The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-26, Page 1•••••••••••••••••• • t ••••: • • !!' . .,7.--.7,-,-,------7,7-• 4:00 A yE.AR,IN. ADVANCE -50c -EXTRA To v. s. ... . , I BgEvE -EL-utort ON PARAMOUNT FOLA •..' . PRESENT : PURSE, .. • - .,.- . __ . . . . . • On Wednesday evenin.g. pf last week ." County Council, Reeve Richard. tiliAtt- aipwards of one. hundredpeoplefrom of Kinloss was appointed for a three Pararaellrit and,•Coh7 12 ga010'etil il),! year term as a mehnher of the High, • the .Orange ',Hall, ,laecknow, . to do ',ways Canainittee, taking the place Of boner' to Mr. and. 'Mrs, John Jamie- I David ,McDonald, whose term, had, ex-. son, Who have recently Moved to Ale' pireci-and Who is l'itA0liget -a MeMber village:. , . 'A, Malt ,enjoyable tithe Was stient, :When: a fine program, of music, read- • WANT TO. RENT-100-acte farm awith baildiagsi near LI -tallow- Apply •- at Sentinel Office., . 'FOR SALE—Cream Separator, late. model, -slightly used; bargain., Apply , atvip -28; Lucknow Sentinel.' _ • ,WHYlstIFTEA ?with Itheu)natismi. 'SCietteit,"Lurnbago? 'Runnteaps Two - Way Actiort iptickly relieved : Pain While attacking' the. triage: MeKliti'S DRUG STORE A.MBITIOUS MEM We wish to contact for steady -eritploynteht -•-•-•-good :pay independence.. Everybody 'buys... our 200' guaranteed Products. Higher itualiti.•LoWer prices: :No ex- :-rleasee needed., Your miccess 'naked ours, • se we help Iola, Big continuous repeat' sales and profits'. No tisk, Free, catologue and .details; FA11.11. •LEX •Pb. 010 St. Cletnent, Montreal. , . t • • tt;, • Lucknow Ont. Thursdat January 26th, 1939 , . •• i R1911WAY'S Ci*MITTEE. • At last week's sessioa„ of 'Britee NOTICE . The annual meeting: of the. West Wawanosh. Fire Insurital Company :Will be held in the Parish Hall, Dena - gnon, pa FridaY,' February 1939 at 2. P.M; to :reeeive rePorts,. to elect .directors arid transact gen- , aral . • Ingo, duets and solos filled, the earlier part of -the evening, after which the following address -was read: To Mr. arat Mrs. Jamieson.: Dear Friends:. „It was with deep regret' we learned that you had )eft our commiailty„ and in the future *GO& reside in Luck- , - now. , ,• In the few years' which youhave spent with us you have proven your- selves to be real neiibbOrs, • true' 'ft -Praia ,and goad citizens, so We have .gatheredl.here this :evening' to show you that although you have Moved frora our neighberhood you slatil not he forgotteh„ . , We hope that 'ih your new ho -me you will make naany newiriends. btit still Temernbpr •the _old ones: • We hope you will findlife's hue. - dans lighter 'and that in the passing years. !`the fates" will 'de:alkindly with you. • ; • We aak you to accept this purse - not • for • its • inercenary value but• in appreciation of your seraies to our ;" " • regulation of the DPpartment Of Agri-. . g dontinunita..., „ " • Culture Which PrOhibits the use of May it Mier be a reminder to you ; crelam gathering • stations,' claiming. of your paramount friends.- • . • 'I that this regulation has greatly ineon- . . Directors Davison, MacKay and Mc- parthy retire, but are eligible for re- election. G. Cd Treleaven, Sec'. NOTICE Sealed and marked tender d Will be received by the undersigned, un •to 1 o'clock „ on Fehrua:ty 13th, 1939 for the.