The Wingham Times, 1900-01-12, Page 3,tel .
great vital. beton
def oars are the
iiseem soda.° blood.
A1aJW ee the *leis
sof mall
eating Meats
cams cly, toning up
htearedt nervous
lad Replying plying thoma
teenier/ to wake
1till, wets Blood rich and, that to many wonderful
*rem hove ' een aeoredited to
late reined
ease of Ills. R.
Here is tArnold iia
oodstottki, q
Rho says: 1
"I was trait/ea for some
Dime, with nervous lirostration
fund general weakness„ feeling
rritable, debilitated arid seep -
es nearly all the time. lvty
i~ =Mire system became run
down. As soon as I': began
taking 14Iitburn's Reset and
Nerve Pine. I realized that
they had a calming, soethitig
influence Capon the nerves.
Every dose seemed to help the
cure. They restored my sleep, ,
strengthened ray nerves and
gave tone to my entire system,
I think them wonderful," `,.
.'~•h'ealdng la ainspling'0..
The statement is made by many jewel-
ers that it is their experience that they
havemauymore mainsprings of watches
to repair after a warm, humid clay thee
at any other time. Others believe the
'breaking to be duo to electric disturb -
'f mces, stating thtit after au electrical
• storm they find that mauy of their cus-
tomers bring their watches to them for
repair. The sudden cooling and conse-
quent. coutraotion of the tightly wound
watch spring, or main spriug, caused by
,the:removal of the watch from. the body
b ' a cool night following a warm day, is
ved by some to account, in a meas -
are, for the accidents in question. So
• far, however, no entirely satisfacftory ex-
planation of the difficulty has been sug-
gested evenby the most expert workmen
in this line.
For Ovbr Fifty Yenta.
i,....4...n, Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs'
slow's Soothing Syrup has been used
• ver fifty years by+Ilillio el&mothers
tireehildren while teething, with
ect success. It soothes the child,soft-
the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
colic, and is the best remedy for liar-.
nccea. It is pleasant to . the taste. Sold
bydruggists in every part of the world..
Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is
incalculable: Be sere you ask for Mrs,
Winslow's Soothing Syrap,. and take no
other kind.
Austin Middlemiss,' 18 years of age, of
Ridgetown, was senteuced'to 60 clays in
jail by Magistrate McKinley for stealing
tobacco from the M. C. R. freight shed
in November.
The brick block at Dundalk, Ont.,
owned by Mr. J. D. Morgan, and oc-
cupied as a general store by M. Riohard-
son & Co., was completely
lire on Wednesday. Loss heavy.
The •Ontario and Lake Superior Oem-
pany, an Ame.ican corporation, with a
capital of $20,000,000, propose to spend
the following sums on works already be-
gun. and shortly to be undertaken at the
Canadian Soo:—Reduction works, $1,-
800,000; chemical works, $500,000; alkali
works, $1,500,000; sulphide pulp mill,
$250,000; steel rail mill, $2,500,00;. total,
*7,250,000. -be veryeare-
ful of him. On the 'first indications of
diarrhoea or Cholera Infantnni give Dr.
Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawbery.
It has saved thousands of babies' lives.
Mr. Joseph Stothers has -sold his 90 -
;re farm, lot 18,'oon. 8, West Wawa -
nosh, ' to I fr. Wm. I1.yan for $8,850..
This farm was the Stothers homestead,
Mr. Stotheis` father being one of the
early settlers in West Wawanosh.
VOTIN( ilaJACHiN3a• : w'i .
