The Huron Expositor, 1981-04-09, Page 12Seatorth Nees
Recreational Softball League
Wishing to have their
o names included, in-the
for the 1981 season,
please contact one of
the below By April 18
Draft - April 23rd-
_Bob Beuttenmiller
527-1680 iDaysf
527-0282 [Nights]
Sid Wocks 527-0758
Doug Bach 527-0774 [Nights]
Bill Price 527-0509 [Nights]
Terry Craig 527-1570 [Nights]
Seaforth Centenaires
Jr. "D" Hockey Club
Election of Officers
Wed., April 29
Seaforth Arena 8 p.m.
St. Colionban
Minor Soccer
Saturday, April 11th
11-a.rh. t0-1 p.m.
St. Columben Separate School
. Please bring a recent picture.
Required: Registration Fee $8.00
Proof of age
Seaforth's Third. . . .
Sunday, Apri1:,12, 1-8 p.m.
Seaforth District High School
Adults $2.50, Chfldren $1.00
A large number of champion
novelty and open class
fiddlers will perform
featuring Shelburne's Finest Don Reed -
1980 Canadian Open Fiddler Champion
s,ponsOred by Van Egmond Foundation
rlfrouihowltoonfir 'of
• Mareli, rtit;nuiV
'Tin. hoe three inehe, nom. lay
rap' the "hands at Moat:
TI:e'htibi7id ngfor gossip and sir
I knriwei.. UM acting s% tishl..
But nn phone I want entire's.
For one saraca da% sonitime
„will japan
The dial and yell, ' I lie pins
eft y~l~'Oar .it's hard to
imagine ridit.nolous it
gets around our T.V. when
either Ki..1S or lan's man is
in contention. r- Td put . it
bluntly, we're more inter-
ested in seeing the caddies
than the players so the
cons ersation sounds some-
thing like this..."Shoa us
the caddy you *#J* More to
the left. There's Kenny's
feet! Here come Ian, it hat's
The got int in, ne-a-daa•
Town may get new E team
enjoyment. And chat austams that is kommtinient
something Beutiennutter. who coaches Mouth hocki.a.
Seaforth. sw.s is la. king kin too man\ Waver,
Right now. an inter mediate team tot Seaforth is a
few inches off thi, around thanks to the %%kirk or a snag
group of people I hen ,ommitment and that of others is
.that will carry it ow rest of the was
are in!"
By Dick ir mmons
I thought this little %erse
was an appropriate was to
begin the season's golf news.
M'any of us can identify anis
this golfer so anxious to get
on the course. By 11011 11 e•re
all ready to shed our' a inter
habits' and get out Imo the
sunshine and fresh an at the
same time taking out our
frustrations on that little
white ball. With the weather-
man'% co-operation it
-shouldn't be too long before
we can enjoy our fa\ ourite
"•,.. summer pastime once again.
It -must' be golt season
because not Mil!, are the'
-Leafs :struggling to Make
their golf season shorter, but
the. rest of us are enjoying
both good hockey and good ,.
'golf on weekend tele\ ision.
For the last few inOnthS the
,P.G.A. 'Tour has been tele-
vised giving us some great.
golf and a chance to match
those good looking soung
pros show us just 11011 easy
this crazy game can he. This
weekend the most presti-
gious tournament of them
all, The Masters, from Au-
gusta Georgia. will he
shown. With two profiaa
atonal caddies in the. family .
you can well imagine that we •
follow the tournaments quite
An Expositor Classified '
will, pay you dividends.' Have
you tried one? Dial 527.0240; d.
Minal. Ball °
April 11,
2.4 p.m.
Winthrop Municipal
Re istratiorrfee:
per family
Prepare yourself to offer
your services in a
coaching capacity
Before last Wednesdax night there viere a lot of ideas.
some planning hut no answers
Noy% there arc arisaers i h.. ma% not be carxed In
stone but e1121,14 Intik 411.111 is that then. \sill be a new
hockes club in Loan ri,Ht nue* a n Intermediate T'
squad is latch will rentsc in St:Motif\ in outposts like
Goderwh. Ingham. Hap taton Palmer-atm. Fergus and
Laieknow • At least thosy- u. MI- shahs in the Rogue In
which the, S,,eaferth ahaters wipes t thr. Ontario Rovli.ey
8aispelation fOR A t pia, k ,111vm
It .‘*f he the first^error art, Itilertne4tay,te4Otlitfrys he cti
fiegortli'.,Beurining 1'')13/Z,„ 4113.1 tasting unlit the
nets Sa'alorlh, 13Yar% kt, waim t poled ati the :11,'
that airCtela they ' S:apitarest thl, priMou\a44 :,..-faakuptit?,,torhtp.