•crushing of approxi- mately 4,000 cu.' :Yards'. of gravel -in ' two setsoand to load approximately .4,000 yards of. liner:mho& grave for the ToWnsliip :of Huron: ,• ' A marked Check of $200.0Q Must, .acconipany..iehder ...and all work to be campleted:`Zar;Ot 'before .August, '1st; , 1939: Also tentlers•..fOic , tracking Of gravel oh the !TOvvitshiP• roads 1f ,much Per ,cu, yardIter Mile: Marked , check, '0 $20P0' accompany , tender• . : ; , • •• •;' Tenders ,will be Open at 3 ercloCk, raw. On February 13th:et the ToVii- aihip Hall, Ripley. . Donald MacKay Merit"; of County Council. The 'Other. two Members' of the committeeare Reeve Munn of Ripley artd'ex-ReeVe Davis. of Elderalie,--whO is the ,chair - Man for 19391' Reeve William Winter jof Walkerton is the County ;Council's I representative on the Bruce County Hospital Beard: Reeves, 'Fischer . and McTavish are the delegates to the animal IConvention Of the Ontario Agricultural Agriceltural Council. , Reeves 'Evans and Dawson, with. Mr. G. R. Paterson Agricultural. representative, will con- stitute the Reforestation Committee for 1939,' ASK NEW CREAM LAWS BE • AMENDED The present yegulations.;c.o.yering ' Au ;lira] areas, was • a :subject:of Much ilis ctiision at last week's session Of Bruce County Council • Reeves Logan •of Huron"- and Shew. felt of Kincardine TiawnshiP sponiored a resolution p • rotesting against the AGED ;RESIDENTS; ,- REMOVED BY DEATH Willialn. Irwip. TPasaed Away atur eiaa in , His *With,' Vear-a.--Tlionag • Reid Died Stiddenly Monday' • 94th Year. ' , WILLIAM,)I".RWIN 'Death eaati S-atuadaY evening re. anti •lx4ifin; th• yeari a resident of far 'tivan- ty YearS,7ana1 ipeitiPer of, one of the original pioneer faOlies to settle in Ashfield in the ilaCkettawn cpnimurt, Mr: Irwin bad been in failing health for a lengthy pried gad had grown gradually weaker, „MAU :•he, passed away Saturday. Meg:Irwin, prinerly Margaret g, member of pioneer Langside difitriet, family. pre- • ,deceased. her husbaridthree years ago. 'William 'Irwin, the, second oldest of • a 'family .01 uine chficlren,' was son ld of. the 'late r: arid: Mrd. James Ir- win. He was born heal' Toronto, Where his father, ailiattive .of Ireland, as a beat carpenter, 0441 his trade •at "Muddy' York" When a-2, there infant, btriliatentaf• • mOved to the virgin ,bushland, at Hackettown, f011pirlag closely after the, arrival ;of. Joseph Hackett, the :first settler to Orr§ new community, which was only'reaChed after crass- . ing the .swantpland -near. the ninth- concessimi, north Of which, no other settlers had dared to; vetatire. • • * • -There James Ira/in. hewed . a 'hoirte-' stead 'on the farm . owned by, Spence Ira•Tin. ' After William had •arown to manhood acquired the farm now owned bsi Ralph, Cameron'. Industrioud,and thrifty, Mr. and -Mrs. 'Irwin prospered as;tillers a the soil, and on Armistice: Day, November llth, 1918;, retired to spend their de- clining' years in Lucknoat. ' Surviving are three. send, William Jetties of Pittsburg, who %was herne for thelitrnetal,'Erniegof Wilkie, §ask• .• and Jae :win: has spent the past seven years in .. Luelcilevi his aging. parents . , . Of the familsr of nine; one brother, 'Wilson Irwin of Ashfield and two sis- ters; Mrs. Darrow and.'111rs., Smith Of nekney Survive. ,Throe brothers: James, John and George and two 'sis- ters, Mrs. Thos Davidson, and Mrs': Tlugh Rutherford preclecea,sed Mr. Ir- . • The funeral service was held .on . . Tuesday;- front' Mr. Irwin's late res- idence, conducted by R, C. Toad. Interment Wad' made in the' family :plat in Tiffin Cerfictery with...Tack -.Cameron, Wm. Standler, Wm. Robb, Gordon Irwin, Wm. J.Ir*iit• and W.' R. Farrier acting as pallbearerd, • •THOMAS REID • • : f• lEACHERS' §ALARIES IJP E. C.7Beaconi,.I.P..k. for South Hur- on, told Huron _Comity Council the 'average rural -bagel teacher in 1638 was paid $718; an increase Of $60 over - the former year, in South Hureit lowest ,salary paid is $600. Only are paid under $700. The average salary Of the urban ptihlic :school teacher ,bavas now $974,:.: There ileifot an haemployed, teacher in his in- spectorate, ,Mr. Beam* said,. predict- ing a shortage. Enranterit again SleaViecr a decaetise, • there being Efi,ee schools With an ,attendance of 10 or less, and unless there• is ari inerear these will