The Lucknow Sentinel, 1939-01-12, Page 2'1% .. ..... ... ­ R�,, �, � ., li� ­ I A " 7 slTek 'T :n S ISIR h %9 i I ­ - - e. 't - --- 4 oe nes 0 Ma H' -W WsIr- Wt n, to -La e Keatin h a "No. M d rs, b Wr nce _; - . tol Them Dafl-ir Y_ 'che '7 Sbthej, of- E,Aon�­ wit his wrist.. romp.. 'by a childhopff� rn�., Yang , . _1p, ese Gi I ted ui- `,Vathy -for such . . I . I .4 ol ell. Of 9 -MEAL i�qtiya burst r inmi. ing on wintry roolt f'om. the�- iiijigg. r' n, 'Ili ingry birds flutwgrw stpo,ngth that, Guide 41' doing. Iroliof WdA d -lips. - fame and irn Q '�'TP L xr-to 11 again -and aing Job of Graber shot i th her dar,i Are it acSqu - Lunch. or pis ishe& alle� cals pr,,0,4i th In he inie rips -through a "no maxis an. pain slaA4 C T* seare c* onal. Knife-like uper., n4i ie SfiaighaI6 K*(hjkriiie Baker. er�, ay, lid kne*. He mie* air�. plotting.. 4j641p.- aa doitsideiable.:per- .800' n to murder- ".W -e hea Chines bofrie ki nt down ii dead w6i and' S al�eidy a �Qod 6w'In1T4e;P f ',her -in ome i -0:13onadd is Heart -war yeih-S, tentage; 0 like d� to. boiling point. -st M'�`D"ald -do y bibild- Is 'Add veg- ing, slaousu6ss .Switched off trij -es -col bring, Slowly and thib� delibe jear �he pass _jar$ li'd rately s, lie ii rbr on he la" ht, a drum 10 sold ed b r teot d 'For, i ed,them plod paotl Riess heap Eery 1� Yeats oid the. -lig solves, iii,a,sii-store Simmer.geptly Wt lilt ays. They* can get- � any, ' oIs d 'gh'jho Cook:: a lif -saving certificate. hik4 s-� 'smuggling.,ring, which,,h! -to 401 49P o. a good- sta r�be the , etibles-* and seasonings an. Oman Margare,'thol d the'ground. ea W e led. hoki -on' the flooi-1, Ova i � middle-ap. ing ain. Chill; remove cess, 11, Es'cixpesi e -said. Jim- me ain. 'grianii;ed. al pakt a 30. s bs beeajq�arning, so�, 14)..ngt is A rell Y tributed a t tecoine di� colwe� J1 panepe f a 0 'evidence hii..WaY- A Seemed YeA4 late' t at' lol, was 4,urio4S to see thia'doo rofieient "In the .74 e-�_ Dail , Bring to. a 611; u4iil� quick heikt lor a cold or; sit ad meial,, Or,., fat d i quite p "wbich'inha it"'. d fiave .1rilig I t 'i w irds' �gathe��-- : . , , . 'dn4own: EdMOW�11 n I �� � I his.jif� b 0 in, QwS SA itg th r. t tinkle ot a just.'a flavours( for- 11;ard thd'� insis. exit anbi n .0 001ATS .11 �­ 1 I " f9etva'hot. . sit 4, e",' S I any mea: ore ratilod -On' h 'tel 'beil'.Ala* realization came to V I;ge to 'the. City. I.: Pei On. abotit.' I' niiiiuti, stlirfiig ",trbugl f C6 "eseen rE" -'CHAPTER XVIII w; 6 haen't i , - t con t Fy Thei�e A_ PC shoot, ct -in' foo$1 'A hear y soup namating. hethis'- w no XinnY QW) a. . any -cc 'hoine and"TOr those hive-the,4ea '4� OP ott tram. jetting A I BLACK BEAN '91O -He� groped to. re'jch Iiiii N.et -the floo -t ri'bloba�besi46. him.q.01 guardeav senly A . 