The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-12, Page 4T AT S "Ell N �4 . �c jam* a4 L dent on rntrall qw r.e. ART M sextette E'�[ is$ AgnOWIT'Ps.0 V& ur ing t her home Highly Touted days Oft) 'tonded To. rrOtgrey, Wontime It av, Thein Thdir. i7,oal. Th onA and ')Ar§-. -y WUL' alght Listov �oiidjnffr Ali W A,* �to A al w 1:spasqx% Wit of dent, W A,00#6 I WAV: K; made tl;elr hich amen,D6trdit with it -sepoy, ho jr. 9 t r last FrtvA�v uk A rtho fiive milo. trip to year "With. Ashfield Prea of C01 b�ed Arthur� Clpb,ended -vicos. eo. V-9916st0f, G Be; rs., v of.'W.r pAtterson? to ta". on ittatito jot ibel atored Kru. tgollestone. It ��xtette, t, Pr6se d NbUg me4ilftg 47,.&t iialyrood tO' visiting'his Oiter, Tor- -tot r to, G. .0. 0111ith an r6witship, and *,. W mother, at banquet burly defenBeitu, Bn4l,: formevs mberd discuss he visited olvo yoars a ce 'r star, Davtsou,� two retiAuff 3316 is, �.tw d )nto Goo ua eclsiQn Co. school: DO -440 d to ropolFt, ril The' ped the Vj�nre. porr M - Henry.' W der if I ask p' nd of upwards to. 0OW V very ill-� $0 1110PO - I- th ites bidlY ere.d $5.00 C .Oze, Ctoj I - `­wht I'to 0 but bad, the Ar ArenaC.lub off' ore4 to St. imbftitteda, kattondid -C�� Ni#.ht �Or.her iecovery. ihO last f1rain d nldharasi0 jn�, 'W *itb� L. 'th le -d WSPAPER IV 1 . . P � � ii oSt-r.st$ord- Bad- ,%that. gave, lCI usmen latbr,se ect 31 ii, Era Moir X 'Sandy an& A ..,. . . . I I a r sicond'straig. t ivenhilga-It alk vt Go It victorye Do. You �,.haoroiltppont a1ew � YA thei ic or I attled, Wh:6iy, edmebod'y and eaJOY04- T-Ife e,'Vinning I t a�'07 JnkMce4..qoU#1 ck. throUgh It A Laikilow.- t6 two tea.riis 460, d� grqsb�d 'tendod cti I �td- Aloyl' op-pral 4 �Ieck4d diitatit.. ton 11"! berle*. 6rne4 'to ho eve KA 110t. rat, ff, ta 'Fl ru m4 back, T. al tompentoir, e, Ing, -in, on the with'. 90, tilvitch'i ofocl LiBtoW -qft r, Open' eid d for, -away. 10, Is b Bun ..Ip 6k Irst pbrio, d *11.fecognite Ot:bnc pk pporfU 'd A's: Pit. sk" �eveeTr f6fill. argalm f Y' b Rite ie. IpIpMent -a 00 ! of' 76 dogr ke hT9,90. in, rsl� 60 igh aAnrber.ey m d ded' ity ser� Mr. And 0., ser good. V!, t W! siseqn. r OuApg 4, roittives h�rer f aftef the, RE F . boY, C!DPIU S station broken. in 0 d f n. who'bas been "Fi tY cO d Arthur.--, returite Both f 9 r Mi op, d-jitijbt robberies. to:lfla, home.�M. ed" Uirs-hall %core we d And �kny,: f -cue i xeOrg BOk, To 0146ftO, OrmOr Presentat,op mae. �to Rev goo 110odne" lo:'ap4 tht.j, r"ain or o d (Air subspri�tivn for.. aekoy'Ttani and �A. neWs the lu�cai turped bWhiness '10 lough. reetc �t frbn� Jacques recpi4�d the s, Ch I- ilaw to bring bay: ..... Chin -mad retactiols?n6n AlotPrl� t han one occast.0 ..'American 'Orif G -.:p ...... 7-: g from gong7Xo� sth count, tdue ...... 'hatibs Cb1a,.-,0#d Am 1?� Af �Ni!w V�' d Rast. C ludked In. tryinc ficultur 23.S,.. t�:C6 he tend of thethir per especially at t. t d yana Ion F, 235 vears ..to - the da�, after fir iod, e n� een the SepoYl; stag d per lamily V& marWS when 23% -the Cain HOWUM!"W? upon atrKLYMIL V41 sistent. power stfei,60 t1w do-'risr- ....... X Com ed- -0 ...... om- The game pogt-efil Janid etint of the:: W iorold ........ i ere ary, �!.on make Pres me Chunk' but comps" ............. m.:' , t played , on heavy, ice, Oleft Audsoit 6f. -FA the Com - r ir . I ., -He 'to on's AnititutO�.'VriksTh S Tucker, *ft*rn0C)n ativoly Omit.- lity" E Goa Is. was Lucknow ed,'116ri 93rd, nd sy De null on luir NjillomV opery t heris 1h4"'b of b retired T, For, ea - w . .4.; -.2 -W-tt Present,, C e�fre,--Fi -Georwe 'MiRobeift, ndipothei's , ay, goo om .2'S* Degtha—,M4-11 D Gr�er; Alt., Sol0- of' do& -to by "MY X6tb Ellis'and J, d . .... D�itfi"�'- 06 er s W, ............. Mr#. Ki PAP W.- �.J Mcphar- mon, CC y, .. ... .... e. rnziden'� Dam 'Mrs ago, * one mag lris� zine Digesf .8t.. m art , he M jay, nVitije. of,,. Agbfjold, JW. 'ded '64r two sPle of In. Defen%ei +A 00 b' M .................... in, West' Bud 'WRA burled'h0reV wag,� in new;, I of LoCkA gr,in,whic.h�Welud4roadings y Kews-w 9 -Centrej McDopald, d all. 0-�NOII' .'Hillier'; boen, 6ad- 09A or-, former y n'IdArtistic Furnistim , s 23� �rhom., . I . Wini al and Greem lt. N. hopIng. OU C zin ...... � 'I:.. - -, - - - .., Mri.j.-T-om, Todd Marsh , I , � . y ago" it' 1.45 50*yeArs ago I Ja�k-, !� . . eieir 11 by' M of IF, s n irrell a.,Df 'Nine ere "Now YOW k T at-.pibneer Grandta 3.10 F Farrel pater o ;eZria 'I. It" 46, H. W'Rff rd Anglican 6ir 31,01 -PRIL" - :" by,.y* Taylor.--", a Reis son,. w nitta, er. -or away "d 3-; ............ ma e re , "-01,4B of palin s.,on 3.50:,� a on itAfer" er t W." or- 61utiims'! an, Taylor had., -a, nartdw �06161�6, for *0 Yo d by Mrs.4. Lyon is- not,,weleordifi? Mrs ii thd.. qtkt,6n piloi. 6., dmbthe?'� .04,P614� meehan cs,;. - - - 000h1i t* 11G7 6,E. W. RICO thetelephotto lrcipulAr sqience while 'Opera W 'Mrs e r -their .40w ParS e there are 'ejacape Mrs. Will' bell. inn6unees: It i Red5ook it; liriO to be�omio.�l le d i4azov, and d you feelL ho Q1,nK alko at You Is pan an 2SO b L as VistAlkee jug, her ac it 'y *ght 'enter-. Jag. Aitthigon' E Pi BaRutherford EDU] ;ratefu) tat 7 poitR,6watl. 1 -�C lint -whon -a ottle shattered P sh t6r at Rdd'idn-& lgui! n 0 cta contributed a P 210 P11 'd )#Imox'Ped. . SCIi LE DRAW"' b- th f* e RhO at, arte Lunch- awved Y 0 ry-in Lu 2so r ster of group p Th sch du e IL bloie. pl6gsan William So Buis :11 , . ­ 1 and Mrs, Airidro*. -G Win; Abho Tiylai,. Mrs. V -S arAgh- tain*L aunt brought If' I '�fot the, ....... tamunica e, 0 J.H. 2.50 It tiainat.C-NA. School Aaar _reiented.1 oeswater, stron w Id killed by freig t fie -Co�neil, vo C ng I "o. iticluding tion'to Vi lais -6P vatingi. miss Ethel vigi��,J,ham 'and ,BruBBel!3, -was drawn UP as has �xogiing af " London., 11 t michift" g�ld bond wedding' rings it toppo R 10 sition ent4*her6 she was 4. 'pley.has TW6 mg, Council to use Tor turday ni *a!&& 4, ..ght nd agr f follws on -Sa iyea;rs 011 be. Cain lie ri ov twas. weeki, r tto'.cancol, Us- Ch As droppe out leaving. ft teams. in Athority nt *-Pre foi-1111 wo M.