The Wingham Times, 1899-11-03, Page 4t•
y vasa your animals to thrive
Vat- work wellandlook wall, feed them
It your liorl+ is out of condition feed
Is you aro fattening calves, cattle or
;'inogs, fence them
If you are keepingcQws for milk, but-
ter, or eheesc, feed them
In. feeding Iierbageuui annuals get
about one fifth more nourishment out of
tha food --fatten one fifth sooner, and
-weigh one fifth more than others the
.saute size,
When you wautHerbageumeome to
Notice of changes must be left at this
office not later than Saturday noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Tuesday evening.•
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Thursday of each week.
ABOUT OURSELVES. the toevvship treasurer when received,
and that this motion bybessignedthe WingIlee ►, November %atd, 18 }U.
KIND w(iltAt. Fido [Garza xcnz rTcan:n. , . , Corrected by Peter pecans, Vre,th co
MOW and clerk and the corporate staff
The Wingham Times conies to luand
this week in an enlarged and greatly
tzixprovecI farm, It Inas been trt ate(1 to
a, new dress, while the columns have
been lengthened about two awl a half
inches, and it is now one of the neatest
and, newsiest exchanges that readies our
office. The paper is apparently flourish-
ing under the management of Mr. IL B.
Elliott, and The Chronicle wishes it
continued i,uccess.—Ingersoll Chronicle.
For wine- thne Wiaaghazn has had
three papers, end the competition was
such that no once of them was able to
make much headway, but one—the
Journal—recently went into the news-
paper graveyard, like so many similar
ventures before it. Since then the
other two have had a fairer chance of
znalcing a living, and both have taken
steps to improve themselves, typograph-
ieally and otherwise, The Vanes comes
out this week in a new dress anal en -
1 angel size, while the Advance is put
ting in a new power press. This will
mean a heavy outlay to both, an(1 the
business men, of the town will doubtless
show their appreciation of the enterprise.
—Clinton New Era, .
The Wiugham Times appeared last
'1 week in a new dress of type and greatly
tile ?!?ti1tfIflfl( OtilUeS enlarged pages. The Winghani Advance
has added a new 'Monona, power press to
..its plant. This is. the "growing time,”
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1899. and we are pleased to see that our
Wingham confreres are getting their
A STRIKING CONTRAST, share of it. May your prosperity never
In stricLinzg contrast to the osteuta- grow less, brothers. _Blyth Standard,
The Wingham Times has been en-
tious display made by Sir Charles Tupper larged and has donned a. new dress of
Dealer, Winghain.
attaebeti.—Carried. Flour per 100lbs.......... 1 85 to 2 00
raleet`c'i. inaeQzar.Fall Wheat .... ........ 0 (33 to 0 (i3
John Elliott, repairing bridge at lot 7, Spring Wheat ....... 0 6:1 to 0 (13.
can 14 $9' I3 McGruthers (light.' ditch as, itaw. , , .. ,... 0 2:, to 0 25
laugher, repairing bridge on rite. side- Turkeys, drala-az , .. , 0 08 to 0 0;1
road, cote 3, $0,50; John Huila, repair- Geese, " ..... 0 05 to 0 00
lug pieks, crowbars and chills, 90 ots. ; Baehr, per Bair 0 40 to 0 50
Butter .. .. ,. ,, ., 0 17 to 0 1S
Hugh. Gillies, work cn road, coats 2 and Eggs leer cion , , , . 0 15 to 0 10
and 3, three different jobs, $08.20; John Wood pox cora ... r, ... 1 50 to 1 75
Piekelr, cleaning out culvert, .lot 20, „..Flay per tone.. ... ...,• 5 00 to 6 00
cons 2 and 8, $; ; John Falkener, work otatoes per bushel 0 25to 0 25
on 30th sideroad, con 6, $24'.50 Jolut Dried per lbe . , 0 0to 0 04
: Dried A les nen 1b 0 04 to '0 05
McEague, inepeeting pile driving at Wool , 0 00 to 0 00
bridge, $3; Wm. Smith, 75 yds gravel, Dressed Hogs , ,, 5 00 to 6' 00
$4,50; Rod. McDonald, repairing culvert Chielaeus , ..... , 0 25 to 0 30
on lot 20, cons 8 and 9, $11.32; Geo. .. . ...-..
