The Wingham Times, 1900-05-04, Page 3•
TME WINGIIAN M31Illi. MAY ` i 1900.
Pilatter What's The Matter
Do you notice the great Many patent
medicines now belug loudly advertised
for Bacltaolle?
Do you know why?
Doyou know when a hot of these
;'curo ills" suddenly loomed up as Iack-
iselio remedies?
It was when Dr. Pitcher's Backache
Kidney Tablets startled every commun-
ity with their marvellous record of local
'Mires of Backache, Kidney and 131addor
trouble, • It was whenWinghaen citizens
told of their cure to Wingham people
through Wingham papers, the Backache
'became the fashion with the over promis-
ing to cure eveything medicine squad-
The Backache Kidney sufferer how-
ever recognizes Dr. Pitcher's Baolcacho
Kidney Tablets as a metliciuo prepared
• and recommended only for Backache,
Kidney and Bladder troubles, and their
results. Overwhelming proof of their
merit is volunteered from every place
-where they are known. People speak
of them as "The Great Kidney Medicine"
One of the many in Wiu;ham who tell
of their value by experience, is Mrs. F.
Davidson, Patrick St., who says:—
"Kidney trouble and backache is some
thing I have suffered from for four years
or more. I do not know what caused it
only that it was severe and resisted
•treatment. I heard. of Dr. Pitcher's
Backache Kidney Tablets and got a bot-
tle at Colin A. Campbell's drug store.
and can truthfully say that I like them.
I did not use the entire bottle, but found
the relief I wanted. They acted gently,
easily and rapidly. They aro certainly
a good medicine."
If you have the slightest symptom of
Kidney. or Bladder trouble, you can test
this great medicine free by enclosing a
two cent stamp for postage to the Pitch-
er Table Co., Toronto, Ont. When giv-
ing address mention this paper.
If you are convinced Pitcher's Tablets
are what you want, you can purchase
regular size for 50 cents per bottle. If
not obtainable at druggist's, mailed free
of postage on receipt of price.
Since the invasion of the Philippine Is-
lands by the United States upwards of
seventy-five thousand troops have been
thVIA there to reduce the -people to sub-
issicn, while the cost of government,
exclusive pf the twenty millions paid to
the government of Spain in accordance
with the Paris treaty, is approaching
ono hundred millions. The casualties
on the American side is killed, wounded
and invalided through disease number
nearly ten thousand. The war with the
:Filipinos has been in progress for over
fourteen mouths. Comparing the Fili-
pino war with the war that is being
'rged in South Africa, in any aspect
that may be presented, whether with
reference to cause, purpose or manner of But it steads to reason that the oppor-
conducing hostilities,rcntheir is -whnotich
theing tunity for trade combinations iu any
in motive or conduct for which rho y gTcater when the tariff country is far
government or people of tho United
States can claim superiority over the wall is up than when the tariff wall is
British. The Transvaal delegates to down. Iron also has gone up largely in
America cannot but see how irividions price. If tho Government had taken
their position must be. With better the duty off iron we should doubtless
reason the Filipinos could appeal to have been told that the rise was owing
Britain for intervention on their side. to the removal of the' duty. • But what
But this is a presidential year in the are the facts? The price of iron hero
United States, and all things are possible has'gonetup. It has not only gone up
to the politicians.—Weekly Sun. to the United States level, but it has
gone above it. The price here to -day is
I had a very sore foot through having practically the United States price with
a nail ran Into it, and was unable to
-walk. I started applying Hagyard's freight and duty added. If we admitted
'Y'e11ow Oil and M a short time the sore- irons free, as we do binder twine and
Among I81;.Spillers.
Tho anlonut of Ulf:ney deposited by
the public in the chartered banks of
Canada is at present V64,780,310, a dull
which bas not been execadeil ill, any
former year. About W13,000,600 of this
are bearing interest at the. current rate
of three per cent. 13ank deposits have
been steadily increasing for the past ten
years. They increased during tho hard
tunas, and were pointed to on the ono
band as evidence of the prosperity of the
people, and on the other as evidehce that
tbo public, having lost confidence in
industrial enterprises and investments,
were realizing their debts and securities
and putting the proceeds in the bank for
safe keeping. To this must be added
fifty mil:ionrs more deposited in the Post -
office Savings. These two interest-bear-
ing amorous uppreach pretty nearly to
the total amount of the current loans of
banks, which aro altogether only about
266 millions. The bank deposits oanuot,
therefore, bo treated as bearing an in-
significant relation to the gross amount
of our finances. Obvious inferences
may be drawn from these facts. The
people aro still collecting in their debts
and are concerned more about safety
than profitable investment. It is not
clear that there is any extraordinary
movement of capitol to the dovelopiuent
of the national resources of the country,
or to the extension of industrial en-
terprise, because bank deposits aro large
and there is nothing extraordinary iu
the loan accounts of the banks. The
year 1599 was a prosperous one for the
•lumber and farm industries, and the
receipts from these sources have doubt-
less aided the process of liquidating debts
which has added unusually to the
people's savings.—Weekly Sun.