-. Wt�- ht '19'' Lome thte f -ake �ago. d: *Sir I heQvi M Rev. H., and *hich� will m e o. P, K -MAGAZJ, E on on:Thurs- ompam d d home &-me ' with carried on for-, the -Post- C to -S�ri�g whic� will b� 4its b Mae Pi%rs6`n to play-off Fr eing, to of, *6 deatit of, no ra. the The beldb&ilt were &CC e meit.-I er day -by home an cided wgS 'your and �the Drey th in "d golils 'to �ount,. 4 youri: 'T 0 Elo m and .were b6 pa f killed ii.� 6j.14 Muriel wri, t who to Mr. lfm 'Ison 'd �ox 'i time the s tat, Lucknow: Ime thei -Bruss. eleck- a I igh Schobl-�- Bowlers oriatifted 'h A mountainous Wined to Leamington to n6tor Britlgii colul": studies at, the )a 'Jan. i�T e9w ter at Wing am' li Aignew:. iddut, part of Ing as,prds I of. Luek-�, L6�Wingh t.V for Tlid tregular meedialt or Yxx. Jan. at.Husserg'' nr WOK4,& -HoIM -Mer P Business MenP,q Club was New iid Il. 17—Lucknow t Teeswater was hel' '.Sunday "evening ,with. jail., 0 an' Hornell� 06W It Lie sery kno, beaded. a iffini. Issjk�i MiII4 read Jan. 2 in M ...... ur. A. Miller prs 9 Webstei,w.rote, interesting e. - Port, SO 4ck -Tetrific. , 11 sorm. %eswate-i at -B�ussehi. '�.pt hi 1 9 e iarr zoadin .20--T e .611, ity th6 Scriptl[* -less and ter.,of -his, tiip.into Radium, C Jap. 24—Lucknow at Wingham. th�' Antic Cin e.. gvmth im say 7 thrqug And -1 *is. do a riv6n. by Shirley Buchinnign, Were g og muct jai t7--�-Wing�nm va Vesw4ter MC156nald and' Malcolm' Buch ultural ciety re-oftlai cknow at ruse s, M i -en —Lu jai, ointed *!q - B he tpoic on Prayer, was. tsk . -W -e Mstrjotk- McDougall SPP i Jan. 27 ."Miss Jtg Mrs.* : . I n McKenzie am'P�. 'din aiman T Ouly. room. Iteadher,. succed 99. —Brus's at Teeswater Wm. -o els 2­�-Brussels Wingham 6 People w6 use Long Dista."CO f Bervie at Present 'ident- has.'returnid. Feb. so Johnstoki 1i assisting by. Mrs Ram e is ItHodgins 0 John-, Mi0i L' Mur Phillips d Mrs.. Dul -A at Win. Johnston and. John mi. of lAngside had. heek IteacknOw I-' 'Mr and Mi. Th6s. Rolyb and family, 00, Iier, Feb. Z rvice are a ways surprise b it� at Go erich wil Ashfield 6rn 'twins 0 8 a.0 from a: se d�y 9 n Cuxri& who howlittle it really tes [pirents smaller budget at: Mi Richakd'Elli 'badly arid �4ra- items like 14trs. David An 6 Sug st616 . crusl4a. in. lightill" is. Ranking *ere in- the d biAbda. ir6d' to, r e In been WISE LO of Bran' 'AL fall front olyn, Ac , I r' . C with Alberta,' sp ikt . . I , `r' ' r brft'ioof-`- RE. erSonI of Miss Gwend k 4 to have movies, cigarettes latindry and de Beating requ rent Town Hall "stance Ad 6aiming. o er dee�, -.4 shoe r6pair tddened`.oi0­­- F f h sitor­w�t4,her �ouncil,.aoreed 9 L�fig -DI -ijone ea a 0� di -ford' was* 6holi BY V1. c6modatb PuPils'at.Second Coneession, 6 iied for it show HEDULE 11 d it t6.utb your ce"i -'bn Thur'sida-Y Jast in" Stettl to. Sterling Films.Lin! Sc erldltbook.4�riously:-" but do, fts.,�lmpr ACkert. �mdther, schbol, while 'schools at 4th And 60 of $10, e .ha been 'it Pat- we at a rintal — ----- Po . ital -t1here she 0 C rush. -In . One tr With incl dsfoi of Harriston Bron- alway "Oth 6n.' rest- rThos.