Dever, grant in his beat, $10; Robert hogs, light, fat, per cwt.,, $8,874. ; hogs,
Yuill, approach to Orange fridge, $28;.. heavy fat, per cwt., $8.87x; hogs, corn,
H, Mackay, selecting jilrors, $8; 'Wm. fed, $4; sows,'$3; stags, $2. •
Kelly, building bridge and repairing East Bnffalo, N. Y., Oat.. 81,—Cattle—
culvert, cons 2 and 3, $60; A. Casket- There were about five loads ou stile; the
nett, building 2 culverts on lot 25, con demand was. fair, audprices fully steady
15, $25; Robt. Yuil, . contract covering ou the good butcher cattle ; calves uonuin-
bridge, part payment, $60; Wm. Arnie ally firm and unchanged, on the basis of
strong, tile drain on lot 2 , cons 8 and 9, $8 to $8.50. Sheep and lambs—The of-
' . , Barle .,,•„...,,. 0 3:3 to 0 35
on 20th sideroad, con 12, $20; J. teal. X eas . ' ......
,,,,..'... 0 Effie to: 0 56
$7; Wm. Heath, 126 yds gravel for Mc-
IBinnon, $8,82; Geo. Ross, 103 yds grav-
el for McKinnon, $7,14; Thos. Melvin,
gravel for McKinnon, $8; R, Wilson,
repairing hill on cons 12 and 13, $1;
David Ireland, spreading and inspecting
gravel, $8.75; Chas Sproals, 252 yds
gravel for McR'imion, $1,7.64; William
Ritchie, 48 yds gravel for McR`i uton,
$2,88; John McKinnon, contract on
gravel '` road,` $145.60;,- Thos. Melvin,
spreading autl inspecting gravel, $0.63.
McKague—Meyer—That the finance
report as just read be adopted and
and his pocket organs, too evidently for cheques issued in payment.
Political effect, respectinlg. an Orange -beautiful type. The Times is a credit Scott—McKague —That this council
to the flourishing town of Wingham.-- do now adjourn to meet again on Mon-
anent matte by hien for some mysterious
friend, whose name is kept a dark secret, gn>,caraune Reporter.•
Golub an accident insurance company, for
insuring to the limit of a million dollars WROXET111.
the lives of the members of the Canadian Mrs. John Goflin was visiting ,.with
ontingent, the Dominion Government friends in Guelph.
quietly and in a business way, announces Mr. and Mrs. R. Rathburn have re -
that it has effected a straight life insur- turned to Duluth, after spending a few
ance up to a million dollars on the lives weeks with Wroxeter friends.
of the men who .are going to South Mrs. Moffatt and children, of Grand meetings held in Brick ohuurch. The
Africa. There is no attempt by the Rapids, are visiting with her parents,
Government or its organs and support- Mr. and Mrs. G. Barnard.
ors to make political • capital out of a Apples are the chief article of ship -
genuine act of generosity and patriotic anent from our station these days.
loyalty, which bears none of the ear Mr. Arthur Wells has had his resi-
-merks of being a profitable advertising" dente bricked.
soheme for ` an enterprising company, Mrs. White, of Sanderson street, is
and a politician out •of office. The away on a visit to tier granddaughter in
country will approve and applaud. the Mitchell.
action. of the Government, which is a Ata meeting of the village fatlierr,
straight life insurance, not fettered by held `last week, the offer of Messrs:
conditions as to how life may be lost.— Ingram & Donaldson of Seaforth to put
Toronto Star. in an electric light plant here, was acs
cepted, and we may expect to have our
EDITORT A T., NOTES. village well lighted about the latter part
How. David Mills, Minister of Justice, of this month. The dynamo will be
has been nominated by the Liberals of placed ini the oatmeal mill of Messrs. T
Bothwell for the Commons. Hemphill & Son, who have put in a new'
As a result of the pace Mr. Ross is water wheel to increase their power,
setting, Mr. J. P. Whitney will have to The streets will be supplied with .thirty-
hump himself if he does not want to be two incandescent lights, while quite a
;nermanentiy left at the opposition way number of our business men and,private
station.—London News. citizens intend having them placed in
I3TJc�$ GUTHRIE, of Guelph, who'spoke their.respective places of businessand
at one of Mr. Garrow's Winghaun meet- residences.
ings a few months ago, has been nomin-
ated by the South Wellington Liberals
to rim at the next election for the House
of Commons.