Beguile «'w >a It Proposed r to•dad? r; to <_ : t•
u s aaoet_ s be
New York at JtlaOtioaw. bee
An effort is being made to get the
police oonenakedoeses to adopt for use in
this oity Uw voting =chime whish have
been tested in s*ye a1 aloes in the upper
part of the state, awl the board has the
matter miner consideration, The ma -
Wel., 5C Xp it de II , /1II N 11 1
everelse t e 1niZ1a 'riimetit ciente. I J.11L47211114-4= j a •
b tot. must be separet.tecl by t et eteescl dell Ib 1p " fib
cl4geetive pagans ero.0 the waeke =togs^ lett he gat Ur
lads, and meet be by rue tat tri t* iters e ee of i tea
bleed to all parts of the os1 +. WO Oa'+,blG wa_ t it , t to lafit NO anbd
believe the reason ler the great
benefit which so many people derive carry elf' t mstsage a phew:, with a pianist
`";` Tilt"l\)1 1'i, ,.` O )
p ]]]1 'Jen
chines cost SGG sash, and as there are from Ilood's Sarsaparilla lies iii. the filet plcay'h.g apart it. Mr. Saaudew lifted up
about thirteen hundred section districts that this medicine gives good. diger- both. w'itbout a hitch, bet while carrying
tion nod ruakes pure, rich lalood, It lest control or the
in the oity, the initial expenss.of install- restoresthe funotionaoi; thoseorgatlst+ 'tit off the stage,
ing them would be large; but the pro- which convert food into nourish- piano, with theresult that theinstra.lneart
prietwrs of the maims maintain that meat that gives strength to nyes awl came heavily to the floor, .mod the iustra-
the cost would bo saved in a. few years gt, o"f°i es. It also euros dyspepsia, revitalise plunged headlong out at the
boeauee of the greater economy of re- pimple.
cording the vote by them over the pres- rheem
mut system. Last fall 225 machines were have t
used iu the state, in the cities of buffalo, Known #3eips.
Rochester, Utica, Ithaca, Albion, Got -
An fxouing boast]' about half the size
iateo and Winfield.
Each. machine is about foux feat particularly in width of that ordinarily
square, and ten inches deep, and is suis- used i1. the laundry is ill 'are chi a re a
ported on lege which raise the top about hones where there 'aro children,
six foot above the finer, Itis screened frocks to be ironed. Tiny irons and
by a curtain depending from a semi -
where1 oardsl are also' useful, ospeefally
where the wash includes shirt waists,
circular hat .which projeets from the infants' and nurse -maids' caps, etc.
upper corners. On the face of the ala, The newest glass lemon squeezer has a
chine is a complete Australian ballot, 20 perforated getter, througle which the
Inches by 44 inches, with es many tickets
juice erns,. Tnnus mends.
on it as are in the field. At the head of A double and triple saucepan in which
each third is the party emblem, mud two ox three vegetables may simmer at
over this is a knob; and this knob is pull -
one cooking, lacy* be had for 85 cents.
el when the voter desires to. vete a A'sink strainer which dill save many
straight ticket. This single aotion moves
„ . mile pages costs 1,5 gents.
all the indicators for xlie ticket. To east A ve'n desirable dish drainer costs a
and count the vote the voter throws quarter, and a pie oiriniper and trimmer
open the curtain by means of. the operat- which cuts off raged edges and ornaments
ing lover with which it, is closed, the
the rim of dough, you can, get for five
ballot being counted automatically. ,
In carder to provide -for split tickets, cent.: •.
there 'isaninclicaterin-front of the name.
"ZOO ACR]rS Felt MY IlEeejLTH:' .
of Each candidate. To split his ticket PILES WERE SAPPING THE Luz 'RO111 lure
the voter moves the indicator back•fron. —PR. AGNEW% OINTNLNT CURED,
the name foe.' which he does not wish to lir. M. Boemer, of Enotmaul, Mich.,
xha ff •i
la, salt rheum, balls, sores, wings. The latter (to my nothing of the
s and eruptions, catarrh, lana
at'ism and all diseases that p ) incurred sone personal injury,
heir origin lit impure bland, oolupensatian for which.brouglit the par- - ;,
ties before the court. The pianist said sli ll t :l t first,
Mr Sa ielow was out of condition; M
vote, .and in. `the same °face line ho says: -i For seven years a su meet
moves' the indicator oorrosponding to.the from itoliing. anal protruding piles. 1
tried toil kinds of cures, but got no relief
name he wishes to vote over it. until I used Dr. Agnew's Ointment.
Every one is recorded as it is cast on. One application did more forme than
counter wheels within the maohine. any remedy I hacl ever tried. i ]lave
These are protected from sight by the . boon such a sufferer that I would will
tingly give my 500 acres of land rather
than have a return of my suffering from
those tormenting 'things:" a5 cents..