-R, ed, down from It your� heart. es xon�,, receiving, tl Jaolyroqd I con;;qs F, iday wher he bom4& of Jam Vaad- for, t7o'..'w. to London ,on. e �of:sdho6l ge pup4li ed in �the section.' 4%- O.H.A. [IOUGHTS F64 THS that M'6nt for an'Appeni as "PreE th.e. be und 'went an � 0 1 age Colneil -w e4rafte,d G DISTAN are Vill da magpd� -by .'was flually 'YEAR s dix disdf&r. ch6s into,�hb interi;�ediate J er peratiom We iented with N" grol - schedule hy is -felt, for; 'controlled.. 3p,. the LON CE at: . t. hd is' improvin-g auch.symp ndelicate-,pleased �p �Vpor 16V one, the sale of Green The first h two, pioposa James Witsoft, Whitechurch sawyer; as f6110OWS. g4me Wtg cosig Solittkl 'to the M7unieipality a�ndd' -tPone reaybd husb�andj. y Fred' nicely. hill Cemetei wethis. Ne;�'Year t rilinerston- was Pot ciall cost only 65C and ge eir- Would You be Itapo of horrible death uilcipalitylinet MrI. Gor4qA Campbell,. tes6her, ot-' the other to.1a4d the in P Dec. who has been in thi's dl�-, ged deeply into 'his Then fill up your pockets.with onn- drstor thon 200 guarantde a d Yes t Wing kni son, Collor. saw g Jan. &--Arthur a' By using ow e os. Ray of Alma. -Company. U F sun riot: for:, th past �ear -and a half,. Ili, tended 'the funeral of his great �neile, dbenture issue 'of body. 3—palut applyink..as We the'latel'Mr. T,4 Luekik6w Titble �of 'St. Helena 'And dollars of kindn d -to Comfort Jan. eist6ip at CueknoW, ""AnyonO. member. - aq�tivoly engaged in - Mrs- R- X- Miller and placing :.,n,4 W. -ij L#tle, 4—ilarriston at Ustolw01 and Jack her'gind biitld�ay: andbI689, riedt RftChie of, Olivet spent Almer, Ackert eventy d ire ni)*. SUA know not %—you can 6--patow,61 aj palmorstoii' lott' were 96nday.vis-'-the shoe business for over, 9. t who t a very Ewe. tho�oeok-erkd Now �4-th Zioil f . riet Mrs. Wro 1911' �egulationi relau�r thk Those J�an. Usy --for -ids. ng. �of 1kis tock Jah, -6—Lue-know at Arthur es 4 Urks-' years, retired, disposit Ion Mr.: and I A vfi; C6II4jC.t;ed bi trdek deliveiA Mrs. 'Gordon Kirk.an.. ­ 4ors, �at Mr.,� W POUPW o a. kincardine, shoe lienhPit. cream' ries' or shipped Jan. .9-"-Wingham at Harristori Ited frienft 6n S�ndsy.- by dxPresS, Charles H. MacDonalA was to cresme ,ton-. met' basto W4!1�. erbati colleictill -0 Wiould. You, -10, �',Then .9—Winiharb it Listowel of thus mqd6rator_of the'Synod, 4ston M PA morston -74 hud otwf tilt -on' Chirlea T; BruCe Cot Auditoes reiort by of hno Jan. 11�1�istowel' at llarrfton douneft put 040 rdl K, J* ov" ten I leaders fronf County tato. d patioit, be be n6ble, be at Ucknow t4e tobie. Dot, -ii Reid - 'Mr. and �Mrs, J40h MeCams of Sears received common Ing matin r , arilner A Zion - Mends'. 'held piesentatioi�,-for Be k lection of ch -village rbe0rds,.1Veri 'kpPt strong, Ja"13 �11'.Scrjoture. E] the In whj --Palmerston at Ustowe e Xile are spenOiing i iow day. at and. Jan, 16-t.