The Huron Expositor, 1981-05-06, Page 21THE HURON P041Y0,ft, MAY e, 1201 A21 Sound: Treestfrer: Gordon Baxter. Winghaut: Secre- . tary Iris Islorrey, Witigham: Auditors: Mrs. Roy Bennett. • W.B. Fielding. both of Wingharre Directors: !Vicky Hildebrand. Flesherton: David tvieDulf: Hanover. Anna Koehler. Durham. Marian MeCharles. Ripley. jean,. Thret1.4Yt. !Cl/W.40.4W Helen Arta. At#3-0.•• • Eft14 . :StePhOn.00,.• Sci4prttl;-, Vidla tfot*.111moi Thg VriXes, ky.0:-Okatarg0 P102 ,annybe." 5004with p.014,0t mkt ;tuff . in; eitarge.' Coarte- ; • . 0es' we.re- expressed. le the Hanover Society 'by Eleanor Dradriock. Auburn,. An invi- tation to held the 1982 annual Meeting at .Markdale was. extended to the convention. THE NEW FORESTERS' flAl.L.The Kilburn Foresters' Hall is nos& under Construction to replace the previous hall destroyed by fire earlier this year. (Photo by RImmer) ' The Town and Country Homelnakers .are hoping desperately for donations to help them purchase the Vic- toria Street Building in. Wingham in which they have their offices. Otherwise the --r--Staffa Horticultural Societies • Nineteen Horticultural So- cities in District 8 met for . their annual meeting last Saturday in Hanover. The president Maisie Bray of Lion's Head was in charge. Registration was in charge of the Hanover Society with Muriel Klie convener. ,Flo- wer corsages were presented N\tek,„er . to the 137 delegates and. ereherS when. they re •i- . st .:e0.. • ' Mrs: Bray weleented all, and eiele Welgotne Was.eh'en: 'by Mayer Arfisher , of Han- 'i, ovec,:and. * front Martha ' ‘ JaeltScini ' president of the, Hanover Soeieti. • he guest 'speaker Peter Van'Tityl of, Agri-Paylt near Kincaidine, gave 0 eery ife/ . formative address on his work with the green, house which covers an acre of land in Bruce County. He is a graduate of the Horticulture school in Holland and came to Canada in 1948. In 1979 he came to the Kincardine area and told about his tomato and cucumber crops he grows Remember/ It takes but a moment to. place an Ex- positor Want Ad. Dial 527-0240. ONO /11/ke .14•1.90111 dar, I titer Weill IDRILtitta_ W.DillSens opper arid I 4 NIODERNAOTARY I R100 I Nell 527-1737 1 I -11413117,4228 Is ~im 527-0775., j under glass. He explained about the importance of ferti- lizer and when. to use it to provide a good root system for the small plants. He stated that he has tried about 14 varieties for our climate here. He also told about the diseases of plants and how to combat them. He answered all questions and invite' all to. tour his green 1)0A* 4NOttl,PATI!e• • Mr.,. FO. Fielding . et' Winewm • 61101100•Mr. Vtt:nTuyi.forhts prestiitalti* u vegetal es., 414 44' • the-diSeaS.es that *elite thrine . Stipphensett. of Se,a- forth thanked the caterers for . their dinner and the after- noon session was started by introducing guests Russel Gomme of the Ontario Horti- cultural Association. Direc- tors from District 16. District 18 and District 7. All brought greetings to District 8. Mr. Gomme announced that the annual meeting of the On- tario Horticultural Society would be held at Niagara Falls and urged all Societies to send a . delegate, for this 75th anniversary. He stated that those who had donated to the tornado fund last fall would be pleased to know that. trees had been, planted near Watford and they had plans to plant trees on church preperties. community halls .tiod .poOlic Om-Minim Another project 'pfojeet planting trees at Milton 10•11.te.atarted. Mis§M*0 of-Tees-: water conducted .0.1l •111',Metn- . OritineserViCe .,, ' • . MrsBray gave. her 'dire- ctor's, report and stated. that she wished Arbour Day. would .be re-instated in schools so children would be made aware of the beauty of 'Nature,. She stated that there was an increase of 100 in membership in District 8 during the past year and would like to seep each Society give a short report of their work at the next annual Meeting. Frances Gilkes of Ripley was honoured when she was presented -'-with a District Service AWard. She is a charter member of the Ripley Society for the past 53 years. A district service award was also presented to Iris Murree of Wingham. Mrs. Bray e el- comed the new Kincardine Society and presented Mits. Eratilt• ..Trendill with . a new .gavol. ,Nety gavels. were ore- WOO to the presideritSof ell Societies- Autitiro, '131yde. • BAYBeitt. 