Use Dr, Agnew's Liver Pills for liver
ills, 20 cents. Sold by A L. Hamilton.
rear of the machine. When. the Polls
'close, the znaohine is locked against vot-
ing, and the doors in the rear are open-
ed. Tho vote for each candidate is re-
corded on the counter wheels, and all
that remains for the election ,officers to
do is to copy the figures on the return
slips. Disputes about marked, defective.
and imperfect ballots are done away
with. and there is a lessened danger . of
miscounts. The use of the machine was
legaliieed in this state in 1898, and it was
media Rochester in that year. It, was
found. there that the election retia is
were gathered ranch. more quickly than
before, and that there. were fewer ' dis-
putes: New York Sun.
To Prevent Colds.
AnexCellent preventative against colds,
is an all over epa'inge bath in water that
has stood in the bowl .oven night, on ris-
ing in, the morning, This is heroin treat-
ment on a cold day, but if persevered ins
where one is not, too.. delieate the result
is benefieiaL o e
Rub the body well with the hand and
a coarse towel, Thes will set theeblood
in ciroul&tion, operas the pores of •the
skin and keeps it in a healthy condition,
and tones the entire system.
Buy. a bag of sea salt, pour a quart of
boiling .tvlater o' era chip full and. add a
tablespoonful of ammonia and one of
camphor. Put the. mixture in a quart
bottle and keep on your washstand. 'Add
one or two tablespoonfuls: of this to the
water for the . morn* g_ bath, .and it will
be found au excellent tonic and Change,
Agents... ---Our booker. South Africa,
and the British -Boer War is a angular
bonanza for agents. .Big cheap book.
Sells on sight„t, Outfit free. ,
BEADLEY-0i AR1 ETSON CO , Limited,
Agents :—Our Christmas Books are
ready. From Fifty Cents up. Four
books explained in • one Prospectus.
One es "FamousMenand Great Events
of the Nineteenth Century." Great
Battles, Great:Men, Great Inventions
and Discoveries, Progress of Nations,
every great event of 'the century. ` If
you have a slow selling book or en-
gaged in other agency 'business yeti.
lose money to continue. I~iere is the
best opportunity for . making money
you ever had. Big .profit, easy time,
new plan, get our offer sure.
BRADLEY-GALtit iTSON 00,, /united,
• Brantford:
Prison Statistics.
During the month of December there
were discharged frbnrtho Oeutral Fris-
son 38 prisoners; first convictions, 28;
second or more than two convictions, .5.
Thero were. 20 Canadians, 3 English, 8
Americans, 2 Irish, From the jail there
were . discharged during the month 64
prisoners; males, 47; females, 17. Of
these 19 were convicted for the first
time, and 45 more than once.. There
were 29 oases of drunkenness. The Pris-
oners' Aid Association assisted. 24 pris-
oners, a5 follows: -From. the Central
Prison, 8; 'from' the • jail, 12, : and from
the Mercer- Reforma'to'ry, 4'. D •ig the
month the tegont of the associaa .in had
91 interviews with prisoners in the
Central Prison and the jail. He made
41 visits to the Central Prison and 1 to
the jail, 85 in the interests of prisoners,
besides 107.calls. From the. Mercer Re-
formatory there were 9 discharged of
whom all were fron'i Toronto. The,
Bible . Women made 23 visits to the
P.ohce Court, 11 to the jail and 11 to the
Reformatory. during the month.:They
also made ;232 calls and. had, 1,095 inter-
views with female prisoners: , The
,Central. ;Prison Night School shad ail
average attendance of .126.06 during the
010101.2 •.,• .
• 1, • Asthma..
Mrs. George Budden, Putnarville,
Ont., says: 'S feel it' my duty to re-,
commend Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed
and Turpentine, as' I : haid the •Asthma.
very bad; c6tdd get 'nothing ,to do me
any goods A friend of. Ynin.e persuaded
me to try this remedy, as he had 'tried it
and it proved successful. I tried it and
it cured me. I am thankful• to -day to
say I one, well woman through the use
of , this' . remedy. '25 •cents a bottle.
Family size CO cents.
Mea s+irink & Tree.