-Luekno ' a 1?almerston to t Capt. Norman-Ra*soik.*as guest Mr It preachd And -all of Gods rit-h6s to, You wi t -for the Coin 7146me of their'd&i`Mrs.� Georg6 Lod * � -Rev... S1. I T.' Toe or w ing year we #,as folldws:�J speaier -at 1d Light go Andirsoft; - vice- W611 setvic" In* toncluding. six-var beiovg,,, Jan.,- 16—Harriston at Arthur e TWamley. "At Home". paitoraieo the 'mark d h4: Jan. 11—Listowel :SS16N and treas retirement' at Wingaiii FOURTH CONCE Irlmi Hackett; see ft junior. t P Ir ottsin e h W I e i Ist v co oi d, The will hold thbir'monWY Plans outlined to hatvey Ritchie; f ront th Ainl9try. Would you be bettet? Then. tri to Jan.� 19�--Aithur at Lockhow. sd fternooi�, 1nnd itn-Luckiiowi 20—Artlitit at 11stowel Mr. Buckton of, T06140, ice ineeting� next Thur By IR school P a etiddrd 'spent th(' votionalf Xathleeii. Gardnei-'2nd`v- Me.. are ented drAr; 3rd Jalivarf f9th, at "the -ho of Mr4- `Deat,4s—WIllj 'ioling, rt M rd, rotiring primary �eA* And carry a gn that. 1!1 steady, and Jan. 20—Harriston at Wing d Mrs, )Aerbel hip, Ellen An C kantall, MPS. u to,: at ham Avek A -end with, Mr. st� n, 64:CiOzerw t. the Annual meeting field; Duncan McDonald, Con. of missionary, John; Ritchie; Thos. Blake, A d.; q� with silver tray. Jan. 24—Wingbam at Arthur., 1 * tea' e ow uc iite�ary I and soc'41, I in Decemb6r, 'Aylmor A Jan. 25—Ust �Mrs. JagAllenry 'was John� MvQuoK form' etly, of AthfiA 'kr ri. ok A was re-elee Be to, ninny, bewAr of GI at �uekno* visiting 4th: vice b Mrs. 'Georie 36s�ph -Smeltzer eke Miss Hatitipth McDdnald, is. Irlira*lel�cted' president, and a former blaA but few, ff"d 'Gardner t rrtsiawit of, th Jan: 26--�-Valmersto af Winghikm OrgA"s with. Mrs, Archie Mactrityre- si Dorls Twainley vice' president for the C061-. ai Lanek 8, as your J rrist6n ttacl�ett; a trick W for her sIxth, An,�f be true�to your friend a 96—Arthur -at 'Ha 'llene - slid 'EveliYn Johngton gsitatit .6, gtqni pmen's InAtittite. Miss .1 . . friena YOU! Jan. 27—Luck-naW at'Usthwel ing year, is. -Of .4 1pefit'laSt �viek 'With friends on the LI yd Web- s iretufted on Sat" Mrs on tourt id Gnrdner and o' MAY di present Ur. and- Mft� Win- Jan.'. 31—Arthur Pal t� Mr.. N' Ruby R014 It Miss Olive it6'11 suiffor�d dlstrass-� Ainn L _Bet. -at or go nd Tuesday . L W-Oaa you be 'strong in the Od - idft- 1—ltserigtft at Luckinow- d Mn.,,Tom Morrison of urday to her home at Zion. Mr, an vVer, Tor6nt� m6toir- -Feb. 9—LucicTfow -of, Zion i facial injuries,in.,' you qan dot n. Fr d And visited ifi t h" J.: M60hi.1444 disposed of ers Mi. and Mrs. -.1 ACie ftill whitechurch spent tidi . ky. ith Ineos �q - w co, e rs d rs. as. *kny of P.ais- day with *si Thft eil me, th stfanter. on "min Feb. rthur nd )K! n M�n W. J. r: E. 9. Arnew.succeoded who took possession you. iLnd *rs. WesleY, i,T)atric. ... 1 .1 j, F6. 9—PaImbrston .