Oreg. fiVetws:sty.f.t sears fregtnntOg an '140:5. The tram. then,
dropped 4, lvyul and• ,,rontjle:tect iii litter:nu(hate 'C' uraii
1" , folding -in 1Th ' ' • - •
"ft was dabt gAlokt xpi;nne-ct Bob Beath:11mil1-
er , at :hanier of the, intermediate warns. and a tare la
plaaet with the Sealorth Bea\ ill's Oldiimers 'But there
were no more players there as re no tontines smiting up
°stag A nstet . ho pia% %al k, It CI' 1 Ih; Junior "'D'
Centenaires this Season agrees • I he old team just got
old Ines jus t seamed to tad, „I S,.
It is Anstett. along +.Ith his brother in law I arts Dillon,
who have spearheaded the drat t., bring it bask
"I played tumor this tar and it a as m. Ia si
: aaaoLousai....anattatt.—
calculated Anstett ;This is a had time tit .eat' to ge t' tt
aoing, hut neariatall there may he mars' gut s out %%A ka dn. I
thought about. Ohba: the fall conic's-the guts ill come out.
We're allowed three'imports and tic Import goalie.'.
he added. the core of plasers establishx,d a t the meeting is
made up main'y of reeentls graduated tuniors, 'Titres
ended their tumor eligibilit% with the Cemenairvs this
\ ear. according so Anstett. and another eight or a nte are
front the pre. nuts .scar.
--there are a lot of exatintors and guys who jm,aseef on
the last intermediate team.", explained the retired junior:,
and executise member of the intermediate squad. '"But
it's going to he a soling team." So Ans teo is confident
0 about stocking the club.
Then. the\ still hose to get into the league. "W e haa t: to
get accepted." noted. S.eatorth recreation director Bryan
Peter.'' but that shouldn't be ans problem. The% (OHM
%%ant our mimes
"TheOHA people are ]worts easy Ira deal with." ad(
And in addition; there is the problem that plagues all,
money • but the intermediate planners areprepared to lise
close to he edge until they get themacla es firml%
,"We'‘e discussed fmarteing a little hit," -said Ansiett..'
The players are going to has ta to pa% a fee at the start. If si
can get a team on the ice, tie can start off with just
sweaters and socks. The. once.' we start getting gate
receipts.' and other mine.. ac calf start getting more
things." He explained it is like's the group will sponsor
fund-raising functions, such as dances. to support
In these matters, vou ha% e to deal! with es erything-the
major to the minor details, ilkiuding.4 fame-Ma \-11e the last
thing the team does. but it would be nice to have an
identity. when it linallY hit, the pond next fall. "We have
no ideas for names now, but ae'd tike to use 'the Beaters.
if it's alright with them (theOldtimersa Most of the team
in the:Teague remember the old Beavers, and the Seaforth
team was pretty popular in the other towns."
Anstett feels the intermediate action will pros ide the
local audience with entertaining hockey. "It's rougher
than junior, sure. but, it's not dirt% from -what I've seen
because they are better plakers."
The establishment of the new reani, while it ma% smisfs
the hockey needs for some,could also create an awkward'
situation in Seaforth where the strugghag!Centenaires
battle to attract crowds: Neither Peter inar,, Anstett,
however, consider the internal competition a problem.
don't think. there w ill he an% problem:. said Anktett.
"I played junior for four %ears and the crowds 11 0.cmostly
'young kids and parents. I think intermediate will draw a
different audience. What we're interested in is getting
along with them." 1Centenaires)
Indeed. Peter s ieas havingan older.tearn in town as an
advantage. "One thing is it might gisiaalas gilys an
incentive to play junior because. there is an. intermediate
team to go to," he explained. "There should be 'enough..
fan support for both. If the teams are putting out a good
product. people aregoing*Itr come and see them both,-
The incentive Peter mentions ma% he the key. Earning
your living may be in the plans of mans soangef player,
but comes a time w hen the% realite few people actually
make it. It's, then hoekes reverts to is hat many feel it
should he healthy competition for the sheer sake of its
On the greens
by Carolanne Doig
Mr, and Mrs. John H.
Vine .of London, Mr. and
Mrs. lack Lee of Loade's-.
biro. Mrs: Toni Melvin and
Mary Ann Melvin of Walker..
ton were dinber guests at PlSe.~
manse on Sunday and alko
attended the morning service
at Hensall United Church.