Supposing a woodchopper in the Maine
forest is' told to get ,out a mast for a
yacht, He knows that he must find a
tree `which is 'straight for sixty feet be-
low the branches. It would be very
trouble some to. climb trees and measure
then wiith a tape measure, so he with-
out knowing it uses practical trigon-
ometry. He measures off 60 feet in a
straight lino from the tree, and then he
I Agents :—Ohxistian Endeavor, BP- cuts a pole, which, when upright in the
ER TS1F Li HZ.: to:ruie'tiiii:j.othteinfen002,:rlia2:tovieg'ia'aildriel
P•U'. Mem- a.treasure aannd others.
This dngerous Blood Disease
always cured by Burdock
Blood Bitters,
1Vrost people are aware how
serious a disease Erysipelas is.
Can't rout it out of the system
with ordinary remedies.
Like other dangerous blood
diseases, though, 8.13. B. can
cure it every time.
Read what Rachel .Patton,
Cape Chin, Bruce Co., Ont.,
"I wish to state that 1 wed Bur.
dock Blood Bitters for Erysipelas in
m face and general run down state)
trf my health. 1 tried many rern-,
ernes but all failed to cure I then
tried T4.11.11. Two bottle nearly
,.... a t'• 1 fel . hemi::.-; v • ..
ground,' is exactly 51ilt:lisars
lf.Thilieplantsin wnlengthsfront Choend ilty foot..
'who desire to do good. atnd make money, • ror example if he is six feet tall, lie
to ciroallate this wonderful book. plants his six foot pole 64 feet from the
BlabLEY..GAztri,a00N Co., Limited. tree, Thou he lies clown on his back,
Brantford.• with his head at the end of the lino and
Ageittae:- 1)royfus; the Prisoner of his feet touching' the pole, and sights
Devil's Island. Full story'of the moat over the top . of it, leo knows that
remarkable Military Trial and scandal where his eyes touch:the tree is almost
of the age. 33ig ]look, well illustrated, exactly sixty feet from the ground. -
sells on sight. Snap for canvauasors.
BEtAlaLBreeiAItE ETSON 00., Limited, Weekly Eouxuot.
Just elf Y' 1
dangsr to ski^ , ) 4 lie .]'Qt
railwaymen; so I nature
individuals with daing ,r
one kind 'of a.nother ,wh'
physical condition is not quite l ti.
It may simply be a tired fenli'
slight cold, weakness of'the musci
fickle appetite or son e other slat).----.
winch indicates -;that ,,,our condition is n'lt a
Saauaew said be tripped over a crease in healthy one,' if the clanger signa ,i:; not hc'erletl, st rinus r^e-
the easpetwhich itwas the pianist's duty sults, will follow and a .Omplete ('0 la 'st- may r f'ct+r, 1n nine
to keep properly act during the perform- i 1 1 ed
luau u d la a case,s out of ten ill: direct cause of the tralilllEx i• in f Ceti ori ;ked
prate. Row
the poor - a coal g y 1 blood, or weak nerves. You need something to brace 'oaf
piano that was being caxriecl through the , up
'air and keep the carpet stretched at the,' ---to make your blood rich and your nervus strong. 1.)r. Wil-
sama time does not strike one at fleet Hams' Pink Pills is the only medicine that can do this .prompt
sight, or in fact at all. The jury in the; ly and effectively. They strengthen from first Idose to last,
end awarded the pianist ,22125 damages.
There are indications of au appeal.
"Experience is the best Teacher,"
' ir. John Siddons, Londom Ont. Hays:+ -"I oat sneak' mos vorably of the
virtue of Dr.willias' Pink Dills. s
wavy move invnivable in strengthening
and toning up the system when deblhtated. Hamm used themfor scam++time
east I ran a1mak most favorablyof their be nlfleial results. As an invigorato-
hf the eon sfitut:ot they Ors aU, that their claim tc, be."
We must be willing to learn from the Soli by all denless or post paid at 50 eents'a• box or six boxes for • .:.'n' by
experience of other people. Every addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville.
testimonial in favor of hood's Sarsapa-
rilla is the voice of Experience to ycu, --
and it is your duty, if your blood is nm- The Cra tuR for Stimulant .1, bas been .especially noticeal ie in the
pure and your health failing, to take The blood normally contains same- large cities; in the rural -districts tete
lots, and that these stimulants exercise pious maxims are stili applauded. to the
it favoring influence en fnuelion and echo, and the principal cliaractev elf rook
_ conchae* to and may even be'.a necetsery .or play must sten be i ee, a ra el:at le in
ROOD'S PILLS are non -irritating, mild factor in the production of the feeliue of morals, e
effective. r well being explains the widespread la-
ing inman and beast for stimula,l'ug A I%epel$tin Explosives.
