The Huron Expositor, 1981-11-18, Page 11 THE) HURON EXPOSITOR, Novemport TL, 111 I AN INTRICATE ART -- Katie Kerslake of Staff a showed, Seaforth --Horticultural Society members how She makes dolls, wreaths and other items from woven wheat at a recent meeting of the group. (Photaby'Oke) • What's happening' The Nov. meeting of the Legion Ladle* Auxiliary was held last week with 22 la les answering roll call. rs. Olive Betties won the dra . Committee reports were given. Donations of $100 each were geien to the Brownies and Patilfinders, sponsored by the .A101417Y. $UMO is to be given tO-the Branch at the Veterans giftOilUnt • Four new Members were initiated IWO the Auxillaryi Mrs. Gail MCKenrie, Mrs. Fern ChesneY, Mrs Ida WWI*, Mrs. Gail Schroeder, and Mrs. Dorothy Jaffney was accepted for membership to be initiated later. Welcome ladies. Wives of associate members of the Legion are nOw 'eligible for membership in the 444liarY and would be very welcome. If Yee are interested or know of anyone eligible please contact the Mentbership Com- mittee. HORTICULTURAL EXECUTIVE — Pat Rodney, left, was re-elected president of the Seaforth Horticultural Society last week, Vice president are Ruth Beuttenmiller and Peg ' °Wong, recording secretary Steve Hildebrand and treasurer Grace Cornish. Board of directors elected was Ruth Smith, Dilys Finnegan, Hazel Dorsey, Marjorie Phillips, Nancy Kale, Hazel_ 'Hildebrand, Mary McLeod, Beatrice Stoll and - Nellie VatiDer Pryt. . (Photo byt ORO "" Horticultural Society Names executive 44 v4 PHONt524 .78f f" CONOIT IONE PARK GODERICH Turkey Bingo Sunday, Nov. 22 HALLOWEEN n STARTS -FRIDAY, NO4. 20TH TO 26TH vioivirimest & SAT. r SUN.-THURS. wAsilisT AN INNOCENT GAME UNTIL A YOUN(; GIRL VANISHED— FOR THIRTY YEARS. • the ,a inarc wo SAT. & SUN. MATINEE It30-Pain. NOV. 21ST & 22ND • • 5.1, 4 vot PREMIER THEATRES +111.4. Al11.•• -44,0 COME HELP US CELEBRATE OMR TSTH ANNIVERSARY WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH REDUCED ADMISSION ' 1 ADULTS 75* STUDENTS - 5Ds CHILDREN 2r.1,, Family Paradise R.R. 4, Walton 527-0629 WIT ,„fr All CALL US FOR YOUR Christmas Parties, anquets, Receptions OR WHATEVER THE OCCASION * LARGE HARDWOOD DANCE.FLOOR * GAPAcI OVER 200 * KITCHEN FACILITIES * WE CAN ASSIST YOU WITH ARRANGEMENTS FOR. ANY SIZE GROUP FOR A GOOD TIME COME TO FAMILY PARADISE - EVENT Broomball Public Skating Public Skating Hensel! vs Atoms Clinton va,Pfiewbes Stery",HoUr Public Skating I.H.L. Exeter vs Centenaires PLACE Vanastra Arena VanastraArena Vanastra Arena Vanastra Arena Vanasti.0,0e na Library k I .yanastra'Arenak Vanastra Arena Hensel' Arena TIME 7:30'=12:30 7:30-9:30 - 1 - 3 p.m... '4;30 p.m. e p.m.: 1:30 - 2:30 p.me 2 - 4 p.m. 6:30 -1 CY:30.p.m. 7:30 p:. m. 6:45 p.m. 8:15 porn: 8 - 11 p.m. What's happening is a weekly column, space-donated by The Huron Expositor. To, list your event, call ihe-ReCrealion Office at 527-0882. Tues., Nov. 24 Mitchell vs Bantams Tues., Nov. 24 Mitchell vs Midgets Wed., Nov. 25 _.Broomball Vanastra Arena Vanastra Arena. Vanastra Arena Naughton and Jean Wilbee. There was also a plant ex- change and a social time followed. - There will be no December meeting. The next Meeting will be held at the public school on Jan. 13, 1.982. SEAFOR'TH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL Presents 1941 AS THEY ROARED INTO BATTLE, ONLY ONE THING WAS MISSING...THE ENEMY. ita Blues Bras. Tine: 7 to ,9:30 On. When: Wediiitday„ arr~ 2S DA TI POPO WORTH JOHN Oit0S111 10M HART MURRAY HAMILTON tHRISIONER LEE TIM MATHESON 10 MIT* WARREN OATES MEE STAtt THEM NU O.H.A. Junior "D" Hockey EXETER HAWKS SEAFORTH aNTENAIRES SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22nd , 7:30 p.m. HENSALL ARENA This Ad Sponsored By: Culligan Real Estate r Gordon Scott, P.R.O. • First I would like to have a few lines to thank every-. body on behalf of the Legion for last Nov. It It was quite a cold day and the high school band must have been quite cold in their summer outfits. Thanks for 'coming 'out and suffering in the cold with us girls. We do appreciate it. Thanks also to you mothers and fathers who brought all the children out to place a poppy in remembrance of those who gave their lives in Atli wars. Also we would like to, thank thb Expositor for having it all in the paper the next day. Our clergy also deserve thanks for giving their valuable time. We have a feW announce- ments to make. They come from our entertainment thairtitan Jack Muir. - First there will„,br enter- ' tainment this Friday nightlie the branch so come out and In; December meeting will he held at, 6 •p.m. with dinner to follow, Please con- Plan meeting T $o' itfle h havee:owyos person with i'Social iiourfrom 7 p.m, to 8 p.m. A buffet supper will be Served be- tween 8 p.m. and% p.m. and dancing to the "Solid Ivory" from 9 p.m. to-1 Tickets will be available from Jack Muir, Jack Eisler, Don Jeffer- son And Gary Osborne. The-bowlerswho went to Toronto for the branch 3 annual bowling tournament— would like to thankilon Eaton for his effort in arrangMg the event. Everyone enjoyed' the day, even if our bowling wasn't too good.' I think my team won booby prize for the low t • m core. Those pee le selling Grey Cupticket aSc get themt6— Don Eaton its soon as possible. I understand there are still a few left if you need some more. Remember it's the general meeting this Thursday at 8:34 p.m. .r.