The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-19, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 19* 1°939 is . v • • • • ..,,'"at.gr'r-CsassesSassesea>asees-seass..a.' 1 Lyceum Theatre WINGHANi Show starts at. ps m. excepts Sat.-a---Sata' night two ShOWS 7.45. and. 9-45 ',P. Yn- mATINgE Saturday afternoon 2.30, , teesssese .4 Thursday, Friday,.Saturday -January - -,21 .Fredelite Bartholomew Warner Paste , "XiDetilAPrE.P• " Robert Louie Stavensozia . tele of love and advert. ,ture on glee and land. Alsa !Tartomi" ' M ' • • • a • 'onday; Tuesday. Wednesday January 2,- 24 - 25 W. •C, 'Fields Martha -Rap. s • •Dorothy Lamour: • * *••* ea* si,„ IIROAD(AA OF 1931" New songs and new laugh -in, the musical .treat of the season. Specialty numbers are ' ...contributed, by, Kirsten Plana steal of the Metropolitan • and 'Shep -Fields and his Orchestra. 1 • • Also •"11.Vin—Dosts not Tay , Remember the MATINEE on SATURDAY Afternoon at . 249 •p.m. •' IAdu1ts--20e Chi1dren-16e Review continued Pane One) • • • 'ocTsafxR cannisieneed administ- ering free diptheria. Vapid. to cbil- ren.. , . • ..Pr„ John D. tied -Mrs,. MCKintion, ep ieun14he-world .Ciatise„. ware • hells •daying in, Geririensa.when 'Europe.aa• war -seemed inaninenta Tames Montioniety, general store Merchant at Benmillet, burned out tat the second tithe 'within two years. .• 'Peck.: Sisters ''"stole the show" at Fire boinpanY's Mnateur night. ;Richer& Martin had two 'show [ herses killed and one rendered vain - lees by injuries when streck by pasi,.4. earlyamerning• train'. • • . Fred Webster annouriced 'as• winner aof Calf Club competitien at local QUIVET OLIvEr w.g.s... The Women's Misdonary Meeting for the mentleef January wat.held in the 'church on Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 16.„After the opening hyrim, the Lord's Prayer was repeated in ties leen There Were about fourteen men hers present, 'The.. secretary, Mrs. Q. Brooks, took ehatge of the Foil .cali Which was to be answered by a Niel:SP . Or thought for the New Year, and • the reaciing, of our Minutes. The Pree • ident took charge of ;the first part of , cur meeting,'and, after the businesa period, . our. leader, Mrs.- Vegan. took charge of the. re'st 'Of the -meet- :Mg. The. Deyotional Leaflet Was well taken. by Mrs. J. Colling. She those her scripture: 'reading,. John 1-5, and, teed e:piete; "God Manifest -Us". Then Norine Welder) favor- .' 'ed. with. a solo "SoingdaY". Mr's, Osbourne. gave a Yeti iat..erestings reading, on Temperetice Which , a enjoyed .1Ssi everyone. Our Stady, Book, . "Our .'Worldin Canada," Was capably • taken by .the leader, Mrs. H. Vegan: The: meeting was brought ---to a close' after .the singing;of our dosing hyinr and :Mae: 'AlexsMeTevish, led in prey . Mr. Robert Badmen from Dunda, .is visiting at hie :home' here. , . Congratulations ire ,extended ••• gr.,. and Mrs. .d. Durabid en. the •ar - rival of aa little diaighter' at-, their home, on,January' .6th. Miss Dorothy McGuire • arrived as --home after spending. eeme •of her 'NOW SE Dr, Wni. "Fowler, sticender •to 1)r. R. JaBeweratwo years ago, left Luck. now te take over practice at Erin. Rendem dial:680 of .trarhage t,kt. 'village' dump, again beings criticism. Mrs. Wee. Magee, 37 -year-old ie..