ADVERTISING. substances. This liking amounting el- Tl:a Ointu a Bureau of Milt's tt fll
most to a craving, is the expression of a sIicrily''issue a report prepared by Prof. ,
this medicine. You have every reason
-to expect that it will do for yon what it
has done for others, It is the best medi-
cine money can buy,
It Has Itevolntionired Business and Bents -
great h mole 'cal rinci le. Whe:1 . De I b, of Kin;:st0 Z, dealing.with thei r
umanity, P y P P
health is perfect, when the I lord as Well ,nature or c eplosives used by ruiners and
Advertising is indeed one of the great provided with its eriper stininittni s and 12-c C;tf. st methods of needling such rl,an-
clevelopments of the age. It has rove. not overcharged with depressants; there eerousmateeials. In order toaccumulate
liitiouized business and shade it possible - is no craving for extraneous stimu'aets, a tlio nec' ss:a.';, dna, Professor De iz'lb
to accomplish in a, few years what other- such as alchel, tea or coffee, but when spent same time le visiting factories
wise would have taken generations to ,
the blood is defective in the ono or neewa ie explos-va 0:0 produced and his
changed with the (Alai: then is fe t the l els et:Lt on the sine,-;, c' ;r•:ll be thoroughly
desire for the glass of Wine ex the clip of ; up t0 c',ate. 50011 af.,.r Cite CT atign of
tea. ` the Bu. eau of Mi- es. nc•ite alar based cit
compass. To -day the advertiser,.
through the medium of the public press,
ear( introduce his article to the entire
public most literary at a Bound. Such In order to .obviate this desire the the best infcrn•atiee then available in:
a servant at , the seller's elbow has body should be kept at the highest level Togaitl to eap.osives :: a3 prizitecl ^nd air•
from ally made business vastly different of health,. The inpre perfect the t level
culatod among tllo rill ii *a; c;, Since
from what it was several hundred years the more perfect the composition of ilio that time now nee ioriiis Cf ear; lisives
ago, blood in respect in both physiological have been introduced, reel tee p seat is
It is no longer necessary, as it was in
previous generations, to confine one's
commercial transactions to a .limited
area. In fact, the maanufactnrer pf'to stimulant action on the nervous system the need for some such action is empha-
clay regards the world -as ' his field, and and induce fl, condition of m1111 physio- sized by the recent dynamite exp'osions
logical intoxication, which expresses at 1110 Hastings Couudy x 1ird , asci at the
itself in a feeling of well being and Sttltanamine in the, Rat P: rtnt;.' diet: ot-
happiness—a condition that Cannot be The latter regratable accident is now
bettered.—Lancetbeing carefully
ieve,tigee rad by as Gey-
erinnont inspector. '.... .. ,_ "-
stimulants and deleterious toxins. A
blood properly constituted in these and
other respects will exercise a gentle
deemed .a proper time to eomnreeicate
any facts that eau be gleamed cont eyeing
them. to those engaged in niiniug, and
there are quite a number, of proprietary
articles, widely and favorably known in
every quarter of the civilized world,
which have been introduced during the
lifetime of their present proprietors,
who are men only in the prime of life,
Without advertising, by which it is
possible to reach and influence hundreds
of thousands of persons•simultaneously, TO DROPSE YD YOUTH Almit.C-t.V KIDNEY
such a result could net be accomplished
at all. Nor has this ' y Linc lu
be' accomplished this 5teauiboat man• out fns a
advertising benefitted the seller only. It County. Through expos while sail -
has brought , to • the knowledge of the ing lie contraoted kidney sease and in
h rt while aro s y de -.o ed, so that
ago h py ..op
the $nnidreds of improvements his legs swelled as large as stovepipes.
and articles: by which life can be made Doctors held out no hope for his recov-
more pleasant, by which the health can
be preserved, the palate gratified, the
intellect fed and satisfied:
It is no exaggeration to say that no man, feeling stronger and heartier than
force has 'conduced more to knit the he had for years. Sold by A. L. Hami1-
World closely; together nor make our tom -_ - s
inutittil interpependenco more apparent. _
" It is but the simple truth to assert," The Pnn',ter.
says a recent writer", " that'the loss of The Cooping, infant should a ways be
the information. which the "advertise- placed on the retired list.