116! . u?aef: i6iiii0d. reme Pr b em �ge 6fthe! followft So ­,UPS C.ut.6� have ldarn6. q Japa)r froi,,, tbir'de,g"d nib jed 'that v d food phone battle P, �t :bg his, Iii T. *iid,to approach, b0iiness.. You're other' 614� leiidiiij�'%O the OYSTER: SOUP -t Y 'Guri+'in,hand,, ona eans' and,fed way, t .2 cups-'black'b On I cc caught,.' hip reodft.' Gruber 'had. got* a" tablespoons uibk�qooli'719 PIC sliced. RELIEV1111 tj Seemed incredible. t. s,�efiied revi q I Sma return. tb the d aifa -aftet a P 14W , J?odd to Do6inedvAnt�a ion oQr: four'hourg n 3.'tali sp cap slot, opened, it a,'few an ossible thing- It ido Is .1 cons butter 'Mrs'. Sather; througk the MONFORT . INIS MATt -to crawl. and 1 t6asp6onsalt: L Iritaw4s. due' Winnipeg, "Thanks; Ali *cie Herp�s Hip groaned albud. q �old wate'r, ITom lery, -'Difoc ions mont6n. koin gd,urcund th� -of Cayenne '�xcept, now er Ushe.'finally Dash i6s, Or w9, buck fog..your, trouble. SoIong!�' rd . 'That was p Brit diced .899�, myees an 9 Stalks cp -vets--H ae iHis brought. the fAtpgrcoi b'' k 'ivou 7e-�-and 'it d n9t, be Vash of papriha 1%'tablespooha flPur, just Foliow Stniple aih 'a. ki en,, Mid ,deheredtb6.flhg,. ive more.tripd 4 cups Milk s -Acting, o happenin Land" were., salt 'on' thie ae�sk b side. 9 . I . 1 tv ..Below, 36d We'178.t Pldthro .1%. teaigpo6n I]) oysters, Cut in pieces made Y thig -coutagebus mese s -.bii#ei -don't rook '1111,6116.'; Dan, listened at'th e re "Aspidn" Tablets- Ch per "the money. %,'Now, oftoi b .. I :�fi`teiipoofi pe)p eyes . rolled. - -f' d pro-- 4 tablespoon 'mustard- po�gkeedy, 'You'll get. it.� et'ssay ceivej,r. His­,,diazed n ,Giil�Gqide,�Carrye ood'an 114, teaspoo 41 Ccmbine quick-ebokin Lofty! 'What. Ybu'v6.6t it­--� g.. taioca, you hand. 'me the- d isions_. to 'the I doomed battalioli Dash of Cayerine' cash is,I 66 . 4'.Wait Wait'll I thihlr�" v WRasoning.s. and''milk,in top "Of i*Jhe 'already -n:. leb�dn I..ro iase Oaln -an 'T, Finally sb� the' order'foi I tablesPoo d GAMES.- you he package.' Sure 6 darri�d Willen. had. hii cash - he won thom . to giv I discomfort'and r4dode feve stuff you I wan fins to the d6uble boiler. Place 'over eggs,, h6ci5 dijmd t e up 6nz a hard; bOilE 0 the Stuff now. US- Set- -,'bo1Iinj-,viuter,, bring to.. scaldir I'm it's the snotv. the whole twO to:cotne for .1 I British and retreat, into the 6r�, tiiinly, slice4* rtage 2 W&U en have-� 5 to 7 minutet),cook ni TabI -a 9140 t 11' Dan mumbled,. (allow rl 6ndred .anA:AftY giand tjement. f�equeiiil�. Add Wash. beans -and s6ik over Ight., ets-d nk, Wt -,at it. any more. gold on -1 5 minutes,,stirring of witer.'Reeat-in "Ob,.ii li"Otto, Per. V�Iour Miss - H�i: mis d butter., reheat. -Serves. 