THE customs revenue of the Dominion
continues to increase. The returns for
October show au increase of nearly
$500,000 over October of last year. The
figures are $2,460,000, as agaiust$1,993,-
271, for October, 1898.
THE World once more rings the
charges on the Liberal corruption in
'West Elgin. Does the World forget
that the Conservative candidate in West
Elgin was elected in the general election
by corruption and that he was unseated
for that reason? All the wickedness is
not on the Liberal side.—Toronto Star.
Aocoun Ne to the new regulations
issued by the Tnland Revenue Depart-
dent regarding the inspection of coal
oil, all dealers are in future held re-
sponsible for the quality of oil they offer
for sale. Under a penalty of at least
$20 no one is allowed to offer for sale oil
that is at a lower temperature than 85
degrees emits a vapor that will flash, or
that at a temperature of 62 degrees
weighs more than 8.05 to the gallon.
day, the 18th day of Nov. in the town
hall, Teeswater, at 10 o'clock a. m.—
Carried.. °
In last week's paper there was • au
error in connection with the revival;
is a necessity, and
we can now supply
you with one from
$4.50 up.
from peddlers or ad-
vertising fakes, Bet-
ter far to buy from
us. We warrant them
five years.
are pleased to note that Mr.
ew MoKegue�is improving.
Mr. John Harknes.icaptured four
turkeys at the shooting 'match ees
water on Thanksgiving day.
Mes s, Johii Richardson, John .Mo-
and George Pelmelhave return
om their trip to Manitoba.
Mr. ;William McDonald, jr. stood
third in a class , of sixty-one students
in Guelph Agricultural Co ge at the
Extrance Examination.
Council met in the town hall, Tees.
water, October 23, 1899, as per motion
of adjournment. Members all .present;
the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of
last meeting were read.
Moyer--Jarvis—That the minutes of
last meeting, as just read,. be adopted.—
Carried. ,
A communication was 'read from the
Turnberry council, requesting a ditch • to
be made en boundary at lot 24.
Jarvis—Meyer—That the request of
Turnberry council, re ditch on boundary
be complied with.—Carried.
Scott—Meyer—That as the hill at lots
27, cons 2 and 8, requires to be gravelled
and as Hugh Gillies offers to do the
work for $11 providing the gravel, that
this council grant the money, the work
to be done under the supervision of Wm,
Jarvis, --Carried.
Mackay--Scott--That as B. Tlzacher
$2.50 for old timber, that the finanee
chairman open an account and charge
the treasurer with the amount received.
Jarvis—Scott—That as the culvert at
lot 8, eons 8 and 9 is in need of repair,
that Martin Meyer have the same at-
tended to. ---Carried.
Scott Jarvis ---That the reevo . and
clerk be and are hereby authorized to
issue a cheque to the Ferrety Co, for the
amount of cost of bridge, and that the
treasurer ;ray the some when l ei ague
land Mackay certifys that the bridge is
complete. ---Carried,
i3y-laws Nos. 16 and 17 were read and
meetings commence at 7.30 instead of
eight during the week and Sunday even-
ing at 7 o'clock.
Miss Lizzie Egleston visited friends an..
the 12th before taking her departure for
her new place at R. Currie's. •
Harr' Chamberlin has -hired with B.
for the winter.
Jonathan Pattersoi las the stab-
ling tinder his barn. completed, w 'ch is,
no doubt, a first-class job. work
was done by Will Riutoul.
B. J. Reid lost a valuable calf last
Mr. Isaao Walker spent several days
looking . for some lost cattle. It seems
they have left the country, as he return-
ed -without them, •
The trustees of school No. 11 have en-
gaged. Miss Milne as teacher for the year
1900. „ •
Mrs. Jas. Ferguson, who has been
visiting friends in Marnoch, returned to
her home in Bayfield last week.
11?r. and Mrs: Robert Gibson, of Galt,
visited friends in Wingham and on the
9113. last week. .
Mr. Robert Henry, who went to Mani-
toba on the Harvest Exeursioyi, returned
home' on 'Thursday, accompauiedl by his
sister, Mrs. Turnbull and • family, of
Miss R. Martin visited at Mr. James
McGee's this week.