1!L1:±TELT l:Y : UUIII ;1"IT.:1:I-
Mrs. Cxeo, V. Quackenbush, of 310
Victoria street, Toronto, was gradually
breaking down under an at tnek of is
tremo nervous prostration. Iier appal ittl
had loft hers she snil'ored from inns nnnia.
Here aro hex awn words as else wrote
them: "I took doctor's advice, but r.s•
ceivod no benefit. I commenced using
South American Norville, and three bot -
ties worked a nnarvollons change in inti.
My appetite came back, I sleep soundly.
and nay general is as perfect as ever st
was. It is a pleasure t•r recommend so
ivortlly a remedy," i:dld by A. L.Uam hell.
33 years ago Mitisheil markets were;
Spring wheat 7Qc, cats 450, butter 110,
eggs 80, peas 75e, barley 40o, pork i 3.2a.
Mr. Wm.Daviclsou,St. Androwe,Que•,
states: "Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
of Syrup and Turpentine has cured me
of Bronchitis, I have, without success,
tried many remedies for the past six.
years. Last winter when I had a seve;o
attack and was tunable to work I pro-
cured a bottle of Dr. Chase's Syrup of
Linseed and Tarpentiue and am happy
to state that the third bottle made ane a
well Haan." 22 cents a bottle, fancily
size GO cents. Sold by A. L. Tiamilton.
With the warner weather that has
prevailed for tho past two or three
weeks spring business seems to have
taken on an accelerated movement, and
retail merchants are in much bettor
humor. Stooks aeo showing a healthy
tendency to diminish, and wholesale
men report an aotive enquiry for new
goods. The backwardness of March,
however, may prove a serious hindrance,
although it is thought that the volume
of trade for this season will bo up to ex-
pectations Money seemed to be fairly
plentiful and payments for April are
considered to be satisfactory. With the
opening of navigation in the canals this
week, and on most of the steamship
routes -within the next ten days, the
r situation will brighten 'naterialiy.—
Furniture am Upholstery Journal.
HIM WHOLE AGAI:t. If you have backache and there aro
A young man, a son of of one of Can- brick dust deposits found in the. urine
ado's wealthiest citizens, two years ago after it stands for 24 hours you can be
contracted kidney disease by - taking a sure the kidneys are deranged. To. ef-
celd plunge in the lake when the body feet a rrompt and positive cure tool pre -
was overheated. Specialties could d1- .vent Bright's disease suffering and
agnoso but could not cure the malady, death, use Dr. .A. W. Chase's Kidney -
and when half the globe had been tray- Liver Pills; the world's greatest kidney
oiled in hope of help and a cure he re- cure.
turned to his home apparently with but•
a short time to live, but the printed
testimony of the cure Qf a school boy
day acquaintance attracted him to South
American Kidney Cure. He procured it
and persisted in its use, and although it '
was astubborn case, to -day ho is well
and healthy. Sold by A. L. Hamilton.
It is continually assorted by the Ccn-
sei'vative Tress that binder twine has
gone up iu price owing to tho action of
Parliament in placing it open the free
list. This statement is absii'rd. There
is no doubt that the rise of price here is
part of a general rise brought about
mainly by a rise in the price of the raw
manilla and sisal. It is not unlikely
that the rise is partially true to combin-
ations on the part of the iti1tltufaeturers.
•- mess evas gone and' sI vas' .soon able =tat :barbed wire, the Vrioe - of - iroti 'rill -over.
walk again. Canada would drop to-morrow.—Sun.
David McLellan, Pelee Island North,
Ont. A Harassing Cough.
Dr, J. M. Clemiuson of Warkworth is
Lara -Liver Pills work while you
sleep without a gripe or pain, curing
Biliousness, Constipation, Dyspepsia and
Sick Headache and make you feel better
in the morning.
Four bank robbers broke jail at Sher-
brooke, Quo., and gat away.