9nuto �04,10n in 1%. .t roisedl-_ But G�rabef­ k oysters ah 1 htes,. .Diairi up. Zh U and,-ituffe4 t4e billsI g Was sen,t,.,tC?.,t6ur 'knerka tdo-a butter, inn eA ihe eehangd.. a - cycl6me. I was -to �:6 n. like', 4 cold at 'd celery. a;nd ald,fro -in w er, onior an ninap6exer path . �t ' I' crazy 1BEE174kOTH _WTW-,TAPi0CA Ada 'breathlessly rippod pen ;the papki. alkili, .'to 11elen, see.7 . in., yout�,'foy her people,',' Iimmer 3% to 4 hou'rs, or until' On -the level -i I -diced reliel beans'ire i6nder,,adding vast, -We abollt ourid-bepf, A' h' e:,, Sighed H"lirg. I he'dre s e cqps!�old Watef want - I .1 V Ing tb. you.,, -But 17-�-j, 1. C#.carrots, ice crughind7dissolve was nothi cf. farce through hhe sieve. Tyle J; re. o:.diced, Tli6 man le turned. for the out- her.?' -he�whispred, h re . /4 cup Ce Cry, -tablspoons butter, rle!'1ablels In aining, 11/2 d'Ott;d:, skipped, 'with the Stull, a: 'all ..in - Bult eke,, Ma inion and 'stii until smooth. h, h im ad,& f lour, Ilass,of Water. er offfc�, but Helen, krubbe4, her-to'shield him backing an199 people. sat listeni�g to,a rhall piece ay,lea. t up -mixture, aiii Giaber You're Pinched Add a srhau amoun so h ouL He;!Il kill. her surie! Listen, speons salt - at last. -1 in ed -mo of at,, The 1�g, CombivL with rie- politician.. re stirr �DUWI I . I., s qicl cooking tapm, I :iihiybe.you Itilt cin jet that I :, ; -.-A .2 III. globe.fe rom the 2 %* tgblpspoo .- n Ifibig soup mjxta� ,Reheitt to money.!, sea.. 11 f t mal e. 'a. cent, d t "Huh �Qillen.' W6n.t Cos You m -stirring frequently, -an, 9 .'You kenow apa c shed: 3gea boiling, iiled. c�iljng N, d do you say C , in er an y eat �vitfi 'cold, wat I[Ci,:thi Way Thousands' Know' to' CkG�ab�r, *eare "federal add, Seasonings. Aad,lemo'n juice -you e- on 'he'll. ho -id! -Com ere 9'tew min- Colot drained fhis face like wb to �ggs an&llet stand Discomfoit of, C6 da Fase Pain and I roat `Acconip2p7w the kirl., Wbpp - rve Soup,. gar-,. tuited'bottle got the sndw,. -1 got seasoli., Se an up u0s, to g rishing each'pbrtion with Sm. -and Sore Th ra spa6e: of conds'Ottd *as he'ligten 'slice of'.1-em.'- o, 46 you Say? Take it?" Axid �Eisi to Foll Colds -' Easy (Q. P8 when the cork it drawn. r. VV661ei Filet. Ch9rt 10, Mgt, y ow 0*enty se Lga;Jn ed; pahting, HbPP A L f h4�le way picture',d aboye, amount o egg n a mdin, his, bl6od§hot ;�eyes.' 'n. Serves .S., -The sk. RNM ly. fast relief, Paralyzed. His fat. lips of.fefi bFings' amazing �w forth - f� in n-6 iaxind..His arm �ga discomfort and sorfaL thrftt, n, Ifsure 'iromid. the package - oosc ibddthen ot. a pla g 96)R Le�ty Meet You. at. the accompanying colds.. Tiy it, *Thed -' -doctor 'of pa.7' ight; TIP y�ur .1le Icofitra�ted. with 'a drinklia 0.0 probably will tell you to continue :per. He�,wii shiln *..ou. wa with� "Aspirin", because it acts so. I nt H�Ien, thails II!' . . I rot, ,, . . -minutes, - Hell, I tell . It . M0 - - - --- - IW1 M -field fifteen or rincesses iig� - lip." Clinging we Y fast to rplieve disIcbmforts of a cold. H e h aki Hold hlinj.1ritm, er name's Vtto. Iiita '-Doiira�, t, ....... �3o. gar, 'th desk, C61well..� uttered a And torechicelever. 6 or o6,Ha Ne�v� 1g,katilei 1xi-Itol 0'�d is A: pop NQt flel , en player that had the f rv' ' of This. simple v�iIy, backed -by scion orrd E relaxattibri. on the- set b Fafie,,,; Buckin'gfiarri Palh anted �tumbled. drunken y. yers can 4 "Siire .11 -fight," soul we7re - He. tific authority,"has Ift insr of' the Pla in it, 060 ely s.uppi 1w1his inaniter; MaAT feds, a I I -.- *;.--­.iS . . -s in easing the use ol stropg medicuil rite el idn% you even sxfllroau!&� fAvol game,on.,., 'Co1w 1: grinned.' f!D c�ld Perhaps- the ea Jest for the .door i-� -9be met, Ischess.. Shels, OhOW4 aY11181 17 Mi es B suspect it? ooks like' wJe, inAde y taki swimmin -Pool-- ;tt 'Symptoms. et new "is �'be-. Bucki :with one o thqfi*0VQFtY� boYs. iy's. wrong!" he nxilm g mO t effective way y discovereds The 'S'tough- figham. - Palace sweet pinch. Penalty "If Lefty' . r, -bled. 'in. anguish; lally.,ebustili-ted for Prin-' Demand -ind''Get iiig spe i ithessed cash 'transaction! e same ag ouL-ht.',to, take wrong. h` Eli2abeth and'.Pi-incess Mr-. They. left thei. r htd-riiedlyl c ar- will be . ready for. the t Rpse- .7 Sunpk Rules, _y, QbIllen, ehT '-g1Zre" the -Ek teied cabin.. AMP': at N hy I� ma pki so t -19' to V See now -w _,orcross;,, w e. gil -first AS City. f.0 I kq:�e their E considerable: -size., E*ing lov, Otto� O its earlY this ypat. The OUG Itn' t 'have it vetyj'viry ain r had1b,airport nor. even 4. laridinlr_ .. l 0 - ded: at, the beginning, of a ae . . . . . . . thesurnmer to "tt HP Augied field. sh6w "6h the chArt.r 'King deci _6' ma r tivel'juststarid the e'till IM, e 1, geth'my.. bracel6ts-�' bav the To p ol de enioerr miles to,,, Ew�: on Ahe Site bf -at it Wai, S�v- it.. drawer �f''66 desk. Why thtk.. old' racquet§ al with Qttb,� 4 il!t you'r6ad'viiat. -it says' ng. The de Court -in the Palace rounds, ju�i $A Tekiplione Cop*any_o HDA idi juiAly� madd., The two men on' my'fircint door? � fTh * 6 I?ed�ral- er was 1 I., by -the gai4 _� entrance, an car, rolled: away.' Tbew 6pranjin d1he t.1 And. you. over it's GW;s! Ro'ofed Faiwatil With looked a plain n -dollar bill �b The floor of the old. courz, hWes That A" En*10yeft I ..I, fident fore by �kjfik Ed,war'a. Ti 'warnfrig- ell waved, a to 4K He had been :ov'dr-con the fillo*?s. eyes, eep over -�Get '*hiah was used five and thii.is yo&s ern'�Rdo*us­ gijtifica�ion ,bf fo�1:7" tr iias been in disuse 'for: the us,ther e in: a - hurliY!' ,v2Ztory after months�ofi,' this most ICOPR." 938. NtMK"fl MIME, INC:. many years, �xas- broken up � to .He. sank back. .. His� ,glance at'. During the last 21years. the Bell pas-. tieklL-h of all cases.