]Monts furnish would be one of the Worth formerly made the man. Now
greatest imaginable misfortunes to oiv- it is the amount of mems y he is worth..
ilization. "Self' Culture.. The manager of an opeaa company
• should not be blamed for putting on
.. airs,
n dolls,
A little girl ]lever has too may o ,
and a woman never has too many dol
in several generations, .f indeed it could • South American Ki•lnoer Cure is doing
eve da for hundres what it did fur
ery. He was reccimmenclea to use this
greatkidney specifie, with the result
that in a few weeks' treatment he was
able to resume his work again a cured
HICIi,E1) ins rnerstOrkv.
Mr. Granville Iraight, of Sparta, Ont., The old oaken bucket that hung in the
sayslnse father, who is a very old man, well was pulled up •with around
was very low from a severe attack of turn.
rheumatism. His physioiau assured the The feathers do not make the song
family he world never leave his' bed bird, but many a man has matte a goose
alive. A friend took n' bottle of South
American Rheumatic Cure to him. A of himself with a simile quill.
few days later upon receiving a visit A philosopher s Cys a men occasion -
from the doctor, he ran across the room, ally gets light on a nl jurat by scratch -
and playfully administered a hearty ing his head. So clops amatch.--Chi
]tilt. lie is now up and as well as ever.
Sold by A. L. Hamilttnn. cage News.
1Totaeofielat Hints. The Love ef' Sootuadreia.
a tet, Y. Oommorolal Advertiser.)
Where there are a good many pictures William Gillette is known as an actor;
to be ].ung a paper of a soft•pale green he deserves to be lzinownl as a phflos-
tight is pretty for the walls. ophor, and Ito could probably succeed as
Olean japanned trays by rubbing them a politician. When he was recalled at
over with it: little olive oil 'and then pole the end of his Thaw, successful melo-
isllinng it off with a soft cloth. drama, Sherlock Holmes, to make a
If a tablecloth shows signs of wear speech, lie enunciated a groat truth that
along the centre where it is folded in lias escaped the world for centuries. The
ironing, fold it in three parts instead of - world, he said, loved s: ol'tncirels. He
doubling it. This will bring the wear had formerly tried to keep them oft the
ill a new place. stage; now he knew that he should have
In ventilating a room open the windows brought them on in, shoals. The public
at the top and bottom. The fresh air liked. them and would pay liberally to
rushes he one way, while the foul air' see them.
Wt atlC -- 2 I t1 - sluggish liverfail, tofilter thebilemakes its exit tho other way. Thus you! The world by a kind, of tmcon soious
or t es; sp ct work; o Per' from the weed., when .o poisonous
mrences reliable firm, w n best re- matter groes through the body in the - Use strong 'ammonia, to successfully geoid and hated the brad. It at:witted
ferencoe; export o say i b' bad f but "t
Holy an,It a per clay
euro, gen muleu A s ug s, q •er ,
ladies; sal tin n bI d and 1 tl let in as friend and •eypei an enemy. {hypocrisy has believed that it liked the
Address: • moo at on, Chowh e
th slice unit ala r clean brass It really doesn't matter Bili 4 0 rospctt I
al. 1 T'Cti', and can be nom Into cured by lir. A, le • dull and discolored the brass may t a
'p is c - ver a, which or q . , .
_ . - ., ,i,,,,l .... •w .. ,act directlq on the liver, making it
OH. A. W. CHASE'S 4i term a boxy. The deepest medicine in
CATAiIiil CvfiE-1 e. , thnworkl.
is sent alnico in tlao eltr.. r.d N ,•AY' so foL'nimt, memo; 3108
t y Ise I Ap•rnv1- iri..,rar. YY matrto1 Qil'Ine aneRta4T iia. tlttr p lea
rile Worm tlh ra ihtMil .ay, m,tto rato tt• mvn an4t . Criss sg
r,. yc•T. nrti;,a.pmys tri ♦tell a►
01 system is tainted., that it liked being often, T
and deranged.This lyiscalled 'oneness , Ynaintcainecd that it thus lost th
]+'tell Manager, Hamilton. W. i.7hase Iii 1n y I li Pill h` h i e; f thora r a annineeia applied with >•a of its neighbor and the 1d e t f its friends.