• At the going down of the sun and in ,the morning we will remember them. tact l Copenths It you would like to *tend the 89 en,sale to'the m rsro a ft St eeme.rifst - as,Cif Xiee. Ito Dec. IS, then the general publie will beable to *Wady that `might be left. tickets $12,80Ver DATE Thurs., Nov. 19 Fri., Nov. 20 tat., Nov. 21 ,,*at.. Nov. 21 t., Nov. 21 .-Alat., Nov, 21 $t.tn., Nov. 22 ,t0n. , Nov. 22 Sun., N6.22 The Huron Tract Spinners and Weavers Guild held a successful exhibition and sale • of spinning and weaving at the River Mill. Benmiller, November 7, and 8th with a , good atteudatice both days. Great Interest was shown in 'WEDDING INVITATiONS' THE HURON.. EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0240 SEAFORTH St. Cotumban Annual Minor Soccer Meeting St. Columban School Wednesday, Nov. 25 8 p.m. 4 Iy Woollen Mills; Listowel, a wnrkghop with oyce Romney of Gormley, in off-loom weav- ing done on barnboard, bas- kets, tree branches etc.. and tvvo'nieetings involving illus- trated talks on handicrafts on Baffin Island by Seaforth member, Mary McLeod and one by Margaret Bushell of Goderieh. The November' meeting Was in charge of Ruth Knight and Laura Bean of Goderich with Ruth giving highlights of the Spinners and Weavers Convention in Peterborough which, was attended by four members of the Guild. Paula Simmons, noted spinner from Washington, D.C, and Irene Waller of Manchester. Eng- land (weaver) were guest speakers, Ruthann Smith of Goderich demonstrated the making of sheep from pipe cleaners and raw" wool . - Ruthann, who is leaving Goderich to live near Hunts- ville, was presented with a gift from theguild. • The December meeting will take the form of a pot luck supper at the home of the president, Toni Vos of Blyth with Gerry Zurbrigge and Joan Stadelmann of Colborne Township in charge. DRYWALL !MOWN • FOR HIGH QUALITY 'Peter Bakes' Drywall, Co LET" DRYWALL SERVICE 527.1398 or V7:-0Q#,,S, „, demonstrated wheat weaving and her many other talenta. Door prizes were won by Effie Stephenson. Helen. Mc- , • Doctors to .entertain Blyth Area residents will have a chance to watch a .group of local doctors performing "live" in a different type of theatre, Wednesday, "Novettiber 25. They will be singing in a variety concert staged at •Myth Memorial Hall in aid of the Clinton- Public Hospital Building Fund. A variety'oftelented area performers will present a program of music and-dancing. The evening will include the Craig Allan singers., tti-Scottish-lrish Blackthorns. the ST. COLUMBAN SOCCER TEAM. Dance BRODHAG-EN COMMUNITY CENTRE . Sat., Nov. 28; MUSIC BY Dancing 9 -1 . $6.00 a couple MYSTERY TRAIN No Blue Jeans. The Seaforth florticul-• tura! Society held it's annual meeting -at Seaforth Public School on Wed. November I 1 . There wake good attend- ance. President Pat Rodney welcomed everyone and ex- pressed thanks to membetiof the executive, committees and members for their 'fine support and cooperation dur- ing the year. Reports were heard from .the various com- mittees. Miss Alva Elford of "the nominating committee read-the new slate •of officers for 1981. • • • • Nancy Kale then intro- duced the guest speaker Miss Katie Kerslake of Staffa Who the demonstrations of these pioneer crafts and it proved an especially interesting and educational outing for fam- ilies. The Guild has had a busy and; educational fall With a conducted tom. of Spinrite EVERYONE , vaitome ••••••••••11p•••••••• Huron spinner '"pleased with ex- hibition and sale Country Companions, soloists Kathy Madill and Darlene Vander Veen, and dancers Jayne - Snell, Angie ,Alcock, Pat Staekhoute, Kim Craig and Karen Yeo, with a variety of Polish folk ballet, highland and step dancing. Ted Johns will give a monologue' from his extenaive repertoire. andbl:C. willbe Jamey Laurie. . Ticketswill• be on sale both insidethe main Children entrences at Adults $4, Seniors Children $2. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. gr.* whipit,14 , „ A "tilkokE .1 .4 '* .'•