� Graber's ' PATTERN 1902 make wdy foi,the new' ool. Bat Tj r T A Fl. aas CROCHE ED C, `RF�IAG SF�T p iloplibne'Co&Paby Of Czm" sion , mounting faster thiry' pJ_ ,LdftSr Quilleh ingde bim,,ponde' -in the ilass, roof bLen left the dozenth ilrn�, on the, ittI6 kitty 9 * iM Ou''t Over $13,6.00�QUQ- in �Vue fOrm 'Wierps ;�Or& came'.Out made the' again for "Hitle'kitt -her coat it so *hrm. Though this I I 'love Y- position. .Pfincess. Elizabeth; who, str . angen I ess c�-`his tuddit. paftnerm 'htk -nice decked,- out with it or. slelmeje behefits to. usI emploi- a. bia - He -went berserk� He ilet crochet still baby will look mig fo'i three tbin 410 - as *no,., other t 1.4''bu f -gives touch ..has been ha . Yin I g *udy- Pf thd mar__ ut) there. v ribbon, drawn throtig scarcely have' known,. *hat.. ship. B -Carriage or crib eove'r. The, courd as a P. harts and directighsJOr making sot; -cases eceeded. bj-li� chance so far as 'he knew. Gra-6 ttelrn 1�62' contains c hag h� riska bitt.bo s af cQlor� a d ot* ' -8wing, kn Ltekials required. ber's carop was n in illustrations- af't weialed that, anixi" bf hi the 2 titches; raf -C e iceeptea) fof.t is in coins (stamps annot bi li!, could search these .'t .endAweity c6nt's 1�s ma St., Toronto fttory',system­' =tb -West delaide 'for weeks aimlessly tt to Wilson IjAdlecraft Dept., I W6rcG4& Mask BEE N d.� A.' bullet �erqd Is iliflnexiza� br=dbitis �B*d lily ly ru P MreaMe pattern . .,bor, your nam -1a mgms, ithotit dis6ering num e and. address. V10- w hat', �Jaj -1ra' Peel Onio IVE jC -1 Zs s�r haik an fit 4 -he "ter v '01 -,13M e-- oute wiiiL Sought. Quillen *-would 49: he. w 't ck g; �e r tur 'as Colwell. to confront- Js the Ideal ankious achass�- Typical is "As-, e. -xan -Daii's as Capable g t, aEven gas. masks are 6s on wound- ot�to. shion Flashc Uat aD3Ak'1r_. teiiskj" torisisting -black "vel- of 8�', okeifie' use and purpose, -ir it* muy not be certain �hp expellei3r0 of, UAS him Off 'Their. glances Crossed iite Fa vet''jacket b6ned orh'below the kner on S be k though swdeft ALUT. Is to slbei - r, I 'get tba- snowli that, -wide'�"kirted' blue 6'Britiih authorifies; otl 4�w�, -Bow -he 7 sim�ie rul, -lor to baamt* 4VT agailist mein knots r6 c6ming �bac c t whether thi es, on 'the level,�-ahVt #911 There'was taffeta'. dress. A who . issue them would ap 0 ni fashion. rove our- m r ng.. euring., WM t e-. way be. said I hdu appears . :'1114ever, For- -,that development.' One' air.' 1�611 EL�k, �Dp.wra.