The Huron Expositor, 1981-04-15, Page 8was hnall) to use his position to ee in a prize. Gordon Shobbrook a as-the %s miler of a set ul glasses kw the hidden score prize.-' I hi esening ended alai a niaturi ty consensus to re- kindle the action next Sept. ember. PERSONALS Mr'. Emerson Hisk is a • patient-1n Stratford hospital atter has iug had surgery. Alice Buchanan. Margaret laslor and 'Marjorie . Dover attcaided West Huron Branch executiec meeting at Hol•' niessitle April. 6. Mrs. -Ruth Mauler and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid ot Walton- were supper guests '- Friday with 'Mrs. Jim Scott. Norman Alexander at- tended. the Drainage Com- missiners sebool at the Lin- . scrsity of Guelph last %seek,. Mrs. Bob Thompson spent • ' WedneSday lei Sunday a ith her parents Mr. and Mrs. Win. 'Hamilton of -lvlettarc- . field. • • Mr: and Mrs. lrwill Keys and Mrs. Ann Wright-man of Cilammis visited tin aeekenJ with Mr. 'and Mrs. Bob Burns. . .`" Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. G.errid Wilts • on death of her brother-in- lam Simon Brand age -II of Crediion. Sunday sisitors with Mr.. -and Mrs.. Clare McDougall and girls were her neice Mr. and Mrs John Dick and Julie Of 'Ridgetoa it. They all 'at• tended Myth theatre-Maggie and Pierre show Saddle club plans poker rally "The executive of the Seaforth and District Saddle Club met April in the Seaforth town hall. to plan a number of upcoming events. Poker Rally on Horse- . back will be held April 26 at ,„ the Hutlett Conservation Area. This will start at 12:30 and there will be a food booth with lets of good hot food,and delicious pies. There will also be a trephy..and prize money givtert ont: for the best poker hands draW n ' Trail rides are also planned this year. on Sunday. May 24. and on Sunday. June 21. The third is an overnight trail ride, August 29 and 30. Times ,and locations for these trail rides ' will be advertised at a later date. DRYWALL KNOWN. FOR HIGH QUALITY Peter Bakes Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527 7 1398 0-F- 527-0606 887-6063 H N,:DAIRY SYST LTD. Sales, Service a installation of pipelines & milking parlours R.R.4 WALTON PARTLY SKINNED SMOKED _FULLY COOKED BUTT PORTION SKIN& SHANK ON SMOKED FULLY COOKED SHANK PORTION a [ n UNTIL CLOSING TUESDAY APRIL 21ST SPECIAL PRICES IN 'EFFECT FROM 9 A.M. .TUES. APRIL 14TH SPECIALS AT THE DELI PH1DE OF CANADA BONELESS ROUND FULLY COOKED SMOKED NAM :IT CREED'. lb..1.49 'SCHNEIDERS OLDE FASHION REGULAR OR WITH BACON BAKED NAMLOAFia. 98 SHOPSYS PREPARED • POTATO & EGG ,SALAD lb.1$9 , PARTLY SKINNED SMOKED FULLY COOKED CENTRE PORTION a SMOKED PARTLY SKINNED • - Lir COOKED lb. lb. WHOLE NAMS 1 6-20 lbs. zehrs line miu-kets... of line hods WE OFFER YOU ZEES SIPIE4PTAPE PLAN IT CAN ASSIST THE ORGANIZATION OF YOUR CHOICE "AT THE FRESH FISH SHOP „ INOT AVAILABLE IN ALL MARKETS) . FRESHINOT FROZEN) , BONELESS, FILLETS; OCEAN $2 PERCH rb • ' • As --, TH HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 15, 1981 n ', oro W.I. i. ke for Chilton sate Correspondent MRS. BERT SIMPOROOK 5234250 Clerk of session Mrs. Margaret Whyte -called forth the confirnrands and their elders were. Shane Duple and elder (hog Andrea's; - Parlen 1114nkin$ eider Bert• tr4r4 Opt lidw- 44; Elder Diana . JP*. 0***--.,C,000.0 Bobllbbb>±is C; .301,44011. 4104 )41)IIT )•41. AA 41000i*aiiA:titt tatIRV4 to4tiOtt: Cart rgar0r.. p4atto 04 WI 1=00 rtf,r*oatort' Murray. , .Florence and John Latt-, FlOsvall mitl-DaYAK.Relf.1, jinx Aright t1111.01) JasuciSen.Snonne Tamblyn'N: Minor Hockey Barkpiet oil was unable to be ,present. Sunday • Each player, c, as kohl:ming confirmation presented with a toque to Margaret Whyte assisted match their jaekets. Also the Res'. Scott. Fur communion directors and est:tune.. of assisting Res. Scott were Mitch Florence is a 111C111bL r Jack Lee and Margaret acre presented a ult toques kiopclebpro. leaOue presents trophiOs Whyte. Serving bread were Carol Cartwright. Murray Hewett. Law son and Garnet Wright; ame Ian Hulley. Keg Lawon. Susan Js leiSOil and Mike Whyte,. LONDESPORO 111 :The 4-El Club held then Ttk,itieeting at the hoine. of Fri t1i 0.00,04.