- ris Tawriehip lady, acquitted 'on the. grounde .of insanity or/ the.charge murdering her ten-inonthe-olddaugh- ter by drowninge * • , - Etta Pelle MacDonald, choice to High School Studenten, to xeceive free trip to Ottawa., Herb Mcgeillin had to destroy uable horse, fennel shot in'the leg in 'pasture field. - 131utter_.stchen as thieves break into Cargill branch: of Silvetiveed's ies' • Rev. Wm. Townshend,. formerly of Kinleughi; .appointed canon -.cia St. Paul's aCathedral and diocesaa core- iniesiOner far the Dioaese Of Huron. . Mr; Oral Mrs. Pied. Theism:teed znade'presentatiem by.Pethaly friendar theY mOva to Teeewater. Five hundred attend St: Andrew's' Ball tinder Kaitehea auspices,„ Deaths-s•Thomas Bushell; Mrs. Jos- eph Lenders; Ell McNamara, Detroit formerly of A•shfierd. • ,. • DECEMBER' .First First Arose'debenture met in full by- Claasmen,',Fire Co., and,,Woieen's • Iestitute. • , Thothis • Webster elected reeve or West. Wawageith in three1 carnered fight Connell alt acclemation; Brown,' Smyth, Wallace Milleta•Hatold Gaunt and Gordon McPherson. Bell Telephone .Company annou'nced' • Restricted Area Plan ''.feer Huron Cannty. -gained mementam With' eeliee of Meetings arranged. ReY Reynolds Estee' end his bride Ignored by Ashfield and 'Ripley Congregations. • " • ; The annual rally isf the Young People'e Societies of Maitland Piee- bYtery was held in the Presbyteriall :Chukchi Lucknowa " . • Local High Scheel Won; the inter,- iehool Meet traphy. -•• • Mrs, 'Archie Harper .of '.St, Hen els observed her 91st birthday.. Dick McQuaig wee appointed care- taker et. Lueknow's, new post -office• • Presentation, mad% De. and• Mrs. Gs. 'A. Newton in recognition of their long period of church .service. Iserraine Dtirnin of Crewerqualified taaceasCete .in the :inter -county, 'Pub. speaking contest at Guelph. , Over '500 crowded Parish Fiallaet Kingsbridge for fOwl supper, *enter- tainment and ,dance. 13011,ia Grant falls. over end of cuh bert, breeleing. his hip. Dragged him- . •self from water to roadside Where, iq was found. . . Robert' Wilson of Ripley assessed $210:00 • in fines and. Costa as repult of Fair Night accidents neae Lucgs LUCKNOW_SENTtNEL Pehlishe'd every Thuracle* meriting. • at Lecknow Ontaelo Mrs: A. Da MacKenziga.e'Proptietor :Caneph,ell Thernpsone-194isher. ln • • • • • • • .1.9.th, '1039: , •The apnual meeting of ehureh *United Chureli Weinesclay",afteareeon.. • Else White as beld on meting opened by singing hymn -a-0 God Owe Help, in Ages aPast. The Retinal* eessete psalm a, was read by the Paster, IL M. Wright. PraYei, • giver by the :pastar...-Eaby.aBaricl. Superin- tendent Mrs.' Lotts gave a repilet..1 MissiOn''''Biatid,aSaperintenctent ?gag. Ross reported-.12.meerings; meinbera, 12 ..stsbacriptions ,sto• World •, •Frieads.a.Total ereountsiaieed;$18,426;. Preabnerial ,. $14,51; World' -•Friericl $1.80;' Expenses $1.95; Mrs.. V.. Ems made, 'President of W.M.S., reperted. 12 .:reeetinge, .2, Thankoffeiings 'with average attendance .15, increase of r over last year. Miesiokery .Monthly 'subscribed sfor by 14 _members; tea- balee sent, one yelped at $10.0a. members, 6 are life, and 12 .annual Tb9 Membership is ;ciiilicied into two groups, north • and aputh. TheSe groups raise money by their teas. . • quilting 'and so forth. 