,liettcr Without a Stouiacii—
Than with one that's got a constant
"hart" to it especially when yeu'vo eat-
en some of the best things that Provid-
ence has provided to "tickle the palate."
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets stim-
ulate the digestive organs. Let one cu
joy the good things of lifeand leave no
bad effects—carry them with you iu your
vest pocket. 00 in box, 35c. Sold by A.
L. Hamilton
Mr. Michael Hennessy, foreman in
Carew's lumber mill at Lindsay, was
caught in the machinery and had his
arm torn out.
"The Better Parc
Of valor is discretion," and the bettc r
part of the treatment of disease is pre-
vention. Disease originates in impur-
ities in the blood Hood's Sarsaparilla
purifies the •blood. People who take it
at this season say they are kept healthy
the year round. It is because this medi-
cine expels impurities and the blood rich
and health -giving.
All liver ills are cured by Hood's Pills.
- Two Port :Arthur boys nave :been are
rested with nearly a dozen charges of
arson against them.
The Dominion. Company's elevator at
The only locks Yankee dynamiters Dr. Low's Norway Pine Syrup cured Virden was destroyed by fire, with 15,-
-will have an interest iu for the next de- ine of a harassing cough and hoarseness.000 bushels of Wheat. •
Cade will be the automatic system used in I know of no better remedy lot healing
and soothing the lungs and bronchial •
Kingston penitentiary.—Watford Guide. tubes, Price 25 cents.
Mouse the tor laid liver, and curs
biliousness, sick ! headache, jaundice,
nausea, Indigestion, etc. They aro in-
valuable to prevent a cold or break up a
Sever. Mild, gentle, certain, they aro worthy
your confidence. Purely vegetable, they
lirbe taken by children or delicate women,
rice, 25e. at an medicineslealers or by mail
of C. I. Hoon & Co., Lowell, Mass.
"Canada for the Canadians."
A tnonthjy rnngezine full of inter-
esting reading natter and useful in-
formation for
Sebscription price One Dollar per
a Annum.
Ole you can receive it with this
paper for one near at the ssre ,
price by sending your orders to
the publisher of the Tains at
Wing ham,
Send id own for sample copy.
You wiil lil-o it. Address.
Canadian Tonle Journal Co„
((mourn) TOACAtto, OUT
_ w
To PATENT Good Nos
may he secured by
our aid. Address,
Four monthsago the newspapers on
two continents were discussing the de-
cadonco of Great Britain, and wonder-
ing whether her downfall had not be-
e-g us. Tho military people in Europe
especially looked with contempt upon
her military establishment, which seem-
ee n -ed to be breaking down under the as-
saults of a few thousand raw, un-
disciplined farmers. We hear no more
of that kind of talk. The critics are
silent. Great Eritain almost in a mo-
ment awoke to the extent of the emer-
gency that confronted her, and the lion
was aroused. To -day she has an army
of more than 200,600 Hien in South
Africa, a larger army, than was ever be-
fore :tent so far away from home by any
nation sono the dawn of history. What
is more, it was all done in a few months.
There is`no dispute that she is the only
nation in Europe who could have clone
th's. It is the military marvel of the age
and of all egos. It has silenced all ad-
verse criticffann. It has very effectually
put an end to all talk of interference in
her quarrel by other nations. She has
again assumed her place in the world's
opillion as ono of the Great Powcrsof the
iti'crltl, and is, perhaps, mare feared than
eller before.—TY, S. Consul t3. yfort.
Persistent use of Dr. Aenr,w's Oint-
ment will erapionte tamest every kind of
skin disease). Ile neat ter how long stanid-
irlg, or distressing, it allays irritation
with one rpp icatio 1. It's the
Mr.) immix fort cz n:tt and salt rli•+um,
and will cure bli11c1, bleeding or itching
toilet in ffyi:i 3 to 5 nights. 1:.'01.1 by A.
ft. Iiantitton.
B.S.B. cured little Harvey Deline nine
years ago and he has never had s
spot on him since.
TT is practically impossible to heal uT
S. sores or ulcers, especially the old
chronic kind, with ordinary remedies.
No matter how large or ,of how long,
standing they may be, however, they heal
up readily and etay healed. permanently
When Burdook Blood Bitters is used.
Mrs. B.1)oline, Arden, Ont , proves this
in the following account She gave of her
little boy's ease: "lVlten my little son
Hervey was ono year old be broke out in
sores all over his body. They would heal
up for a time, then break out again about
ttdee a year, till he was past four; then rte
seemed to got worse and was completely
prostrated. When 'doctors failed to cure
hila I goo Hint Burdock Blood Bitters,
and besiars hotbed the sores with it.