14rd104S: Cbestey. D'etharn. Eastont, 3p5lOrkit,.. • IlanOmer;. • Kinear,- • • • di1le,7L4101dvi; Owe.n Sound. fkipleY• 5.04, forth. Tara. Teeswater. and . " 'Bryce Japp of Brigden second 'Vice-president - of O.H.A. brought greetings to the District and .urged every- one to get young. people involved and, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary asked' all to plant a tree. The minutes Acre read by the secretary Mrs. Iris Morrey. The financial statement waeiaccepted as given by Gordon Baxter of Wiegham- tt9y Bennett of Wtttghanr thg v!,41:1114 slides that. had 'been entered in Ontpetitioo, And, annount,v.t . thelist few' competition next 'YCAr- Thp11.0v,v•convener tOr. ereopetitiee. • • core - *pp; ctif.y.'°. Box 391. ' hat. . K Japp presided f*.ir the eteetfon ut officers. They are as follows: Director: Bray. Lion's Head. R.R. I Assistant. Dir- ector: Roy Bennett. Wing- ham. Ruby Lohban. Owen county. "anc14 feel if they knew our predicament they would try to help." She said the group needs some kind of a commitment by its next board meeting. May 24: etherwise it will have to start looking for an alternative. location. The Town and Country Homemakers is a private, non-profit organization which provides a variety of homemaking services to per- sons who need them. Last year it employed 80 home- makers who served nearly 1.500 clients in Huron County. Donations are being soli- cited from Htii6n County businesses and residents to help with the purchase. Because the services Town and Country Home- makers are available to every resident of the county, The Board hopes to receive do- nations from private citizens as well as businesses. ,,,, Each donor will receive a !as deductible receipt. Send o Town and Country Home- makers Box 961. Wingham. Ont., o0 contact Gezyn-Whil- smith. fund raising chairman at 236-4340. HENSALL BEAN POT HOME COOKED MEALS Take-Outs Mothers Day 'Special served 5 - 7t3Olem. BANE, BAKED- - BEANS SCALLOPED POTATOES -1 $4.75 Hours 6 a.m. - 7:30;parr. Monday to raday 7:30 p.m. Sun. 10:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. SEAFORTH Open , Friday Nights Until 9:00 p,m. Salmon ,Steak - Battered-Cod Fish- Roast Beef WITH ALL THE TRIMMINGS DINNER 12 NOON TO 7 p.m. ; • group faces a move to a new location early this skimmer. Bev Brown. the new board chairman of the home- makers' organization, said the group has until early June to raise the 510,000 needed for a down payment. The owner of the house the group has been renting since December has received an offer on the property. she explained. The Homemakers have been given first option to purchase it. provided they can raise the required funds. Ironically. the group had just decided during a board meeting last week to set up a building fund aimed at even- tual purchase of the proper- ty. shc noted, but it hasn't yet had time to accumulate . any capital. She said the current loca- tion is a "nice, Private, quiet office" and has a lot Of advantages. There had beep seggestions the 'roup ceuld -mive from Wingham to the new , county health building going up at Huronview. Clin ton,istit that woeld be incon-. vertiem and- also the group -wants-ttrretain its independ- ence', Miss Brown said. She added that as a result of their_service, the Home- makers have made ,e let of friends throughout the o- ON STAGE Kelly Perkis (Alice), Donna Gerger (Cook) and Laiya Roy (Cheshire cat) reherse their partS for the 'Spring concert at Huron Centennial School held Friday. (Photo by Hook) REAP and USE EXPOSITOR CLASSIFIED Action Ads 527-02 PHONE DIRECT , from volunteers in the com- munity they finished the programme at Conestoga. Oct. 17 while Anh continued in Grade 8 with much special assistance. Today the talamily- forms three units. Nghia. Ngung. Quan and baby Shing Wong live in Kitchener where Nghia -has worked since No- vember. Cuong and Anh are together in Toronto. Lien and, - • Yen left our community- in- August to be under the sponsorship of , Parkview United Church. Stratford. These two are 'now in Toronto, as well. ' During the year members Of.. the group. contributed" ..