2,4"uite .a num- ber of .veemen...who ate not' merribers Village • Connell -cancelledthe poli -As sheep claims • Kinloss soared to over. 2709:90 mark, Counell raised .bourity en "Wild rings. or WuiVea" . • • • to $10,00. •• • Lorne Woods Of St. Helens had his 'hands badly bitten when attagked by Deaths -S. D. Whaky; former bank p -de•-• ASH,FIEL COUNCIL- Ashfield, januara.9th, 4939 '..CoanciVinet' .on above date, all rnembefe preeent, and subscribed te Oath of °thee. • ••. Minutes of Deceinber meeting was read, and approved ;on inotien of Frayne and L Jghnston. , A letter ftom Como qf Perth re road. insurance and the: forming of Mutual Road Insurance' Company the des* was _instructed to anewer stating this Township would he in favor of such a proposal. alily-LaW No: 1 appointing the Offi- cers for 19.39 was duly passed ri :motion of L. johrieton and C. John- ston., •" . • • . MOTO by Fray•ne and C. Jahnston Thet all Mini/tee of all Meetings dur-, ing the' entiae Year be -published in the Luckil'OW and Goderich papers .the week foilo'wing the c'eandil meet- , , „.; " "" •. The- following ,Bilis an4 AcCoents taereordered rpaid on siintien of. L • lohnston and. Andereen. • , Herb Curran,' work of menacuttS ingayeeeds and erecting .fence $4.75; The Pedlar people, Signs and snow. feriae 120.90; Thos-'Ri-vett, trucking snow fenee4.00‘ .lerb Curran, salary' , 10.80; ' Jake fIV•ter,' ereeting snow fence .1.25; Herb Pentlandr erecting snow fence' and ' posts 3.$0; H. Lind- say, Stamps 6.75; Bank of Montreal, exelse stamps 660; jehn Fairish, sheep clairra"9.00; Archie Johnston, valuer 190; Thos., Bueglese,' sheep claim 9.00; D. A. MacLean, valuer, 2.00; Gee. W. Fielder, sheep claim 6.00; •Jas.. B. Jeheston; yaluer. Fred •Anderson, .sheep • claim • 8,50: R. F. Andrew. Valuer 2.00; Clerk, tattend these.' group gitthermgs and deciso remove le liee from become, members. Amoutt • rareed $182.95. Presbyterial allocation 8-1.26- Mi•-M-s--1.8.64;sageriera1.-Tnid miseelianeoeS: e•apenses $27:77., • The S. S. repert was given by Mrs. Geo: :Maclenaghan. • Receipts,. $70.51; ex- penses, $65.96; balance on hand, $4.55. Supt. B. D. McCleneghans'seeatrea's., .Ed M-CCIenaglian; teachers; H. Wright, Mrs. J. D. Beecroft. 'R. J. La:idles/a MrS. J. Felcorier, Mts. T. ion pe main street' in1989.• • it is hoped eventually. these may Ashfield rateCayere eleeted Alex- .-MaeDonald, ' reetie; Gilbert Frayne, deputy reeve and aeuncille-i-e-Udeir Tolinston, Lorne. jOhnsteli and Fred Anderson • ' • • • sa. . Lucknow entered VI eik-teem.0.eass; group. • . Rural school Pupils' presented con- , cert in. Town Hall .as Santa -.Claus, Paid annual *kit to LudirioW. ' ,Protest entered' with Department .. . . 7 heads ever closing of cream buying .HMoore, Mrs WLett stations. • • . Dr. G. A. Newton, Personal friend of Walt Disney's father, Elias Dia- pey, whose wife lost her life when Overcpirie by gas finites Mr. and Mrs: Martin Asemstrong, SOuth Line celebrated golden'avedd2 ing anniversary. Deaths -a -Mrs: yv#1.. Bowies, forsn- erly Of Assbfields 'Roderick ,Matheson,: native of' Ashfield, MrS. Robert Has- ty, Aslifield; . Mrs. Petera.,Clailc, St: Helens. , , •' •: is, • Jack Webster returned for. visit .fro as Eldorado Mine at Radium City, neirr Arctic Circles , • Fire damage in Lucknow was nil dating 1938. . Young elected 'Moder-..II:ettie Fox,. Milan. Moore, the elde!.... manager; Mts. Leslie McKeith,'Ash- 1 1 field; Mre. Joseph. darrible, ionnerly of kinlosss Wiiliarn Hawke -hate, Kira loss; Malcolm Beaton,formerly Of' Ashfield; D. C. Taylor, IsucknaNt; Jack Sineltzer, -Detroit, son of the late Mr. and ;Mrs. Paul Smeltter, Lucknow; Mrs. Henry. J. Mckenzie Ashfield, • NOVEMBER ' Apple trees in:the Kenneth Careers on orchard from 75 to 80 yearS of age, still svigorous and productive. John CarnerOW.s...sbarn , g4ved as neighboUrs ially to battle it in straw pile. • Two successive disys with temper- ature