- I . . . ete in .ds -v - - . A,, an v Area in th of r6 it. with jvt"� elephant- gray - w6ollon rhid., warden w 9 'iness. it' ni tam* an bo' e bus c -of stai, pp Wgu, W, wool ;,T*UT g ha L KIWIP Z�iTs tisgpi: t;�:It a t t own for "Air Raid Precautions Conse- -En I 9- oligilk is sh Ouse icus" paid.'a.morninig cill At one go ro OW, ihdiain, Mine ts on. Deserted4H to, _s L 'Dan. S 'o- Jtb fe ctually wearing,her. matt Suitsi. and wi This solifeiry 0 4 cotta& aii'd found the *house r water regula4y -lie C)igrg wi pan -vaunteer th th4#., blouses. in house of wo'd and e;& w fis in e Vtnbet, Pa-. ter impressively- t. Weep, wXn 4inde*s -up m, sbundancie, regl's stone -She ' as peeling oiflo g 1, 'is a preparation for the �midday still remember �rij,bter ieiv out Of. &SAS. She bis sbiela, 'Tlo-renC4e Nightiiigale -of thd in . miny collections Mu, t men].. 4. Keep fresh fmits and q .. un I i, Maggy' Rauff, Schlapatelli, - days than, cb Foi"t,v- tables on.youi dallY men 16i -Wo�k icfuet). "it sits', her irr Ped .Does: Wbij ere, Lelonig and P That phis the pottal where Bruy For Redskins Md. the Whit* X,trend to soft or ferninine typos 'Ve 5. Woar - I ehough Clotbing, vb�e.r with 19-00-.v emini� - - ohl-Mous of �kll but memories. Doi too inueh wh�-g "73- Sl�tders in B. C. -is . indieated, outdoors cence in. lej­o',� rrmiion -sleeves; Ieol�Ts�, often n -dan 'jive wit4, loneliness, West 6f�Will ams Lake, 13-C., In .11cht in cc trisk; hotpe RLIEVE OUGHS 'figth' jack-,- g. Avoid going �out lnt,6' th.e C p'le'ated*.ski, too lolig the V�Ild Anabim Lake distriet of its; wgi wheit you are P DUE' I 0 British C While stubborn silonce cdng§,t� ,olquiblia's Cariboo area, .a ets, 7. girl.knowd as the 1'1?lon�nde Night- robt and rafter. okare,burned off before. rig Imining Cbyne s'iftly, morning, �vilb -the COLDS- datpe�s, �Oi, the vigbta COL style., .1 ingale. of the. F�rest" turnigheo me- White pique' t ri nyw DS: -Song C - nteds df, scatte�ed India & feature of voice of di ad d -AND DiAv_-A'wg cold in chest or tl�YoAti - wleive Aettl4is... 'And hills vesduh d� with' Ject, quickly eaaes� !,ry�nt,',a'jr duale eweiry is -iMpjrtant. joyo aughtek! ii,oer safe to yieg eShe Is, Janet I of �tho Vancouver .G, r e soothink, wafting'Mus- Kifig Russell in th . e,' -Bathm' Stiitv A 9 New ydrk Sun. ED. Gold hair J, PS I T eiid al HOS01t, ;dn terole is Anblie& pledged herself to 'sefv-,. Lowbr waistlineg must be b 0 '.�qlli­and Chanel,fgvor tfi4m.. M-Olk" NOT just a i;alve. Its "dbunbora -mile a . velops thern, vitb g4 e s A, re' A'T R. �H' Go'Voiy -Fari!�y t6n a' fnllsta�rd luster Who has �vatehod' fof oly eux, Schiapdr-, in Musterole gets a�ti in. becac-It"s Ingn -the health of the dlitrici 88, % from the yoR.K. _ Bathing,�suits iriftapV_ stimulgtmg,ponetratitig; is. a- allabl" to ilf. commilfiIiies In th r V 0 of cou a�eao '22-4.- m-fles *dflt. -Of Wll-. or sash 6ows pos&I �0 ipi. and. 4,wlm suits) are 4nd lbelpful in ov0edrning IOCAI cO&". the. this sensofi,l trhmmid, d n. liamt Lak on Pa knak-es it a, feature of Weak?"Tb Clear those,,blocked N4sial' Passag gestion an pai 6, and, aiis*ors �alls Schia YOU d& before, Used I --millions for 80 years. Y;OF49N Idio bre I . . . . I ruffles, bows y ack 'over liftrd' t 'for millions ey 6com -e b i6th' t1nocking, borseb raiii tbrougfi the Yopre i;ilhouette, wh'ch I . 