"It is Wino years ago since this happotned
and I must say that in all this title he has
never had iii slot on his body or ary sign of
the old trouble returning."
is the
"Best" is an easy boast. But there's no best without a test. You
expect something extra of best ; something extra in bread from best
flour; something extra in wear from best cloth; something extra in
cures from best medicines. It's that something extra in Ayer's Sarsa-
parilla that makes Ayer's the best. That something extra is quality.
Remember it's quality that cures, not quantity. Geo. Smith of the
People's Drug Store, Seymour, Conn., says: " I have sold your goods
for twenty-five years and when a customer asks inc for
I say: ' If you will take my opinion, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla; I will guar-
antee that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of
Ayer's than you would by using half a dozen bottles of some other kind'
When they take -it, I never hear any complaint."
Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures all diseases that have their origin in impure
blood: sores, ulcers, boils, eruptions, pimples, eczema, tetter, scrofula, etc.
It cures cheaply, it cures quickly, and it cures to stay. That's why it's best.
''After twenty years' experience as a druggist, I consider Ayer's Sarsaparilla superior to
any similar preparation on the market, and I give it the preference over all others."
. A. C. WOOD\VARD, Worcester, Mass.
"In our estimation, as regards Sarsaparilb, Ayer's is the standard. We have never
heard it spoken of in other than the very highest terms."
W. B. TERRILL & CO., Pharmacists, 9 State Street, Montpelier, Vt.
"I consider Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier on the market." •
Dr. GRISIi & CO., West Gardner, Mass.
"During fifteen years of experience with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, I have yet to learn of a,
single case wherein it failed to cure if used according to directions."
F. O. COLLINS, Druggist, Paris, Mo.
"I believe Ayer's Sarsaparilla contains more medicinal value than any other similar
compound."• JAMES 1)OANE. Dispensing Chemist, Kingsville, Ont.
13atllvith Worms.
Some tine azo m little boy was very
'bed with worms. I proem -0 I a bottle of
D-. Low's Worm Syrup ami Hui thank
ful to• Say it cured him quickly ainl com-
In reading to -day for less than half
an hour we came across three poetical
gems. Two of them are called In
Memoriam and the other effusion is to
be known in the world of poetry as
Easter Morn. These gems we intend to
keep as long as the live. They are taken
from three papers published within fifty
miles of here, supposedly by men who
are sane. Let us treat you to a stanza
frons our Easter M.arn find.
Llarkt the Easter carols rinp,
Far away across the plain;
' Heise the little children sing,
As they sang upon the main.
But thus remember -the -main stanza is
only one-sixth of it. The concluding
lines are tenderly touching, how artyoue
could be wicked after this we cannot
Let us for our sins bo sorry
And escape an awful doom.
Here is another prize package from In
Memoriam No. 1. •
Ilusband called before her,
Children she lenves four,
Grandpapa to fondle,
Heart -stings soothing sore.
If you can stand any more try this
from the same,
Maladies invidious
Liirk about our path,
Nothing more its:clious
Than decline to scathe.
W':'t• a depth of meaning is Mafiosi in
blr 1; that passage. It must be Bidden. .
One next draw had bore' copied irom a
hymn and wretchedly altered to suit the
occasion. For fear that we might Le
thought irreverent we make no com-
We always feel suspicious of the grief
of one who immediately after a death
rutaies into print with a eternal In
liumorian. We also feel suspiciousof
the sanity of an editor who publishes
such cant and wretched nonsense.
A; ¢ Vt. g, VI, CtiASE°s
C "
in st•nt direct to the^discased
roved Llowet.
,!.i -••' ilei la }ire deers, delth the air
ptt5,.t •rn, Crops tkoppingt in the
tt: w t t1.•
at arilpperm:main y cures
Cetarthandtlayliover. Blower
.¢ '� irren. -ii{i dlyale °nntn vnd fluff to
Mr. c eorgo Levetsage, Treasurer of
Perth County, died at Stratford.
illi IAI 116 J.. ,,i JI I11:—.:'401110Oria.
dal' ct, ,r t.
i Les.