�t ley visited Iv Mrs. Jones tle aj, Dlvisiq� Court Fe ---�Luckhow atillarriston -h w-erek' inJoroftto. CI returned home aft4t 6 ]�T. 4nd P 'e ona Mn -and Mrd. RaI0 Nix0h Will. Kom'toA of the July 40. urteous' be. eke6rful# be, honest,* b ;ervic4o for the pdBt thirty ive years Spending Be eb in a r8tob I Mr. and Mrs.- Wft MArtih 61 Par -9 tP16Qt-Moti-day eveining after 6!ght. Feb. ��W' tViarffle a re I n, C Elsie Ritchie' ve jr, Concert in, ihe bring an gbondantt of, glad:' od lieedi, Mand. Msi a. 'Geoite, Twarwey: brought of re ifi 64, tuition mount visited 'tit the h� 6 61 t fr, 0 PaRt Wek.'a Re If, 6f, big ritirbm6h Virna, an(V Wall contrgt1jlgtj16hj­ to rt. - � -­ I - , If 0 nesi. to youl au a .6 Prov ote o R. a.' 9 on h6 *10ted-tho last of -Railway bonds it, 5; Winithaffl, i rd . an i i r, We' extond of th Friday. foult!D" W6T . e.r 0.-d. birthday 0J with lj%,ke on It *uIV Win buili Wilfred, Ridlil, 6p ount of %W,40 tell- duo .011 .6tild yop be wiset? Ilion w4 u firqt6h 4 tucknow, 2 tl�t wgdi gt. PoAt eltinnon Mr. and, Mrs, Win. a oi I int whieh she cel�brate(l teof grader - ast of tuck Mligi pIll Ijutlitj�r of - P'rarA .4; e ti otil-ghter Uts.-TU61% TA 16111110n I A"th forget anuar thee ng be, 'hold In ilid, A kth Mr, - and from thb cab, In ile. Camerono 9,1 oeken& vis[tor. with - N .. I . . Mr., wid Mrs.. 181.011 Li.tt*wl, 6; SatardAy 3aii-Paty from . carbon m6n�jdd almeft n, 2 is t� ggjbou�,, on Win; $funters Jr by lgord4ft' M I T,utkii6w, o at i pteg6tit A- yettr"a togr t6neesal �Aool hoqse "so Trim Hackett is M 46"ph Win$hw6, h M -to, 6bso ggh,anj Ddikths— ft Be, oakn�gt be Watchful, b610fliket- T e dotfifilitw met sat.Thurddi%y. afternoon WhI ch o g WoraMme faylogo Luck, tng wgg hel&�I' it 1.1, kidil. Miss *garet obett 4jar#6vi husband. of uet& the home Blake'was 94th.'U!tthdXY§Ar6BpoctiveI eehurA. Mrs. Thosi -6 mA, t tj It 844YdaV- nTens tA N4'st and, ihird 0 -we; ult. qs,. w J-61ce' in he, carog.1 H tp. prepare r, e pr grAM )A' gnad Y. Pats, ninde i5jogontatibb t6 R6v, P09 ug es egi&nt of tht:,W, 'A you ill re teW J, 1 - urrg as. �nd 1 - efiresid0nt with 'a Mf a. a T. er. JJ ive p 4ff ate and, pres., ej� St*wafd� 61de pr s - 2nd #I Mti c T in geona M spent r ,ed A6ket sPeftt th Y� of ild sybuf broth Ion out g�it�,w ice - & 0� tAt6o; jmos A4 MI age �nd ph6tie 19, Arthur - 1 oPotd, YOU khoW, the o�d 6 meed'F 'f9t -*�d, thir t;earng t gun, is Wi'nef% 4 fi oft his 40ughteio jviemn� leatti;. do Ct6f Wit w - ele at i6 kinder, 904�- 1 , *0 �.' 1 4 - 0 an Uft, W, 9. A�detgofi' elected Or#$- oq)ht ilijile; thitiks. Why, S'd I - I . DULY * - , q hk #.. �14arr. , , , Il. -,'good 4heeft inners of meond, and totitth Keiwo, or, Wiftt stitiate" Budd wi , a , *rtQ *e Ys with IsCan lk 1. OP T, I A 'of first Mi ifittd Aumin&d plj4ne l6gw� Lti6ow- td Sqnday, visito tfiii It 11—f6t, d A d nis Iliq Mel. elaplo clArke. a - h#.btd to tqAt some of his patio- it I A. man who '9 teams to have choice date a d. VA U z1W and sWhgives ift loorke L DO' gug, 6�dalft6d nod h t '06 9 0 okwnik, Wr th �e were ree n IsTW at d out pastor 'of DYMAmdud K v, ih66fi s.. . ............. ........ . ... .. ........ . .. . . ........