• Tit folk • "IianteAcittie elerfhing-ar00. e burg Ill leaden. mend% is and friends attended the Iry lapades in London W.1 Annual meeting and 'shine Sista:a s Banque a as held on April lsth at t. In p.m. President thee Bush ..anan welcomed all and mile, ducted 4 guests Ruth Papple. MAO Lif.irl1on. Mary Lintfing,,..- and Poruth,) TandrIS'n 3f member enjoketi a v4 41910 Pftt.Pa" 1:10intqf*." »as hdfd led -by -2'441114u PRKitt w ith Oarbara kipitnan ut answeti..*h!, }Lunt piano.R011'` c all,' was. shine sisters and pa> lug dues: minutes el last animal meeting and titian. tat t t port acre read by see roar‘ June Eln ht. FLOM Ludt Wes report a as duns C.PLAICL.Ii.:%4. AlIt. R. ports 01 standing eommint. sans ass Cis acre Agill 1.1 I 4. .lid Canadian Industlics role arts; right; . I/en-drip" Mens bowling league clo9- ed their 1980411 season a ith their annual banquet held Ibursday April 9th at the Londesboro 4411, After a delicious supper scrsed by the. Women's institute, lea- gue president presided over the presentation Of trophies. and prizes. The top team with the league was the Jets lead by Captain Bill Shaddiek andeomprised of bong Snell. taertid Wilts. Bert Renkenia. Rob. Penfound and Dennis Penifound. • fire Horsemen just edged the Titans for runners-up in season's standings. The Ti- tans gained revenge by tak- ing first place monc-y in - playoffs followed by the, Jets and then the Horsemen., Individual • Individual trophy A inners 'were Bill Sottiatix who• was presented with the crow n lanes trophy . by Don Me- ' • Whiney. This, being for a - , high average of 206. - The high triple of 770° was taken by Bill Shaddiek while Doug Snell took the high single 329. The most improved trophy ssn by Darrell Shobbrook with plus 21. After a season long struggle, with Bob Scott and Bert Renkenta Wins both finished with 20. • Following the banquet the Bowlers adjourned to the bowling lanes and were NfiredAT According' tq aver-- 0 age for a final 'night of bow ling. , The top pair were Willis Bromley and. league Secretary Dave Ovcrboe who winch would go with your garments yon are making.' WAN answ ered by 10 mew^ LISTS, Lisa Duiscr and (...heryl Lyon are the commentators lot the fashion show. The girls &sided into two teams and Laird feted' the clothes- :Iri4olvand. rend l Li ich served ',Nesbitt. I boyS 4.ccre. -"ay. ./;.*r !IWO . ONC.P. and Mrs. (..ah:in Iatcaj son nisi London %Isited utt Su fttiu. v.1111, her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns and attended the BIN th 'theat- re. 'Nlaggie and Pierre shoe% . Mn_ and Mrs. led 1-other- ' Heather and *Nailey' attended the. maple -, sy rup testis al in Bethune on Satur• das 11th. Mr. and Mrs. Bob t. rysler of hathani %isnot on Sun- day with her brother Mr. and Nits. laS k Iambi) n and Limns . June Fothergill, Heather. and Nancy. attended a shots er held on Saturday night at the Legion hall. Bls th tor bride-. eleet Barbara blahs:. • and world affairs June 1-0th Family and consumer ..11.iiislIazel Reid. Education .ultural Addis flunking. Resolution Beth King; I A ecdsonuir 6t a Flow er and s rdsic L i.t Untie . 