reaching; 71 degrees, set all. time high record fez'. Noaenber. Fire Cointiarty /protested disardex of Fire Hall. _War Veterans, 86 strong, church parade to St. Peter's Church MePherson, who lost, a leg a a result of 'injuries ...in a highway aecident near Hdlyeciod, was awardel $2;000 in damage suit settled out ar 0 . ' ' • . • , ---5":"-Pfillnweaarkiriehella-ra; "s' Mae Barkwell is at present, a her horine, after assisting Mrs. A.. aham, 2nd Con, ' 'Mies 'Marion Hamilton is assisting Mrs. C. Durifprd at the lieree a 0. Brooks. .. Miss Jessie MeCharles is at. Pres ent at •.her home after assisting„ Mr. H. 'McKenzie, . • ; Our Ye:P. Meetifig will for the time being be held Wednesday night in- stead of 'Tuesday. , • , . For. the‘Y.P.U., Moor gave theareport--36 meetings; 29 Members. average . attendance • 19, .Ifeceipte $1171.38 from Tees, playa 'offerings and eeciele. Expenditure -Missions and maintenance $33.00; installation hydro $79,50.) ' ,• The pastor gave his report -May Commainion 61, Novenber, 55, •tatal 116 Funerals, 6; no iTeddings; 156 calls: •Receipts 'from, all sources $1659.34. Ushers," Ted lttedlenaghen MilanMoore,,„Gteham dillespie, Bars . • . , McClegahan; furnace emit,' Thos. Meagre, .Gibsori Gilleapie trustee board,. B. n. MeCleeahim, It, •Mcdlea- abet; J. •D. Reeeroft: auditors, Miss 0 rA4g 'flys A Better Kate in \Oki' To tive..And.Wir , A Series of Letters from Distinguished Canadians on, Vital Problenis Affecting the Futura 'Welfare of Canada , Specially Written for Canadian Weekly.,Neripapers Associatio • Diet Mr, Editor; . • Mr. Gee. W. Janine, editor Can- adian' Statesman, Boarana,nville and - President. of' the Canadian Weekla Newspapers Association is striving 'to get- op -inions on "Frow to make Canada a batter land to work and Live in." Hie reqiiest that the Editm of the Huntingdon -Gleaner write ea, preselcins ..alerig these lines is„redees . Theloject, is saupendone .for'an' humble ''Weelt.'"riewepaPer editor 'ti give expressionipon; -yet every. Can adian 'Mug. have "an opinien,, other wise be ot she are not tr.e citizen of .Canada. Young „people. M.: their-, twenties.and thirties, I. ane' inclined to' feel work .elong the s.ame lines ',did.... whens passing theotigh'. stage. ef..1;- that to attain su.cees; in life thesaceumulation of dellare, i°. all rinpartant. • True, - they . are .e•esatsrit.• ial 'andbeneficial;. but .dollars ••• alone' do not 'maiee.'fPr hal/Armes, and learn leg how,teslisie. Usually, the ambit- ions ' youth a • Who -are •attaining' sac ' aeis, in ae.cOnsulatilig ,.dollairs. have •r. laresiltdoWnia 'sheath; and it issther they 'take* airee to consider *Vit. i. • jirdgesordera15.4,5a.regs-Baltis -Ss Da• irapertant in life. • 16.06, 81:45; James Culbert judges or TO make Canada a better: place a der re votere' lists 504; Mrs. McKee-, zie, relief orders for Nov. & Dec. 35.98 S. Martin, relief, order 15.00; Niel McDonald, relief eider, 16.60; G.C. Treleaven; searelaof title in registrar Township of Colborne,. •treat - meta Of. children 3.50. . Moved by Frayrie end L. .Jo.hestan. That the iresiolatioa. be 'forwarded. Government re • subsidy ori'..last years reed work. , 'By -Law :No. 2' re expenditure on Township rends was 'duly, incased on motion of L. Johnstons 44. Aardeta Rei. Gee:sage, W. MaCKay, eon 'if 00-64707,1,,4Alitittaticia34..theity.tt,. • -4ea-Preebyterlatatsaii'iedOnanity.:,..tealtera moaa, Was gtiest speeker at Saab Kinloss. . • • • - , Our.Weelc of Prayer service Which .