Mr, Charles Campbell has laid a ce-
ment .floor in the addition he put to his
barn this summer,
Mrs. Dunlop and her brother, Mr.
Stephenson,' who have been visiting their
sister, Mrs. John ltintoul, of Fordyce,;
returned to their home in, Ottawa on
Miss Mary Bell Geddes, of Marnoch
is seriously ill at present.
Mr. James Taylor, of Blyth, has again
started up his saw mill on the 91b.
Live Stook Markets.
Toronto, Oet. 81.—The feature at the
western cattle Market to -day was a not
unexpected drop of 4c in hogs, Choice
export cattle sold at $4.25 to $4.50, and
light weights at $4 to '$4.25; choice
butchers' cattle sold at $4 to $4.10 per
cwt., and good lets at $3.50 to $3.75;
medium mixed and common cattle sold
at $2.50 to $3.50 per cwt. 1 stockers were
slow, and sold at $2.25 to $3.25 per.owt,;
feeders met a slow demand at prices
quoted. Lambs were $3.75 to $4; export
sheep, $3.25 to $3.40, and butchers' sheep
each, $2.50 to $3.25. Choico hogs were
$4.25 per owt., and light and thick fat,
$8.8714 per cwt. Quotations:--14liich
cows, each $25 to $55; export cattle,,
choice, per Cwt., $4.25 to $$4,50; export
cattle, light, per cwt., $4 to $5.25; butch-
ers' cattle, choice, $4 to $4.10; butchers'
cattle, good, $3.50 to $$3.75; butchers'
medium, mixed, per ewt„ $3 to $3.50;
butchers•' common, per cwt., $2.550 to $3;
bulls, export, heavy, per cwt., $3.75 to
$4,20; balls, export, light, per cwt., $3,25
to $3.000; stockers, per cwt., $2.20 to $3.-
25; feeders, heavy, per cwt., $3.25 to
to $3.75; feeders, light, per cwt., $3 to
13.25; feeding bulls, per cwt., :$2.00 to
feriuga.wore about 15 loads; 10 of which
were Canada lambs; lambs sold. about
19e. higher, and sheep were in small sup-
ply, moderate demand and steady; the
quality of the offerings was not up to
top market; lambs; choice to extra, were
quotable at $5.15 to $5.25; good to choice,
$5 to $5.15; sheep, choice to extra, $4 to
$4.25; good to choice $3.75 to $4; Canada
lambs sold at $5.30 to $5:40. Hogs—
The market was in a little better position
heavy were $4.40; Yorkers, $4,20 to $4.30
pigs $4.25; roughs, $3.00 to $3.85; stags,
$3.50; pigs sold a little better; the offer-
ings were well„cleaned up.
Mackay-McKaguo— That the clerk $3; light bulls for I3ufialo, per,nwt., $1. -
make out :c %TE•cial roll for 1+'ormosa, 75 to $1; fight stock bulls, per cwt., $2
survey, giving the No. of each lot and to *.r,0, Sbeep, export ewes, per cwt.,
the inane of the crane; there being 48 $+3.25 to *3, p" ' keep, butebler, tela 02,-
elite-dlviaeoiia at C.08 each, ami that the f>0 to $3.91
atrial to:1 „r dollestor 8,t
Children Cry for
The report of the prison inspector Per
Ontario shows that the number of com-
mitments for the year 189e-99 is a re-
duction, on those, of previous years.
Mr. Robert Farewell, a farmer, living
on con. 12, Ilnrou, fell from the mow of
his berm a few days ago, and died from
his injuries.
Do you get up with a
Is there a ' bad taste in
your mouth?
Then you have a poor
appetite and a weak diges-
tion. You are frequently
dizzy, always feel dull and
drowsy. You have cold
hands ' and feet. You get
but little benefit from your
food. You have. no ambition
to work and the .sharp pains
of , neuralgia dart through
your body,
What is the causc_of all
this trouble? - •
Constipated howls.
,,I I , 11111 I♦�
will .give you prompt relief
acid certain cure.