scrubbing Crush will cause it to bottom, ; It conscienti0t1 ly applauded the hero t
up. l was so haat 11 •a: 1 nna:l•1 mares*
healthy en active:. eene pill et dose, 2Ca a I right tis neer metal. The bn.•ass; and hisecd tho villian. Of late years,
uev.i.' she
at maiF .
...+•.setfirs,test .t•• o,1
,44 r', •1
1 Je..tttaltM
el._ • •• ...r •„ t,r! Y %!4 . t ,
tot.. 1 nt;. ,' r" r""•1"1 M
,,., ,,, ,r11 , 4. .r. t.1 t
.., a ,. k- r ► area t .-
r . o. , y a r ., '1:' .
LV1 i1 1.L. WING.
We. t o • on. i • -: . e . win an l as-•.ua.g cti'•s oeko» .
I'orzu-ai•. s, Atoe ie. •• 'Tooth Washes
and iiia s, L,::• e ones, Hand
Minxes, M,uiiu.r,' ant: Toilet Articles
genera ly; all at ,-..-d.: ce goods at lowest
ossibl priros.
No nee; a to sq x much about nee: -
tinned success in our dnspensin , ,4epar-
mont. We are accurate in our work,
which always insures safety to our pat-
rons and the public.
Our sales of Paine's Celery Campou ncl
are increasing steadily, It es the popu-
lar medicine; we strongly recommend it.
Our best efforts are always put forth
to make our establi,htnent the. 'popular
drug store."
(iOLIN A . CA tIIP1ELL, Druggist,
- W1ngl.aYli, Ont.
Communications for members of the
Canadian oontingeut shoal l be address-
ed as follows: "To —, Canadian
s .i.a•,:z Cui tingent, Serving in South
A ri '
Tse t
If your liver is out of order, causing
.Biliousness, Sick.Headacho, heart-
burn, or Constipation, take' a dose of
Hood's Pills
On retiring, and tomo",irow your di-
gestive organs will beiregalated and
you will be bright, active and. ready
for any kind of wails. This has
been the experience of others; it
will be yours. ROOD'S PILLS are
told by all medicine deglera. 25 ort:
Hale OId Age.
see Sad to see people
• advaneed in years.
,. suiferingfroml3ack-
'ache, Lame Back,
,1 tlrinery Troubles':
and Kidney Weak -
nese. A lia.le old
ern, free from. pains.
awl ae le t, eau only.
le \ b otttn t:' t ,•.kosp
ing the kidneys right and tiie bloc. pure..
bofrlend the aged by freeing them from
nein and eorreetang aril leeordern of the
ami Urinary System.
Mr. Thomas .Ali, an old resident of'
Renfrew, Ont., sla ,lcu art follows«
"I am 72 years of a•..', and lance been
troubled for a nuni1.::r1 f ynsre'with paha
netotsa 'My IAA:. S ht•1a I. Wnnld ?Peep.
over it gave agnniziaar ,':'in to rt-tilF:ht+rm.
in atter anal' however, there has been a growing
i should afterward be rinsed 'w
carefully dried.
his i:aica 1 ,rt•vl ::dr* :n
doubt if, after all, the world were Cam en -
!mimed of goolness as it tho'eght. In
literature wo have h Carded] to taicc
• 1 is ' '•. c' tt .. , E. 0.1i..fuE' horst ri b1)txiralo.1 w'it:l equanimity; under the
1 ..,,,,•(; .. 2 . a . - •t ....e . :!tea that we' etaatdeited it merely for
.t.,,. ,1 t .. •uf, v '` t'1 t h^.ro, This tenddencsy
walk. I have
etm'e, hut gut netlain.; t' ]tele me.
recommended to t.r; i'+t+n'n }beery
I got a box. .After taking th-ee
noticed a great , .r.,afro the.
anti 1 can now get n e.:tad t •t tray
erinket, 1 caul Split -ay
1111 %t, just lace a no,: