The Huron Expositor, 1981-05-13, Page 9• AN ATTENTIVE 'AUDIENCE — St. Patrick's School in Dublin had' a really good time out their. I would'rather work on a farm than come to school. I like being out in the.. fields and deaning out the sick pen the most. Denise Morey. I thought •, 4. 5 working at Braeckers was fun. although.I didn't tike th the smell of cows. I also liked working at Keatings because I had never done that sort of 'work before.. • Grade VB celebrates Educaton Week by visiting and helping at Huronview. 'I would like to share some of their thoughts with you: From Don Baan "Our tirp to Huronview was worth- while and exciting. I enjoyed visiting with the residents us too hard. We piled lots of and I feel I was helping by wood, went on errands, put, gathering trays and bringing cans on shelf cleaned -nail the residentkdown to Bible mom and swept up and 'got Study and Bingo. After plenty of splinters and ,did Bingo Jim and I took a lady other stuff and we also back to' her room and, we took worked after hours. the ,wheel chair to the top Chris Nekmans - floor." yeses-speaking • recital ...Thursday as. pact . -of their. -Education ,Week meGatfiffs,..1,thonghtitwas a , Blaine ..Marks . reports, activities. The children' from gr es 1-5 listen to their friends reCite•their 'terrific' day. ' We got a build- "The first place we went to poetry selections. Science di,spla can be seen in the„backgrOund. ing lesson first., Cleaned was the workshop where all . windows. oiled wood, paint- the old men work. There we • • (Photo by Rimrper) • 'DIGGING UP SOME REAL DIRT! — Mark Reid (right) shows Mrs. Johnston (left) and Scott Teall (centre) what he dug up on the, archaeological dig Friday. - (Photo by Rimmer) • .41.4t• , teMP• en. W. • . • •••"4, -• ' ,t4t. • " ':1141rf'Pt A 4. , maw" 4:.• otai was placed in Roth's Food Market. They planted in the front garden, stocked shelves and carried out parcels. The staff and customers had many humorous incidents to tell about later, but, accord- ing,9.0.4 of the staff. Rick IRtistort., tiler helpers and '.'a• lot fof fun in Grady ,4 class cnyottd partiCigate in 4a, ntnek • te*tt*•"Ow• to $413.( PrOtni.41e., tn114, us gnt to go bon* at SAP'', weni,bnek, m040 achool to. Ever, week Wginit more aclit 140 WtCEP.Si VOOXY 4.t11153. !aeCtklkat .041 areitifeul tniotoptisti And also biand Out • '406bnilding wnS:verylailVX A'opy 40 . 3,10, "4ste4 tq 0.."PloceffiPnw ftiPte,,r4,.1 WhOlV, the efigoen were to.wcrie. A* learned how th $titYtng•thete- IheY, :Jeff • "1104 MY vollf ,thAt tta4 APPs,ifor-won Ads low thpre atua,,414 when woke 40 oo Ftiday- eitvelent day. • — " v,,6 get Oder we would 'go mottling, forgot about the Pam Lena** My f4aliPY wo." Opv Fi4ebees sard'en ti? fniffile4.. -ppJoyeii. very 041S'Ifetl. gerAnfles", • the ti9°P• 110)144 14,l•if ,ahhIft afteFt Inirllites. We •thi" 5094 . • • W . (*ice. found FricinY. pare pin cushions. Next we went I played baseball wth a Then we walked back to the thetelPettshed the heater* I to the store-room where all whole lot of people. Then I Van Egmond House and ate washed the windows. I took the tools were. Right next quit it. lunch. Then we played base- out the garbage. then it Was door we saw the boiler rooni Then I played on the ball for about fifty minutes. lunch. After lunch Mareen We cleaned up the place for wild!ong took us to a hOUse we would measure the where the big tanks were announcer's booth. that heated water. After that We had three partners for awhile. We had break- se) we went to the craft shop. tbohnop,,Shawn flopPer was After that Wiftnisherl op lout moms, Then went, back. MAY "Ore spiking, dusters. Joanne was •t* "and I st41140 walking haglt An the. Wit 'adder •14P 'orne eager faces Seaforth kids ' and then demonstrated the necessity otvik000jokicak skills. Many 'artifacts' Were found - including a toy gar. A Grade 2 class toured the Post Office and the Expositor to learn about the daily routines "behind the scenes". They learned how to be a postmaster and an editor all, in one morning. The indergarten class visited three of the churches in town and participated inn "litter grab". The day appeared.to be a success `for both the child- ren and the organizations they visited. Ken and Cheryl Roth, owners of Roth's Food Market, said they enjoyed it and thought it was a.great idea for the kids to get our int the community. Marlene Britton, a Grade 2 teacher, was also pleased with the enthusiasm of the students. What did the students think? Below are some com- ments. Allyson Scott 7D - Ball-- Macauley Home Care Centre I had fun at Ball-Macauley Home Care Centre beeause I like to work but they worked ,411.140.0; fiat 's it? AW,s, aesses. They worked at Vincent's Farm Equipment. Keating's Pharmacy, Snip 'n Curl, and the Veterinary Clinic, as well as many Qiher places. The Grade 5 class helped and entertained at thifelivie‘F.fOr tht.410' `.