be closed next term. ' Mr. Grant. MeDiermid read' the ad- dress. while Mr, Patrick Gilmore made the presentation , • ,In a few appropriate, Words both Mr. 4 Mrs Jainieson expressed sincere thaaks for the generops gift ,but ,most especially for the spirit of tine friendship, that so evidently came with Ole gift, also irotiting each sine pres- ent to: visit them in their new, abode. , :A:hearty lunch was served and a. Short tinie spent' in dancing. I *COMING Ef,ENTS • I .,,OANCE AT KINGSBR1DGE . A' social ;and dance will be held -in Kingsbridge Parish }tall next Mon- day eveninr, Amain( 30th. -Music by MacKenzie's orchestra. HoocEir Hattiston Bronclaps will 'Play an 0.H.A. game 'with' the S'epoys in the local arena ?twit Tuesday eight, Jan- uary' 31st. This is the last home.game . of the ,sehedtile and the locals need the win. ", Next Thursday, February, Teeswater play herb in a juvenile • game that also marks the last sc,hed- uled game. .LA • • 'NOTICE The munial. meetint,o, of the ,Luck, #9*- 'United , Church Will be, held this 'Friday. evening, ,Jannary 27th, at 8..P'eleck... Membersand adherent's are reqapsted to .note the change in date. Refreshments will be served. ' IN -MEMORIAM 'DURNIN--2In loving: memory of out dear mother, Mrs.:Cliarles E. Durnini who passed away January 27th, 1938. 'As a wonderful mother we think of , yeti In memories that are tond'and true, -There wasn't- a thing, too big or ton small That you wauldn't try to do for usi. Quickly and silently came the call, Her midden death surprised us all: We have lost,:but God has gained; One of, the best tir world .contained: Ever remembered by ,the, family. Venienced the farmers on the back concessions and 'outlying sections. Of the. province. If *as further nein* out that thi:reglilation retards ,rather. than hastens the transportation cream CO creameries, and that it la, having a destructive effect upon h,am- lets and villages , itt diverting trade to liartichlar eentres, thus, removing conveniences ..from the farmers., The ,Agricultutaf Committee,to, Which the resolution was referred, recommended that the regulation be amended so.. that cream gatUring • stations- Weald ' again be permitted to ,operate, in districts where weather and road conditions • prevent 'the sitisfactorsdgathering, of cream frorn November 15th to March 15th, and with this Modification the resolution will be forwardel to -Hon. Mr. Dewan for his.considertition. o • •-•-r•-••-•4;--,=-7,--- . • OBITUARY --- ROBERT WEBSTER, Robert B. Webster died at his home in • Chilton.. ori Sunday after a brief illnesa. He was widely' known' through- out, Bruce and Huron .counties.,ad a farmer 'and breeder of fine horses. He 'was born . in Kinloss Town- -ship, Brine 'Coenty, one mile west of Luelnow, in January, 1870. . In 1898 he married Jessie A. Wat- son, who survives. *They farmed in Kinloss srnd 18 years Itgo..they. Moved • . , FAIR- SOCIETY REVIEWS 'Pay PriZe..1VIOney In; Full And Rit,NT. Specials in men's and boy's work clothing, shirts, panta, o 'Verallsi socks, mitts, etc. nip MARKET STORE.' • , TO 'REVISE COUNTY , POLICING BRUCE • As intimated to Cimacil.in 'a corn- munication from the Qpramissioner of Provincial Police that there Must be a general improvement in ,County Telonatabtrlaries 'at onee Ana that, tbe administration of jnstice in .invinY COnnties is .largely attributed to lack. of efficieney, steps will be 'taken, to Small Cash.. $4plus --r• Consider, Holding Spring Falir-,•-Conintittee Appointed To Investigate Enlarg- ing ,,Grounds With Race. Trac! .U1 - timate View. , . • Director's -of, the Lucknow,' Agri- cultural Society meeting' Pri . Friday heard the peat year' activities; wheri,prize' money was paid` in fa, leaving a 'small . cash raurPhis and disiussed meane and !aid platy for an expansion and: progressive pol icY"-for 'Society,. WW1 IS nearly three-quarters of a century old: President S. E. Robertson, whoava:- rethrned, for a second term, presided -The financial report slipwad• total receipts, of $1419.52; with expendi turd totalling. $1375.13, leaving- v balance Of 044.39. Prize money paia totalledapproximately Mo., not in cinsiVe of in4rchandise prizes, and les: 'ineraberdhip fee retained. prize men ey Was ;awarded as follows; Horses $166; -Cattle $198; Sheep $50.50. Swine $19:75..; poultry $26.25; Grair; $21.35.; Roots and vegetables $19.00: Floaters .and fruit $5.;315;. rood an' Clothing $113; Arts andciafts $6:75 Children's classes $17.40. . The report of R. -3. McCormick reorganize itt order• toimpuove• the departmental: inspector, was receive( efficiency of County polite fortes. „ . It is,,,eatimated that at present ,there are about 65 County Constables, .active and inactive in Bruce Cannta. The Legislative „Committee, to Which -the Matter Was retorted, recommended that each Reeve forward to the Ceara, ty TreasUrey, alist of the Constables ,in his municipality with a 'report or their aCtivitieS. When these .-lists are rceived theweeding oat:process' will .begin, and it Will' be: A ra.ae of the survival of the fitest, as it is telt. that a small force of trained and effi- cient' 'Constables. will' be More effect-, ive in law tenforcernentthan a larger, force, which ineluded inactive •and un- trained men, ;It, ieproposedthat in future alt appointments as County Constable's' shall be fully investigated lie°f(tie being 'made, • , • The COnunittee thither recOnimen- aled, the appointment of a. sPecial COuntsr Constable whose, duty it Shall be to enforce, gy1awa relating to Hawkers, Pediars'and Auctioneerd, and other County By -Laws. Since the rip, poiritnient of Constable A. E. Fee- gusoti as Goaler this pOSition:has been vacant: , Death came with 'abutting sud- cleness at noon haur op Monday . to - Thomas: Reid; Lucknow's oldest cita izen and busineddrnan, and a res- ident of -'the village for' upwards- to' seventy years. Mia Reid quietly ob- to Stanley ownshm. Seven years ago served his 93rd birthday. last Sept - re Ifed .-fraKriettirelitaFaird,anov.,-,-- ° terest,‘:41fra,aild-';--c6titaleifiatta-ag13tty-;ge.P. outside his home, wathe - Orange Order. IA Member of 'Varaa L.O.L., No. 1636, for 11 years in succe;si.on he wan the prize for best drummer att July 12 celebrations at variotts' cen- tres. Surviving besides Mrs. Webster, are • three sons, Elmer J., Vatson,R.,-and Melyin L. all farming near Varna; one italf-brother, James C. Wehster, rider Lucknow;' three half-sisters, Mrs. Ideerge Coleman, SeafOrth; Mrs. Tints. ,Blake and Mrd. William Ritchie, Ash- field. Tiie funeral, under auspices of Varna L.O.L., was held from Ontario Street United- Church, on Wednesday, it 2.30; tonducted by Rev. G. G. Barton. Interment was in Baird's .C,emetery, Stanley. • "14) OTTAWA' ON TO,MLINSON'SGII . , Etta.belle MacDonald of Lucknow, (LEFT), and Marion McGillivray of POrt Bleu, (iUORT), who witie red,- ently chosen by POPtliar-Oote Of their fellow student§ in tigh Sehool to a' receive.the acholitiships proVided'eaeh' ,year by W. R, Tomlinson, K C, ALF., Bruce Cciunty'a representative at 1)(0inion Parliament.. .In Winning thee aeholarships 'Miss MacDonald and Miss 1Viedi1lterayabaae, the priv- ilege of being the personal guests af, Mr. and Mra. Tottlinson at thehr, ; Otte*altitine during the Present Peri- tnentarY seasion. While there they will 'icarn at -first !hand how the govertinient of the Bontinien is 'UM- dueted - - ••• - : _ , _ Ettabolle MacDonald is the • ter of Mt. pnitt Mrs: jam Macilinuild kto „ we - c.tizerf. • -• of itekt w, whete. Mr. VitteDenalci has conducted geitiettil lining business for some .years. Miss Madtkonald, beides being OLARKIIIP a