of to 1111.(1. No parer tti..•colt•
tinwdtill felt GI;Tai .i rue paid, exec pttttthe
option of the lna1:Helier.
ALvi:i:+'ra 1:;+; ?.450. , — I t, &'1 +p.,l other
cnsnttl Bch t x ;,'c melts se pct !learnt lel line for
ilret insertion, re per line it.. cat 11 Flah *went
r, plverti£.clnenfii in ]aryl cr.lnnn:£a tare eharged
10 tot. pea lino for ilt,t inteition, rad Scents
rm. um, for e::eh anb..(•
Adrt•rti•,era(•nts of .:Cost, 1'M -r 1, f•iznved,
1''tl 01:: for Sults or to hent, and £,intilar, seal for
11i0:191 dist t:itcl CO coat>+ for meltsubsequent
our x rates the in i rt:tat of ad table
for specified periods:--
hl•Aes. 1 I'tt. (' NO. f3 too. 1 Mo,
One Column 7£:0.00 MAC ¢15.09•
Half -Column 115.00 114,00 10.00 4.00
Quarter C'olunnl 18.00 10.00 • 0.00 2.00
Advertisements without specific directions
will be insert( d till forbid and charged record-
ingly, Transient aclvertfscl::'ntrs mutt bo paid.
for in advance.
Tel; Jon Dt:r,nxtrur:NT is stocked with an:
extensive asrortn:int of all requi:£itesfor.print-
ing, affording facilities Dot equalled in the
county for turnipp out fist claps work. Large
type, and aprrxoptuttct cuts for allstyles of Post-
ris, Hand Bills, ate., and the latest styles of
choice :army type for the finer olessee of plait-
Proprietor and Publisher,
Capital, (;11,104,520.
Rest, $1,000,000
Vico-Presid �t-A. G.1tnsts:tr.
DIRK CT Q11t3 '
Tohn Proctor, Geo, Ro•^,o]t, Wni. Gibson,M.P.,
A. T. Wood, M.P., A. B. Leo (Toront).
Cashier --J, TUI;NBULL.
Savings Bank—F(nus 10 to 8; itaturdas, 10•
to 1. Deposits of 111 and upwards received and
interest allowed.
0pectial Deposits flso received at current
rates of interest.
Drafts on Groat .Britain and the ;Tuite&
Sprites Bought and ro!d.
W, O(I*13OULD, ,Agent.
B. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor.
1� Z�T1LR
General Banking Business transected..
Money advanced to farriers and business men.
on endorsed notes and coUuteral.
Farmers' Sale Notes Cashed
Moneys remitted by draft to all parts of'''
Canada and tete United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable.
T P. KENNEDY M.D.. M. C. P, S. O.
tion.) (Gol btMenallistB in Meeddiicine. ASpecie/
attention paid to diseases of Women and Child-
ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. in.; 7 to 9 p. m,
Physician, Surgeon, etc.
Peeed 8 o e. Night calls over
he omco
Centre Street
Private and Company finds to loan at lowest•
rate of interest. No commission charged: Mort-
gages, town mid farm property bought and.
sold, Office, Beaver Block, Wingham.
Winglimn, Ont.
Solicitor to Bank 01 Hamilton. Mdneytoroans
Office—Meyer Block, Wingham.
ARTHUR J. IRwIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania(
Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal'
College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office.
over Post Office, Wingham.
Wingham, Ont,
11Dp DEANS, Jn.
for the County of Huron. Sales attended irk
any part of tho County. Charges -moderate.
JOHN CURRIE, wise liar, ONr.
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a•
All orders left nt'1`xr Taus office promptly
attended to. Terns reasonable.
damp Caledonia, No. 40, meets,
s. o. g•—the first and third Monday in
every month, in the Oddfellows Hall. Visiting •
brethren welcome. D. 2TEWIRtT, Chief 1 H. B.
Elliott, Rec.- See.
including ]looks, Pamphlets, Posters, Bili
Heals, Circulars, &c., &e.., executed in the best
style of the art, tit moderato prices, and cit
short notice,
Bocsntrninsts: Wo are please& to nnnouneo.
tltnt any Books or Magazines, left with es for
Binding, will have our ltronipt attention.
Price s ifor Binding in any style will bo given on
application to
'1'IrE TIMES O + r ICFs,
'I!nAIN3 r ,tvl Solt
Palmerston 0.49 n m....
London 0.51
Kincardine ....II a.m8.15 p.m ....10Apan,
ID 1LIVI3 5110H
Ilincatdine ....0,49a.nt8.55a.m.,,. 3.15 pian.
London.. 11.10 min.", 8.00 p.m..
Pelmet 13.03 p.m....10.l3 p.zn.
GORDON, Ai;e.itt, Wingghaln.
vv rtnAtNa n1:Avn Mt
'Toronto and Last„ 813 a.m., .. 11.00 pan.
T'reswater ... 1.02 p.m.—10.43 ..10.43 pt.nt,
mer•awatr r 0.53 na11.....8 p.m.
Toronto fuel Avast ... , 182 psn....10.4:3 p 411,
J. I1. DEEMi i;, Agent, will 4r nr.