6 e th reeding OlAce rided b:V, many doctors hfid while, Chanel does Weak, thin, her all elasticized ah4 , in n sht sponsoks c no A They nurses. Mo& in, Canada fil three de so bu�b. VO, Mv nentionitig 'rhut&?als tbiA fact. is th a l6ti slim diabhra�ofil, of dangerous.germs., qu.lar Stren;�hs S, Canty �M",Cal suo Wi �1 )h .01 .9 . ptTerigths6 R tite '',teed oConsequently., dfujult (iiii1d ndExtria Strong. A0- Ah .11�uatr ,k 54ie Pler�r'a Fdvorite. Housekee g Bu-; : nloy� worldover..Tho antiseptic vapours of, but atiori of, the wor shd Full skirts?' Sli skirts?, The 'are �CstgttIt.li it; stealinj your t do�g, was contained, In a letter This Prescription. I the, newr st, are, sift'g_skjrted, like' ovea py es the M6111t) keeps d o a 9 "yes"'t6. both, fot,botb of lite. �-Mucus r V,� Menth6latuo �uickly pp i&u. Aff druggists, answer I t6nic, stiniulat oind tfni(s'ago: p ,.fight the lurking germs_ -n is wore rl assages -'(41 h 'Oni at- ttfer. g, into your th seDirndl,Akii are .;li,,�� appetite, are, SHOW heee itn'prov6g Ipill r6at. You ave Jusi Come. back fi lins'the, taste, sinell or brdath0Jl)r6p#r.ly,. i -retard the gathering of mucus. also numerous but Tiot 0 novel. udixig Cbl6f 8quiiiis. -146 had.. ehee to si�'tn skirts than has been il'utrition? Ca lion earthe 610 ed nostrils fifid pro- -ftd n' tea 'roebiritly; with -Mainba' teg tones th6 fe- Vout clogged nhant pamlatis pro. mote, h6althy. rout t' lustred k by a 1hd6ge a V 4 ino been ba'61 gored V� Mfg, ti Jayon 1 -jersey Are fAvot- 'd dirty., inpakelli- and M 99Y IijreddlhA� lilice anhis 'Cuts I JA 291 lidriaotgetnn thriviiand tutittioly 30,66ht.tube-oi Ar, 6f Mebt�olatuijl rei deep'an 'Ate t ite tihsiterials6' Colors hoer cleanq& them I I 110, usin Boo Jilhouettes; that arg, 'Way. Ing6it a ll�ttle,6,t3 the.nogrilg .r o jjw obou'f *k1n, d" 6- inupset; .,iptibn hotoia to ;.�bdft-yqutco mon eveops r to 4 the s old grass, -twigs and Most W Re t Vim 6,38. liuild Pj�oeei FAvoritd 110 Into a- wore s6ious ed nt. Start tarrh io thwaabd4of to tillitt njy, #i6tves afid MAdd Ift feel VWK. &Y e- t*miriik�-.-wWF-,U-lt.riL-fi,tkefl-" . � ue) American eR' up th6,*duhds with MI ? It, "otifiki - ifreigth th&,vubded,Anto *6V 0 . y &ppetJtd 11i4teased, I �dtg- M60%holadni . the healig� _*otos#� in eviry vii?. iriAtally tatita lvekt Ed ustil'b milllons,4 people the: f�ll SkirtS Rte� sia- ffilf. like a tiew woThAD. UY no -on y e. il 0 40A, 39 co-kah, , 1.1-1.1, 1 4 cskeiedle, ubbig horse 9 pink alras a thteA4 )�,ned Jacke s suits or betob 'Our- -0 � a, 4taid of ftbltis drebi k i - ImA er Al ruthisr 40' nsIor 0 Ing ang F I �9 ...... . ... .. .. ...... ..