111.o. Buchanan. picsident ictiopted, lett, incetilip., 2 ottie: 6-to tr!,,ksoiquitiTartyl, 1.'Lion; .atcresf k‘ore c ,entioren 1JOBAL' stion.pri,31 tt and, sltorl: Courses, l'he group also paneled 't ht: hill doevoStairs arid put' lainitunatitin eionefor and. bought a, new I ridge- she thanked all for il cis opei ation. Foul mewls...is had perte-et attendanse..Alice !Indianan. Duns EwhcigtlI- \largalet Tay lor and Dora 11's(1.1besbnIR°ku.th Dapple London al La president. brought greetingsrand told members ways to be happy. Nominating report 'veil ik. by Genevieve Allen wa s St St President Mrs. Tine Duizi.r; President Mrs., Don Buchan- an; 1st Vice President Mrs. Margaret Taylor; 2nd Vice President open; secretary- . treasurer Mrs. Ed‘ Fin Pe-.• •thergith asst ^ScrillarY? • trea.SOrer -Mrs..0161;•ConeFi, PubliO.Itelatio0 so *r Mr4,-" 4 Eric AnderAtm: Distriet',OW vot 1%*.ts, Pni Po.045,../81,(0-: - sate .PAIri4.t ntrc49l' *14.. -Mati,44:-. -400irl ...„ 43,104c Mrs. row: Mien:. iiss,'t planl4 . Mrs. Edwin Wood; -liPreis,, ikePortet Mrs. Bart Shob- . brook: AnditOrs :Mrs. Tom Allen; Mrs. Watson Reid:, Resolutions convenor Mrs. WO Knox; Flower and card - coin coin Mrs. Les Reid; Flower arid.--card committee Mrs. Florence Cartwright. Mrs. Erie Anderoir; I A eedsmuir curator Mrs. Reg . Law son; Tweesinuir committee Mrs. Toni Allen. Mrs. led Fothergill. Mrs. Lorne Husking; standing . committee conveners. Agri- culture and' Canadian Indust- Mrs. Margaret Taylor. Mrs. Harry Tebutt; ship and world affairs—Mrs. Allen Bosnian; Mrs. Bill Bromley; Family and eon- . stoner affairs . Mrs, Bob *WO. •14014, Education midi.. 04.40 ;1t • faits lrs. Caen Carter, lqrs... Ityatslm. $elk Sowell )note,-. • .4r4, A44, Jilin. jratuelson.- lobituitt Mts.. ts•d_ulq . W.44 Mts.:'NOte installed- the Ofricerk, Marjorie •, Oliver thanked and presented .her. With .0 gift. cif' a W.I. cook bobk. Correspondence in- cluded a Thank You front Tri buizer; an invitation from Clinton •Golden Radars to a card party April 22 with' proceeds for the Clinton Hospital Auxilary; and 4-fl Achievement Day Ma) -I, at_ Brucelield. It was moved to pay $50 per year to Helen Lawson for washing tea towels, to give 5400 to recreation board for use of the hall to have a bake sale May 6th at the fashion show in Clinton and to have a liuronvievi Bianday party April L5. A new fig has. been installed in the kitchen .$545. Doreen Carter 4bankcd Mee for- hot OW as PrOi- d°111,- 41/4`prsfWnle4 her with gift, Marjorie0144.04' re- portepinttiAt, Orgil9b!kr4P419 ..ineetlaw 4-41.1nWtfYille Aptii bill :0404 aimuat beNoY 2541t0.5t.' Octelis.; londesbere on for morning entertainMent and there will craft table articles S3 to $58 - on May Ilth a work shop for landing committee con- veners. The. 1982 • district F annual to be in. Londesbere.• lllg meeting closed with a playette convened by Alice a number .4 monitors, 14.ing.part oche.gatheilft..of tit `a 1ti „games re li?f.9.4*gitt", t9q,e 1044,6 .ittoo.IteidloW..potAl ,-- .-' FROZEN .U-TILITY SOO CUT FROM GRADE 'A' BEEF BLADE BONE REMOVED BLADE OR SNORT RIB ROAST , 'CUT FROM BEEF FROM• THE CHUCK , IIIOSS' CUT • RIB ROAST • , lb. "lemp. LIMIT 2 TURKEYS PER CUSTOMER BUTTERBALL MIRACLE BASTE FROZEN 'A' GRADE TURKEYS 6-14 lb. SIZE SCHNEIDERS - 3 VARIETIES' MINI SIZZLERS 5°" $ SCHNEIDERS - 6 VARIETIES SANDWICH MEAT ROLLS _2?3 23% 01R LESS FAT MEDIUM ' GilOOND BEEF (OIL BASTED) (BUTTER BASTED) SCHNEIDERS .FRESH BONELESS PORK BUTT . COTTAGE ROLL It F Imam PHONE:34572330 * ALSO FOR WHITE BEAN SEED., SIEED.CORN, SEED GRAIIW TURF AND FORAGE SEEDS. AVMS' .401t FROZEN 500 g. PKG. SONNEIDERS STEAKETTES_ 19$ SCHNEIDERS', PORTION• 175 HAM STEAK _Pm! ..178 SLICED-''115 2.110. COOKED NAM ,128 LAMB .'ROAST_Jt.149 PRIDE OF CANADA NEW ZEALAND' PURE PORK SMOKED FROZEN SHOULDER 'SAUSAGE lb'_198 LAMB .CHOPS_ ib. i ASO ' CAMPFIRE . , - SA SAUGE . . WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO imAir Rola 500 n St is tow PURCHASES TO REASONABLE „ . •-, ..- — -•?:- 0 WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS. ' PRIDE OF CANADA • — fiEWICALAND FROZEM. SHOULDER