•hEis been postponed will ie held this Friday night With our peeter VeKenzie, 'in' charge., • ,Oliyet itiung People's Meeting ' The reTilEte 'meeting of the Olivet .S, opened' for Our New Year an' nesday • .night• with ..our. 'Opening 'hymn and the repeatingsaf the Lord's PrnYer at the close pf it. There were a large number of memhers and yis. - 'tors present.- This meeting was. in ger of'Maitland Ptesbytery. „Mrs.."•Wiisoe Irian suffered 'painful knee injury in auto accident .west of Lueknow. ' • . , Authorities warn they will .clarrip down On drunk driving -within mun- icipality. Pee. McMillan, Mrs. Ro'd, Campbell and Mrs. McKenzie Webb, were the winners in Christmas window judg. ing contest: • ' -Sheep claims in Kinloss reached $1,000.60 for the year Fierce Christ/nes (Week storm -block- ed traffic and left 'Cliriatinas holiday motorists ;trended. - •• 'Municipal contest in Kinloss ToWn- ship, with Fetter Moffat opposing Richard Elliott for reeveship. Six Can- didates entered field for, four "cotincit seats.: McKays 4th of Huron, town; Joe Irwin bag:s deer, as week's open' season in Bruce andaGrey got under- rharge of the FellowshiP Convenor and AssifitAnt, Willie Stew-. art. The Scripture reading for the evening was taken by Beth McTav.; ish.- Marian s•Vegitii• favoured with a,1 ,eery interesting reading. We Weicsi ante frivol/red iseith' SOlo 'hY Beal who!: was' •injoYed tea all The tepic "Lord 'Teach' Tht" To PraY" , ...Was well -taken by ElMer itttry. i he Oced Rev., McKenzie to ei,le Lusi \ something along this topie and Mt McKenzie 'gave us it very it/tore-01g Change in rural mail delivery. ser- vice became effective With 'the' Kin - tail, Lethal*, AMberley triangle Ser- ved from Gederich place q• Lack - now as formerly. , Sam Smith foiind :helpless in his home . after. seffetini ,a' stroke. His face had been burned in striking the stove Els he fell. Death. oecurred the ,following day, , Mr. Walter Sturdy and the ieWitt 'family Moved to London t� Make their hpmec • ..Lucknow Oriole Patrol WQA district in competitiors With thirtsaii4 'patrols' in, Grey and truce., SpeAal .serviced, marked the re- openinc andadectication of Kinlough Anglican church, elected *as Ittr, WrreaPerden; man hgerS, 'J. D. Beecroft. J.:, G. Gillespie R. J. Laidlaw. D, •..McClegithan Win. Barba/it; FaHenTS1. T.. Mo9Ye A, 'George.,,I9ItirraY., .Amea° CotneliuS,. Jas s Falcerier : ;Treas., Ta. r1 •McClegahen; m. acne., Mr. T...,11 Moore. 'WM. Piirden.• The • pastor closed the. meeting. with nraeer. , . • 'The Isinareide' tiitedW.MS.hei their ..Tarieetse meeting at the. hame ois Miss *ititarszie Resa. Tn the absence df Mise Timm Ri.ehard,son. //reside/it.. Mrs. Gees ITarkneee 'presided. Paper were given bii'114isses, Itbeha Mafahalt and . Ardtras Brown.' ' 'The contest eneseing the bestn;i,i in a iat. The prize for,the .cine gueseling.:41,1 nernher,:ns ale:test to i it Was a eitipt. The num- 'ber Of beans was -l200. 'Henry bright's, gyese ;art 1215 was the near- George114,411ilt:mt43itlear sangstae,Lits lVtr. Albright, "se,teevelce for 'Mt. -.J aMillan: The. et 'tP1) eae.syn.S 11. - ,Robera". Rae, d. 11, beard by acclimation. ute held.; their 'ine.etirig teat Tilesd":77 N. a Bushell given acclamation as in the .hall: The; preeident,IMise-Gtere reeee for second- term. /Mall by IC. Richardson ' presided.. The .roll - call , clemation also, J. C. eNab, lietb was anewered„ by IL each.- namine MeQuillia; F. M. Paterson andflarold vegetable. The nuitto, '"Plough deen Treleaven, s' the :latter •succeeding While Sluggards sleep" Wes. given b'Y.' Canipbell !hob-ipso/1.