Keep roar DIooaT Pure, ,
If you have neglected your
case a long time, you had
better take
Aper's Sarsaperll a •
alsb. It will remove all
impurities that have been
accumulating in your blood
and will greatly sircngthen
your nerves,
Walla tiro Doctor,'
There may be something shoat
your case you 'des not quito under.
stand Writo the doctor freely: toll
him ow yon bio suffering. You
will 'promptly receive the but
wedncaer, advice. Ayo on, alma,
'We build our primps to last for
wears and have them in price from
$2,50 up.
]•3rass Cylinders and Galvanized
Iron. Piping.
We have a full stcek of the above
Call and get prices when in need
of anything in our line.
3OJLl'1T ll'yCL'rl)11Tz
Opp. I3eattle's Livery
Aehiovemer is of Admiral Dewey," the w, rTd's
'al hero. R Margit lutuul, the ltfo.
litoe'e Mel. 1M.
oilL"." ezi111 11141• . •!'f !i9 iii Ali.'i IDC. fT M.Misil EMOH IN
'We talk about Overcoats and Ulsters this week,
But remember, we can tell you very little in this ad-
vertisement about these goods. You must come and
see the goods.
Ua mug.•
II Men's Ulsters, Canadian Freize in brown and dark gray, dour C
ble-breasted, deep storm collar, good linings, our price
Men's Ulsters, heas y Canadian Freizo, brown and dark grey,
Well trimmed, $5.00 to $6,00.
Men's Ulsters, extra beavy Canadian Freize, brown and dark
grey, tweed Linings, $7.00.
Men's Ulsters, extra beavy Canadian Freize, brown and dark
C!ii!i grey, corduroy linings, $8.75.
.!� Youth's Ulsters, heavy Canadian Freize, fawn, brown and dark
:IC 11: grey,
boys' Ulsters, beavy Canadian Freize, brown, red flannel piped E!lli i
.111 1.
seams; hood ,and epaulettes on shoulders,
rel leer � 1
+ -
•11111: �
:V e
,! p Men's Overcoats, black and navy pilot cloth fly front, Italian
cloth linings, velvet collar, I. length, easy price, S6.00.
Men's Overcoats, black beaver cloth, fly front, Italian cloth lin-
ings, velvet collar, well made, $$10.00.
Young Men's Overcoats, all -wool brown curl cloth, velvet collar
and all• wool grey tweed, well trimmed, very nobby, $9.00
to $10,00.
Young Men's Overcoats, black pilot cloth, fly front, Italian cloth
finings, , $6.00.
Youths' Overcoats, Canadian Frieze, deep "storm collar, splendid
school coat.
Just a word 'about tea. • It is admitted by those who should
know, that we give the very best value in Teas. Our Brown.
Japan at 25c, 30e, 40e and 50e, is certainly the best value
offered in Ontario. We have blk Tea, India -Ceylon Blend at
20e, 25e, 30e, 40e, 50e, 60e and 75e, and remember'we guar-
uar nntee satisfaction.
We are agents for Blue Ribbon Tea, the best package tea
on the market, black and mixed at 25e 40e and 50e per Ib.
Terms Spot Cash. Goods delivered promptly.
Ire r1111,,Yr
` 111
II `,
Ill ler.
Macdoniald Block, Wingham.
Geo. Skaller & Co.,
Consol. StookExohange Bldg.
60-62 Broadway, New, York.
can be made through speculation with deposit
$80.00 (thirty dollars) upward (or 8% margin
upward); on the Stock Exchange. ,
The greatest fortunes have been made
through speculations in Stocks, Wheat or
If you bre interested to' know how specula -
ti ons are, conducted, notify us and we will send
y ou information and market letter free of
charge. •
Usual 'commission charged for executing
Governinent, Municipal and Tiailroad
b onds quotations furnished on application for
purchase, ,'ale and exchange.
'MMES . .
The de
Brightest weekly in the West,
Reliable Market Reports.
All the Home News.
Latest general Cable News.
Bright, short and continued stories.
A. clean family newspaper—twelve and
sixteen pages.
Great clubbing offer.
" Daily Advertiser
Either call on your local paper, or ad-,.
dress orders to
Advertiser Printing Co.,
London, Ont.,..
44 for better goods is growing
and to°meet it go to
Greer's.for HIGH GRADE
which are sold at the very lowest
price for cash.
Y sy hes. `Il