$6.3.411.3.9.,wilieteeroeided the basic needs. At the last meeting the final balance of SI 56.92 who made payable to Cuong end Anh when their preient address is verified. The same amount has al:. Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 The Hibbert Refugee Group. organized in late d 1979 to sponsor a fanai-ivi, "Boat People", has com- pleted the project and was formally disbanded at the final meeting in Crornarty Presbyterian Church. May 3. Working under the 'umbrella' of the United Church of Canada. the group applied-to Immigration Dept. for a family fronenmong the S0.,000 refugees' the govern- ment admitted to Canada during 1979 and 1980.' ' In ,answer to that request the seven member La family from Vietnam became the responsibility of , the Hibbert Lien and Yen, people we arc group for one year. It was -.happy to call "'friends" April 23. 1980. when the 5 Susan Norris. Stratford. family took -up: -.residence-in 7--IvIrearid-Mrs. Beb-Norris: Canada. t and Robert. Mrs. Orpha Five members of , the Norris, Staffa. were Sunday family entered school May 5a guests of Mr. and Mrs. -19804our in Conestoga Harold , Longman.. Loodes- College. Stratford, for a boro. course in E.S..L.. and one enrolled in U.T.E.S. Mitchell in Grade 7. The courses were demanding. but , with help ready been torwarded to the, Kitchener famik. Financial sepport was dwarfed by the tireless hours of volunteer support that helped to solve the family's problems. The group is proud of the La effort. "They remained healthy and studious, e, Ink faced with a difficult transition period. The orientation committee and the various chair persons appreciate the happy cooper- ation that existed throughout the undertaking. To each and every individual for his or her part. a warm "Thank You" from ' Nghia. Ngung. Quart. Shing Loong, Cuong. Anh. Homemakers seek donations THIli MOTHER'S DAY -SUN./ MAY 10th PEC1AL SMORGASBORD Hessen Haus 4:30 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. Reservations MOOSE, 524.7711 *Fresh Salad Bar •Top Sirloin Roast Beef *Fresh Bettered Perch *Dressed Pork 'Potatoes, Vegetable, Beverage *Mother's Day Dessert Table "Special fruit Punch Available Nalif $7 SO thiiittitren Under, Price 12 PERSON -Or Choose From Our Delicious Menu In The. Restaurant- NOW OPEN: Monday to Saturday 11:31I a.m. hi 'I a.m.. Sundays 11:35 a.m. to Id p.m. Candlelight Restaurant Tavern Licensed under L.L.S.O. Hayfield Rd., Onderich 524-1711 COMPLIMENTARY SURPRISE FOR EVERY MOTHER FROM 4:SS P.M. TOR P.m. and for our Special Day! We at the Blue FOMMAIO Restaurant and Ste:ak House are celebrating our 1ST ANNIVERSARY along with MOTHER'S DAY On Sunday, May 10th Plea/1E16in us on Sunday, May 10th'for a su rbly prepaiet ,, pecial mean: Choose from these delicious suggestions or from our menu... Barhecited Spare Ribs 'Ham Steak Lakefluron Perch-oNew York Strip Loin *Roast Turkey Above speciaK include: juice. roll. and a trip to our Salad Bar Roast Beef. Rdast Turkey. Breaded Pork Cutlets, Chicken Cordon Bleu. New York Sirloin. fireaded White Fish, or Rainbow Trout. Vegetable. Mashed. French Fried or Baked Potato Restaurant Licensed LL130 Main Street SEAFORTH 5274820 ma SPECIAL MEALS INCLUDE: Sol,od by. Ware of Peon. solo or blor. choke of &siert ohi *apt raft*. BIL-tit; F6UNTAI REOAUKANT „STEAK HOUSE: FOLLY I.IcENCt uNuto 110 AtigtERT cEIN, oN 44273071 Iliesre tete' e-- Ttes.-sat ,1