popular student at Lucknow High School, is an araornplished Scottish dancer and io the aecompanintent of the PiPeS, played by her uncle, Piper Lorne Macifonald, has graced the pro;•• gram of many distriet entettainments: Marital McGillivray, the Port Elgin nominee, is the charining 'siXteen- year-Old daughter et ,Mr.. and Mrs. Alex' MeGilliteray of the 12th Con- ceasiOn of Brue,e ToWnship, about five miles smith of Port Elgin. Miss `Me- Gilliaray, beide a showing considerable Promise as a third year :student at Port Elgin High SchOol is also a 'Welted 1.yoUng; intiaidan and isLin elthrge ef the organ at Wesley United Church. Mr.. McGillivray, her _father., is riighly regarded as a fernier and gel:Alen-0M and has Bead On the old start, at 1.80 o'clock. :Pot the opener •.• 441 RURAL LEAGUE OPENS MONIDAY heall''Iiirrifriiiiired-littiire--at' light duties about ' the bakeshop until a manta' ago, when he Was forced to bed' with phlebitis. He aPpeatied to be regaining his strength, and had been about the house 'again.for a tine each afternohn during -the Past couple of weeeks until: on Monday at.noon he was seized 'with a.heart attack. and passed away within' a few moments. Borit.iii County Tyrone, Ireland it 1845, Mr. Reid caine to Canada as a young man and 'shortly epintrienced. his apprenticeship as, a baker at 'Belle:. ville in the .sitting of 1868. Within' eouple,-of years he , ;ante to,. Luck - now' to accept a. positipit with Neil Smith, remaining about three years. From 'LucknoW Mr. Reid went -to Col-' lingwried :but returned to Lucknow shortly to' form a partnership -With the late ynis 'Connell,' as successors to „Mr. Smith. Fire•preinaturelY 'dis-• solved this partnership and Mr,• Reid Monday night 'Will see the newise_theh established his own bakeit bust °teat -kited rural' •haekey league get these. During the, intervening years unclerWay.' Four teams are enteted h4'has' devoted faithful service to liikingsbridge, Dungannon, Ashfield, his buainek, and was highly yegard- and 'lied" leConUell's- "Rapid City", ed as an 'hot:10'01e butineasinan, sextettewhose. ;passing yeran'4Yee • the last i' DOUble:headeti will be held each founder al one of the villages early night, which' Will ..meati each team ))usiriesi 'enterprises. . Will get into action' and .after three Mr. Reid has been *praetieally a nights- of play. the 'grintp standing be-deterniiii6d„ and the PhlyellS etarted for the league trophY. ° ; , Thede, doirbiAreatler. ittraCtioTis- recommending the erratical of a cat tie ring; additional care of :ground on east and South side; minorrids ions of „prize list, inclediag the 'ad aition of a Percheron or Belgium clas: .fOr teams;' the encouraging of Man , bey4a 'club work,". the appointment o a,fair manager, and the holding of spring fair and , ie crop competit ion. ' ,• The meeting appahtted G. II. Sthith G. A. Greer, the :presidentand th• secretary, a committee among whos, defies Will he the general w,elfari of the Society, anr approved of the carrying out pf Mr. McCormicleattithei, suggestions se far as is PosSible:. John Farrish reported on, the di' trict meting at- Teeswatef, and"S. E Rpbertson gOe a report' of the dis- trictemeeting at Owen Sound. Cotaider-Spring, Fair The meeting 'devoted considerable time 'discssing the possibilities of .holding a spring fair & 'horse. sltaw. The area offers excellent facilities Tor such ;an„ undertaking and the Meeting , • what could • was enthusiagtie to see be, done: in this regard,' and :to de - termini the re -action of the 'business Men to such , an lundettakiag, and what support 'they would ' offer it. Peter Watson, George Kennedy and F. G. Todd were appointed a• Spring Pair ,c6Mmittee. The committee's dut- ies also •include giving consideratipn to holding a seed fair in conjuncti n with the spring show. , Effort § .are "t6' be Made to ,haVe Calf arid Foal Clubs, and any othea clubs of this nature dna-nu:red in Burn's Tinte_Brings Storni Since the January thaw, following , theholiday week blizzard, the -mend • has been marked by almost a coin.: plate :absenceof snow until this wed and being Dobby,gurnii.weali it a.p. • 'Pears that •the weatherraii hasn't forgotten the . fact.. Gales on. Sundai • resulte:c17 In A blizzard,„ that tailed. "due to a light snoWfall,,IO effect. Mott:ring...The storm quickly,„ahateii -but snowfall on• tueri• day forecast • . .