250,000 CURED N 2 171.2.-7,:::::>• }
..'ARAN EC:? qqCf? Jf";3;: 1A'
MOO Idf ai. PC: A CA .2, W3
SELF-A1st15is;, L:11S3IO\:,, i .:i+'e}o' ,
CELE;, CONCEALED DRAINS, ` . 2"•e:•."»Y,
CY, rr,Rvous •DI:f3tLla",
uA It En7ooa
The N1,1111 E13.0101 Tr afinen
groat c't bissavery of the Ljc
Thousands of ynnng and middle aced men arb annnnlly swept to a protnr tette
grave throw -1t Li.;LY I vn1SCRETioNS. n..n f:Lo.ti) Ut5 list..'. if
b. you have r nyY,_ rite 2 illoving syniptolua consult 1. I bernrc It is too Leto. Are you Lc•r
owl avaa:., <wsl:oudent and gloomy, eureka bufuru 1',o oyes with dark circh,a under
them, weak track. Lidneys irritated', l.nlpttaIloi at tl.,i h:•art, 1,ashful, dr•,tnt•t ,.:ici
losses, sediment In lathe, pi.nplaa on t.u) face. Oyne el nhon, hollow chocks, v.t 'irn ,
expree:M t, t.onr tnrwery. liteloas c i tris ul, Ia 'It out t y an strength, t,rv•a n e.0
tir 1 q, rostl is-, 1.01,11., c hnncna` 1t1 it nod-, t. a. , i. to i,
fi t:._J CLmlt., lam.) i..a.s, h .tr louse, 5oro tar",.. td.
V...0 1-1AVE C3 El?: t'1IAL t.!•.'.4KKfJ.0--9 !
Obi; NEW hilVIGO THEATint NT alnnn can
cure 3 au, and mak() a malt nt you. 1. rider ita tnau-
' once the brain benontes a,,LIvn, tho Loud purified
' so that all pimples, motel, vn and ulcot•.i disappear;
the bozo= ;.trout; am steel, so that uol•vnus-
nest). bta•llt,uln.is9 and'y (1iwali)rear:
the eyes hocn,un bright, tun tato full and clear,
energy returns to Btu Lod and .ito moral, physical
and soxutal systems tato tuvl:nrnted; all drains
• cense .. no ;nor.) vital f: otn the system. 'Cho
:'varinns ort"arty 1.(t-linto natural andi.uauly. you
fon) voure,lif a man and know tttarrtago cannot ba
,�atVellum. WO invite ail 11 t•'Atili,ac.lto consult us
Icon:idenriatly (Lot ir.•a 01 eh,arL'n. Don't 1"t pianko
and f a .1 , e', \ ea t,f yet.r 1...ra ......1.J. d rllars.
t; Wei tai ewe/pa. w• ire pay.
Aii%11AS '.)CII BTLCO.) Ij..7.:11 D.a.•.AS1"•.D1
5YP1iiL' ,ia ihn r)t) ilr,n t litnvnhwrynurandrnoatsnrlmusf, �' � �J t�
Did. l-t'ta•, •. 11 caps tho wry lin), blood nt the y
Vq v i.itim and :ntb,t•n cur :My crud tented trout the. s •s -
'am will a:';•'.'t the a^: u r1tur. Luwaro et Mnrorry.
nrartorrAnr nLobn a:.uel3.
,, It only tiulii,t•o•+ses the sytuptnms -our NIIW Mr' ram positively cures 11 for ever.
Vt ONE OR MUDOLI2.AWZD MAN—Yotevo lost n gay Tito, or indulged 3.i the follies
4 of youth. Solt-abitso 05 later excesses 113No brokbn down your system. You fe...1 the
, .+ym ,toms stn drug ovrr1
)' yea. RArntally, physically and snxualiy Sout are not tho man
. ,•.,u used to bo or should be. Lustful practices reals rich harvests. Will you hew" t to r
,i"nttor signals.
iE.AO' G Arn yon arktim? stave matt Inst hr y-? Aro yon enntemplatlne niat t rote ".
t11. lla•tynurbloodbeontltreasocl??Ivnyouanyrvrut.tulss: auriewit thol
'rroattnon will euro g ou. \viral it has done for others it will do for ybui. Consul to i oi
Pres. No ratter Who has troatod yen,'writo tor an honest opinion lice of ct,ugc. -•
dharges reasonable. Books Free - .."Tho Holden Monitor" (illustrated), an Disea1L6 nt
Mien. Inclose postage, t nonts. Sealed. ilnok on "Disoases.of Women" roe.
No names on bo. as or enveiapes. Evertth,ng Congdont at. Question itst had Cost of T:s:,.:•
meet, FREE,
a Mia