* •• " Mrs. Ezra "Wellwobd. The panel - Marion, Richardson; .three-year‘old. Agriculture., and 'danaclitrii 'Industries daughter of Mi. and Mre.. Wm. Bich- was ,given by 'Mrs. Ezra Sheltz.• Mrs. ardson pi Port' Alberts died, &Om. stif- Mowbray • gave •readirigia Current , , , - „Cletic •was instructed to ''order. seven •copies of:Municipal World. • 'Connell' then adjourned on motion of Ansle.ison, and L. Johnston. • • V. E. McDonagh, Clerk telk. This brought Ora tart of !fleeting to a •elose after singirig of err sacend hymn Then out President Mr. Neryal ptewart,.• for thie coming year took I ehatge of -the remainine pert, of the Meeting, and After tib businessi Period' ont:cloeing hYlatit SVE!It song .amf.4e,....49”ting was btoriglit close, by prayer Witei):::-MeKers. zie, 'There yvere 'no contests .as. ;there 'were °Zito 'eaeeativb, or beard. inept. ; our :11"1"gr:ATI°77--9'417 WM, MacKenzie' returned to school The' .W,hitechurch Women's:Tnetit BERVIE • live in, it -reuet.be a good piece to worst in. In order to accumulate the necees ary dollars let 'the:individual' realize that all folks muat live, and share h. 'accumulation of .worldly ,gooda: ID piece oflassurning all: re,sponsibilitie; in • oCerating your busizfessi small 01 large, share ,that ..respensibilitY With YPut fellers*, map. They in turn will appreciate the° coplidence 'placed number of men and'aweinien, t t may. "aave collaborated to 'bring about the . accomplished task ,have :pleasure la •-oaking' backs, over their,accomplishrnents, and 'Whet they Might fuithe, pursue. The helsPy envirenMent that ea- iats ili,:the various progressive week. y newspaper -offices that 1.k.neWs are , adopting this very principle o• ssrodueing.i'tbeit pewspapers. .WIseee this spirit ,Of collaboratian exiSts wsas' Ind Canada'elargest and beat news, • •• • „ ..• mpers. If mita i, g true Jo tile este ; ducting of newspapers, it mut also ,e applicable to other 'business eater - :Prime. ; . • , • a theni. Their brain and energy is plats ed in: the work that • is v confronting them. an other words the. coMbined brains are exercised in order to bring .about :the tangible results of it • rea! suCcessful .business. The twOinen, • 1 1 a 'Canada; is gerierally."sPe'aking a Country made :up of rural .commuie ties, \smell towns and Sinall :in each and every elle of these- corn• nynities a Roard tif Trade is .'essent-- al. Having -a..Board of Trade' -aleee-- net necessEirily mean it is to functioli pa.; the sole purpose of . locating' , &Istria:Is' and building Up' retail .sale-Sa irograrns. On the contrary, a,Eoard .. • rrade is a athissectariaa'orgariizatioe Nat Eiffords."On opportunity. to bring ill men into 'ccintact 'with One ,Einother The meelearliamnre about their isppia.: ""ititsesineee--They learn ae-aele- s • .nowledge the. good' points' in every slaws Make-up. After becoming Se acquainted with : their citizens hey too co-aperate• With one :area ther to their Mutual benefit 'After all Veld. and dene. e We go "hrough life for the enjoyments It • • providesaif are only ePeasminele4 . ;Willing to 'eccept. 