• • more;,wintry. weather to, come, With high , Winds . thet•-:night,-; .filling reada e and bringing : out high -W.41 she* plOW' s' again, The sterria Was acoamaminied Iby :Amy.. teintierathre0 and bitter :winds.' • • , LUCKNOW' IMB1.0 INSTITUTE BORN " PURVIS—In ;Kinloss on :Frid,ag, January .20th, to Mr.•arid'Mrs:.Har•• Old Purvis,' a on. ' MARTIN—At Nprth •Bay. General 'Hospital, on Friday, January -20, 1939, to r. and Mrs. Brtice Martin) a son; • ClIECKING PENSIONERS ' The '-Bible Institute is an Inter- denorainational School which., meets -,wery Friday evening :fpr the purpose at providing Free •Rible Training to .ChristianslrOM any Church. Follow - are the Classes. 7:15 P.11,1.-terl13-- ture Memorization, 7;30 P.M.—Popel 3Ong Service' and Prayer for Revival, -3:00 P.M.—Bible Doctrine, Rev. E. M. . Loney,. 8:45 Prophecy, , Rev. MaepilliVray. 8:00 and 8A P. M.4 .1—Classes for High School 4atients Conte and bring -06r the ipredept time a. check-up is being matte of old age pensions 713•AYrrilltite:tterlfi-'11171=i7rt:toTnits(52V-4.itt-Hau- d1 last weeTc71111i. man • °of the coqnty old age and mpthers' allowance pensions ',board, and told council that %gum abuses had come to light. ' , PETITION FOR. RECEIV.DIG ORDER 'r• • • • In Ocgoode 1101 news ,in laY'S• Globe and Mail tander,the cap--. tion "Ila Bankruptcy", appeared the- :ollo*ing item. "The Lucknow Table o, (private) Ltd-aPetitien for a., receiving er. Pritchard ft, 'oetttion' creditor. pir consent , ad; , journed one It has been generally known for - some trine that the 10E4 factor* wie facing. "11, serious 'finaneial 'situation. :apt Tuesday's announceMent came a's surpriseaaware.. to inaklY, and .9-S, to what he de4elopments may be we ,are ata • Plan . Por RerUitionS WitlIcerton and Teessiater are mak- ing Plans to hold re -unions this sum - trier. Wilketton's celebration will . in- July, while Teeswater Old Boy's gets underway on August 6th. ' eprinection with • the • fall miltibition, • Fred McQuillin and Fred' Martin were appointed delegates.to the Fars Association Convention. ". ,Officers'were.all re-elected with but • very little change made in the list 6f directors and associate -directors, Cow:, rad Decker being added 'as an assoc, iate-directer for Lucknow. G. IL „Sinith,'' *re. Horriel, D, J. McCharles, the president and secret- ary were appointed a committee to investigate as to securing land and do,. natiorts, , to add to the Socieges' ground, the ultimate objective, we understand, being to prpvIde a suit- abl'e ittee-track; • • ' ESTIMATES FORC.AST BRUCE COUNTY RATE MAY BE REDUCEDFRA FINED FOR S.ELLING PIE ON SUNDAY ' " An issue of the Sentinel of July 5th, ins, in the possession of J.,Moore,, records an,' item about a , Chinaman ia Winghatii; who' was fined $1.50 far telling t*.o pieces of pie on Sunday. Magistrate Reid warned 1liaint that the nMit-; Sunday pie would cost him, considerable more. The $1.50 levy rasadditional to a fine or$16.50 Posad . when he pleaded guilty to gambling on. Stindey. litedlong riteniber of the Orange' Cor- der, In municipal lift he served for some .fifteen Oars as 01001 trustee. in all thrit--.thite--atkended a uomination menting. He. ettbelled , . SEEK 'TO • PROHIBIT BRUCE DEER, sEAsorsi ' . t 10* ;t1 -kor '.N17,01.1Y6.14.4 i 4, Eastnor,' John A. Logie of Paisley, LoWee, Tax Rate Is Saught—Other E'stimates Pared In One Of Battiest and Robert Sloan of . Elderslie. Of , these all 'Withdrew *wept IVIessrs. 