Rev. Stanley McDonald
attended the 15th' anniver-
sary of Court Valentine at
Granton Saturday evening.
The service at Hansa
United Church. April S, was'
conducted by Rev, Stanley
McDonald ,1'110-- completed.
his series' of sermons -am-
Pitgrints of the Road with,
"Got Your Bag Packed For
Eternity ".• Katy Mann
greeted worshippers at the
from door and ushers were
Brad Buchanan and Dwight
Ontaa7 ailltinners ,
. On Monday ktril 6, 198t
Tile Seaforth OW and Owl-
. try Club 11:41d their' annual
meeting to choose the Sea-
son's directors And plan the
coming events. With dances,
mixed two ball tournaments,
match play. junior days, as
well as Men's and Ladies
nights' it looks like a, fun
summer ahead.
$portin' about
by Herb Shoveller
refeiliketi;, • \'•
BiAtalea the dis'coseir. there 'a aa: C111)1,7, of II1 t1".4,01:11'
placers at the' meeting VV ethics-41'a . the group also
appointed an exAa•uth:t• sommittee• IA the K In ,clohn Pile\
is chairman. and is asaisted is% Dalt 1111,1 11.1. 1 • hairman and
Ap Slott 1.111:re1.11-111re4S1111,11 .. 1111s1Cr s 14,1 jilt2,
all Bob f'tsi DOn Papal. and. !Asa Baker was 41.,0
While man% lona strides \ err taken mull the rt stilts 'tf
the first formal '.a the Ii rig there renLii t nomertios details
before the team i. for real on Ow we Ftist, at oatirse.
there base to be platers I hen sou need 1111111e% and
uniforms and es en minor teatures hay a team name
int cliarelfolirra-Kr21 -17.1%Trz:
and 11. e • 11 ere a ondering 4\ het.. at. a ere going
nest year ,
Optinrissit that there_ wilt b% tennis ite %.0, 11e ar at Lana
trout the Wetineacta%,flt. ghat tnetivng. b% about 2S
plavera..antl upportora 'then. ati.nat oars in (heat ed
tiles, intend aiiplaa next ,ea . so II. is " ittin the task of
organatera to fill the ri.ntaining s,01. ell Or A.rfght tinthyrnts
tlevded fir , 'cop. Vrtatil tfonie ant!. fukf'.,
complentent 'no ninny,...pntenitztt' plaaa 'a re
to pia%
estr, 4agnSta, flak it."*..
.r,eaddio, s4''over.(1,1tOttgti wc11
enjoy the -golf this weekend it,
won'a be the same.
This summer f Il try to
give you some more inaight.
into the pro tour through the
eves of a caddy. I also plan
some news Ott golf fashions,
bad weathatagolting. and golf
around the golfing world.
Along with tournament re•
-sults in the area and coming
_-events -it- promises to. & a
• Ar44,411mFtOrs-fot.198.1: Presktelit:
V4e President; Marc RotO-nm.).5_ceretary:.. Marg. Silts;
Treasurer: "garb Watt; La-
dies Committee Leader; Rft-a
Core': Mens Committee
Leaders! Kevin Bennett. Jim
Watson, Dave Langstaff; and
Junior Committee Leader;
Gerard Meidiriger, Larry 1,
Dolmage. .
Enjoy our gracious hospitality and
relaxing atmosphere while you indulge
in fine dining. " •
Our specialties are expertly prepared
to your taste.
*Seafood *Chicken *Chopif*Charcoal Steaks
Enjoy our Salad Bar at Lunch and Supper
HOURS: Tues.-sot. to urn- tO,pmi Siihdays Marna; pm
It takeSmbre than a simple desire to work and a little good
luck to find a job. it takes organizatibn, determination and
a try a variety.of options., ..... .
That's why the -Ontario Youth Secretariat etariat has written a
special handbook called "The Edge':
"The Edge" gives- a systematic and positive plan of action-
for finding work and then making the most of it It also gives
guidelines on how to create a job by turning personal talents •
into a small enterprise. ,
• "The Edge" is an essential' rimer for any young person
looking for a job. That's why we're making it available free at-high schools, college and
university placeMent .centres and libraries..
Oryou can write to us, Ontario Youth Secretariat, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario, WA 1Z1.
We'll make sure you get "The, Edge
Ontario Youth Secretariat.
An agency -of theOntarioGoverriment.
Working for youth.‘1Vorkitig for you.
Margaret Birch,
Provincial Secretary
for SOkciel Development
Williani Davis, Premier