'IE.; the nein With a •smile and the *greeting that s' !beers, that makes Canada' a better place to work and live in. • • • I, : Yours trills!: • ADAM L. SELLAR. • Editor "The, Glearier'' H.untingden, aaees .r• : Mr„ and Mrs. Innis Murray (nee Miss Verna Shier), Itiadardirie, have. thesympathY -of. a large circle 'of -fri- ends in their hereavement. Rev. and Mrs. F. dalicRitchie re-, turned en Friday rtorri their vacation, Mr, g. Moore and son Owen were in Toronto rattending the ttineral of the , late 'Robt. Welsh,' ,veho Passed away ,g home there on Sunday_ Jan. 5. The late ,yr: Walsh was in his youth, a reeident here.. "The Pervie Dramatic Club present.4" ed their play, "Lena Rivers" at purple Grove last. Friday night; and on Fri- day nigha of this .week they go to Lucknow.' Mia. Sterling Sr is a present nOt as Well as friends iwould like to ,see her. • • . • foCation and burns.- events•wene given -by Mrs: J. B. Mora Illuminated cloak installed in clock rison.' • ; • tower of new Poet -office. The Lingside Rpral Chile Meets Charles Roulston, 16,, only seriisf this Friday 'evening when the pro Mr and Mrs: W. J. Roulston, died in zrionme committee, Missess Florence Kincardine Hoepital.:( • Reeds Irina easliela Jean Osborne and Motorist striking power line Pole Charlie Moore, will pioVide , the en near Walkerton, :threw -village into tertAinment. darkness"on Christmas eve. IL C. Hamilton of Huron Teviriship -em •, • • kr. and 1MS. 'Johnsen Conh nd • e 'ffi • Ruby r and Vs. • Wesley: T1..11 passed, away: - ^ a , smelt Saturday evening sitithMe. and NINE STATUTORY Mrs. John%Itiehardson.• . • . TIOLIDAYS IN 199 Mr. Thee Moore epent the week. , as . •'- HOLYROOD ilasbW;aa-a-E; gat- iters at Mia 'Robt. MacDontild'e.• . Mr. end* Mies. Wesley :Pollock Clark's, Mr. ,and Mae :'Aubrey Lang: don 01 Port Elgin Were Sunday visi tors at Mrs:"Elmer ACkert's.' , Mr. Merle Johnston is visiting Chi-: Ca0o' friepds at, ,present. Itrr. James Parkshas returned. to Mi. Ernest 'Ackert's, hevireg • spent the past mem* with his' parents in British dolurabia:• , Mr. and Mrs.' Ernest, Ackert and family spent Sunday•at ME.• Harvey. A:eke/Ts, at 'Lorre. Mrs. . 'Ches. Shelil and family Of Wingliam spent a few days this week with „tire ,fotmern! parints, Mt. and Mrs. Chas. dorigram., • . Mrs. Howard Robinson and 'Phirity. spent the 'Week -end With the former's :Parents, Via' and Mrs. T. Mater* of Pare/mug: • .„ ' ' • Mrs. Alnler- Ackert and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Elliott, spent Wednesday afternoon : with Mrs .Nelson Bushell of Lucknow. Mr. and mrsi:, Ernest Adceft and .family were guests at Mrs. ThossHer- ris on Thursday evening it' a fowl dinner. • Mr. and Mrs.. Duncan. Campbell, were, .Sunday 'guests at Mr. Eifiterne • . Mrs, Milton, Donald and diteghtei sGrace were the guests of Mre."Albett Thompson this Week. They also irisiaei-' A HEALTH SV.RVICE or • IrME CANADIAN MEDICAL; AESO'CIATION r AND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES . IN :exaseee • THE, HUMAN HAS GREAT6 'POWER OF. ADJUSTMENT • nurrian body ••,possesaes re- rnarkable strength and yet is e)*,-, taeraely.fragile. Deprived of eir text •a fess minutes; the whole body perish deprived of its blood supply for end in Toronto with his brother, We; Holidays for the year larn: ' • .Good Friday, April 7; King's Birth-' l•ey Who very ill, .