'Sessions On Record, a . Ewart and ' Fenton, and On a ballot being taken Mr. Fenton was" declared Bruce County Council convened -for: elected -on a Vote of 20 to 10. , its Mau 'Oral ' session for 1939 at the The new Warden, Who is the 66th Coutreil Chamber,'Wallierton,,ori Tues- day evening, January ...17tit,- With all Bruce County, hating , been born in years ago. He ' Warden of the Courtly, is -a native 6f Members ;' present exCept „Reeves- Aarbel Tewnstip Eagles of Southamptott and 'Ross 9.1 is 'Sefviiig his sixth41 eints6titive Year. ' J'eeswater. Mr. Engles is seriouslY as Reeve of port Elgin, and ' during it at the Owea-SOund..gospital and that tittle has taken &prominent Part , Mr. -Ross °Was convalescing at his in. the proteedings. of COuncil. He '. home in. Tegswater after a reeent ill- is, well verged ini menieipixi affairs , ness. Mr, Rasa Was able to, be present and is agpotl speaker and Will make . CTION OF °A MILL • ., .. on Friday and :Saturday, . ' • . ' a capable !and efficient presiding off- ' Council for 1939 consists of..'151 feet. 2 • : •• , . . $. , •cludes 7 new, members . as Reeves and 1 ,DePutY Reeve and in - Arran, J'acob, ' Fisch; ' irig Reeves. f°ii6ws' 'Coirttnittee •compoted ,af the follire- 1,. • The Warden appointed a Striking Thos. Duft , at Mesiro. ,Pwart, White,.; ' icif Carrick, JosePti WieInnes of ;Culross aoas.heu. Thede, Chishedin arid Liesenier.. ' 0 McDonald, Elliott, EVarz, ' Win. Shewteit e? Kineardine ToWn The following 'are. ,the',' Standing ,.. thipi. W. .V,- Pollock Of Kiacardirie 1 ..iotumitmes 'far the year:. , Tawn, Jas: W. Ross of Teeswatee, f', ' Finance E. J.' Downs of Hepworth. Mr. . sluiry; Pollock,.' and . •Roas and ,Mt. Downs are ,f6rtner mesgrs. ;.t,svart., Ran Downs, Liesamer, Dawson, Logie. CI) . Reeves, Who staged a conre-,baek in the, reeent electiOns. Mt. Deavris had the ... • Editcation and' Printing' honour -Of filling the warden's chair 1., ..., ,/,•1, messAs. "Ny bite, 'Voting, MCDortald;• -, x'oster,. 'R(46,".McFarlano, itansIntrY. in '1081 and returns to County Coun- .-ol cil. after an abtence of eight yea s. .(7), . . . ' i Equittl:Zatien Mid Salaries . . The 'first business at the . Opening ' ' 'meeting' was the 'election of 'the, War- .- . • • it beach. (7) essrs unter, Daft, Sloan, Thede, den, and when the 'Clerk called' tor, McTavish, McDonald, Kalb irthniiiations the.folloWilig nitnieb were i ' - • Agriculture , ' • • Messrs.. 'Evans, clitt is, iseher, Dawaph, Illlishell, SheWielt, McTav- ish. (7) . ' - ' ' ' . , (COntitated Oil Pate 5) • • Bruce County Council; unanimously fipproved a resolution by Dan 51dIntif- aid And Joint, Dawson that a- petition be terit:to the Department- of Game and Fisheries to prohibit the. hunt- ing Of deer in any part of the County of 'Bruce for a period of five Ydars. Iluiva County -a tesolutiOn trodUced during the, Counts! Council sessipp t.a • have an or•en season far. deer hunting in Ilttroni • was thrciwn Pitt after Sarire hoMeStead .farnr Oh the 12th eolveA..: next Monday, tingebridge and -Duna as a beaeball player in the idea§ when pi onosed far this coveted Position", son :or Ids, life. Mrs.. mcomivrai, was, garthan' will meet, 'With "Rapid alai'," the game as played withotit gloves • sliadals hi01144 'Vol's° and WOM- Robb, lTuttteD of Wiarton,. lieu S. Lo., "fornierly Mse Mary wants of wet.... and Ashfield -clashing i& the other or "proteetion of itty kind and itt ilia- en's 'hose -and steekings. TlieMAR- gin of Eiu, S M. Ewart , site half of 'thedual attraction. (uutttitried On Page 8) XVI' STORE. • ley, Gordon White of Lion it Ilehd: •