• ' Orade.' 1. and 4 went.tft• the Van .4,01eitict,fikl4e and thin go out into the community for education week .43On that' 4* ,t, ed, cleaned out calf, took tour of McGav in's shop. found out about equipment (and,fts price!) cleaned black boards and did' books. I found it a most enjoyable and interesting day and think we 0914 410 it,. again; ' Peels, 01,041C CletCS put bills in Corder from .11175 to, 22799 and a' lot about lay-laws and rules (etc.). I had'a lot of fun and go back Cher any trite they want to have me. It was an excellent experience. Susan Ball. I felt important working in Keating's. It gave me a sense of responsibility doing errands, counting pills (can't make mistakes). Robbie Simpson. I had a • ' k?s01. fORx.:-411:A=.1, • 'rem '10;4 itiOrtnation on it sa* 19e ofqik*-ppoffk." 4 get and then ,:vosat ctightx.,.y#.* 'ate WPM' asked: Ofiye:'4 thetTei they saw some wooden horses and there. Lori Henderson apt ,irchste'ology dig. Then My Day Hiked, when they tOolt saw a lady playing 'the piano. l•really like Huronifiew and I hope I can go there again." Tracy Reae• reports. "When I was helping take the trays to the tables for the residents I felt very helpful and hoped when I got older and came to a home like that that children would come,and help me." Andy Ball sums it up like this. "1 felt as though we helped out and had done something nice for the old people. It was a good exper- ience for me and my class to find out how some old people in our county live." Steven Schroeder said "We stopped to talk to a few men. VVesstayed for an hour: Brad Beuttenmiller, Terry Gray, • Andy and I played euchre for half an hour. I felt helpful, happy and excited." Randy Nevers assured us "I would really love to go there again. I loved going around talking to the people and pushing them in the wheel • chair." By Debbie Baillie. - Friday the Best Day of All. On Friday, I went to the arena 'with the class. I like the garbage pick up because-you can have partners. I can hardly make a map. tou Lean. ..,go anywhere to make the map. I love lunch because, you can eat lots of stuff. You can ills, pzixt log . Stufferl; -buY P0P- was three. We bad rnthrow mom said. -so you're going our pl,cture and they • are )' on your -.archaeology dig going to put. me in the Paper- today hey" and I said, "Oh At the post office we saw ya that's right. So I went ont mail bags and we got to see the bus and went to school. how they write news papers We walked from the school and it was fun, 'the End. to the Van Egmond House. Dwain Forrest - Roths. I When we got there we met like working at Roths. I the archaeologist. Then we would work there for ever. i, walked tot he place where we like carrying stuff out. were going to do our digging. Paul. Baker - Clean • up 'the !found a racing car and some Community Day. On Friday I y.fas. funtr.• • • HOURLY, SPECIALS Seaforth Sewing Centre Midnight Madness Sale Friday. May 22nd \\NI dia004 OW' from 6 - 12 midnight , Example-Ports Cord-cotton polyester in many new summer shades Reg. 59.48 per metre ' Sale price $6.50 per metre Plus many more Watch for our. ad In next week's Expositor THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MAX 130 11411 coal. bones and someseffna, We will be having sFhOel We PlaY0 9utstO tot • telt good when !sot „hot. !Awn At veils blue to back to [LUNG! • W.D. Hopper Avidsono 4 MODERN ROTARY1' • RIOS Noll 52141731 Duni 527-0420 Jim 52741775 j cost /110t, gatate... • Jogger 'Reg. 21.95 , "" 15.99 Savage. Kiddies Shoes 20%• Off 40 If•you were wondering why there were so many, bright and eager faces in local businesses last Friday. it was because Seaforth Public School was out helping an and touring the community as part of EAUgatinn Week. The stndents WOO. in various.' businesses, around the area. The project alloW 0445' to" '• devnlop an• awartneSs',of what was in- solved in each job and gave the owners a chance to get some eager help. One of the businessmen reported "if they had as much enthus- iasm when they're older as they do itt eight and nine, l'd tear haFFYI" The Pilieetnent$ "varied koro *Ong tn. 4 StOre. n",1 CIVaniing 11 a park, CO pnintinOlittiCCS farm. fart 4.11wQratle A etos •tretV***1