• • • - • flay (Observaneela Saturday, 3114 20; a, • Victoria 'Day, Wednesday, May '4;„ 'Dominion Day, Sat/it-day; July 1, Civ The doctor WAS visiting Rastas' HolidgY; Vandals?: Augusts Is La- Wile to. „40iiVer her twett111..,6181n1"' bor Day; Monday, . September 4; VAlle, riding alone N4ftla itnittO he Thardiegi4rg" Days a(pladrable-sals.4. Eta_diteleaob, ,the read. Dodo: 1VIonclay, 'Weber 9; Itamembratee• `Vintse duelc is that?" EitatifiZ lIssa Sittutdity, NiAtinktei 11; Christ- "tot. ain't no deck. That's the stet+ knits Day, Monday, Deceniber .25. with his legs 'wore only a fevie miriutes, the more import - ant brain cells are 'permanently dam, aged. The true strength of .the body lies in its capacity to .adjust ,itSelf to charigiirg conditions'. . A simple ex- ample. is: seen in the, fairly constant' te.napetaalire maintained by the hods= despite' •sidcle variations in the. tenip- -erature of the surrounding atmosPhere. • • . • eneao desirableends. Eada'aine /Mist T ried' some thing which he Can.do witb Ceram/el satisfaction,. the doing of %-vhich Shall be socially aceeptable. • Ile adult attitude"' is developed hiefly out Of Childhood experiences.; • The child who feels ttiat at, horne or ' school -he fenislied 'unfairlys that his punishment is but the ventineeia adults anger,- is not I. going to. regard. authority thus 'exercised 'ixs' the iMa ediate result of his Own 'actions. The hinniliationa Of a . Child through any , means isadestructive 'ase it •under: mines Self.reSpect. and leads to either defiance or: withdrawal. The :child • needs Understanding and direction so that he may. learn to 'adjust, and, se' secure heattli and baPPiness for him": • ' .Many- qther .. interesting example's' veil's -come' to .mind Of this capacity to adjust. aSimilarly, the burnan .thind osseasessanlailitaraet•-the las ----4r-r-X.W1 . :s•-iaaa•-•a.lEn-aatissea-stal',.salalessapaitaa a•., as -',..a,..„, - .-'-'3.11-1 eess'ful: -adinsinient ' ';:riteatia•--raitt,?A 46i.,...,:r,,,,,,ple- - s .ASHFIELD. 7.NOTES• .Mr..- and. Mrs.. Jake Hunter: -and lantilys'sPerit Sunday'. with • anci, • Mrs; John FE6InOon of :Belfaet. ..• Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritchie and fern- \ ily a ej:tat Thursday evening .a ,:the h ( ome Mr. Les 'Ritchie. , • -Mr. and Mrs.. : Rob. Reid visited' with 'Mi. and Mts. John litcDonald's :on Sunday. failure, to adjust means loss of health R. E. Gilmore's. and, perhaps disease. • - Itsis obvious: that we must adjust to. temperature and syther exter.nel physiCal changes. It is no, 'less tryd, even if• Is' apparent, filat we musts indieiclually, Make an -adjustment 'of' the- 'emotions intelligence to those ,with. whom ,sive list -Fend work and; to those set inauthority, which 'realise means en adjestatent to a -octets,: er the world in which ,Yee: live. ,'Thebpdy. Must' adjust, not only to " ' chanes/in the outside environment , but also fo those changing ' eight - lone "which occur within the hody. The hhdy:Would be destroyed by .it's overt preduetiop ,Of heataiiid ;the res. ichie at by'-produete, of annscelar act -1 ivities if it did pet possess the cap-' • acitY to deal tVitb then, -through ride justieg. itself tic) ahem: • - • In like,. manlier, the, intellectual and ,enastional, life requires ,satisfacal ,ory adjusiti!ent vithin' as without. This might be expressed by , saying that -we mug be able,to,tiv.e with our- selves as well is With other people.1 There are" many things which eons I tribute ta thia 'desirable end, We are ; not all bdin‘ With the sdrne cripattras I sittes, We have tre learn what:Mee oar las timitatieris and to ,accept the super- iority of other..s. without feChff if, feller ourselves. Autherity sh�ii1 b-64 at Messrs'. jansee and Mallard Baker'eyeen-de-ss, fribll iFtT1ieTj, Saasy's ' 1 1 . • • -**1 Sunday visitors 'at Les Ritchie's • Were Mr: sand ,Mrs. Sherwood Shirley and Norma of Crewe and Mrs •Sherwacid and Earl ;of Lanes. ' vaa • 11,